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Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536399


Introducción: Dentro de los objetivos estratégicos del Plan de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial de la provincia de Esmeraldas, Ecuador, se plantea generar acciones afirmativas para garantizar el acceso a la salud y la promoción de derechos y deberes a favor de la población; sin embargo, apenas inicia con la normativa sanitaria para la certificación de ESAMyN. Objetivo: Describir la aplicabilidad del componente lactancia materna normativa del Establecimientos de Salud Amigos de la Madre y del Niño en el Centro de Salud Tipo C Las Palmas de Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Método: Se realizó un estudio bajo una modalidad mixta, donde se aplicó una encuesta sobre dicha normativa a 56 profesionales de la salud Resultados: El 75 % del personal tiene conocimiento sobre la normativa ESAMYN pero se identificó que el personal no aplica la normativa vigente, pues solo el 26,79 % sabe sobre su composición, solo el 43 % respondió correctamente el objetivo de la misma y el 29 % a quién va dirigida. Por otra parte, el 57 % del personal de Enfermería conoce sobre cuántas pruebas son necesarias a una mujer durante el embarazo, parto y posparto; y el 41 % manifestó conocer qué es el acompañamiento familiar durante el parto. Conclusiones: El presente estudio aporta una estrategia para mejorar el servicio de salud hacia las madres y sus hijos recién nacidos sobre la normativa de ESAMYN, lo que contribuye a la disminución de brechas intersectoriales y regionales.

Introduction: Within the strategic objectives of the Territorial Development and Planning Plan of the province of Esmeraldas, Ecuador, it is proposed to generate affirmative actions to guarantee access to health and the promotion of rights and duties in favor of the population; However, it is just beginning with the health regulations for ESAMyN certification. Objective: To describe the applicability of the normative breastfeeding component of the Mother and Child Friendly Health Establishments in the Type C Health Center Las Palmas de Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Method: A study was carried out under a mixed modality, where a survey about said regulations was applied to 56 health professionals. Results: 75% of the staff have knowledge about the ESAMYN regulations but it was identified that the staff does not apply the current regulations. since only 26.79% know about its composition, only 43% correctly answered its objective and 29% to whom it is directed. On the other hand, 57% of Nursing staff know how many tests are necessary for a woman during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum; and 41% said they knew what family support during childbirth is. Conclusions: The present study provides a strategy to improve the health service for mothers and their newborn children based on the ESAMYN regulations, which contributes to the reduction of intersectoral and regional gaps.

Introdução: Dentro dos objetivos estratégicos do Plano de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Territorial da província de Esmeraldas, Equador, propõe-se gerar ações afirmativas para garantir o acesso à saúde e a promoção de direitos e deveres em favor da população; No entanto, as regulamentações sanitárias para a certificação ESAMyN estão apenas começando. Objetivo: Descrever a aplicabilidade do componente normativo de amamentação dos Estabelecimentos de Saúde Amigos da Mãe e da Criança do Centro de Saúde Tipo C Las Palmas de Esmeraldas, Equador. Método: Foi realizado um estudo de modalidade mista, onde foi aplicado um levantamento sobre as referidas normas a 56 profissionais de saúde. Resultados: 75% dos funcionários têm conhecimento sobre as normas da ESAMYN, mas identificou-se que os funcionários não aplicam as normas vigentes. regulamentação. como apenas 26,79% conhecem sua composição, apenas 43% responderam corretamente seu objetivo e 29% a quem se destina. Por outro lado, 57% dos trabalhadores de Enfermagem sabem quantos exames são necessários para uma mulher durante a gravidez, parto e pós-parto; e 41% disseram saber o que é o apoio familiar durante o parto. Conclusões: O presente estudo fornece uma estratégia para melhorar o serviço de saúde para mães e seus filhos recém-nascidos com base na regulamentação da ESAMYN, o que contribui para a redução de lacunas intersetoriais e regionais.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 89(12): 937-948, ene. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375558


