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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e72713, jan. -dez. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1525406


Objetivo: analisar a inserção do homem, por meio do registro profissional, na enfermagem piauiense. Método: estudo de natureza sócio-histórica fundamentado por pressupostos de Aróstegui, conduzido a partir do número de inscrições no Conselho Regional de Enfermagem do Piauí do período de 1975 a 2021. Os dados foram organizados por ordem cronológica e de acordo com o gênero do inscrito, com análise pautada nos conceitos de Edward Palmer Thompson. Resultados: apesar da primeira inscrição masculina ocorrer apenas em 1979, percebe-se que, desde então, ocorreu um aumento progressivo de homens na enfermagem. Tal progressão é justificada pela reforma universitária, que deu origem a Universidade Federal do Piauí; além da criação do Sistema COFEN/COREN. Considerações finais: a inserção do homem na enfermagem piauiense ocorreu de forma lenta e desigual, quando comparada ao sexo feminino. Fatores sócio-políticos, econômicos e sociais foram essenciais para justificar o crescimento(AU)

Objective: analyze the insertion of men, through professional registration, in nursing in Piauí, Brazil. Method: socio-historical study based on Aróstegui's assumptions, conducted from the number of registrations in the Regional Council of Nursing of Piauí from 1975 to 2021. The data were organized in chronological order and according to the gender of the participant, with analysis based on the concepts of Edward Palmer Thompson. Results: despite the fact that the first male enrollment occurred only in 1979, it is clear that, since then, there has been a progressive increase in the number of men in nursing. Such progression is justified by the university reform, which gave rise to the Federal University of Piauí; in addition to the creation of the COFEN/COREN System. Final considerations: the insertion of men in nursing in Piauí occurred slowly and unevenly, when compared to women. Socio-political, economic and social factors were essential to justify the growth(AU)

Objetivo: analizar la inserción de los hombres, a través del registro profesional, en la enfermería en Piauí, Brasil. Método: estudio de naturaleza sociohistórica basado en los supuestos de Aróstegui, realizado a partir del número de registros en el Consejo Regional de Enfermería de Piauí de 1975 a 2021. Los datos fueron organizados en orden cronológico y según el género del participante, con análisis basado en los conceptos de Edward Palmer Thompson. Resultados: a pesar de que la primera incorporación masculina se produjo recién en 1979, es evidente que, desde entonces, se ha producido un aumento progresivo del número de hombres en enfermería. Tal progresión está justificada por la reforma universitaria, que dio origen a la Universidad Federal de Piauí; además de la creación del Sistema COFEN/COREN. Consideraciones finales: la inserción de los hombres en la enfermería de Piauí ocurrió de manera lenta y desigual, en comparación con la de las mujeres. Los factores sociopolíticos, económicos y sociales fueron esenciales para justificar el crecimiento(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Educación en Enfermería/historia , Historia de la Enfermería , Hombres/educación , Enfermeros/historia , Universidades
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-230011


Objetivo principal: reconstruir y contextualizar la trayectoria laboral de un enfermero y cirujano a principios del siglo XIX. Metodología: estudio fenomenológico y hermenéutico de documentación primaria y secundaria. Resultados principales: nacido en 1797 y cirujano menor en 1821. Accede como enfermero al hospital de la ciudad renunciando tras tres años para examinarse de cirugía mayor. Ejercerá como cirujano en la cárcel de Vitoria simultaneándolo con otras ocupaciones para dignificar su salario. Señalado políticamente al iniciarse la guerra carlista, debe abandonar su trabajo, no volviéndosele a documentar hasta la epidemia de cólera de 1855. Fallece en 1860. Conclusión principal: fue enfermero oportunistamente para acceder al hospital y acumular la experiencia exigida por el Colegio de cirugía. La cirugía no le proporcionó ventajas económicas, sino precariedad laboral común a otros cirujanos empíricos. Dependencia de contratos públicos y de vaivenes políticos sugieren la existencia a principios del siglo XIX de prácticas similares a las caciquiles de finales de siglo (AU)

