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Encephale ; 2024 May 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38824042


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine French psychiatrists' level of general knowledge about dissociative identity disorder and to evaluate their perceptions of this condition. METHODS: In this study, French psychiatrists were invited by e-mail to answer an online survey. The questionnaire asked about their general knowledge and perceptions of dissociative identity disorder. RESULTS: We received 924 answers including 582 complete questionnaires. The survey revealed that almost two-thirds (60.8%) of psychiatrists working in France had never received any training on dissociative disorders and 62% had never managed patients suffering from dissociative identity disorder. Only 19.5% of them claimed to believe unreservedly in the existence of the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder. The psychiatrists' confidence in diagnosing or treating dissociative identity disorder was low (mean confidence in diagnosis: 3.32 out of 10 (SD 1.89), mean confidence in treatment: 3.1 out of 10 (SD 1.68)). Fifty percent believed that dissociative identity disorder is an entity created by cinema, medias or social networks. Seventy-seven point seven percent thought that confusion with borderline personality disorder is possible, and 41.3% with schizophrenia. CONCLUSION: In France, there is a lack of training and knowledge about dissociative identity disorder, as well as persistent skepticism about the validity of the diagnosis. Specific training seems essential for a better understanding of dissociative identity disorder.

Can J Aging ; 43(1): 114-123, 2024 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37565444


The former South West Local Health Integration Network (SW LHIN) of Ontario, which is in a predominantly rural region, regularly reports the lowest rates of caregiver distress in the province. Caregivers from rural communities regularly face challenges related to the access, applicability, and availability of supports and services, This qualitative case study describes perspectives of caregiving from the region, and explores how role construction and expectations of caregivers might both mitigate distress and influence service support use. Thematic analysis identified five themes: anticipated care, gendered caring, service support assumptions, confidence in community, and the "line in the sand": care decisions for evolving needs. Using the lens of caregiver identity theory, the findings suggest that these caregivers conceptualize identity as an extension of their primary role, to include caregiving obligations and responsibilities. We also noted a steadfast confidence in community and perceived service support assumptions across the region, with no notable rural-urban divide.

Cuidadores , Humanos , Ontario , Investigación Cualitativa
Artículo en Francés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1560158


L'anorexie est une pathologie du vide de sens, qui presente une défaillance au niveau des processus de la pensée, avec des implications directes au niveau de la construction identitaire. Le Rorschach a été utilise comme instrument d'évaluation du fonctionnement mental et comme méthode d'analyse des transformations psychiques. Martha est une adolescente de dix-sept ans, avec deux hospitalisations, avec un diagnostic d'anorexie. L'analyse du Rorschach à mettre en évidence deux mouvements psychiques: la présence d'une forte tension pulsionnelle, mobilisée face à l'atteinte ressentie dans la relation Moi-Autre; la dévitalisation du Moi, par un fort mouvement d'annulation du Moi. La compréhension de ces mouvements a permis une intervention thérapeutique dans le but de restaurer son Être, de consolider son identité et de permettre un ensemble de transformations psychiques qui permettent la subjectivation et la croissance mentale.

Resumos A anorexia é uma patologia do vazio do sentido, que apresenta uma falha ao nível dos processos do pensamento, com implicações diretas ao nível da construção da identidade. O Rorschach foi usado como um instrumento para aceder ao funcionamento mental e como um método de análise das transformações psíquicas. Martha é uma adolescente de dezessete anos, com duas internações, com um diagnóstico de anorexia. A análise de Rorschach permitiu destacar dois movimentos psíquicos: a presença de uma forte tensão pulsional, mobilizada perante o ataque sentido na relação Eu-Outro; a desvitalização do Eu, através de um movimento de uma forte anulação do próprio eu. A compreensão desses movimentos permitiu uma intervenção terapêutica com o objetivo de restaurar o seu Ser, consolidar sua identidade e permitir um conjunto de transformações psíquicas que possibilitam a subjetivação e o crescimento mental.

Anorexia is a pathology of the emptiness of meaning, which presents a failure at the level of thought processes, with direct implications in self-identity. Rorschach test was used as an instrument to assess mental functioning and as a method to analyze the psychic transformations. Martha is a 17-year-old adolescent, with two previous hospitalizations, diagnosed with anorexia. Through Rorschach test, it was possible to highlight two movements: the presence of a strong instinctual drive, mobilized in the face of the perceived attack in the Self-Other relationship; the devitalization of the Self, through a strong annulment of the self. The understanding of such movements enabled a therapeutic intervention aimed at restoring her Being, consolidating her identity and enabling a set of psychic transformations that allow for subjectivation and mental growth.

