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Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559772


Introducción: La gestión de la comunicación interna en las organizaciones de salud representa una herramienta sistémica y organizativa que impacta en el nivel de satisfacción y compromiso de los trabajadores con la organización y se extiende hasta beneficiar a los pacientes como usuarios de los servicios. Su implementación constituye una política de la Administración Central del Estado Cubano que la dirección del Ministerio de Salud Pública prioriza, al considerarla imprescindible para el logro de los objetivos de trabajo. Esto condujo a diseñar un procedimiento que permitiera gestionar la comunicación interna en la institución. Objetivo: Exponer los métodos, las técnicas y los procedimientos empleados para diseñar un procedimiento para la gestión de la comunicación interna en el Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba. Resultados: Se plantea una investigación de desarrollo tecnológico, de tipo mixta, aplicada en dos fases y desarrolladas con técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas. Conclusiones: El empleo de técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas permitió identificar los elementos que componen un procedimiento para gestionar la comunicación interna en el Ministerio de Salud Pública. El procesamiento de los datos obtenidos desde el nivel individual hasta el colectivo facilitó la integración de conocimientos para organizar el diseño del procedimiento por etapas. La metodología empleada permitió obtener un procedimiento actualizado y válido por expertos y el público interno(AU)

Introduction: The management of internal communication in health organizations represents a systemic and organizational tool that impacts the level of satisfaction and commitment of workers with the organization and it extends to benefit patients as users of services. Its implementation constitutes a policy of the Central Administration of the Cuban State that the management of the Ministry of Public Health prioritizes, considering it essential for the achievement of work objectives. This led to designing a procedure that would allow managing internal communication in the institution. Objective: To present the methods, techniques and procedures used to design a procedure for the management of internal communication in the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba. Results: A mixed type technological development research is proposed, applied in two phases and developed with quantitative and qualitative techniques. Conclusions: The use of quantitative and qualitative techniques allowed to identify the elements that make up a procedure to manage internal communication in the Ministry of Public Health. The processing of the data gained from the individual to the collective level facilitated the integration of knowledge to organize the design of the procedure in stages. The methodology used allowed to obtain an updated and valid procedure by experts and the internal public(AU)

Humanos , Administración de las Tecnologías de la Información , Metodologías de Evaluación de Riesgos , Cuba
Geneva; WHO; 2nd ed; 2021. 65 p.
Monografía en Inglés | PIE | ID: biblio-1414849


The SCORE for health data package uses five interventions: Survey populations and health risks; Count births, deaths and causes of death; Optimize health service data; Review progress and performance; Enable data use for policy and action. Each intervention has a set of key elements, which is accompanied by a set of indicators. In total, there are 24 quantitative and qualitative indicators for assessing SCORE interventions at various levels. The SCORE Assessment methodology 2020 complements the SCORE Global report on health data and capacity, 2020, and explains how countries were assessed and scored by five interventions and the accompanying elements and indicators. SCORE Assessment instrument and indicators: The SCORE Assessment instrument and the accompanying indicators were used to collect data to assess the Health Information Systems (HIS) in countries. They were developed in consultation with World Health Organization (WHO) country representatives, and technical experts from WHO regional offices and headquarters, and also drew upon the expertise and experience of external agencies and individual experts. Data gathered for the Global report on health data systems and capacity were initially obtained through a desk review of qualitative and quantitative data from multiple sources, including global, regional, and national survey reports, regional and national health information databases, national birth and death registration portals, and health facility data. These preliminary data and assessments were shared with countries for review and input through WHO regional and country offices, and validated, most commonly, by the ministry of health. During the review and verification process, additional data were also submitted by multiple institutions, including ministries of health, national public health institutions, bureaus of statistics, ministries of finance, and other bodies responsible for specific data areas. Overall, 133 countries validated the data or provided permission to use the data from the desk review. Country sign-off: Collated data and assessments for each country (in the form of a summary sheet and draft country profile) were sent to respective governments for review and sign-off. Any changes requested or made by national authorities required supporting documentation verified by WHO SCORE focal persons. Some countries provided (caveated) permission to publish results which include an additional note indicating that validation is still awaiting completion due to delays related to the COVID-19 pandemic. When finalized these results will be updated online. Scoring methodology: Scoring is based on a maturity model where, at the end of a complete assessment, a country scores 1-5 for each of the five interventions: 1 reflects nascent capacity of the health information system and 5 represents sustainable capacity. For each intervention there is a set of key elements. Each key element is measured by one or more indicators and each indicator is defined by a set of attributes or items. Scoring begins at the indicator level by assessing the attributes. Reviewers assess each indicator attribute against a publicly available and verifiable source document (or website). Reviewers must provide documentation of the data sources for each indicator scored. In the case of multiple items, the indicator is scored by taking the sum of these item scores and comparing it to a maturity model. If there is more than one indicator within an element, the indicator scores are averaged to get the element score. Each intervention score is a weighted mean of the element scores within the intervention. Due to concerns about data availability and/or comparability, not all indicators or key elements were used in calculating a country's score.

