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J Hist Biol ; 2024 Aug 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39212877


This paper offers an historical introduction to Pere Alberch's evolutionary thought and his contributions to Evo-Devo, based on his unique approach to experimental teratology. We will take as our point of reference the teratogenic experiments developed by Alberch and Emily A. Gale during the 1980s, aimed at producing monstrous variants of frogs and salamanders. We will analyze his interpretation of the results of these experiments within the framework of the emergence of evolutionary developmental biology (or "Evo-Devo"). The aim is understand how Alberch interpreted teratological anomalies as highly revealing objects of study for understanding the development of organic form, not only in an ontogenetic sense-throughout embryonic development-but also phylogenetically-throughout the evolution of species. Alberch's interpretation of monsters reflects the influence of a long tradition of non-Darwinian evolutionary thought, which began in the nineteenth century and was continued in the twentieth century by people such as Richard Goldschmidt, Conrad H. Waddington, and Stephen Jay Gould. They all proposed various non-gradualist models of evolution, in which embryonic development played a central role. Following this tradition, Alberch argued that, in order to attain a correct understanding of the role of embryological development in evolution, it was necessary to renounce the gradualist paradigm associated with the Darwinian interpretation of evolution, which understood nature as a continuum. According to Alberch, the study of monstrous abnormalities was of great value in understanding how certain epigenetic restrictions in development could give rise to discontinuities and directionality in morphological transformations throughout evolution.

Psicol. USP ; 35: e230063, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1569425


Resumo Em contextos familiares vulnerabilizados por transtornos mentais graves como os transtornos alimentares (TA), os vínculos podem constituir fator de risco ou proteção. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as representações da estrutura e organização familiar e das dinâmicas vinculares das famílias de origem e constituída, na ótica de pais de jovens com anorexia ou bulimia. Foi utilizado o método clínico-qualitativo, com proposições teóricas da Psicanálise Vincular. O genograma foi aplicado a cinco participantes. Os dados foram submetidos à análise temática. As configurações vinculares que emergiram das formulações discursivas dos pais mostraram famílias de origem numerosas, representação do vínculo com a mãe como acolhedor e com o pai como afetivamente empobrecido. Na família constituída, o relacionamento conjugal se caracterizou por um padrão de complementaridade fusional; com as filhas, a vinculação foi representada como harmônica, o que diverge da literatura. Ser herdeiro de modelos parentais pouco contenedores e com vínculos conflituados pauta o modo como os participantes representam suas vivências de paternidade.

Abstract Family contexts made vulnerable by severe mental disorders, such as eating disorders (ED), may have family bonds as a risk or protection factor. This study aimed to analyze the representations of family structure and organization and the bonding dynamics of background and constituted families from the perspective of parents of young people with anorexia or bulimia. The clinical-qualitative method and theoretical propositions of Linking Psychoanalysis were used. A genogram was applied to five participants. Data were analyzed by thematic analysis. The representations of bonding configurations that emerged from fathers' discursive formulations showed numerous families of origin and bonding with the mother represented as welcoming and with the father as emotionally impoverished. In the constituted family, the marital relationship was characterized by a pattern of fusional complementarity; with the daughters, the bonding was represented as harmonious, which diverges from the literature. Being an heir of parenting models that are not very containing and show conflicting bonds shapes the way participants represent their experiences of parenthood.

Résumé Dans des contextes familiaux fragilisés par des troubles mentaux graves, tels que les troubles des conduites alimentaires (TCA), les liens familiaux peuvent être un facteur de risque ou de protection. Cette étude analyse les représentations de la structure et de l'organisation familiale et la dynamique des liens familiaux, qu'ils soient d'origine et constitués, du point de vue des pères de jeunes souffrant d'anorexie ou de boulimie. On a utilisé la méthode clinique-qualitative et des propositions théoriques de la Psychanalyse des Configurations des Liens, en appliquant le génogramme à cinq participants. Les données ont été soumise à une analyse thématique. Les configurations de liens qui émergent des formulations discursives des pères montrent des familles d'origine nombreuse, une représentation du lien avec la mère comme chaleureux et avec le père comme affectivement appauvri. Dans la famille constituée, la relation conjugale est caractérisée par un schéma de complémentarité fusionnelle; chez les filles, le lien est représenté comme harmonieux, ce qui diffère de la littérature. L'héritage de modèles parentaux peu soutenants et avec des liens conflictuels est un facteur dans la représentation que les pères font de leurs expériences de parentalité.

Resumen Los contextos familiares vulnerados por trastornos mentales graves, como los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA), pueden tener el vínculo familiar como factor de riesgo o de protección. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las representaciones de la estructura y organización familiar, y las dinámicas de vinculación de las familias de origen y constituidas desde la perspectiva de los padres de jóvenes con anorexia o bulimia. Se utilizó el método clínico-cualitativo y las proposiciones teóricas del Psicoanálisis Vincular. Se aplicó el genograma a cinco participantes. Los datos pasaron por un análisis temático. Las representaciones de las configuraciones vinculares que surgieron de las formulaciones discursivas de los padres mostraron familias de origen numerosas, vínculo representado como acogedor con la madre y empobrecido emocionalmente con el padre. En la familia constituida, la relación marital se caracterizó por un patrón de complementariedad fusional; con las hijas, el vínculo se representó como harmonioso, divergiendo de la literatura. Ser heredero de modelos parentales poco contenedores y con vínculos conflictivos, orienta cómo los participantes representan sus experiencias de paternidad.

