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Emergencias (Sant Vicenç dels Horts) ; 32(2): 111-117, abr. 2020. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-188159


Objetivo: La simulación interprofesional (SIP) es eficaz para aprender gestión de recursos de crisis. La modalidad de debriefing utilizada en la SIP puede influir en el rendimiento de los participantes y en su integridad psicológica. Se evalúa y compara el rendimiento de un debriefing estándar (DE) –colectivo– con un debriefing combinado (DC) –individual y colectivo– en cursos de SIP en escenarios que simulan pacientes con patología aguda y grave. Método: Ensayo controlado, aleatorizado y multicéntrico. Se aleatorizó el tipo de debriefing realizado (DE o DC) en las sesiones de SIP. El rendimiento del debriefing se evaluó con la escala TEAM (Team Emergency Assessment Measure). La calidad de la SIP fue valorada por los participantes con la escala DASH (Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare©). Resultados. Se aleatorizaron 40 cursos de SIP de los que se analizaron 30. Quince realizaron DE y 15 DC. Ambos grupos mejoraron entre la pre y la posprueba (p < 0,01), pero no hubo diferencias en el rendimiento global entre ambas modalidades de debriefing (p = 0,64). El DC obtuvo mejores resultados que el DE en la capacidad de liderazgo (p < 0,05), en la percepción de seguridad psicológica y en la experiencia de aprendizaje eficaz (p < 0,05). Conclusiones: Durante la SIP en situaciones de crisis, el debriefing mejora el rendimiento de los participantes, sin diferencias entre un DE y un DC. El DC podría ser más efectivo para mejorar la capacidad de liderazgo, la seguridad psicológica y la experiencia del aprendizaje

Objective: Interprofessional simulation (IPS) training is an effective way to learn crisis resource management. The type of debriefing used in IPS training may affect participants' performance and their level of psychological safety. We aimed to assess and compare performance after standard collective debriefing versus a combination of individual and collective debriefing ("combined" approach). Methods: Randomized, controlled multicenter trial. IPS sessions were randomized to have either standard or combined debriefing. Each team's performance in the IPS session was assessed with the Team Emergency Assessment Measure. The participants assessed the debriefing quality with the Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare. Results: Forty IPS sessions were randomized, and 30 were analyzed, 15 using standard collective debriefing and 15 the combined individual–collective method. Teams' performance improved with both types of debriefing, based on pre-post testing (P<.01), and there were no significant differences in overall performance scores between the 2 types of debriefing (P=.64). However, the combined approach was associated with higher scores for leadership skills (P<.05) and psychological safety, and the participants' learning experience was better (P<.05). Conclusions: During IPS courses on crisis resource management, debriefing improves participants' performance, but similar overall results can be obtained with both debriefing methods. Combined debriefing might be more effective for improving participants' leadership skills and psychological safety and also provide a better learning experience

Humanos , 57419/métodos , 34003 , Recursos Humanos en Desastres , 28574/métodos , Liderazgo , Estudios Prospectivos , Análisis de Varianza
Washington, D.C.; PAHO; 2019-08-21.
en Inglés | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-51484


[Description of the Course]. The Mass Casualty Management course is a didactic, multi-sectoral training course consisting of five days of lectures, field exercises and role-playing. It is designed to sharpen the response skills of mass casualty responders, helping them to more effectively manage events in human and/or other resources-challenged areas. On day six, it culminates in a series of practical field exercises, held at night, to underscore nocturnal challenges. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be eligible for a certificate in Mass Casualty Management, issued through the Ministry of Health or the National Disaster Office, in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization. The course will be of value to all persons likely to be involved in a community’s response to a mass casualty event: police officers; fire officers; medical staff; first responders; ambulance service personnel; Coast Guard and the military; airport/airline employees; disaster managers; paramilitary and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), such as Red Cross volunteers; and security staff.

