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F1000Res ; 13: 389, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39262836


Background: A major workforce inadequacy and the change in skill demanded have been observed due to the digital transformation. This study aims to identify the digital skills demanded by employers, focusing on exploring the skills gaps among the graduates that impact graduate employability. Methods: A cross sectional online survey was conducted among the companies registered with the Malaysian Productivity Corporation (MPC). Demand for digital skills was assessed using descriptive analysis of mean scores of the employers' rating in digital skills at present and in future. A pair sample t-test was performed to explore the existence of skill gaps, by comparing the demand versus competencies of the graduates' digital skills in the workplace. Results: Of the 393 responses collected, 376 responses were used for final analysis. The findings show that the current top three digital skills in demand are "information and data literacy", "problem-solving", and "digital content creation". Whereas the top digital skills for future demand are "problem-solving", "safety", and "communication and collaboration". In addition, the most significant (digital) skill gap is found in "communication and collaboration skills" followed by "problem-solving" and "safety" skills. Conclusions: These findings provide insights into the digital skills demanded by employers in IR 4.0, allowing the practitioners, education service providers and policymakers to do better planning on human capital management and training development. By focusing on identifying the current and future demand for digital skills while exploring the digital skill gaps among the graduates, this study provides insight into the employability skills required by the graduate before entering the job market.

Empleo , Malasia , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , Masculino , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Femenino , Adulto , Lugar de Trabajo
Front Sociol ; 9: 1376049, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38562589


This article critically examines the intricate relationship between cancel culture and fake news, shedding light on their collective impact on current societies. The changing social landscape, marked by the transition from the "network society" to the "platform society," has given rise to unprecedented phenomena such as cancel culture. Rooted in social media complaints, cancel culture intersects with the dissemination of intentionally created false information, forming a complex web of dynamics. The study explores the multifaceted nature of cancel culture, its unintended consequences and the nuanced definitions surrounding it. The synthesis of erasure culture and fake news prompts critical reflections on the democratization of information, the protection of fundamental rights, and the potential risks to democracies of an unbridled online narrative. As digital networks continue to play a central role in everyday life, understanding and addressing these challenges is essential to maintaining a balanced discourse that upholds democratic values.

Rev. bioét. derecho ; (60): 19-34, Mar. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-230470


La sociedad contemporánea vive la revolución digital y la necesidad de reflexionar sobre la interacción entre los seres humanos y las tecnologías digitales. El auge de las tecnologías de inteligencia artificial y la algoritmización social ha planteado interrogantes sobre la indispensabilidad de la supervisión y el análisis ético de la información y los datos en Internet. Así como la necesidad de verificar la influencia de las plataformas digitales en el ejercicio de la ciudadanía. La bioética posibilita la investigación sobre los principios que se deben respetar en una sociedad democrática y digital. Resaltamos los principios de responsabilidad social y no discriminación con la intención de que los beneficios del uso tecnológico promuevan el bienestar y la calidad de vida de los menos favorecidos. Su objetivo es garantizar la supervivencia de la especie humana y la mejora de la protección de la vida de todos los seres vivos, animales y plantas. La reflexión bioética sobre el uso de la inteligencia artificial podría establecer la brújula moral que oriente el análisis de los conflictos éticos y la defensa de que a todos los seres humanos se les debe garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades y las condiciones para realizar plenamente su proyecto de vida.(AU)

La societat contemporània viu la revolució digital i la necessitat de reflexionar sobre la interacció entre els éssers humans i les tecnologies digitals. L'auge de les tecnologies d'intel·ligència artificial i la algoritmització social ha plantejat interrogants sobre la indispensabilitat de la supervisió i l'anàlisi ètic de la informació i les dades a Internet. Així com la necessitat de verificar la influència de les plataformes digitals en l'exercici de la ciutadania. La bioètica possibilita la recerca sobre els principis que es deuen respectar en una societat democràtica i digital. Destaquem els principis de responsabilitat social i no discriminació amb la intenció que els beneficis de l'ús tecnològic promoguin el benestar i la qualitat de vida dels menys afavorits. El seu objectiu és garantir la supervivència de l'espècie humana i la millora de la protecció de la vida de tots els éssers vius, animals i plantes. La reflexió bioètica sobre l'ús de la intel·ligència artificial podria establir la brúixola moral que orienti l'anàlisi dels conflictes ètics i la defensa que a tots els éssers humans se'ls ha de garantir la igualtat d'oportunitats i les condicionsper realitzar plenament el seu projecte de vida.(AU)