Objective: to reconstruct and contextualise the working career of a nurse and surgeon at the beginning of the 19th century. Methods: phenomenological and hermeneutic study of primary and secondary documentation. Results: born in 1797 and minor surgeon in 1821. He joined the city hospital as a nurse, resigning after three years to take an examination in major surgery. He worked as a surgeon in Vitoria prison, having to combine his work with other occupations in order to earn a decent salary. He was politically targeted at the beginning of the Carlist War and had to abandon his work, and was not documented again until the cholera epidemic of 1855. He died in 1860. Conclusions: he was a nurse opportunistically in order to gain access to the hospital and accumulate the experience required by the College of Surgery. Surgery did not provide him with economic advantages, but rather the precariousness of work common to other empirical surgeons. Dependence on public contracts and political ups and downs suggest the existence at the beginning of the 19th century of practices similar to those of the caciques at the end of the century (AU)

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia de la Enfermería , Enfermeros/historia , Cirujanos/historia
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-211432


Uno de los aspectos más descuidados de la historia de la Enfermería es el papel que los enfermeros tuvieron en el desarrollo de la asistencia sanitaria durante el periodo de colonización en América. En este sentido destaca la contribución de Alonso López de los Hinojosos, un enfermero y cirujano castellano que tuvo un exitoso ejercicio en México en el último cuarto del siglo XVI. Su función de liderazgo en el hospital de los naturales, sus contribuciones durante las epidemias y el hecho de ser autor del primer libro de cirugía publicado en el nuevo mundo, le hacen acreedor de un puesto destacado en la historia de los cuidados, constituyendo un ejemplo emblemático para analizar el intercambio de saberes que se produjo en el encuentro entre Europa y América (AU)

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XVI , Historia de la Enfermería , Enfermeros/historia , Grabación en Video , España , México
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-211972


Cecilio Eseverri Chaverri es enfermero, trabajador social y teólogo. En su dilatada actividad profesional ha alternado el cuidado a los pacientes con la administración de servicios de enfermería y una intensa actividad docente, incluso con la creación de una importante escuela de gerencia en Barcelona. En su trayectoria destaca la gran aportación que ha realizado a la historia de la Enfermería, siendo autor de numerosos artículos y varios libros que son de obligada lectura para conocer el verdadero pasado de nuestra profesión. El día 21 de octubre de 2022, el grupo Oseira de historia de la Enfermería, adscrito a la Fundación Index, en colaboración con el Colegio de Enfermería de Granada, le tributaron un homenaje a su trayectoria como enfermero y como historiador de la Enfermería, cuyo discurso de presentación se reproduce aquí. Como complemento se aporta el videoclip realizado a partir de los testimonios de historiadores de la Enfermería en España que quisieron adherirse a este homenaje (AU)

Cecilio Eseverri Chaverri is a nurse, social worker and theologian. In his extensive professional activity, he has alternated patient care with the administration of nursing services and an intense teaching activity, including the creation of an important management school in Barcelona. In his career, the great contribution he has made to the history of Nursing stands out, being the author of numerous articles and several books that are a must read to know the true past of our profession. On October 21, 2022, the Oseira Nursing History group, attached to the Index Foundation, in collaboration with the Granada College of Nursing, paid tribute to his career as a nurse and as a Nursing historian, whose introductory speech is reproduced here. As a complement, the video clip made from the testimonies of Nursing historians in Spain who wanted to join this tribute is provided (AU)

Humanos , Historia de la Enfermería , Enfermeros/historia , Humanismo/historia , Grabación en Video , España
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-211980


