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Commun Mater ; 5(1): 151, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39157449


Hole spins in Ge/SiGe heterostructures have emerged as an interesting qubit platform with favourable properties such as fast electrical control and noise-resilient operation at sweet spots. However, commonly observed gate-induced electrostatic disorder, drifts, and hysteresis hinder reproducible tune-up of SiGe-based quantum dot arrays. Here, we study Hall bar and quantum dot devices fabricated on Ge/SiGe heterostructures and present a consistent model for the origin of gate hysteresis and its impact on transport metrics and charge noise. As we push the accumulation voltages more negative, we observe non-monotonous changes in the low-density transport metrics, attributed to the induced gradual filling of a spatially varying density of charge traps at the SiGe-oxide interface. With each gate voltage push, we find local activation of a transient low-frequency charge noise component that completely vanishes again after 30 hours. Our results highlight the resilience of the SiGe material platform to interface-trap-induced disorder and noise and pave the way for reproducible tuning of larger multi-dot systems.

Materials (Basel) ; 17(16)2024 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39203299


Hexagonal boron nitride is rapidly gaining interest as a platform for photonic quantum technologies, due to its two-dimensional nature and its ability to host defects deep within its large band gap that may act as room-temperature single-photon emitters. In this review paper we provide an overview of (1) the structure, properties, growth and transfer of hexagonal boron nitride; (2) the creationof colour centres in hexagonal boron nitride and assignment of defects by comparison with ab initio calculations for applications in photonic quantum technologies; and (3) heterostructure devices for the electrical tuning and charge control of colour centres that form the basis for photonic quantum technology devices. The aim of this review is to provide readers a summary of progress in both defect engineering and device fabrication in hexagonal boron nitride based photonic quantum technologies.

Adv Mater ; : e2405006, 2024 Aug 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39205533


Semiconductor spin qubits combine excellent quantum performance with the prospect of manufacturing quantum devices using industry-standard metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) processes. This applies also to ion-implanted donor spins, which further afford exceptional coherence times and large Hilbert space dimension in their nuclear spin. Here multiple strategies are demonstrated and integrated to manufacture scale-up donor-based quantum computers. 31PF2 molecule implants are used to triple the placement certainty compared to 31P ions, while attaining 99.99% confidence in detecting the implant. Similar confidence is retained by implanting heavier atoms such as 123Sb and 209Bi, which represent high-dimensional qudits for quantum information processing, while Sb2 molecules enable deterministic formation of closely-spaced qudits. The deterministic formation of regular arrays of donor atoms with 300 nm spacing is demonstrated, using step-and-repeat implantation through a nano aperture. These methods cover the full gamut of technological requirements for the construction of donor-based quantum computers in silicon.

Chemistry ; : e202402660, 2024 Aug 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39210539


Electron spin qubits are becoming an important research direction in the field of quantum computing and information storage. However, the quantum decoherence has seriously hindered the development of this field. So far, few qubits exhibit long phase memory time (Tm), and even fewer qubits that can reach room temperature. Some reports show that the coherence times of radicals are generally long, so radicals may be the preferred spin carriers for qubits. Here, we demonstrate the qubit properties of a photogenerated radical (1a) based on 2,4,6-Tri(4-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine (tpt, 1). More importantly, the photogenerated radical is a spin self-diluting complex, which the dilution is generally used in the investigation of qubits to reduce the interference of environment on qubits in order to overcome the decoherence of qubits. It is surprised that radical tpt has a stable Tm = 1.1 µs above 20 K, even keep it to room temperature. In addition, the tpt-film prepared by the vacuum evaporation is significantly increase the T1 and Tm at low temperature.

