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Exp Brain Res ; 2024 Sep 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39261352


Individuals with subclinical neck pain (SCNP) exhibit altered cerebellar processing, likely due to disordered sensorimotor integration of inaccurate proprioceptive input. This association between proprioceptive feedback and SMI has been captured in cervico-ocular reflex (COR) differences where SCNP showed higher gain than healthy participants. Previous neurophysiological research demonstrated improved cerebellar processing in SCNP participants following a single treatment session, but it is unknown whether these neurophysiological changes transfer to cerebellar function. In a parallel group, randomized control trial conducted at Ontario Tech University, 27 right-hand dominant SCNP participants were allocated to the 8-week chiropractic care (n = 15; 7M & 8 F) or 8-week control (n = 12; 6M & 6 F) group. COR gain (ratio of eye movement to trunk movement) was assessed using an eye-tracking device at baseline and at post 8-weeks (treatment vs. no treatment). COR gain (10 trials): participants gazed at a circular target that disappeared after 3 s, while a motorized chair rotated their trunk at a frequency of 0.04 Hz, with an amplitude of 5º, for 2 minutes. A 2 × 2 repeated measures ANOVA was performed. COR gain was significantly reduced following 8-weeks of chiropractic care compared to the SCNP control (8-weeks of no treatment) group (p = 0.012, ηp2 = 0.237). The decrease in COR gain following treatment is likely due to normalized proprioceptive feedback from the neck, enabling improved processing and integration within the flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum.

Chiropr Man Therap ; 32(1): 28, 2024 Sep 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39261958


BACKGROUND: Spinal manipulation (SM) has been claimed to change anatomy, either in structure or position, and that these changes may be the cause of clinical improvements. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate and synthesise the peer-reviewed literature on the current evidence of anatomical changes in response to SM. METHODS: The review was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42022304971) and reporting was guided by the standards of the PRISMA Statement. We searched Medline, Embase, CINAHL, AMED, Cochrane Library all databases, PEDro, and the Index to Chiropractic Literature from inception to 11 March 2022 and updated on 06 June 2023. Search terms included manipulation, adjustment, chiropractic, osteopathy, spine and spine-related structures. We included primary research studies that compared outcomes with and without SM regardless of study design. Manipulation was defined as high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust delivered by hand to the spine or directly related joints. Included studies objectively measured a potential change in an anatomical structure or in position. We developed a novel list of methodological quality items in addition to a short, customized list of risk of bias (RoB) items. We used quality and RoB items together to determine whether an article was credible or not credible. We sought differences in outcomes between SM and control groups for randomised controlled trials and crossover studies, and between pre- and post-SM outcomes for other study designs. We reported, in narrative form, whether there was a change or not. RESULTS: The search retrieved 19,572 articles and 20 of those were included for review. Study topics included vertebral position (n = 3) facet joint space (n = 5), spinal stiffness (n = 3), resting muscle thickness (n = 6), intervertebral disc pressure (n = 1), myofascial hysteresis (n = 1), and further damage to already damaged arteries (n = 1). Eight articles were considered credible. The credible articles indicated that lumbar facet joint space increased and spinal stiffness decreased but that the resting muscle thickness did not change. CONCLUSION: We found few studies on this topic. However, there are two promising areas for future study: facet joint space and spinal stiffness. A research strategy should be developed with funding for high quality research centres.

Manipulación Espinal , Humanos , Manipulación Espinal/métodos , Columna Vertebral/anatomía & histología , Columna Vertebral/fisiología
Healthcare (Basel) ; 12(13)2024 Jul 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38998882


Spinal manipulations for chronic non-specific neck pain (CNNP) include cervical, cervicothoracic junction, and thoracic spine (CCT) manipulations as well as upper cervical spine (UCS) manipulations. This study aimed to compare the short-term effects of UCS manipulation versus a combination of CCT spine manipulations on pain intensity, disability, and cervical range of motion (CROM) in CNNP patients. In a private physiotherapy clinic, 186 participants with CNNP were randomly assigned to either the UCS (n = 93) or CCT (n = 93) manipulation groups. Neck pain, disability, and CROM were measured before and one week after the intervention. No significant differences were found between the groups regarding pain intensity and CROM. However, there was a statistically significant difference in neck disability, with the CCT group showing a slightly greater decrease (CCT: 16.9 ± 3.8 vs. UCS: 19.5 ± 6.8; p = 0.01). The findings suggest that a combination of manipulations in the CCT spine results in a slightly more pronounced decrease in self-perceived disability compared to UCS manipulation in patients with CNNP after one week. However, no statistically significant differences were observed between the groups in terms of pain intensity or CROM.

