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Vision (Basel) ; 7(4)2023 Oct 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37873895


This article reviews historically significant phenomenological studies of visual mental imagery (VMI), starting with Fechner in 1860 and continuing to the present. This synthesis of diverse VMI phenomenological studies in healthy adults serves as a unique resource for investigators of individual differences, cognitive development and clinical and neurological conditions. The review focuses on two kinds of VMI, "memory imagery" and "eidetic imagery". Ten primary studies are drawn from three periods of the scholarly literature: early (1860-1929), middle (1930-1999) and recent (2000-2023). It is concluded that memory and eidetic imagery are two forms of constructive imagery, varying along a continuum of intensity or vividness. Vividness is a combination of clarity, colourfulness and liveliness, where clarity is defined by brightness and sharpness, colourfulness by image saturation and liveliness by vivacity, animation, feeling, solidity, projection and metamorphosis. The findings are integrated in a template that specifies, as a tree-like structure, the 16 properties of VMI vividness in healthy adult humans. The template takes into account the weight of evidence drawn from the accounts and reveals an extraordinary degree of consistency in reported VMI characteristics, revealed by specialized studies of healthy adult humans across time, space and culture.

Heliyon ; 6(11): e05429, 2020 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33235933


BACKGROUND: Mental imagery (MI) has been described as the "ability to simulate in the mind information that is not currently being perceived by the sense organs" (Moran, 2012, p. 166). The vividness of mental imagery has been defined as the clarity, brightness, or intensity of an image as reported by the individual (Marks, 1973). There are many studies conducted on vividness in typically developing (TD) individuals, however, no attempt has been made either to assess the vividness of mental imagery in people with intellectual disability (ID) or compare it with that of typically developing (TD) adults. METODS: A vividness of imagery test (comprising a modified version of the Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire 2, (VVIQ-2; Marks, 1995), and two items of the Age Projection Test, (APT; Ahsen, 1988) were administered to participants with mild, moderate, and severe ID. Their performance on the vividness scale was compared with typically developing individuals. Measures for cognitive and adaptive functioning were administered to ascertain the ID level of participants. RESULTS: The results of this study reveal a non-significant group difference between people with mild ID, moderate ID, and TD on the vividness of mental imagery and eidetic imagery. People with severe ID performed significantly lower than the other three groups. CONCLUSION: Despite their cognitive impairment, a non-significant difference between the performance of people with mild and moderate ID and typically developing individuals on imagery vividness scale is noteworthy.

Heliyon ; 6(10): e05115, 2020 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33033764


Eidetic model of growth (EMG) is a form of psychotherapy developed for people with intellectual disabilities (ID). EMG is based on the theoretical tenets of eidetic psychotherapy of Akhter Ahsen, which uses eidetic imagery as its major therapeutic tool. The literature review did not find any empirical study on eidetic imagery-based psychotherapy for people with ID except reviews and case histories. This study investigates the clinical utility of therapeutic techniques based on eidetic imagery as developed by Ahsen and Syed. In this study thirty participants with mild and moderate ID were recruited. Participants were recruited from the services for people with ID. These services were contacted to recruit participants who had experiential (i.e., abuse, trauma etc.), emotional (i.e., bereavement, attachment problems), psychiatric (i.e., anxiety, depression) and behavioural (i.e., anger, aggression) problems and to seek consent from the potential participants. The Anxiety Depression and Mood Scale (ADAMS) was administered to the participants before the therapy started, after every 5th session and once the therapy was terminated. The statistical analysis of the pre-therapy and post-therapy scores of participants on the ADAMS was carried out to measure the therapeutic outcome. Paired-sample t-test revealed a significant difference between the pre-therapy and post-therapy scores of participants on ADAMS, with a large effect size (d = 1.54). The result indicates existence of eidetic imagery in people with ID and its promising therapeutic utility.

Hig. aliment ; 32(278/279): 35-40, 30/04/2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-905652


A vigilância sanitária dos alimentos tem como principal atribuição a fiscalização de locais que produzem, transportam e comercializam alimentos a fim de proporcionar alimentos saudáveis e seguros por meio da divulgação de boas práticas alimentares desde o acesso aos alimentos até o fornecimento aos consumidores. O objetivo neste estudo foi descrever o uso da iconografia e da iconologia como ferramentas de auxílio nas visitas técnicas da vigilância sanitária aos estabelecimentos de alimentação e verificar suas condições higienicossanitárias. Trata-se de estudo descritivo transversal realizado por meio do uso da iconografia e iconologia (fotografia) em cinco dos dez estabelecimentos de alimentação que aceitaram participar da pesquisa, em São Luís-MA no ano de 2016. Foram selecionadas quatro situações implícitas nas fotografias que são analisadas iconográfica e iconologicamente e que retratam itens de fiscalização na vigilância dos alimentos em estabelecimentos de alimentação. Neste estudo, verificou-se que esta ferramenta é um instrumento de complemento eficiente a ser utilizado nas atividades de inspeção/ fiscalização, por meio da qual se podem observar os seguintes itens: a estrutura física dos estabelecimentos de alimentos; a forma de exposição e armazenamento dos produtos alimentícios e as condições do manipulador de alimentos, itens que na maioria dos estabelecimentos de alimentação deste estudo estavam em condições favoráveis. Esta ferramenta subsidia a inspeção in loco, e pode ser melhor explorada quando houver maiores demandas de visitas técnicas e não houver disponibilização de recursos humanos, mas jamais devem ser dissociadas das visitas técnicas in loco.(AU)

