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J Adv Nurs ; 2024 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39278814


AIM: To assess the research capacity of 3014 clinical nurses in northeastern China, examining their participation in research and self-assessed competencies to advance nursing practice. BACKGROUND: Nursing research is essential for the development of the nursing discipline, yet significant progress in enhancing the research capabilities of nursing staff has been limited over the past decades. Clinical nurses, central to the execution of research activities, need improved research skills to identify relevant topics and synthesise clinical experiences with the literature. DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey. METHODS: In 2023, using a convenience sampling method, a cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted on 3014 nurses in a Grade A tertiary hospital. The questionnaire included questions on basic information and scientific research, as well as a self-evaluation scale assessing the nurses' capability for conducting scientific research. RESULTS: Among the nurses participating in the survey, 29.66% (894) had published academic papers in Chinese, 2.06% (62) had published papers in Science Citation Index journals, 2.39% (72) had hosted nursing research projects, 5.87% (177) had participated in nursing research projects and 71% (2140) expressed their willingness to participate in nursing research activities. The average score on the self-evaluation of research capability was 54.08 ± 24.55, with scores ranging from 0 to 120. CONCLUSION: The clinical nurses' research capacity scores are at the midpoint of the scale (0-120), indicating basic research capabilities with room for improvement. There is a high willingness to engage in research. Nursing managers should consider these factors in training programmes and promote research activities to improve the team's scientific capability. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: This study reveals a critical gap between nurses' willingness and actual involvement in research, emphasising the need for enhanced research skills to improve nursing practice. PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: This study did not require patient or public involvement in its design, outcome measures or execution. The contribution of patients/members of the public was limited solely to data collection.

Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2373, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557940


RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar el perfil de los investigadores en ciencias médicas y de la salud de la categoría Monge Medrano, calificados por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica (CONCYTEC) y registrados en el Registro Nacional Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica (RENACYT) en el año 2022. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, tipo descriptivo y de corte transversal. Se revisaron las Hojas de vida afines a la Ciencia y Tecnología (CTI Vitae) de 706 investigadores registrados en Renacyt durante el mes de setiembre del 2022. Se recopilaron las características demográficas, de formación académica, de actividad profesional y de producción científica mediante una ficha de recolección de datos y, a partir de esto, se elaboró una base de datos. Resultados: El 65,3 % de investigadores fueron de sexo masculino, un 80,0 % procedía de Perú y un 66, 7 % dominaba dos o tres idiomas; los más frecuentes eran español, inglés, portugués, francés, italiano, alemán y quechua. A nivel académico, el máximo grado académico obtenido fue el de doctor (71,2 %), la primera carrera profesional no siempre fue una carrera estrictamente de la salud, el 80,3 % reportó estudios de maestría y el 71,2 %, estudios de doctorado; además, el 75,5 % indicó una universidad como institución de primera filiación. A nivel profesional, el 38,2 % registró más de 20 años de experiencia laboral, el 84 % como docente y el 51,7 % tenían experiencia como evaluador o formulador de proyectos de investigación; el 74,8 % reportó haber recibido un premio o distinción en su carrera, asimismo, 133 investigadores contaban con un índice h entre 4 y 6. Adicionalmente, el 94,5 % (667 investigadores) tenía artículos de producción científica, y de estos, el 41,4 % había redactado entre uno y cinco artículos donde era primer autor; además, el 65,9 % de los investigadores reportó haber realizado asesoría de tesis en pregrado y posgrado. Conclusiones: El investigador en ciencias médicas y de la salud es predominantemente masculino, domina al menos dos idiomas, incluido el inglés, tiene grado de doctor y reporta tener producción científica. La universidad es la institución más frecuente de filiación de los investigadores.

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the profile of medical and health sciences researchers belonging to the Carlos Monge Medrano group, qualified by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica (CONCYTEC National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation) and registered in Registro Nacional Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica (RENACYT National Scientific, Technological and Technological Innovation Registry) in 2022. Materials and methods: A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. The CTI Vitae Hojas de vida afines a la Ciencia y Tecnología (CTI Vitae Résumés related to Science and Technology) data sheets of 706 researchers registered in Renacyt were reviewed during September 2022. Demographic characteristics, academic background, career and scientific output were collected in a data collection sheet, which was used to create a database. Results: Out of all researchers, 65.3 % were males, 80.0 % came from Peru, and 66.7 % were fluent in two or three languages, the most frequent being Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, Italian, German and Quechua. As for their academic background, the highest degree was a doctorate (71.2 %), the first reported program was not always strictly a health sciences program, 80.3 % pursued master's studies and 71.2 % pursued doctoral studies. In addition, 75.5 % indicated a university as their primary affiliation. Regarding their career, 38.2 % had more than 20 years of work experience, 84 % served as educator, 51.7 % had experience as research project evaluator or developer and 74.8 % received an award or distinction during their career. Moreover, 133 researchers had an h-index between 4 and 6. Furthermore, 94.5 % (667 researchers) drafted scientific papers, out of whom 41.4 % were the lead author in one to five articles and 65.9 % served as undergraduate and graduate thesis advisor. Conclusions: Medical and health sciences researchers are mostly males, are fluent in at least two languages including English, have a doctorate degree and have scientific output. Universities are the most frequent institution of affiliation reported by researchers.

