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An. psicol ; 40(2): 171-178, May-Sep, 2024. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-232712


En este estudio transversal se investiga la asociación entre los principales síntomas del Trastorno bipolar (TB) y las dificultades asociadas a las estrategias de regulación emocional (ERE) adaptativas y desadaptativas. Además, este estudio examina los efectos mediadores de las ERE con el mindfulness rasgo y el TB. Método. Veinticuatro adultos con TB completaron la Escala de Conciencia de Atención Plena (MAAS), el Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI-II), la Escala de Autoevaluación de Manía de Altman (ARSM), el Inventario de Ansiedad Rasgo (STAI-R), y el Cuestionario de Regulación Emocional Cognitiva (CERQ). Resultados. El análisis de regresión múltiple mostró cómo la depresión se relacionaba significativa y positivamente con la autoculpabilización, mientras que la ansiedad rasgo estaba positivamente asociada con la autoculpabilización y el catastrofismo. En segundo lugar, el análisis de mediación mostró un efecto de mediación significativo para la autoculpabilidad en la relación entre mindfulness y depresión (a*b = -.15; ICB 95% [-.36, -.03]) y entre mindfulness y ansiedad rasgo (a*b = -.09; ICB 95% [-.27, -.01]). Conclusiones. Nuestros resultados informan del papel de la auto-culpabilidad y el catastrofismo en el TB y de cómo éstas podrían mediar significativamente entre el mindfulness rasgo y el TB. Estos resultados sugieren que una práctica de meditación enfocada en el catastrofismo y la autoculpabilidad puede ser especialmente útil para reducir los síntomas en los pacientes bipolares.(AU)

This cross-sectional study investigates the association between the main symptoms of Bipolar disorder (BD) and emotional regulation dif-ficulties in adaptive and maladaptive emotional regulation strategies (ERS). In addition, this study examines the possible mediating effects of ERS with dispositional mindfulnessand bipolar symptoms. Method.Twenty-four adults diagnosed with BD completed the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), the Altman Mania Self-Assessment Scale (ARSM), the Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-R), and the Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ). Results. First, mul-tiple regression analysis showed how depression was significantly positively related to self-blame, whereas trait anxietywas positively associated with self-blame and catastrophizing. Second, the results of the mediation analy-sis have shown a significant mediation effect for the self-blamein the rela-tionship between mindfulnessand depression (a*b = -.15; BCI 95% [-.36, -.03]) and between mindfulnessand trait anxiety (a*b = -.09; BCI 95% [-.27, -.01]). Conclusions. Our results report the role of self-blame and catastrophiz-ing in BD and how these might significantly mediate between dispositional mindfulness and symptoms of depression and anxiety. These results suggest that a meditation practice focused on reducing catastrophizing and self-blame may be especially helpful for symptoms of depression and anxiety in bipolar patients.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Catastrofización , Ansiedad , Depresión , Trastorno Bipolar , Atención Plena , Estudios Transversales , Psicología , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Escala de Ansiedad ante Pruebas
An. psicol ; 40(2): 179-188, May-Sep, 2024. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-232713


Los trastornos emocionales (TEs) son los trastornos más comunes entre la población joven. El desarrollo de programas preventivos de los TEs es fundamental para evitar su posible aparición. Los programas de prevención transdiagnósticos podrían presentar una ventaja sobre los existentes para mejorar las estrategias de regulación emocional. Así, el objetivo de este estudio ha sido determinar la viabilidad y eficacia preliminar de un programa breve basado en el Protocolo Unificado (PU). El proyecto consistió en un estudio piloto utilizando un diseño experimental de línea base múltiple. Nueve estudiantes universitarios recibieron un programa de 5 sesiones basado en el PU en formato grupal online. Se encontraron diferencias significativas después de la intervención en la regulación de las emociones, el apoyo social percibido y la evitación, con tamaños del efecto moderados-grandes (r de Cohen = .49 - .59). Estas mejoras mostraron aumentos en los seguimientos al mes y a los 3 meses. Esos resultados están en línea con los que muestran que los programas preventivos transdiagnósticos breves podrían ser útiles para la prevención de los TEs en población universitaria.(AU)