Soins Pediatr Pueric ; 44(334): 26-30, 2023.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37813518


From the moment they become pregnant, future parents anticipate how they will coordinate, support and divide the tasks related to their child. This is known as co-parenting. Research carried out in three french gynaecology-obstetrics departments and in social network examined fathers' perceptions of co-parenthood and sought to determine whether these were in line with scientific conceptions of the concept.

Padre , Padres , Masculino , Femenino , Embarazo , Niño , Humanos , Responsabilidad Parental
Soins Psychiatr ; 44(347): 31-34, 2023.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37479355


Transitions are one of the new demands placed on doctors, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts. They testify to the decline of the Nom-du-Père that until recently organized our society. The discourse of the father has been replaced by that of science, accompanied by its technical prowess and objects. The new demands are torn between the solutions offered by science and the values of the old patriarchal society. How do professionals position themselves when faced with these demands?

Psicoterapeutas , Humanos
Infant Ment Health J ; 44(2): 255-267, 2023 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36860128


Reflective functioning (RF) has been found to be associated with mother-child interactions, but less is known about the association of fathers' self and child-focused RF and father-child relationships.  Fathers who have histories of intimate partner violence (IPV) are known to have poor RF, which may impact their father-child interactions.  The current study was designed to examine how types of RF are associated with father-child relationships.  Pretreatment assessments and recorded, coded father-child play interactions were used to examine associations among fathers' history of adverse childhood experiences (ACES), RF and coded father-child play interactions in a sample of 47 fathers with a history of IPV use in the last 6 months with their coparent.  Fathers' ACES and their child's mental states (CM) were associated with father-child dyadic play interactions.  Fathers with greater ACES and higher scores on CM had the most dyadic tension and constriction during play interactions.  Those with high ACES but low CM had scores similar to those with low ACES and low CM.  These results indicate that fathers who have used IPV and have a history of significant adversity may benefit from interventions to increase their child-focused RF and further improve their interactions with their children.

Se ha determinado que el Funcionamiento con Reflexión (RF) está asociado con las interacciones madre-niño, pero menos se conoce acerca de la asociación del propio RF de los papás y enfocado en el niño con las relaciones papá-niño. A los papás que cuentan con un historial de violencia con la pareja íntima (IPV) se les conoce por tener un débil RF, lo cual puede impactar sus interacciones papá-niño. El presente estudio se diseñó para examinar cómo los tipos de RF se asocian con las relaciones papá-niño. Las evaluaciones anteriores al tratamiento y el juego papá niño grabado y codificado se usaron para examinar las asociaciones entre el historial de los papás sobre experiencias adversas de niñez (ACES), RF y las codificadas interacciones papá-niño en un grupo muestra de 47 papás con un historial de uso de IPV en los últimos 6 meses con sus co-progenitores. Las ACES de los papás y ciertamente de los estados mentales de sus niños (CM) se asociaron con las interacciones de juego diádicas papá-niño. Los papás con mayor cantidad de ACES y más altos puntajes en CM presentaron la tensión y constricción más diádica durante las interacciones de juego. Aquellos con alto número de ACES, pero un bajo CM presentaron puntajes similares a aquellos con bajo número de ACES y un bajo CM. Estos resultados indican que los papás que han usado IPV y que tienen un historial de adversidad significativo pudieran beneficiarse de intervenciones para incrementar su RF con enfoque en el niño a fin de mejorar sus interacciones con sus niños.

Il est établi que le fonctionnement de réflexion (en anglais Reflective functioning, ici abrégé selon le français FR) est lié aux interactions mère-enfant mais on sait peu de choses sur le lien entre le FR sur soi et l'enfant des pères et les relations père-enfant. On sait que les pères ayant un passé de violence entre partenaires intimes (ici VPI) ont un FR diminué qui peut impacter leurs interactions père-enfant. Cette étude a été conçue afin d'examiner la manière dont les types de FR sont liés aux relations père-enfant. Des évaluations pré-traitement et des jeux père-enfant enregistrés et codés ont été utilisés afin d'examiner les liens entre l'histoire d'expériences négatives durant l'enfance (ACE) des pères, le FR et les interactions de jeu père-enfant codées chez un échantillon de 47 pères ayant un passé de VPI dans les six derniers mois avec leur coparent. Les ACE des pères et certainement des états mentaux de leur enfant (CM en anglais) ont été liés aux interactions de jeu dyadique père-enfant. Les pères avec plus de ACE et des scores CM plus élevés avaient le plus de tension dyadique et de constriction durant les interactions de jeu. Ceux avec des ACE élevés mais des CM bas avaient des scores similaires à ceux avec des ACE faibles et des CM faibles. Ces résultats indiquent que les pères ayant fait preuve de VPI qui ont un passé d'adversité importante peuvent bénéficier d'interventions pour accroître leur FR focalisé sur l'enfant afin d'améliorer leurs interactions avec leurs enfants.