De nacimiento portugués, pastor en Oropesa, soldado en Fuenterrabía y en otros frentes, albañil en Ceuta, aprendiz hospitalario en Guadalupe, librero en Granada… Cuántos derroteros tuvo que atravesar este hombre para fundar un hospital. Y no un hospital cualquiera, porque el de Granada se erigió en el epicentro de una reforma de la enfermería cuyos fundamentos explican en parte por qué las enfermeras de nuestro tiempo somos como somos. Juan de Dios no era un teórico, su personalidad arrolladora se expresaba a través de sus gestos. Por ello resulta tan atrayente rastrear los lugares por los que transitó, porque aún están señalados con los reflejos de su edificante presencia. Bienvenidos a este itinerario turístico e histórico por los confines del imperio. Caminamos tras la huella de un enfermero universal y uno de los personales más andariegos del siglo de oro (AU)

Of Portuguese birth, a shepherd in Oropesa, a soldier in Fuenterrabía and on other fronts, a bricklayer in Ceuta, a hospital apprentice in Guadalupe, a bookseller in Granada… How many paths this man had to go through to found a hospital. And not just any hospital, because the one in Granada was erected at the epicentre of a nursing reform whose foundations explain in part why the nurses of our time are the way we are. Juan de Dios was not a theoretician, his overwhelming personality was expressed through his gestures. That is why it is so attractive to trace the places through which he transited, because they are still marked with the reflections of his edifying presence. Welcome to this tourist and historical itinerary through the confines of the empire. We walk in the footsteps of a universal nurse and one of the most wandering personnel of the golden age (AU)

Humanos , Enfermeros/historia , Historia de la Enfermería , Hospitales/historia , Congresos como Asunto , Grabación en Video , España
Belo Horizonte; s.n; s.n; 2021. 130 p. ilus.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1369672


Contextualization of the theme: Men in nursing are known especially for their work as caregivers in military services and religious orders, assisting the sick and wounded during the Crusades and, later on, in civil wars. However, in the contemporary age, the teaching model known as Nightingalean privileged women and did not allow men to enter nursing schools. However, with the shortage of professionals after World War II, men began to be admitted to regular courses. They received little encouragement from nursing schools, and it is important to unveil the experiences of this group during their undergraduate studies in nursing. Justification: There are few studies that portray the history of men in nursing and in the context of Minas Gerais nursing, in the almost 90 years of existence of the Nursing School of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (EEUFMG) no work addresses the experiences of men as students at that school. Guiding question: How did the first men inserted in the EEUFMG experience graduation in the 1970s? General objective: To analyze how the first men experienced graduation at EEUFMG in the 1970s. Specifics objectives: To understand how the professional choice of men took place in undergraduate nursing; understand what it was like to be a man in a nursing school with a female predominance. Methodological path: This is a socio-historical study, with a qualitative approach, whose methodological framework was centered on thematic Oral History, developed through the analysis of historical documents and interviews with a semi-structured script, carried out with 10 men who graduated from the EEUFMG in the 1970s. The interviews were submitted to Thematic Content Analysis, enriched with documentary research. MAXQDA® software was used for data organization, coding and support for analysis. The ethical precepts of Resolution n. 466/2012 were respected. Three categories of analysis were constructed, namely: "Nursing carrer for men: a thought through professional choice?"; "The bad side of the choice: barriers faced by men during the undergraduate nursing course", "The good side of the choice: the benefits of being a man in the undergraduate nursing course". Results and discussion: The first category identified that nursing was not the first career option for the majority of the group. However, the opportunities arising from this profession led respondents to choose it. The second category revealed the difficulties experienced by men during their academic career, pointing out the care for the opposite sex as one of the obstacles. Finally, the third category presented the benefits of choosing a career, showing that men are privileged because they are the minority in the occupation. Final considerations: this study allowed to rescue the history of nursing, cooperating to unveil the male experiences during the undergraduate nursing course at the EEUFMG in the 1970s. It was identified that the choice of the course allowed to experience both sides: good and bad. It is recommended that the study be extended to the following decades, addressing the advances that have occurred in nursing programs with the inclusion of men in the course.