Emotional disorders (EDs) are the most common disorders among the young population. The development of preventive programs for EDs is essential to avoid their possible appearance. Transdiagnostic prevention programs could present an advantage over existing ones to im-prove emotional regulation strategies. Thus, the objective of this study has been to determine the preliminary feasibility and effectiveness of a brief program based on the Unified Protocol (UP). The project consisted of a pilot study using a multiple baseline experimental design. Nine university students received a 5-session program based on the UP in online-group format. Significant differences were found after the intervention for emo-tion regulation, perceived social support and avoidance, with moderate-large effect sizes (Cohen's r= .49-.59). These improvements showed in-creases at 1-month and 3-month follow-ups. Those results are in line with those showing that brief transdiagnostic preventive programs could be use-ful for the prevention of EDs in the university population.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Estudiantes/psicología , Salud Mental , Salud del Estudiante , Síntomas Afectivos , Prevención de Enfermedades , Proyectos Piloto , Psicología , Protocolos Clínicos
An. psicol ; 40(2): 219-226, May-Sep, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-232716


Las exigencias impuestas a los profesionales que trabajan con problemas psicológicos pueden resultar en un riesgo de agotamiento (Yang & Hayes, 2020). El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el posible papel de la resiliencia como variable mediadora en la relación entre autocompasión y fatiga por compasión, burnout y satisfacción por compasión. Se utilizó un diseño de estudio descriptivo transversal. En el estudio participaron sesenta y cinco psicólogos clínicos (50 mujeres y 15 hombres) con edades comprendidas entre 23 y 71 años (M = 33.8, SD = 10.8). Los terapeutas completaron la Escala de Autocompasión, la Escala de Resiliencia de 14 ítems y la Escala de Calidad de Vida Profesional. Se probaron modelos de mediación simples separados para examinar en qué medida cada una de las variables de la escala de Resiliencia atenuó la relación entre Autocompasión y Calidad de Vida Profesional. Se realizaron modelos seriales de mediadores múltiples para explorar si las variables de resiliencia actuaban interactivamente como mediadores en la asociación entre la autocompasión y la calidad de vida profesional. Los análisis de mediación simples mostraron que la competencia personal fue un mediador parcial significativo en la relación entre la autocompasión y la satisfacción por la compasión y el agotamiento. La competencia personal y la aceptación de uno mismo y de la vida no fueron mediadores significativos de la relación entre la autocompasión y el estrés traumático secundario.(AU)

The demands placed on professionals working with psychologi-cal problems can result in a risk of burnout (Yang & Hayes, 2020). The ob-jective of this study was to analyze the possible role of resilience as a medi-ator variable in the relationship between self-compassion and compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction. A descriptive cross-sectional study design was used. Sixty-five clinical psychologists (50 women and 15 men) aged between 23 and 71 years (M= 33.8, SD= 10.8) participated in the study. The therapists completed the Self-Compassion Scale, the 14-Item Resilience Scale, and the Professional Quality of Life Scale. Separate simple mediation models were tested to examine the extent to which each of the Resilience scale variables attenuated the relationship between Self-compassion and Professional Quality of Life. Serial multiple mediator models were performed to explore whether Resilience variables acted in-teractively as mediators in the association between Self-compassion and Professional Quality of Life. Simple mediation analyses showed that Per-sonal Competence was a significant partial mediator in the relationship be-tween Self-Compassion and Compassion Satisfaction and Burnout. Per-sonal Competence and Acceptance of Self and Life were not significant mediators of the relationship between Self-Compassion and Secondary Traumatic Stress.(AU)

Humanos , Desgaste por Empatía , Terapeutas Ocupacionales , Resiliencia Psicológica , Psicología
An. psicol ; 40(2): 242-253, May-Sep, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-232719