Padre , Violencia de Pareja , Masculino , Humanos , Autoinforme , Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Relaciones Padre-Hijo
PeerJ ; 11: e14897, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36860766


Reintroduction is an effective strategy in the conservation of endangered species under scientific monitoring. Intestinal flora plays an important role in the envir onmental adaptation of endangered Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus). In this study, 34 fecal samples from E. davidianus were collected from different habitats in Tianjin city of China to investigate differences in the intestinal flora under captive and semi-free-ranging conditions. Based on 16S rRNA high-throughput sequencing technology, a total of 23 phyla and 518 genera were obtained. Firmicutes was dominant in all individuals. At the genus level, UCG-005 (13.05%) and Rikenellaceae_RC9_gut_group (8.94%) were dominant in captive individuals, while Psychrobacillus (26.53%) and Pseudomonas (11.33%) were dominant in semi-free-ranging individuals. Alpha diversity results showed that the intestinal flora richness and diversity were significantly (P < 0.001) higher in captive individuals than in semi-free-ranging individuals. Beta diversity analysis also showed a significant difference (P = 0.001) between the two groups. In addition, some age- and sex-related genera such as Monoglobus were identified. In summary, the structure and diversity of intestinal flora showed significant habitat variation. This is the first time an analysis has been undertaken of the structural differences of the intestinal flora in Père David's deer, under different habitats in the warm temperate zone, providing a reference basis for the conservation of endangered species.

Ciervos , Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Animales , Humanos , Microbioma Gastrointestinal/genética , Condiciones Sociales , ARN Ribosómico 16S/genética , Ambiente , Especies en Peligro de Extinción
Vet Res Commun ; 47(1): 259-264, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35182361


Blastocystis is a protozoan parasite frequently reported in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals, with a global distribution. No information on the infections of Blastocystis in Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus, PDD) is available. In this study, a total of 128 fecal samples collected in the National Nature Reserve of Shishou, Hubei Province of China, were used to determine the occurrence and subtypes of Blastocystis in PDD. Amplification of the SSU rDNA gene confirmed the common presence of Blastocystis infection, with an observed prevalence of 56.3% (72/128). Through nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analysis, five known subtypes, which consisted of one zoonotic subtype (ST10) and four ruminant-specifical subtypes (ST21, ST23, ST25, and ST26), were identified in this study. This represents a high degree genetic diversity of parasites within the host. Of the 72 PCR-positive samples, ruminant-specific subtypes were the most frequently observed, with ST21 being the most prevalent subtype (56.9.7%, 41/72). This is the first report characterizing the molecular subtypes of Blastocystis in PDD. The findings demonstrate a broad diversity and zoonotic potential of Blastocystis in PDD. Further study of the transmission potential between wildlife and humans or domestic animals in the region is required.

Blastocystis , Ciervos , Humanos , Animales , Blastocystis/genética , Filogenia , Rumiantes , China/epidemiología
Infant Ment Health J ; 44(1): 27-42, 2023 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36519760


In the infant mental health field, scant conceptual attention has been given to coparenting and family adaptations of non-white family systems, with no evidence-based, community-informed coparenting interventions responsive to unmarried Black mothers' and fathers' life circumstances. This study examined 1-year post-partum child and family outcomes of a novel, modest dosage (six sessions) prenatal focused coparenting consultation (FCC) using randomized controlled trial methodology. One-hundred-thirty-eight expectant families (one or both parents identified as Black/African American) were randomized to an intervention (N = 70) or treatment-as-usual (TAU; control) condition (N = 68). TAU families received navigational support in accessing existing community services for pregnant families. Intervention families received TAU plus 6 dyadic FCC sessions led by a Black male-female Community Mentor team. When infants were three and 12 months old, parents reported on coparenting, father engagement, interparental aggression, depressive symptoms, and infant social and emotional adjustment. Intent-to-treat analyses focusing on 12-month post-partum data indicated significant intervention effects on coparenting, interparental psychological aggression, and infants' emotional adjustment. Improvement was also seen in depression and father engagement, with gains for both groups. Results suggest FCC delivered by same-race Community Mentors to unmarried Black coparents transitioning to parenthood supports infant and family adaptation during the first year of life.

En el campo de salud mental infantil, se le ha puesto escasa atención conceptual a la compartida crianza y a las adaptaciones familiares en sistemas de familias no blancas, sin intervenciones sobre la compartida crianza basadas en la evidencia o con información comunitaria que sean sensibles a las circunstancias de mamás y papás de raza negra no casados. Este estudio examinó los resultados en el niño y la familia al año después del parto de la novedosa, prenatal Consulta de Enfoque en la Compartida Crianza (FCC) con número modesto de 6 sesiones, usando metodología de ensayo controlado al azar. Se asignó al azar ciento treinta y ocho familias durante el embarazo (uno o ambos progenitores identificados como negro o afroamericano) a una condición de intervención (N = 70) o de Tratamiento Usual (TAU; control) (N = 68). Las familias del grupo TAU recibieron apoyo direccional para lograr acceso a los servicios comunitarios existentes para familias durante el embarazo. Las familias del grupo de Intervención recibieron TAU más 6 sesiones diádicas de FCC dirigidas por un equipo comunitario de mentores compuesto por un hombre y una mujer negros. Cuando los infantes tenían tres y 12 meses de edad, los progenitores reportaron acerca de la compartida crianza, la participación del papá, la agresión entre progenitores, síntomas depresivos, y el ajuste social y emocional del infante. Los análisis con Intención de Tratar enfocados en los datos a 12 meses después del parto indicaron significativos efectos de la intervención en la compartida crianza, la agresión sicológica entre progenitores y el ajuste emocional de los infantes. También se notó mejoría en la depresión y en la participación del papá, con beneficios para ambos grupos. Los resultados indican que la FCC que dirigen mentores comunitarios de la misma raza a parejas negras no casadas en transición a ser padres apoya la adaptación del infante y la familia durante el primer año de vida.