Contemporary society is going through the digital revolution and the need to reflect on the interaction between human beings and digital technologies. The rise of artificial intelligence technologies and social algorithmization has raised questions about the need for ethical monitoring and analysis of information and data on the Internet. As well as the need to verify the influence of digital platforms in the exercise of citizenship. Bioethics enables research on the principles that must be respected in a democratic and digital society. We highlight the principles of social responsibility and non-discrimination with the intention that the benefits of technological use promote the well-being and quality of life of the less favored. Its objective is to guarantee the survival of the human species and the improvement of the protection of the life of all living beings, animals, and plants. Bioethical reflection on the use of artificial intelligence could establish the moral compass that guides the analysis of ethical conflicts and the defense that all human beings must be guaranteed equal opportunities and the conditions to fully carry out their project of life.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Inteligencia Artificial , Bioética , Discusiones Bioéticas , Ética en Investigación
BMC Psychol ; 11(1): 315, 2023 Oct 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37803434


OBJECTIVE: This cross-sectional validation work evaluated the psychometric features of the COVID-19 Media Literacy Scale (C-19MLs) in Students. METHODS: The study was conducted on 530 students from a medical university in Hamadan, Iran, who were recruited through a stratified cluster random sampling process in June-July 2020. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and internal consistency were used to assess the reliability. Moreover, CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analyses) and EFA (Exploratory Factor Analyses) were carried out to examine construction validity. CVR (Content Validity Ratio) and CVI (Content Validity Index) were used to examine the content validity. RESULTS: According to the factor analysis, it was indicated that the C-19MLs included 21 items measuring five dimensions (constructedness of credible Covid-19 media messages, contractedness of fake media coronavirus messages, fake media coronavirus messages, audience, with three questions in each factor; format, represented lifestyles in fake media coronavirus messages with six questions in each factor) for an explanation of 58.4% of the prevalent variance. The average scores for the CVI and CVR were respectively 0.94 and 0.77. According to confirmatory factor analysis, the studied model had an appropriate fitting to the data; the relative chi-square (x2/df) = 2.706 < 3, RMSEA = 0.093 ≤ 0.1; CFI = 0.893 ≥ 0.9; TLI = 0.874 ≥ 0.9; GFI = 0.816 ≥ 0.9; and SRMR = 0.06 ≤ 0.08. Further analyses represented acceptable findings for internal consistency reliability values with 0.86 of Cronbach's alpha. CONCLUSIONS: The results proved that the C-19MLs is a reliable and valid tool, and it is suitable and acceptable now and can be utilized in forthcoming investigations. This highlights educators and stakeholders to realize the importance of participating individuals in the new media ecology and new 'Infomedia' ecosystems for enabling people in the current digital society.

COVID-19 , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , Ecosistema , Alfabetización , Pandemias , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Psicometría , Estudiantes , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Artículo en Ruso | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37129390


The article presents analysis of key aspects of patient-oriented approach to medical care support in conditions of wide prevalence of digital and telecommunication technologies in modern society. The theoretical reconstruction of main models of "doctor-patient" communication presented in scientific publications is made. The analysis of components of existential landscape of medical communication, (the leading ones are trust and autonomy of patient's personality) was carried out. It is established that purpose of physician-patient interaction in conditions of e-health care is defined as diagnosis and issue of medical report but not follow-up recovery. The conclusion was made about antinomy of digital health care which consists in fact that active introduction of digital technologies into modern medicine, on one hand, serves as demonstration of power of man and his superiority over his own nature. On the other hand, individual is becoming more and more objectified and becomes vulnerable to challenges of biomedical and digital technologies. All this results in increasing of existential risks for patients and physicians associated with crisis of trust and human dignity. The study is targeted to developing of scientific discussion about problems and perspectives of communication between doctors and patients in realities of modern digital society.