Front Integr Neurosci ; 18: 1356564, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39040595


Introduction: Accurately measuring the forces applied during spinal manipulation and its biomechanical effects on the spine are critically important in current research. This single case report discusses the potential benefit of accurately monitoring manipulative forces in treating low back pain with sciatica. The type of force-based spinal manipulation used to manage this case was Cox Technic flexion distraction decompression (CTFDD) spinal manipulation care, along with other ancillary modalities. Methods: The treatment plan, in this case, was primarily force-based CTFDD, equal-force bi-directional traction (EqFT), pre-modulated electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), infrared light therapy (ILT), and a home stretching and strengthening program. Clinical findings: Initially, the case study patient presented with complaints of left lumbar spine pain, which radiated into the left buttock, down the left leg, accompanied by an inability to dorsiflex the left foot. The patient was concerned with this condition as the left leg pain and left lower extremity motor deficit were having a profound effect on the patient's ability to perform activities of daily living and work. The patient was recommended to undergo spinal decompression surgery, which the patient did not want, and elected to exhaust all alternative, non-surgical treatments first. Diagnosis intervention and outcomes: A diagnosis of sciatica with a sequestered disk fragment and left lower extremity motor deficit was rendered through objective physical examination results and a review of a lumbar MRI study. Past interventions included prescription medications, physical rehabilitation, chiropractic, pain management, and neurosurgical consultation. All past interventions prior to initiating CTFDD care provided minimal subjective and/or objective clinical improvement. This patient had a positive clinical outcome from a force-based CTFDD treatment plan along with other modalities consisting of pre-modulated EMS, ILT, and a home stretching and strengthening program. Conclusion: Force-based CTFDD spinal manipulation, along with other modalities consisting of pre-modulated EMS, ILT, and a home stretching and strengthening program, has been found to be an alternative, non-surgical treatment for discogenic sciatica. Continued research is needed on force-based CTFDD spinal manipulation to further evaluate the neurological and biomechanical effects of the forces and motion applied to the spine and determine health benefits for the treatment of low back pain.

J Can Chiropr Assoc ; 68(1): 35-39, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38840962


Background: Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT) benefits LBP patients, but its mechanism is not well documented. One hypothesis indicates that SMT restores interspinal movements. Ultrasound measurement (UM) of spinous process separation (SPS) assesses the intersegmental movements. Methods: We used the test-retest reliability of UM between the L3, L4, L5, and S1 spinous processes on fifteen asymptomatic volunteers while lying prone on a chiropractic table. The participants then walked around for over 5 minutes, and ultrasound images were reperformed prone. UM identified the tips of the spinous processes and distances between L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1. Reliability was assessed using intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: ICC values of SPS measurements were 0.982 for L3-L4, 0.992 for L4-L5, and 0.997 for L5-S1. Rootmean square difference between the two measures were 0.35mm for L5-S1, 0.36mm for L4-L5, and 0.57mm for L3-L4. Conclusions: This study found UM to be reliable in measuring interspinous distance.

Étude de la fiabilité intra-observateur des mesures segmentaires lombaires par échographie. Contexte: La thérapie par manipulation vertébrale (TMV) est bénéfique pour les patients souffrant de lombalgie, mais son mécanisme n'est pas bien établi. L'une des hypothèses est que la TMV rétablit les mouvements intervertébraux. La mesure par échographie (UM) de la séparation de l'apophyse épineuse évalue les mouvements intersegmentaires. Méthodologie: Nous avons utilisé la fiabilité de testretest de l'UM entre les apophyses épineuses L3, L4, L5 et S1 sur quinze bénévoles asymptomatiques en position couchée sur une table de chiropratique. Les participants ont ensuite marché pendant plus de 5 minutes et les images échographiques ont été refaites en position couchée. L'UM a permis de repérer les extrémités des apophyses épineuses et de déterminer les distances entre L3-L4, L4-L5 et L5-S1. La fiabilité a été évaluée à l'aide du coefficient de corrélation intraclasse (CCI). Résultats: Les valeurs CCI des mesures de la séparation de l'apophyse épineuse étaient de 0,982 pour L3-L4, 0,992 pour L4-L5 et 0,997 pour L5-S1. La différence quadratique moyenne entre les deux mesures était de 0,35 mm pour L5-S1, 0,36 mm pour L4-L5 et 0,57 mm pour L3-L4. Conclusions: Cette étude a montré que l'UM était fiable pour mesurer la distance interépineuse.

