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J Clin Med ; 13(12)2024 Jun 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38930154


Background: Color vision deficiency (CVD) is an often-overlooked issue within the medical community, and its consequences remain insufficiently explored. We aim to evaluate how CVD affects diagnostic accuracy and distinguish between malignant choroidal melanoma and benign choroidal nevus among ophthalmologists. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we engaged ophthalmologists through a web-based survey distributed via the professional ophthalmology society's social media channels. The survey encompassed a series of three fundus images representing normal fundus, choroidal nevus, and choroidal melanoma. Each image underwent simulation for the three primary types of CVD-protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia-alongside a non-simulated version. Results: The study included 41 participants, averaging 40 years of age (±9.2), comprising 28 (68%) men and 13 (32%) women. Significantly lower rates of identifying orange pigments were observed in simulated protanopia images compared to non-simulated ones (p = 0.038). In simulated deutranopia images, the recognition of melanotic lesions was notably reduced compared to non-simulated images (p = 0.048). No such limitation was observed for tritanopia. However, participants retained their ability to identify subretinal fluid and estimate tumor thickness in simulated and non-simulated images. Concerning simulated images of choroidal nevi, participants misdiagnosed nevi as choroidal melanoma in 37% of cases in simulated protanopia nevi images and 41% in simulated deutranopia nevi images. This resulted in unnecessary referrals of benign lesions as malignant, emphasizing the potential for mistaken diagnoses. Nevertheless, almost all simulated images of malignant melanoma were correctly referred for specialized oncological treatment. Conclusions: The simulated CVD conditions of protanopia and deuteranopia affected the accuracy of identifying the melanotic nature of the choroidal tumor and the presence of orange pigments. This limitation led to challenges in correctly diagnosing choroidal melanoma and choroidal nevus, resulting in extra referrals for nevus cases. However, participants were safe and could still determine the possible risk of eyes with choroidal melanoma, so most referred melanoma cases to specialized oncologists as needed.

Front Neurosci ; 18: 1366541, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38694902


Approximately 8% of the global population experiences color-vision deficiency. It is important to note that "color-vision deficiency" is distinct from "color blindness," as used in this article, which refers to the difficulty in distinguishing certain shades of color. This study explores color enhancement algorithms based on the neural mechanisms of color blindness and color deficiency. The algorithms are then applied to smartphones to improve the user experience (UX) of color-enhancing features in different top-selling smartphone brands with different operating systems (OS). A color-enhancing application program was developed for individuals with color-vision deficiency and compared to two other mature color-enhancing programs found in top-selling smartphones with different mainstream operating systems. The study included both objective and subjective evaluations. The research materials covered three aspects: daily life, information visualization, and videos. Additionally, this research study examines various levels of color enhancement through three dimensions of subjective evaluation: color contrast, color naturalness, and color preference. The results indicate that all color-enhancing features are beneficial for individuals with color-vision deficiencies due to their strong color contrast. The users' color preference is closely linked to color naturalness. The application program preserves the naturalness of colors better than the other two color-enhancing features. The subjective evaluations show similar trends across different operating systems, with differences arising from the use of different color-enhancing algorithms. Therefore, different algorithms may result in different sizes of the color gamut.

Front Neurosci ; 18: 1265630, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38298913


Color blindness is a retinal disease that mainly manifests as a color vision disorder, characterized by achromatopsia, red-green color blindness, and blue-yellow color blindness. With the development of technology and progress in theory, extensive research has been conducted on the genetic basis of color blindness, and various approaches have been explored for its treatment. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of recent advances in understanding the pathological mechanism, clinical symptoms, and treatment options for color blindness. Additionally, we discuss the various treatment approaches that have been developed to address color blindness, including gene therapy, pharmacological interventions, and visual aids. Furthermore, we highlight the promising results from clinical trials of these treatments, as well as the ongoing challenges that must be addressed to achieve effective and long-lasting therapeutic outcomes. Overall, this review provides valuable insights into the current state of research on color blindness, with the intention of informing further investigation and development of effective treatments for this disease.

Saudi J Ophthalmol ; 37(4): 301-306, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38155673


PURPOSE: Achromatopsia is a rare stationary retinal disorder that primarily affects the cone photoreceptors. Individuals with achromatopsia present with photophobia, nystagmus, reduced visual acuity (VA), and color blindness. Multiple genes responsible for achromatopsia have been identified (e.g. cyclic nucleotide-gated channel subunit alpha 3 [CNGA3] and activating transcription factor 6). Studies have assessed the role of gene therapy in achromatopsia. Therefore, for treatment and prevention, the identification of phenotypes and genotypes is crucial. Here, we described the clinical manifestations and genetic mutations associated with achromatopsia in patients from Saudi Arabia. METHODS: This case series study included 15 patients with clinical presentations, suggestive of achromatopsia, who underwent ophthalmological and systemic evaluations. Patients with typical achromatopsia phenotype underwent genetic evaluation using whole-exome testing. RESULTS: All patients had nystagmus (n = 15) and 93.3% had photophobia (n = 14). In addition, all patients (n = 15) had poor VA. Hyperopia with astigmatism was observed in 93.3% (n = 14) and complete color blindness in 93.3% of the patients (n = 14). In the context of family history, both parents of all patients (n = 15) were genetic carriers, with a high consanguinity rate (82%, n = 9 families). Electroretinography showed cone dysfunction with normal rods in 66.7% (n = 10) and both cone-rod dysfunction in 33.3% (n = 5) patients. Regarding the genotypic features, 93% of patients had variants in CNGA3 (n = 14) categorized as pathogenic Class 1 (86.7%, n = 13). Further, 66.7% (n = 10) of patients also harbored the c.661C>T DNA variant. Further, the patients were homozygous for these mutations. Three other variants were also identified: c.1768G>A (13.3%, n = 2), c.830G>A (6.6%, n = 1), and c. 822G >T (6.6%, n = 1). CONCLUSION: Consanguinity and belonging to the same tribe are major risk factors for disease inheritance. The most common genotype was CNGA3 with the c.661C>T DNA variant. We recommend raising awareness among families and providing genetic counseling for this highly debilitating disease.