Relaciones Médico-Paciente , Médicos , Masculino , Humanos , Comunicación , Confianza
Front Sociol ; 8: 1145221, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37122396


Contemporary digital society has become a critical agent for transformation in various spheres of life and a new methodological framework for interdisciplinary research. It has emerged as a parallel entity alongside conventional society, where an individual's membership is not only limited to the physical world but also extends to the digital realm. In fact, a person's membership in the physical world is incomplete without their connection to the digital society. Digital technology is instrumental in driving social transformations in areas such as the economy, politics, culture, and religion. The striking feature of digital society is digital data production in the form of big data. Unlike in a conventional society, people's every move and behavior in a digital society are calculated and recorded as data. In this global context of a digital society, India has created opportunities for digitalization for its people since 2000, with significant strides made between 2015 and 2016. Reliance Jio, a telecom company, helped to accelerate this process by offering free unlimited Internet packages on a mass scale. This led to a tremendous surge in service industries and the emergence of new sectors, as well as a digital revolution in the conventional systems of the economy, politics, culture, education, religion, and law. However, this transformation has also exposed a significant challenge-the digital divide or digital inequalities, which cannot be overlooked or undermined in sociological research. It would be wrong to reduce digital inequality to a mere technological divide; it is a complex issue shaped by prevailing socioeconomic conditions, digital inequalities, and capability inequality. The study revealed that India's prevailing socioeconomic divide is the source of its wide digital divide. This digital divide exists across both rural and urban areas, affecting access to digital education and economic opportunities. The digital divide is also found between under-resourced urban areas and affluent residential areas. This study's theoretical framework draws on the studies of Castell on the information society and Dijk's concept of the network society.

Front Sociol ; 8: 1141416, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37006634


Coordinated inauthentic behavior (CIB) is a manipulative communication tactic that uses a mix of authentic, fake, and duplicated social media accounts to operate as an adversarial network (AN) across multiple social media platforms. The article aims to clarify how CIB's emerging communication tactic "secretly" exploits technology to massively harass, harm, or mislead the online debate around crucial issues for society, like the COVID-19 vaccination. CIB's manipulative operations could be one of the greatest threats to freedom of expression and democracy in our society. CIB campaigns mislead others by acting with pre-arranged exceptional similarity and "secret" operations. Previous theoretical frameworks failed to evaluate the role of CIB on vaccination attitudes and behavior. In light of recent international and interdisciplinary CIB research, this study critically analyzes the case of a COVID-19 anti-vaccine adversarial network removed from Meta at the end of 2021 for brigading. A violent and harmful attempt to tactically manipulate the COVID-19 vaccine debate in Italy, France, and Germany. The following focal issues are discussed: (1) CIB manipulative operations, (2) their extensions, and (3) challenges in CIB's identification. The article shows that CIB acts in three domains: (i) structuring inauthentic online communities, (ii) exploiting social media technology, and (iii) deceiving algorithms to extend communication outreach to unaware social media users, a matter of concern for the general audience of CIB-illiterates. Upcoming threats, open issues, and future research directions are discussed.

J Chin Sociol ; 10(1): 3, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36909780


The positive and negative effects of the participation of digital platform companies in governance are a major issue of the times. Starting from the three subfields of internal governance, external governance, and co-governance, we construct an analytical framework for digital platform governance to understand the four-sided relationship among digital platform companies, the state, the market, and society. From the perspective of enterprise autonomy, we should view the effectiveness of platform company participation in social governance dialectically. The key of promoting good platform governance is to improve the external structural pressure from the state, promote the reform of the endogenous governance of enterprises, and build a sustainable architecture for co-governance. The mission of sociologists includes not only explanation but also intervention.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36361234


The residential sector is characterized by new digital challenges. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a key-driver of innovation and operations management. This study aims to measure and assess IoT devices at the level of individuals, which are households, in European countries. For this scope, through the multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), we analyse data from Eurostat providing a mix of indicators allowing information to be aggregated at the level of individual Europeans and disaggregated by age group. The results highlight that only four countries (Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Malta) are classified as a high cluster in the examined scenarios. The 16-24 age group is the most involved in the uses of IoT devices, but the previous three northern European countries also show very high values for the 35-44 age group. IoT devices serve as a springboard for achieving a powerful propulsion toward technological innovation in the new business models, identifying opportunities and being a way to make many routine tasks more agile. Training programs and awareness campaigns are policy suggestions for the development of IoT devices favouring a cultural change on their use. However, there is an emerging need for studies that monitor environmental health impacts to prevent possible threats.

