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J Synchrotron Radiat ; 31(Pt 4): 948-954, 2024 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38861369


This article presents a demonstration of the improved performance of an X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) using the optical klystron mechanism and helical undulator configuration, in comparison with the common planar undulator configuration without optical klystron. The demonstration was carried out at Athos, the soft X-ray beamline of SwissFEL. Athos has variable-polarization undulators, and small magnetic chicanes placed between every two undulators to fully exploit the optical klystron. It was found that, for wavelengths of 1.24 nm and 3.10 nm, the required length to achieve FEL saturation is reduced by about 35% when using both the optical klystron and helical undulators, with each effect accounting for about half of the improvement. Moreover, it is shown that a helical undulator configuration provides a 20% to 50% higher pulse energy than planar undulators. This work represents an important step towards more compact and high-power FELs, rendering this key technology more efficient, affordable and accessible to the scientific community.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 31(Pt 2): 282-294, 2024 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38386564


Superconducting undulators (SCUs) can offer a much higher on-axis undulator field than state-of-the-art cryogenic permanent-magnet undulators with the same period and vacuum gap. The development of shorter-period and high-field SCUs would allow the free-electron laser and synchrotron radiation source community to reduce both the length of undulators and the dimensions of the accelerator. Magnetic measurements are essential for characterizing the magnetic field quality of undulators for operation in a modern light source. Hall probe scanning is so far the most mature technique for local field characterization of undulators. This article focuses on the systematic error caused by thermal contraction that influences Hall probe measurements carried out in a liquid helium cryostat. A novel procedure, based on the redundant measurement of the magnetic field using multiple Hall probes at known relative distance, is introduced for the correction of such systematic error.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 28(Pt 3): 939-947, 2021 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33950002


Beamline I22 at Diamond Light Source is dedicated to the study of soft-matter systems from both biological and materials science. The beamline can operate in the range 3.7 keV to 22 keV for transmission SAXS and 14 keV to 20 keV for microfocus SAXS with beam sizes of 240 µm × 60 µm [full width half-maximum (FWHM) horizontal (H) × vertical (V)] at the sample for the main beamline, and approximately 10 µm × 10 µm for the dedicated microfocusing platform. There is a versatile sample platform for accommodating a range of facilities and user-developed sample environments. The high brilliance of the insertion device source on I22 allows structural investigation of materials under extreme environments (for example, fluid flow at high pressures and temperatures). I22 provides reliable access to millisecond data acquisition timescales, essential to understanding kinetic processes such as protein folding or structural evolution in polymers and colloids.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 26(Pt 6): 1911-1916, 2019 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31721733


Elliptical polarized undulators (EPUs) are broadly used in the soft X-ray energy range. They have the advantage of providing photons with both varied energy and polarization through adjustments to the value of the gap and/or shift magnet arrays in an undulator. Yet these adjustments may create a disturbance on the stability of the electron beam in a storage ring. To correct such a disturbance, it is necessary to establish a feed-forward table of key nodes in the gap-shift-defined two-dimensional parameter space. Such a table can only be scanned during machine-study time. For a free-walking mode, whereby an undulator is allowed to manoeuvre in the whole gap-shift space, all the key nodes need to be scanned at the expense of a large amount of machine-study time. This will greatly delay the employment of a full-polarization capable undulator (especially circularly polarized). By analyzing data-collecting patterns of user experiments, this paper defines a reduced set of key nodes in gap-shift parameter space, with the number of key nodes to be scanned for feed-forwarding scaled down to one-third of the original; and introduces a new walking mode for EPUs: confined-walking mode, whereby the undulator is manoeuvred only within the reduced set of key nodes. Such a mode is firstly realized on the EPUs at the DREAMLINE beamline at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF). Under confined-walking mode, the undulator movements are stable and there is no obvious disturbance to the electron beam with the feed-forward system in operation. Successful experiments have been carried out using the circularly polarized light obtained via the new walking mode. This mode is expected to be applied to future EPUs at SSRF with the increasing requirements for various polarization modes.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 26(Pt 4): 1220-1225, 2019 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31274447


Reported here are the results of experiments carried out to demonstrate the magnetic performance of dysprosium (Dy) to enhance the capability of undulators. Tiny pieces of monocrystalline Dy surrounded by permanent magnets (PMs) work as pole pieces (PPs) to concentrate the magnetic flux, when cooled down below the Curie temperature of 85 K. A PP made of Dy is much more attractive than one made of a conventional material, because its saturation magnetization is much higher. Furthermore, it also allows for a more flexible selection of PM material, potentially leading to further enhancement of the performance of short-period undulators. Besides these advantages, practical issues related to using Dy PPs and countermeasures against them are discussed.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 25(Pt 3): 885-891, 2018 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29714201


MX2 is an in-vacuum undulator-based crystallography beamline at the 3 GeV Australian Synchrotron. The beamline delivers hard X-rays in the energy range 4.8-21 keV to a focal spot of 22 × 12 µm FWHM (H × V). At 13 keV the flux at the sample is 3.4 × 1012 photons s-1. The beamline endstation allows robotic handling of cryogenic samples via an updated SSRL SAM robot. This beamline is ideal for weakly diffracting hard-to-crystallize proteins, virus particles, protein assemblies and nucleic acids as well as smaller molecules such as inorganic catalysts and organic drug molecules. The beamline is now mature and has enjoyed a full user program for the last nine years. This paper describes the beamline status, plans for its future and some recent scientific highlights.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 25(Pt 2): 378-384, 2018 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29488916