Sistemas de Información en Salud , Prioridades en Salud , Estudios de Evaluación como Asunto , Sistemas de Datos , Análisis de Datos , Metodologías de Evaluación de Riesgos
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2021. 166 p. tab, graf.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390829


A avaliação do risco é um processo científico e sistemático que incorpora quantitativamente o perigo e a exposição a diversos agentes. O processo de avaliação do risco tem evoluído nos últimos anos, indo além da exposição a únicos agentes e vias de exposição para a caracterização do risco cumulativo a múltiplos agentes. As metodologias para avaliação do risco cumulativo não são harmonizadas o que pode tornar o processo complexo. Nesta linha, a abordagem do RISK21 promovida pelo Health Environmental Science Institute (HESI) pode contribuir para desmistificar o tema. A exposição combinada da ingestão de resíduos de praguicidas através da dieta e do uso residencial de produtos a base de piretróides pela população brasileira não são conhecidas. Os piretróides são praguicidas utilizados na lavoura, bem como em ambiente doméstico no controle de pragas. O mecanismo de toxicidade destes agentes é bem conhecido e de relevância para a saúde humana, pois atuam sobre a permeabilidade iônica dos canais de sódio sensíveis a voltagem (CSSV), produzindo efeitos na excitabilidade das terminações nervosas. Como os seres humanos são potencialmente expostos a estes agentes, portanto, torna-se importante compreender os riscos cumulativos da exposição a estes praguicidas pela população brasileira. O objetivo deste trabalho foi conduzir a avaliação do risco dos piretróides registrados no Brasil com base nos princípios do RISK21. A abordagem em etapas proposta pelo RISK21 demonstrou que o risco da ingestão crônica e aguda de resíduos de piretróides foi considerado aceitável. Além disso, não foi observada qualquer preocupação toxicológica decorrente da exposição residencial a estes agentes. Quando combinados os cenários da dieta aguda e residencial, também não foram observados níveis de preocupação, portanto, o risco foi considerado aceitável. A avaliação do risco dos piretróides registrados para o uso agrícola e residencial no Brasil com base nos principios do RISK21 foi uma importante etapa neste trabalho, uma vez que foi possível avaliar o risco e preocupações para cada um dos praguicidas de maneira rápida e visual. Além disso, mesmo considerando premissas altamente conservadoras, observou-se que a população exposta de maneira combinada a estes agentes não demonstrou um nível de preocupação para o cenário brasileiro

Risk assessment is a scientific and systematic approach that quantitatively incorporates hazard and exposure to agents' evaluation. The risk assessment process has evolved in recent years, going beyond exposure to single agents and pathways to characterize multiple agents' cumulative risk. Cumulative risk assessment methodologies are not harmonized, which can make the process complex. In this line, the RISK21 approach promoted by the Health Environmental Science Institute (HESI) can demystify the subject. The combined exposure of residue intake through diet and residential use of pyrethroid-based products by the Brazilian population is unknown. Pyrethroids are pesticides used in the crop as well as in a domestic environment in pest control. The mechanism of toxicity of these agents is well known and relevant to human health, as they act on the ionic permeability of voltage-sensitive sodium channels (VSSC), producing effects on the excitability of nerve endings. As human beings are potentially exposed to these agents, it is essential to understand the cumulative risks derived from the exposure to these pesticides by the Brazilian population. The objective of this research was to conduct the risk assessment based on the principles of RISK21 of pyrethroids registered in Brazil. The stepwise approach proposed by RISK21 demonstrated that the risk of chronic and acute ingestion of pyrethroid residues was considered acceptable. Furthermore, no toxicological concern stemming from residential exposure to these agents was observed. When acute and residential diet scenarios were combined, no levels of concern were also observed, so the risk was considered acceptable. The risk assessment based on the principles of RISK21 of pyrethroids registered for agricultural and residential use in Brazil was an essential step in this research since it was possible to assess the risk and concerns for each of the pesticides in a fast and visual way. Moreover, from highly conservative premises, it was observed that the population exposed in combination with these agents did not demonstrate a level of concern for the Brazilian scena

Piretrinas/clasificación , Residuos de Plaguicidas/efectos adversos , Metodologías de Evaluación de Riesgos , Insecticidas/agonistas , Plaguicidas/efectos adversos , Control de Plagas/métodos , Medición de Riesgo/métodos , Dieta , Ambiente