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 58: e20230417, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1559057


ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to identify the main challenges in conducting research with immigrants and refugees and to provide seven methodological and pragmatic strategies. The analyses presented, based on the Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality, are extracted from insights of the authors' experiences as researchers and the literature. The main challenges are related to cultural, moral, political, and educational differences between researcher and researched; identification of the universe and sampling; access to informants through the barrier of distrust; and communication and language difficulties. Strategies to make research more successful involve: developing a thorough research protocol; creatively recruiting participants; developing strategies to facilitate communication; having a sensitive look; offering a structure of reciprocity; increasing trust, and triangulating research. The main methodological and pragmatic issues in studies with immigrants and refugees were explored, providing valuable guidance for future projects. However, in different migration situations, researchers must be aware of the possibility of other challenges arising during the investigative process.

RESUMEN El objetivo del estudio fue identificar los principales desafíos al realizar investigaciones con inmigrantes y refugiados y proporcionar siete estrategias metodológicas y pragmáticas. Los análisis presentados, basados en la Teoría de Diversidad y Universalidad de la Atención Cultural, se extraen de insights de las experiencias de los autores como investigadores y de la literatura. Los principales desafíos están relacionados con las diferencias culturales, morales, políticas y educativas entre investigador e investigado; identificación del universo y muestreo; acceso a informantes a través de la barrera de la desconfianza; y dificultades de comunicación y lenguaje. Las estrategias para lograr que la investigación sea más exitosa implican: desarrollar un protocolo de investigación exhaustivo; reclutar participantes de forma creativa; desarrollar estrategias para facilitar la comunicación; tener una mirada sensible; ofrecer una estructura de reciprocidad; aumentar la confianza y triangular la investigación. Se exploraron las principales cuestiones metodológicas y pragmáticas en los estudios con inmigrantes y refugiados, proporcionando una valiosa orientación para proyectos futuros. Sin embargo, en diferentes situaciones migratorias, los investigadores deben ser conscientes de la posibilidad de que surjan otros desafíos durante el proceso de investigación.

RESUMO O objetivo do estudo foi identificar os principais desafios na condução de pesquisas com imigrantes e refugiados e fornecer sete estratégias metodológicas e pragmáticas. As análises apresentadas, embasadas na Teoria da Diversidade e Universalidade do Cuidado Cultural, são extraídas de insights das experiências dos autores enquanto pesquisadores e da literatura. Os principais desafios relacionam-se a diferenças culturais, morais, políticas e educacionais entre pesquisador e pesquisado; identificação do universo e amostragem; acesso aos informantes pela barreira da desconfiança; e dificuldade de comunicação e idioma. As estratégias para tornar a pesquisa mais exitosa envolvem: desenvolver um minucioso protocolo de pesquisa; recrutar participantes de forma criativa; elaborar estratégias para facilitar a comunicação; ter olhar sensível; oferecer uma estrutura de reciprocidade; ampliar a confiança e triangular a pesquisa. Foram exploradas as principais questões metodológicas e pragmáticas nos estudos com imigrantes e refugiados, fornecendo orientações valiosas para projetos futuros. Entretanto, em diferentes situações de migração, os pesquisadores devem atentar-se para a possibilidade de surgirem outros desafios durante o processo investigativo.

JMIR Res Protoc ; 12: e42029, 2023 Mar 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36917162


BACKGROUND: Veteran community reintegration (CR) has been defined as participation in community life, including employment or other productive activities, independent living, and social relationships. Veteran CR is a Veterans Health Administration priority, as a substantial proportion of veterans report difficulties with veteran CR following discharge from military service. OBJECTIVE: Enhancing Veteran Community Reintegration Research (ENCORE) is a project funded by Veterans Health Administration's Health Service Research and Development Service. The goal of ENCORE is to maximize veteran and family reintegration by promoting innovative research and knowledge translation (KT) that informs and improves equitable Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) policies, programs, and services. Overall, 2 strategic objectives guide ENCORE activities: mobilize veteran CR research and promote innovation, relevance, and acceleration of veteran CR research and KT. METHODS: ENCORE uses a mixed methods and stakeholder-engaged approach to achieve objectives and to ensure that the KT products generated are inclusive, innovative, and meaningful to stakeholders. Project activities will occur over 5 years (2019-2024) in 5 phases: plan, engage, mobilize, promote, and evaluate. All activities will be conducted remotely owing to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Methods used will include reviewing research funding and literature examining the gaps in veteran CR research, conducting expert informant interviews with VA program office representatives, and assembling and working with a Multistakeholder Partnership (MSP). MSP meetings will use external facilitation services, group facilitation techniques adapted for virtual settings, and a 6-step group facilitation process to ensure successful execution of meetings and accomplishment of goals. RESULTS: As of December 2022, data collection for ENCORE is ongoing, with the team completing interviews with 20 stakeholders from 16 VA program offices providing veteran CR-related services. ENCORE developed and assembled the MSP, reviewed the VA funding portfolio and veteran CR research literature, and conducted a scientific gap analysis. The MSP developed a veteran CR research agenda in 2021 and continues to work with the ENCORE team to prepare materials for dissemination. CONCLUSIONS: The goal of this program is to improve the impact of veteran CR research on policies and programs. Using a stakeholder-engaged process, insights from key stakeholder groups are being incorporated to set a research agenda that is more likely to result in a relevant and responsive veteran CR research program. Future products will include the development of an effective and relevant dissemination plan and the generation of innovative and relevant dissemination products designed for rapid KT. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/42029.

