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Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 21-24, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-515231


Objective T o study the characteristic of contrast visual evoked potentials (C V E P ) in patients w ith ocular traum a. Methods Sixty patients defined as ocular traum a by forensic clinical exam ination in our center w ere selected, and split into 0.2-0.3 (G roup A ), 0.3-0.5 (G roup B ) and ≥0.5 (G roup C ) according to the best corrected visual acuity. T he variation characteristics of w ave am plitude and latency of C V E P under 100%, 25% and 10% contrast w ere observed and analyzed statistically. Results (1) U n-der the sam e contrast, the w ave am plitude of P 100 decreased w ith the decrease of stim ulus perspective. (2) U nder the sam e stim ulus perspective, the w ave am plitude of P100 decreased w ith the decrease of contrast (P0.05). B etw een group A and group C , group B and group C , the w ave am plitude of P100 gradually increased w ith the increase of vision (P0.05). U nder the sam e stim ulus per-spective, the latency of P100 w ave w as prolonged w ith the decrease of contrast (P>0.05). Conclusion C V E P m ay becom e one of the possible m ethods for the evaluation of contrast visual acuity.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 267-270, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-620662


Objective T o explore the num ber of necrophagous flies and seasonal distribution of com m on necrophagous flies at present in B eijing. Methods T he specim ens of necrophagous flies w ere collected by the m ethods of anim al carcass, trapping and feeding. A nd the specim ens w ere observed and counted after the classification and preservation. Results T he necrophagous flies in B eijing belonged to 4 fam i-lies, 9 subfam ilies, 21 genera and 46 species, and 12 species of them w ere the first records in B eijing. T he necrophagous flies had the characteristics of regional and seasonal distribution. Conclusion T he data of seasonal distribution of necrophagous flies and com m on necrophagous flies in B eijing can provide refer-ence for related research.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 232-235, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-620667


Objective T o explore the com position characteristic of event related potential (E R P ) in dif-ferent visual acuity levels, and to provide theoretical basis for the objective assessm ent of visual acuity. Methods M onocular stim ulus w as perform ed on 16 selected subjects. T he subjects w ere required to look straight at the screen ahead and count the am ount of stim uli from different directions. T he pictures of optotype stim ulus w hich corresponding to three different visual acuity levels w ere show ed in the center of the screen. The ERP results w ere recorded separately. Results (1) The P1 am plitudes of m atch stim uli recorded under the supra-threshold visual acuity level w ere higher than that of m atch stim uli recorded under the threshold and sub-threshold visual acuity levels. T here w as no significant difference betw een the P 1 am plitudes of m atch stim uli recorded under the threshold and sub-threshold visual acuity levels. T he tendency of conflict stim uli w as sim ilar to that of m atch stim uli under three visual acuity levels. (2) In the 340-500 m s post-stim ulus range, P 300 com ponent w as found under supra-threshold and threshold visual acuity levels; no P 300 com ponent w as found in corresponding tim e w indow under sub-threshold visual acuity. T he differences of P 300 am plitudes am ong three visual acuity levels w ere statistically significant. T he am plitudes from high to low w ere the supra-threshold, threshold and sub-threshold visual acuity levels. Conclusion E R P can be a potential new m ethod for the objective assessm ent of visual acuity in forensic m edicine.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 258-262, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-620692


Objective T o explore the casual relationship and the significance of identification am ong the injury, disease and dam age consequence in the disability evaluation of lum bar spondylolysis by the stan-dard for identifying grading of disability caused by w ork-related injuries. Methods T he general data, in-jury m anner, clinical treatm ent and the im aging exam ination of 32 lum bar spondylolysis cases w ere col-lected and retrospectively analyzed. A ccording to the degree of participation in the injury and dam age consequence, the identification and assessm ent of casual relationship w as m ade, and the grading of dis-ability w as assessed. Results For 32 cases, injury had no effect on dam age consequence in 7 cases, slight effect in 5 cases, secondary effect in 13 cases, equivalent effect in 4 cases, and com plete effect in 3 cases. A ccording to the related item s in the standard for identifying grading of disability caused by w ork-related injuries, 3 cases w ere rated level 7, 5 cases w ere level 8, 6 cases w ere level 9, 11 cases w ere level 11 am ong the cases w hich existed causal relationship. Conclusion T he form ation of lum bar spondylolysis is connected to the factors of age, anatom y, occupation and injury m anner etc. T he degree of disability should be accessed com prehensively after the analysis of the casual relationship am ong the injury, disease and dam age consequence.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 209-213, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-608083