J Can Chiropr Assoc ; 68(1): 40-48, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38840963


Spinal manipulation learning requires intensive practice, which can cause injuries in students. Motor imagery (MI) paired with physical practice (PP) appears to be a suitable means to reduce the number of physical repetitions without decreasing skill outcomes. This study examines whether a session of MI paired with PP leads to a similar improvement in the ability to precisely produce peak forces during a thoracic manipulation as PP alone. Chiropractic students participated in a thoracic manipulation training program for five weeks. They were randomised in two groups: the MI+PP group performed sessions combining physical and mental repetitions with 1/3 fewer PP sessions, while the PP group performed only PP. Thoracic manipulation performance was assessed in pre and post-tests, consisting of thoracic manipulations at three different strength targets. Absolute error (AE), corresponding to the difference between the force required and the force applied by the student, was recorded for each trial. The main result revealed that AE was significantly lower in post-test than in pre-test for both groups. Despite fewer physical repetitions, the MI+PP participants showed as much improvement as the PP participants. This result supports the use of MI combined with PP to optimise the benefits of physical repetitions on thoracic manipulation learning.

La combinaison de la pratique de l'imagerie motrice avec la pratique physique optimise l'amélioration du contrôle de la force maximale pendant la manipulation vertébrale thoracique.L'apprentissage de la manipulation vertébrale nécessite une pratique intensive qui peut entraîner des blessures chez les étudiants. L'imagerie motrice (IM) associée à la pratique physique (PP) semble être un moyen approprié pour réduire le nombre de répétitions physiques sans diminuer les acquis de compétences. Cette étude examine de quelle manière une séance d'IM combinée à la pratique physique entraîne une amélioration similaire pour doser avec précision leur force lors d'une manipulation thoracique par rapport à la pratique physique seule. Des étudiants en chiropratique ont participé à un programme de formation à la manipulation thoracique pendant cinq semaines. Ils ont été répartis au hasard en deux groupes: le groupe IM + PP a effectué des séances combinant des répétitions physiques et mentales avec 1/3 de séances PP en moins, tandis que le groupe PP n'a effectué que des séances PP. Les résultats des manipulations thoraciques ont été évalués lors de prétests et de post-tests, consistant en des manipulations thoraciques à trois niveaux de force différents. L'erreur absolue (EA), correspondant à la différence entre la force requise et la force appliquée par l'étudiant, a été enregistrée pour chaque essai. Le résultat principal a révélé que l'EA était significativement plus faible dans le post-test que dans le pré-test pour les deux groupes. Malgré un nombre inférieur de répétitions physiques, les participants IM+PP ont montré autant d'amélioration que les participants PP. Ce résultat soutient l'utilisation de l'IM combinée à la PP pour optimiser les avantages des répétitions physiques sur l'apprentissage de la manipulation thoracique.

Chiropr Man Therap ; 32(1): 14, 2024 May 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38720355


BACKGROUND: A significant proportion of children and adolescents experience back pain. However, a comprehensive systematic review on the effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions is lacking. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate benefits and harms of rehabilitation interventions for non-specific low back pain (LBP) or thoracic spine pain in the pediatric population. METHODS: Seven bibliographic electronic databases were searched from inception to June 16, 2023. Moreover, reference lists of relevant studies and systematic reviews, three targeted websites, and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform were searched. Paired reviewers independently conducted screening, assessed risk of bias, and extracted data related to study characteristics, methodology, subjects, and results. Certainty of evidence was evaluated based on the GRADE approach. RESULTS: We screened 8461 citations and 307 full-text articles. Ten quantitative studies (i.e., 8 RCTs, 2 non-randomized clinical trials) and one qualitative study were included. With very low to moderate certainty evidence, in adolescents with LBP, spinal manipulation (1-2 sessions/week over 12 weeks, 1 RCT) plus exercise may be associated with a greater likelihood of experiencing clinically important pain reduction versus exercise alone; and group-based exercise over 8 weeks (2 RCTs and 1 non-randomized trial) may reduce pain intensity. The qualitative study found information provided via education/advice and compliance of treatment were related to effective treatment. No economic studies or studies examining thoracic spine pain were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Spinal manipulation and group-based exercise may be beneficial in reducing LBP intensity in adolescents. Education should be provided as part of a care program. The overall evidence is sparse. Methodologically rigorous studies are needed. TRIAL REGISTRATION: CRD42019135009 (PROSPERO).