Exp Neurobiol ; 32(1): 1-7, 2023 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36919331


In 1998, Korea implemented the Brain Research Promotion Act (BRPA), a law to revamp the field of neuroscience at the national level. However, despite numerous revisions including the definition and classification of neuroscience and the national plans for the training and education systems, the governance for neuroethics has not been integrated into the Act. The ethical issues raised by neuroscience and neurotechnology remain unchallenged, especially given the focus on the industrial purpose of the technology. In the current study, we analyzed the BRPA revision process by using Kingdon's Multiple Streams Framework to determine the problems faced by the process. We propose a new strategy, including neuroethics governance and a national committee, to promote interdisciplinary neuroscience research and strengthen neuroethics in Korea.

Interact J Med Res ; 11(2): e42891, 2022 Dec 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36469411


BACKGROUND: Epidemiological criminology refers to health issues affecting incarcerated and nonincarcerated offender populations, a group recognized as being challenging to conduct research with. Notwithstanding this, an urgent need exists for new knowledge and interventions to improve heath, justice, and social outcomes for this marginalized population. OBJECTIVE: To better understand research outputs in the field of epidemiological criminology, we examined the lead author's affiliation by analyzing peer-reviewed published outputs to determine countries and organizations (eg, universities, governmental and nongovernmental organizations) responsible for peer-reviewed publications. METHODS: We used a semiautomated approach to examine the first-author affiliations of 23,904 PubMed epidemiological studies related to incarcerated and offender populations published in English between 1946 and 2021. We also mapped research outputs to the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index to better understand whether there was a relationship between research outputs and the overall standard of a country's justice system. RESULTS: Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark) had the highest research outputs proportional to their incarcerated population, followed by Australia. University-affiliated first authors comprised 73.3% of published articles, with the Karolinska Institute (Sweden) being the most published, followed by the University of New South Wales (Australia). Government-affiliated first authors were on 8.9% of published outputs, and prison-affiliated groups were on 1%. Countries with the lowest research outputs also had the lowest scores on the Rule of Law Index. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides important information on who is publishing research in the epidemiological criminology field. This has implications for promoting research diversity, independence, funding equity, and partnerships between universities and government departments that control access to incarcerated and offending populations.

Nutr. hosp ; 39(1 n.spe): 37-45, mar. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-209856


NutriCOVer es un programa de investigación impulsado por Nutricia a nivel global para apoyar iniciativas de investigación clínica en 16 países de todo el mundo. El programa tiene como objetivo adaptar el cuidado nutricional a las necesidades de los pacientes con COVID-19 dados de alta de la unidad de cuidados intensivos. En España se están desarrollando tres proyectos de investigación, siendo un país de referencia dentro del programa NutriCOVer. Estos estudios analizan la evolución de los pacientes tras una COVID-19 grave desde el punto de vista nutricional, evaluando aspectos relevantes como la prevalencia y evolución de la desnutrición y la sarcopenia (estudio NUTRICOVID), la prevalencia y el impacto de la disfagia (estudio COVID-19-DN-OD) y los cambios de la composición corporal medida por ecografía nutricional y bioimpedanciometría (estudio NUTRIECOMUSCLE). En este artículo, los investigadores que lideran estos tres proyectos discuten todos los pasos que han seguido para el desarrollo de los estudios en el contexto de una pandemia mundial: desde la idea inicial, el diseño y el reclutamiento de pacientes hasta los problemas de ejecución que se han encontrado en el día a día o la política de publicación de los resultados. Además, ofrecen algunas impresiones sobre los resultados iniciales y las implicaciones que pueden tener estos estudios para cambiar la práctica clínica habitual (AU)

NutriCOVer is a global research program sponsored by Nutricia to support initiatives in clinical investigation in 16 countries worldwide. The program's objective is to adapt nutritional care to the needs of patients with COVID-19 who have been discharged from the intensive care unit. In Spain — a reference country for the NutriCOVer program — three research projects are being carried out. These studies analyze the clinical course of COVID-19 patients from a nutritional point of view, evaluating relevant aspects such as the prevalence and evolution of malnutrition and sarcopenia (the NUTRICOVID study), the prevalence and impact of dysphagia (the COVID-19-DN-OD study), or changes in corporal composition measured through nutritional ultrasound and bioimpedance analysis (the NUTRIECOMUSCLE study). In this article, the principal investigators of the three projects discuss the steps taken to develop these studies in the context of a worldwide pandemic: from initial concept, study design, and patient recruitment to problems in the execution of the project in day-to-day practice and publication policies. Also, they offer some insights on the initial results and the implications which these studies may have for current clinical practice (AU)