Objetivo: La Escala de Fatiga de Chalder (CFS) es una escala breve para evaluar fatiga que se utiliza en España, pero que no ha sido validada en su población. El objetivo del estudio fue adaptar y evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la CFS (Sp-CFS). Método: La muestra la conformaron 3,671 participantes (3.190 de la población general y 481 pacientes), con edades entre 18 y 86 años (M = 28.43; DT = 12.71), siendo el 67.6% mujeres. Las propiedades psicométricas de la escala se probaron en un diseño transversal utilizando validación cruzada (análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio) y estimación de la invarianza (sexo y condición clínica). Resultados: Un modelo de cuatro factores (baja energía, problemas de sueño, problemas de concentración y disfunción cognitiva subjetiva) en lugar de un modelo original de dos factores (fatiga física y mental) proporcionó mejores índices de bondad de ajuste a los datos. La consistencia interna y la estabilidad de la escala fueron excelentes. Su validez convergente se apoyó en su asociación significativa con la ansiedad, la depresión, el estrés y los síntomas positivos y negativos del espectro de la psicosis. El instrumento no mostró diferencias significativas entre sexos ni condiciones clínicas, y discriminó entre la población general y los pacientes, obteniendo estos últimos puntajes significativamente mayores. Conclusiones: Sp-CFS es una escala fiable y válida para medir la fatiga en población general y clínica española.(AU)

Objective:The Chalder Fatigue Scale (CFS) is a brief self-report screening scale for fatigue that is used in Spain but has not been validated for the Spanish population. The aim of this study was to adapt and evalu-ate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the CFS (Sp-CFS). Method:The sample consisted of 3,671 participants (3,190 from the general population and 481 patients), aged 18 to 86 years (M=28.43; DT=12.71), 67.6% of whom were women. Psychometric properties of the scale were tested in a cross-sectional design using cross-validation (explora-tory and confirmatory factor analysis) and estimation of invariance (sex and clinical condition). Results:A four-factor model (low energy, sleep problems, concentration problems and subjective cognitive dysfunction) rather than an original two-factor model (physical and mental fatigue) pro-vided better indices of goodness of fit to the data. The internal consistencyand stability of the scale were excellent. Its convergent validity was sup-ported by its significant association with anxiety, depression, stress, and the positive and negative symptoms of the psychosis spectrum. The instru-ment did not show significant differences between sexes or clinical condi-tions, and it discriminated between the general population and the patients, with the latter obtaining significantly greater scores. Conclusions: Sp-CFS is a reliable and valid scale for measuring a transdiagnostic construct such as fatigue in Spanish general and clinical populations.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Psicometría , Fatiga , Disfunción Cognitiva , Atención , España , Psicología , Estudios Transversales
J Hist Behav Sci ; 60(4): e22322, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39252515


This essay examines the detailed process of isolating facial data from the context of its emergence through the early work of psychologist Paul Ekman in the 1960s. It explores how Ekman's data practices have been developed, criticized, and compromised by situating them within the political and intellectual landscape of his early career. This essay follows Ekman's journey from the Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute to New Guinea, highlighting his brief but notable collaborations with psychologist Charles E. Osgood and NIH researchers D. Carleton Gajdusek and E. Richard Sorenson. It argues that the different meanings assigned to the human face resulted in how each group developed their studies - examining facial expressions either in interaction, where they shape reciprocal actions in interpersonal communication, or in isolation, where faces surface from the individual's unconscious interior.

Expresión Facial , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Cara , Psicología/historia
Am Psychol ; 79(6): 798-799, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39283259


Advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing many aspects of human life, and as Banker et al. (2024) illustrate, generative artificial intelligence may also facilitate hypothesis generation in academic research. But while it is easy to imagine this idea generating some alarm (i.e., hypothesis generation may seem like the most creative, human part of research), their work actually raises an even more important question: Why should we believe that the current (human) method of hypothesis generation is somehow ideal in the first place? This article discusses the implications of their work and outlines how automated content analysis and machine learning can also help researchers determine what hypotheses deserve attention in the first place. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).