Resumen OBJETIVO: Determinar las características del embarazo y nacimiento en hospitales públicos del estado de Nuevo León y analizar los resultados de la valoración neurológica de los recién nacidos. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de serie de casos, ambispectivo, multicéntrico, aleatorizado y transversal efectuado del 2017 al 2020 en tres hospitales públicos de Nuevo León, México. La muestra se reclutó de madres en puerperio seleccionadas en forma aleatoria y recién nacidos con la valoración Neo Neuro and Up de Sheridan Perreira. RESULTADOS: De 75,951 madres en puerperio inmediato, asignadas al azar, se estudiaron 4241. El 87.2% eran residentes de Nuevo León y 12.7% de otros estados del Noreste de México. El 39.9% tuvieron control prenatal en los hospitales de nacimiento de sus hijos. El 51.0% nacieron por parto eutócico y 27.4% por cesárea programada. El 9.6% de los recién nacidos fueron pretérmino. Las características pre y perinatales más frecuentes fueron: infección urinaria y prematurez. El 12.02% de los recién nacidos tuvieron evaluación neurológica neonatal anormal. Los factores de riesgo para evaluación neurológica anormal al nacimiento fueron: peso al nacer menor de 2500 g, bajo peso para la edad gestacional, cesárea urgente y perímetro cefálico menor de 30 cm. CONCLUSIONES: Las características de las embarazadas del Noreste de México han sido poco estudiadas, casi la tercera parte ellas son adolescentes con un nivel importante de pobreza. Existe una relación significativa entre algunas características del parto relacionadas con una evaluación neurológica anormal del recién nacido.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the characteristics of pregnancy and birth in public hospitals in northeastern Mexico. Analyze the results of the neurological evaluation of newborns MATERIALS AND METHODS: Case series, ambispective, multicenter, randomized, cross-sectional study conducted from 2017 to 2020 in three public hospitals in Nuevo León, Mexico. The sample was recruited from randomly selected puerperium mothers and newborns with Sheridan Perreira's Neo Neuro and Up assessment. RESULTS: Of 75,951 mothers in immediate puerperium, randomly assigned, 4,241 were studied. Eighty-seven percent were residents of Nuevo León and 12.7% were from other states in northeastern Mexico. Thirty-nine.9% had prenatal care in the hospitals where their children were born. Fifty-one percent were born by euthyroid delivery and 27.4% by programmed cesarean section. Of the newborns, 9.6% were preterm. The most frequent pre and perinatal characteristics were urinary tract infection and prematurity. Abnormal neonatal neurological evaluation was observed in 12.02% of the newborns. The risk factors for abnormal neurological evaluation at birth were birth weight less than 2500 g, low weight for gestational age, emergency cesarean section and head circumference less than 30 cm. CONCLUSSIONS: The characteristics of pregnant mothers in northeastern Mexico have been little studied, almost a third of these mothers are adolescents with a significant level of poverty. There is a significant relationship between some characteristics of delivery related to an abnormal neurological evaluation of the newborn.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 88(8): 562-568, ene. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346231


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: La epistaxis durante el embarazo, aparte de ser una urgencia, tiene una prevalencia tres veces superior a la de la población general. Se controla con medidas conservadoras, aunque a veces deben indicarse tratamientos que implican intervenciones quirúrgicas. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 37 años, con embarazo de 37 semanas, que acudió a Urgencias por epistaxis, sin reacción a las técnicas conservadoras (taponamiento nasal de diversa índole), que provocó anemia progresiva y requirió ligadura de la arteria esfenopalatina para detener el sangrado. Enseguida se llevó a cabo la cesárea, indicada por rotura prematura de membranas e imposibilidad de realizar la maniobra de Valsalva; nació un varón con Apgar 9-10-10. La paciente continuó con alteraciones en la anatomía de los senos paranasales debido a la intervención quirúrgica y en seguimiento en consulta de Otorrinolaringología. CONCLUSIONES: La epistaxis, aunque es un evento frecuente durante el embarazo, puede afectar a la madre y su hijo; por tanto, es importante conocer los tratamientos disponibles al respecto, notificar los nuevos casos y el tratamiento para aumentar el conocimiento de esta alteración infrecuente pero grave.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Epistaxis is a frequent emergency, which prevalence during pregnancy is three times higher than the general female population. It is usually managed with conservative measures, but sometimes more aggressive treatments like surgery may be required. Due to the limited bibliography currently available, new cases and their management should be recorded in order to assess outcomes. CASE REPORT: A 37-week-old pregnant woman went to the Emergency Department with an epistaxis that did not stop despite the use of conservative techniques. As a result of progressive anemization a sphenopalatine artery ligation was required to stop the bleeding. A cesarean section was performed for premature rupture of membranes and the impossibility of Valsalva maneuver. A male infant was born with APGAR test results of 9-10-10. During follow up the patient presented changes in the anatomy of her paranasal sinuses caused by the sphenopalatine artery ligation and is being followed up by Ear-Nose-Throat specialist. CONCLUSION: Epistaxis during pregnancy rarely leads to maternal and/or fetal involvement; it is therefore essential to know all treatments available as well to record new cases and their management to increase knowledge about this uncommon but severe pathology.

