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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(34): e2401638121, 2024 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39133841


This study analyzes H2O and HDO vertical profiles in the Venus mesosphere using Venus Express/Solar Occultation in the InfraRed data. The findings show increasing H2O and HDO volume mixing ratios with altitude, with the D/H ratio rising significantly from 0.025 at ~70 km to 0.24 at ~108 km. This indicates an increase from 162 to 1,519 times the Earth's ratio within 40 km. The study explores two hypotheses for these results: isotopic fractionation from photolysis of H2O over HDO or from phase change processes. The latter, involving condensation and evaporation of sulfuric acid aerosols, as suggested by previous authors [X. Zhang et al., Nat. Geosci. 3, 834-837 (2010)], aligns more closely with the rapid changes observed. Vertical transport computations for H2O, HDO, and aerosols show water vapor downwelling and aerosols upwelling. We propose a mechanism where aerosols form in the lower mesosphere due to temperatures below the water condensation threshold, leading to deuterium-enriched aerosols. These aerosols ascend, evaporate at higher temperatures, and release more HDO than H2O, which are then transported downward. Moreover, this cycle may explain the SO2 increase in the upper mesosphere observed above 80 km. The study highlights two crucial implications. First, altitude variation is critical to determining the Venus deuterium and hydrogen reservoirs. Second, the altitude-dependent increase of the D/H ratio affects H and D escape rates. The photolysis of H2O and HDO at higher altitudes releases more D, influencing long-term D/H evolution. These findings suggest that evolutionary models should incorporate altitude-dependent processes for accurate D/H fractionation predictions.

Space Sci Rev ; 219(5): 41, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37469439


The two-year prime mission of the NASA Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) is complete. The baseline operational and scientific objectives have been met and exceeded, as detailed in this report. In October of 2019, ICON was launched into an orbit that provides its instruments the capability to deliver near-continuous measurements of the densest plasma in Earth's space environment. Through collection of a key set of in-situ and remote sensing measurements that are, by virtue of a detailed mission design, uniquely synergistic, ICON enables completely new investigations of the mechanisms that control the behavior of the ionosphere-thermosphere system under both geomagnetically quiet and active conditions. In a two-year period that included a deep solar minimum, ICON has elucidated a number of remarkable effects in the ionosphere attributable to energetic inputs from the lower and middle atmosphere, and shown how these are transmitted from the edge of space to the peak of plasma density above. The observatory operated in a period of low activity for 2 years and then for a year with increasing solar activity, observing the changing balance of the impacts of lower and upper atmospheric drivers on the ionosphere.

Astrobiology ; 23(4): 469-475, 2023 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36800170


The purpose of this article is to reopen from a practical perspective the question of the extent in altitude of Earth's biosphere. We make a number of different suggestions for how searches for biological material could be conducted in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, colloquially referred to as the "ignore-osphere" because it has been generally ignored in the meteorological community compared to other regions. Relatively recent technological advances such as CubeSats in very low Earth orbit or more standard approaches such as the rocket-borne MAGIC meteoric smoke particle sampler are shown as potentially viable for sampling biological material in the ignore-osphere. The issue of contamination is discussed, and a potential solution to the problem is proposed by means of a new detector design that filters for particles based on their size and relative velocity to the detector.

Microbiología del Aire , Aire , Aire/análisis , Filtración , Altitud
J Geophys Res Atmos ; 127(22): e2022JD036767, 2022 Nov 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36582199


We examine the thermal structure of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) using observations from 2002 through 2021 from the SABER instrument on the NASA TIMED satellite. These observations show that the MLT has significantly cooled and contracted between the years 2002 and 2019 (the year of the most recent solar minimum) due to a combination of a decline in the intensity of the 11-year solar cycle and increasing carbon dioxide (CO2.) During this time the thickness of atmosphere between the 1  and 10-4 hPa pressure surfaces (approximately 48 and 105 km) has contracted by 1,333 m, of which 342 m is attributed to increasing CO2. All other pressure surfaces in the MLT have similarly contracted. We further postulate that the MLT in the two most recent solar minima (2008-2009 and 2019-2020) was very likely the coldest and thinnest since the beginning of the Industrial Age. The sensitivity of the MLT to a doubling of CO2 is shown to be -7.5 K based on observed trends in temperature and growth rates of CO2. Colder temperatures observed at 10-4 hPa in 2019 than in the prior solar minimum in 2009 may be due to a decrease of 5% in solar irradiance in the Schumann-Runge band spectral region (175-200 nm).

