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Licere (Online) ; 24(2): 377-417, 20210630. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1282958


Este artigo apresenta passos e reconhecimentos de uma pesquisa de doutorado, que buscou abordar e problematizar questões no entorno do sujeito social 'criança' no seu processo de conhecer e aprender no decorrer do 'brincar' nos momentos de 'lazer' da/na 'infância' nos territórios da Escola. Para tanto, se subsidia num movimento de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, ancorada nos caminhos metodológicos desenhados por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa e pós-crítica, tendo como rota a abordagem de uma cartografia. Nesse sentido, teve como objetivo se movimentar com a escola e com seus atores e sujeitos sociais, para 'compreender como a cartografia pode mapear espaços dentro dos territórios da escola, e, desta forma, apontar os acontecimentos de inflexões de aprendizagem, por meio das práticas sociais presentes nos brincares dessas crianças em lugares identificados e denominados como sendo 'espaços heterotópicos de lazer'.

This article presents steps and acknowledgments of a doctoral research, which sought to address and problematize issues surrounding the social subject 'child' in their process of knowing and learning in the course of 'playing' in the 'leisure' moments of / in 'childhood 'in the School's territories. To this end, it is subsidized in a movement of a bibliographic research, anchored in the methodological paths designed through a qualitative and post-critical research, having as a route the approach of cartography. In this sense, it aimed to move with the school and with its actors and social subjects, in order to 'understand how cartography can map spaces within the school's territories, and, in this way, point out the events of learning inflections, through the social practices present in the play of these children in places identified and called as 'heterotopic leisure spaces'.

Actividades Recreativas
SAGE Open Nurs ; 6: 2377960819901193, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33415264


Those who are obese experience complex moral distress. The norm in Western societies is to be slim, and people living with obesity experience challenges under the gaze of society. They feel great vulnerability and the available treatments seldom meet individual needs. New concepts of embodiment need to be developed to include phenomenological investigations. There is limited knowledge about longing among those suffering from obesity. A deeper understanding of longing from an individual perspective is required to improve treatment. The aim of this study was to gain an in-depth understanding of the experiences of longing by those suffering from obesity. The research was approved by the Norwegian Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics. An explorative phenomenological-hermeneutical design was used. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 18 participants, all with body mass indexes in the range of 30 to 45, which were then analyzed using a phenomenological-hermeneutical approach. Three main dimensions of longing were revealed: longing for normality, longing for what was lost, and longing for simplicity in life. The health service needs to understand better the longings of obese individuals to help them live their lives in greater freedom, based on their own longings and self-care. Focusing on longing may reveal a person's true desires, and the longing may be a form of resistance to the disciplination of society.