ACS Nano ; 2024 Jul 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39034612


Improving the qubit's lifetime (T1) is crucial for fault-tolerant quantum computing. Recent advancements have shown that replacing niobium (Nb) with tantalum (Ta) as the base metal significantly increases T1, likely due to a less lossy native surface oxide. However, understanding the formation mechanism and nature of both surface oxides is still limited. Using aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy, we found that Ta surface oxide has fewer suboxides than Nb oxide. We observed an abrupt oxidation state transition from Ta2O5 to Ta, as opposed to the gradual shift from Nb2O5, NbO2, and NbO to Nb, consistent with thermodynamic modeling. Additionally, amorphous Ta2O5 exhibits a closer-to-crystalline bonding nature than Nb2O5, potentially hindering H atomic diffusion toward the oxide/metal interface. Finally, we propose a loss mechanism arising from the transition between two states within the distorted octahedron in an amorphous structure, potentially causing two-level system loss. Our findings offer a deeper understanding of the differences between native amorphous Ta and Nb oxides, providing valuable insights for advancing superconducting qubits through surface oxide engineering.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 36(44)2024 Aug 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39059434


Traditional electronics rely on charge currents for controlling and transmitting information, resulting in energy dissipation due to electron scattering. Over the last decade, magnons, quanta of spin waves, have emerged as a promising alternative. This perspective article provides a brief review of experimental and theoretical studies on quantum and hybrid magnonics resulting from the interaction of magnons with other quasiparticles in the GHz frequency range, offering insights into the development of functional magnonic devices. In this process, we discuss recent advancements in the quantum theory of magnons and their coupling with various types of qubits in nanoscale ferromagnets, antiferromagnets, synthetic antiferromagnets, and magnetic bulk systems. Additionally, we explore potential technological platforms that enable new functionalities in magnonics, concluding with future directions and emerging phenomena in this burgeoning field.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 16(30): 40160-40169, 2024 Jul 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39016442


Molecular qubits are a promising platform for quantum information systems. Although single molecule and ensemble studies have assessed the performance of S = 1/2 molecules, it is understood that to function in devices, regular arrays of addressable qubits supported by a substrate are needed. The substrate imposes mechanical and electronic boundary conditions on the molecule; however, the impact of these effects on spin-lattice relaxation times is not well understood. Here we perform electronic structure calculations to assess the effects of a graphene (Cgr) substrate on the molecular qubit copper phthalocyanine (CuPc). We use a progressive Hessian approach to efficiently calculate and separate the substrate contributions. We also use a simple thermal model to predict the impact of these changes on the spin-phonon coupling from 0 to 200 K. Further analysis of the individual vibrational modes with and without Cgr shows that an overall increase in SPC between the vibrations modes of CuPc with the surface reduces the spin-lattice relaxation time T1. We explain these changes by examining how the substrate lifts symmetries of CuPc in the absorbed configuration. Our work shows that a surface can have a large unintentional impact on SPC and that ways to reduce this coupling need to be found to fully exploit arrays of molecular qubits in device architectures.

Entropy (Basel) ; 26(7)2024 Jul 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39056936


Phase and amplitude modes, also called polariton modes, are emergent phenomena that manifest across diverse physical systems, from condensed matter and particle physics to quantum optics. We study their behavior in an anisotropic Dicke model that includes collective matter interactions. We study the low-lying spectrum in the thermodynamic limit via the Holstein-Primakoff transformation and contrast the results with the semi-classical energy surface obtained via coherent states. We also explore the geometric phase for both boson and spin contours in the parameter space as a function of the phases in the system. We unveil novel phenomena due to the unique critical features provided by the interplay between the anisotropy and matter interactions. We expect our results to serve the observation of phase and amplitude modes in current quantum information platforms.

