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Rev. bras. zootec ; 49: e20190032, 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443368


This study evaluated the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of essential (EAA) and non-essential (NEAA) amino acids of 13 ingredients for tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) diets. Proteic and energetic ingredients were analyzed separately. The trial with energetic and proteic ingredients were arranged in a randomized block design, with four replicates: energetic ingredients (corn, wheat bran, broken rice, and sorghum) with four treatments, whereas proteic ingredients (corn gluten meal, soybean meal, poultry byproduct meal, salmon meal, fish meal [tilapia processing residue], wheat gluten meal, feather meal, cottonseed meal, and alcohol yeast [spray dried]) with nine treatments. Each block was considered as one round of fecal collection. A total of 420 tambaqui juveniles (mean initial weight: 70±8.58 g) were used. Among energetic ingredients, corn (94.6%) and wheat bran (91.9%) had the highest ADCEAA, followed by broken rice (75.7%), and sorghum (72.8%). On average, ADCEAA and ADCNEAA values of proteic ingredients were 79.5-98.5%, except for alcohol yeast (ADCEAA: 68.4 and ADCNEAA: 76.7%). Tryptophan was the first limiting amino acid in most ingredients tested and had the lowest chemical scores (0.06-0.51), except for wheat bran, corn gluten meal, and soybean meal, in which lysine was the first limiting amino acid. Soybean meal had the highest digestible essential amino acid index (EAAI: 1.02) and the most balanced amino acid profile, whereas wheat gluten meal had the lowest EAAI (0.48). Overall, tambaqui was very efficient to digest proteic and energetic ingredients.(AU)

Animales , Characiformes/fisiología , Ingredientes Alimentarios/análisis , Alimentación Animal/análisis , Aminoácidos/efectos adversos
Piracicaba; s.n; 05/10/2012. 80 p.
Tesis en Portugués | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1505109


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade da glicerina produzida no Brasil e o seu efeito no valor de energia metabolizável e na digestibilidade para frangos de corte, bem como avaliar o desempenho e qualidade de carne, estudando os possíveis efeitos adversos e determinando o melhor nível de inclusão a ser adotado com segurança. Na primeira etapa foram coletadas 10 amostras de glicerina de diferentes fontes e origens para a análise da composição. Em seguida, foram selecionadas 4 glicerinas de composições contrastantes para a determinação da energia metabolizável e digestibilidade em ensaios de metabolismo com 200 frangos de corte durante o período de 21 a 29 dias de idade, através do método de coleta total de excretas. Na segunda etapa, as aves foram submetidas ao um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com 6 tratamentos e 6 repetições de 45 aves cada. [...] Não foram encontrados alterações nos fígados das aves com os maiores níveis de inclusão. Os resultados sugerem que dietas contendo a inclusão de até 5% não causam nenhum efeito negativo para as aves e cama

The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of the glycerin produced in Brazil and its effect on the value of metabolizable energy and digestibility, the performance and meat quality of broilers, studying the possible adverse effects and determining the best level of inclusion to be adopted safely. In the trial were collected 10 glycerin samples from different sources and analysis of the composition. In the following section, we selected four contrasting glycerins compositions for the determination of metabolizable energy and digestibility in metabolism trials with 200 broiler chickens during the 21-29 days of age, by the method of total excreta collection. In the second trial, the birds were subjected to a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 6 replicates of 45 birds each. [...] No changes were found in the livers of the birds with the highest levels of inclusion. The results suggest that diets containing the inclusion of up to 5% do not cause any negative effects for the broilers, meat quality and litter

Animales , Pollos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Glicerol/administración & dosificación , Alimentación Animal , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Nutricionales de los Animales
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 23(2): 207-216, jun. 2010. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-559548