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 127(15): e2022JD037063, 2022 Aug 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36245639


This work evaluates zonal winds in both hemispheres near the polar winter mesopause in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) with thermosphere-ionosphere eXtension combined with data assimilation using the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) (WACCMX+DART). We compare 14 years (2006-2019) of WACCMX+DART zonal mean zonal winds near 90 km to zonal mean zonal winds derived from Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) geopotential height measurements during Arctic mid-winter. 10 years (2008-2017) of WACCMX+DART zonal mean zonal winds are compared to SABER in the Antarctic mid-winter. It is well known that WACCM, and WACCM-X, zonal winds at the polar winter mesopause exhibit a strong easterly (westward) bias. One explanation for this is that the models omit higher order gravity waves (GWs), and thus the eastward drag caused by these GWs. We show for the first time that the model winds near the polar winter mesopause are in closer agreement with SABER observations when the winds near the stratopause are weak or reversed. The model and observed mesosphere and lower thermosphere winds agree most during dynamically disturbed times often associated with minor or major sudden stratospheric warming events. Results show that the deceleration of the stratospheric and mesospheric polar night jet allows enough eastward GWs to propagate into the mesosphere, driving eastward zonal winds that are in agreement with the observations. Thus, in both hemispheres, the winter polar night jet speed and direction near the stratopause may be a useful proxy for model fidelity in the polar winter upper mesosphere.

Prog Earth Planet Sci ; 9(1): 11, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35127336


The exact occurrence frequency of noctilucent clouds (NLCs) in middle latitudes is significant information because it is thought to be sensitive to long-term atmospheric change. We conducted NLC observation from airline jets in the Northern Hemisphere during the summer 2019 to evaluate the effectiveness of NLC observation from airborne platforms. By cooperating with the Japanese airline All Nippon Airways (ANA), imaging observations of NLCs were conducted on 13 flights from Jun 8 to Jul 12. As a result of careful analysis, 8 of these 13 flights were found to successfully detect NLCs from middle latitudes (lower than 55° N) during their cruising phase. Based on the results of these test observations, it is shown that an airline jet is a powerful tool to continuously monitor the occurrence frequency of NLCs at midlatitudes which is generally difficult with a polar orbiting satellite due to sparse sampling in both temporal and spatial domain. The advantages and merits of NLC observation from jets over satellite observation from a point of view of imaging geometry are also presented.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 126(11): e2020JD034523, 2021 Jun 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34221782


The energetic particle precipitation (EPP) indirect effect (IE) refers to the downward transport of reactive odd nitrogen (NOx = NO + NO2) produced by EPP (EPP-NOx) from the polar winter mesosphere and lower thermosphere to the stratosphere where it can destroy ozone. Previous studies of the EPP IE examined NOx descent averaged over the polar region, but the work presented here considers longitudinal variations. We report that the January 2009 split Arctic vortex in the stratosphere left an imprint on the distribution of NO near the mesopause, and that the magnitude of EPP-NOx descent in the upper mesosphere depends strongly on the planetary wave (PW) phase. We focus on an 11-day case study in late January immediately following the 2009 sudden stratospheric warming during which regional-scale Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs) formed atop the strengthening mesospheric vortex. The LCSs emerged over the north Atlantic in the vicinity of the trough of a 10-day westward traveling planetary wave. Over the next week, the LCSs acted to confine NO-rich air to polar latitudes, effectively prolonging its lifetime as it descended into the top of the polar vortex. Both a whole atmosphere data assimilation model and satellite observations show that the PW trough remained coincident in space and time with the NO-rich air as both migrated westward over the Canadian Arctic. Estimates of descent rates indicate five times stronger descent inside the PW trough compared to other longitudes. This case serves to set the stage for future climatological analysis of NO transport via LCSs.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 126(23): e2021JD035343, 2021 Dec 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35865753


Atomic oxygen (O) in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) results from a balance between production via photo-dissociation in the lower thermosphere and chemical loss by recombination in the upper mesosphere. The transport of O downward from the lower thermosphere into the mesosphere is preferentially driven by the eddy diffusion process that results from dissipating gravity waves and instabilities. The motivation here is to probe the intra-annual variability of the eddy diffusion coefficient (k zz ) and eddy velocity in the MLT based on the climatology of the region, initially accomplished by Garcia and Solomon (1985, In the current study, the intra-annual cycle was divided into 26 two-week periods for each of three zones: the northern hemisphere (NH), southern hemisphere (SH), and equatorial (EQ). Both 16 years of SABER (2002-2018) and 10 years of SCIAMACHY (2002-2012) O density measurements, along with NRLMSIS® 2.0 were used for calculation of atomic oxygen eddy diffusion velocities and fluxes. Our prominent findings include a dominant annual oscillation below 87 km in the NH and SH zones, with a factor of 3-4 variation between winter and summer at 83 km, and a dominant semiannual oscillation at all altitudes in the EQ zone. The measured global average k zz at 96 km lacks the intra-annual variability of upper atmosphere density data deduced by Qian et al. (2009, The very large seasonal (and hemispherical) variations in k zz and O densities are important to separate and isolate in satellite analysis and to incorporate in MLT models.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 10(5)2020 May 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32443603