Aten Primaria ; 51(5): 285-293, 2019 05.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29803399


OBJECTIVE: To know the level of anxiety and knowledge of childcare and lactation of the current pregnant women, and the clinical-demographic variables with which they are related. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Seven health centers of Area V (Asturias). PARTICIPANTS: First-time pregnant women who completed preparatory courses from 01.06.2015 to 31.10.2015, excluding multiple gestation, risk pregnancy, contraindicated breastfeeding and language problems. INTERVENTIONS: Sociodemographic variables questionnaire, STAI state anxiety questionnaire and 23 questions about childcare and lactation. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: We performed descriptive and multivariate analysis (program R) of the variables of the questionnaire. RESULTS: We captured 104 pregnant women; average age 34.2(SD: 4.5), 94.2% Spanish, 61.5% university, 17.3% smokers in pregnancy, 23.1% with psychopathological antecedents; 88.4% planned to give breastfeeding. The mean STAI-S was 18.1(SD: 7.4) and scored 4.5(SD: 2.3) mean errors. The most faulty ones were on causes of fever (56.7%), fever measurement (54.8%) and physiological stools (55.7%). The multivariate analysis between knowledge and profile showed statistically significant associations with: being foreign, university, pregnancy planning and matron. In relation to the STAI-S was significant for being a smoker, receiving breastfeeding, psychopathological antecedents and matron. CONCLUSIONS: The current pregnant women who complete preparatory courses are mainly mature, university and Spanish. They have good concepts about breastfeeding but many are unaware of basic concepts of fever and stool of the infant. Foreign mothers with unwanted pregnancy and primary education seem to have more confusing concepts. Smoking mothers with psychopathological antecedents and who have not received breastfeeding present more anxiety. The matron significantly influences anxiety and acquired concepts.

Ansiedad/etiología , Lactancia Materna/psicología , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Cuidado del Lactante/psicología , Lactancia/psicología , Responsabilidad Parental/psicología , Complicaciones del Embarazo/etiología , Adulto , Ansiedad/diagnóstico , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Madres/psicología , Embarazo , Complicaciones del Embarazo/diagnóstico , Complicaciones del Embarazo/psicología , Atención Prenatal , Escalas de Valoración Psiquiátrica , Factores de Riesgo , España
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 87(12): 792-801, ene. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346123


