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Gels ; 7(4)2021 Oct 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34842644


Marine polymer gels play a critical role in regulating ocean basin scale biogeochemical dynamics. This brief review introduces the crucial role of marine gels as a source of aerosol particles and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) in cloud formation processes, emphasizing Arctic marine microgels. We review the gel's composition and relation to aerosols, their emergent properties, and physico-chemical processes that explain their change in size spectra, specifically in relation to aerosols and CCN. Understanding organic aerosols and CCN in this context provides clear benefits to quantifying the role of marine nanogel/microgel in microphysical processes leading to cloud formation. This review emphasizes the DOC-marine gel/aerosolized gel-cloud link, critical to developing accurate climate models.

Gels ; 7(3)2021 Sep 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34563022


Much like our own body, our planet is a macroscale dynamic system equipped with a complex set of compartmentalized controls that have made life and evolution possible on earth. Many of these global autoregulatory functions take place in the ocean; paramount among those is its role in global carbon cycling. Understanding the dynamics of organic carbon transport in the ocean remains among the most critical, urgent, and least acknowledged challenges to modern society. Dissolved in seawater is one of the earth's largest reservoirs of reduced organic carbon, reaching ~700 billion tons. It is composed of a polydisperse collection of marine biopolymers (MBP), that remain in reversible assembled↔dissolved equilibrium forming hydrated networks of marine gels (MG). MGs are among the least understood aspects of marine carbon dynamics. Despite the polymer nature of this gigantic pool of material, polymer physics theory has only recently been applied to study MBP dynamics and gel formation in the ocean. There is a great deal of descriptive phenomenology, rich in classifications, and significant correlations. Still missing, however, is the guide of robust physical theory to figure out the fundamental nature of the supramolecular interactions taking place in seawater that turn out to be critical to understanding carbon transport in the ocean.

Gels ; 7(3)2021 Jul 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34287300


Microgels play critical roles in a variety of processes in the ocean, including element cycling, particle interactions, microbial ecology, food web dynamics, air-sea exchange, and pollutant distribution and transport. Exopolymeric substances (EPS) from various marine microbes are one of the major sources for marine microgels. Due to their amphiphilic nature, many types of pollutants, especially hydrophobic ones, have been found to preferentially associate with marine microgels. The interactions between pollutants and microgels can significantly impact the transport, sedimentation, distribution, and the ultimate fate of these pollutants in the ocean. This review on marine gels focuses on the discussion of the interactions between gel-forming EPS and pollutants, such as oil and other hydrophobic pollutants, nanoparticles, and metal ions.