Dolor de la Región Lumbar , Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , Dolor de la Región Lumbar/terapia , Dolor de la Región Lumbar/rehabilitación , Terapia por Ejercicio/métodos , Manipulación Espinal/métodos , Dolor de Espalda/rehabilitación , Dolor de Espalda/terapia
Pilot Feasibility Stud ; 10(1): 70, 2024 May 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38698433


INTRODUCTION: Blinding is a methodologically important aspect in randomised controlled trials yet frequently overlooked in trials of spinal manual therapy interventions for back pain. To help inform the blinding methods of a future, double-placebo-controlled trial comparing spinal manual therapy and nerve root injection for lumbosacral radicular pain, we set four objectives: (1) to assess the feasibility of blinding participants, randomly allocated to an active or placebo-control spinal manual therapy intervention protocol, (2) to assess the feasibility of blinding outcome assessors within the trial, (3) to explore the influence of spinal manual therapy experience and low back pain on blinding, and (4) to explore factors contributing to perceptions about intervention assignment among participants and outcome assessors. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Two-parallel-group, single-centre, placebo-controlled, methodological blinding feasibility randomised trial. We will recruit between 60 and 100 adults with or without back pain and with or without experience of spinal manual therapy from Zurich, Switzerland. Participants will be randomised to either an active spinal manual therapy or a placebo-control spinal manual therapy protocol-both interventions delivered over two study visits, up to two weeks apart. The primary outcome is participant blinding using the Bang blinding index within each intervention arm immediately after each of the two study visits. Secondary outcomes are participant blinding using the James blinding index, outcome assessor blinding (Bang and James blinding indices), self-reported factors influencing perceived intervention assignment among participants and outcome assessors, and participant-reported credibility and expectancy of study interventions. Other outcomes-included to blind the study objective from participants-are lumbar spine range of motion, self-rated general health, satisfaction with care, pain intensity, and function. Intervention provider outcomes include intervention component fidelity and quality of intervention delivery. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The independent ethics commission of Canton Zurich granted ethical approval for this study (KEK 2023-00381). Written informed consent will be obtained from all participants. Findings will be disseminated in scientific conferences and a peer-reviewed publication and inform the blinding methods of a future double-placebo controlled trial comparing spinal manual therapy and nerve root injection for lumbosacral radicular pain-the SALuBRITY trial. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT05778396.

Cureus ; 16(2): e53382, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38435142


Notalgia paresthetica (NP) is a chronic cutaneous neuropathy characterized by localized pruritus and pain, numbness, and/or paresthesia, often linked to degenerative cervicothoracic changes. Treatment options for NP are limited. This case report details a 54-year-old woman with a six-year history of right-sided periscapular pruritus and cervicothoracic discomfort who presented to a chiropractor upon referral with a prior diagnosis of NP. Prior topical treatments yielded minimal relief. Radiographs revealed degenerative spinal changes at C5/6 and C6/7 which correlated with her periscapular symptom distribution. The patient responded positively to chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), focusing on the cervicothoracic region, coupled with myofascial release. Symptoms significantly improved after a single SMT session and resolved after a second session, with no pruritus returning over one-month follow-up. While this case highlights the potential benefits of SMT for NP, further research is needed to explore the effectiveness of this treatment.

Chiropr Man Therap ; 32(1): 11, 2024 03 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38532401


Spinal manual therapy is central to chiropractic history, clinical practice, and professional identity. That chiropractors have developed an expertise in this domain has provided some considerable advantages. However, we contend it is also at the crux of the ideological schism that fractures the chiropractic profession. In this article, which is the first in a series of two, we discuss chiropractors' understanding and use of spinal manual therapy and do so with particular emphasis on what we see as weaknesses it creates and threats it gives rise to. These are of particular importance, as we believe they have limited the chiropractic profession's development. As we shall argue, we believe that these threats have become existential in nature, and we are convinced that they call for a resolute and unified response by the profession. Subsequently, in part II, we discuss various strengths that the chiropractic profession possesses and the opportunities that await, provided that the profession is ready to rise to the challenge.

