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Diagn. tratamento ; 29(3): 104-108, jul-set. 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1561634


Contexto e objetivo: o abuso de androgênios não se restringe mais a atletas, uma vez que é utilizado pela população geral para melhora da massa muscular e performance física. Tais doses supra fisiológicas causam vários efeitos colaterais, incluindo psiquiátricos e reprodutivos. Demonstrar a importância dos diagnósticos de quadros psiquiátricos e sexuais, bem como da escolha dos psicotrópicos mais adequados para cada paciente. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa acerca da importância do quadro, bem como seu tratamento. Discussão: Não basta fazer o diagnóstico de abuso de andrógenos. Pesquisar e tratar possíveis quadros psiquiátricos, disfunções sexuais (DS), transtornos parafílicos (TP) e outras doenças somáticas é primordial. Medicações psiquiátricas podem prejudicar a atividade sexual ou não. Transtorno do Comportamento Sexual Compulsivo (TCSC), Transtornos Parafílicos e outras condições sexuais de risco podem exigir psicotrópicos que inibam a função sexual. Porém, o favorecimento de uma atividade sexual saudável, sem sofrimento, pode demandar drogas que causem pouco ou nenhum prejuízo à sexualidade. Conclusão: Conhecer os diagnósticos sexuais, psiquiátricos e clínicos e tratá-los adequadamente é de suma importância. Os mecanismos moleculares e patológicos envolvidos nos efeitos colaterais neuropsiquiátricos dos andrógenos não são claros. Mais pesquisas são necessárias.

Psiquiatría , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias , Efectos Colaterales y Reacciones Adversas Relacionados con Medicamentos , Psicotrópicos , Testosterona
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38960064


OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between varicocele and hypogonadism, or erectile dysfunction. METHODS: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, CENTRAL, and other sources. We included cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies. The primary outcome was the association between varicocele and hypogonadism, or erectile dysfunction, and the secondary outcome included semen analysis. We assessed the risk of bias with the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. We performed statistical analysis in Review Manager 5.3 and reported information about the Odds Ratio (OR) with a 95% confidence interval. We produced a forest plot for the primary outcome. RESULTS: We included ten studies in qualitative analysis and six studies in quantitative analysis. Most of the cross-sectional studies showed a low risk of bias, not so for the two case-control studies, which represented a high risk of bias. Most of the reports described a correlation between having varicocele and presenting low testosterone levels: the meta-analysis showed that there is a significant association between varicocele and hypogonadism (OR 3.27 95% CI 1.23 to 8.68). Regarding varicocele and erectile, only one study showed a significant difference in erectile function in comparison to varicocele patients and men without varicocele. CONCLUSION: There is an association between varicocele presence and hypogonadism, although more studies are needed. Besides, not much is reported about an association between varicocele and erectile dysfunction, but impairment can occur through hormone disturbances.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 94(2): 127-132, Apr.-Jun. 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556908


Abstract Objective: Analyze sex hormone's influence during Chagas disease. Methods: Male and female BALB/c mice were divided into six groups, four experimental (sham, orchiectomized, orchiectomized and supplemented with estradiol, orchiectomized supplemented with testosterone, oophorectomized, oophorectomized and supplemented with estradiol, and oophorectomized and supplemented with testosterone), and two control (healthy and intraperitoneally with T. cruzi strain NINOA infected). Clinical data were recorded daily, parasitemia was evaluated using a Neubauer chamber during the infection, and heart histopathological analysis was performed using the paraffin embedding technique. To analyze parasitemia curves and the area under the parametric curves, two-way ANOVA test was performed to correlate groups' data. P-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: Higher mortality rates, cardiomegaly, hepatomegaly, ascites, edema, higher parasitemia levels, more amastigote nests, and more severe inflammatory infiltrate were found in higher testosterone concentration mice, whereas in higher estradiol concentration groups, paresia, prostration, edema, and necrosis were found. Conclusions: Our results showed that testosterone increased infection severity, whereas estradiol had the opposite effect. This research improves the understanding of sex hormones´ infuence upon this infection to contribute with the handling of Chagas´ disease.