T his article reported a 37-year-old w om an w ho w as physically attacked by her husband, w hich caused her leg injuries. In the hospital a diagnosis w as m ade of fractures of the right patella and left tibia before she underw ent an operation of open reduction and internal fixation. B ecause the husband re-fused to adm it his fam ily violence com m itted against this w om an; instead he claim ed that her low er lim b fractures belonged to the falling injuries caused by a traffic accident. T he police assigned forensic experts to judicially judge the w om an's injuries. A nd the identification results of X-ray and C T show ed that the transverse fracture of patella had been caused by m uscular violence, and that both direct and indirect force resulted in the injuries of left tibia, and the fracture of left m edial orbital w all m ight have been form ed during the violence. T his article expounded the identification betw een the injuries of fam ily violence and traffic accident by the applications of im aging, w hich em phasized the application value of im aging techniques in clinic forensic science.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 125-128, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-608156


Objective T o study the effect of different attentional conditions on the event-related potential (E R P ) com ponents generated by the visual inform ation stim uli related to visual acuity, and provide a theoretical reference for clinical forensic visual objective evaluation. Methods W ith visual acuity opto-types as norm al form of visual inform ation stim uli, 15 volunteers as study subjects w ere supposed to ac-count the visual acuity optotypes under the attentional condition of visual stim uli. Furtherm ore, the sub-jects w ere required to listen to the storytelling carefully under the non-attentional condition of visual stim uli, and after the exam ination, they needed to answ er the story-related questions. A ll the E E G re-sults of tw o different attentional conditions from the subjects w ere recorded by 32 channel E R P system . Results U nder tw o attentional conditions, P 1 and P 300 com ponents w ere evoked by the visual acuity opto-types on supra-threshold and threshold visual acuity levels, w hile only P 1 com ponent w ere evoked by the visual acuity optotypes on sub-threshold levels. In the E R P w aveform s evoked by the visual acuity optotypes on supra-threshold, P 1 and P 300 am plitudes under attentional condition w ere larger than that un-der non-attentional condition. Conclusion A ttentional conditions can influence the detection of visual acuity. P 300 com ponent can be used to distinguish the visual acuity levels w ith supra-threshold and sub-threshold under non-attentional condition.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 97-99, 2016.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-498837


Objective To establish regression m odel betw een craniofacial lines and body height by m ea-suring craniofacial lines in Southw est H an m ales using C Tand to accum ulate data for the study of foren-sic anthropology. Methods H ead C Tdata of 273 H an m ales in Southw est w ere collected and 7 cranio-facial lines w ere determ ined. M ultiplanar reconstruction and volum e rendering w ere perform ed by im age post-processing softw are and the selected lines w ere m easured. The relationship betw een each m easuring indicator and body height w as analyzed using SPSS 21.0 softw are. The regression equation of body height estim ation w as established and 50 sam ples w ere selected again and put into the m athem atics m odels to verify its accuracy. Results The linear regression equations of 7 lines w ere established (P<0.05). The correlation coefficients of the unary linear regression equations w ere 0.190-0.439 and the standard errors of the estim ate (SEE) w ere 4.597-5.023 cm . The correlation coefficients of the m ultiple linear regression equation w ere 0.494-0.524 and the SEEw ere 4.418-4.458 cm . The return tests show ed that the highest ±1SEEaccuracy of the m ultiple regression equation:y=83.959+3.589 x6+2.573 x2, w ere 30%;and the highest ±2SEEaccuracy of the m ultiple regression equation: y=72.646+3.316 x6+1.586 x2+1.553 x4+2.211 x3, w ere 92% . Conclusion There is significant linear correlation betw een 7 selected lines and the stature in this study, and the plural linear regression equation established could be applied for estim ating the stature of Southw est H an m ales.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 277-279, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-498864


