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J Clin Med ; 13(17)2024 Aug 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39274379


Background: Machine perfusion (MP) offers extended preservation of vascularized complex allografts (VCA), but the diagnostic value of histology using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) in detecting ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) in muscle cells remains unclear. This study aims to document the application of the Histology Injury Severity Score (HISS) and to assess whether additional staining for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and membrane attack complex (MAC) improves IRI detection in a porcine limb replantation model. Methods: The forelimbs of 16 Dutch Landrace pigs were amputated and preserved for 24 h using hypothermic MP (n = 8) with Histidine-Tryptophan-Ketoglutarate (HTK) or for 4 h with SCS (n = 8) before heterotopic replantation and 7 days of follow-up. Muscle damage was assessed via biochemical markers and light microscopy using H&E, NADH, and MAC at baseline, post-intervention, and post-operative day (POD) 1, 3, and 7 timepoints, using the HISS and a self-developed NADH and MAC score. Results: H&E effectively identified damaged muscle fibers and contributed to IRI assessment in porcine limbs (p < 0.05). The highest HISS was measured on POD 3 between MP (4.9) and SCS (3.5) (p = 0.029). NADH scores of both preservation groups varied over the 7-day follow-up and were statistically insignificant compared with baseline measurements (p > 0.05). MAC revealed no to minimal necrotic tissue across the different timepoints. Conclusions: This study documents the application of the HISS with H&E to detect IRI in muscle fibers. NADH and MAC showed no significant added diagnostic utility. The 24 h MP showed similar muscle alterations using the HISS compared to that of the 4 h SCS after a 7-day follow up.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39285151


The complement system plays an important role in biological defense as an effector to eliminate microorganisms that invade an organism and it is composed of more than 50 proteins, most of which are produced in the liver. Of these proteins, the mRNA expression of C3 and Cfb is known to be positively regulated by the nuclear receptor HNF4α. To investigate whether HNF4α regulates the complement system, we analyzed the hepatic expression of genes involved in the complement activation pathway and membrane attack complex (MAC) formation within the complement system using liver-specific Hnf4a-null mice (Hnf4aΔHep mice) and tamoxifen-induced liver-specific Hnf4a-null mice (Hnf4af/f;AlbERT2cre mice). We found that hepatic expression of many complement genes including C8a, C8b, C8g, and C9 that are involved in formation of the MAC was markedly decreased in Hnf4aΔHep mice and Hnf4af/f;AlbERT2cre mice. Furthermore, expression of C8A, C8B, and C8G was also decreased in human hepatoma cell lines in which the expression of HNF4α was suppressed, and expression of C8G and C9 was induced in a human immortalized hepatocyte cell line with forced expression of HNF4α. Transactivation of C8g and C9 was dependent on HNF4α expression of HNF4α binding sites, indicating that C8g and C9 are novel target genes of HNF4α. The results suggest that hepatic HNF4α plays an important role in regulation of the complement system, mainly MAC formation.

Muscle Nerve ; 2024 Aug 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39115039


INTRODUCTION/AIMS: There are no blood biomarkers to monitor treatment effects in myasthenia gravis (MG) or studies visualizing the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibody-induced membrane attack complex (MAC) at the human muscle membrane. This study aimed to compare levels of complement activation products and native complement components in MG patients and healthy controls (HCs) and to model the AChR antibody-mediated attacks in human muscle cells. METHODS: We assessed the complement components and activation product levels with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and magnetic bead-based sandwich assays in plasma and sera of 23 MG patients and matched HCs. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis evaluated the diagnostic accuracy. Complement levels were correlated with the myasthenia gravis composite (MGC) scores. AChR+ MG modeling in human muscle cells used sera from nine MG patients and three HCs. RESULTS: MG patients had significantly higher plasma levels of C3a (p < .0001), C5 (p = .0003), and soluble C5b-9 (sC5b-9; p < .0001) than HCs. The ROC curve analysis showed a clear separation between MG patients and HCs for plasma C3a (AUC = 0.9720; p < .0001) and sC5b-9 (AUC = 0.8917, p < .0001). MG patients had higher levels of plasma complement Factor I (FI; p = .0002) and lower properdin levels (p < .0001). The MGC had moderate correlations with plasma Factor B (FB), FI, and Factor H. AChR+ MG patient sera triggered the deposition of MAC and reduced AChRs. DISCUSSION: We suggest validating plasma C3a and sC5b-9 as blood biomarkers for complement activation in MG. Further, the in vitro study allowed visualization of MAC deposition after applying AChR+ MG sera on human muscle cells.