Entropy (Basel) ; 26(5)2024 May 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38785664


In a dissipative regime, we study the properties of several qubits coupled to a driven resonator in the framework of a Jaynes-Cummings model. The time evolution and the steady state of the system are numerically analyzed within the Lindblad master equation, with up to several million components. Two semi-analytical approaches, at weak and strong (semiclassical) dissipations, are developed to describe the steady state of this system and determine its validity by comparing it with the Lindblad equation results. We show that the synchronization of several qubits with the driving phase can be obtained due to their coupling to the resonator. We establish the existence of two different qubit synchronization regimes: In the first one, the semiclassical approach describes well the dynamics of qubits and, thus, their quantum features and entanglement are suppressed by dissipation and the synchronization is essentially classical. In the second one, the entangled steady state of a pair of qubits remains synchronized in the presence of dissipation and decoherence, corresponding to the regime non-existent in classical synchronization.

npj Quantum Inf ; 10(1): 46, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38706554


Correlated noise across multiple qubits poses a significant challenge for achieving scalable and fault-tolerant quantum processors. Despite recent experimental efforts to quantify this noise in various qubit architectures, a comprehensive understanding of its role in qubit dynamics remains elusive. Here, we present an analytical study of the dynamics of driven qubits under spatially correlated noise, including both Markovian and non-Markovian noise. Surprisingly, we find that by operating the qubit system at low temperatures, where correlated quantum noise plays an important role, significant long-lived entanglement between qubits can be generated. Importantly, this generation process can be controlled on-demand by turning the qubit driving on and off. On the other hand, we demonstrate that by operating the system at a higher temperature, the crosstalk between qubits induced by the correlated noise is unexpectedly suppressed. We finally reveal the impact of spatio-temporally correlated 1/f noise on the decoherence rate, and how its temporal correlations restore lost entanglement. Our findings provide critical insights into not only suppressing crosstalk between qubits caused by correlated noise but also in effectively leveraging such noise as a beneficial resource for controlled entanglement generation.

Nat Phys ; 20(5): 815-821, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38799981


Approaches to developing large-scale superconducting quantum processors must cope with the numerous microscopic degrees of freedom that are ubiquitous in solid-state devices. State-of-the-art superconducting qubits employ aluminium oxide (AlOx) tunnel Josephson junctions as the sources of nonlinearity necessary to perform quantum operations. Analyses of these junctions typically assume an idealized, purely sinusoidal current-phase relation. However, this relation is expected to hold only in the limit of vanishingly low-transparency channels in the AlOx barrier. Here we show that the standard current-phase relation fails to accurately describe the energy spectra of transmon artificial atoms across various samples and laboratories. Instead, a mesoscopic model of tunnelling through an inhomogeneous AlOx barrier predicts percent-level contributions from higher Josephson harmonics. By including these in the transmon Hamiltonian, we obtain orders of magnitude better agreement between the computed and measured energy spectra. The presence and impact of Josephson harmonics has important implications for developing AlOx-based quantum technologies including quantum computers and parametric amplifiers. As an example, we show that engineered Josephson harmonics can reduce the charge dispersion and associated errors in transmon qubits by an order of magnitude while preserving their anharmonicity.

Nat Phys ; 20(4): 564-570, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38638458


In recent years, important progress has been made towards encoding and processing quantum information in the large Hilbert space of bosonic modes. Mechanical resonators have several practical advantages for this purpose, because they confine many high-quality-factor modes into a small volume and can be easily integrated with different quantum systems. However, it is challenging to create direct interactions between different mechanical modes that can be used to emulate quantum gates. Here we demonstrate an in situ tunable beamsplitter-type interaction between several mechanical modes of a high-overtone bulk acoustic-wave resonator. The engineered interaction is mediated by a parametrically driven superconducting transmon qubit, and we show that it can be tailored to couple pairs or triplets of phononic modes. Furthermore, we use this interaction to demonstrate the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect between phonons. Our results lay the foundations for using phononic systems as quantum memories and platforms for quantum simulations.

