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IUCrJ ; 11(Pt 5): 737-743, 2024 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39178065


A pressure-induced triclinic-to-monoclinic phase transition has been caught `in the act' over a wider series of high-pressure synchrotron diffraction experiments conducted on a large, photoluminescent organo-gold(I) compound. Here, we describe the mechanism of this single-crystal-to-single-crystal phase transition, the onset of which occurs at ∼0.6 GPa, and we report a high-quality structure of the new monoclinic phase, refined using aspherical atomic scattering factors. Our case illustrates how conducting a fast series of diffraction experiments, enabled by modern equipment at synchrotron facilities, can lead to overestimation of the actual pressure of a phase transition due to slow transformation kinetics.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(24)2022 Apr 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35344945


Sc5Rh6Sn18with a cage-type quasiskutterudite crystal lattice and type II superconductivity, with superconducting transition temperatureTc= 4.99 K, was investigated under hydrostatic high-pressure (HP) using electrical transport, synchrotron x-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. Our data show that HP enhance the metallic nature andTcof the system.Tcis found to show a continuous increase reaching to 5.24 K at 2.5 GPa. Although the system is metallic in nature, Raman spectroscopy investigations at ambient pressure revealed the presence of three weak modes at 165.97, 219.86 and 230.35 cm-1, mostly related to the rattling atom Sc. The HP-XRD data revealed that the cage structure was stable without any structural phase transition up to ∼7 GPa. The lattice parameters and volume exhibited a smooth decrease without any anomalies as a function of pressure in this pressure range. In particular, a second order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state can describe the pressure dependence of the unit cell volume well, yielding a bulk modulus of ∼97 GPa. HP Raman investigations revealed a linear shift of all the three Raman modes to higher wavenumbers with increasing pressure up to ∼8 GPa. As the pressure enhances the bond overlap, thus inducing more electronic charges into the system, HP-XRD and Raman results may indicate the possibility of obtaining higherTcwith increasing pressures in this pressure range.

Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater ; 73(Pt 4): 584-597, 2017 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28762969


The possibility to determine electron-density distribution in crystals has been an enormous breakthrough, stimulated by a favourable combination of equipment for X-ray and neutron diffraction at low temperature, by the development of simplified, though accurate, electron-density models refined from the experimental data and by the progress in charge density analysis often in combination with theoretical work. Many years after the first successful charge density determination and analysis, scientists face new challenges, for example: (i) determination of the finer details of the electron-density distribution in the atomic cores, (ii) simultaneous refinement of electron charge and spin density or (iii) measuring crystals under perturbation. In this context, the possibility of obtaining experimental charge density at high pressure has recently been demonstrated [Casati et al. (2016). Nat. Commun. 7, 10901]. This paper reports on the necessities and pitfalls of this new challenge, focusing on the species syn-1,6:8,13-biscarbonyl[14]annulene. The experimental requirements, the expected data quality and data corrections are discussed in detail, including warnings about possible shortcomings. At the same time, new modelling techniques are proposed, which could enable specific information to be extracted, from the limited and less accurate observations, like the degree of localization of double bonds, which is fundamental to the scientific case under examination.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 21(Pt 5): 1077-83, 2014 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25177996


The advent of the ESRF, APS and SPring-8 third-generation synchrotron sources in the mid-1990s heralded a golden age of high-pressure X-ray science. The high-energy monochromatic micro-focused X-ray beams from these storage rings, combined with the new high-pressure diffraction and spectroscopy techniques developed in the late 1980s, meant that researchers were immediately able to make detailed structural studies at pressures comparable with those at the centre of the Earth, studies that were simply not possible only five years previously. And new techniques, such as X-ray inelastic scattering and X-ray nuclear scattering, became possible at high pressure for the first time, providing wholly-new insight into the behaviour of materials at high densities. The arrival of new diffraction-limited storage rings, with their much greater brightness, and ability to achieve focal-spot diameters for high-energy X-ray beams of below 1 µm, offers the possibility of a new generation of high-pressure science, both extending the scope of what is already possible, and also opening ways to wholly-new areas of investigation.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24892600


Lanthanum orthovanadate (LaVO4) is the only stable monazite-type rare-earth orthovanadate. In the present paper the equation of state of LaVO4 is studied using in situ high-pressure powder diffraction at room temperature, and ab initio calculations within the framework of the density functional theory. The parameters of a second-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state, i.e. those fitted to the experimental and theoretical data, are found to be in perfect agreement - in particular, the bulk moduli are almost identical, with values of 106 (1) and 105.8 (5) GPa, respectively. In agreement with recent reported experimental data, the compression is shown to be anisotropic. Its nature is comparable to that of some other monazite-type compounds. The softest compression direction is determined.