La anorexia es una patología del vacío de sentido, que presenta una falla al nivel de los procesos del pensamiento, con implicaciones directas en la construcción de la identidad. El Rorschach se utilizó como instrumento para evaluar el funcionamiento mental y como método de análisis de las transformaciones psíquicas. Martha es una adolescente de 17 anos, con dos hospitalizaciones y diagnóstico de anorexia. El análisis del Rorschach reveló dos movimientos psíquicos: la presencia de una fuerte tensión instintiva, movilizada frente al ataque sentido en la relación Yo-Otro; la desvitalización del Yo, mediante un fuerte movimiento de anulación del Yo. La comprensión de estos movimientos permitió aplicar una intervención terapéutica con el objetivo de restaurar el Ser de la paciente, consolidar su identidad y permitir un conjunto de transformaciones psíquicas que permitan la subjetivación y el crecimiento psíquico.

Can J Aging ; : 1-14, 2023 Dec 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38088160


Loneliness among older adults is a leading health and social concern globally and in Canada, including racialized and minoritized groups. Although previous studies have explored loneliness among ethnic minoritized groups in Canada, little is known about the constellating factors contributing to loneliness among native-born and immigrant Black older adults (BOAs) in Canada and their unique ways of dealing with the experience. Our study explores the constellating factors shaping loneliness experiences among BOAs living in Ontario. Using a narrative approach, we purposively selected and interviewed 13 BOAs. Time as a driver of change, a sense of belonging reinforced through place identity, and challenges of making a new home were dominant themes. Our finding highlights the need for increased cultural sensitivity at the micro and macro levels, which will improve a sense of belonging and reduce loneliness among racialized immigrant older adults.

J Anal Psychol ; 68(4): 706-728, 2023 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37551149


In this paper the author explores a cultural narrative that she suggests rests on the concepts of the Feminine and Masculine as such, employing both as though they contain an agreed set of universal givens. These givens are extrapolated from an androcentric perspective on female and male bodies, in particular their biological functions regarding reproduction. The metaphors of the baby-in-womb, mother's preoccupation with child and heteronormative sexual relations are the primary cyphers for the narrative. She suggests that remaining unconscious of this narrative, such that it is taken as a universal given, can hamper a person's relation to themselves, the world and others. The author names two concepts, Home and Identity: Home being an hospitable and accommodating space with Identity denoting the one who inhabits the space. In the narrative these two are unhelpfully categorized as belonging to the Feminine and the Masculine respectively. For ease of understanding the author uses a capital letter to designate an abstract idea, and lower case when referring to the concrete or particular. Clinical examples are given throughout the paper to illustrate how acknowledgement and awareness of this narrative might free the analyst or therapist to think more broadly around issues pertaining to space and identity.

Dans cet article, l'auteur explore un récit culturel qui, selon elle, repose sur les concepts du Féminin et du Masculin en tant que tels, utilisant ces deux termes comme s'ils contenaient un ensemble convenu de données universelles. Ces données sont dérivées à partir d'une perspective androcentrique des corps féminins et masculins, en particulier leurs fonctions biologiques en matière de reproduction. Les métaphores du bébé dans le ventre de la mère, de la préoccupation de la mère pour les enfants et des relations sexuelles hétéro-normatives sont les principaux codes du récit. Elle suggère que si l'on reste inconscient de ce récit, et que l'on continue à le considérer comme une donnée universelle, cela peut entraver la relation d'une personne à elle-même, au monde et aux autres. L'auteur nomme deux concepts, « Home ¼ et Identité: « Home ¼ étant un espace hospitalier et accueillant, et « Identité ¼ désignant celui qui habite l'espace. Dans le récit, ces deux termes sont catégorisés comme appartenant respectivement au Féminin et au Masculin, ce qui pose problème. Pour faciliter la compréhension, l'auteur utilise une majuscule pour désigner une idée abstraite, et des minuscules lorsqu'elle se réfère au concret ou au particulier. Des exemples cliniques sont donnés tout au long de l'article pour illustrer que prendre la mesure de ce récit et développer la prise de conscience pourraient libérer l'analyste ou le thérapeute et lui permettre de réfléchir de manière plus large aux questions relatives à l'espace et à l'identité.

