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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e76360, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554750


Objetivo: analisar a representação social da Covid-19 para a população geral de uma cidade de pequeno porte do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Método: estudo qualitativo, apoiado na abordagem estrutural das representações sociais. Participaram 100 usuários de serviços de saúde. Os dados foram coletados por questionário sociodemográfico de evocações livres de palavras e roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram analisados com o auxílio dos softwares Excel, EVOC 2005 e análise de conteúdo temático-categorial para contextualização das evocações respectivamente. Resultados: os termos do possível núcleo central foram: morte, sofrimento, cuidados, ansiedade-angústia e vacina. Na primeira periferia: medo e prevenção. À segunda periferia: informação-desinformação; desgoverno; ter-fé e proteção. A zona de contrate: doença; isolamento-social; dificuldades; catástrofe-mundial; desemprego e pandemia. Considerações finais: marcaram essa representação os impactos psicossociais negativos resultantes da desestruturação da vida e das mortes ocasionadas pela nova doença, no entanto o grupo aderiu as medidas de cuidados de proteção.

Objective: to analyze the social representation of Covid-19 among the general population of a small-sized city in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Method: Qualitative study, based on the structural approach of social representations. One hundred healthcare service users participated. Data were collected through a sociodemographic questionnaire, free word evocation, and a semi-structured interview guide. The data were analyzed using Excel software, EVOC 2005, and thematic-categorical content analysis for contextualization of the evocations, respectively. Results: the terms of the possible central core were: death, suffering, care, anxiety-distress, and vaccine. In the first periphery: fear and prevention. In the second periphery: information-misinformation; mismanagement; having faith and protection. The contrast zone: disease; social isolation; difficulties; global catastrophe; unemployment; and pandemic. Final considerations: this representation was marked by the negative psychosocial impacts resulting from the disruption of life and the deaths caused by the new disease; however, the group adhered to protective care measures.

Objetivo: analizar la representación social del Covid-19 para la población general de una pequeña ciudad del Estado de Río de Janeiro. Método: estudio cualitativo, basado en el enfoque estructural de las representaciones sociales. Participaron 100 usuarios de servicios de salud. Los datos se recolectaron mediante un cuestionario sociodemográfico con evocación libre de palabras y una guía de entrevista semiestructurada. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando lo software Excel y EVOC 2005 y análisis de contenido temático-categórico para contextualizar las evocaciones respectivamente. Resultados: los términos del posible núcleo central eran: muerte, sufrimiento, cuidados, ansiedad-angustia y vacuna. En la primera periferia: miedo y prevención. En la segunda periferia: información-desinformación; desgobierno; tener fe y protección. La zona de contraste: enfermedad; aislamiento-social; dificultades; catástrofe-mundial; desempleo y pandemia. Consideraciones finales: esta representación se caracterizó por los impactos psicosociales negativos derivados de la desestructuración de la vida y de las muertes causada por la nueva enfermedad, sin embargo, el grupo adhirió a las medidas de protección.

Brief Bioinform ; 25(5)2024 Jul 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39228303


Recent advances in spatial transcriptomics (ST) enable measurements of transcriptome within intact biological tissues by preserving spatial information, offering biologists unprecedented opportunities to comprehensively understand tissue micro-environment, where spatial domains are basic units of tissues. Although great efforts are devoted to this issue, they still have many shortcomings, such as ignoring local information and relations of spatial domains, requiring alternatives to solve these problems. Here, a novel algorithm for spatial domain identification in Spatial Transcriptomics data with Structure Correlation and Self-Representation (ST-SCSR), which integrates local information, global information, and similarity of spatial domains. Specifically, ST-SCSR utilzes matrix tri-factorization to simultaneously decompose expression profiles and spatial network of spots, where expressional and spatial features of spots are fused via the shared factor matrix that interpreted as similarity of spatial domains. Furthermore, ST-SCSR learns affinity graph of spots by manipulating expressional and spatial features, where local preservation and sparse constraints are employed, thereby enhancing the quality of graph. The experimental results demonstrate that ST-SCSR not only outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of accuracy, but also identifies many potential interesting patterns.