Inteligencia Artificial , Humanos , Aprendizaje Automático , Psicología
Acta Psychol (Amst) ; 249: 104485, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39244850


Immersive virtual reality (iVR), that is, digital stereoscopic 360° scenarios usually presented in head-mounted displays, has gained much popularity in medical, educational, and consumer contexts in the last years. Recently, psychological research started to utilize the theoretical and methodological advantages of iVR. Furthermore, understanding cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes in iVR similar to real-life is a genuinely psychological, currently understudied topic. This article briefly reviews the current application of iVR in psychological research and related disciplines. The review presents empirical evidence for opportunities and strengths (e.g., realism, experimental control, effectiveness of therapeutic and educational interventions) as well as challenges and weaknesses (e.g., differences in experiencing presence, interacting with VR content including avatars, i.e., graphical representation of a person). The main part discusses areas requiring additional basic research, such as cognitive processes, socio-emotional processes during social interactions in iVR, and possible societal implications (e.g., fraud, VR-addiction). For both research and application, iVR offers a contemporary extension of the psychological toolkit, offering new avenues to investigate and enhance core phenomena of psychology such as cognition, affect, motivation, and behavior. Still, it is crucial to exercise caution in its application as excessive and careless use of iVR can pose risks to individuals' mental and physical well-being.

Psicología , Realidad Virtual , Humanos , Psicología/métodos
Am Psychol ; 79(5): 777-778, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39172380


Presents a summary of data on the journals published by the American Psychological Association. This summary is compiled from the 2023 annual reports of the Council of Editors and from Central Office records. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).

Publicaciones Periódicas como Asunto , Psicología , Sociedades Científicas , Humanos , Estados Unidos
Acta Psychol (Amst) ; 249: 104457, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39128281


Most research papers in psychology study the behaviour of a sample of participants. To characterise this sample, authors report various characteristics, frequently including the mean age and the associated standard deviation. However, based on reports from authors who publish in Acta Psychologica and from respondents on X/Twitter, the present paper shows that some authors use rounded-down ages whereas others don't, which lead to an uncertainty of 0.5 year in the average age. The results furthermore show that the authors tend to report the average age with two decimals precision, irrespective of the uncertainty of this average. I recommend that publications should explicitly mention how the average age is determined and report its value using a number of decimals that reflects its uncertainty.

Psicología , Humanos , Factores de Edad , Adulto , Psicología/normas , Psicología/estadística & datos numéricos , Psicología/métodos , Sesgo
Curr Opin Psychol ; 59: 101872, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39197407


This review explores the impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)-a technology capable of autonomously creating new content, ideas, or solutions by learning from extensive data-on psychology. GenAI is changing research methodologies, diagnostics, and treatments by enhancing diagnostic accuracy, personalizing therapeutic interventions, and providing deeper insights into cognitive processes. However, these advancements come with significant ethical concerns, including privacy, bias, and the risk of depersonalization in therapy. By focusing on the current capabilities of GenAI, this study aims to provide a balanced understanding and guide the ethical integration of AI into psychological practices and research. We argue that while GenAI presents profound opportunities, its integration must be approached cautiously using robust ethical frameworks.

Inteligencia Artificial , Psicología , Humanos
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci ; 379(1910): 20230287, 2024 Sep 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39114991


Some commentators have recently argued that scientific psychology is overly reliant on artificial laboratory-based activities and that it undervalues field-based investigations. However, it remains unclear how a field-based programme of psychological research might be organized in a scalable way. We examine and compare two existing field-based approaches: Roger Barker's behaviour settings programme and Edwin Hutchins's distributed cognition programme. Both programmes prioritize observational work, and both reject the individual as the unit of analysis in favour of a community-scale unit. However, whereas the behaviour settings programme is concerned with structural properties of community life, distributed cognition is concerned more narrowly with the functional analysis of expert team performance. We discuss how these programmes can inform a future community-scale approach to studying psychology in the wild. We conclude that the two programmes are proof of concept of the possibility of a scientific psychology that rejects methodological individualism. This article is part of the theme issue 'People, places, things and communities: expanding behaviour settings theory in the twenty-first century'.

Psicología , Humanos , Cognición
J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ; 37(6): e13287, 2024 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39164194


BACKGROUND: Talking therapy for people with intellectual disabilities is often specifically adapted. One adaptation is the involvement of significant others in therapy, however, there is no systematic description of the use of this adaptation in routine clinical practice. METHOD: An online survey of UK psychologists regarding the inclusion of significant others in individual therapy with people with intellectual disabilities. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. RESULTS: Ninety-five psychologists who work with people with intellectual disabilities provided responses to questions regarding the decision to include significant others in therapy, factors that make including significant others more or less likely and how the role of significant others is explained to them. CONCLUSIONS: Psychologists consider a range of factors in deciding the involvement of significant others. We discuss implications for training of therapists working with people with intellectual disabilities, issues of consent and how the roles of significant others are understood.