En este artículo la autora explora una narrativa cultural que, según sugiere, se basa en los conceptos de lo Femenino y lo Masculino como tales, empleando ambos como si contuvieran un conjunto consensuado de datos universales. Estas premisas se extrapolan desde una perspectiva androcéntrica de los cuerpos femenino y masculino, en particular de sus funciones biológicas en relación con la reproducción. Las metáforas del bebé en el vientre materno, la preocupación de la madre por el niño y las relaciones sexuales heteronormativas son las principales claves de la narrativa. Sugiere que permanecer inconsciente de esta narrativa, de modo que se tome como un hecho universal, puede obstaculizar la relación de una persona consigo misma, con el mundo y con los demás. La autora nombra dos conceptos, Hogar e Identidad: El hogar es un espacio hospitalario y acogedor, mientras que la identidad designa a la persona que lo habita. En la narrativa, estos dos conceptos se clasifican de manera infructuosa como pertenecientes a lo Femenino y lo Masculino, respectivamente. Para facilitar la comprensión, la autora utiliza la mayúscula para designar una idea abstracta, y la minúscula cuando se refiere a lo concreto o particular. A lo largo del artículo se ofrecen ejemplos clínicos para ilustrar cómo el reconocimiento y la toma de conciencia de esta narrativa pueden liberar al analista o al terapeuta para pensar de forma más amplia en torno a cuestiones relacionadas con el espacio y la identidad.

Niño , Humanos , Masculino , Femenino
Soins Psychiatr ; 44(347): 14-17, 2023.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37479351


When we work with children and teenagers, we are always open to their singular questions about their subjective foundations and their future. Questions of identity are increasingly present at the heart of our fast-paced modern world. Two clinical extracts from psychotherapies show that this quest for identity is dealt with on a case-by-case basis, while respecting each individual's temporality.

Psicología del Adolescente , Psicoterapia , Niño , Humanos , Adolescente
Soins Psychiatr ; 44(347): 23-26, 2023.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37479353


Identity is a widely debated topic. The fact that human beings want to change sex and gender poses a fundamentally societal question. Long marginalized, this reality has become a phenomenon with varying degrees of media coverage. The definition and place of sex, gender, its acceptance and transformation are anthropologically characteristic of the human race and its very nature. The question is that of the limits of the body, of biology and anatomy. We are entering a process of transition through transgenderism, its medicalization and change of civil status. Things can be seen as a trajectory, not a state.

Identidad de Género , Trastornos Mentales , Masculino , Femenino , Humanos
Encephale ; 49(6): 632-639, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37357050


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to update the scientific knowledge concerning the relationship between discrimination, stigma and self-concept. METHODS: A review was conducted and allowed to include 15 peer-reviewed articles for qualitative analysis, consisting of 13 unique samples (n=2830; Mage=37.6). The search was conducted on Pubmed and PsychInfo following this research protocol: "de stigmatization" ([Title/Abstract] or "destigmatization" [Title/Abstract] or "self-stigma" [Title/Abstract] or "Perceived stigma" [Title/Abstract] or "anticipated discrimination" [Title/Abstract] or "experienced discrimination" [Title/Abstract]) and (identi*[Title] or "self-concept" [Title]). The search resulted in 43 articles, plus three articles identified from other sources. Thirty-one articles were excluded because they did not align with the aim of the review. RESULTS: Among the 15 articles included, there were 11 quantitative studies, two qualitative studies, one literature review and one theoretical article. The stigma was related to a mental disorder (n=8), a physiological or ethnic difference (n=5) or sexual orientation and gender identity (n=2). Among the 11 quantitative studies based on unique samples, all included both males and females (n=2616; Mage=36.7; 61.1% of women). Four studies established a significant impact of perceived stigma on social identity. This impact was negative when there was at least one other parallel social identity perceived favorably by the individual, and positive otherwise. In two studies, this impact was moderated by the importance of the stigmatized social identity in the self-concept. In one study, social identity was correlated to psychological distress. The sign, positive or negative, of this correlation depended on self-stigma. When self-stigma was high (i.e., self-concept is strongly perceived through the prism of negative stereotypes associated with the social identity), then social identity was positively associated with psychological distress. Otherwise, the sign of this association was negative. In one study, four distinct variables were predictors of suicidal ideation: experienced discrimination, perceived stigma, anticipated discrimination and self-stigma. Experienced discrimination predicted suicidal ideation through anticipatory discrimination and self-stigma; and perceived stigma predicted suicidal ideation through anticipated discrimination. Self-stigma and anticipatory discrimination predicted suicidal ideation at the same level. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that a key variable to address in order to reduce the negative consequences of discrimination and stigmatization is self-stigma, i.e., the fact of conceiving the self-concept through the filter of the negative stereotypes associated with the characteristic perceived as discriminated. The altered self-concept should therefore be a main transnosographic diagnostic and therapeutic target. An easy-to-use proxy to detect the altered self-concept is the propensity to feel the emotion of shame, which is correlated to self-stigma.