Dans le domaine de la santé mentale du nourrisson peu d'attention conceptuelle a été donnée au co-parentage et aux adaptations de la famille dans des systèmes familiaux non-blancs, avec aucune intervention basée sur l'évidence et informée par la communauté répondant aux circonstances de vie des mères et des pères noirs. Cette étude a examiné les résultats pour l'enfant à un mois post-partum et la famille d'un nouveau dosage modéré (6 session) de la Consultation Ciblée de Co-parentage (en anglais Focused Coparenting Consultation, soit FCC) prénatale en utilisant une méthodologie d'essai contrôlé randomisé. Cent trente-huit familles attendant un enfant (un ou les deux parents identifié(s) comme Américains noirs/africains) ont été randomisés pour une intervention (N = 70) ou une condition Traitement-Comme d'Habitude (TCH; contrôle) (N = 68). Les familles TCH ont reçu du soutien à la navigation pour accéder aux services communautaires pour les familles enceintes. Les familles de l'intervention ont reçu le TCH plus 6 session FCC dyadiques menées par une équipe de Mentor Communautaire noire et formée d'un homme et d'une femme. Quand les bébés ont eu trois et 12 mois, les parents ont fait état du co-parentage, de l'engagement du père, de l'agression inter-parentale, de symptômes dépressifs, et de l'ajustement social et émotionnel du bébé. Des analyses en intention de traiter portant sur les données post-partum à 12 mois ont indiqué des effets importants de l'intervention pour le co-parentage, l'agression psychologique inter-parentale, et l'ajustement émotionnel des bébés. Des améliorations ont également été vues dans la dépression et l'engagement du père, avec des gains pour les deux troupes. Les résultats suggèrent que la FCC faite par des Mentors Communautaires de la même race à des coparents noirs non mariés transitionnant à la parentalité soutient le bébé et l'adaptation de la famille durant la première année de la vie.

Responsabilidad Parental , Persona Soltera , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Masculino , Embarazo , Padre/psicología , Madres/psicología , Responsabilidad Parental/psicología , Padres/psicología
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 26: e220946, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1515355


Ao contrário do vínculo mãe-filha(o), a relação pai-filha(o) tem recebido pouca atenção nos Transtornos Alimentares (TAs). Este estudo com desenho clínico-qualitativo objetivou compreender como pais de jovens com TAs vi,0 realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas com cinco pais cujas(os) filhas(os) estavam em tratamento. Os resultados foram analisados a partir da Análise de Conteúdo Clínico-Qualitativa e da Psicanálise das Configurações Vinculares. A relação pai-filha foi marcada por proximidade afetiva na infância, embora com pouco envolvimento com as tarefas de cuidado. O distanciamento afetivo, a partir do período pubertário da(o) filha(o), contribuiu para fragilizar o vínculo paterno. Os resultados fornecem subsídios para a inclusão dos pais no tratamento.

Unlike the mother-daughter bond, the father-daughter relationship has received little attention in eating disorders (ED). This study with clinical-qualitative method aimed to understand how parents of young people with ED experienced the bonds with their parental figures during childhood/adolescence and, later, with their wives and daughters. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five parents whose daughters were in treatment. The results were analyzed using the Clinical-Qualitative Content Analysis and the Psychoanalysis of Linking Configurations. The father-daughter relationship was marked by affective closeness in childhood, although with little involvement in caregiving tasks. The affective distancing, starting in the daughter's pubertal period, contributed to weaken the paternal bond. The results provide subsidies for the inclusion of fathers in the treatment.

Contrairement au lien mère-fille, la relation père-fille a reçu peu d'attention dans le domaine des troubles alimentaires (TA). Cette étude avec la méthode clinico-qualitative visait à comprendre comment les parents de jeunes atteints de troubles de l'élocution ont vécu les liens avec leurs figures parentales pendant l'enfance / adolescence et, plus tard, avec leurs épouses et leurs filles. Des entretiens semi-structurés ont été menés avec cinq parents dont les filles étaient en traitement. Les résultats ont été analysés sur la base de l'analyse de contenu clinico-quanitative et de la psychanalyse des configurations d'attachement. La relation père-fille était marquée par une proximité affective dans l'enfance, mais avec une faible implication dans les tâches de soins. La distanciation affective, dès la période de puberté de la fille, a contribué à affaiblir le lien paternel.