Humanos , Infecciones por Coronavirus/terapia , Neumonía Viral/terapia , Pandemias , Desnutrición/dietoterapia , Estado Nutricional , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Sarcopenia/terapia , Trastornos de Deglución/terapia
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 57(4): e3400, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1144453


RESUMEN Introducción: Las actividades investigativas en el pregrado permiten desarrollar competencias investigativas en los estudiantes que servirán para su futuro desempeño profesional; el interés hacia estas actividades parte de la motivación de los estudiantes. Objetivo: Describir el interés por la investigación científica por parte de los estudiantes de una facultad de Odontología. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal. El universo incluyó 395 estudiantes, de los cuales la muestra estuvo conformada por 187 estudiantes obtenida de forma aleatoria a partir de la lista de matriculados de la facultad. Se encuestó el interés hacia la investigación, así como las características de sexo, año académico, colegio de procedencia, participación en proyectos de investigación, pertenencia a una sociedad científica estudiantil y la experiencia en la publicación de artículos científicos. Se compararon las puntuaciones a través de pruebas no paramétricas U de Mann-Whitney y Kruskall Wallis. Se aceptó un nivel de significancia de 0,05. Resultados: El 68,4 por ciento manifestó interesarse por la investigación científica. No se encontraron diferencias en las puntuaciones de hombres (48,11 ± 9,2) y mujeres (48,07 ± 5,85) (p = 0,251). Los estudiantes que pertenecen a una sociedad científica estudiantil presentan mayores puntuaciones (55,41 ± 4,94) a diferencia de los que no pertenecen (48,25 ± 7,22) (p = 0,001). Los estudiantes de quinto año presentaron mayores puntuaciones (50,88 ± 5,36) sobre el interés por la investigación científica (p = 0,450). Conclusiones: La mayoría de estudiantes de la Facultad de Odontología presentan elevado interés por la investigación científica. No se encontraron diferencias entre hombres y mujeres, tampoco según el tipo de colegio de procedencia. Aquellos estudiantes que participaban en proyectos de investigación y eran parte de una sociedad científica estudiantil fueron los que más interés presentaron por la investigación(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Through undergraduate research activities students develop research competences useful for their future professional performance. Interest in these activities stems from the students' motivation. Objective: Describe the interest in scientific research among students from a dental school. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted. The study universe was 395 students, of whom a sample of 187 was randomly selected from the list of students enrolled at the institution. The items surveyed were interest in research, sex, academic year, previous school, participation in research projects, membership in a students' scientific society and experience in the publication of scientific papers. Scores were compared using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test and the Kruskal-Wallis test. A 0.05 significance level was accepted. Results: Of the total respondents, 68.4 percent reported interest in scientific research. Differences were not found between the scores obtained by men (48.11 ± 9.2) and women (48.07 ± 5.85) (p = 0.251). Students who belong to scientific societies had higher scores (55.41 ± 4.94) than those who do not (48.25 ± 7.22) (p = 0.001). Fifth-year students had higher scores (50.88 ± 5.36) in interest in scientific research (p = 0.450). Conclusions: Most students from the dental school showed great interest in scientific research. No differences were found between men and women or according to the type of previous school. Students who participated in research projects and were members of a scientific society expressed the greatest interest in research(AU)

Humanos , Proyectos de Investigación/tendencias , Facultades de Odontología , Sociedades Científicas , Estudiantes de Odontología , Publicaciones de Divulgación Científica , Perú , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales
Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes ; 156-157: 100-104, 2020 Nov.
Artículo en Alemán | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32873528


The article addresses deficits in patient orientation and patient involvement in medical research from a patient's perspective and provides recommendations for their further development. Researchers often practice patient orientation as well as patient involvement in an unstructured and inconsistent manner. The decision if and how patient involvement takes place is, to a considerable extent, the researchers' responsibility. This decision should always be part of a patient-oriented alignment of the research project, which researchers pursue regardless of the existence, initiative and participation of a patient organization. Possible modes of involvement are assigned to different phases of the research process. In this article, patient orientation and the choice of the form of involvement is considered to constitute an obligation of researchers and decision makers early in the process. Involvement should take place on a fair basis. Decision makers should consider determining specific requirements for patient orientation, e. g. in their calls for proposals or selection/award criteria.

Investigación Biomédica , Defensa del Paciente , Participación del Paciente , Alemania , Humanos , Motivación
J Nurs Manag ; 28(2): 199-208, 2020 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31811782


AIMS: To review the studies on nursing research capacity and the managerial approaches that have been taken to promote nursing research capacity building in China. BACKGROUND: In the nursing profession, research has become increasingly important worldwide. Over the last two decades, continuous efforts have been devoted to improving nursing research capacity in China. However, the results of these efforts were rarely evaluated in a national scale. EVALUATION: A systematic literature review was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA checklist and guidelines. The literature was sourced from PubMed, CINAHL and two Chinese databases. In total, 19 articles were selected and their results were integrated, compared and analysed. KEY ISSUES: The development of nursing research has become a recent phenomenon in China. Chinese nurses' perceptions regarding research were mostly positive. However, their participation in research activity has traditionally been minimal. The factors associated with nursing research capacity in China were nurses' personal characteristics and organisational contexts. Several effective strategies (e.g. on-the-job research education) have been used to promote nursing research capacity. CONCLUSION: Currently, nursing research capacity in China is low despite hospital-promoting efforts. Systematic approaches need to be implemented to increase nursing research capacity in China in the near future. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: Nursing administrators need to seek innovative strategies to resolve issues (e.g. lack of research time and limited nursing research resources). They also need to strengthen their leadership skills in order to achieve the above objectives.