IUBMB Life ; 2024 Jul 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38970306


Aegerolysin proteins are involved in various interactions by recognising a molecular receptor in the target organism. The formation of pores in combination with larger, non-aegerolysin-like protein partners (such as membrane attack complex/perforin proteins [MACPFs]) is one of the possible responses in the presumed competitive exclusion of other organisms from the ecological niche. Bicomponent pairs are already observed at the gene level. Fungi growing under extreme conditions can be divided into ubiquitous and extremotolerant generalists which can compete with mesophilic species and rare, isolated extremophilic and extremotolerant specialists with narrow ecological amplitude that cannot compete. Under extreme conditions, there are fewer competitors, so fungal specialists generally produce less diverse and complicated profiles of specialised molecules. Since extremotolerant and extremophilic fungi have evolved in numerous branches of the fungal tree of life and aegerolysins are unevenly distributed across fungal genomes, we investigated whether aegerolysins, together with their partner proteins, contribute to the extreme survival ecology of generalists and specialists. We compiled a list of 109 thermo-, psihro-, acido-, alkali-, halo-, metallo- and polyextremo-tolerant/-philic fungal species. Several challenges were identified that affected the outcome: renaming fungal species, defining extremotolerant/extremophilic traits, identifying extremotolerant/extremophilic traits as metadata in databases and linking fungal isolates to fungal genomes. The yield of genomes coding aegerolysins or MACPFs appears to be lower in extremotolerant/extremophilic fungi compared to all fungal genomes. No candidates for pore-forming gene pairs were identified in the genomes of extremophilic fungi. Aegerolysin and MACPFs partner pairs were identified in only two of 69 species with sequenced genomes, namely in the ubiquitous metallotolerant generalists Aspergillus niger and A. foetidus. These results support the hypothesised role of these pore-forming proteins in competitive exclusion.

Proteomes ; 12(3)2024 Jul 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39051239


Extracellular vesicles (EVs) represent a universal mechanism of intercellular communication in normal and pathological conditions. There are reports showing the presence of complement proteins in EV preparations, specifically those that can form a membrane attack complex (MAC). In the present work, we have used a quantitative mass spectrometry method that allows for the measurement of multiple targeted proteins in one experimental run. The quantification of MAC-forming proteins, namely C5b, C6, C7, C8, and C9, in highly purified EVs from normal human plasma revealed the presence of MAC proteins at approximately equal stoichiometry that does not fit the expected stoichiometry of preformed MAC. We concluded that while MAC proteins can be associated with EVs from normal plasma and presumably can be delivered to the recipient cells, there is no evidence that the EVs carry preformed MAC.

Res Sq ; 2024 Jun 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38947095


Internalized pools of membrane attack complexes (MACs) promote NF-kB and dysregulated tissue inflammation. Here, we show that C9, a MAC-associated protein, promotes loss of proteostasis to become intrinsically immunogenic. Surface-bound C9 is internalized into Rab5 + endosomes whose intraluminal acidification promotes C9 aggregates. A region within the MACPF/CDC domain of C9 stimulates aggrephagy to induce NF-kB, inflammatory genes, and EC activation. This process requires ZFYVE21, a Rab5 effector, which links LC3A/B on aggresome membranes to RNF34-P62 complexes to mediate C9 aggrephagy. C9 aggregates form in human tissues, C9-associated signaling responses occur in three mouse models, and ZFYVE21 stabilizes RNF34 to promote C9 aggrephagy in vivo. Gene-deficient mice lacking ZFYVE21 in ECs showed reduced MAC-induced tissue injury in a skin model of chronic rejection. While classically defined as cytotoxic effectors, MACs may impair proteostasis, forming aggregates that behave as intracellular alarmins.