La relación padre-hija ha recibido poca atención en los trastornos alimentarios (TAs). Este estudio, con un diseño clínico-cualitativo, pretendía comprender cómo los padres de jóvenes con TAs experimentaban los vínculos con sus figuras parentales durante la infancia/adolescencia y, posteriormente, con sus esposas e hijas. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a cinco padres cuyas hijas estaban en tratamiento. Los resultados se analizaron a partir del Análisis de Contenido Clínico-Cualitativo y del Psicoanálisis de las Configuraciones de Apego. La relación padre-hija estuvo marcada por la cercanía afectiva en la infancia, aunque con poca implicación en las tareas de cuidado. El distanciamiento afectivo, a partir del período de pubertad de la hija, contribuyó a debilitar el vínculo paterno. Los resultados proporcionan subsidios para la inclusión de los padres en el tratamiento.

Soins Pediatr Pueric ; 43(329): 12-14, 2022.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36435515


This literature review focuses on tactile interactions between parents and their infants. Research on the dyad has explored both cultural differences in touch and the relationship between touch style and hormonal secretion in both parents. The few studies that have examined this communicative modality within the triad have investigated the frequency and type of parent-infant touch, as well as the effect of skin-to-skin contact on tactile interactions at three months postpartum.

Madres , Tacto , Lactante , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Relaciones Madre-Hijo , Comunicación , Padre
Pathogens ; 11(11)2022 Oct 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36364973


Cryptosporidium spp., Blastocystis, Giardia duodenalis, Balantioides coli, Pentatrichomonas hominis, and Enterocytozoon bieneusi are enteric protozoan parasites and fungal species in humans and animals. Père David's deer is an endangered species in China, but the prevalence of enteric protozoans in this species still needs to be further studied. Thus, we investigated the prevalence and genetic diversity of zoonotic parasites in Père David's deer during the period of 2018-2021. Among the 286 fecal samples collected from Père David's deer in the Nanhaizi Nature Reserve, 83 (29.0%) were positive for Blastocystis, 70 (24.5%) were positive for E. bieneusi, while other protozoan parasites were negative. Based on a phylogenetic analysis, three Blastocystis subtypes (ST10, ST14, and ST21) and ten E. bieneusi genotypes (Genotype D, MWC_d1, HLJD-V, Peru6, BEB6, BJED-I to BJED-I V) were identified. In addition, the Blastocystis subtype ST14 and the E. bieneusi genotype D and Peru6 were first detected in Père David's deer. Our study first reports the presence of two enteric protozoans in Père David's deer during a 4-year active surveillance and provides more information about zoonotic subtypes/genotypes of Blastocystis and E. bieneusi in deer.

Infant Ment Health J ; 43(5): 730-743, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35913699


Although parenting interventions including expectant fathers are scarce, they yield promising results. The Prenatal Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting (VIPP-PRE) is a recently developed intervention, that is both manualized and personalized, aiming to enhance paternal sensitivity and involvement before the birth of the baby. Illustrating the intervention process, the current study presents two case studies of expectant fathers receiving VIPP-PRE (clinical trial registration NL62696.058.17). The VIPP-PRE program is described along with the individual dyads' prenatal video fragments and feedback specific for each father-fetus dyad. In addition, changes in paternal sensitivity and involvement levels are presented, as well as fathers' and intervener's evaluation of the intervention. VIPP-PRE promises to be a feasible short-term and potentially effective parenting intervention for expectant fathers. Currently, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) is under review that systematically investigates the efficacy of the VIPP-PRE. Here we aim to provide further information on the intervention process, as well as fathers' and intervener's evaluations of this process, and the benefits of using ultrasound imaging in a parenting intervention.

Aunque las intervenciones de crianza incluyendo a los papás en espera son escasas, las mismas producen resultados prometedores. La Intervención Prenatal de Información en Video para promover la Crianza Positiva (VIPP-PRE) es una intervención recientemente desarrollada, la cual es manejada a mano y personalizada, con el objetivo de mejorar la sensibilidad y la participación paterna antes del nacimiento del bebé. Demostrando el proceso de intervención, el presente estudio presenta dos casos de estudio de papás en espera que reciben VIPP-PRE (registro de ensayo clínico NL62696.058.17). El programa VIPP-PRE se describe junto con los fragmentos e información del video prenatal de las díadas individuales específicas para cada díada papá-feto. Adicionalmente, se presentan los cambios en los niveles de sensibilidad y participación paterna, así como también la evaluación de la intervención por parte de los papás y de quien condujo la intervención. VIPP-PRE promete ser una intervención de crianza factible a corto plazo y potencialmente efectiva para papás en espera. Actualmente, se encuentra bajo revisión un ensayo controlado al azar (RCT) que sistemáticamente investiga la efectividad de VIPP-PRE. Aquí nos proponemos ofrecer mayor información sobre el proceso de intervención, así como también las evaluaciones que del proceso hicieron los papás y quien condujo la intervención, y los beneficios de usar las imágenes de ultrasonido en una intervención de crianza.