Resumen Objetivo: Analizar la influencia de las hormonas durante la enfermedad de Chagas. Métodos: Se separaron grupos de ratones macho y hembras BALB/c, todos infectados con T. cruzi (cepa NINOA), 4 grupos experimentales de machos (Sham, orquidectamizados, orquidectimezados y suplementados con estradiol, orquidectamizaos y suplementados con testosterona). 4 grupos experimentales de hembras (oforectomizadas, oforectomizadas y suplementadas con estradiol, oforectomizadas y suplementadas con testosterona y sham), and y dos grupos control para cada sexo (sin infección e infectados intraperitonealmente con T. cruzi (cepa NINOA). Los datos clínicos fueron registrados diariamente, la parasitemia fue evaluada durante toda la infección utilizando una cámara de Neubauer y el análisis histopatológico del corazón fue realizada con la técnica de inclusión en parafina. Para el análisis de las curvas de parasitemia y el área bajo la curva, se realizó una prueba de ANOVA de dos vías, p < 0.05 fueron considerados estadísticamente diferentes. Resultados: Las mayores tasas de mortalidad, cardiomegalia, hepatomegalia y mayor infiltrado inflamatorio, se encontró en los ratones con una mayor concentración de testosterona. En contraste los ratones con mayor concentración de estradiol presentaron paresia, postración edema y necrosis. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados ponen en manifiesto que la testosterona incrementa la severidad del curso de la enfermedad de Chagas, mientras que el estradiol tuvo el efecto opuesto. Este trabajo mejora el entendimiento del rol que juegan las hormonas sexuales en esta infección para contribuir en un mejor manejo de la enfermedad de Chagas.

Actas urol. esp ; 48(2): 116-124, mar. 2024. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-231443


Objetivo El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática es identificar el tratamiento óptimo para la infertilidad masculina derivada del abuso de esteroides anabólicos androgénicos (EAA). Métodos Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática según la declaración Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Se incluyeron estudios que comparaban distintos protocolos para la recuperación de la espermatogénesis tras el uso de EAA. Resultados Un total de 13 estudios que investigaban diferentes protocolos para recuperar la espermatogénesis en pacientes con abuso de EAA cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Entre los agentes disponibles que demostraron eficacia en el reestablecimiento de la espermatogénesis se encuentran las gonadotropinas inyectables, los moduladores selectivos de los receptores de estrógenos (SERM) y los inhibidores de la aromatasa (AI), pero su uso apenas ha sido descrito en la literatura. Conclusiones Los médicos deben conocer los efectos adversos que los EAA pueden tener sobre la espermatogénesis. La infertilidad asociada a estos agentes puede ser de carácter reversible, pero la producción de espermatozoides puede tardar más de un año en normalizarse. Tanto el tratamiento conservador como el agresivo pueden estimular la espermatogénesis con resultados satisfactorios. Se requiere una mayor comprensión de la endocrinología reproductiva masculina y datos de alta calidad sobre la recuperación de la espermatogénesis tras el abuso de EAA. (AU)

Objective This systematic review aims to evaluate the optimal treatment for male infertility resulting from Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) abuse. Methods A systematic review was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Studies that compared different protocols for the recovery of spermatogenesis in patients after AAS use were included. Results 13 studies investigating different protocols to restore spermatogenesis in patients with AAS abuse met the inclusion criteria. The available agents that showed restoration of spermatogenesis include injectable gonadotropins, selective estrogen receptor modulators, and aromatase inhibitors, but their use is still poorly described in the literature. Conclusions Clinicians need to be aware of the detrimental effects of AAS on spermatogenesis. AAS-associated infertility may be reversible, but sperm production may take over a year to normalize. Both conservative and aggressive treatment can boost spermatogenesis with positive results. Further understanding of male reproductive endocrinology and high-quality data on the field of restoration of spermatogenesis after AAS abuse are warranted. (AU)

Infertilidad Masculina , Espermatogénesis , /efectos adversos , Testosterona , Gonadotropinas
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554995


Se presenta un caso clínico de Síndrome de Klinefelter y se revisan que los aspectos en relación al sueño en estos pacientes, siendo relevante a ser abordado y estudiado debido a la relación causal entre el metabolismo de esteroides sexuales afectados. En especial la testosterona y cómo esto influye en la microarquitectura del sueño y la probabilidad de presentar síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño, con las repercusiones cognitivas que pueden sumarse a las ya descritas por el síndrome en si. De allí la importancia de un seguimiento y abordaje dirigido en este aspecto, al momento del diagnóstico y en el seguimiento a largo plazo.

A clinical case of Klinefelter's Syndrome is presented and the aspects related to sleep in these patients are reviewed, being relevant to be addressed and studied due to the causal relationship between the metabolism of affected sex steroids, especially testosterone and how this influences the microarchitecture of sleep and the probability of presenting obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with the cognitive repercussions that can be added to those already described by the syndrome itself. Hence the importance of a targeted follow-up and approach in this aspect, at the time of diagnosis and in long-term follow-up.