Algoritmos , Perfilación de la Expresión Génica , Transcriptoma , Perfilación de la Expresión Génica/métodos , Biología Computacional/métodos , Humanos
Neural Netw ; 180: 106677, 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39260008


Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), renowned for their low power consumption, brain-inspired architecture, and spatio-temporal representation capabilities, have garnered considerable attention in recent years. Similar to Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), high-quality benchmark datasets are of great importance to the advances of SNNs. However, our analysis indicates that many prevalent neuromorphic datasets lack strong temporal correlation, preventing SNNs from fully exploiting their spatio-temporal representation capabilities. Meanwhile, the integration of event and frame modalities offers more comprehensive visual spatio-temporal information. Yet, the SNN-based cross-modality fusion remains underexplored. In this work, we present a neuromorphic dataset called DVS-SLR that can better exploit the inherent spatio-temporal properties of SNNs. Compared to existing datasets, it offers advantages in terms of higher temporal correlation, larger scale, and more varied scenarios. In addition, our neuromorphic dataset contains corresponding frame data, which can be used for developing SNN-based fusion methods. By virtue of the dual-modal feature of the dataset, we propose a Cross-Modality Attention (CMA) based fusion method. The CMA model efficiently utilizes the unique advantages of each modality, allowing for SNNs to learn both temporal and spatial attention scores from the spatio-temporal features of event and frame modalities, subsequently allocating these scores across modalities to enhance their synergy. Experimental results demonstrate that our method not only improves recognition accuracy but also ensures robustness across diverse scenarios.

Trends Cogn Sci ; 2024 Sep 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39256075


Recent research by Lavan et al. explores how individuals form complex impressions from voices. Using electroencephalography and behavioral measures, the study identifies distinct time courses for discerning traits, with early acoustic processing preceding higher-order perception. These findings shed light on the temporal dynamics of voice-based person perception and its neural underpinnings.

J Relig Health ; 2024 Sep 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39298047


Diversifying the chaplain workforce in hospital spiritual care departments and Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) programs is essential for meeting the needs of a religiously diverse population in the USA. We interviewed seven total participants, including two Somali Muslim chaplain students and their Muslim and Christian chaplain educators in one CPE program. Participants described their personal journeys and motivations for pursuing careers in healthcare chaplaincy, their impact on hospitalized patients, and the role of expanding perspectives for those with little prior exposure to Somali Muslim faith leaders. Representation and linguistic diversity were viewed as positive attributes despite challenges of racial and religious discrimination. Recommendations include adjusting educational requirements for entry into the field to consider professional equivalencies; engaging community chaplains; and collaborating with local communities. These findings have important implications on creating pathways for spiritual care providers from underrepresented faith traditions to meet local community needs.

Genome ; 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39226484


Research in understanding the role of genetics and epigenetics in plant adaptations to environmental stressors such as metals is still in its infancy. The objective of the present study is to assess the effect of nickel on DNA methylation level and distribution in white birch (Betula papyrifera Marshall) using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS). The distribution of methylated C sites of each sample revealed that the level of methylation was much higher in CG context varying between 54% and 65%, followed by CHG (24%-31.5%), and then CHH with the methylation rate between 3.3% and 5.2%. The analysis of differentially methylated regions (DMR) revealed that nickel induced both hypermethylation and hypomethylation when compared to water. Detailed analysis showed for the first time that nickel induced a higher level of hypermethylation compared to controls, while potassium triggers a higher level of hypomethylation compared to nickel. Surprisingly, the analysis of the distribution of DMRs revealed that 38%-42% were located in gene bodies, 20%-24% in exon, 19%-20% in intron, 16%-17% in promoters, and 0.03%-0.04% in transcription start site. RRBS was successful in detecting and mapping DMR in plants exposed to nickel.