Brain Sci ; 14(6)2024 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38928601


Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is characterized by a weakening of the small- and medium-sized cerebral arteries, as their smooth muscle cells are progressively replaced with acellular amyloid ß, increasing vessel fragility and vulnerability to microhemorrhage. In this context, an aberrant overactivation of the complement system would further aggravate this process. The surface protein CD59 protects most cells from complement-induced cytotoxicity, but expression levels can fluctuate due to disease and varying cell types. The degree to which CD59 protects human cerebral vascular smooth muscle (HCSM) cells from complement-induced cytotoxicity has not yet been determined. To address this shortcoming, we selectively blocked the activity of HCSM-expressed CD59 with an antibody, and challenged the cells with complement, then measured cellular viability. Unblocked HCSM cells proved resistant to all tested concentrations of complement, and this resistance decreased progressively with increasing concentrations of anti-CD59 antibody. Complete CD59 blockage, however, did not result in a total loss of cellular viability, suggesting that additional factors may have some protective functions. Taken together, this implies that CD59 plays a predominant role in HCSM cellular protection against complement-induced cytotoxicity. The overexpression of CD59 could be an effective means of protecting these cells from excessive complement system activity, with consequent reductions in the incidence of microhemorrhage. The precise extent to which cellular repair mechanisms and other complement repair proteins contribute to this resistance has yet to be fully elucidated.

Ann Med Surg (Lond) ; 86(5): 2413-2416, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38694318


Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive retinal disease that primarily affects the macula, leading to central vision loss and impaired color vision. Among its most severe forms is geographic atrophy (GA), which results in irreversible central blindness. While numerous risk factors, including age, smoking, and genetics, contribute to the development of AMD, effective treatment options for GA have been limited. This article centers on Izervay [avacincaptad pegol (ACP)], an FDA-approved drug designed to address the unmet medical needs of patients with GA secondary to AMD. The pathophysiology of GA involves oxidative damage, chronic inflammation, and cell death, primarily due to complement system dysregulation. Previous treatments for GA have shown limited efficacy, leaving patients searching for more effective solutions. Izervay, with its unique mechanism of action, inhibits complement protein C5, disrupting the formation of the membrane attack complex and slowing retinal cell degeneration. Clinical trials have demonstrated Izervay's ability to significantly reduce the growth of GA lesions, offering hope for improved outcomes. Additionally, the drug has exhibited a tolerable safety profile, with common side effects including conjunctival hemorrhage and increased intraocular pressure. Izervay represents a breakthrough in AMD treatment, offering the potential to preserve vision in those at risk of irreversible vision loss due to GA. While further research is necessary to evaluate long-term efficacy and accessibility, its approval opens new possibilities in AMD management, transforming the lives of individuals affected by this condition.

Res Sq ; 2024 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38645247


Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is characterized by a weakening of the small and medium sized cerebral arteries, as their smooth muscle cells are progressively replaced with acellular amyloid ß, increasing vessel fragility and vulnerability to microhemorrhage. In this context, an aberrant overactivation of the complement system would further aggravate this process. The surface protein CD59 protects most cells from complement-induced cytotoxicity, but expression levels can fluctuate due to disease and vary between cell types. The degree to which CD59 protects human cerebral vascular smooth muscle (HCSM) cells from complement-induced cytotoxicity has not yet been determined. To address this shortcoming, we selectively blocked the activity of HCSM-expressed CD59 with an antibody and challenged the cells with complement, then measured cellular viability. Unblocked HCSM cells proved resistant to all tested concentrations of complement, and this resistance decreased progressively with increasing concentrations of anti-CD59 antibody. Complete CD59 blockage, however, did not result in total loss of cellular viability, suggesting that additional factors may have some protective functions. Taken together, this implies that CD59 plays a predominant role in HCSM cellular protection against complement-induced cytotoxicity. Over-expression of CD59 could be an effective means of protecting these cells from excessive complement system activity, with consequent reduction in the incidence of microhemorrhage. The precise extent to which cellular repair mechanisms and other complement repair proteins contribute to this resistance has yet to be fully elucidated.