Resumen OBJETIVO: Calcular y ajustar los múltiplos de la mediana para el índice de pulsatilidad medio de las arterias uterinas, presión arterial media materna, factor de crecimiento placentario y proteína plasmática A asociada al embarazo, a fin de valorar el desempeño diagnóstico del modelo corregido de preeclampsia de la Fetal Medicine Foundation en población mexicana. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de casos y controles anidado en una cohorte prospectiva efectuado en el Centro de Salud Dr. Galo Soberón y Parra entre el 1 de octubre de 2015 y el 30 de junio de 2016. Criterio de inclusión: pacientes con embarazo de 11-13.6 semanas. Criterio de exclusión: pacientes de riesgo no seleccionado, con embarazo único, entre 11 y 13.6 semanas calculadas por ecografía mediante longitud cráneo cauda. Criterio de eliminación: pacientes que abandonaron el estudio. Se evaluaron el índice de pulsatilidad medio de las arterias uterinas, la presión arterial media, los valores séricos del factor de crecimiento placentario y la proteína plasmática A asociada al embarazo. Se comparó la diferencia en la distribución de los biomarcadores entre la observada en población mexicana y la esperada según la formula original de la Fetal Medicine Foundation. Cuando la diferencia fue mayor a 0.2 múltiplos de la mediana, se utilizó la mediana del observado como coeficiente de ajuste a la fórmula original del esperado. RESULTADOS: De las 300 pacientes reclutadas, 292 concluyeron el estudio. La media de semanas de embarazo al momento del tamizaje fue de 12.4 (desviación estándar 0.72). La prevalencia de preeclampsia fue de 4.5% (13 de 292). Se encontraron diferencias importantes en la distribución de múltiplos de la mediana para el índice de pulsatilidad medio de las arterias uterinas, factor de crecimiento placentario y proteína plasmática A asociada al embarazo. Posterior a la corrección de los biomarcadores, la sensibilidad, falsos positivos y área bajo la curva del modelo ajustado para detectar cualquier preeclampsia fue de 92% (12 de 13), 5.7% (16 de 279) y 93.3%, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES: La distribución de los múltiplos de la mediana en población mexicana es distinta para los biomarcadores: factor de crecimiento placentario, proteína plasmática A asociada al embarazo e índice de pulsatilidad medio de las arterias uterinas. El ajuste de estos biomarcadores para población mexicana resulta en un buen desempeño diagnóstico del modelo de preeclampsia.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: Calculate and adjust the multiples of the median (MoMs) for the mean pulsatility index of uterine arteries (IPm Aut), mean arterial pressure (PAM), placental growth factor (PlGF) and plasma protein associated with pregnancy (PAPP-A), in order to assess the diagnostic performance of the corrected preeclampsia model of the fetal medicine foundation in the Mexican population. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Case-control study nested in a prospective cohort conducted at the "Dr. Galo Soberón y Parra "from October 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016. Patients with pregnancy of 11-13.6 weeks were included, multiple pregnancies or older than 14 weeks were excluded and patients with medication intake prior to pregnancy; Patients who decided to leave the study were eliminated. Autm IPm, PAM, PlGF and PAPP-A serum values were evaluated. The difference in the distribution of biomarkers between that observed in the Mexican population and that expected was compared according to the original formula of the Fetal Medicine Foundation. When the difference was greater than 0.2 MoMs, the median observed was used as an adjustment coefficient to the original expected formula. RESULTS: Of the 300 patients recruited, 292 concluded the study. The average gestational age at the time of screening was 12.4 weeks (standard deviation [SD] 0.72). The prevalence of preeclampsia was 4.5% (13/292). Important differences were found in the distribution of multiples of the median (MoMs) for IPm Aut, PlGF and PAPP-A. After correction of the biomarkers, the sensitivity, false positives and area under the curve (AUC) of the model adjusted to detect any preeclampsia was 92% (12/13), 5.7% (16/279) and 93.3%, respectively . CONCLUSIONS: The distribution of MoMs in the Mexican population is different for the PlGF, PAPP-A and IPm Aut biomarkers. The adjustment of these biomarkers to the Mexican population results in a good diagnostic performance of the preeclampsia model.

Aten Primaria ; 48(10): 657-664, 2016 Dec.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27039971


OBJECTIVES: To assess women's perceptions of their needs during the process of becoming a mother and identify what they want from maternal education. DESIGN: Qualitative study with focus groups. SETTING: Bizkaia health region, Basque Health Service (Osakidetza), Spain. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty one women were recruited consecutively by midwives at six Osakidetza health centres. METHODS: Four sessions were held from September to November 2010 in Bizkaia (Spain), the four groups being stratified by socioeconomic status and stage of the process (pregnancy vs. postnatal period). To collate the information related to the various topics discussed, we used manifest content analysis that was facilitated by use of ATLAS.ti software. RESULTS: The focus of the women worries changes over time. In early pregnancy, women's main concern was for "everything to go well". As the pregnancy progressed, they needed more emotional support and wanted to feel confident and be self-reliant to face their fears of the birth and care for their child. They needed greater accompaniment in the puerperium and less pressure concerning breastfeeding. They also wanted an extended programme of perinatal rather than just antenatal education, which was more participatory and flexible and greater participation of their partner. CONCLUSION: Women have the same social and family networks needs, regardless of cultural differences between Anglo-Saxon and Southern European countries. We recommend an perinatal education to empower women to manage their own health and that of their family and link the health system with other networks of personal and social support for women.