Insertion devices are utilized at synchrotron radiation facilities around the world for their capability to provide a high-brilliance X-ray beam. APPLE-II type undulators are especially important for their capacity to switch between a variety of photon beam polarization states. A high-precision soft X-ray polarimeter has been used to investigate the polarization calibration of an APPLE-II undulator (period length λu = 64 mm) installed on beamline I06 at Diamond Light Source. Systematic measurement of the beam polarization state at a range of linear arbitrary angles has been compared with the expected result for a given set of undulator gap and row phase parameters calculated from theory. Determination of the corresponding Stokes-Poincaré parameters from the measured data reveals a discrepancy between the two. The limited number of energy/polarization combinations included in the undulator calibration tables necessitates the use of interpolated values for the missing points which is expected to contribute to the discrepancy. However, by modifying the orbit of the electron beam through the undulator by at least 160 µm it has been found that for certain linear polarizations the discrepancies can be corrected. Overall, it is suggested that complete correction of the Stokes-Poincaré parameters for all linear angles would require alteration of both these aspects.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 23(2): 436-42, 2016 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26917130


Fast switching of X-ray polarization with a lock-in amplifier is a good method for acquiring weak signals from background noise for X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) experiments. The usual way to obtain a beam with fast polarization switching is to use two series of elliptically polarized undulators (tandem twin EPUs). The two EPUs generate two individual beams. Each beam has a different polarization and is fast switched into the beamline. It is very important to ensure that the energy resolution, the flux and the spot size at the sample of the two beams are equal in XMCD experiments. However, it is difficult in beamline design because the distances from the two EPUs to the beamline optics are different and the beamline is not switchable. In this work, a beamline design without an entrance slit for fast polarization switching EPUs is discussed. The energy resolution of the two beams can be tuned to be equal by minor rotation of the optics in the monochromator. The flux of the two beams can be balanced through separation blades X, Y in the exit slit, and by adjusting the position of the X blades along the beam. The spot size of the two beams can be adjusted to be equal by shifting the sample as well.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 23(1): 176-81, 2016 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26698061


The use of an APPLE II undulator is extremely important for providing a high-brilliance X-ray beam with the capability to switch between various photon beam polarization states. A high-precision soft X-ray polarimeter has been used to systematically investigate the polarization characteristics of the two helical APPLE II undulators installed on beamline I06 at Diamond Light Source. A simple data acquisition and processing procedure has been developed to determine the Stokes polarization parameters for light polarized at arbitrary linear angles emitted from a single undulator, and for circularly polarized light emitted from both undulators in conjunction with a single-period undulator phasing unit. The purity of linear polarization is found to deteriorate as the polarization angle moves away from the horizontal and vertical modes. Importantly, a negative correlation between the degree of circular polarization and the photon flux has been found when the phasing unit is used.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 21(Pt 5): 1090-104, 2014 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25177998


Here the major upgrades of the femtoslicing facility at BESSY II (Khan et al., 2006) are reviewed, giving a tutorial on how elliptical-polarized ultrashort soft X-ray pulses from electron storage rings are generated at high repetition rates. Employing a 6 kHz femtosecond-laser system consisting of two amplifiers that are seeded by one Ti:Sa oscillator, the total average flux of photons of 100 fs duration (FWHM) has been increased by a factor of 120 to up to 10(6) photons s(-1) (0.1% bandwidth)(-1) on the sample in the range from 250 to 1400 eV. Thanks to a new beamline design, a factor of 20 enhanced flux and improvements of the stability together with the top-up mode of the accelerator have been achieved. The previously unavoidable problem of increased picosecond-background at higher repetition rates, caused by `halo' photons, has also been solved by hopping between different `camshaft' bunches in a dedicated fill pattern (`3+1 camshaft fill') of the storage ring. In addition to an increased X-ray performance at variable (linear and elliptical) polarization, the sample excitation in pump-probe experiments has been considerably extended using an optical parametric amplifier that supports the range from the near-UV to the far-IR regime. Dedicated endstations covering ultrafast magnetism experiments based on time-resolved X-ray circular dichroism have been either upgraded or, in the case of time-resolved resonant soft X-ray diffraction and reflection, newly constructed and adapted to femtoslicing requirements. Experiments at low temperatures down to 6 K and magnetic fields up to 0.5 T are supported. The FemtoSpeX facility is now operated as a 24 h user facility enabling a new class of experiments in ultrafast magnetism and in the field of transient phenomena and phase transitions in solids.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 20(Pt 4): 522-30, 2013 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23765293


Aiming at advancing storage-ring-based ultrafast X-ray science, over the past few years many upgrades have been undertaken to continue improving beamline performance and photon flux at the Femtoslicing facility at BESSY II. In this article the particular design upgrade of one of the key optical components, the zone-plate monochromator (ZPM) beamline, is reported. The beamline is devoted to optical pump/soft X-ray probe applications with 100 fs (FWHM) X-ray pulses in the soft X-ray range at variable polarization. A novel approach consisting of an array of nine off-axis reflection zone plates is used for a gapless coverage of the spectral range between 410 and 1333 eV at a designed resolution of E/ΔE = 500 and a pulse elongation of only 30 fs. With the upgrade of the ZPM the following was achieved: a smaller focus, an improved spectral resolution and bandwidth as well as excellent long-term stability. The beamline will enable a new class of ultrafast applications with variable optical excitation wavelength and variable polarization.