Quiropráctica , Manipulación Quiropráctica , Manipulaciones Musculoesqueléticas , Humanos , Personal de Salud
Musculoskelet Sci Pract ; 71: 102927, 2024 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38492291


BACKGROUND: Cervical and thoracic thrust or non-thrust manipulations have shown to be effective in patients with neck pain, but there is a lack of studies comparing both interventions in patients with neck pain. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of cervical thrust or non-thrust manipulations compared to thoracic or cervicothoracic manipulations for improving pain, disability, and range of motion in patients with neck pain. DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analysis. METHOD: Searches were performed in PubMed, PEDro, Cochrane Library, CINHAL, and Web of Science databases from inception to May 22, 2023. Randomized clinical trials comparing cervical thrust or non-thrust manipulations to thoracic or cervicothoracic manipulations were included. Methodological quality was assessed with PEDro scale, and the certainty of evidence was evaluated using GRADE guidelines. RESULTS: Six studies were included. Meta-analyses revealed no differences between cervical thrust or non-thrust manipulations and thoracic or cervicothoracic manipulations in pain intensity, disability, or cervical range of motion in any plane. The certainty of evidence was downgraded to very low for pain intensity, to moderate or very low for disability and to low or very low for cervical range of motion. CONCLUSION: There is moderate to very low certainty evidence that there is no difference in effectiveness between cervical thrust or non-thrust manipulations and thoracic or cervicothoracic manipulations for improving pain, disability, and range of motion in patients with neck pain. PROSPERO REGISTRATION: CRD42023429933.

Dolor de Cuello , Rango del Movimiento Articular , Humanos , Dolor de Cuello/terapia , Dolor de Cuello/fisiopatología , Rango del Movimiento Articular/fisiología , Femenino , Vértebras Cervicales/fisiopatología , Masculino , Adulto , Vértebras Torácicas , Manipulación Espinal/métodos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Dimensión del Dolor
J Bodyw Mov Ther ; 37: 220-225, 2024 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38432809


INTRODUCTION: Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is prevalent in physically active people. The multifactorial nature of PFPS necessitates multimodal treatment for this condition. The present study aimed to compare the efficacy of lumbopelvic manipulation alone versus manipulation plus dry needling in physically active patients with PFPS. METHOD: Thirty patients (18 women and 12 men) with a diagnosis of PFPS entered this randomized controlled clinical trial and were divided into two groups: lumbopelvic manipulation alone or lumbopelvic manipulation plus dry needling. The interventions were applied for 3 sessions every other day. Dry needling was performed on the quadratus lumborum and gluteus medius muscles. Pain intensity, Kujala score and side-plank time were recorded at baseline, post-intervention and 1 month after the intervention. RESULTS: The results of Friedman's test showed statistically significant differences in pain and function in participants during the study period, and post hoc tests revealed differences between the two groups in behavior of the marginal means (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The use of lumbopelvic manipulation plus dry needling in the quadratus lumborum and gluteus medius muscles may be more effective than manipulation alone in alleviating pain and promoting function in physically active patients with PFPS.

Pared Abdominal , Síndrome de Dolor Patelofemoral , Masculino , Humanos , Femenino , Síndrome de Dolor Patelofemoral/terapia , Inducción Percutánea del Colágeno , Músculos Abdominales , Dolor
Chiropr Man Therap ; 32(1): 12, 2024 03 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38539227


In a previous paper, we presented some important weaknesses of and threats to the chiropractic profession as we see them. We further argued that the chiropractic profession's relationship with its principal clinical tool (spinal manual therapy) is at the core of the ideological divide that fractures the profession and prevents professional development towards greater integration in the healthcare landscape. In this manuscript, we shall argue that the historical predilection for spinal manipulation also gifts the profession with some obvious strengths and opportunities, and that these are inextricably linked to the management of musculoskeletal disorders. The onus is now on the chiropractic profession itself to redefine its raison d'être in a way that plays to those strengths and delivers in terms of the needs of patients and the wider healthcare system/market. We suggest chiropractors embrace and cultivate a role as coordinators of long-term and broad-focused management of musculoskeletal disorders. We make specific recommendations about how the profession, from individual clinicians to political organizations, can promote such a development.