Incidentes con Víctimas en Masa , Recursos Humanos en Desastres , Cursos de Capacitación , Evaluación y Mitigación de Riesgos , Víctimas de Desastres , Américas
Managua; s.n; jun. 2013. [100] p. ilus, map, tab.
Tesis en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-972230


Estudio cualitativo de carácter Exploratorio. Se recomienda: 1. La Sub-Dirección de Higiene y Epidemiología, debe mejorar la coordinación con el Sector Educación para optimizar recursos y contar con la Comunidad escolar de los Centros escolares que han sido fortalecidos. 2. El Área de RRHH, debe considerar la inducción, adiestramiento y capacitación en procedimientos especializados para la Atención de salud a brindar, incluidos Ejercicios de simulación. 3. El C/S-FB a través de la Dirección, debe mejorar la Alianza e integrar más firmemente Cooperantes y Organismos de Primera Respuesta. 4. Las Áreas RRHH-Docencia, deben optimizar las capacidades en la Estrategia IEC, que potencie la colaboración interdisciplinaria, la asesoría y apoyo técnico de la hacia los P/S, AT y Brigada médica; y del SILAIS, que asegure el flujo de atención

Humanos , Planificación en Desastres , Recursos Humanos en Desastres , Tesis Académicas como Asunto , Tesis Electrónicas
Washington, D.C; PAHO; 2012.
en Inglés | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-3188


Many publications addressing mental health issues in disaster situations have been produced in the last decade. Nevertheless, the specific reality of the Caribbean, with its limited number of mental health professionals and its high vulnerability to natural hazards, requires material that specifically addresses these characteristics and reflects the latest developments and approaches. This new publication is directed to Caribbean health sector managers, community workers and other disaster and health professionals. It provides guidance on improving mental health and psychosocial support primarily in two phases of the disaster cycle: preparedness and response, and to a lesser extent, recovery.

Salud Mental , Recursos Humanos en Desastres , Servicios de Urgencia Psiquiátrica , Región del Caribe
Washington, D.C.; PAHO; 2011.
en Inglés | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-52841


[Preface]. The 12 January 2010 earthquake was the latest and most devastating of many major sudden-impact natural disasters affecting Haiti in the last 10 years. It was also one of a series of sudden emergencies that mobilized the international community on a global scale. The response to Haiti, especially in the health sector, has been generous, even overwhelming. This internal and external response met considerable challenges and problems, some of its own making. As was the case in the response to the Indian Ocean tsunami and the Pakistan earthquake, not all those challenges were met effectively. The objective of this publication is to draw the lessons to be learned for improving the health response in future sudden-onset disasters. We know that massive earthquakes will occur again and some will devastate metropolitan areas or even the capital city, as was the case in Haiti. Haiti is the subject of this study, hopefully not the object, as Haiti has had her share of catastrophes. The scope of the book is limited to the health response, health being defined in its broad sense, not merely medical care or disease control. The review is confined to the immediate and early response in the first three months, the period during which most of the international assistance was mobilized and influences, for better or worse, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The publication focuses specially but not exclusively on those lessons that are of general interest, i.e., not specific to the special case of Haiti. The international community has much to learn from the response in Haiti where it has shown an ability to repeat its errors and shortcomings from past disasters. The methodology used for this study is common to most evaluations: in-depth review of reports, evaluations, studies, and peer-reviewed scientific publications; over 150 interviews, half of them carried out exclusively for this study and others for similar evaluations carried out by one of the three authors; circulation of the draft to all interviewees for factual validation and comments on the authors’ interpretation of the findings; and, finally, discussion with a review board convened by PAHO/WHO.