Humanos , Masculino , Estudiantes de Enfermería/historia , Historia de la Enfermería , Enfermeros/historia , Facultades de Enfermería/historia , Selección de Profesión , Tesis Académica
Geriatr Nurs ; 41(1): 52-53, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32044147


The role of men in nursing is not always evident. Men have been care takers in early societies, military health care, and the religious sector. The perception of men in nursing, however, took a shift from one of honor to one of deviance and failure from medical school. As the contributions of historical men in nursing, such as Walt Whitman, are brought to light, so are the contributions of select men within the Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA). Dr. George Peraza-Smith provides an exclusive interview, shares his dedication and contributions to the care of the aging adult, and provides words of wisdom to those wanting to impact the care of geriatric nursing.

Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada , Educación de Postgrado en Enfermería , Enfermería Geriátrica , Liderazgo , Enfermeros/historia , Selección de Profesión , Historia del Siglo XVIII , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Historia Antigua , Humanos , Masculino , Atención de Enfermería
J Med Biogr ; 28(2): 115-120, 2020 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29072509


Until the eighteenth century, midwifery was the sole domain of women, but changes in medical science saw it appropriated by medical men and the 'man-midwife' emerged. This paper demonstrates the work of a man-midwife in a small English village in one year, 1775, using his accounts and correspondence. The man was Matthew Flinders Senior, 'surgeon and man-midwife' at Donington, Lincolnshire. He was the father of Captain Matthew Flinders, the famous navigator who mapped the coast line of Australia and who coined that name. Primary sources, published as a collection by the Lincoln Record Society, were used. Flinders Senior made a good living from his midwifery, charging rates commensurate with those charged by obstetricians today (with reduced costs for the poor). His descriptions of his practice show how midwifery was conducted in rural England during the development of medicine as a high-status profession. The paper uses data from one year to provide a snap shot of the work of a rural surgeon and man-midwife, but much more is available in the published collection, providing ready access for researchers who may like to pursue such work further.

Partería/historia , Enfermeros/historia , Cirujanos/historia , Inglaterra , Historia del Siglo XVIII
Can Bull Med Hist ; 36(2): 413-443, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31525307


The nursing studies narrative of the role of masculinity can be summarized as follows: hegemonic masculinity prevents men from doing care work. An analysis of public relations efforts to recruit male nurses in West Germany during the 1960s does not provide evidence for such a link. Representing nursing as compatible with hegemonic masculinity was also able to legitimize the existence of male nurses, while the idea of promoting gender equality in nursing was advocated by exactly those institutions that enabled the eventual gender inequality within the profession. Finally, the thesis of hegemonic masculinity as some kind of anti-caregiving agent comes into question because of the success of the civilian service in West Germany, despite the gender shaming used to deter men from enlisting in it.

Masculinidad/historia , Enfermeros/historia , Factores Socioeconómicos/historia , Alemania Occidental , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Masculino , Enfermeros/psicología , Enfermeros/normas
Prof Inferm ; 71(3): 131-138, 2018.
Artículo en Italiano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30457267


AIM: Several Italian male nurses employed at the Ospedale Maggiore in Milan were among the dead during First World War. This paper investigates whether and in which way these people are remembered. In addition the authors draw a picture of the nursing profession as it were in the early Twentieth Century in Italy. METHOD: The administrative documentation of 127 male nurses on duty at the Ospedale Maggiore in Milan and called to arms between 1915 and 1918 was examined. The documents were found in the historical archive of the Ospedale Maggiore from July 2015 to March 2016 and analyzed using the method of historical research according to Chabod (2012). RESULTS: Documents that witnessed the death of 5 male nurses during the war were found. These people were praised for their courage, self-sacrifice and commitment in attending the sick and the wounded. The hospital community arranged to devolve a sum of money to their families in sign of gratitude and commemorated them by engraving their names in a marble monument. CONCLUSIONS: Many memories of civilian male nurses in the years 1915-1918 emerged from this investigation, and the professional identity of nurses in the 1920s emerged quite clearly. The participation of male nurses in the First World War, in conjunction with the recurrence of its centenary, could be further deepened.