Humanos , Masculino , Niño , Sueño , Síndrome de Klinefelter/diagnóstico , Testosterona , Vitamina D
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(3): e20230138, Mar.2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557025


Resumo Fundamento: A deficiência de testosterona (DT) é uma condição prevalente em nosso meio e ainda muito negligenciada. A hipertensão arterial (HA) é um de seus possíveis fatores associados. Objetivos: Determinar a prevalência de DT em uma população masculina hipertensa e os fatores associados à sua ocorrência, como idade, tempo de diagnóstico de HA, número de classes de anti-hipertensivos, índice de massa corporal (IMC), diabetes, dislipidemia, doença renal crônica (DRC), sintomas positivos de DT (questionário ADAM positivo) e uso de espironolactona. Métodos: Estudo transversal com aplicação do questionário ADAM, e avaliação de dados bioquímicos, clínicos e antropométricos. Os pacientes foram estratificados em grupos de DT e testosterona normal. As variáveis categóricas foram comparadas pelo teste do qui-quadrado e as variáveis contínuas pelo teste de Mann-Witney; as variáveis com significância (p<0,05) foram submetidas à regressão linear multivariada. Resultados: A prevalência de DT foi de 26,8%. Houve associação entre DT e IMC (p=0,0007), mas não houve com idade (p=0,0520), tempo de diagnóstico de HA (p=0,1418), número de classes de anti-hipertensivos (p=0,0732), diabetes (p=0,1112); dislipidemia (p=0,3888); presença de DRC (p=0,3321); uso de espironolactona (p=0,3546) e questionário ADAM positivo (p=0,2483). Conclusões: A prevalência de DT foi alta e houve associação positiva com IMC. A testosterona total (TT) declinou 8,44 ng/dL com o aumento de 1 kg/m2 no IMC e caiu 3,79 ng/dL com o avanço em um ano na idade.

Abstract Background: Testosterone deficiency (TD) is a prevalent condition in our midst and still very neglected. Arterial hypertension (AH) is one of the possible associated factors. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of TD in a hypertensive male population and the factors associated with its occurrence, such as age, time since hypertension diagnosis, number of antihypertensive classes, body mass index (BMI), diabetes, dyslipidemia, chronic kidney disease (CKD), positive symptoms of TD (positive ADAM questionnaire) and use of spironolactone. Methods: Cross-sectional study with administration of the ADAM questionnaire, assessment of biochemical, clinical, and anthropometric data. Patients were stratified into DT and normal testosterone groups. Categorical variables were compared using the chi-squared test and continuous variables using the Mann-Witney test; variables with significance (p<0,05) were analyzed by multivariable linear regression. Results: The prevalence of TD was 26.36%. There was an association between TD and body mass index (BMI) (p=0.0007) but there was no association with age (p=0.0520), time of hypertension diagnosis (p=0.1418), number of classes of antihypertensive drugs (p=0.732), diabetes (p=0.1112); dyslipidemia (p=0.3888); CKD (p=0.3321); use of spironolactone (p=0.3546) or positive ADAM questionnaire (p=0.2483). Conclusions: TD was highly prevalent and positively associated with BMI. Total testosterone (TT) declined by 8.44ng/dL with a one unit increase in BMI and dropped by 3.79ng/dL with a one-year increase in age.

Salud ment ; 47(1): 3-12, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560490


Abstract Introduction Anxiety, mood- and stress-related behaviors are regulated by sex hormones in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Very scarce information exists about the role of sex steroids in pregnant women displaying high levels of anxiety. Objective To determine sex hormones serum levels in pregnant women exhibiting high levels of anxiety symptoms. Method The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS/ HAM-A) was used to assess the intensity of anxiety symptoms in third-trimester pregnant women. Two groups were included in the study, pregnant women exhibiting severe anxiety (ANX; HARS scores ≥ 25; n = 101) and healthy control subjects (CTRL; n = 40) displaying lower scores for anxiety (HARS scores ≤ 7). Estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4), and testosterone (T) serum levels were measured using a standard chemiluminescent immunoassay. Bivariate and partial correlations were performed to detect significant associations between groups, clinical measures, biochemical data, and HARS scores. Results The anxiety group (ANX) showed an increase in E2 and T serum levels (p < .001) compared to CTRL. Conversely, significantly lower P4 levels were found in the symptomatic group (p < .001) as compared to the CTRL hormone values. The P4:E2 index was significantly reduced in pregnant women with high levels of anxiety (p < .001). Negative correlations between anxiety (HARS) scores, P4 serum levels (p = .02), and P4:E2 ratio (p = .04) were found in the symptomatic group. Conversely, T serum levels displayed a positive association (p = .001) with high levels of anxiety symptoms in the same group, after adjusting our data by clinical confounders. Discussion and conclusion Serum levels of sex-steroid hormones are altered in pregnant women exhibiting severe anxiety.

