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Ultramicroscopy ; 202: 87-99, 2019 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31005023


Pattern matching between target electron backscatter patterns (EBSPs) and dynamically simulated EBSPs was used to determine the pattern centre (PC) and crystal orientation, using a global optimisation algorithm. Systematic analysis of error and precision with this approach was carried out using dynamically simulated target EBSPs with known PC positions and orientations. Results showed that the error in determining the PC and orientation was <10-5 of pattern width and <0.01° respectively for the undistorted full resolution images (956 × 956 pixels). The introduction of noise, optical distortion and image binning was shown to have some influence on the error although better angular resolution was achieved with the pattern matching than using conventional Hough transform-based analysis. The accuracy of PC determination for the experimental case was explored using the High Resolution (HR-) EBSD method but using dynamically simulated EBSP as the reference pattern. This was demonstrated through a sample rotation experiment and strain analysis around an indent in interstitial free steel.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 26(Pt 2): 413-421, 2019 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30855250


In situ X-ray diffraction with advanced X-ray sources offers unique opportunities for investigating materials properties under extreme conditions such as shock-wave loading. Here, Singh's theory for deducing high-pressure density and strength from two-dimensional (2D) diffraction patterns is rigorously examined with large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of isothermal compression and shock-wave compression. Two representative solids are explored: nanocrystalline Ta and diamond. Analysis of simulated 2D X-ray diffraction patterns is compared against direct molecular dynamics simulation results. Singh's method is highly accurate for density measurement (within 1%) and reasonable for strength measurement (within 10%), and can be used for such measurements on nanocrystalline and polycrystalline solids under extreme conditions (e.g. in the megabar regime).

Ultramicroscopy ; 195: 171-188, 2018 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30312955


A simple computational method that can be used to simulate TEM image contrast of an electron beam diffracted by a crystal under two-beam dynamical scattering conditions is presented. The approach based on slicing the shape factor is valid for a general crystal morphology, with and without crystalline defects, avoids the column approximation, and provides the complex exit wave at the focal and the image planes also under weak-beam conditions. The approach is particularly efficient for large crystals and the 3D model required for the calculations can be measured experimentally using electron tomography. The method is applied to show that the shape of a diffracted spot can be affected by shifts, broadening and secondary maxima of appreciable intensity, even for a perfect crystal. The methodology is extended for the case of electron precession diffraction, and to show how can be used to improve nanometrology from diffraction patterns. The method is used also to perform simulations of simple models of crystalline defects. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated through examples of experimental and simulated dark-field images of MgO and ZrO2 nanocrystals and thin layers of CeO2.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 25(Pt 3): 748-756, 2018 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29714184


Polychromatic synchrotron undulator X-ray sources are useful for ultrafast single-crystal diffraction under shock compression. Here, simulations of X-ray diffraction of shock-compressed single-crystal tantalum with realistic undulator sources are reported, based on large-scale molecular dynamics simulations. Purely elastic deformation, elastic-plastic two-wave structure, and severe plastic deformation under different impact velocities are explored, as well as an edge release case. Transmission-mode diffraction simulations consider crystallographic orientation, loading direction, incident beam direction, X-ray spectrum bandwidth and realistic detector size. Diffraction patterns and reciprocal space nodes are obtained from atomic configurations for different loading (elastic and plastic) and detection conditions, and interpretation of the diffraction patterns is discussed.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 25(Pt 2): 604-611, 2018 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29488942


GAPD, a graphics-processing-unit (GPU)-accelerated atom-based polychromatic diffraction simulation code for direct, kinematics-based, simulations of X-ray/electron diffraction of large-scale atomic systems with mono-/polychromatic beams and arbitrary plane detector geometries, is presented. This code implements GPU parallel computation via both real- and reciprocal-space decompositions. With GAPD, direct simulations are performed of the reciprocal lattice node of ultralarge systems (∼5 billion atoms) and diffraction patterns of single-crystal and polycrystalline configurations with mono- and polychromatic X-ray beams (including synchrotron undulator sources), and validation, benchmark and application cases are presented.