Objective T o investigate the m ain point of long backbone fracture caused by blunt force in forensic clinical identification and to provide a reference for the inspection and appraisal practices of such injury. Methods N inety-nine cases of adult long backbone fractures were collected from January 2006 to D ecem ber 2013 in G utian C ounty of Fujian Province. A ccording to the term s of fracture loca-tion, m ode of injury, type, the data were sum m arized. Results In the 99 cases, there were 36 cases caused by hitting, kicking, and falling and 63 cases caused by vehicle collision. T he m ajority of the for-m er was ulna, and those of the latter were tibia and fibula. T he types of fracture were transverse one, short oblique one, long oblique one, and spiral one. Conclusion D ifferent types of long backbone frac-ture, not only causing stress load of fractures as well as structural differences related to each segm ent.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 215-218, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-498876


Mild cognitive im pairm ent caused by craniocerebral traum a is the key points and difficulties in judicial authentication. This article has com parative analysis of eachmode of event-related potential (classical O ddball, E riksen flanker task and so on), which can provide a more objective m ethod for such craniocerebral traum a cases in clinical forensic judicial authentication.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 369-372, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-500218


To introduce the approaches and procedures of neurologic erectile dysfunction (ED ) assessm ent in our institute, and evaluate the neurologic investigation by m aking an analysis of 58 cases. D iagnostic criteria of neurologic ED: nervous system injuries or diseases, abnorm al clinical sym ptom s and signs, electrophysiological abnorm alities of nervous system , abnorm al results of nocturnal penile tum escence and rigidity (N PTR ) (penis rigidity <60% and lasting tim e <10 m inutes). In the group of 20 patients w ith the injuries of the brain, spinal cord or spinal root nerves, pudendal cortical som atic evoked potential (PCSEP), sacral reflex latency (SRL),pudendal-to-corticalm otorevoked potential (PCM EP), penile sym-pathetic skin responses (PSSR ) and N PTR show ed abnorm ality by 45%, 20%, 20%, 85% and 85%, re-spectively. In 38 patients w ith the injuries of pelvic fracture w ith urethra break, PCSEP, SRL, PCM EP, PSSR and N PTR show ed abnorm ality by 24% , 5% , 20% , 92% and 66% , respectively. In the form er, 35% w ere identified to have severe ED , and 50%, m oderate ED;in the latter, 21%, to have severe ED , 13%, m edium ED , and 37%, light ED . The approaches and procedures w ere proved to possess excellent specificity and reliability in the assessm ent of neurological ED .

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 356-358, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-500219


Objective To explore themethod for the objective evaluation of single lim b function after in-jury in forensic m edical practice. Methods The score of activities of daily living (ADL ) w ere graded for a single lim b function after injury from 47 cases.Allcases w ere sim ultaneously evaluated using the differentmethods including Fugl-M eyer m otor function assessm ent (FM A ), w eighting, look-up table (LUT). The correlation w ere com pared betw een ADL and the other threemethods. Results Injured part and the score using the threemethods w ere correlated w ith ADL score (P<0.05). The correlation coeffi-cient (|r| value) show ed highest using LUTmethod, and low est using FM Amethod. Conclusion The loss function of lim b is affected by the injuried parts. Themethods of FM A , w eighting and LUTshow a good accuracy for evaluating the lim b function after injury and the correlation presents higher using LUTmethod.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 352-355, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-500220


Objective T o evaluate the application value for the prognosis of m echanical ocular injury cases using ocular traum a score (O TS). Methods Four hundred and eleven cases of m echanical ocular traum a w ere retrospectively review ed. O f the 449 eyes, there w ere 317 closed globe injury and 132 open globe injury. O T S variables included num erical values as initial visual acuity, rupture, endophthalm itis, perforat-ing or penetrating injury, retinal detachm ent and relative afferent pupillary block. T he differences be-tw een the distribution of the final visual acuity and the probability of standard final visual acuity w ere com pared to analyze the correlation betw een O T S category and final visual acuity. T he different types of ocular traum a w ere com pared. Results C om pared w ith the distribution of final visual acuity in standard O T S score, the ratio in O T S-3 category w as statistically different in present study, and no differences w ere found in other categories. Final visual acuity show ed a great linear correlation w ith O T S category (r=0.71) and total score (r=0.73). C om pared w ith closed globe injury, open globe injury w as generally associated w ith low er total score and poorer prognosis. R upture injury had poorer prognosis com pared w ith penetrating injury. Conclusion T he use of O T S for the patients w ith ocular traum a can provide re-liable inform ation for the evaluation of prognosis in forensic m edicine.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 425-427,431, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-605037