Actitud , Necesidades y Demandas de Servicios de Salud , Madres/educación , Atención Prenatal , Femenino , Humanos , Madres/psicología , Investigación Cualitativa , España
Trop Med Int Health ; 21(4): 486-503, 2016 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26892335


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the role of the private sector in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We used Demographic and Health Surveys for 57 countries (2000-2013) to evaluate the private sector's share in providing three reproductive and maternal/newborn health services (family planning, antenatal and delivery care), in total and by socio-economic position. METHODS: We used data from 865 547 women aged 15-49, representing a total of 3 billion people. We defined 'met and unmet need for services' and 'use of appropriate service types' clearly and developed explicit classifications of source and sector of provision. RESULTS: Across the four regions (sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East/Europe, Asia and Latin America), unmet need ranged from 28% to 61% for family planning, 8% to 22% for ANC and 21% to 51% for delivery care. The private-sector share among users of family planning services was 37-39% across regions (overall mean: 37%; median across countries: 41%). The private-sector market share among users of ANC was 13-61% across regions (overall mean: 44%; median across countries: 15%). The private-sector share among appropriate deliveries was 9-56% across regions (overall mean: 40%; median across countries: 14%). For all three healthcare services, women in the richest wealth quintile used private services more than the poorest. Wealth gaps in met need for services were smallest for family planning and largest for delivery care. CONCLUSIONS: The private sector serves substantial numbers of women in LMICs, particularly the richest. To achieve universal health coverage, including adequate quality care, it is imperative to understand this sector, starting with improved data collection on healthcare provision.

Parto Obstétrico , Países en Desarrollo , Servicios de Planificación Familiar , Equidad en Salud , Disparidades en Atención de Salud , Servicios de Salud Materna , Sector Privado , Adolescente , Adulto , Anticoncepción , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Salud Global , Necesidades y Demandas de Servicios de Salud , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Persona de Mediana Edad , Embarazo , Atención Prenatal , Sector Público , Factores Socioeconómicos , Adulto Joven
Trop Med Int Health ; 20(3): 277-83, 2015 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25418130


OBJECTIVE: To assess coverage of repeat HIV testing among women who delivered in a Zambian hospital. HIV testing of pregnant women and repeat testing every 3 months during pregnancy and breastfeeding is the recommended policy in areas of high HIV prevalence. METHODS: A prospective implementation study in a second-level hospital in rural Zambia. Included were all pregnant women who delivered in hospital during May and June 2012. Data regarding antenatal visits and HIV testing were collected by two investigators using a standardised form. RESULTS: Of 401 women who delivered in hospital, sufficient antenatal data could be retrieved for 322 (80.3%) women. Of these 322 women, 301 (93.5%) had attended antenatal care (ANC) at least once. At the time of discharge after delivery in hospital, 171 (53.1%) had an unclear HIV status because their negative test result was more than 3 months ago or of an unknown date, or because they had not been tested at all during pregnancy or delivery. An updated HIV status was present for 151 (46.9%) women: 25 (7.8%) were HIV positive and 126 (39.1%) had tested negative within the last 3 months. In this last group, 79 (24.5%) had been tested twice or more during pregnancy. During the study period, none of the women was tested during admission for delivery. CONCLUSION: Despite high ANC coverage, opportunities for repeat HIV testing were missed in almost half of all women who delivered in this hospital in a high-prevalence HIV setting.

Serodiagnóstico del SIDA/estadística & datos numéricos , Seropositividad para VIH/diagnóstico , Tamizaje Masivo/estadística & datos numéricos , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo/diagnóstico , Adolescente , Adulto , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Hospitales de Distrito/estadística & datos numéricos , Humanos , Embarazo , Atención Prenatal/estadística & datos numéricos , Estudios Prospectivos , Población Rural , Adulto Joven , Zambia
Trop Med Int Health ; 20(2): 230-9, 2015 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25358532