Sanitary food surveillance has as its main task the monitoring of premises that produce, transport and market food in order to provide safe and healthy food by disseminating good food practices from access to food to supply to consumers. The objective of this study was to describe the use of iconography and iconology as a tool to aid in the technical visits of sanitary surveillance to food establishments and to verify their hygienic and sanitary conditions. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study carried out through the use of iconography and iconology (photography) in five of the ten food establishments that accepted to participate in the research, in São Luís / MA in the year 2016. Four situations were selected implicit in the photographs are analyzed iconographically and iconologically and portray surveillance items in food surveillance in food establishments. In this study, it was verified through this tool that it is an efficient complement tool to be used in inspection / inspection activities and that the following items can be observed: the physical structure of food establishments; as well as exposure, storage of food products adequately and inadequately, and conditions of the food handler, items that in most of the food establishments of this study were in favorable conditions. This tool subsidizes on-site inspection, and can be better exploited when there are greater demands for technical visits and there is no human resources available, but they should be disassociated with on-site technical visits.

Humanos , Vigilancia Sanitaria , Inspección de Alimentos/métodos , Fotografía , Servicios de Alimentación/normas , Almacenamiento de Alimentos , Equipos para Alimentos , Manipulación de Alimentos
Psicol. saber soc ; 4(2): 183-194, jul.-dez. 2015. tab, ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-946811


Este estudo teve por objetivo demonstrar o uso da análise semiótica em fac-símile como documento de pesquisa e resgate da memória social na temática do HIV/Aids. Utilizou-se uma matriz de análise imagética com quatro itens sobre a capa da revista Veja, de 26 de abril de 1989, com a manchete ­ "Cazuza - uma vítima da Aids agoniza em praça pública". Os resultados foram contextualizados à imagem símbolo de uma pandemia, por meio de elementos públicos midiáticos correspondentes à década de 1980 no Brasil. As discussões se relacionaram com a atitude pela qual o artista retratado expressa sua posição na mídia frente a síndrome. A reportagem de capa da Veja 1.077, prestes a completar 26 anos, ainda consta no ranking das matérias mais comentadas da história da revista, podendo servir como instrumento para estudos de memória social. Conclui-se que a análise da matriz é ratificada como ferramenta de pesquisa de memória social e documental imagética, podendo ser utilizada em estudos de representação social. (AU)

The present study aims to demonstrate the use of semiotic analysis as a research tool in the field of HIV/aids and to draw attention to HIV/Aids in social memory. We used an image analysis matrix with four items on the cover of Veja magazine from the April 26, 1989 that had the following headline: "Cazuza - an AIDS victim agonizes in public". Results were contextualized as a pandemic through midia public elements corresponding to the 1980's in Brazil. The discussion is related to the way the artist expresses his position on the syndrome in the media. The cover story from issue 1,077 of Veja, about to be 26-years-old, still ranks as one of the most talked about in the history of the magazine, which renders it appropriate as a toll in social memory studies. In conclusion, the matrix analyses is confirmed as a tool in social memory and imagetic documental research, and can be used in social representation studies. (AU)

Humanos , Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida/psicología , Noticias , Periodismo , Imagen Eidética , Pandemias
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 22(2): 187-192, mar.-abr. 2014. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: lil-748583


Trata-se de um ensaio teórico que tem como objeto de estudo a utilização das técnicas de análise de conteúdo (AC) e análise do discurso (AD) em estudos iconográficos. Objetivou realizar uma análise dessas técnicas articuladas na construção de uma proposição para o desenvolvimento da análise iconográfica (AI). Entre as mais variadas técnicas de análise de dados, a AI, nela inserida a fotográfica, AC e a AD têm sido empregadas por pesquisadores qualitativos das variadas áreas do conhecimento. Os resultados indicam que este tipo de ensaio possa vir a subsidiar novos estudos nos quais os pesquisadores lancem mão da técnica de análise iconográfica articulada (AIA) para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre um determinado fenômeno imagético. Este ensaio tem a intenção de preencher uma lacuna existente nos estudos imagéticos de grande importância na investigação científica.

This is a theoretical essay whose object is the use of content analysis (CA) and discourse analysis in iconographic studies. It aims at evaluating those articulate techniques and at proposing the development of iconographic analysis (IA). Among a variety of data analysis techniques, IA, including photographic, CA and DA has been adopted by qualitative researchers in many realms. Results suggest that this kind of essay could provide support in the use of articulate iconographic analysis (AIA) in research to foster knowledge on a particular imagery phenomenon. This essay intends to bridge the gap in imagery studies of great importance to scientific investigation.

Este es un ensayo que tiene como objeto de estudio la utilización de las técnicas de análisis de contenido (AC) y de análisis del discurso (AD) en los estudios iconográficos. Tuvo como objetivo realizar un análisis de esas técnicas articuladas en la construcción de una proposición para el desarrollo del análisis iconográfico (AI). Entre las diferentes técnicas de análisis de datos, la AI, en ella inserida la fotográfica, AC y AD, ha ganado un gran espacio entre los investigadores cualitativos de las variadas áreas del conocimiento. Los resultados indican que este tipo de ensayo podría subvencionar nuevos estudios en los que los investigadores lanzan mano de la técnica de análisis iconográfico articulada (AIA) para aumentar el conocimiento acerca de un fenómeno imaginético. Este ensayo tiene la intención de llenar un vacío en los estudios de imaginéticos de gran importancia en la investigación científica.

Humanos , Atención de Enfermería , Imagen Eidética , Memoria , Métodos , Métodos de Análisis de Laboratorio y de Campo , Investigación