Quiropráctica , Manipulación Quiropráctica , Manipulación Espinal , Enfermedades Musculoesqueléticas , Humanos , Personal de Salud , Enfermedades Musculoesqueléticas/terapia
Brain Sci ; 14(3)2024 Mar 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38539679


Quantifying saccadic eye movements can assist in identifying dysfunctional brain networks in both healthy and diseased people. Infrared Oculography is a simple and non-invasive approach to capturing and quantifying saccades, providing information that might aid in diagnosis and outcome assessments. The effect of spinal manipulation on quantified saccadic performance parameters has not been fully studied despite known post-manipulative effects on the brain and brainstem regions controlling them. This case study investigates spinal manipulation's immediate and long-term effects on saccadic eye movements by quantifying the saccades of a male patient diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome. The patient performed horizontal saccades that were quantified before and immediately following cervical spinal manipulation both at the case study's start and following a 2-week interim, during which the subject received six manipulative treatments. Immediate and long-term post-manipulative effects were observed, and the results revealed various post-manipulative effects across all quantified parameters in addition to between right and leftward saccades. The immediate post-manipulative effect was greatest at the case study's onset, while the long-term right and leftward saccadic symmetry were most affected. The observations in this case study demonstrate that cervical spinal manipulation influences saccadic eye movements, providing new insights into its central neurological effects and therapeutic applications beyond its most commonly known use in pain management. More importantly, it encourages scientists to undertake further clinical investigations on wider scales.

Cureus ; 16(1): e51502, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38304660


This report describes a 42-year-old female patient who presented with an intensive nocturnal dry cough persisting for over six months. Subsequent to the prolonged cough, she developed shoulder and neck discomfort, leading her to seek chiropractic care. The patient received cervical chiropractic adjustments combined with the Koren Specific Technique (KST) emotions protocol. The patient was mainly treated for her musculoskeletal complaint. However, after two treatment sessions, the patient's chronic cough showed significant improvement. Two weeks later, the cough had completely ceased, and her shoulder and neck discomfort had also improved. The cough symptoms did not reappear during the six-month follow-up. The mechanism of cough improvement remains unclear, whether it is due to spinal adjustments, the KST emotions protocol, their combined effects, or merely a placebo response. This report discusses the potential underlying mechanisms of the case improvement, suggesting a non-pharmacological adjunctive therapeutic approach that could be investigated further in future research.

J Pain ; 25(8): 104500, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38369221


Chronic primary low back pain (CPLBP) refers to low back pain that persists over 3 months, that cannot be explained by another chronic condition, and that is associated with emotional distress and disability. Previous studies have shown that spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) is effective in relieving CPLBP, but the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. This randomized placebo-controlled dual-blind mixed experimental trial (NCT05162924) aimed to investigate the efficacy of SMT to improve CPLBP and its underlying mechanisms. Ninety-eight individuals with CPLBP and 49 controls were recruited. Individuals with CPLBP received SMT (n = 49) or a control intervention (n = 49), 12 times over 4 weeks. The primary outcomes were CPLBP intensity (0-100 on a numerical rating scale) and disability (Oswestry Disability Index). Secondary outcomes included pressure pain thresholds in 4 body regions, pain catastrophizing, Central Sensitization Inventory, depressive symptoms, and anxiety scores. Individuals with CPLBP showed widespread mechanical hyperalgesia (P < .001) and higher scores for all questionnaires (P < .001). SMT reduced pain intensity compared with the control intervention (mean difference: -11.7 [95% confidence interval, -11.0 to -12.5], P = .01), but not disability (P = .5). Similar mild to moderate adverse events were reported in both groups. Mechanical hyperalgesia at the manipulated segment was reduced after SMT compared with the control intervention (P < .05). Pain catastrophizing was reduced after SMT compared with the control intervention (P < .05), but this effect was not significant after accounting for changes in clinical pain. Although the reduction of segmental mechanical hyperalgesia likely contributes to the clinical benefits of SMT, the role of pain catastrophizing remains to be clarified. PERSPECTIVE: This randomized controlled trial found that 12 sessions of SMT yield greater relief of CPLBP than a control intervention. These clinical effects were independent of expectations, and accompanied by an attenuation of hyperalgesia in the targeted segment and a modulation of pain catastrophizing.