Identidad de Género , Trastornos Mentales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Estigma Social , Estereotipo , Trastornos Mentales/psicología , Ideación Suicida
RECIIS (Online) ; 17(2): 248-259, abr.-jun.,2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437937


Os arquivos estão no centro de práticas e políticas contraditórias: por um lado, produção massiva, recolha imediata, exploração instantânea e publicação aberta; por outro lado, esquecimento, destruição ou negligência, e acesso fechado. O artigo ilustra essas contradições comparando, em primeiro lugar, três iniciativas de recolha de arquivos que permitiram e permitem recuperar o lugar do 'invisível' nas nossas sociedades, contra duas operações mais coletivas na sequência da tragédia francesa de 13 de Novembro de 2015 e dos períodos de confinamento. Depois da recolha, colocam-se questões relacionadas com as tensões geradas pela produção digital: como gerir o fluxo contínuo, a exigência de imediatismo, o recuo da presença humana? Finalmente, num contexto em que coexistem políticas públicas de memória e medidas regulamentares destinadas a proteger o segredo de defesa e o direito ao esquecimento, como podem arquivistas e historiadores trabalhar em conjunto para garantir que esta memória possa ser restituída aos cidadãos?

Les archives sont au cœur de pratiques et politiques contradictoires : d'un côté production massive, collecte immédiate, exploitation instantanée et publication ouverte ; de l'autre oubli, destruction ou négligence, fermeture de l'accès. L'article illustre ces contradictions en mettant tout d'abord en regard trois initiatives de collectes d'archives qui ont permis et permettent de restituer la place des « invisibles ¼ dans nos sociétés, face à deux opérations plus collectives par suite du drame français du 13 novembre 2015 et des périodes de confinement. Après la collecte viennent les questions relatives aux tensions générées par la production numérique : comment gérer le flux continu, la demande d'immédiateté, le recul de la présence humaine ? Enfin, dans un contexte où voisinent politiques publiques mémorielles et dispositifs réglementaires destinés à protéger le secret-défense et le droit à l'oubli, comment peuvent travailler archivistes et historiens pour que cette mémoire puisse être restituée aux citoyens ?

Archives are at the heart of contradictory practices and policies: on the one hand, massive production, imme-diate collection, instantaneous exploitation, and open publication; on the other, forgetfulness, destruction or negligence, and closure of access. The article illustrates these contradictions by, first of all, comparing three archive collection initiatives that have allowed and allow us to restore the place of the 'invisible' in our societies in the face of two more collective operations following the French drama of November 13, 2015, and the confinement periods. After the collection come the questions relating to the tensions generated by digital production: how to manage the continuous flow, the demand for immediacy, and the declining human presence? Finally, in a context where public memorial policies and regulatory measures intended to protect defense secrecy and the right to be forgotten coexist, how can archivists and historians work to restore this memory to citizens?

Humanos , Archivos , Memoria , Investigación , Registros , Documentación , Tecnología Digital , Historia
J Anal Psychol ; 68(3): 590-609, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37157853


This paper considers how labels may be used: "Neurodiverse," "genderfluid," "sex-positive," "ADHD," and "highly-sensitive" are just some of the labels that may be offered by patients in introducing themselves. Such labels can be thought of as shortcuts, a way to define identity and sum up a feeling state, attitude, or behaviour. While they may sometimes be "given" in the sense of a diagnosis, they are also "found" and self-adopted. Using scaffolding as a metaphor for allowing growth or development to take place (or compensate for its absence), the phenomenon of self-labelling is presented as fulfilling different functions, namely: Label as mirrored reflection; Label as creative defence; Label as something with which to play; Label as container for that which cannot yet be known; Label as calling something into being; and Label as collective dream image. The article starts with three brief composite clinical sketches, and goes on to explore some of the ways that labels may be used with reference to the presented clinical material.