Resumen Introducción La ansiedad, el estado de ánimo y el estrés están regulados por diversos esteroides sexuales. Existe poca información sobre el papel que juegan estos esteroides en mujeres embarazadas con niveles elevados de ansiedad. Objetivo Determinar los niveles séricos de hormonas sexuales en mujeres embarazadas con altos índices de síntomas de ansiedad con respecto a mujeres gestantes sanas. Método Determinación de la intensidad de síntomas ansiosos empleando la escala de Hamilton de Ansiedad (HAM-A) en 141 mujeres embarazadas en el tercer trimestre de gestación. Cuantificación de los niveles séricos de estradiol (E2), progesterona (P4) y testosterona (T) por inmunoensayo estándar. Aplicación de las correlaciones de Pearson para detectar asociaciones entre parámetros clínicos y valores hormonales entre los grupos de estudio. Resultados Las mujeres con ansiedad severa (ANX; n = 101; HAM-A ≥ 25) mostraron niveles séricos más altos de E2 y T (p < .001), así como niveles más bajos de P4 (p < .001) en relación con el grupo control (CTRL, n = 40, HAM-A < 7). Se detectó una disminución significativa en el índice P4:E2 en el grupo de ANX (p < .001) y se observaron correlaciones negativas y positivas entre los puntajes elevados de ansiedad con los niveles circulantes de P4 (p = .02), en la taza P4:E2 (p = .04) y en los niveles séricos de T (p = .001) respectivamente, al ajustar nuestros datos con variables confusoras. Discusión y conclusión Los niveles circulantes de los esteroides sexuales se encontraron alterados en mujeres con ansiedad severa.

Actas Urol Esp (Engl Ed) ; 48(2): 116-124, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37567343


OBJECTIVE: This systematic review aims to evaluate the optimal treatment for male infertility resulting from Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) abuse. METHODS: A systematic review was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Studies that compared different protocols for the recovery of spermatogenesis in patients after AAS use were included. RESULTS: 13 studies investigating different protocols to restore spermatogenesis in patients with AAS abuse met the inclusion criteria. The available agents that showed restoration of spermatogenesis include injectable gonadotropins, selective estrogen receptor modulators, and aromatase inhibitors, but their use is still poorly described in the literature. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians need to be aware of the detrimental effects of AAS on spermatogenesis. AAS-associated infertility may be reversible, but sperm production may take over a year to normalize. Both conservative and aggressive treatment can boost spermatogenesis with positive results. Further understanding of male reproductive endocrinology and high-quality data on the field of restoration of spermatogenesis after AAS abuse are warranted.

Anabolizantes , Andrógenos , Humanos , Masculino , Esteroides Anabólicos Androgénicos , Anabolizantes/efectos adversos , Semen , Congéneres de la Testosterona/efectos adversos , Espermatogénesis
Actas Urol Esp (Engl Ed) ; 48(6): 410-415, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38101513


INTRODUCTION: A high prevalence of low testosterone levels has been reported in men with prostate cancer. The use of testosterone therapy in men with a history of prostate cancer is still controversial, and there is uncertainty regarding the management of these patients. METHODS: We analyzed the European and American guidelines on this topic and presented the clinical experience in the management of patients with low testosterone levels and a history of prostate cancer in one of the world's leading cancer centers. RESULTS: According to the published evidence to date, testosterone therapy in men with prostate cancer does not increase the risk of prostate cancer recurrence in the short and medium term, but there is a lack of data on the long term. Symptomatic men with low testosterone levels who are candidates for this therapy need a thorough clinical evaluation before commencing testosterone therapy. Evaluation of prostate cancer history including type of treatment administered, pathologic stage of prostate cancer and prostate specific antigen should be requested before and during testosterone treatment to assess its trend. CONCLUSION: Prostate-specific antigen should remain undetectable after radical prostatectomy or stable after radiotherapy. Otherwise, it would be a sign of uncontrolled prostate cancer, and the patient may require cessation of testosterone therapy and referral to oncology for further evaluation.

Neoplasias de la Próstata , Testosterona , Masculino , Humanos , Neoplasias de la Próstata/sangre , Neoplasias de la Próstata/terapia , Testosterona/uso terapéutico , Testosterona/sangre , Guías de Práctica Clínica como Asunto , Antígeno Prostático Específico/sangre
Rev. osteoporos. metab. miner. (Internet) ; 15(4): 144-153, oct.-dic. 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés, Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-229299