Internet de las Cosas , Humanos , Invenciones , Políticas , Europa (Continente) , Malta
Curr Addict Rep ; 9(4): 671-676, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36105116


Purpose of Review: Darknet-hosted drug markets ('cryptomarkets') are an established model of illicit drug distribution which makes use of specialised online hosting and payment systems to link buyers and sellers remotely. Cryptomarkets appear to professionalise, gentrify and integrate drug markets. Therefore, they can be hypothesised to have effects on drug availability by allowing purchases by people who use drugs (PWUD) outside of face-to-face networks that have typified drug distribution. They may attract new buyers and may change use patterns by offering a greater range of higher-potency drugs. This paper examines the research on cryptomarkets' potential impacts on drug availability. Recent Findings: 1. Cryptomarkets tend to address established PWUD who mainly already have access to existing distribution systems. Their greatest impact may be on what is available and the quantities available, and not the overall ease of access.2. Cryptomarkets may provide new data sources which can inform our understanding of drug markets.3. Cryptomarkets may define PWUD as consumers and contribute to reshaping their identities around principles of self-directed, informed consumption.4. In terms of size, cryptomarkets are currently smaller than other modes of digital drug distribution such as through social media and messaging apps and should be seen as a specialist subset of that genre.5. Users of cryptomarkets often integrate drug-purchase and consumption repertoires across multiple sites, online and offline, and cryptomarkets can be one element. Summary: The cryptomarkets are of interest partly because they alter the practical calculus around drug diffusion and partly because they contribute to the formation of digitally enabled drug use which emphasises a consumer relationship between buyer and seller.

Society ; 58(3): 179-188, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34149122


In the digital era, we witness the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) to solve problems, while improving productivity and efficiency. Yet, inevitably costs are involved with delegating power to algorithmically based systems, some of whose workings are opaque and unobservable and thus termed the "black box". Central to understanding the "black box" is to acknowledge that the algorithm is not mendaciously undertaking this action; it is simply using the recombination afforded to scaled computable machine learning algorithms. But an algorithm with arbitrary precision can easily reconstruct those characteristics and make life-changing decisions, particularly in financial services (credit scoring, risk assessment, etc.), and it could be difficult to reconstruct, if this was done in a fair manner reflecting the values of society. If we permit AI to make life-changing decisions, what are the opportunity costs, data trade-offs, and implications for social, economic, technical, legal, and environmental systems? We find that over 160 ethical AI principles exist, advocating organisations to act responsibly to avoid causing digital societal harms. This maelstrom of guidance, none of which is compulsory, serves to confuse, as opposed to guide. We need to think carefully about how we implement these algorithms, the delegation of decisions and data usage, in the absence of human oversight and AI governance. The paper seeks to harmonise and align approaches, illustrating the opportunities and threats of AI, while raising awareness of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) as a potential collaborative mechanism to demystify governance complexity and to establish an equitable digital society.

Front Psychol ; 12: 621633, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33613398


The novelty of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is that it is occurring in a globalized society enhanced by digital capabilities. Our aim was to analyze the psychological and emotional states of participants in different pandemic-related contexts, with a focus on their digital and physical distancing behaviors. The online survey was applied during the ascending phase of the pandemic in March 2020 in two neighboring EU countries: Italy and Croatia. The study subjects involved four groups, two directly affected by epidemiological measures and two serving as controls-(1) participants from Italy who were in lockdown (Italy group), (2) participants from Croatia who were not in lockdown but who were in direct contact with an infected person and underwent epidemiological measures (CRO-contact group), (3) participants from Croatia who were in an analogous situation but not near the same infected person (CRO-no contact group), and (4) participants from Croatia who were not aware of any infected person (CRO-unrelated group). The survey consisted of validated scales of psychological and emotional states, and custom-made questionnaires on the digital (online) and physical (off-line) behavior of the participants. The Italy group in lockdown had higher self-perceived scores for depression, stress, post-traumatic intrusion, and avoidance, as well as the highest digital activity and physical distancing than the not-in-lockdown Croatian groups. The insight into the extent of online activities and off-line isolation allowed for the introduction of Digital Activity and Physical Distancing Scores. Self-perceived post-traumatic avoidance was higher in both the Italy and CRO-contact groups than the control CRO-no contact and CRO-unrelated groups, and higher avoidance correlated with higher Digital Activity and Physical Distancing Scores. Being in direct contact with the infected person, the CRO-contact group had no other alterations than unexpectedly lower post-traumatic hyperarousal when compared with the Italy group. The Italy group in lockdown demonstrated higher self-perceived psychological toll together with higher digital activity and physical distancing than Croatian groups not in lockdown, even when compared with the affected CRO-contact group. The study outcomes suggest that the general emergency measures influenced citizens in lockdown more than exposure to the virus through direct contact with an infected person.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35010629