El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los coeficientes de digestibilidad aparente (CDA) de materiaseca (MS), proteína bruta (P) y energía bruta (E) para la tilapia roja hibrida (Oreochromis sp.) de harinasde pescado (HP), carne y huesos (HCH) sangre (HS), gluten de maíz (GluM), soya integral (SI), tortasde soya (TS), girasol (TG) y palmiste (TP), mezcla forrajera de maíz (MFM), trigo de tercera (HTT), trigoduro (HTD), arroz (HA), maíz amarillo (HMA), germen de maíz (GerM) y yuca integral (HYI). Fueronutilizados 540 ejemplares adultos revertidos sexualmente (peso medio 270 gramos) acondicionados en trestanques de alimentación de 30 m2 y nueve tanques de fondo cónico de 200 L para colecta de heces. LosCDA de los ingredientes fueron calculados por el método indirecto, utilizando óxido de cromo al 0.5% comomarcador. Como ración base se utilizó una dieta semipurificada y 15 dietas experimentales fabricadas conextrusora, cada una con 30% de la MP a analizar. Los CDA-MS fueron muy variables con valores desde34.7 y 42.2 % para TG y TP hasta 90.7 y 95.8 para TS y HCH respectivamente. La digestibilidad de laproteína fue alta para la mayor parte de los ingredientes investigados (superiores a 80%) con excepciónde la HS con 74.6%, el GerM con 77.6 y la HA con 79.3%. La digestibilidad de la energía fue alta en los ingredientes de origen animal y menor de 80% en la mayoría de las MP vegetales, con excepción del GluM(80.4%), la SI (82.1%) y la HYI (82.3%).

This study was carried out to determine the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry mater (DM),crude protein (CP) and gross energy (GE) in various feed ingredients for hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis sp.)including fish meal (HP), meat and bone meal (HCH), blood meal (HS), corn gluten meal (GluM), soybeanmeal (HS), full-fat soybean (SI), sunflower meal (TG), palm kernel meal (TP), mix forage of corn (MFM),wheat meal (HTT), wheat grain (HTD), rice flour (HA), corn flour (HMA), germ of corn (GerM) and maniocflour (MF). 540 sexually reverts (average weight 270 g) were assigned to three 30 m2 feeding tanks and nine200-L cylindrical tanks with conical bottom, for feces collection. CDA analysis was performed by de indirectmethod, using 0.5% chromic oxide (Cr2O3) as marker. A semipurified diet was used as the reference diet.15 experimental extruded diets were made, with 30% of the analyzed feed ingredient (MP). The CDA-DMvaried widely from 34.7 and 42.2 % for TG and TP up to 90.7 and 95.8 for TS and HCH, respectively. Theprotein digestibility was high for most of the studied ingredients (higher than 80 %) except for HS with 74.6%, GerM with 77.6 and HA with 79.3 %. The energy digestibility was high in the ingredients of animal originand lower than 80 % in most of the vegetable MP, except for GluM (80.4 %), SI (82.1 %) and HYI (82.3 %).

O Objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) da matériaseca (MS), proteína bruta (P) e energia bruta (E) pela tilápia vermelha hibrida (Oreochromis sp.) dafarinhas de peixe (HP), de carne e ossos (HCH), de sangue (HS), glúten de milho (GluM), soja integral(SI), farelos de soja (TS), girassol (TG) palmiste (TP), mistura forrageira de milho (MFM), farinhas detrigo de terceira (HTT), de trigo duro (HTD), de arroz (HA), de milho amarelo (HMA), gérmen de milho(GerM) e mandioca integral (HYI). Foram utilizados 540 peixes adultos revertidos sexualmente (pesomédio 270 g) acondicionados em três tanques de alimentação de 30 m2 e nove tanques com fundo cônicode 200 L para coleta de fezes. Os CDA dos ingredientes foram calculados pelo método indireto, utilizandoóxido crômico 0.5% como indicador. Como ração base foi utilizada uma dieta referência semipurificadae 15 dietas experimentais fabricadas com uso de extrusora, com 30% da MP a analisar. Os CDA-MSforam muito variáveis com valores desde 34.7 e 42.2 % para TG y TP até 90.7 e 95.8 para TS e HCHrespectivamente. A digestibilidade da proteína foi alta para a maior parte dos ingredientes pesquisados(maiores a 80%) com exceção da HS com 74.6%, o GerM com 77.6 e a HA com 79.3%. A digestibilidadeda energia foi alta nos ingredientes de origem animal e menor de 80% na maioria das MP vegetais, comexceção do GluM (80.4%), a SI (82.1%) e a HYI (82.3%).

Animales , Digestión , Tilapia/metabolismo