Learn Behav ; 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39227504


Piagetian object permanence (OP) refers to the ability to know that an object continues to exist when out of sight: In humans, it develops in six stages. Species of great apes, other mammals, and birds (parrots, corvids, and pigeons) have been shown to possess partial or full OP, which is a prerequisite for more complex physical cognition abilities they may possess. In birds, the greatest variation is in Stage 6 (invisible displacements) and in "A-not-B" errors-incorrectly persevering in searching an empty location rewarded previously. Caching abilities have been invoked as holding explanatory power over results in corvids, for which this error is sometimes completely absent. The rook (Corvus frugilegus), a cognitively advanced, social, caching corvid, has not yet been studied for OP. This study applies tasks of one OP scale commonly adapted for nonhuman animals, Uzgiris and Hunt's Scale 1, as well as later-conceived tasks 16 and S, to a sample of adult, captive rooks. One rook demonstrated full OP (Stage 6b, multiple invisible displacements), whereas other individuals varied, attaining between Stages 5a (single visible displacements) and 6a (single invisible displacements). Like some corvids, a few made transient "A-not-B" errors. Behavioral considerations potentially underlying observed individual variation in results in rooks, including dominance, neophobia, past experiences, and individual idiosyncrasies, are examined. Rooks, like other corvids, possess well-developed OP abilities, and these results support the idea that exertion of executive control is required to avoid "A-not-B" errors, rather than caching abilities or developmental age, as previously suggested.

J Homosex ; : 1-23, 2024 Sep 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39230413


The presence and quality of LGBTQ+ representation in film and television has important implications for viewers, especially LGBTQ+ youth. This study conducted a content analysis of the 2022 Disney+ Pride Collection, a list of movies and episodes designated by Disney as including LGBTQ+ characters and stories. This analysis examined the depiction of LGBTQ+ fictional characters, finding that Black LGBTQ+ characters were more likely to be presented as adults and in romantic relationships compared to characters of other races, suggesting that their intersecting identities influence their portrayal toward more heteronormative scripts. In what we argue is a heteronormative evolution of the butch/femme binary, lesbian characters were frequently presented on a light/dark binary. Further, in what we describe as a "realism burden," portrayals of discrimination and LGBTQ+ identity labeling were limited to realistic fiction and adult media, and were absent from the post-gay worlds of sci-fi and fantasy.

Psychon Bull Rev ; 2024 Sep 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39231896


Tulving characterized semantic memory as a vast repository of meaning that underlies language and many other cognitive processes. This perspective on lexical and conceptual knowledge galvanized a new era of research undertaken by numerous fields, each with their own idiosyncratic methods and terminology. For example, "concept" has different meanings in philosophy, linguistics, and psychology. As such, many fundamental constructs used to delineate semantic theories remain underspecified and/or opaque. Weak construct specificity is among the leading causes of the replication crisis now facing psychology and related fields. Term ambiguity hinders cross-disciplinary communication, falsifiability, and incremental theory-building. Numerous cognitive subdisciplines (e.g., vision, affective neuroscience) have recently addressed these limitations via the development of consensus-based guidelines and definitions. The project to follow represents our effort to produce a multidisciplinary semantic glossary consisting of succinct definitions, background, principled dissenting views, ratings of agreement, and subjective confidence for 17 target constructs (e.g., abstractness, abstraction, concreteness, concept, embodied cognition, event semantics, lexical-semantic, modality, representation, semantic control, semantic feature, simulation, semantic distance, semantic dimension). We discuss potential benefits and pitfalls (e.g., implicit bias, prescriptiveness) of these efforts to specify a common nomenclature that other researchers might index in specifying their own theoretical perspectives (e.g., They said X, but I mean Y).

Food Res Int ; 194: 114859, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39232504


Functional foods, and specifically probiotics, are important products present in retail worldwide. Probiotics comprise "live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, can confer a health benefit on the host". This study aimed to investigate the effect of culture on probiotic foods social representation. A total of 818 consumers from seven countries (Argentina, Brazil, Honduras, Mauritius, Mexico, Peru, and Slovenia) participated in the study. A free word association task was performed with the inductor term "probiotic food," followed by lemmatization, categorization, and prototypical analysis of the social representation. The results indicated that the term health was common in all countries studied, as well as other positive aspects such as benefits, well-being, and functional foods. This study helped to shed light and better understand the role of culture in the social representation of probiotics.