Nano Converg ; 11(1): 11, 2024 Mar 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38498068


An elementary review on principles of qubits and their prospects for quantum computing is provided. Due to its rapid development, quantum computing has attracted considerable attention as a core technology for the next generation and has demonstrated its potential in simulations of exotic materials, molecular structures, and theoretical computer science. To achieve fully error-corrected quantum computers, building a logical qubit from multiple physical qubits is crucial. The number of physical qubits needed depends on their error rates, making error reduction in physical qubits vital. Numerous efforts to reduce errors are ongoing in both existing and emerging quantum systems. Here, the principle and development of qubits, as well as the current status of the field, are reviewed to provide information to researchers from various fields and give insights into this promising technology.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(2): e2313754120, 2024 Jan 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38165926


Controlled interaction between localized and delocalized solid-state spin systems offers a compelling platform for on-chip quantum information processing with quantum spintronics. Hybrid quantum systems (HQSs) of localized nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond and delocalized magnon modes in ferrimagnets-systems with naturally commensurate energies-have recently attracted significant attention, especially for interconnecting isolated spin qubits at length-scales far beyond those set by the dipolar coupling. However, despite extensive theoretical efforts, there is a lack of experimental characterization of the magnon-mediated interaction between NV centers, which is necessary to develop such hybrid quantum architectures. Here, we experimentally determine the magnon-mediated NV-NV coupling from the magnon-induced self-energy of NV centers. Our results are quantitatively consistent with a model in which the NV center is coupled to magnons by dipolar interactions. This work provides a versatile tool to characterize HQSs in the absence of strong coupling, informing future efforts to engineer entangled solid-state systems.

Adv Mater ; 36(18): e2310280, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38197525


Scaling up superconducting quantum circuits based on transmon qubits necessitates substantial enhancements in qubit coherence time. Over recent years, tantalum (Ta) has emerged as a promising candidate for transmon qubits, surpassing conventional counterparts in terms of coherence time. However, amorphous surface Ta oxide layer may introduce dielectric loss, ultimately placing a limit on the coherence time. In this study, a novel approach for suppressing the formation of tantalum oxide using an ultrathin magnesium (Mg) capping layer is presented. Synchrotron-based X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies demonstrate that oxide is confined to an extremely thin region directly beneath the Mg/Ta interface. Additionally, it is demonstrated that the superconducting properties of thin Ta films are improved following the Mg capping, exhibiting sharper and higher-temperature transitions to superconductive and magnetically ordered states. Moreover, an atomic-scale mechanistic understanding of the role of the capping layer in protecting Ta from oxidation is established based on computational modeling. This work provides valuable insights into the formation mechanism and functionality of surface tantalum oxide, as well as a new materials design principle with the potential to reduce dielectric loss in superconducting quantum materials. Ultimately, the findings pave the way for the realization of large-scale, high-performance quantum computing systems.

Chemistry ; 30(12): e202304202, 2024 Feb 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38146235


With the aim of creating Cu(II) spin qubits in a rigid metal-organic framework (MOF), this work demonstrates a doping of 5 %, 2 %, 1 %, and 0.1 % mol of Cu(II) ions into a perovskite-type MOF [CH6 N3 ][ZnII (HCOO)3 ]. The presence of dopant Cu(II) sites are confirmed with anisotropic g-factors (gx =2.07, gy =2.12, and gz =2.44) in the S=1/2 system by experimentally and theoretically. Magnetic dynamics indicate the occurrence of a slow magnetic relaxation via the direct and Raman processes under an applied field, with a relaxation time (τ) of 3.5 ms (5 % Cu), 9.2 ms (2 % Cu), and 15 ms (1 % Cu) at 1.8 K. Furthermore, pulse-ESR spectroscopy reveals spin qubit properties with a spin-spin relaxation (phase memory) time (T2 ) of 0.21 µs (2 %Cu), 0.39 µs (1 %Cu), and 3.0 µs (0.1 %Cu) at 10 K as well as Rabi oscillation between MS =±1/2 spin sublevels. T2 above microsecond is achieved for the first time in the Cu(II)-doped MOFs. It can be observed at submicrosecond around 50 K. These spin relaxations are very sensitive to the magnetic dipole interactions relating with cross-relaxation between the Cu(II) sites and can be tuned by adjusting the dopant concentration.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 62(48): e202312936, 2023 Nov 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37812016