Trends Endocrinol Metab ; 35(9): 769-780, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38688780


Lipedema is a poorly understood disorder of adipose tissue characterized by abnormal but symmetrical deposition of subcutaneous white adipose tissue (WAT) in proximal extremities. Here, we propose that the underlying cause for lipedema could be triggered by a selective accumulation of bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS; also known as endotoxin) in gluteofemoral WAT. Together with a malfunctioning complement system, this induces low-grade inflammation in the depot and raises its uncontrollable expansion. Correspondingly, more attention should be paid in future research to the endotoxemia prevalent in patients with lipedema. We would like to propose that proper management of endotoxemia can reduce the progression and even improve the state of disease in patients with lipedema.

Lipedema , Humanos , Lipedema/metabolismo , Proteínas del Sistema Complemento/metabolismo , Endotoxinas , Lipopolisacáridos , Animales , Tejido Adiposo Blanco/metabolismo , Endotoxemia/metabolismo
Iran J Med Sci ; 49(4): 229-236, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38680220


Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a widespread neuropsychiatric disorder in both children and adolescents, which is associated with social isolation and poor academic performance. Complement proteins are regarded as a major player in inflammation and disease development for several neuropsychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia and bipolar diseases. As clarified by previous data, increased levels of complement molecules and other immunological markers as cytokines were demonstrated in these disorders. Limited studies have investigated complement proteins particularly terminal complement complex or membrane attack complex (C5b-9) among ADHD patients. The present research aims to elucidate the association between C5b-9 complex protein and ADHD. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. Sera were collected from Al-Hussain Teaching Medical City in Holy Karbala, Iraq, during 2019-2020. Sera were tested for C5-b9 using commercial kits by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: In 90 participants included in the study, a significant increment in C5b-9 levels among ADHD patients (P=0.019) was observed. Patients with positive C5b-9 levels had a 2.76 times higher risk of developing ADHD than control subjects. The diagnostic utility for C5b-9 was statistically significant with 71.11% sensitivity, 55.6% specificity, and a high negative predictive value (97.3%). Conclusion: The study concluded elevation of the C5b-9 terminal complements complex levels in ADHD patients, which could point to the association of complement proteins as inflammatory markers with the ADHD disease process.

Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad , Humanos , Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad/sangre , Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad/psicología , Niño , Masculino , Femenino , Estudios Transversales , Adolescente , Complejo de Ataque a Membrana del Sistema Complemento/análisis , Biomarcadores/sangre , Biomarcadores/análisis , Irak
Brain Behav Immun ; 118: 355-363, 2024 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38485063


Complement is dysregulated in the brain in Alzheimer's Disease and in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease. Each of the complement derived effectors, opsonins, anaphylatoxins and membrane attack complex (MAC), have been implicated as drivers of disease but their relative contributions remain unclarified. Here we have focussed on the MAC, a lytic and pro-inflammatory effector, in the AppNL-G-F mouse amyloidopathy model. To test the role of MAC, we back-crossed to generate AppNL-G-F mice deficient in C7, an essential MAC component. C7 deficiency ablated MAC formation, reduced synapse loss and amyloid load and improved cognition compared to complement-sufficient AppNL-G-F mice at 8-10 months age. Adding back C7 caused increased MAC formation in brain and an acute loss of synapses in C7-deficient AppNL-G-F mice. To explore whether C7 was a viable therapeutic target, a C7-blocking monoclonal antibody was administered systemically for one month in AppNL-G-F mice aged 8-9 months. Treatment reduced brain MAC and amyloid deposition, increased synapse density and improved cognitive performance compared to isotype control-treated AppNL-G-F mice. The findings implicate MAC as a driver of pathology and highlight the potential for complement inhibition at the level of MAC as a therapy in Alzheimer's disease.