OBJECTIVE: To examine the role of the private sector in the provision of antenatal care (ANC) across low- and middle-income countries. METHODS: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from 46 countries (representing 2.6 billion people) on components of ANC given to 303 908 women aged 15-49 years for most recent birth were used. We identified 79 unique sources of care which were re-coded into home, public, private (commercial) and private (not-for-profit). Use of ANC and a quality of care index (scaled 0-1) were stratified by type of provider, region and wealth quintile. Linear regressions were used to examine the association between provider type and antenatal quality of care score. RESULTS: Across all countries, the main source of ANC was public (54%), followed by private commercial (36%) and home (5%), but there were large variations by region. Home-based ANC was associated with worse quality of care (0.2; 95% CI -0.2 to -0.19) relative to the public sector, while the private not-for-profit sector (0.03; 95% CI 0.02 to 0.04) was better. There were no differences in quality of care between public and private commercial providers. CONCLUSIONS: The market for ANC varies considerably between regions. The two largest sectors - public and private commercial - perform similarly in terms of quality of care. Future research should examine the role of the private sector in other health service domains across multiple countries and test what policies and programmes can encourage private providers to contribute to increased coverage, quality and equity of maternal care.

Atención a la Salud/organización & administración , Países en Desarrollo , Atención Prenatal/organización & administración , Sector Privado , Adolescente , Adulto , Demografía , Femenino , Salud Global , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Pobreza , Adulto Joven
CDMX; s.n; 20140418. 90 p.
Tesis en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1337840


"El embarazo en adolescentes está expuesto a consecuencias, no sólo orgánicas sino también psicológicas, sociales, económicas, educativas y laborales. Por ello, se debe de pensar al embarazo en adolescentes en varios contextos y como fenómeno social. Sin embargo, los procedimientos de enfermería para la atención prenatal son los mismos que para toda la población de mujeres embarazadas, sin importar su edad. Objetivo: Identificar los tipos de cuidado que el personal de enfermería proporciona a las adolescentes embarazadas, es decir, los biológicos, psicológicos y sociales. Metodología: Se realizaron sesiones de observación participante, al personal de enfermería cuando brinda atención a gestantes menores de 20 años, y entrevistas semi-estructuradas a este personal. Resultados: En las consultas de enfermería los cuidados prenatales se centraron en los aspectos físicos y biológicos. Incluyeron el pesaje, la elaboración de la historia clínica prenatal, el interrogatorio sobre el desarrollo del embarazo, la toma de presión arterial, la exploración gineco-obstétrica y eventualmente, el Papanicolaou. Además, en las consultas se presentaron episodios de verificación de hábitos alimenticios y de detección de infecciones génito-urinarias, contracciones uterinas y síntomas de alarma para la prevención de riesgos y complicaciones en la salud. A pesar de que los aspectos psicosociales fueron poco evidentes en los cuidados dados por las enfermeras, sí los tomaron en cuenta: tranquilizaban a las adolescentes, les demostraban comprensión acerca de su conducta, las recriminaban por su alimentación inadecuada o por no tomar en tiempo y forma los medicamentos. Conclusión: El cuidado prenatal de enfermería a gestantes adolescentes tiene un énfasis curativo y preventivo en torno a lo físico y biológico. Aunque las enfermeras tienen potencial para realizar un cuidado prenatal más integral y de mayor calidad, los aspectos psicosociales en éste son débiles. Por ello, se recomienda fortalecerlos, mediante la formación profesional, la capacitación del personal y la modificación de algunas políticas y normas de la institución de salud, y así poder responder mejor a las necesidades de este grupo."

"A gravidez na adolescência está exposta a consequências, não apenas orgânicas, mas também psicológicas, sociais, econômicas, educacionais e trabalhistas. Portanto, a gravidez deve ser considerada em adolescentes em vários contextos e como um fenômeno social. No entanto, os procedimentos de enfermagem para o pré-natal são os mesmos de toda a população de gestantes, independentemente da idade. Objetivo: Identificar os tipos de cuidados que os enfermeiros prestam às adolescentes grávidas, isto é, biológicas, psicológicas e sociais. Metodologia: Foram realizadas sessões de observação dos participantes com a equipe de enfermagem no atendimento a gestantes menores de 20 anos e entrevistas semiestruturadas com essas equipes. Resultados: nas consultas de enfermagem, o pré-natal focado nos aspectos físicos e biológicos. Eles incluíram pesagem, preparação da história clínica pré-natal, interrogatório sobre o desenvolvimento da gravidez, aferição da pressão arterial, o exame gineco-obstétrico e, eventualmente, o exame de Papanicolaou. Além disso, as consultas apresentaram episódios de verificação dos hábitos alimentares e detecção de infecções genito-urinárias, contrações uterinas e sintomas de alarme para a prevenção de riscos e complicações à saúde. Embora os aspectos psicossociais não fossem muito evidentes nos cuidados prestados pelos enfermeiros, eles os levaram em consideração: tranquilizaram os adolescentes, mostraram compreensão sobre seu comportamento, os recriminaram por sua alimentação inadequada ou por não levá-los a tempo e a tempo. formar os medicamentos. Conclusão: A assistência pré-natal de enfermagem às adolescentes grávidas tem ênfase curativa e preventiva nos aspectos físicos e biológicos. Embora os enfermeiros tenham potencial para realizar um pré-natal mais abrangente e de maior qualidade, os aspectos psicossociais nele são fracos. Portanto, recomenda-se fortalecê-los, por meio de treinamento profissional, treinamento de pessoal e modificação de algumas políticas e padrões da instituição de saúde, para poder responder melhor às necessidades desse grupo."