El hueso es un tejido dinámico, que se encuentra en constante adaptación durante la vida de los vertebrados con el fin de alcanzar tamaño, forma, preservar la integridad estructural del esqueleto y regular la homeostasis mineral. Su desarrollo durante la infancia es determinante para alcanzar la estatura, así como la resistencia a fracturas en edad avanzada. Las hormonas sexuales juegan un papel importante en el remodelado óseo, tanto en hombres como en mujeres y las alteraciones en los perfiles hormonales pueden conducir al desarrollo de enfermedades asociadas con el metabolismo del hueso. En mujeres, la deficiencia de estrógenos durante la menopausia es una de las principales causas de osteoporosis, mientras que en hombres los andrógenos pueden influir en la salud ósea al unirse directamente a los receptores de andrógenos o indirectamente a receptores de estrógenos. En esta revisión se explora el papel y los efectos de las hormonas sexuales sobre el metabolismo óseo, las vías de señalización implicadas y los efectos que pueden conducir al desarrollo de enfermedades como la osteoporosis. (AU)

Bone is a dynamic tissue that undergoes constant adaptation throughout the life of vertebrates to achieve size, shape, preserve the structural integrity of the skeleton, and regulate mineral homeostasis. Bone growth during childhood is crucial to achieve height and resistance to fractures later in life. Sex hormones play a key role in bone remodeling in men and women alike, and changes to hormonal profiles can trigger bone metabolism-related diseases. In women, estrogen deficiency during menopause is one of the leading causes of osteoporosis, while in men, androgens can have an impact on bone health by binding directly to androgen receptors or indirectly to estrogen receptors. This review explores the role and effects of sex hormones on bone metabolism, the signaling pathways involved, and the effects that can trigger diseases such as osteoporosis. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Osteoporosis/clasificación , Osteoporosis/prevención & control , Homeostasis , Hormonas Esteroides Gonadales/fisiología , Andrógenos , Estrógenos , Testosterona
Clín. investig. ginecol. obstet. (Ed. impr.) ; 50(4): [100903], Oct-Dic, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-226526


Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy affecting approximately 5–10% of women of reproductive age and it is also a major cause of anovulatory infertility. PCOS is associated with obesity and conditions like hirsutism, acne, diabetes, and irregular periods. Aim: The present study aimed to evaluate the serum-free testosterone (FT) levels of women afflicted with hirsutism, one of the main physical manifestations of PCOS versus healthy women and determine whether their serum testosterone levels correlate with polycystic ovaries, glucose levels, menstrual abnormalities, and obesity. Methods: This study assessed 180 women; this included 140 females who suffered from excessive and unwanted hair growth on the chin and 40 healthy women as a control group. Free testosterone levels and fasting blood glucose levels were taken. Prior to the study, ultrasonographic (US) tests were performed for all patients to diagnose polycystic ovaries. Results: Patients with hirsutism exhibited a significant elevation in free testosterone (FT) compared to the control group. Approximately half of these women were confirmed to have a polycystic ovary, and 42.8% of them were overweight and obese. Additionally, women between 18 and 20 years old (G1) present with the highest level of FT. Conclusion: Serum FT levels were significantly increased in hirsute women, and this positively correlated with BMI and glucose levels in women with PCOS. Glucose levels may serve as a potentially effective biomarker in evaluating the severity of hirsutism in women suspected of having PCOS.(AU)

Antecedentes: El síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP) es la endocrinopatía más común que afecta aproximadamente al 5-10% de las mujeres en edad reproductiva y también es una de las principales causas de infertilidad anovulatoria. El SOP está asociado con la obesidad y condiciones como hirsutismo, acné, diabetes y períodos irregulares. Objetivo: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los niveles séricos de testosterona libre (FT, del inglés) de mujeres con hirsutismo, una de las principales manifestaciones físicas del síndrome de ovario poliquístico, en comparación con mujeres sanas y determinar si los niveles séricos de testosterona se correlacionan con ovarios poliquísticos, niveles de glucosa, anomalías menstruales y obesidad. Métodos: Este estudio evaluó a 180 mujeres; esto incluyó a 140 mujeres que sufrían de un crecimiento de vello excesivo e indeseado en la barbilla y 40 mujeres sanas como grupo de control. Se midieron el nivel de FT y el nivel de azúcar en sangre en ayunas. Antes del estudio, se realizaron pruebas ultrasonográficas a todas las pacientes para diagnosticar ovarios poliquísticos. Resultados: Los pacientes con hirsutismo exhibieron una elevación significativa en la FT en comparación con el grupo de control. Se confirmó que aproximadamente la mitad de estas mujeres tenían un ovario poliquístico y el 42,8% de ellas tenían sobrepeso y obesidad. Adicionalmente, las mujeres entre 18 y 20 años (G1) presentan el mayor nivel de FT. Conclusión: Los niveles séricos de FT aumentaron significativamente en mujeres hirsutas, y esto se correlacionó positivamente con el IMC y los niveles de glucosa en mujeres con SOP. Los niveles de glucosa pueden servir como un biomarcador potencialmente eficaz para evaluar la gravedad del hirsutismo en mujeres con sospecha de SOP.(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Testosterona , Ovario , Síndrome del Ovario Poliquístico , Glucosa , Hirsutismo , Obesidad , Irak , Ginecología
Rev. int. androl. (Internet) ; 21(3): 1-6, jul.-sep. 2023. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-222349