Objective To analyze the balance function of injured lower lim b by dynam ic posturography. Methods Using the dynam ic posturography instrum ent, the postural evoked responses of sixty-two norm al people and two hundred and fifty-eight people with injured lower lim b bones and joints were detected. The test was included sensory organization test(SO T) and adaption test(ADT).The results of two groups were com pared by t test. Results Com pared with the norm al people, the im paired people had significant statistical differences in balance scores of SO T3-SO T6 and proportion score of dynam ic proprioception (P<0.05). There was no obvious decrease in ADT. Conclusion The balance function of injured lower lim b significantly decreases.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 359-360,365, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-605044


Objective To analyze palm ratio of body surface area (B SA ) based on the body different surface area form ula. Methods Forty-four Chinese adult m ales w ere selected in this study. The contour of left single palm w as recorded and the palm area w as calculated by cut-paper w eighing m ethod. The body surface w as calculated by the height and w eight based on 12 form ulas of body surface area. Then, the palm ratio of BSA w as calculated. Results The average palm ratio of BSA w as (0.789±0.075)% . The data show ed statistically significant difference com pared with the traditional ratio (1% ) (P<0.05). Conclusion The ratio of B SA in Chinese adult m ale population show ed m ore accuracy com pared with the traditional ratio in this present study. The forensic evaluation can be affected by using the different ratio of B SA .

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 427-430, 2014.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-500217


Objective To study the application of isokinetic muscle testing in identification of the faked paralysis to provide scientific data for establishing a standard systemof muscle strength in forensic medicine identification. Methods Fifty-seven patients with bone fracture or nerve damage as damaged group and 128 normal subjects pretended paralysis as faked paralyzed group were included in this study. Isokinetic muscle testing was performed on bilateral knees of all subjects in the two groups. The peak torque (PT) and peak torque angle (PTA ) were compared between both sides in each group. The fea-tures of torque-time graph of two groups were classified. Results In the damaged group, the differences of PTbetween two sides of flexors and extensors were statistically significant (P0.05). In faked paralyzed group, the differences of PTand PTA between two sides of flexors and extensors were both statistically significant (P<0.05). The torque-time graph of damaged knee presented mostly as single lead peak, while torque-time graph of the faked paralyzed knee presented mostly as multiple peaks. Conclusion The feature of torque-time graph could be useful to identify the faked paralyzed extremities in forensic authentication.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 470-473, 2014.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-500288


αB-crystallin is the structural protein of vertebrate lens, w hich is w idely expressed in non-lens tissue. As one of the heat shock protein fam ily m em bers,αB-crystallin possesses biological proper-ties of m olecular chaperones and anti-apoptotic effects. Multi-factor injuries, such as retinopathy, inflam-m ation and nervous system diseases, have a closely relationship w ith αB-crystallin. T his paper review s the research progress of the expression and m echanism ofαB-crystallin in retina and extraocular tissues and organs.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 460-462, 2014.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-500291


Objective To explore the applications of im aging exam ination on rib fracture sites in forensic identification. Methods Features including the sites, num bers of the processed im aging exam ination and the first radiological technology at diagnosis in 56 cases of rib fractures from 163 injuries were retro-spectively analyzed. Results The detection rate of the rib fractures within 14 days was 65.6% . The ini-tial detection rate of anterior rib fracture proceeded by X-ray was 76.2%, then 90.5% detected at a sec-ond tim e X-ray, while the detection rate of CTwas 66.7% and 80.0%, respectively. The initial detec-tion rate of rib fracture in axillary section proceeded by X-ray was 27.6%, then 58.6% detected at a second tim e X-ray, while the detection rate of CTwas 54.3% and 80.4%, respectively. The initial de-tection rate of posterior rib fracture proceeded by X-ray was 63.6%, then 81.8% detected at a second tim e X-ray, while the detection rate of CTwas 50.0% and 70.0%, respectively. Conclusion It is im por-tant to pay attention to the use of com bined im aging exam inations and the follow-up results. In the cas-es of suspicious for rib fracture in axillary section, CTexam ination is suggested in such false X-ray negative cases.