"Teen pregnancy is exposed to consequences, not only organic but also psychological, social, economic, educational and labor. Therefore, pregnancy should be considered in adolescents in various contexts and as a social phenomenon. However, the nursing procedures for prenatal care are the same as for the entire population of pregnant women, regardless of their age. Objective: To identify the types of care that nurses provide to pregnant adolescents, that is, biological, psychological and social. Methodology: Participant observation sessions were held to the nursing staff when providing care to pregnant women under 20 years of age, and semi-structured interviews with these staff. Results: In nursing consultations, prenatal care focused on physical and biological aspects. They included weighing, the preparation of the prenatal clinical history, the interrogation on the development of pregnancy, the taking of blood pressure, the gyneco-obstetric examination and, eventually, the Pap smear. In addition, the consultations presented episodes of verification of eating habits and detection of genitourinary infections, uterine contractions and alarm symptoms for the prevention of health risks and complications. Although the psychosocial aspects were not very evident in the care given by the nurses, they did take them into account: they reassured the adolescents, showed them understanding about their behavior, recriminated them for their inadequate feeding or for not taking them in time and form the medications. Conclusion: Prenatal nursing care for pregnant teenagers has a curative and preventive emphasis on the physical and biological aspects. Although nurses have the potential to perform a more comprehensive and higher quality prenatal care, the psychosocial aspects in it are weak. Therefore, it is recommended to strengthen them, through professional training, staff training and the modification of some policies and standards of the health institution, and thus be able to better respond to the needs of this group."

Humanos , Adolescente , Embarazo en Adolescencia , Atención Prenatal
Trop Med Int Health ; 17(12): 1441-8, 2012 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22994293


OBJECTIVES: To understand the utilisation of prenatal care and hospitalised delivery among pregnant Muslim women in Ningxia, China, and to explore the effectiveness of the integrated interventions to reduce maternal mortality. METHODS: Cross-sectional surveys before and after the intervention were carried out. Using multistage sampling, 1215 mothers of children <5 years old were recruited: 583 in the pre-intervention survey and 632 in the post-intervention study. Data on prenatal care and delivery were collected from face-to-face interviews. Maternal mortality ratio (MMR) data were obtained from the local Maternal and Child Mortality Report System. RESULTS: After the intervention, the MMR significantly decreased (45.5 deaths per 100,000 live births to 32.7 deaths). Fewer children were born at home after the intervention than before the intervention (OR, 0.11; 95% CI, 0.08-0.15). The proportion of women who attended prenatal care at least once increased from 78.2% to 98.9% (OR, 24.55; 95% CI, 11.37-53.12). The proportion of women who had prenatal visit(s) in the first trimester of pregnancy increased from 35.1% to 82.6% (OR, 8.77; 95% CI, 6.58-11.69). The quality of prenatal care was greatly improved. Effects of the intervention on the utilisation of maternal care remained significant after adjusting for education level and household possessions. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that integrated strategies can effectively reduce maternal mortality.

Islamismo , Mortalidad Materna/etnología , Aceptación de la Atención de Salud/etnología , Atención Prenatal/estadística & datos numéricos , Adulto , Preescolar , China/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Parto Obstétrico , Composición Familiar , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Servicios de Salud Materna/organización & administración , Servicios de Salud Materna/estadística & datos numéricos , Pobreza , Embarazo , Atención Prenatal/organización & administración , Salud Rural