In this study, carbon mesospheres (CMS) and iron oxide nanoparticles decorated on carbon mesospheres (Fe2O3-CMS) were effectively synthesized by a direct and simple hydrothermal approach. α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles have been successfully dispersed in situ on a CMS surface. The nanoparticles obtained have been characterized by employing different analytical techniques encompassing Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The produced carbon mesospheres, mostly spherical in shape, exhibited an average size of 334.5 nm, whereas that of Fe2O3 supported on CMS is at around 80 nm. The catalytic effect of the nanocatalyst on the thermal behavior of cellulose nitrate (NC) was investigated by utilizing differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The determination of kinetic parameters has been carried out using four isoconversional kinetic methods based on DSC data obtained at various heating rates. It is demonstrated that Fe2O3-CMS have a minor influence on the decomposition temperature of NC, while a noticeable diminution of the activation energy is acquired. In contrast, pure CMS have a slight stabilizing effect with an increase of apparent activation energy. Furthermore, the decomposition reaction mechanism of NC is affected by the introduction of the nano-catalyst. Lastly, we can infer that Fe2O3-CMS may be securely employed as an effective catalyst for the thermal decomposition of NC.

J Control Release ; 274: 93-101, 2018 03 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29031897


Cell impurities are an emerging nucleating molecular barriers having the capability in disordering the metabolic chain reactions of proteolysis, glycolysis and lipolysis. Their massive effects induced by copolymer crystal growth in compaction with metal and mineral transients are extended as well as in damaging DNA and mRNA structure motif and other molecular assembly e.g. histones structure unites. Their polycrystalline packing modes, polydispersity and their tendency to surface and interface adhesion prompted us in structuring scaffold biomaterials enriched with biopeptides, layered by phospho-glycerides ester-forms. The interface tension of the formed map is flexible and dependent to the surface exposure and its collapse modes to the surrounding molecular ligands. Thus, the attempts in increasing surface exposure e.g. the viscoelastic of structured lipopeptides and types of formed network structures interplays an extra- conjugating biomolecules having a least cytotoxicity effects to cells constituents. Disulfides molecules are selected to be the key regulatory element in rejoining both lipidic and proteic moieties by disordering atoms status via chemical ionization using organic catalyst. The insertion of methionine based peptidic chain at the lateral surfaces of scaffold biomaterials enhances the electron-meta-static motions by raising a molecular disordering status at distinct regions of the map e.g. epimerization into a nonpolar side that helps the chemical conjunction of disulfide groups with the esterified phosphoglycerides mono-layers. These effects in turn are accomplished by the formation of meso-sphere nonpolar- vesicles. The oxidation of disulfide group would alter the ordering of initial molecules by raising a newly molecular disorders to the map with high polarity to surface regions. In the same time indicates a continuation in the crystallization growth factor via a low chemical lesions between the impurities and a supersaturation in the intra-atomic distances with maximum cross linking to the deformed ligand with scaffold biomaterials.

Membrana Dobles de Lípidos/química , Lipopéptidos/química , Animales , Sistemas de Liberación de Medicamentos , Electricidad , Glicéridos , Humanos , Ligandos , Ácidos de Fósforo
ACS Earth Space Chem ; 1(7): 431-441, 2017 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28959798


The ablation of cosmic dust particles entering the Earth's upper atmosphere produces a layer of Ca atoms around 90 km. Here, we present a set of kinetic experiments designed to understand the nature of the Ca molecular reservoirs on the underside of the layer. CaOH was produced by laser ablation of a Ca target in the fast flow tube and detected by non-resonant laser-induced fluorescence, probing the D(2Σ+) ← X(2Σ1) transition at 346.9 nm. The following rate constants were measured (at 298 K): k(CaOH + H → Ca + H2O) = (1.04 ± 0.24) × 10-10 cm3 molecule-1 s-1, k(CaOH + O → CaO + OH) < 1 × 10-11 cm3 molecule-1 s-1, and k(CaOH + O2 → O2CaOH, 1 Torr) = (5.9 ± 1.8) × 10-11 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 (uncertainty at the 2σ level of confidence). The recycling of CaOH from reaction between O2CaOH and O proceeds with an effective rate constant of keff(O2CaOH + O → CaOH + products, 298 K) = 2.8-1.2+2.0 × 10-10 cm3 molecule-1 s-1. Master equation modeling of the CaOH + O2 kinetics is used to extrapolate to mesospheric temperatures and pressures. The results suggest that the formation of O2CaOH slows the conversion of CaOH to atomic Ca via reaction with atomic H, and O2CaOH is likely to be a long-lived reservoir species on the underside of the Ca layer and a building block of meteoric smoke particles.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 120(9): 7926-7936, 2015 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27774372