Cet article s'intéresse à notre utilisation d'étiquettes: « neurodivergent," « fluide de genre ¼, « sexpositif ¼, « TDAH ¼, « hypersensible," voilà juste quelques-unes des étiquettes qui peuvent nous être offertes par des patients quand ils se présentent à nous. De telles dénominations peuvent se comprendre comme des raccourcis, comme une manière de définir l'identité et de résumer un état émotionnel, une attitude ou un comportement. Alors qu'elles peuvent parfois être « données ¼ dans le sens d'un diagnostic, elles sont aussi « trouvées ¼ et la personne se les réapproprie. Utilisant l'échafaudage en tant que métaphore de ce qui permet à la croissance et au développement de se produire (ou de compenser leur absence), le phénomène de s'auto-étiqueter remplit différentes fonctions: l'étiquette comme reflet en miroir, l'étiquette comme défense créatrice, l'étiquette comme quelque chose avec quoi on peut jouer, l'étiquette comme contenant pour ce qui ne peut pas encore être connu, l'étiquette comme appel à l'existence de quelque chose, et l'étiquette comme image collective de rêve. L'article commence par trois esquisses cliniques composites. Il explore ensuite quelques-unes des manières dont les étiquettes peuvent être utilisées, en faisant référence au matériel clinique présenté.

Este artículo analiza cómo las etiquetas pueden ser utilizadas: "Neurodiverso," "génerofluido," "sexo-positivo," "ADHD" y "altamente-sensible" son sólo algunas de las etiquetas que pueden ofrecer los pacientes al presentarse a sí mismos. Estas etiquetas pueden considerarse atajos, una forma de definir la identidad y resumir un estado de ánimo, una actitud o un comportamiento. Aunque a veces se "dan" en el sentido de un diagnóstico, también se "encuentran" y se autoadoptan. Utilizando el andamiaje como metáfora para permitir que se produzca el crecimiento o el desarrollo (o compensar su ausencia), el fenómeno del autoetiquetado se presenta como el cumplimiento de diferentes funciones, a saber: Etiqueta como reflejo espejado; Etiqueta como defensa creativa; Etiqueta como algo con lo que jugar; Etiqueta como contenedor de lo que aún no puede ser conocido; Etiqueta como llamada a algo para que nazca; y Etiqueta como imagen de sueño colectivo. El artículo comienza con tres breves esbozos clínicos compuestos y, a continuación, explora algunas de las formas en que pueden utilizarse las etiquetas en relación con el material clínico presentado.

Autoimagen , Humanos , Emociones
Soins ; 68(872): 60-63, 2023.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36894233


The ambivalence of the professional identity of the State Certified Operating Room Nurse (SCNO) is due to the difficulty of building a non-surgical technicality. Therefore, the participation of ORNs in robotic developments seems to be a way of emancipation for the profession.

Enfermeras y Enfermeros , Robótica , Humanos , Quirófanos
Can J Occup Ther ; 90(4): 374-383, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36779857


Background. Threshold concepts are key to professional identity development, transforming the way individuals think, act, and perceive the world. Purpose. To understand how occupational therapy students describe their professional identity, its importance, and how threshold concepts contribute to identity. Method. Mixed-method survey of final-year occupational therapy students (n = 58) at an Australian University. Findings. (i) High agreement on most identity and threshold questions; but up to 24% uncertain about confidence/competence in understanding specific concepts; (ii) occupation-focus is unique to our professional identity; (ii) identity develops over time; (iii) occupation-based, client-centered, and evidence-based practices are central to thinking like and becoming an occupational therapist; and (iv) practice education provides context for threshold concepts to be transformative. Implications. Identity is defined by a focus on occupation and its relationship to health. Traversing threshold concepts through academic and practice education is essential to developing professional identity.