Introduction: Klinefelter syndrome is the most frequently found aneuploidy among male patients. Its clinical presentation is very heterogeneous, and thus poses a challenge for a timely diagnosis. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out with 51 consecutively selected patients diagnosed with Klinefelter Syndrome from Jan/2010 to Dec/2019. The karyotypes were identified using high resolution GTL banding at the Genetics Department. Multiple clinical and sociological parameters were studied by collecting data from the clinical records. Results: 44 (86%) of the 51 patients presented a classical karyotype (47,XXY) and 7 (14%) showed evidence of mosaicism. The mean age at diagnosis was 30.2±14.3 years old. Regarding the level of education (N=44), 26 patients (59.1%) had no secondary education, with 5 (11.4%) patients having concluded university studies. Almost two thirds of the sample revealed learning difficulties (25/38) and some degree of intellectual disability was present in 13.6% (6/44). Half of the patients were either non-qualified workers (19.6%) or workers in industry, construction, and trades (30.4%), which are jobs that characteristically require a low level of education. The proportion of unemployed patients was 6.5%. The main complaints were infertility (54.2%), followed by hypogonadism-related issues (18.7%) and gynecomastia (8.3%). 10 patients (23.8%, N=42) were biological parents. With regards the question of fertility, assisted reproductive techniques were used in 39.6% of the studied subjects (N=48), with a success rate (a take home baby) of 57.9% (11/19), 2 with donor sperm and 9 with the patients’ own gametes. Only 41% of the patients (17/41) were treated with testosterone. (AU)

Introducción: El síndrome de Klinefelter es la aneuploidía más frecuente entre los pacientes varones. Su presentación clínica es muy heterogénea, por lo que supone un reto para su diagnóstico oportuno. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo con 51 pacientes seleccionados consecutivamente con diagnóstico de Síndrome de Klinefelter desde enero de 2010 hasta diciembre de 2019. Los cariotipos se identificaron mediante bandeo GTL de alta resolución en el Departamento de Genética. Se estudiaron múltiples parámetros clínicos y sociológicos mediante la recogida de datos de las historias clínicas. Resultados: De los 51 pacientes, 44 (86%) presentaron un cariotipo clásico (47,XXY) y siete (14%) evidenciaron mosaicismo. La edad media al diagnóstico fue de 30,2 ± 14,3 años. En cuanto al nivel de estudios (n = 44), 26 pacientes (59,1%) no tenían estudios secundarios, y cinco (11,4%) habían concluido estudios universitarios. Casi dos tercios de la muestra revelaban dificultades de aprendizaje (25/38) y algún grado de discapacidad intelectual estaba presente en 13,6% (6/44). La mitad de los pacientes eran trabajadores no cualificados (19,6%) o trabajadores de la industria, la construcción y los oficios (30,4%), que son empleos que característicamente requieren un bajo nivel educativo. La proporción de pacientes en paro era de 6,5%. Las principales quejas eran la infertilidad (54,2%), seguida de problemas relacionados con el hipogonadismo (18,7%) y la ginecomastia (8,3%); 10 pacientes (23,8%, n = 42) eran padres biológicos. En cuanto a la cuestión de la fertilidad, se utilizaron técnicas de reproducción asistida en 39,6% de los sujetos estudiados (n = 48), con una tasa de éxito (un bebé para llevar a casa) de 57,9% (11/19), dos con semen de donante y nueve con gametos propios de los pacientes. Solo 41% de los pacientes (17/41) fueron tratadas con testosterona. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Síndrome de Klinefelter , Testosterona , Estudios Retrospectivos , Cariotipo , Hipogonadismo , Infertilidad
Rev. int. androl. (Internet) ; 21(3): 1-9, jul.-sep. 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-222352


Background: Hormonal changes alter the physiological level of ROS and cause oxidative stress in the cell. As estimated, hormonal deficiencies, environmental and ideological factors make up about 25% of male infertility. Pathogenic reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a chief cause of unexplained infertility. Limited studies exist on the effects of testosterone on human sperm culture. Therefore, in the current study, the effect of different doses of testosterone on sperm parameters and chromatin quality was investigated. Materials and methods: Semen samples from 15 normospermic and 15 asthenospermic patients were prepared by swim up method, and then were divided into four groups by exposing to different concentrations of testosterone (1, 10, and 100nM) for 45min. Samples without any intervention were considered as control group. All samples were washed twice. Sperm parameters and chromatin protamination were assessed in each group and the remains were frozen. After two weeks, all tests were repeated for sperm thawed. Also, the MSOM technique was used to determine the sperm morphology of class 1. Results: Although sperm parameters were not show any significant differences in normospermic and asthenospermic samples exposed to different concentrations of testosterone before and after freezing, chromatin protamination was significantly decreased in the normospermic samples exposed to 10nM of testosterone before freezing (p<0.006), as well as 1 and 10nM of testosterone after freezing compared to control samples (p=0.001 and p=0.0009, respectively). (AU)