Catastrofización , Dolor Crónico , Hiperalgesia , Dolor de la Región Lumbar , Manipulación Espinal , Humanos , Dolor de la Región Lumbar/terapia , Masculino , Femenino , Manipulación Espinal/métodos , Hiperalgesia/terapia , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Dolor Crónico/terapia , Catastrofización/terapia , Método Doble Ciego , Dimensión del Dolor , Resultado del Tratamiento
Handb Clin Neurol ; 199: 171-177, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38307645


Physical modalities, including acupuncture, massage therapy, physical therapy, and spinal manipulation, are commonly sought for migraine headache management. Acupuncture has been helpful in management of migraine, particularly as an adjunct to standard therapy. Some studies support acupuncture in combination with electroacupuncture and a traditional Chinese medicine form of massage called tuina as beneficial. An estimated 15% of patients with migraine seek spinal manipulation with osteopathic physicians or chiropractors, though evidence of benefit is lacking and potential for adverse effects is low but present. Studies of massage therapy in migraine have been heterogeneous and of low quality, often combined with other manual therapies to show effect. While manual therapies appear to reduce pain and improve quality of life, further study is needed to determine which specific types of manual therapy are most effective. While exercise is good for all patients, specific migraine management with physical therapy and regular exercise is not supported by evidence. Nevertheless, these modalities should be considered in certain situations when performed by trained and licensed professionals.

Manipulación Espinal , Trastornos Migrañosos , Humanos , Calidad de Vida , Trastornos Migrañosos/terapia , Cefalea , Ejercicio Físico
BMC Musculoskelet Disord ; 25(1): 46, 2024 Jan 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38200469


BACKGROUND: Patients who undergo lumbar discectomy may experience ongoing lumbosacral radiculopathy (LSR) and seek spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) to manage these symptoms. We hypothesized that adults receiving SMT for LSR at least one year following lumbar discectomy would be less likely to undergo lumbar spine reoperation compared to matched controls not receiving SMT, over two years' follow-up. METHODS: We searched a United States network of health records (TriNetX, Inc.) for adults aged ≥ 18 years with LSR and lumbar discectomy ≥ 1 year previous, without lumbar fusion or instrumentation, from 2003 to 2023. We divided patients into two cohorts: (1) chiropractic SMT, and (2) usual care without chiropractic SMT. We used propensity matching to adjust for confounding variables associated with lumbar spine reoperation (e.g., age, body mass index, nicotine dependence), calculated risk ratios (RR), with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and explored cumulative incidence of reoperation and the number of SMT follow-up visits. RESULTS: Following propensity matching there were 378 patients per cohort (mean age 61 years). Lumbar spine reoperation was less frequent in the SMT cohort compared to the usual care cohort (SMT: 7%; usual care: 13%), yielding an RR (95% CIs) of 0.55 (0.35-0.85; P = 0.0062). In the SMT cohort, 72% of patients had ≥ 1 follow-up SMT visit (median = 6). CONCLUSIONS: This study found that adults experiencing LSR at least one year after lumbar discectomy who received SMT were less likely to undergo lumbar spine reoperation compared to matched controls not receiving SMT. While these findings hold promise for clinical implications, they should be corroborated by a prospective study including measures of pain, disability, and safety to confirm their relevance. We cannot exclude the possibility that our results stem from a generalized effect of engaging with a non-surgical clinician, a factor that may extend to related contexts such as physical therapy or acupuncture. REGISTRATION: Open Science Framework ( ).

Manipulación Espinal , Adulto , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Reoperación , Estudios Prospectivos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Discectomía/efectos adversos
Equine Vet J ; 2024 Jan 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38176911


BACKGROUND: Equine veterinarians performing chiropractic treatments are frequently asked to evaluate and treat sound horses to improve their performance and address pain associated with the axial skeleton. Studies describing the effects and mechanisms of chiropractic treatments in horses without overt lameness are scarce. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of chiropractic treatments on stride rate, length, symmetry, heart rate and rider-perceived quality of the ridden work in sport horses. STUDY DESIGN: A blind randomised controlled trial with crossover design. METHODS: Thirty-eight horses ridden in the hunter-jumper discipline were enrolled. Exercise tests were recorded before and after chiropractic or sham treatment while horses were wearing a fitness tracker. Stride length, rate and symmetry, heart rate and the perceived quality of the ridden work were compared. RESULTS: There was a difference in the qualitative assessment of the ridden work by riders between treatments (odds ratio 33.8, 95% CI [4.68, 458.71], p < 0.01). Stride length, rate, symmetry and heart rate were not different between treatments. MAIN LIMITATIONS: The quantitative outcomes measured may not be sensitive enough to detect changes that improve the ridden work. Terrain, weather and rider were not standard across horses making small changes difficult to detect. CONCLUSIONS: Riders participating in a blind randomised controlled trial perceived a positive effect of chiropractic treatments on the quality of the ridden work. There were no differences in stride length, stride rate, stride symmetry or heart rate. The mechanisms, indications and potential benefits of chiropractic treatments in horses need further study.