Investigación en Enfermería/métodos , Investigación/tendencias , China , Humanos , Liderazgo , Investigación en Enfermería/tendencias
Saúde Soc ; 29(2): e181011, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099344


Resumo Neste artigo, objetivou-se abordar o histórico da Fundação Nacional de Saúde (Funasa) enquanto fomentadora de pesquisa em saúde e saneamento, inicialmente apresentando o panorama do país e, posteriormente, avaliando o Programa de Pesquisa em Saúde e Saneamento. Como métodos, utilizaram-se pesquisa documental e revisão bibliográfica. O programa disponibilizou um total de R$ 21.704.520,58 e executou R$ 14.544.672,96 (em valores corrigidos), financiando 84 pesquisas no período de 2000 a 2011. O maior número de pesquisas foi relacionado à temática abastecimento de água, seguido por gestão dos serviços. Instituições de todas as regiões do país foram contempladas, havendo maior concentração de recursos em Sudeste (32,6%), Sul (31,9%) e Nordeste (21,1%), com destaque para o fato de que a maioria das pesquisas desenvolvidas (71,4%) é de aplicação nacional. Como resultados indiretos, identificaram-se ações do programa para a capacitação técnica e a difusão do conhecimento, contextualizando o saneamento como ciência interdisciplinar. Apesar de não ser a priori uma agência de fomento, a Funasa apresenta relevância na indução de pesquisas em saneamento contribuindo para a elaboração de estratégias de enfrentamento à diversidade e complexidade brasileira - de modo que o encerramento desse programa decorre no risco de enfraquecimento do setor.

Abstract This article aimed at addressing the history of the National Health Foundation as a health and sanitation research promoter, initially presenting the panorama in the country and, later, evaluating the Health and Sanitation Research Program. The methods were documentary research and literature review. The Program provided a total of R$ 21,704,520.58 and executed R$ 14,544,672.96 (in corrected amounts) financing 84 surveys from 2000 to 2011. The largest number of surveys was related to water supply, followed by management of the services. Institutions from all regions of the country were contemplated, with greater concentration of resources in the Southeast (32.6%), South (31.9%) and Northeast (21.1%), despite the fact that most of the research developed (71.4%) is of national application. As indirect results, we identified Program actions for technical training and knowledge diffusion, contextualizing sanitation as an interdisciplinary science. Although not essentially a funding agency, Funasa was relevant in the induction of sanitation research contributing to develop strategies to cope with the Brazilian diversity and complexity - in this context, the termination of this Program risks weakening the whole sanitation research sector.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Política Pública , Abastecimiento de Agua , Saneamiento , Salud , Política de Investigación en Salud
Multimed (Granma) ; 23(4): 872-880, jul.-ago. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091319


RESUMEN Introducción: la formación doctoral es un proceso de formación que proporciona a los graduados universitarios un conocimiento profundo y amplio en un campo del saber, así como madurez científica, capacidad de innovación, creatividad para resolver y dirigir la solución del problema de carácter científico de manera independiente y además permite obtener un grado científico. Objetivo: transformar el proceso de formación doctoral del claustro de profesores en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma mediante acciones que integren la gestión de postgrado, la ciencia y la innovación tecnológica. Método: enfoque cualitativo sustentado en una concepción teórica metodológica y directiva que permitirá elevar el número de doctores en ciencias, como indicador de excelencia de la Universidad. Conclusiones: contar con un potencial de egresados universitarios y profesores con una sólida preparación permitirá el rápido desarrollo de las acciones en la formación doctoral en Ciencias Médicas de Granma en la modalidad del diplomado curricular y libre, sustentado en alianzas estratégicas con otras universidades, mediante el desarrollo de investigaciones por proyectos, en función de contribuir a la producción de conocimientos, el enriquecimiento teórico, la transformación de la práctica y la calidad de la formación.

ABSTRACT Introduction: doctoral training is a training process that provides university graduates with a deep and broad knowledge in a field of knowledge, as well as scientific maturity, capacity for innovation, creativity to solve and direct the solution of the problem of a scientific nature. independent and also allows to obtain a scientific degree. Objective: to transform the process of doctoral training of the teaching staff at the Medical Sciences University of Granma through actions that integrate postgraduate management, science and technological innovation. Method: qualitative approach based on a methodological and directive theoretical conception that will allow to increase the number of doctors in sciences, as an indicator of excellence of the University. Conclusions: having a potential of university graduates and professors with a solid preparation will allow the rapid development of the actions in the doctoral formation in Medical Sciences of Granma in the modality of the curricular and free diploma, sustained in strategic alliances with other universities, through the development of research projects, in order to contribute to the production of knowledge, theoretical enrichment, the transformation of practice and the quality of training.