Bien que les interventions de parentage in incluent des futurs pères soient rares, elles donnent des résultats prometteurs. L'Intervention de Retour-Vidéo Prénatale pour promouvoir le Parentage Positif (abrégé en anglais VIPP-PRE) est une intervention récemment développée. Elle est à la fois manualisée et personnalisée, se donnant pour but de renforcer la sensibilité et l'engagement avant la naissance du bébé. Illustrant le processus d'intervention cette étude présente deux études de cas de futurs pères recevant la CVIP-PRE (enregistrement des essais cliniques NL62696.058.17). Le programme VIPP-PRE est décrit ainsi que les fragments vidéo prénatale des dyades individuelles et le retour spécifique pour chaque dyade père-fœtus. De plus les changements dans la sensibilité paternelle et dans les niveaux d'engagement sont présentés, ainsi que l'évaluation des pères et des intervenants de l'intervention. La VIPP-PRE promet d'être une intervention de parentage viable à court terme et potentiellement efficace pour les futurs pères. Pour l'instant un essai contrôlé randomisé est à l'étude, étudiant systématiquement l'efficacité de la VIPP-PRE. Ici nous nous donnons pour but d'offrir des informations plus amples sur le processus d'intervention, ainsi que sur les évaluations du processus faites par les pères et les intervenants, et sur les bénéfices qu'il y a à utiliser les images ultrasons dans une intervention de parentage.

Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Responsabilidad Parental , Padre , Retroalimentación , Retroalimentación Psicológica , Humanos , Lactante , Masculino , Grabación en Video
BMC Vet Res ; 18(1): 213, 2022 Jun 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35655211


BACKGROUND: Eimeria coccidiosis is a significant intestinal parasitic disease, which can lead to weight loss, disease and even death of many animals. At present, there is no information about the prevalence of Eimeria among the world's endangered species of Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify an unknown Eimeria genus in the Père David's deer in Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve, China. RESULTS: A new Eimeria species is described from Père David's deer. Sporulated oocysts (n = 54) are pyriform, with a rough, yellowish brown, 2-layered oocyst wall (2.5 µm thick). A numerous small granules are dispersed randomly on the wall. Oocysts measured 41.2 (39.2-42.8) µm × 29.5 (27.9-30.5) µm, oocyst length/width (L/W) ratio, 1.4. Oocyst residuum, a polar granule and a polar cap are absent. The micropyle (3.5 µm wide) is present. Sporocysts are spindle shaped, 18.2 (16.5-20.0) µm × 10.5 (9.8-11.9) µm, sporocyst L/W ratio, 1.7 (1.5-1.9). A thin convex Stieda body is present and the sporocyst residuum is composed of numerous small granules less than 2.0 µm in diameter dispersed randomly. Each sporocyst contained 2 comma-shaped sporozoites in head-to-tail arrangement. A nucleus is located immediately anterior to the posterior, strong refractive and subspherical refractile body (~ 8 µm). Molecular analysis was conducted at the 18S, ITS-1 and COI loci. CONCLUSION: Based on the morphological and molecular data, this isolate is a new species of coccidian parasite, which is named Eimeria davidianusi after its host, the Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus).

Coccidiosis , Ciervos , Eimeria , Animales , Coccidiosis/epidemiología , Coccidiosis/parasitología , Coccidiosis/veterinaria , Heces/parasitología , Oocistos
Soins Pediatr Pueric ; 43(325): 40-43, 2022.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35550742


Paternal involvement impacts the relationship between mother and child and protects the transmission of the traumatic experience in a migratory context. A study was conducted in France with mother-child dyads in which the women were exposed to traumatic events. It identified three themes around the metatheme of the father's place: the husband's function as moral support during migration, his cultural function as a relay for his wife to the child, and the maintenance of the bond despite his physical absence.

Padre , Madres , Femenino , Francia , Humanos , Lactante , Masculino
Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol ; 50(7-8): 511-518, 2022.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35504541


BACKGROUND: The presence of the father or companion during planned caesarean section presents several benefits. However, we found no study regarding the mother's experience of his presence or absence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted an observational, prospective, two-centre study based on the data of women who had a planned caesarean section in Bel Air and Mercy Maternities between November 17th 2020 and June 4th 2021. Two groups were formed : a control group, including women who had a c-section in the presence of the father or companion, and a case group, including women who had a c-section without the father or companion due to Covid-19 pandemic-related containment measures. The primary endpoint was to assess the mother's anxiety regarding the presence or absence of the father or companion during planned c-section, by the use of a numerical scale of stress and STAI YA inventory. The secondary endpoint was the appraisal of information given by the medical team concerning c-section and the containment measures. RESULTS: Regarding the level of stress during the c-section, we did not find a significant difference by the use of the numerical scale of stress. With a mean of 53 in the case group and 49 in the focus group (P=0,048), the STAI YA scores showed a significant difference. Between the day before and the day of the c-section, we found no significant difference by the use of the numerical scale of stress. STAI YA scores showed a significant difference, with a delta of 5 in the case group against 1 in the focus group (P=0,01). Most patients estimated that the information given by the medical team helped to reduce their stress. 93 % of the patients in the focus group reckoned they would have been more stressed in the absence of the father or companion. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The significant results of this study suggest the absence of the father or companion during planned caesarean section has an impact on mother's experience. Therefore, this should be considered in order to better our practices and improve mother's experience. In the long term, we could imagine making their presence possible during emergency caesarean sections as well (general anesthesia excluded). We could also envision adding to preparation courses to c-section to birth preparation courses, for mothers (to reduce psychological impact) but also for fathers or companions (to allow their presence in the operation room).