Enfermedad de Alzheimer , Disfunción Cognitiva , Ratones , Animales , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/metabolismo , Péptidos beta-Amiloides/metabolismo , Precursor de Proteína beta-Amiloide/metabolismo , Disfunción Cognitiva/metabolismo , Ratones Transgénicos , Placa Amiloide/metabolismo , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Cognición/fisiología , Activación de Complemento , Modelos Animales de Enfermedad
Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat ; 19: 2639-2655, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38059203


The terminal complement C5 inhibitor ravulizumab was engineered from the humanized monoclonal antibody eculizumab to have an extended half-life and duration of action. It binds to human terminal complement protein C5, inhibiting its cleavage into C5a and C5b, thus preventing the cascade of events that lead to architectural destruction of the postsynaptic neuromuscular junction membrane by the membrane attack complex, and consequent muscle weakness in patients with anti-acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibody-positive generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG). The 26-week randomized, placebo-controlled period (RCP) of the phase 3 CHAMPION MG study demonstrated the rapid efficacy of ravulizumab in reducing MG symptoms. Weight-based dosing of ravulizumab every 8 weeks provided sustained efficacy, in terms of patient-reported (Myasthenia Gravis-Activities of Daily Living) and clinician-reported (Quantitative Myasthenia Gravis) endpoints in patients with anti-AChR antibody-positive gMG. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analyses showed therapeutic serum ravulizumab concentrations (>175 µg/mL) were achieved immediately after the first dose and were maintained throughout 26 weeks, irrespective of patient body weight; inhibition of serum free C5 was immediate, complete (<0.5 µg/mL), and sustained in all patients. Interim results from the open-label extension (OLE) showed that after 60 weeks, efficacy was maintained in patients continuing on ravulizumab. Rapid and sustained improvements in efficacy, similar to those seen in patients initiating ravulizumab in the RCP, were observed after initiation of ravulizumab treatment in patients who switched from placebo in the RCP to ravulizumab in the OLE. The findings from the RCP and OLE support ravulizumab's favorable safety profile. In conclusion, ravulizumab has a simple weight-based administration and long dosing interval. Its targeted mechanism of action without generalized immunosuppression is reflected in its rapid onset of symptom improvement, sustained efficacy and good safety profile in the treatment of patients with anti-AChR antibody-positive gMG.

Front Cell Infect Microbiol ; 13: 1253670, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37965264


Tick serine protease inhibitors (serpins) play crucial roles in tick feeding and pathogen transmission. We demonstrate that Ixodes scapularis (Ixs) nymph tick saliva serpin (S) 41 (IxsS41), secreted by Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb)-infected ticks at high abundance, is involved in regulating tick evasion of host innate immunity and promoting host colonization by Bb. Recombinant (r) proteins were expressed in Pichia pastoris, and substrate hydrolysis assays were used to determine. Ex vivo (complement and hemostasis function related) and in vivo (paw edema and effect on Bb colonization of C3H/HeN mice organs) assays were conducted to validate function. We demonstrate that rIxsS41 inhibits chymase and cathepsin G, pro-inflammatory proteases that are released by mast cells and neutrophils, the first immune cells at the tick feeding site. Importantly, stoichiometry of inhibition analysis revealed that 2.2 and 2.8 molecules of rIxsS41 are needed to 100% inhibit 1 molecule of chymase and cathepsin G, respectively, suggesting that findings here are likely events at the tick feeding site. Furthermore, chymase-mediated paw edema, induced by the mast cell degranulator, compound 48/80 (C48/80), was blocked by rIxsS41. Likewise, rIxsS41 reduced membrane attack complex (MAC) deposition via the alternative and lectin complement activation pathways and dose-dependently protected Bb from complement killing. Additionally, co-inoculating C3H/HeN mice with Bb together with rIxsS41 or with a mixture (rIxsS41 and C48/80). Findings in this study suggest that IxsS41 markedly contributes to tick feeding and host colonization by Bb. Therefore, we conclude that IxsS41 is a potential candidate for an anti-tick vaccine to prevent transmission of the Lyme disease agent.

Borrelia burgdorferi , Ixodes , Enfermedad de Lyme , Serpinas , Ratones , Animales , Ixodes/fisiología , Quimasas , Ninfa , Catepsina G , Saliva/metabolismo , Ratones Endogámicos C3H , Inflamación , Serpinas/metabolismo , Proteínas del Sistema Complemento , Edema
Front Immunol ; 14: 1253301, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37885879