RESUMO Introdução: formação doutoral é um processo de formação que dá graduados um conhecimento profundo e extenso em um campo de conhecimento e maturidade científica, inovação, criatividade para resolver e gerenciar a solução de problemas maneira científica independente e também permite obter um diploma científico. Objetivo: transformar o processo de formação de doutores do corpo docente da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas do Granma, por meio de ações que integram a gestão de pós-graduação, ciência e inovação tecnológica. Método: abordagem qualitativa baseada em uma concepção teórica metodológica e diretiva que permitirá aumentar o número de doutores em ciências, como um indicador de excelência da Universidade. Conclusões: tendo um potencial de graduados universitários e professores com uma sólida preparação permitir o rápido desenvolvimento de ações de educação de doutorado em Ciências Médicas de Granma na forma de diploma curricular e livre, com base em alianças estratégicas com outras universidades, por desenvolvimento de projetos de pesquisa, a fim de contribuir para a produção de conhecimento, enriquecimento teórico, a transformação da prática e a qualidade da formação.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-824927


Objective The study aimed to explore and improve the function of informal organizations by analyzing the informal organizations in the establishment of scientific research management.Methods Several teams of informal organizations were established according to the practical demand during the management.A series of scientific research work,which was based on the character of each organization combing with the information-sharing platform were carried out.Results Using the information sharing platform as the media,the informal organizations play an irreplaceable role in the management of scientific research,providing excellent assistance to the clinical work and scientific research.Conclusions The informal organizations function as the effective complement to the formal organization teams with the enhancement of working efficiency and the improvement of scientific management team.It greatly helps the scientific research as a multiple-unit high speed train.

rev. cuid. (Bucaramanga. 2010) ; 8(3): 1907-1918, sep.-dic. 2017. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-963426


INTRODUCCIÓN: Se utiliza el proyecto de investigación en el aula con énfasis en el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas, el cual promueve el aprendizaje activo y significativo, permitiendo solucionar situaciones reales de conocimiento en torno a una temática específica. Implementa los principios de la investigación formativa, como herramienta para generar nuevas alternativas en la apropiación del conocimiento. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer la percepción de los estudiantes del programa Regencia de Farmacia frente a la utilización del aprendizaje basado en problemas con el fin de realizar aportes al currículo. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo y transversal realizado con una muestra no probabilística, por conveniencia, conformada por 109 estudiantes de segundo a sexto semestre. Se elaboró un cuestionario con escala tipo Likert, sometido a valoración por expertos. RESULTADOS: En general, los estudiantes están de acuerdo con la estrategia porque ha permitido acercarse a la investigación, fortaleciendo el pensamiento crítico; generando autonomía y responsabilidad frente al aprendizaje. A medida que avanzan los semestres, le ven mayor utilidad. Sin embargo, falta claridad en el uso de la metodología y capacitación por parte de algunos docentes para desarrollarla eficazmente. DISCUSIÓN: La coordinación docente es fundamental, se debe fortalecer este aspecto para dar claridad al uso de la metodología. Implementar procesos de evaluación para determinar los avances desarrollados por los estudiantes y el impacto generado. CONCLUSIONES: Los estudiantes consideran que adquieren conocimientos y competencias que les ayudarán en la práctica profesional.

INTRODUCTION: The research project was used in the classroom with emphasis on problem-based learning, which promotes active and significant learning, permitting solution to real situations on knowledge around a specific theme. The study implements formative research principles, as a tool to generate new alternatives in the appropriation of knowledge. The aim was to know the perceptions of students from the Pharmacy Regency program on the use of problem-based learning to contribute to the curriculum. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Descriptive, cross-sectional study carried out with a non-probabilistic sample, through convenience, comprised of 109 students from second to sixth semester. A questionnaire was created with a Likert-type scale and it was subjected to expert evaluation. RESULTS: In general, students agree with the strategy because it allows their approach to research and enhances critical thought, generating autonomy and responsibility regarding learning. As semesters advance, they see in it more usefulness. However, clarity is needed on the use of the methodology and training by some faculty staff to develop it effectively. DISCUSSION: Teaching coordination is fundamental; this aspect must be strengthened to shed clarity on the use of the methodology, implement evaluation processes to determine student progress, and assess the impact generated. CONCLUSIONS: Students consider they acquire knowledge and skills that will help them in the professional practice.

INTRODUÇÃO: O projeto de pesquisa é usado em sala de aula, com ênfase na Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas, que promove a aprendizagem ativa e significativa, permitindo resolver situações reais de conhecimento em torno a uma temática especifica. Implementa os princípios da pesquisa formativa como uma ferramenta para gerar novas alternativas na apropriação do conhecimento. Este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a percepção dos alunos do programa de Regência de Farmácia, em relação à utilização da aprendizagem baseada em problemas, a fim de fazer contribuições para o currículo. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo transversal realizado com uma amostra não probabilística, por conveniência, composta de 109 alunos de segundo a sexto semestre. Foi elaborado um questionário com uma escala Likert, submetido à avaliação por especialistas. RESULTADOS: Em geral, os alunos estão de acordo com a estratégia porque permitiu aproximar-se à pesquisa, fortalecendo o pensamento crítico; gerando autonomia e responsabilidade em relação à aprendizagem. À medida que avançam os semestres, reconhecem que é útil. No entanto, a falta de clareza no uso da metodologia e formação de alguns professores para desenvolver de forma eficaz. DISCUSSÃO: A coordenação da docência é essencial, deve ser reforçado este aspecto para dar clareza ao uso da metodologia. Implementar processos de avaliação para determinar os progressos desenvolvidos pelos alunos e o impacto gerado. CONCLUSÕES: Os alunos consideram que a aquisição de conhecimentos e competências irão ajudá-los na prática profissional.

