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Cancers (Basel) ; 15(9)2023 Apr 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37174049


Adult stem cells lie at the crossroads of tissue repair, inflammation, and malignancy. Intestinal microbiota and microbe-host interactions are pivotal to maintaining gut homeostasis and response to injury, and participate in colorectal carcinogenesis. Yet, limited knowledge is available on whether and how bacteria directly crosstalk with intestinal stem cells (ISC), particularly cancerous stem-like cells (CR-CSC), as engines for colorectal cancer initiation, maintenance, and metastatic dissemination. Among several bacterial species alleged to initiate or promote colorectal cancer (CRC), the pathobiont Fusobacterium Nucleatum has recently drawn significant attention for its epidemiologic association and mechanistic linkage with the disease. We will therefore focus on current evidence for an F. nucleatum-CRCSC axis in tumor development, highlighting the commonalities and differences between F. nucleatum-associated colorectal carcinogenesis and gastric cancer driven by Helicobacter Pylori. We will explore the diverse facets of the bacteria-CSC interaction, analyzing the signals and pathways whereby bacteria either confer "stemness" properties to tumor cells or primarily target stem-like elements within the heterogeneous tumor cell populations. We will also discuss the extent to which CR-CSC cells are competent for innate immune responses and participate in establishing a tumor-promoting microenvironment. Finally, by capitalizing on the expanding knowledge of how the microbiota and ISC crosstalk in intestinal homeostasis and response to injury, we will speculate on the possibility that CRC arises as an aberrant repair response promoted by pathogenic bacteria upon direct stimulation of intestinal stem cells.

Cancers (Basel) ; 13(4)2021 Feb 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33672730


The process of self-renewal in normal intestinal epithelium is characterized by a fine balance between proliferation, differentiation, migration, and cell death. When even one of these aspects escapes the normal control, cellular proliferation and differentiation are impaired, with consequent onset of tumorigenesis. In humans, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the main pathological manifestation of this derangement. Nowadays, CRC is the world's fourth most deadly cancer with a limited survival after treatment. Several conditions can predispose to CRC development, including dietary habits and pre-existing inflammatory bowel diseases. Given their extraordinary ability to interact with DNA, it is widely known that nuclear receptors play a key role in the regulation of intestinal epithelium, orchestrating the expression of a series of genes involved in developmental and homeostatic pathways. In particular, the nuclear receptor Liver Receptor Homolog-1 (LRH-1), highly expressed in the stem cells localized in the crypts, promotes intestine cell proliferation and renewal in both direct and indirect DNA-binding manner. Furthermore, LRH-1 is extensively correlated with diverse intestinal inflammatory pathways. These evidence shed a light in the dynamic intestinal microenvironment in which increased regenerative epithelial cell turnover, mutagenic insults, and chronic DNA damages triggered by factors within an inflammatory cell-rich microenvironment act synergistically to favor cancer onset and progression.