Observations performed by the Earth Observing System Microwave Limb Sounder instrument on board the Aura satellite from 2004 to 2009 (2004 to 2014) were used to investigate the 27 day solar rotational cycle in mesospheric OH (O3) and the physical connection to geomagnetic activity. Data analysis was focused on nighttime measurements at geomagnetic latitudes connected to the outer radiation belts (55°N/S-75°N/S). The applied superposed epoch analysis reveals a distinct 27 day solar rotational signal in OH and O3 during winter in both hemispheres at altitudes >70 km. The OH response is positive and in-phase with the respective geomagnetic activity signal, lasting for 1-2 days. In contrast, the O3 feedback is negative, delayed by 1 day, and is present up to 4 days afterward. Largest OH (O3) peaks are found at ~75 km, exceeding the 95% significance level and the measurement noise of <2% (<0.5%), while reaching variations of +14% (-7%) with respect to their corresponding background. OH at 75 km is observed to respond to particle precipitation only after a certain threshold of geomagnetic activity is exceeded, depending on the respective OH background. The relation between OH and O3 at 75 km in both hemispheres is found to be nonlinear. In particular, OH has a strong impact on O3 for relatively weak geomagnetic disturbances and accompanying small absolute OH variations (<0.04 ppb). In contrast, catalytic O3 depletion is seen to slow down for stronger geomagnetic variations and OH anomalies (0.04-0.13 ppb), revealing small variations around -0.11 ppm.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 119(6): 4786-4804, 2014 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26312201


Dissipating planetary waves in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) region may cause changes in the background dynamics of that region, subsequently driving variability throughout the broader thermosphere/ionosphere system via mixing due to the induced circulation changes. We report the results of case studies examining the possibility of such coupling during the northern winter in the context of the quasi two day wave (QTDW)-a planetary wave that recurrently grows to large amplitudes from the summer MLT during the postsolstice period. Six distinct QTDW events between 2003 and 2011 are identified in the MLT using Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry temperature observations. Concurrent changes to the background zonal winds, zonal mean column O/N2 density ratio, and ionospheric total electron content (TEC) are examined using data sets from Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics Doppler Interferometer, Global Ultraviolet Imager, and Global Ionospheric Maps, respectively. We find that in the 5-10 days following a QTDW event, the background zonal winds in the MLT show patterns of eastward and westward anomalies in the low and middle latitudes consistent with past modeling studies on QTDW-induced mean wind forcing, both below and at turbopause altitudes. This is accompanied by potentially related decreases in zonal mean thermospheric column O/N2, as well as to low-latitude TECs. The recurrent nature of the above changes during the six QTDW events examined point to an avenue for vertical coupling via background dynamics and chemistry of the thermosphere/ionosphere not previously observed. KEY POINTS: Dissipating planetary waves (PWs) in the MLT can drive background wind changesMixing from dissipating PWs drive thermosphere/ionosphere composition changesFirst observations of QTDW-driven variability from this mechanism.

J Atmos Sol Terr Phys ; 73(14-15): 2201-2211, 2011 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27570472


The ionised mesosphere is less understood than other parts of the ionosphere because of the challenges of making appropriate measurements in this complex region. We use rocket borne in situ measurements of absolute electron density by the Faraday rotation technique and accompanying DC-probe measurements to study the effect of particles on the D-region charge balance. Several examples of electron bite-outs, their actual depth as well as simultaneous observations of positive ions are presented. For a better understanding of the various dependencies we use the ratio ß/αi (attachment rate over ion-ion recombination coefficient), derived from the electron and ion density profiles by applying a simplified ion-chemical scheme, and correlate this term with solar zenith angle and moon brightness. The probable causes are different for day and night; recent in situ measurements support existing hypotheses for daytime cases, but also reveal behaviour at night hitherto not reported in the literature. Within the large range of ß/αi values obtained from the analysis of 28 high latitude night flights one finds that the intensity of scattered sunlight after sunset, and even moonlight, apparently can photodetach electrons from meteoric smoke particles (MSP) and molecular anions. The large range of values itself can best be explained by the variability of the MSPs and by occasionally occurring atomic oxygen impacting on the negative ion chemistry in the night-time mesosphere under disturbed conditions.