Humanos , Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas , Promoción de la Investigación , Aprendizaje
Infect Dis (Auckl) ; 8: 25-9, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26396528


Driven by global burden of disease and inequalities in health care, research activities in resource-poor settings have radically increased. However, a corresponding increase in reporting of research from these settings has not been observed. This article critically explores the importance of promoting and reporting of health research from resource-poor settings, current trends, and practices, and discusses the key challenges faced by researchers from such settings. These challenges include changing face of open-access (OA) and online publishing, the threat of predatory OA journals, authorship and international partnership ethics, attitudinal problems hindering research reporting, and a lack of alternative publishing spaces. A combined, decisive effort is needed to bridge the gap between research activity and reporting in resource-poor settings.

Rev. enferm. UFPE on line ; 9(9): 9180-9187, set. 2015. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1435367


Objetivo: investigar a participação dos acadêmicos de enfermagem na produção de pesquisa científica durante a graduação, identificando dificuldades enfrentadas, interesse e influência na formação profissional. Método: estudo transversal, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado em uma Instituição de ensino superior privada no sertão central cearense. A pesquisa ocorreu entre abril e junho de 2014, com 186 alunos, por meio de questionário. O estudo teve aprovado o projeto pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, Parecer nº 577.244. Resultados: os estudantes tinham uma ideia imprecisa sobre o conceito de pesquisa, 44,1% mostraram interesse nessa atividade, mas 53,2% não a realizaram; 44,6% concordaram que a pesquisa contribui para a ampliação do conhecimento científico e desenvolve habilidades profissionais; 64,5% não participaram de eventos científicos. No tocante as dificuldades, 20,9% apontaram a falta de incentivo da Instituição. Nenhum participante possuía publicação científica. Conclusão: os acadêmicos precisam ser incentivados quanto à importância e realização da pesquisa científica, e apesar de mostrarem interesse, faltam incentivos e atitudes concretas para a sua realização.(AU)

Objective: to investigate the participation of nursing students in scientific research production during graduation, identifying difficulties, interest and influence in vocational training. Method: cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, performed at a private higher education institution in Ceará central interior. The research occurred between April and June 2014 with 186 students, through a questionnaire. The study project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, Opinion number 577,244. Results: the students had an inaccurate idea about the concept of research, 44.1% showed interest in this activity, but 53.2% did not do it; 44.6% agreed that research contributes to the expansion of scientific knowledge and develop professional skills; 64.5% did not participate in scientific events. Regarding the difficulties, 20.9% highlighted the lack of incentives of the institution. No participant had scientific publication. Conclusion: the students need to be encouraged about the importance and achievement of scientific research, and despite showing interest, there are lack incentives and concrete actions for its implementation.(AU)

Objetivo: investigar la participación de los académicos de enfermería en la producción de una investigación científica durante la graduación, identificando dificultades enfrentadas, interés e influencia en la formación profesional. Método: estudio transversal con enfoque cuantitativo, realizado en una Institución de enseñanza superior privada en el interior central del estado de Ceará. La investigación ocurrió entre abril y junio de 2014, con 186 alumnos, por medio de un cuestionario. El estudio tuvo su proyecto aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación, Parecer nº 577.244. Resultados: los estudiantes tenían una idea imprecisa sobre el concepto de investigación, 44,1% mostraron interés en esa actividad, pero 53,2% no la realizaron; 44,6% concordaron que la investigación contribuye para la ampliación del conocimiento científico y desarrolla habilidades profesionales; 64,5% no participaron de eventos científicos. Referente a las dificultades, 20,9% se refirieron a la falta de incentivo de la Institución. Ningún participante poseía publicación científica. Conclusión: los académicos precisan ser incentivados de la importancia y realización de la investigación científica, y a pesar de mostrar interés, faltan incentivos y actitudes concretas para su realización.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Estudiantes de Enfermería , Investigación en Enfermería , Educación en Enfermería , Bachillerato en Enfermería , Promoción de la Investigación , Capacitación de Recursos Humanos en Salud , Estudios Transversales
Edumecentro ; 6(3): 51-65, sep.-dic. 2014. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-721254


