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Nano Lett ; 23(14): 6433-6439, 2023 Jul 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37460109


Black phosphorus (BP) stands out among two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors because of its high mobility and thickness dependent direct band gap. However, the quasiparticle band structure of ultrathin BP has remained inaccessible to experiment thus far. Here we use a recently developed laser-based microfocus angle resolved photoemission (µ-ARPES) system to establish the electronic structure of 2-9 layer BP from experiment. Our measurements unveil ladders of anisotropic, quantized subbands at energies that deviate from the scaling observed in conventional semiconductor quantum wells. We quantify the anisotropy of the effective masses and determine universal tight-binding parameters, which provide an accurate description of the electronic structure for all thicknesses.

Nano Lett ; 19(6): 3737-3742, 2019 06 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31038974


We have performed scanning angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with a nanometer-sized beam spot (nano-ARPES) on the cleaved surface of Pb5Bi24Se41, which is a member of the (PbSe)5(Bi2Se3)3 m homologous series (PSBS) with m = 4 consisting of alternate stacking of the topologically trivial insulator PbSe bilayer and four quintuple layers (QLs) of the topological insulator Bi2Se3. This allows us to visualize a mosaic of topological Dirac states at a nanometer scale coming from the variable thickness of the Bi2Se3 nanoislands (1-3 QLs) that remain on top of the PbSe layer after cleaving the PSBS crystal, because the local band structure of topological origin changes drastically with the thickness of the Bi2Se3 nanoislands. A comparison of the local band structure with that in ultrathin Bi2Se3 films on Si(111) gives us further insights into the nature of the observed topological states. This result demonstrates that nano-ARPES is a very useful tool for characterizing topological heterostructures.

Nano Lett ; 19(1): 554-560, 2019 01 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30570259


Two-dimensional crystals of semi-metallic van der Waals materials hold much potential for the realization of novel phases, as exemplified by the recent discoveries of a polar metal in few-layer 1T'-WTe2 and of a quantum spin Hall state in monolayers of the same material. Understanding these phases is particularly challenging because little is known from experiments about the momentum space electronic structure of ultrathin crystals. Here, we report direct electronic structure measurements of exfoliated mono-, bi-, and few-layer 1T'-WTe2 by laser-based microfocus angle-resolved photoemission. This is achieved by encapsulating with monolayer graphene a flake of WTe2 comprising regions of different thickness. Our data support the recent identification of a quantum spin Hall state in monolayer 1T'-WTe2 and reveal strong signatures of the broken inversion symmetry in the bilayer. We finally discuss the sensitivity of encapsulated samples to contaminants following exposure to ambient atmosphere.

Nano Lett ; 16(7): 4001-7, 2016 07 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27311702


Due to their high surface-to-volume ratio, cylindrical Bi2Te3 nanowires are employed as model systems to investigate the chemistry and the unique conductive surface states of topological insulator nanomaterials. We report on nanoangle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (nano-ARPES) characterization of individual cylindrical Bi2Te3 nanowires with a diameter of 100 nm. The nanowires are synthesized by electrochemical deposition inside channels of ion-track etched polymer membranes. Core level spectra recorded with submicron resolution indicate a homogeneous chemical composition along individual nanowires, while nano-ARPES intensity maps reveal the valence band structure at the single nanowire level. First-principles electronic structure calculations for chosen crystallographic orientations are in good agreement with those revealed by nano-ARPES. The successful application of nano-ARPES on single one-dimensional nanostructures constitutes a new avenue to achieve a better understanding of the electronic structure of topological insulator nanomaterials.