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Front Plant Sci ; 12: 581127, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33790918


Typical small-pot culture systems are not ideal for controlled environment phenotyping for drought tolerance, especially for root-related traits. We grew soybean plants in a greenhouse in 1-m rooting columns filled with amended field soil to test the effects of drought stress on water use, root growth, shoot growth, and yield components. There were three watering treatments, beginning at first flower: watered daily to 100% of the maximum soil water holding capacity (control), 75% (mild drought stress), or 50% (drought stress). We also tested whether applying fertilizer throughout the 1-m soil depth instead of only in the top 30 cm would modify root distribution by depth in the soil profile and thereby affect responses to drought stress. Distributing the fertilizer over the entire 1-m soil depth altered the root biomass distribution and volumetric soil water content profile at first flower, but these effects did not persist to maturity and thus did not enhance drought tolerance. Compared to the control (100%) watering treatment, the 50% watering treatment significantly reduced seed yield by 40%, pod number by 42%, seeds per pod by 3%, shoot dry matter by 48%, root dry matter by 53%, and water use by 52%. Effects of the 75% watering treatment were intermittent between the 50 and 100%. The 50% treatment significantly increased root-to-shoot dry matter ratio by 23%, harvest index by 17%, and water-use efficiency by 7%. Seed size was not affected by either fertilizer or watering treatments. More than 65% of the total root dry matter was distributed in the upper 20 cm of the profile in all watering treatments. However, the two drought stress treatments, especially the mild drought stress, had a greater proportion of root dry matter located in the deeper soil layers. The overall coefficient of variation for seed yield was low at 5.3%, suggesting good repeatability of the treatments. Drought stress imposed in this culture system affected yield components similarly to what is observed in the field, with pod number being the component most strongly affected. This system should be useful for identifying variation among soybean lines for a wide variety of traits related to drought tolerance.

Front Plant Sci ; 11: 487, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32508851


The pattern of soil water availability in frequently watered small pots is different from field environments. In small pots, volumetric soil water content (VSWC) is relatively high throughout the rooting zone due to a lack of suction to remove water from large and midsize capillaries. This necessitates the use of growing media with large pore space to avoid anaerobic conditions and so prohibits the use of field soil (FS) in small pots. We hypothesized that in 1-m rooting columns, the 0.01-MPa gravitational potential difference between top and bottom may permit the use of lightly-amended FS as a growing medium and provide for realistic VSWC and rooting profiles by depth. This study aimed to investigate the effects of amending a typical sand-based potting mix with different proportions of FS on soybean growth [dry matter (DM) accumulation], water use, VSWC and rooting profiles by depth under control and water stress conditions, in 1-m rooting columns (polyvinyl chloride tubes having an inside diameter of 10 cm and length of 1 m). We tested three growth media (0, 50, and 67% FS mixes), watered daily to either 100% of the maximum soil water holding capacity (SWHC; control) or 75% SWHC (stress). VSWC was calculated from time-domain reflectometry measurements. Compared to all growth media, the 67% FS mix resulted in the highest DM accumulation, water use, water use efficiency (WUE), and also produced realistic VSWC and rooting profiles by depth similar to those reported in the literature under field conditions. Compared to the control, the water stress treatment reduced shoot DM by 24%, root DM by 13%, whole-plant DM by 22%, and water use by 25%, but increased root-to-shoot DM ratio by 18% and WUE by 6%. Of the three growth media tested, the 67% FS mix was the most suitable growth medium for controlled environment phenotyping studies of root functional traits affecting drought tolerance in soybean. This study provides novel phenotyping tools to select for root function and yield formation traits that could increase soybean yield under soil water deficit conditions.

Ann Bot ; 118(4): 621-635, 2016 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27390351


Background Deep roots are a common trait among a wide range of plant species and biomes, and are pivotal to the very existence of ecosystem services such as pedogenesis, groundwater and streamflow regulation, soil carbon sequestration and moisture content in the lower troposphere. Notwithstanding the growing realization of the functional significance of deep roots across disciplines such as soil science, agronomy, hydrology, ecophysiology or climatology, research efforts allocated to the study of deep roots remain incommensurate with those devoted to shallow roots. This is due in part to the fact that, despite technological advances, observing and measuring deep roots remains challenging. Scope Here, other reasons that explain why there are still so many fundamental unresolved questions related to deep roots are discussed. These include the fact that a number of hypotheses and models that are widely considered as verified and sufficiently robust are only partly supported by data. Evidence has accumulated that deep rooting could be a more widespread and important trait among plants than usually considered based on the share of biomass that it represents. Examples that indicate that plant roots have different structures and play different roles with respect to major biochemical cycles depending on their position within the soil profile are also examined and discussed. Conclusions Current knowledge gaps are identified and new lines of research for improving our understanding of the processes that drive deep root growth and functioning are proposed. This ultimately leads to a reflection on an alternative paradigm that could be used in the future as a unifying framework to describe and analyse deep rooting. Despite the many hurdles that pave the way to a practical understanding of deep rooting functions, it is anticipated that, in the relatively near future, increased knowledge about the deep rooting traits of a variety of plants and crops will have direct and tangible influence on how we manage natural and cultivated ecosystems.