Discapacidad Intelectual , Psicoterapia , Humanos , Discapacidad Intelectual/rehabilitación , Reino Unido , Adulto , Psicología , Masculino , Actitud del Personal de Salud , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
PLoS One ; 19(8): e0306911, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39178270


Large sample size (N) is seen as a key criterion in judging the replicability of psychological research, a phenomenon we refer to as the N-Heuristic. This heuristic has led to the incentivization of fast, online, non-behavioral studies-to the potential detriment of psychological science. While large N should in principle increase statistical power and thus the replicability of effects, in practice it may not. Large-N studies may have other attributes that undercut their power or validity. Consolidating data from all systematic, large-scale attempts at replication (N = 307 original-replication study pairs), we find that the original study's sample size did not predict its likelihood of being replicated (rs = -0.02, p = 0.741), even with study design and research area controlled. By contrast, effect size emerged as a substantial predictor (rs = 0.21, p < 0.001), which held regardless of the study's sample size. N may be a poor predictor of replicability because studies with larger N investigated smaller effects (rs = -0.49, p < 0.001). Contrary to these results, a survey of 215 professional psychologists, presenting them with a comprehensive list of methodological criteria, found sample size to be rated as the most important criterion in judging a study's replicability. Our findings strike a cautionary note with respect to the prioritization of large N in judging the replicability of psychological science.

Psicología , Tamaño de la Muestra , Humanos , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Heurística
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2390332, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39166284


Background: the aim of this study is to understand the diagnostic process undertaken by psychiatrists and psychologists regarding adjustment disorder (AD) in their clinical practice and how they differentiate it from major depressive episode (MDE).Methods: A hermeneutic study using grounded theory techniques was carried out. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve psychiatrists and eight psychologists in Colombia, and transcribed verbatim. Initial line-by-line coding was performed, followed by focused and axial coding to construct categories explaining the professionals' reasoning process.Results: The clinical reasoning of professionals regarding AD was understood through four major categories. (1) Difficulty in addressing the experience of stressful events, as there is a risk of pathologizing and medicalizing them. (2) Mental health diagnoses are necessary but not apodictic. (3) The diagnostic category of AD allows for the description of a fluctuating depressive and anxious syndrome occurring in reaction to a stressful event, whose abnormality criteria are based on intersubjective knowledge of the patient's life history and consequential reasoning regarding the need for professional support. (4) The AD label could potentially protect against overdiagnosis of MDE and overuse of antidepressants. Many clinicians in their practice thus subordinate the diagnosis of MDE to ensuring it is not AD, contrary to what is outlined in diagnostic manuals.Conclusion: This study allowed us to understand the clinical reasoning of psychiatrists and psychologists about AD as a diagnosis that inherently indicates the need to work on coping and intervene in the stressor and should be considered as a diagnostic possibility in the same hierarchy as MDE in reactive syndromes, rather than a residual category.

Clinicians use consequential and intersubjective reasoning to diagnose Adjustment Disorder (AD).Systemic pressures lead to overdiagnosis of Major Depressive Episode (MDE) and excessive antidepressant use.AD should be recognized as a valid non-residual diagnostic category.

Trastornos de Adaptación , Razonamiento Clínico , Teoría Fundamentada , Psiquiatría , Humanos , Femenino , Trastornos de Adaptación/diagnóstico , Trastornos de Adaptación/psicología , Masculino , Adulto , Trastorno Depresivo Mayor/diagnóstico , Psicología , Colombia , Persona de Mediana Edad , Investigación Cualitativa , Entrevistas como Asunto , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Psiquiatras
Psychol Serv ; 21(3): 685-689, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39088013


This article outlines the career of Dr. J. Douglas McDonald, professor of psychology at the University of North Dakota (UND) and the director of the UND Indians into Psychology Doctoral Education Program. During graduate school, McDonald grew determined to develop a program that would assist American Indian students with entering the field of psychology in order to serve native populations across the United States and build cross-cultural competency and allyship within the psychological community. Upon graduating with a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of South Dakota, he created the flagship Indians into Psychology Doctoral Education program at UND, which meets these objectives, and has directed it ever since. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).