Rural older adults often feel disconnected from the ever-expanding digital world. To bridge the digital divide, researchers have investigated the effectiveness of formal education and training offered by various social institutions. However, existing research highlights a critical shortcoming in these approaches: a lack of attention paid to rural older adults' individual needs and interests. Based on the theories of post-metaphorical culture, endogenous development, home-school cooperation, and technology adoption and acceptance, this study implements a family intergenerational learning (FIL) project. FIL characterizes learning between grandparents and grandchildren within the household, suggesting a more practical and individualized strategy to help rural older adults gain digital literacy. By conducting a three-month FIL Project in a rural primary school class in China, the study employs a qualitative method to analyze learning records and interviews from 10 sets of participating grandparents and grandchildren. The analysis renders two critical findings on the effectiveness of the FIL Project for rural older adults. First, FIL can help rural older adults adapt into the digital world by (1) gaining knowledge about digital society, (2) improving their digital skills, (3) changing their lifestyles, and (4) understanding the integration between technology and society. Second, among grandchildren, FIL can cultivate an awareness of lifelong learning and their moral obligations to their grandparents. By illustrating this specific case, this study puts forward a new approach to help the older adults overcome the digital divide in rural areas.

Brecha Digital , Abuelos , Anciano , China , Humanos , Relaciones Intergeneracionales , Población Rural , Instituciones Académicas
J Health Econ ; 69: 102274, 2020 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31887480


Late childhood and adolescence is a critical time for social and emotional development. Over the past two decades, this life stage has been hugely affected by the almost universal adoption of the internet as a source of information, communication, and entertainment. We use a large representative sample of over 6300 children in England over the period 2012-2017, to estimate the effect of neighbourhood broadband speed, as a proxy for internet use, on a number of wellbeing outcomes, which reflect how these children feel about different aspects of their life. We find that internet use is negatively associated with wellbeing across a number of domains. The strongest effect is for how children feel about their appearance, and the effects are worse for girls than boys. We test a number of potential causal mechanisms, and find support both for the 'crowding out' hypothesis, whereby internet use reduces the time spent on other beneficial activities, and for the adverse effect of social media use. Our evidence adds weight to the already strident calls for interventions that can reduce the adverse effects of internet use on children's emotional health.

Internet , Salud Mental , Satisfacción Personal , Adolescente , Niño , Inglaterra , Femenino , Humanos , Entrevistas como Asunto , Masculino , Investigación Cualitativa , Medios de Comunicación Sociales
Agora USB ; 15(1): 169-193, ene.-jun. 2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-776909


El artículo de revisión, se orienta a las humanidades en la educación superior,en la era digital. A partir de la misión de la educación, con su compromiso de laformación humana y profesional, el ágora digital es considerada tanto escenario como mediación para las humanidades en la educación superior. La sociedad tecnológica plantea unos retos que se pueden examinar en estudios de finales del siglo XX e inicios del XXI. Asimismo, la situación de la educación y la formación humanística en este nuevo escenario abre unos senderos que se determinan comohorizontes para su caminar en este nuevo hábitat digital. Aprendizaje autónomo y colaborativo, multiculturalismo, pensamiento crítico, responsabilidad planetaria, son saberes que pueden fortalecerse con la mediación de las TIC.

The review article focuses on the humanities in higher education in the digital age. From the mission of education, with its commitment to the professional and human formation, the digital agora is considered to be both a scenario and a mediation for the humanities in higher education. The technological society poses a few challenges that can be examined in studies of the end of the 20th century and early 21st century. In addition, the situation of education and humanistic education in this new scenario opens some paths, which are determined as horizons for their walk in this new digital habitat. Autonomous and collaborative learning, multiculturalism,critical thinking, and planetary responsibility, is a piece of knowledge that can be strengthened with the mediation of ICT.

Humanos , Educación , Educación/clasificación , Educación/ética , Educación/legislación & jurisprudencia , Educación/métodos