Alimentos Funcionales , Probióticos , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Comportamiento del Consumidor , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adolescente
Magn Reson Med ; 2024 Sep 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39233507


PURPOSE: To develop and evaluate a novel method for computationally efficient reconstruction from noisy MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) data. METHODS: The proposed method features (a) a novel strategy that jointly learns a nonlinear low-dimensional representation of high-dimensional spectroscopic signals and a neural-network-based projector to recover the low-dimensional embeddings from noisy/limited data; (b) a formulation that integrates the forward encoding model, a regularizer exploiting the learned representation, and a complementary spatial constraint; and (c) a highly efficient algorithm enabled by the learned projector within an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) framework, circumventing the computationally expensive network inversion subproblem. RESULTS: The proposed method has been evaluated using simulations as well as in vivo 1 $$ {}^1 $$ H and 31 $$ {}^{31} $$ P MRSI data, demonstrating improved performance over state-of-the-art methods, with about 6 × $$ \times $$ fewer averages needed than standard Fourier reconstruction for similar metabolite estimation variances and up to 100 × $$ \times $$ reduction in processing time compared to a prior neural network constrained reconstruction method. Computational and theoretical analyses were performed to offer further insights into the effectiveness of the proposed method. CONCLUSION: A novel method was developed for fast, high-SNR spatiospectral reconstruction from noisy MRSI data. We expect our method to be useful for enhancing the quality of MRSI or other high-dimensional spatiospectral imaging data.

J Neuropsychol ; 2024 Sep 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39233655


Pain, as a multidimensional and subjective experience, intertwines with various aspects of body representation, involving sensory, affective and motivational components. This review explores the bidirectional relationship between pain and body representations, emphasizing the impact of the sense of ownership on pain perception, the transformative impact of pain on motor imagery, the effects associated with vicarious pain perception on body representations and the role of pain in the maintenance of body representations in specific clinical conditions. Literature indicates complex interactions between pain and body representations, with the sense of ownership inducing analgesic effects in some cases and hyperalgesia in others, contingent upon factors such as the appearance of the affected limb. Pain sensations inform the body on which actions might be executed without harm, and which are potentially dangerous. This information impacts on motor imagery too, showing reduced motor imagery and increased reaction times in tasks where motor imagery involves the painful body parts. Finally, contrary to the conventional view, according to which pain impairs body representation, evidence suggests that pain can serve as an informative somatosensory index, preserving or even enhancing the representation of the absent or affected body parts. This bidirectional relationship highlights the dynamic and multifaceted nature of the interplay between pain and body representations, offering insights into the adaptive nature of the central nervous system in response to perceived bodily states.

Adv Sci (Weinh) ; : e2403393, 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225619


Microbes are extensively present among various cancer tissues and play critical roles in carcinogenesis and treatment responses. However, the underlying relationships between intratumoral microbes and tumors remain poorly understood. Here, a MIcrobial Cancer-association Analysis using a Heterogeneous graph transformer (MICAH) to identify intratumoral cancer-associated microbial communities is presented. MICAH integrates metabolic and phylogenetic relationships among microbes into a heterogeneous graph representation. It uses a graph transformer to holistically capture relationships between intratumoral microbes and cancer tissues, which improves the explainability of the associations between identified microbial communities and cancers. MICAH is applied to intratumoral bacterial data across 5 cancer types and 5 fungi datasets, and its generalizability and reproducibility are demonstrated. After experimentally testing a representative observation using a mouse model of tumor-microbe-immune interactions, a result consistent with MICAH's identified relationship is observed. Source tracking analysis reveals that the primary known contributor to a cancer-associated microbial community is the organs affected by the type of cancer. Overall, this graph neural network framework refines the number of microbes that can be used for follow-up experimental validation from thousands to tens, thereby helping to accelerate the understanding of the relationship between tumors and intratumoral microbiomes.

Comput Biol Med ; 182: 109145, 2024 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39305733


MOTIVATION: The greatest risk factor for many non-communicable diseases is aging. Studies on model organisms have demonstrated that genetic and chemical perturbation alterations can lengthen longevity and overall health. However, finding longevity-enhancing medications and their related targets is difficult. METHOD: In this work, we designed a novel drug repurposing model by identifying the interaction between aging-related genes or targets and drugs similar to aging disease. Each disease is associated with certain specific genetic factors for the occurrence of that disease. The factors include gene expression, pathway, miRNA, and degree of genes in the protein-protein interaction network. In this paper, we aim to find the drugs that prolong the life span of humans with their aging-related targets using the above-mentioned factors. In addition, the contribution or importance of each factor may vary among drugs and targets. Therefore, we designed a novel multi-layer random walk-based network representation learning model including node and edge weight to learn the features of drugs and targets respectively. RESULT: The performance of the proposed model is demonstrated using k-fold cross-validation (k = 5). This model achieved better performance with scores of 0.93 and 0.91 for precision and recall respectively. The drugs identified by the system are evaluated to be potential candidates for aging since the degree of interaction between the potential drugs and their gene sets are high. In addition, the genes that are interacting with drugs produce the same biological functions. Hence the life span of the human will be increased or prolonged.