Psicología , Humanos , Psicología/historia , Historia del Siglo XXI , Indígenas Norteamericanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Psicología Clínica/historia , Psicología Clínica/educación , Educación de Postgrado , Selección de Profesión , North Dakota , Estados Unidos
Int J Health Policy Manag ; 13: 7566, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39099511


BACKGROUND: Patients with severe mental health issues who live in isolated rural areas are difficult to reach and treat. Providing effective treatment is difficult because mental health problems are complex and require specialized knowledge from a range of professionals. Task-sharing with lay mental health workers (LMHWs) has potential but requires proper training and supervision to be effective. This article reports on the challenges and facilitators experienced in empowering LMHWs in their role, with the help of a technology supported supervision group. The study sought to understand the functioning of the Empowering Supervisory Group (ESG) in the context of junior psychologists and LMHWs in rural India, and investigate how they experienced it by exploring challenges, lessons and empowerment. METHODS: Qualitative analysis of interviews with the 22 ESG participants and their supervisors. RESULTS: A total of three discrete phases of supervision were identified where supervisors responded to the changing needs of the group. This began with building trust at a baseline level, tackling issues with competence and autonomy and finally experiencing meaning and impact through self-determination. The experience of empowerment even in an online setting was very beneficial given the challenges of working in rural areas. CONCLUSION: Empowerment based supervision of LMHWs and junior psychologists online enables a level of engagement that positions them to engage in community mental health practices with greater independence and confidence.

Empoderamiento , Humanos , India , Femenino , Población Rural , Agentes Comunitarios de Salud/psicología , Agentes Comunitarios de Salud/organización & administración , Agentes Comunitarios de Salud/educación , Psicología , Masculino , Servicios de Salud Rural/organización & administración , Investigación Cualitativa , Adulto , Servicios de Salud Mental/organización & administración , Poder Psicológico
BMC Med Educ ; 24(1): 874, 2024 Aug 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39138469


BACKGROUND: Student-led clinics can provide low-cost speciality care and practical interprofessional education (IPE) opportunities. In Australia, there are currently limited speciality services available that provide neurodevelopmental assessments that consider fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) as one possible outcome. The aim of the current study was to understand student experiences in a novel interprofessional student-led clinic for children and adolescents with suspected or confirmed prenatal alcohol exposure. METHOD: Seventeen allied health university students (11 occupational therapy; 6 psychology) participated in individual semi-structured interviews following completion of a 10-week clinic placement. Reflexive thematic analysis was undertaken using NVivo12. RESULTS: Four main themes were generated: (1) Interprofessional practice a key for students' development as future healthcare professionals; (2) Meaningful relationships and students' belief they made a difference; (3) Novel challenges tested students' capabilities on placement; and (4) Supervisor attitude and approach to learning supported student development. CONCLUSIONS: The current study demonstrated that the interprofessional student-led neurodevelopmental clinic provided a valuable IPE opportunity for students.

Relaciones Interprofesionales , Investigación Cualitativa , Humanos , Femenino , Australia , Masculino , Trastornos del Espectro Alcohólico Fetal , Estudiantes del Área de la Salud/psicología , Adolescente , Terapia Ocupacional/educación , Educación Interprofesional , Niño , Psicología/educación , Actitud del Personal de Salud
Univ. salud ; 26(2): A10-A18, mayo-agosto 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554429


Introducción: El suicidio es la tercera causa de muerte de jóvenes entre 15 y 19 años. Ante esto, los ambientes escolares pueden favorecer el fomento de la salud mental de los adolescentes, permitir la identificación temprana de factores de riesgo y aportar en la prevención de conductas suicidas. Una de las estrategias de prevención es el entrenamiento de "gatekeepers". Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del programa "Abriendo Puertas para la Vida" sobre conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en prevención de conductas suicidas en un grupo de profesores de secundaria de una institución educativa de San Juan de Pasto, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio preexperimental, con un grupo de intervención y medidas pre y pos-seguimiento. Participaron nueve docentes voluntarios durante dos jornadas de formación. Resultados: Se identificaron cambios positivos en conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de los participantes entre pretest y postest, en la mayoría de las subdimensiones evaluadas; sin embargo, tres años después, estos cambios se mantuvieron tan solo en conocimientos sobre las conductas suicidas y en actitudes hacia la prevención. Conclusión: El programa "Abriendo Puertas para la Vida" evidenció efectividad y pertinencia, sin embargo, el mantenimiento de sus efectos requiere de acciones de seguimiento y acompañamiento a los docentes formados.