COVID-19 , Cesárea , Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles , Padre , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Madres , Pandemias , Embarazo , Estudios Prospectivos
aSEPHallus ; 16(32): 148-165, maio2021-out.2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1342721


Procuramos debater algumas perspectivas da clínica contemporânea e do campo da psicopatologia no contexto do laço social hoje, tomando como base as mudanças conceituais em Jacques Lacan sobre o Nome-doPai e as incidências sobre a noção de suplência no seu último ensino. Entendemos que a renovação da clínica em Lacan revigora a psicopatologia na lógica borromeana e orienta a prática do psicanalista na clínica do Real.

Clinique, psychopathologie et lien social aujourd'hui: On cherche à débattre de certaines perspectives de la clinique contemporaine et du domaine de la psychopathologie dans le contexte du lien social aujourd'hui. On l'examine à partir des changements conceptuels de Jacques Lacan autour du Nom-du-Père et des incidences sur la notion de suppléance dans ses dernières études. On comprend que la rénovation de la clinique de Lacan revigore la psychopathologie dans la logique borroméenne et guide la pratique du psychanalyste dans la clinique du Réel.

Clinic, psychopathology and social bond today: In this study, we discussed some perspectives of contemporary clinic and psychopathology field in the current social bond context, based on Jacques Lacan's concept changes regarding the Name-of-The-Father and the incidences of s replacement notion in his last teaching. We understand that clinic reformulation in Lacan invigorates the field of psychopathology in Borromean logic and guides psychoanalysts' practices in the clinic of the real.

Psicoanálisis , Psicopatología
Front Genet ; 12: 705337, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34557217


The reintroduction is an important conservation tool to restore a species in its historically distribution area, but the rate of reintroduction success varies across species or regions due to different reasons. Genetic evaluation is important to the conservation management of reintroduced species. Conservation concerns relate to genetic threats for species with a small population size or severely historically bottle-necked species, such as negative consequences associated with loss of genetic diversity and inbreeding. The last 40years have seen a rapid increasing of population size for Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus), which originated from a limited founder population. However, the genetic structure of reintroduced Père David's deer has not been investigated in terms of population genomics, and it is still not clear about the evolutionary history of Père David's deer and to what extent the inbreeding level is. Conservation genomics methods were used to reconstruct the demographic history of Père David's deer, evaluate genetic diversity, and characterize genetic structure among 18 individuals from the captive, free-ranging and wild populations. The results showed that 1,456,457 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were obtained for Père David's deer, and low levels of genome-wide genetic diversity were observed in Père David's deer compared with Red deer (Cervus elaphus) and Sika deer (Cervus nippon). A moderate population genetic differentiation was detected among three populations of Père David's deer, especially between the captive population in Beijing Père David's deer park and the free-ranging population in Jiangsu Dafeng National Nature Reserve. The effective population size of Père David's deer started to decline ~25.8ka, and the similar levels of three populations' LD reflected the genetic impacts of long-term population bottlenecks in the Père David's deer. The findings of this study could highlight the necessity of individual exchange between different facilities, and genetic management should generally be integrated into conservation planning with other management considerations.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 24(2): 308-332, jun. 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1289795


O tema evoca um conflito de paradigmas entre os fundamentos da civiliação judaico-cristã, a evolução dos costumes na pós-modernidade, a psicanálise como uma prática relativa à regulação do gozo no campo da psicopatologia e o discurso do Direito que regula a distribuição do gozo no laço social. A psicanálise nasce sob o paradigma da modernidade. Freud desvela a origem perversa e polimorfa da sexualidade, que é posteriormente submetida à lei por meio da função do Nome-do-Pai. Muitos filósofos pós-modernos rejeitam o primado da diferença anatômica entre os sexos, da fantasia infantil da castração e da ficção que atribui ao pai o protagonismo na interdição do incesto. Vamos contrastar os conceitos de diferença, diversidade e autodefinição sexual.

The title evokes a conflict of paradigms between the foundations of Judeo-Christian civilization, the evolution of customs in postmodernity, psychoanalysis as a practice related to the regulation of enjoyment in the field of psychopathology and the discourse of Law that regulates the distribution of enjoyment in social bonding. Psychoanalysis was born under the paradigm of modernity. Freud unveiled the perverse and polymorphic origin of sexuality, which is subsequently subjected to law through the function of the Name of the Father. Many postmodern philosophers reject the primacy of the anatomical difference between the sexes, the infantile fantasy of castration and the fiction that bestows the leading role upon the father in the prohibition of incest. As a result, this article contrasts the concepts of difference and diversity and sexual self-definition.

Le thème évoque un conflit de paradigmes entre les fondements de la civilisation judéo-chrétienne, l'évolution des coutumes dans la postmodernité, la psychanalyse en tant que pratique liée à la régulation de la jouissance dans le domaine de la psychopathologie et le discours du Droit qui règle la répartition de la jouissance dans le lien social. La psychanalyse est née sous le paradigme de la modernité. Freud dévoile l'origine perverse et polymorphe de la sexualité, qui est ensuite soumise à la loi par la fonction du Nom du Père. De nombreux philosophes postmodernes rejettent la primauté de la différence anatomique entre les sexes, du fantasme infantile de castration et de la fiction qui attribue au père le protagonisme dans l'interdiction de l'inceste. Nous comparons les concepts de différence et de diversité et d'autodéfinition sexuelle.