Terapia Ocupacional , Humanos , Terapia Ocupacional/educación , Australia , Estudiantes , Terapeutas Ocupacionales , Ocupaciones
Encephale ; 49(6): 596-605, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36253170


Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a severe and relatively prevalent psychiatric disorder, responsible for high rates of suicidal behaviors. Disturbed identity appears as at the very core of this disorder, being inter-related with all other BPD features. Notably, from a dimensional perspective on mental disorders, one should realize that it is from our usual self-representation that we live all our daily experiences. Then, if the understanding of self-concept (or identity) is impaired, all the interventions implemented to decrease the self's suffering will subsequently be impaired. The purpose of the present case study was to illustrate the nine identity diffusion categories described by Jørgensen & Bøye (2022) and how the level of identity function can be improved in a third-wave cognitive and behavioral therapy targeting progressive correct self-identification.

Trastorno de Personalidad Limítrofe , Humanos , Trastorno de Personalidad Limítrofe/terapia , Trastorno de Personalidad Limítrofe/psicología , Terapia Conductista , Ideación Suicida , Autoimagen
Can J Diabetes ; 47(1): 66-72, 2023 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36184368


OBJECTIVES: Teens and young adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D) often demonstrate difficulty with diabetes management, as they struggle to navigate the impact of T1D on their identities---their self-concepts, bodies, social networks, life experiences and desired futures. Positively incorporating T1D into identity may benefit biomedical and psychosocial outcomes. We aimed to validate and assess psychometric properties of the Accepting Diabetes and Personal Treatment (ADAPT) survey, a new measure of incorporation of T1D into one's identity. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 165 teens and young adults (13 to 25 years of age) with T1D (46% male, 87% Caucasian, 72% pump users, 67% on continuous glucose monitoring [CGM], age 18.5±3.2 years, diabetes duration 10.2±5.0 years, glycated hemoglobin [A1C] 8.5±1.3% [69±14 mmol/mol]). A1C was collected from medical records; participants completed the ADAPT survey and validated measures of fear of hypoglycemia, diabetes distress and quality of life. Internal consistency, reliability, validity and underlying factor structure were assessed. RESULTS: The 18-item ADAPT survey demonstrated excellent internal consistency (alpha=0.90) as well as criterion and construct validity. Greater incorporation of diabetes was associated with male sex, pump use, CGM use, lower A1C, less fear of hypoglycemia, less diabetes distress and improved quality of life (p<0.01 for all). Factor analysis identified 3 main contributors to incorporation: Stigma Management, Adjustment to Perceived Interference and Benefit-finding. CONCLUSIONS: The ADAPT survey is a valid and reliable measure of incorporation in teens and young adults with T1D that highlights the importance of identity in health outcomes. Diabetes device use and factors of incorporation (Stigma Management, Adjustment to Perceived Interference and Benefit-finding) offer targets for clinical intervention.

Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1 , Hipoglucemia , Autoimagen , Adolescente , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Joven , Glucemia/metabolismo , Automonitorización de la Glucosa Sanguínea/psicología , Estudios Transversales , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/terapia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/psicología , Hemoglobina Glucada , Calidad de Vida , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados
Encephale ; 49(4): 364-372, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35985850


A research protocol was developed to test a theoretical model regarding impulsivity in borderline personality (BP) disorder. It was hypothesized that the impact of identity disturbance of individuals with BP features on their response-inhibition functions could be explained by the disposition of their self-concept to increase the intensity of negative emotions. Participants with different levels of BP features were assigned to a self-description condition (N=29) that had the potential to manipulate the identity coherence, or a control condition (N=27) prior to a response inhibition task with high and low arousal emotional stimuli. We also explored the relationship between participants' self-description and their performance on the inhibition task. The results showed a significant interaction between condition, level of BP features, valence, and stimulus intensity on commission errors. Post-hoc analysis did not reveal significant differences. In addition, a moderate correlation was found between a lesser differentiated description of the self and a higher mean of errors of commission. This preliminary study highlights the relevance of studying the relationship between the self-concept and inhibition regarding borderline impulsivity. The findings should be replicated with a larger sample and with individuals who meet the diagnostic criteria.