Cogn Neurosci ; : 1-3, 2024 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39306679


I argue that ideas and models about the mechanisms of neural computation and representation - including computational architecture, representational format, encoding schemes, learning methods, computation-representation coordination, and substrate-dependent aspects - must be tested by studying embodied neural systems. Thus, cognitive computational neuroscience - the study of neural computations over neural representations - must be an embodied research program.

Front Plant Sci ; 15: 1442807, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39297016


Introduction: Hopea hainanensis Merrill & Chun is considered a keystone and indicator species in the tropical lowland rainforests of Hainan Island. Owing to its high-quality timber, H. hainanensis has been heavily exploited, leading to its classification as a first-class national protected plant in China and a plant species with extremely small populations (PSESPs). Methods: This study analyzed genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms obtained through restriction site-associated DNA sequencing from 78 adult trees across 10 H. hainanensis populations on Hainan Island. Results and discussion: The nucleotide diversity of the sampled populations ranged from 0.00096 to 0.00138, which is lower than that observed in several other PSESPs and endangered tree species. Bayesian unsupervised clustering, principal component analysis, and neighbor-joining tree reconstruction identified three to five genetic clusters in H. hainanensis, most of which were geographically widespread and shared by multiple populations. Demographic history analysis based on pooled samples indicated that the decline in the H. hainanensis population began approximately 20,000 years ago, starting from an ancestral population size of approximately 10,000 individuals. The reduction in population size accelerated approximately 4,000 years ago and has continued to the present, resulting in a severely reduced population on Hainan Island. Intensified genetic drift in small and isolated H. hainanensis populations may contribute to moderate differentiation between some of them, as revealed by pairwise F st. In conclusion, our conservation genomic study confirms a severe population decline and an extremely low level of nucleotide variation in H. hainanensis on Hainan Island. These findings provide critical insights for the sustainable management and genetic restoration of H. hainanensis on Hainan Island.

Neuropsychologia ; 204: 108989, 2024 Sep 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39233220


An interesting interpretation of embodiment highlights the critical role of mental body representations (BR), including motor, somatosensory, and interoceptive formats, for social cognition. However, the nature of this relationship is still debated at the empirical level, with various studies arriving at different conclusions. Here, we present a systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to summarize data from 3466 participants in 21 studies to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between inner and outer BR and social cognition. We focused on two core social cognition aspects: empathy and Theory of Mind (ToM). Concerning the inner BR, our meta-analytic findings reveal a significant correlation between specific interoceptive dimensions (i.e., interoceptive sensibility and accuracy) and social cognition, which was stronger for empathy than ToM. Conversely, although further research is needed, functional BR that mainly involve the outer body processing (i.e., nonaction-oriented BR) may show positive links with ToM. These findings point to specific interactions between BR and social cognition skills, supporting multi-faceted and embodied social cognition models. However, we also identified critical knowledge gaps and highlighted the need for further investigation to deepen our theoretical understanding of these relationships and their implications for clinical practice.

Soins Gerontol ; 29(169): 19-23, 2024.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39245539


Anxiety about ageing, as well as old age, is rooted in public discourse and has a negative impact on the quality of the relationship with the elderly, particularly in the context of care relationships with more vulnerable seniors. This text proposes a theoretical and empirical reflection on ageism, manifested as much in its hostile as in its compassionate forms.

Ageísmo , Humanos , Ageísmo/psicología , Anciano , Relaciones Enfermero-Paciente , Envejecimiento/psicología
Soins Gerontol ; 29(169): 14-18, 2024.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39245538


This article looks at the historical construction of knowledge about the elderly body from a medical perspective that is concerned with the materiality of the body and associated losses. It recalls, presents and analyses the paradigm of loss, decline and failure that dominates the way care is provided, and examines the issues associated with this domination. By presenting old age as a social construct produced by language and subject to values relating to a certain performance of the body, the author invites us to shift our perspective and take a finer, more complex and broader view of the body and the experience of being old.

Envejecimiento , Humanos , Anciano , Envejecimiento/fisiología , Envejecimiento/psicología , Cuerpo Humano