El tema evoca un conflicto de paradigmas entre los fundamentos de la civilización judeocristiana, la evolución de las costumbres en la postmodernidad, el psicoanálisis como práctica relacionada a la regulación del goce en el campo de la psicopatología y el discurso del Derecho que regula la distribución del goce en el vínculo social. El psicoanálisis nace bajo el paradigma de la modernidad. Freud revela el origen perverso y polimórfico de la sexualidad que, posteriormente, se somete a la ley a través de la función del Nombre del Padre. Muchos filósofos postmodernos rechazan la primacía de la diferencia anatómica entre los sexos, de la fantasía infantil de la castración y de la ficción que atribuye al padre el protagonismo en la interdicción del incesto. Comparemos los conceptos de diferencia, diversidad y autodefinición sexual.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 24(2): 377-396, jun. 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1289800


O trabalho visa traçar um paralelo entre o panóptico de Bentham, a partir de Foucault, e o supereu freudiano. O panóptico não era apenas uma construção física, mas correspondia à transposição para a realidade do ideário político-social de uma época. Retrata uma relação de poderes em que o sujeito se vê controlado por um outro, cuja invisibilidade é catalisadora da percepção de vigilância e opressão. A partir do supereu, o representante da cultura no sujeito, busca-se articular os dois conceitos e, do encontro, abordar as mudanças oriundas da mudança do lugar do pai na contemporaneidade e suas implicações na subjetivação.

This article aims to draw a parallel between Bentham's panopticon, based on Foucault, and the Freudian superego. The Panopticon was not just a physical construction, but rather corresponded to the transposition to reality of the political-social ideal of an era. It portrays a relation of powers in which the subject sees himself controlled by another, whose invisibility is a catalyst for the perception of vigilance and oppression. From the superego, the representative of culture in the subject, we seek to articulate the two concepts and the encounter, to address the changes arising from the change of the father's place in contemporary times and its implications for subjectification.

Cet article vise à tracer un parallèle entre le panoptique de Bentham, à commencer par Foucault, et le surmoi freudien. Le panoptique n'était pas seulement une construction physique, mais il correspondait à la transposition vers la réalité de l'idéologie politico-sociale d'une époque. Il dépeint une relation de pouvoirs dans laquelle le sujet est contrôlé par un autre dont l'invisibilité est un catalyseur de la perception de la vigilance et de l'oppression. A partir du surmoi, représentant de la culture dans le sujet, nous cherchons à rapprocher les deux concepts et, à partir de cette rencontre, à traiter les changements issus du changement de la place du père à l'époque contemporaine, ainsi que ses implications pour la subjectivation.

El objetivo del trabajo es establecer un paralelo entre el panóptico de Bentham, a partir de Foucault, y el superyó freudiano. El panóptico no era sólo una construcción física, sino que correspondía a la transposición a la realidad de la ideología político-social de una época. Representa una relación de poderes en donde el sujeto se ve controlado por otro, cuya invisibilidad cataliza la percepción de vigilancia y opresión. Desde el superyó, el representante de la cultura en el sujeto, se busca articular los dos conceptos y, a partir de ese encuentro, abordar los aspectos provenientes del cambio del lugar del padre en la contemporaneidad y sus implicaciones en la subjetivación.

Tempo psicanál ; 53(1): 6-29, jan.-jun. 2021. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1341710


O Outro, como representante do gozo feminino, inalcançável e não-todo, exige o recurso ao gozo fálico como modo de se conceber em seu ser, ainda quando se está situado do lado feminino da sexuação. Frida Kahlo, sujeito cuja visada no plano da arte serve como objeto de análise deste artigo, parece demonstrá-lo por meio de suas telas. Sua fórmula consiste, em parte, em tentar atingir, com o apoio do parceiro amoroso, um dizer sobre o seu ser de gozo. No par Diego e Frida, a pintura aparece para dizer basta ao gozo masoquista da privação, devolvendo a artista à perspectiva do amor pelo pai, père-version, que enlaça de modo sintomático, em sua obra, amor, feminilidade e trauma.

The Other, as representative of feminine jouissance, unattainable and not-whole, demands an appeal to the phallic jouissance as a way to know itself, even when one is placed at the feminine side of sexuation. Frida Kahlo, subject whose view in the field of art is the object of analysis at this article, seems to demonstrate those facts through her pictures. Her formula consists, to a certain extent, in trying to reach with support of the loving partner a speech about her being of jouissance. In Diego and Frida partnership, painting appears to say enough to the masochist privation jouissance, sending the artist back to the perspective of love for father, père-version that enlace in a symptomatic way, in her work, love, femininity and trauma.

L'Autre, en tant que représentant de la jouissance féminine, inaccessible et pas-tout, requiert l'usage de la jouissance phallique comme une manière de se concevoir dans son être, même lorsqu'on est située du côté féminin de la sexuation. Frida Kahlo, sujet dont le but sur le plan d'art fait l'objet de l'analyse de cet article, semble le démontrer à travers ses toiles. Sa formule consiste, en partie, à essayer de réaliser avec le soutien du partenaire aimant un dicton sur son être de jouissance. Dans le couple Diego et Frida, la peinture semble dire basta au plaisir masochiste de la privation, ramenant l'artiste à la perspective de l'amour du père, père-version qui relie symptomatiquement dans son œuvre, l'amour, la féminité et le traumatisme.