Introduction: Neisseria meningitidis is a significant cause of bacterial meningitis and septicemia worldwide. Recurrent Neisseria meningitidis is frequently associated with terminal complement protein deficiency, including Complement component 7. This report discusses the first case of C7 deficiency in Qatar. Case report: A 30-year-old Qatari man presented with a meningococcal infection, which was verified by a blood culture. He experienced two episodes of meningitis caused by an undetermined organism. His blood tests revealed low levels of CH50 and C7. His C7 gene testing revealed a homozygous mutation in exon 10 (c.1135G>C p.Gly379Arg), a mutation that has not been previously documented in Qatar. However, it has been observed in 1% of Moroccan-origin Israeli Jews who also exhibit C7 deficiency. Regular prophylactic quadrivalent vaccinations against types A, C, Y, and W-135 with azithromycin tabs were administered. Over the last 10 years of follow-up, he remained in good health, with no further meningitis episodes. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first confirmed case of C7 deficiency reported in the Arabian Gulf countries. Such rare diseases should be a public health priority. Awareness among medical practitioners and the community should help with early detection of C7 deficiency and the prevention of its consequences.

Meningitis , Neisseria meningitidis , Masculino , Humanos , Adulto , Complemento C7/genética , Qatar , Estudios de Seguimiento
Toxins (Basel) ; 15(7)2023 06 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37505699


CD59 is a GPI-anchored cell surface receptor that serves as a gatekeeper to controlling pore formation. It is the only membrane-bound inhibitor of the complement membrane attack complex (MAC), an immune pore that can damage human cells. While CD59 blocks MAC pores, the receptor is co-opted by bacterial pore-forming proteins to target human cells. Recent structures of CD59 in complexes with binding partners showed dramatic differences in the orientation of its ectodomain relative to the membrane. Here, we show how GPI-anchored CD59 can satisfy this diversity in binding modes. We present a PyLipID analysis of coarse-grain molecular dynamics simulations of a CD59-inhibited MAC to reveal residues of complement proteins (C6:Y285, C6:R407 C6:K412, C7:F224, C8ß:F202, C8ß:K326) that likely interact with lipids. Using modules of the MDAnalysis package to investigate atomistic simulations of GPI-anchored CD59, we discover properties of CD59 that encode the flexibility necessary to bind both complement proteins and bacterial virulence factors.

Complejo de Ataque a Membrana del Sistema Complemento , Proteínas del Sistema Complemento , Humanos , Complejo de Ataque a Membrana del Sistema Complemento/metabolismo , Antígenos CD59/química , Antígenos CD59/metabolismo , Bacterias/metabolismo
Transl Pediatr ; 12(3): 320-330, 2023 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37035408


Background: Childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) refers to SLE with an onset before 18 years old. The key to the pathogenesis of SLE tissue inflammation and injury is complement activation. The presence of complement split C3dg and membrane attack complex (MAC) may indicate a worse prognosis for lupus nephritis (LN). This study investigated whether complement split C3dg and MAC depositions in the pathogenesis of LN are potential biomarkers of disease severity and tissue injury. Methods: The data on patients with LN were retrospectively analyzed in our center between April 2018 and December 2020. The depositions of C3dg and MAC were detected by immunofluorescence staining. Results: C3dg and MAC were both detected in specimens from 61.5% of patients. Patients with MAC depositions had a greater proportion of neurological disorders than those without MAC depositions (22.9% vs. 3.3%; P=0.044). We found significant differences in serum creatinine, urinary protein, and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in all four groups of patients with differing degrees of C3dg and MAC depositions. Conclusions: This study suggests that C3dg and MAC depositions may be potential biomarkers for disease severity and tissue injury in LN. MAC and C3dg staining may be useful in routine studies of lupus biopsies to identify patients who need more aggressive treatment.

Mol Ther ; 31(6): 1846-1856, 2023 06 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36860134


Hepatocyte transplantation can be an effective treatment for patients with certain liver-based metabolic disorders and liver injuries. Hepatocytes are usually infused into the portal vein, from which hepatocytes migrate into the liver and integrate into the liver parenchyma. However, early cell loss and poor liver engraftment represent major hurdles to sustaining the recovery of diseased livers after transplantation. In the present study, we found that ROCK (Rho-associated kinase) inhibitors significantly enhanced in vivo hepatocyte engraftment. Mechanistic studies suggested that the isolation of hepatocytes caused substantial degradation of cell membrane proteins, including the complement inhibitor CD59, probably due to shear stress-induced endocytosis. ROCK inhibition by ripasudil, a clinically used ROCK inhibitor, can protect transplanted hepatocytes by retaining cell membrane CD59 and blocking the formation of the membrane attack complex. Knockdown of CD59 in hepatocytes eliminates ROCK inhibition-enhanced hepatocyte engraftment. Ripasudil can accelerate liver repopulation of fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase-deficient mice. Our work reveals a mechanism underlying hepatocyte loss after transplantation and provides immediate strategies to enhance hepatocyte engraftment by inhibiting ROCK.