HISTORIAL: A los veterinarios de equinos que realizan tratamientos quiroprácticos, se les pide frecuentemente evaluar y tratar caballos que están sanos para mejorar su desempeño y tratar el dolor asociado con el esqueleto axial. Estudios que describen los efectos y mecanismos de los tratamientos quiropráctico en caballos sin cojeras aparentes, son pocos. OBJETIVOS: Este estudio tiene por objetivo evaluar el efecto de los tratamientos quiroprácticos sobre frecuencia, largo y simetría de la zancada, la frecuencia cardiaca y la calidad del trabajo montado percibida por el jinete en caballos de deporte. DISEÑO DEL ESTUDIO: Prueba aleatoria cegada controlada con diseño cruzado. MÉTODOS: Se enrolaron 38 caballos montados en la disciplina de caza-salto. Pruebas de ejercicio fueron anotadas antes y después de tratamientos quiropráctico reales o simulados mientras los caballos llevaban un monitor físico. Se compararon el largo, frecuencia y simetría de la zancada, frecuencia cardiaca y calidad del trabajo montado percibida por el jinete. RESULTADOS: Se encontró una diferencia en la evaluación cualitativa del trabajo montado por los jinetes entre los tratamientos (odds ratio 33.8, 95% CI [4.68, 458.71], p < 0.01). Largo, frecuencia y simetría de zancada y frecuencia cardiacas no difirieron entre tratamientos. LIMITACIONES PRINCIPALES: Los resultados cuantitativos medidos, pueden no ser lo suficientemente sensibles para detectar cambios que mejoran el trabajo montado. El terreno, tiempo y jinete no fueron estandarizados a través de los caballos, lo que hizo que cambios pequeños fuesen difíciles de detectar. CONCLUSIONES: Los jinetes que participaron en una prueba aleatoria cegada controlada, percibieron un efecto positivo de los tratamientos quiroprácticos sobre la calidad del trabajo montado. No hubo diferencia en largo de zancada, frecuencia de zancada, simetría de zancada o frecuencia cardiaca. Los mecanismos, indicaciones y beneficios potenciales de los tratamientos quiroprácticos en caballos necesitan ser estudiados mas.

J Man Manip Ther ; 32(1): 28-50, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37671460


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this systematic review was to update the current level of evidence for spinal manipulation in influencing various biochemical markers in healthy and/or symptomatic population. METHODS: This is a systematic review update. Various databases were searched (inception till May 2023) and fifteen trials (737 participants) that met the inclusion criteria were included in the review. Two authors independently screened, extracted and assessed the risk of bias in included studies. Outcome measure data were synthesized using standard mean differences and meta-analysis for the primary outcome (biochemical markers). The Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) was used for assessing the quality of the body of evidence for each outcome of interest. RESULTS: There was low-quality evidence that spinal manipulation influenced various biochemical markers (not pooled). There was low-quality evidence of significant difference that spinal manipulation is better (SMD -0.42, 95% CI - 0.74 to -0.1) than control in eliciting changes in cortisol levels immediately after intervention. Low-quality evidence further indicated (not pooled) that spinal manipulation can influence inflammatory markers such as interleukins levels post-intervention. There was also very low-quality evidence that spinal manipulation does not influence substance-P, neurotensin, oxytocin, orexin-A, testosterone and epinephrine/nor-epinephrine. CONCLUSION: Spinal manipulation may influence inflammatory and cortisol post-intervention. However, the wider prediction intervals in most outcome measures point to the need for future research to clarify and establish the clinical relevance of these changes.

Manipulación Espinal , Humanos , Hidrocortisona , Neurotensina , Biomarcadores , Epinefrina