Antecedentes: Los cambios hormonales alteran el nivel fisiológico de las especies reactivas de oxígeno (reactive oxygen species [ROS]) patógenas y provocan estrés oxidativo en la célula. Según estimaciones, las deficiencias hormonales, los factores ambientales y los ideológicos constituyen alrededor del 25% de la infertilidad masculina. Las ROS son una causa principal de infertilidad inexplicable. Existen estudios limitados sobre los efectos de la testosterona en el cultivo de esperma humano. Por lo tanto, en el estudio actual se ha investigado el efecto de diferentes dosis de testosterona sobre los parámetros del esperma y la calidad de la cromatina. Materiales y métodos: Se prepararon muestras de semen de 15 pacientes normospérmicos y 15 astenospérmicos mediante el método swim up, y luego se dividieron en cuatro grupos exponiéndolos a diferentes concentraciones de testosterona (1, 10 y 100nM) durante 45min. Las muestras sin ninguna intervención se consideraron como grupo control. Todas las muestras se lavaron dos veces. En cada grupo se evaluaron los parámetros espermáticos y la protaminación de la cromatina, y los restos se congelaron. Dos semanas después se repitieron todas las pruebas de esperma descongelado. Asimismo, se utilizó la técnica MSOM para determinar la morfología espermática de clase 1. Resultados: Aunque los parámetros espermáticos no mostraron diferencias significativas en las muestras normospérmicas y astenospérmicas expuestas a diferentes concentraciones de testosterona antes y después de la congelación, la protaminación de la cromatina disminuyó significativamente en las muestras normospérmicas expuestas a 10nM de testosterona antes de la congelación (p<0,006), así como a 1 y 10nM de testosterona después de la congelación, en comparación con las muestras de control (p=0,001 y p=0,0009, respectivamente). (AU)

Humanos , Testosterona , Cromatina , Astenozoospermia , Especies Reactivas de Oxígeno , Irán
Rev. int. androl. (Internet) ; 21(2): 1-7, abr.-jun. 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-218832


Introduction: Minocycline is a tetracycline with promising protective effects on different organs which are completely distinct from its antibacterial effects. Methods: To evaluate the effects of chronic administration of this agent on histological structure and sperm parameters of testes, forty adult male rats were randomly allocated into 2 equal groups I: control animals and II: treated animal that received 25mg/kg/day minocycline, orally. After 90 days of treatment, serum level of testosterone was assessed as well as sperm count, motility and morphology. Moreover, histological and histomorphometric evaluation of testes was performed including determination of height of the seminiferous germinal epithelium and perpendicular diameter of seminiferous tubules. Numbers of spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, spermatids, Sertoli and Leydig cells were counted. Johnsen's scoring method was also performed. Results: Sperm parameters significantly improved in minocycline-treated animals. Moreover, number of germ cells in different stages of development significantly increased in treatment group as compared to control. This finding was associated with better Johnsen's score and thicker epithelium in seminiferous tubules. However, serum testosterone levels, Leydig and Sertoli cell count as well as tubular diameter did not show significant changes (p>0.05). Discussion: Chronic administration of minocycline is associated with improved spermatogenesis and sperm characteristics without affecting steroidogenesis in rats. (AU)

Introducción: La minociclina es una tetraciclina con efectos protectores prometedores en diferentes órganos que son completamente distintos de sus efectos antibacterianos. Métodos: Para evaluar los efectos de la administración crónica de este agente sobre la estructura histológica y los parámetros espermáticos de los testículos, se asignaron al azar 40 ratas macho adultas en 2 grupos iguales: I, animales control; y II, animal tratado que recibió 25mg/kg/día de minociclina, por vía oral. Después de 90 días de tratamiento, se evaluó el nivel sérico de testosterona, así como el recuento, la motilidad y la morfología de los espermatozoides. Además, se realizó una evaluación histológica e histomorfométrica de los testículos, incluida la determinación de la altura del epitelio germinal seminífero y el diámetro perpendicular de los túbulos seminíferos. Se contó el número de espermatogonias, espermatocitos primarios, espermátidas, células de Sertoli y Leydig. También se realizó el método de puntuación de Johnsen. Resultados: Los parámetros de los espermatozoides mejoraron significativamente en los animales tratados con minociclina. Además, el número de células germinales en diferentes etapas de desarrollo aumentó significativamente en el grupo de tratamiento en comparación con el control. Este hallazgo se asoció con una mejor puntuación de Johnsen y un epitelio más grueso en los túbulos seminíferos. Sin embargo, los niveles séricos de testosterona, el recuento de células de Leydig y Sertoli y el diámetro tubular no mostraron cambios significativos (p>0,05). Discusión: La administración crónica de minociclina se asocia con una mejor espermatogénesis y características de los espermatozoides sin afectar la esteroidogénesis en ratas. (AU)