Hepatopatías , Hígado , Ratones , Animales , Hígado/metabolismo , Hepatocitos/metabolismo , Vena Porta , Hepatopatías/metabolismo , Activación de Complemento
Comput Struct Biotechnol J ; 21: 1473-1486, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36851916


Human complement is the first line of defence against invading pathogens and is involved in tissue homeostasis. Complement-targeted therapies to treat several diseases caused by a dysregulated complement are highly desirable. Despite huge efforts invested in their development, only very few are currently available, and a deeper understanding of the numerous interactions and complement regulation mechanisms is indispensable. Two important complement regulators are human Factor H (FH) and Factor H-related protein 1 (FHR1). MFHR1 and MFHR13, two promising therapeutic candidates based on these regulators, combine the dimerization and C5-regulatory domains of FHR1 with the central C3-regulatory and cell surface-recognition domains of FH. Here, we used AlphaFold2 to model the structure of these two synthetic regulators. Moreover, we used AlphaFold-Multimer (AFM) to study possible interactions of C3 fragments and membrane attack complex (MAC) components C5, C7 and C9 in complex with FHR1, MFHR1, MFHR13 as well as the best-known MAC regulators vitronectin (Vn), clusterin and CD59, whose experimental structures remain undetermined. AFM successfully predicted the binding interfaces of FHR1 and the synthetic regulators with C3 fragments and suggested binding to C3. The models revealed structural differences in binding to these ligands through different interfaces. Additionally, AFM predictions of Vn, clusterin or CD59 with C7 or C9 agreed with previously published experimental results. Because the role of FHR1 as MAC regulator has been controversial, we analysed possible interactions with C5, C7 and C9. AFM predicted interactions of FHR1 with proteins of the terminal complement complex (TCC) as indicated by experimental observations, and located the interfaces in FHR11-2 and FHR14-5. According to AFM prediction, FHR1 might partially block the C3b binding site in C5, inhibiting C5 activation, and block C5b-7 complex formation and C9 polymerization, with similar mechanisms of action as clusterin and vitronectin. Here, we generate hypotheses and give the basis for the design of rational approaches to understand the molecular mechanism of MAC inhibition, which will facilitate the development of further complement therapeutics.

Kidney Int Rep ; 8(1): 103-114, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36644365


Introduction: Membranous nephropathy (MN) is the first cause of nephrotic syndrome in patients without diabetes. Its prognosis is variable, and treatment remains controversial because of potential toxicity. Currently, there is no reliable prognostic marker common to all etiologies of MN and routinely available to predict the disease course and guide therapeutic management. Despite the major role of complement in the glomerular damage of MN, its prognostic impact has never been studied. We investigated the frequency and prognostic impact of glomerular deposition of C5b-9 in MN. Methods: We retrospectively selected adults diagnosed with MN (primary or secondary) at Montpellier University Hospital between December 2004 and December 2015. To be included, all patients were required to have complete medical data and a kidney tissue sample for further immunohistochemistry. We performed PLA2R1, C4d, and C5b-9 staining by immunohistochemistry. Results: Sixty-four adults were included: 45 with primary MN and 19 with secondary MN. C4d was positive in the glomeruli of 61 adults (95.3%). Twenty-nine adults (45.3%) had glomerular deposition of C5b-9. Patients with glomerular deposition of C5b-9 had more severe nephrotic syndrome on diagnosis and lower remission and renal survival rates than adults without. Conclusion: C5b-9 glomerular staining is a powerful and easily accessible tool for stratifying adults according to their renal prognosis. The efficacy of complement inhibitors should be tested in adults with glomerular deposition of C5b-9.