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Humanidad. med ; 22(3)sept.-dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405113


RESUMEN El presente artículo tiene como propósito develar las principales modificaciones generadas por la epidemia de COVID-19 en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la carrera de Medicina. La información se obtuvo mediante la revisión documental de textos, artículos, tesis, apoyada en los métodos inherentes a la investigación científica. El estudio se realizó en el Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico Provincial Ana Betancourt de Mora, de Camagüey durante el período comprendido entre marzo de 2021 y abril de 2022 y deriva del acercamiento a los antecedentes y resultados teóricos y metodológicos relacionados con el tratamiento de la temática que ya se acumulan en la educación superior.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this article is to reveal the main changes generated by the COVID-19 epidemic in the teaching-learning process of the Medicine career. The information was obtained through documentary review of texts, articles, theses, supported by the methods inherent to scientific research. The study was carried out at the Ana Betancourt de Mora Provincial Gynecobstetric University Hospital, in Camagüey during the period between March 2021 and April 2022 and derives from the approach to the background and theoretical and methodological results related to the treatment of the theme that already accumulate in higher education.

Rev. méd. hered ; 32(4)jul. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508767


La enseñanza asistida por pares es una metodología educativa donde interactúan grupos de estudiantes. Una parte toma el rol de educador, y la otra toma el rol de alumno. Esto trae varios beneficios a ambas partes. Se presenta el caso de un programa donde se utiliza esta metodología, en el cual estudiantes de una facultad de Medicina en Lima, Perú toman el rol de tutores de estudiantes de años menores de la misma facultad. Se describen también sus actividades y los recursos académicos utilizados.

SUMMARY Peer teaching is an educational methodology in which groups of students interact among each other. One group takes on the role of the educator and the other one takes on the role of the student, which benefits both of them. We report here the case of a program where this methodology was used by students in a medical school in Lima, Peru, who were tutors of junior students from the same faculty. The activities and resources used in this methodology are also described.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 148(11)nov. 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389248


Background: The School of Medicine of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile implemented diverse curricular changes addressing teaching challenges, including those related to generational diversity. Aim: To describe the implementation and results of curricular innovation in the Theoretic Gastroenterology Course (CTG) imparted between 2008 and 2020. Materials and Methods: The new teaching methods consisted in the implementation of interactive sessions, research conferences, video-recorded classes, and a learning management/assessment platform. An assessment of the learning model was implemented. As bibliographic material we incorporated self-instructive material and the CTG manual was re-edited. We registered the course syllabi, evaluation surveys, and final grades. Results: Students dedicated more time to attend the course, from 12.2 hours before to 18 hours after the implementation of video lessons (p < 0.05). They reported improvements in the areas "Feedback" (from 6.2 to 6.6, on a scale of 1 to 7; p < 0.05) and "Grades" (from 6.3 to 6.4; p < 0.05), after implementing a learning model assessment. The score for "Information sources" increased from 6.5 to 6.6 after the re-edition of the manual (p < 0.05). The final grades were similar or significantly higher than the average grades of all the theoretical courses imparted in the same period. Conclusions: The CTG underwent a series of curricular modifications, allowing for a rapid adaptation to extremely dynamic academic conditions.

Humanos , Estudiantes de Medicina , Educación de Pregrado en Medicina , Enseñanza , Materiales de Enseñanza , Chile , Curriculum , Aprendizaje
Medisur ; 16(4): 511-513, jul.-ago. 2018.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-955101


El artículo constituye una remembranza sentida de un profesor que tuvo la satisfacción de estar inmerso en la fundación del Destacamento Médico Carlos Juan Finlay, así como en la evocación de este realizada por nuestro comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro. Destacamento que hoy es una realidad y a 36 años de aquella fecha, el autor comparte sus recuerdos con los lectores de Medisur.

The article constitutes a meaningful remembrance of a professor who had the satisfaction of having been involved in the foundation of the Carlos Juan Finlay Medical Detachment, so as its evocation realized by Our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro. This Detachment is a reality today and 36 years after the author shares his memories with the readers of Medisur.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);18(6): 1635-1646, Jun. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-676387


Este artigo descreve e analisa o contexto político-institucional e o processo de elaboração e implantação do Bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Saúde (BIS) no período 2006-2011. A metodologia utilizada incluiu revisão documental e análise dos registros pessoais dos pesquisadores envolvidos. A partir dos conceitos de "janela de oportunidade" e "organização hipercomplexa", verificou-se que foram criadas estruturas gerenciais e organizativas, elaborados documentos-mestres e desencadeadas ações para a implantação do curso, ligadas à conformação do corpo docente e do Colegiado do curso, elaboração do Projeto Pedagógico, planejamento, execução e acompanhamento do processo ensino-aprendizagem nos diversos componentes curriculares. A análise dos desafios e perspectivas do curso aponta que o maior problema enfrentado é a tensão entre o modelo de formação superior, profissional e disciplinar, existente até então e o modelo interdisciplinar proposto pelo BI, tensão que pode ser superada pela implantação do regime de ciclos, com a institucionalização do BI como primeiro ciclo da formação profissional na área de saúde.

This article describes and analyzes the political and institutional context and the process of implementation of the Interdisciplinary Bachelor's degree in Health (IBH) during the 2006-2011 period. The methodology included document review and analysis of personnel records of the researchers involved. By using the concepts of "window of opportunity" and "hypercomplex organization," it was revealed that managerial and organizational structures were created and master-documents were prepared. In addition to this, actions for implementation of the course, related to the structure of the faculty and the academic council, preparation of the pedagogical project, planning, implementation and monitoring of the teaching-learning process in the various curriculum components offered since 2009 was conducted. Analysis of the challenges and prospects of the course indicates that the major problem is the tension between the traditional model of vocational and discipline-based higher education existing hitherto and the interdisciplinary model proposed by IBH. This tension can be overcome by the full implementation of learning cycles with the institutionalization of IBH as the first cycle of professional health education.

Educación Profesional/organización & administración , Personal de Salud/educación , Brasil
Rev. méd. Chile ; 135(10): 1343-1345, oct. 2007.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-470715


Chile should become a member of the "society of knowledge". Therefore, undergraduate curricula of university careers should be revised, to offer shorter programs that prepare for a permanent training during the whole professional life. This proposal requires an agile academic team, endowed with the adequate methodological tools, but also a contingent of interested and motivated students with comprehension and expression skills and a study discipline. This article comments on the training deficiences of students that are admitted to Chilean universities and the difficulties of university teachers to compensate this training deficiencies in order to teach their subjects in shorter lapses.

Humanos , Escolaridad , Criterios de Admisión Escolar , Enseñanza , Universidades , Chile , Enseñanza/tendencias , Universidades/tendencias