Animales , Ratas , Semen , Minociclina/farmacología , Espermatogénesis , Testículo , Testosterona
Rev Int Androl ; 21(3): 100352, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37244225


BACKGROUND: Hormonal changes alter the physiological level of ROS and cause oxidative stress in the cell. As estimated, hormonal deficiencies, environmental and ideological factors make up about 25% of male infertility. Pathogenic reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a chief cause of unexplained infertility. Limited studies exist on the effects of testosterone on human sperm culture. Therefore, in the current study, the effect of different doses of testosterone on sperm parameters and chromatin quality was investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Semen samples from 15 normospermic and 15 asthenospermic patients were prepared by swim up method, and then were divided into four groups by exposing to different concentrations of testosterone (1, 10, and 100nM) for 45min. Samples without any intervention were considered as control group. All samples were washed twice. Sperm parameters and chromatin protamination were assessed in each group and the remains were frozen. After two weeks, all tests were repeated for sperm thawed. Also, the MSOM technique was used to determine the sperm morphology of class 1. RESULTS: Although sperm parameters were not show any significant differences in normospermic and asthenospermic samples exposed to different concentrations of testosterone before and after freezing, chromatin protamination was significantly decreased in the normospermic samples exposed to 10nM of testosterone before freezing (p<0.006), as well as 1 and 10nM of testosterone after freezing compared to control samples (p=0.001 and p=0.0009, respectively). Similarly, chromatin protamination in the asthenospermic samples was significantly decreased at concentration of 1nM of testosterone before and after freezing (p=0.0014 and p=0.0004, respectively), and at concentration of 10nM of testosterone before and after freezing (p=0.0009, p=0.0007) compared to control samples. CONCLUSION: Using a low dose of testosterone in the sperm culture medium, has positive effects on chromatin quality.

Astenozoospermia , Semen , Humanos , Masculino , Cromatina , Testosterona/farmacología , Especies Reactivas de Oxígeno , Criopreservación/métodos , Espermatozoides/fisiología , Astenozoospermia/tratamiento farmacológico
Rev Int Androl ; 21(3): 100349, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37054629


INTRODUCTION: Klinefelter syndrome is the most frequently found aneuploidy among male patients. Its clinical presentation is very heterogeneous, and thus poses a challenge for a timely diagnosis. METHODS: A retrospective study was carried out with 51 consecutively selected patients diagnosed with Klinefelter Syndrome from Jan/2010 to Dec/2019. The karyotypes were identified using high resolution GTL banding at the Genetics Department. Multiple clinical and sociological parameters were studied by collecting data from the clinical records. RESULTS: 44 (86%) of the 51 patients presented a classical karyotype (47,XXY) and 7 (14%) showed evidence of mosaicism. The mean age at diagnosis was 30.2±14.3 years old. Regarding the level of education (N=44), 26 patients (59.1%) had no secondary education, with 5 (11.4%) patients having concluded university studies. Almost two thirds of the sample revealed learning difficulties (25/38) and some degree of intellectual disability was present in 13.6% (6/44). Half of the patients were either non-qualified workers (19.6%) or workers in industry, construction, and trades (30.4%), which are jobs that characteristically require a low level of education. The proportion of unemployed patients was 6.5%. The main complaints were infertility (54.2%), followed by hypogonadism-related issues (18.7%) and gynecomastia (8.3%). 10 patients (23.8%, N=42) were biological parents. With regards the question of fertility, assisted reproductive techniques were used in 39.6% of the studied subjects (N=48), with a success rate (a take home baby) of 57.9% (11/19), 2 with donor sperm and 9 with the patients' own gametes. Only 41% of the patients (17/41) were treated with testosterone. CONCLUSION: This study identifies the most important clinical and sociological findings of Klinefelter syndrome patients that should be considered when deciding workout and disease management.

Hipogonadismo , Infertilidad Masculina , Síndrome de Klinefelter , Lactante , Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Síndrome de Klinefelter/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Klinefelter/epidemiología , Estudios Retrospectivos , Semen