Trastorno de Personalidad Limítrofe , Emociones , Humanos , Emociones/fisiología , Trastorno de Personalidad Limítrofe/psicología , Conducta Impulsiva , Autoimagen
Estilos clín ; 28(2)2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1509340


Este artigo procura analisar os principais acontecimentos e conquistas do processo de constituição da identidade no quadro da teoria do desenvolvimento emocional de Winnicott. Trata-se, em termos de caminho, ou método, de uma proposta de teoria psicanalítica aplicada à compreensão de fenômenos comportamentais de domínio público. Para analisarmos esse processo, apoiamo-nos na análise do sentido dado ao uso de tatuagens e de outras transformações corporais, nos casos em que estas implicam modificações que não seriam apenas adornos da pessoa, mas têm maior amplitude e podem estar a serviço de uma busca pela própria identidade. Consideramos que a identidade, ou sentimento de si mesmo identitário, está associada ao seguinte conjunto de experiências: a de ser, sem predicado; a de ser-com, associada aos fenômenos transicionais; a de ser-diferente-de, possível ao conquistar-se o status do eu sou; e a de ser-predicável, quando o indivíduo chegou à integração como uma pessoa inteira

Este artículo busca analizar los principales acontecimientos y logros del proceso de constitución de la identidad en el marco de la teoría del desarrollo emocional de Winnicott. Es, en términos de camino o método, una propuesta de la teoría psicoanalítica aplicada a la comprensión de los fenómenos conductuales en el dominio público.Para analizar este proceso, nos apoyamos en el análisis del significado que se le da al uso de tatuajes y otras transformaciones corporales en los casos en que implican cambios que no serían solo adornos de la persona, sino que tienen mayor amplitud y pueden estar al servicio de una búsqueda de la propia identidad. Consideramos que la identidad, o un sentido de identidad, se asocia con el siguiente conjunto de experiencias: la del ser, sin predicado; la del ser-con, asociada a fenómenos transicionales; la del ser-diferente-de, posible conquistando el estatus del Yo Soy; y el de ser predecible, cuando el individuo llega a la integración como persona total

The purpose of this article is to analyze the main events and accomplishments of the identity constitution process according to Winnicott's experience of the emotional development. It is, in terms of path, or method, a proposal of psychoanalytic theory applied to the understanding of behavioral phenomena in the public domain.To study this process, our analysis is based on the meaning given to the use of tattoos and other physical changes in cases involving modifications that are not merely adornments, they are more meaningful and part of the individual's search of his own identity. We consider that identity, or a sense of identity, is associated with the following set of experiences: Am-ness, without predicate; Am-with, related to the transitional phenomena; I-Am-Diferent-From, when it is possible to accomplish the I AM status, differentiating oneself from the world; and I-Am-Predicable, when the individual reaches integration as a Whole Person, when it is possible to ask about the identity question: I am x (x is a predicate of the I)

Cet article vise à analyser les principaux événements et réalisations du processus de constitution de l'identité dans le cadre de la théorie du développement émotionnel de Winnicott. Pour analyser ce processus, nous nous sommes basés sur l'analyse du sens donné à l'utilisation des tatouages et autres transformations corporelles dans les cas où ceux-ci impliquent des modifications qui ne seraient pas seulement des ornements de la personne, mais ont une plus grande amplitude et peuvent être à au service d'une recherche de l'identité personelle. En analysant ce processus, nous commentons l'ensemble d'expériences suivantes: celle d'être, sans prédicat (suis); celui de l'être-avec (suis-avec), associé aux phénomènes transitionnels; celle d'être-différent-de (je-suis-diferent-de), possible en accédant au statut (integation) du "Je" (Je Suis), se différenciant ainsi du monde; et je-suis-prédicable, lorsque l'individu atteint une intégration en tant que personne entière, et où la question de l'identité peut être posée en termes de l'énonce Je suis x (xest un prédicat du Je)

Imagen Corporal/psicología , Modificación del Cuerpo no Terapéutica/psicología , Ego
Psicol. USP ; 342023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | Index Psicología - Revistas, LILACS | ID: biblio-1517457


A visibilidade social e acadêmica de homens transexuais deu-se tardiamente em comparação com mulheres trans. Ainda mais invisíveis são as experiências de transição dos homens trans negros, que agregam a intersecção gênero-raça. Este estudo qualitativo teve por objetivo analisar como homens transexuais negros vivenciam suas experiências de transição de gênero, à luz do conceito de interseccionalidade. Participaram quatro homens que se autodeclararam transexuais e negros, de 22 a 33 anos. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, seguidas de análise temática. Os resultados apontam que o reconhecimento social das identidades transmasculinas advém do racismo, quando este se intersecciona com a transfobia. À medida que o sujeito passa a ser lido como homem, recebe o atributo racista de "perigoso". A baixa empregabilidade é uma das consequências perversas dessa leitura que articula dois eixos de subordinação: transgeneridade e raça. Há urgência de políticas públicas para que se interrompa esse ciclo de desempoderamento interseccional