In the development of two-qubit quantum gates, precise control over the intramolecular spin-spin interaction between molecular spin units plays a pivotal role. A weak but measurable exchange coupling is especially important for achieving selective spin addressability that allows controlled manipulation of the computational basis states |00⟩ |01⟩ |10⟩ |11⟩ by microwave pulses. Here, we report the synthesis and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) study of a heterometallic meso-meso (m-m) singly-linked VIV O-CuII porphyrin dimer. X-band continuous wave EPR measurements in frozen solutions suggest a ferromagnetic exchange coupling of ca. 8 ⋅ 10-3  cm-1 . This estimation is supported by Density Functional Theory calculations, which also allow disentangling the ferro- and antiferromagnetic contributions to the exchange. Pulsed EPR experiments show that the dimer maintains relaxation times similar to the monometallic CuII porphyrins. The addressability of the two individual spins is made possible by the different g-tensors of VIV and CuII -ions, in contrast to homometallic dimers where tilting of the porphyrin planes plays a key role. Therefore, single-spin addressability in the heterometallic dimer can be maintained even with small tilting angles, as expected when deposited on surface, unlocking the full potential of molecular quantum gates for practical applications.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 15(36): 43111-43123, 2023 Sep 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37651689


Spin qubits based on Si and Si1-xGex quantum dot architectures exhibit among the best coherence times of competing quantum computing technologies, yet they still suffer from charge noise that limit their qubit gate fidelities. Identifying the origins of these charge fluctuations is therefore a critical step toward improving Si quantum-dot-based qubits. Here, we use hybrid functional calculations to investigate possible atomistic sources of charge noise, focusing on charge trapping at Si and Ge dangling bonds (DBs). We evaluate the role of global and local environment in the defect levels associated with DBs in Si, Ge, and Si1-xGex alloys, and consider their trapping and excitation energies within the framework of configuration coordinate diagrams. We additionally consider the influence of strain and oxidation in charge-trapping energetics by analyzing Si and GeSi DBs in SiO2 and strained Si layers in typical Si1-xGex quantum dot heterostructures. Our results identify that Ge dangling bonds are more problematic charge-trapping centers both in typical Si1-xGex alloys and associated oxidation layers, and they may be exacerbated by compositional inhomogeneities. These results suggest the importance of alloy homogeneity and possible passivation schemes for DBs in Si-based quantum dot qubits and are of general relevance to mitigating possible trap levels in other Si, Ge, and Si1-xGex-based metal-oxide-semiconductor stacks and related devices.

Adv Sci (Weinh) ; 10(21): e2300921, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37166044


Over the past decades, superconducting qubits have emerged as one of the leading hardware platforms for realizing a quantum processor. Consequently, researchers have made significant effort to understand the loss channels that limit the coherence times of superconducting qubits. A major source of loss has been attributed to two level systems that are present at the material interfaces. It is recently shown that replacing the metal in the capacitor of a transmon with tantalum yields record relaxation and coherence times for superconducting qubits, motivating a detailed study of the tantalum surface. In this work, the chemical profile of the surface of tantalum films grown on c-plane sapphire using variable energy X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (VEXPS) is studied. The different oxidation states of tantalum that are present in the native oxide resulting from exposure to air are identified, and their distribution through the depth of the film is measured. Furthermore, it is shown how the volume and depth distribution of these tantalum oxidation states can be altered by various chemical treatments. Correlating these measurements with detailed measurements of quantum devices may elucidate the underlying microscopic sources of loss.

Adv Mater ; 35(27): e2201064, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37021584


A broad perspective of quantum technology state of the art is provided and critical stumbling blocks for quantum technology development are identified. Innovations in demonstrating and understanding electron entanglement phenomena using bulk and low-dimensional materials and structures are summarized. Correlated photon-pair generation via processes such as nonlinear optics is discussed. Application of qubits to current and future high-impact quantum technology development is presented. Approaches for realizing unique qubit features for large-scale encrypted communication, sensing, computing, and other technologies are still evolving; thus, materials innovation is crucially important. A perspective on materials modeling approaches for quantum technology acceleration that incorporate physics-based AI/ML, integrated with quantum metrology is discussed.