Introduction: Suicide is the third cause of death in young people aged between 15 to 19 years. Thus, school environments can promote mental health of adolescents through early identification of risk factors and prevention of suicidal behaviors. One prevention strategy is the training of "gatekeepers". Objective: To determine the impact of the "Opening Doors to Life" program on the knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding prevention of suicidal behavior in a set of high school teachers from an educational institution in San Juan de Pasto, Colombia. Materials and methods: A pre-experimental study with an intervention group and pre- and post-follow-up measurements. Nine volunteer teachers participated during two training sessions. Results: Positive changes regarding knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the participants during pretest and posttest were observed for the majority of evaluated sub-dimensions. However, after three years, the positive measures prevailed only for knowledge about suicidal behavior and attitudes toward prevention. Conclusion: The "Opening Doors to Life" program showed effectiveness and relevance. However, maintaining its impact requires follow-up actions and support of trained teachers.

Introdução: O suicídio é a terceira causa de morte de jovens entre 15 e 19 anos. Diante disso, os ambientes escolares podem promover a promoção da saúde mental em adolescentes, permitir a identificação precoce de fatores de risco e contribuir para a prevenção do comportamento suicida. Uma das estratégias de prevenção é a formação de "gatekeepers". Objetivo: Determinar o efeito do programa "Abrindo Portas para a Vida" nos conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas na prevenção do comportamento suicida em um grupo de professores do ensino médio de uma instituição educacional em San Juan de Pasto, Colômbia. Materiais e métodos: Estudo pré-experimental, com grupo de intervenção e medidas pré e pós-acompanhamento. Nove professores voluntários participaram durante dois dias de treinamento. Resultados: Foram identificadas mudanças positivas nos conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas dos participantes entre o pré-teste e o pós-teste, na maioria das subdimensões avaliadas; porém, três anos depois, essas mudanças se mantiveram apenas no conhecimento sobre comportamentos suicidas e atitudes frente à prevenção. Conclusão: O programa "Abrindo Portas para a Vida" mostrou efetividade e relevância, porém, a manutenção de seus efeitos requer ações de acompanhamento e apoio a professores capacitados.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Suicidio , Psicología
Integr Psychol Behav Sci ; 58(3): 845-854, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39039333


While religion constituted one of the main topics of interest for early social scientists, faith traditions have silently slipped from this central role. When religion now appears in psychological research, it is usually relegated to the position of either the object of psychological investigation (which psychology purports to "explain") or a static piece in the empirical puzzle (as one variable among many when explaining clinical or social outcomes). In either case, religion is generally no longer seen as an equal partner to the social sciences in our attempts to better understand of the human condition. However, there are and have been voices within psychology that see this as unnecessarily myopic. James Jackson Putnam (1846-1918), an early supporter of the emerging field of psychoanalysis, advocated that psychology take seriously philosophy, metaphysics, and religion. Putnam's objections to the narrowing of our view of human life in the spirit of scientism fell largely on deaf ears, and his call for psychology to include that which lies beyond the walls of empirical naturalism and reductionism remains relevant today. In as far as theoretical innovation in psychology is more of a creative recognition than true scientific discovery, philosophy and religion constitute tremendously rich, and unfortunately underappreciated, fonts of inspiration. Putnam saw in religion the "dim recognition" of "the creative spirit of the universe." We briefly reflect on the example of obsessive-compulsive disorder and the much older religious concept of scruples, including approaches to mindfulness. This example is suggestive of the richness of psychological insights to be found in religion.

Religión y Psicología , Humanos , Psicología