The social and academic visibility of transsexual men happened later than that of transgender women. Even more invisible are the transition experiences of Black trans men as they aggregate the gender-race intersection. This qualitative study aimed to analyze how Black transgender men experience their gender transition in light of the concept of intersectionality. In total, four men, aged 22-33 years, who declared themselves Black and transsexual participated in this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, followed by thematic analysis. Results indicate that the social recognition of transmasculine identities crosses racism when it intersects with transphobia. To the extent that they are recognized as men, they receive the racist attribute of "dangerous." Low employability is one of the perverse consequences of this reading, which articulates two axes of subordination: transgender and race. Breaking this cycle of intersectional disempowerment urgently requires public policies

La visibilité sociale et académique des hommes transgenres est arrivée tardivement, par rapport aux femmes transgenres. Plus invisibles encore sont les expériences de transition des hommes noirs transgenres, qui cumulent l'intersection entre le sexe et la race. Cette étude qualitative visait à analyser la manière dont les hommes transsexuels noirs vivent leurs expériences de transition de genre à la lumière du concept d'intersectionnalité. Quatre hommes qui se sont déclarés noirs et transsexuels, âgés de 22 à 33 ans, ont participé à l'enquête. Des entretiens semi-structurés ont été menés, suivis d'une analyse thématique. Les résultats montrent que la reconnaissance sociale des identités transmasculines passe par le racisme, lorsqu'il s'entrecroise avec la transphobie. Au fur et à mesure que le sujet est lu comme un homme, il reçoit l'attribut raciste de « dangereux ¼. La faible employabilité est l'une des conséquences perverses de cette lecture qui articule les deux axes de subordination: le transgenre et la race. Il est urgent que les politiques publiques brisent ce cycle de désautonomisation intersectionnelle

La visibilidad social y académica de los hombres transexuales llegó tarde en comparación con la de las mujeres transexuales. Aún más invisibles son las experiencias de transición de los hombres negros trans, que agregan la intersección género-raza. Este estudio cualitativo tuvo por objetivo analizar las vivencias de los hombres negros transexuales respecto a la transición de género a la luz del concepto de interseccionalidad. Participaron cuatro hombres que se declararon negros y transexuales, de entre 22 y 33 años de edad. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, y posteriormente análisis temáticos. Los resultados muestran que el reconocimiento social de las identidades transmasculinas se da mediante el racismo cuando este se cruza con la transfobia. Cuando el sujeto es visto como un hombre, recibe el atributo racista de "peligroso". La baja empleabilidad es una de las consecuencias perversas de esta lectura que articula los dos ejes de subordinación: la transexualidad y la raza. Es urgente que las políticas públicas rompan este ciclo de desempoderamiento interseccional.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Negro o Afroamericano , Racismo , Personas Transgénero , Identidad de Género , Investigación Cualitativa , Marco Interseccional
Soins ; 67(868): 25-27, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36442919


Within the framework of its establishment project, a public mental health establishment located in Essonne wished to develop paramedical research. The theme of the stigmatization of nurses working in psychiatry was chosen. Using a qualitative methodology, interviews were conducted with two groups of professionals and one group of student nurses, the aim being to find out whether they felt stigmatized by their peers and/or by society in general. The results obtained are interesting.

Enfermería Psiquiátrica , Psiquiatría , Estudiantes de Enfermería , Humanos , Estereotipo , Emociones
Rev Infirm ; 71(281): 22-23, 2022 May.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35843636


More than one in two people recover from cancer after five years. But before claiming victory, they go through a period of remission, a time of uncertainty and convalescence during which they will have to learn to reinvest their body and their identity in order to fully take charge of their life by integrating the awareness of their fragility.

Neoplasias , Humanos
Soins ; 67(863): 61-64, 2022 Mar.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35551791


Forms of discourse and practices of caregivers can help a patient who experiences affects of "loss of self". Four effective discourses can be distinguished: "containing" discourse, "empathic-sympathetic" discourse, "image" discourse and "project" discourse. For the first three to restore a person's ability to act in the world, they must be coupled with the fourth.

Emociones , Empatía , Cuidadores , Humanos