Análisis de Vulnerabilidad , Terremotos , Desastres , Educación en Desastres , Gestión de Riesgos , Recursos Humanos en Desastres , Región del Caribe , Haití
Washington, D.C; Pan American Health Organization; 2011. 180 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Monografía en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-610082


The objective of this publication is to draw the lessons to be learned for improving the health response in future sudden-onset disasters. We know that massive earthquakes will occur again and some will devastate metropolitan areas or even the capital city, as was the case in Haiti. Haiti is the subject of this study, hopefully not the object, as Haiti has had her share of catastrophes.The scope of the book is limited to the health response, health being defined in its broad sense, not merely medical care or disease control. The review is confined to the immediate and early response in the first three months, the period during which most of the international assistance was mobilized and influences, for better or worse, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The publication focuses specially but not exclusively on those lessons that are of general interest, i.e., not specific to the special case of Haiti. The international community has much to learn from the response in Haiti where it has shown an ability to repeat its errors and shortcomings from past disasters. The methodology used for this study is common to most evaluations: in-depth review of reports, evaluations, studies, and peer-reviewed scientific publications; over 150 interviews, half of them carried out exclusively for this study and others for similar evaluations carried out by one of the three authors; circulation of the draft to all interviewees for factual validation and comments on the authors’ interpretation of the findings; and, finally, discussion with a review board convened by PAHO/WHO.

Atención a la Salud , Planificación en Desastres/organización & administración , Terremotos , Educación en Desastres , /métodos , Zona de Desastre , Emergencias en Desastres , Terremotos/mortalidad , Haití , Gestión de la Información en Salud , Recursos Humanos en Desastres , Organización Panamericana de la Salud , Gestión de Riesgos , Análisis de Vulnerabilidad
Ter. psicol ; 28(2): 193-202, Dec. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-577555


La presente exploración tiene por objetivo elaborar un mapa de caracterización de las primeras intervenciones psicosociales realizadas en la Región del Maule en ocasión del terremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010 en Chile. Se solicitó información a 40 organizaciones que eventualmente realizaron intervenciones en la Región del Maule y a 7 informantes claves. Fueron reportadas un total de 67 intervenciones de las que un 76,4 por ciento fueron realizadas en las comunas de Talca, Curicó y Constitución, y mayoritariamente por instituciones públicas (50,7 por ciento) y dirigidas a todo tipo de público (46,2 por ciento). Los tipos de intervención más comunes son las atenciones grupales (26,8 por ciento) y talleres (22,3 por ciento). Una de las principales dificultades fue obtener la información desde las organizaciones contactadas. La precariedad de las organizaciones para hacer frente a la catástrofe quedó evidenciada. No obstante, el relativamente reducido número de muertos indicaría que el trabajo educativo pre-catástrofe parece haber sido eficaz.

This exploratory work is intended to generate a characterization map of psychosocial interventions conducted in the Maule Region after earthquake occurred in Chile in February 27 2010. Information was requested from 40 organizations and seven key informants that eventually made interventions in the Maule Region. A total of 67 interventions were reported, of which 76.4 percent were made in the cities of Talca, Curicó and Constitución, mostly by public institutions (50.7 percent), and aimed at all audiences (46.2 percent). The most common types of intervention were care groups (26.8 percent) and workshops (22.3 percent). A major difficulty was to obtain relevant information from the contacted organizations. The precariousness of the organizations to cope with the disaster became evident. However, the relatively small number of deaths indicates that the educational work previous to the disaster seems to have been effective.

Humanos , Apoyo Social , Desastres Naturales , Intervención en la Crisis (Psiquiatría)/organización & administración , Organizaciones de Planificación y Atención en Desastres , Terremotos , Chile , Evaluación de Resultados de Intervenciones Terapéuticas , Mapas como Asunto , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Recursos Humanos en Desastres
Washington, D.C.; PAHO; 2010.
en Inglés | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-34974


The Health Sector Self-Assessment Tool for Disaster Risk Reduction (the Tool) aims to help health sector managers and health disaster coordinators (HDC) determine the status of key aspects of disaster risk management (DRM) in their country (notably mitigation and preparedness). Its purpose is to assist health disaster coordinators arrive at a comprehensive assessment of disaster mitigation and preparedness of the health sector. Once completed and adjusted to national particularities, it could provide a baseline against which to monitor progress in the implementation of a disaster risk reduction or disaster risk management program, if conducted as part of an annual review process. The Tool has been developed upon the fundamental premise that countries’ limited resources to deliver their national health programmes (or set of initiatives) could be degraded because of disasters, at a time when demand for them is at a peak...Another key premise is that in matters of disaster risk management, the health sector does not operate in a vacuum but rather as part of the national disaster risk management system. The health sector both contributes to and is dependent upon the national system.