Enfermeros/historia , Primera Guerra Mundial , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Italia , Masculino
J Pak Med Assoc ; 67(12): 1889-1894, 2017 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29256536


Nurses are primary care providers and are responsible for caring of patients. Since centuries, the nursing profession has been known as a profession only for females. Therefore, the history of nurses in early ages only states the role of the female, although males at that time also took part in patient-care along with females. The aim of this paper is to provide detailed review of national and international literature available related to male nursing students, and their experiences in the nursing profession.

Enfermeros , Facultades de Enfermería , Competencia Cultural , Historia del Siglo XV , Historia del Siglo XVI , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Historia Antigua , Historia Medieval , Humanos , Masculino , Enfermeros/historia , Enfermeros/organización & administración , Pakistán , Facultades de Enfermería/historia , Facultades de Enfermería/organización & administración , Estereotipo
Prof Inferm ; 69(4): 237-243, 2016.
Artículo en Italiano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28252907


AIM: During the Second World War the male staff of assistance in the Italia hospitals was called to arms.This work concerns the letters sent by the male nurses who were captured by the Germans and put in prison. The aim is to know whether their profession had somehow affected their living condition in jail and had favoured their release or not. METHOD: 88 personal files of nurses on duty in Ospedale Maggiore and sent to the front during the period between 1940 and 1945 have been studied. The documents are kept in the historical archive of the Ospedale Maggiore of Milan and the research covered the period from December to January 2013. The sources have been analyzed according to Chabod's method of historical research (2012). 4 prisoners have been found among the 88 files of soldiers and handwritten letter has been selected for each one. RESULTS: These letters the attempt of the prisoners to reassure their loved ones emerges. Moreover, in the files of the prisoners' formal request for their release sent by hospital board were found. As a result one of the prisoners was released. CONCLUSIONS: This paper suggests that the fact of being a nurse in a hospital influenced the conditions during tha period of captivity. Much is still to be found to shed light on a dramatic period of our country and to restore the memory of the contribution given by the profession.

Correspondencia como Asunto/historia , Enfermeros/historia , Prisioneros/historia , Segunda Guerra Mundial , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Italia , Masculino
Am J Nurs ; 115(10): 68-9, 2015 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26402293


A popular career path in a female-dominated profession.

Enfermeras Anestesistas/historia , Enfermeros/historia , Selección de Profesión , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Masculino , Sexismo/historia , Estados Unidos
Medizinhist J ; 50(1-2): 123-48, 2015.
Artículo en Alemán | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26219191


In German historiography the history of men in nursing is still a desideratum. While for female nurses considerable research has been done, the historiographic gaps in men's nursing comprise many periods and almost all subjects. The article concentrates on desiderata in the German historiography of nursing and shows after presenting a survey of the research literature, topics and research questions as well as sources which have not been analyzed yet. However, the history of female nursing is partly quite well investigated. This gives the opportunity for comparative analyzes. As since the middle of the 19th century nursing is perceived as a female occupation an examination of men in this area can help to sharpen the gender perspective.

Empleo/historia , Enfermeros/historia , Personal de Enfermería/historia , Alemania , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Sexismo/historia
Soins ; (786): 49-54, 2014 Jun.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25069359


In 1914, beingthe heirs of the ambulance soldiers who had been created during the time of the Empire, the military males-nurses were overwhelmed by the armies huge needs in paramedics. Facing both the callings of commandment which demanded the recruitment of soldiers and the necessity--which had been set up as a duty by the health service--to attend the doctors, the military male-nurse gave way, in 1918 to a new comer: the female military nurse.

Historia de la Enfermería , Enfermería Militar/historia , Personal Militar/historia , Enfermeros/historia , Primera Guerra Mundial , Femenino , Francia , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Masculino