Fundamento: los profesionales de las ciencias sociales y humanísticas de los Centros de Educación Médica Superior, con su quehacer investigativo pueden contribuir a la solución de los múltiples problemas que dificultan la elevación constante del estado de salud de la población. Objetivo: diseñar acciones para incorporar a los profesionales de las ciencias sociales de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara a la investigación y solución de los principales problemas que aborden los determinantes sociales de la salud. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo, durante el periodo de abril-junio del 2013, mediante la utilización de métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción, que permitieron la interpretación de la documentación analizada y de la bibliografía revisada; del nivel empírico, se empleó el análisis documental para la caracterización de la situación actual que presenta la institución en el accionar científico investigativo de los profesionales de las ciencias sociales y humanísticas, y la estadística descriptiva para las frecuencias absolutas y el porcentaje. Resultados: el análisis de los indicadores de salud de Villa Clara, reflejados en las tablas, evidencia la necesidad de incorporar a los profesionales de las ciencias sociales y humanísticas a la realización de investigaciones para contribuir a la solución de los principales problemas de salud de la provincia, por lo que se diseñaron acciones para lograr este propósito. Conclusiones: las acciones diseñadas contribuyen a la vinculación de los profesionales de las ciencias sociales y humanísticas a la investigación y modificación de los determinantes sociales de la salud en la provincia de Villa Clara.

Background: professionals from social and humanistic sciences in Centers of Higher Medical Education, with their research work, may contribute to the solution of multiple problems that make difficult the constant improvement of the state of health of the population. Objective: to design actions to include the professionals of social sciences from the Villa Clara Medical Sciences University to the research work and solution to the main problems of health. Methods: a descriptive study with qualitative approach was done, during the period of April-June 2013, by means of using theoretical methods: analysis-synthesis, and induction-deduction, that allowed the interpretation of the analyzed documentation and the revised bibliography; from the empirical level it was used the documentation analysis for the characterization of the current situation of the institution in the field of scientific research by the professionals of the social and humanistic sciences, the descriptive statistics for the absolute frequencies, and the percentage. Results: the analysis of the health indicators in Villa Clara, shown in the tables, demonstrates the need to include the professionals of social and humanistic sciences in the carrying out of research work, in order to contribute to the solution of the main health problems in the province. Actions were designed to achieve this purpose. Conclusions: the designed actions contribute to the link of professionals of the social and humanistic sciences to the research work and the modification of the health social determinants in the Villa Clara province.

Ciencias Sociales , Promoción de la Investigación , Determinantes Sociales de la Salud
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 36(4): 266-269, oct. 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | Repositorio RHS, LILACS | ID: lil-733226


The World Health Organization (WHO) Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 urges its Member States to strengthen leadership in mental health, ensure mental and social health interventions in community-based settings, promote mental health and strengthen information systems, and increase evidence and research for mental health. Although Costa Rica has strongly invested in public health and successfully reduced the burden of nutritional and infectious diseases, its transitional epidemiological pattern, population growth, and immigration from unstable neighboring countries has shifted the burden to chronic disorders. Although policies for chronic disorders have been in place for several decades, mental disorders have not been included. Recently, as the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica developed a Mental Health Policy for 2013-2020, it became evident that the country needs epidemiological data to prioritize evidence-based intervention areas. This article stresses the importance of conducting local epidemiological studies on mental health, and calls for changes in research funding priorities by public and private national and international funding agencies in order to follow the WHO Mental Health Action Plan.

El Plan de Acción sobre Salud Mental 2013-2020 de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) insta a sus Estados Miembros a que fortalezcan el liderazgo en el ámbito de la salud mental, garanticen las intervenciones de salud mental y asistencia social en los entornos comunitarios, promuevan la salud mental y fortalezcan los sistemas de información, e incrementen los datos científicos y las investigaciones sobre salud mental. Aunque Costa Rica ha invertido mucho en salud pública y ha reducido con éxito la carga de enfermedades nutricionales e infecciosas, su modelo epidemiológico transitorio, el crecimiento de la población y la inmigración desde países vecinos inestables han desplazado la carga de morbilidad hacia los trastornos crónicos. Aunque existen políticas en vigor dirigidas a los trastornos crónicos desde hace varios decenios, no se ha incluido en ellas a los trastornos mentales. Recientemente, cuando el Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica elaboró una Política Nacional de Salud Mental para el periodo del 2013 al 2020, se hizo evidente que el país necesita datos epidemiológicos para priorizar las áreas de intervención con base en pruebas científicas. Este artículo subraya la importancia de llevar a cabo estudios epidemiológicos de ámbito local sobre salud mental, y solicita cambios en las prioridades de financiamiento de la investigación por parte de los organismos de financiamiento públicos y privados, nacionales e internacionales, con objeto de cumplir con lo que establece el Plan de Acción sobre Salud Mental de la OMS.

Humanos , Salud Mental , Apoyo a la Investigación como Asunto , Investigación/economía , Costa Rica , Países en Desarrollo , Financiación Gubernamental , Organización de la Financiación , Promoción de la Salud , Necesidades y Demandas de Servicios de Salud , Financiación de la Atención de la Salud , Trastornos Mentales/epidemiología , Trastornos Mentales/prevención & control , Trastornos Mentales/rehabilitación , Trastornos Mentales/terapia , Servicios de Salud Mental/provisión & distribución , Formulación de Políticas , Psiquiatría , Apoyo a la Investigación como Asunto/tendencias , Investigación/tendencias , Seguridad Social/economía , Organización Mundial de la Salud