Desastres , Medición de Riesgo , Planificación en Desastres , Planificación en Desastres , Gestión de Riesgos , Recursos Humanos en Desastres
In. Navarro Machado, Victor René. Situaciones de desastres. Manual para la organización de la atención médica de urgencia. La Habana, ECIMED, 2009. .
Monografía en Español | CUMED | ID: cum-62083
Psicothema (Oviedo) ; 20(1): 124-130, ene.-mar. 2008. ilus, tab
Artículo en Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-68741


El objetivo del presente estudio consiste en examinar el rol de diversas variables de personalidad (empatía, comprensibilidad, reto y sentido del humor) como moderadores de la relación entre las demandas laborales (tarea traumática y sobrecarga) con el estrés traumático secundario. 175 trabajadores de los servicios de emergencia de la Comunidad de Madrid completaron el Cuestionario de Estrés Traumático Secundario. Los resultados de los análisis de regresión múltiple jerárquica aportan evidencia del papel moderador de las variables de personalidad en el proceso del estrés traumático secundario. Finalmente, la discusión enfatiza la necesidad de centrar la atención en la interacción entre los factores de personalidad y las demandas laborales y contextuales para avanzar en la comprensión del proceso del trauma en trabajadores de emergencias (AU)

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of several personality variables (empathy, comprehensibility, challenge and sense of humour) as moderators of the relationship of job demands (traumatic task and overload) with secondary traumatic stress. 175 emergency professionals of the Community of Madrid completed the Secondary Traumatic Stress Measure (STSM). The results of the hierarchical multiple regression analysis provide evidence for the moderator role of personality variables in the secondary traumatic stress process. Lastly, the discussion emphasises the need to focus on the interaction between personality and job demand variables in order to advance our understanding of the process of trauma in emergency professionals (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Estrés Psicológico/psicología , Atención Ambulatoria , Empatía , Recursos Humanos en Desastres , Carga de Trabajo , Afecto , Comprensión
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 25(1): 125-132, ene.-mar. 2008.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-564673


Se presenta una revisión sucinta de los grandes siniestros acaecidos en el Perú durante el siglo XX, que demandaron grandes respuestas. Se intenta identificar los acontecimientos que con mayor influencia moldearon la evolución de la especialidad de medicina de emergencias y desastres, para analizar posteriormente la preponderancia de cada uno de ellos en el ejercicio profesional y técnico, la docencia universitaria y los servicios de emergencia de los establecimientos de salud.

Provides a brief review of the major catastrophes that occurred in Peru during the twentieth century, which demanded greats responses. It tries to identify the most influential events that shaped the evolution of the emergency and disaster medicine specialities, then look for the preponderance of them in professional and technical practices, university teaching and the emergency services of health centers.

Humanos , Desastres Naturales , Desastres Provocados por el Hombre , Emergencias en Desastres , Planificación en Desastres , Recursos Humanos en Desastres , Perú
Rev electron biomed ; (3)sep.-dic. 2005.
Artículo en Español | CUMED | ID: cum-30548


Este trabajo resumen los puntos clave de la preparación para enfrentar los desastres solo en el ámbito hospitalario específicamente la preparación para enfrentar huracanes desde la perspectiva de un hospital situado en un país del Caribe. En Cuba, estos fenómenos se han venido incrementando en número e intensidad. Los puntos que se describen de la preparación son: la evacuación, la expansión, la clasificación y previsión para el caso de interrupción de servicios exteriores, entre otros. Por último, se describen dos intervenciones que intentan acercar la preparación para desastres a la práctica diaria...(AU)

Humanos , Desastres Naturales , Planificación en Desastres , Emergencias en Desastres , Medicina de Desastres , Recursos Humanos en Desastres , Hospitales