CuidArte, Enferm ; 17(2): 269-274, jul.-dez. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1552908


Introdução: Baixa acuidade visual é um problema de alta prevalência, podendo atingir até 25% das crianças em idade escolar e dentre os principais problemas estão a miopia, a hipermetropia, o astigmatismo, a ambliopia, o estrabismo e o daltonismo. Objetivo: O estudo visa determinar a prevalência de deficiências visuais não diagnosticadas em crianças de quatro e cinco anos que frequentam escolas em um município no noroeste paulista, relacionando-a ao sexo e a característica de escola (pública ou privada). Material e Método: Estudo observacional transversal prospectivo quantitativo, realizado em duas escolas públicas e duas privadas, localizadas no munícipio de Catanduva, São Paulo, Brasil, onde se aplicaram testes realizados para possíveis diagnósticos de distúrbios de acuidade visual (Teste de Snellen), Daltonismo (Teste de Ishihara) e Estrabismo (Teste de Hirschberg). Resultados: Foram avaliadas 245 crianças. Para a análise estatística, foram utilizados os testes qui-quadrado de Pearson e exato de Fisher. A prevalência de baixa acuidade visual foi de 29,73% nas escolas particulares, 43,27% nas públicas (p=0,046); no que se refere a sexo, 20,57% dos meninos apresentaram baixa acuidade visual, contra 17,31% das meninas (p=0,52). O Teste de Hirschberg apresentouse alterado em 24,32% dos alunos de escola particular, 17,54% dos de escola pública (p=0,22), 18,44% dos meninos e 21,15% das meninas (p=0,6). Já, alterações no teste de Ishihara manifestaram-se em 5,41% dos alunos das escolas privadas e 4,09% dos de escola pública (p=0,65); 6,38% e 1,92% dos meninos e meninas, respectivamente, apresentaram alterações (p=0,1). Destaca-se a importância do acompanhamento com um oftalmologista desde a infância, visto que a prevalência de deficiências visuais não diagnosticadas permanece significativa, principalmente quanto aos distúrbios de acuidade visual nas escolas públicas. Conclusão: O diagnóstico precoce de deficiência visual é primordial, pois muitas alterações são reversíveis por apenas um curto período

Introduction: Low visual acuity is a highly prevalent problem, affecting up to 25% of school-age children and the main problems include myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, amblyopia, strabismus and color blindness. Objective: The study aims to determine the prevalence of undiagnosed visual impairments in children aged four and five who attend schools in a city in the northwest of São Paulo, relating it to gender and the characteristics of the school (public or private). Material and Method: Quantitative prospective cross-sectional observational study, carried out in two public and two private schools, located in the municipality of Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil, where tests were applied, carried out for possible diagnoses of visual acuity disorders (Snellen Test), Color blindness (Ishihara Test) and Strabismus (Hirschberg Test). Results: 245 children were evaluated. For statistical analysis, Pearson's chi-square and Fisher's exact tests were used. The prevalence of low visual acuity was 29.73% in private schools, 43.27% in public schools (p=0.046); Regarding gender, 20.57% of boys had low visual acuity, compared to 17.31% of girls (p=0.52). The Hirschberg Test was altered in 24.32% of private school students, 17.54% of public school students (p=0.22), 18.44% of boys and 21.15% of girls (p =0.6). Changes in the Ishihara test were manifested in 5.41% of students in private schools and 4.09% of those in public schools (p=0.65); 6.38% and 1.92% of boys and girls, respectively, showed changes (p=0.1). The importance of monitoring with an ophthalmologist since childhood is highlighted, as the prevalence of undiagnosed visual impairments remains significant, especially regarding visual acuity disorders in public schools. Conclusion: Early diagnosis of visual impairment is essential, as many changes are reversible for only a short period

Introducción: La baja agudeza visual es un problema altamente prevalente, afecta hasta al 25% de los niños en edad escolar y los principales problemas incluyen miopía, hipermetropía, astigmatismo, ambliopía, estrabismo y daltonismo. Objetivo: El estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la prevalencia de discapacidad visual no diagnosticada en niños de cuatro y cinco años que asisten a escuelas de una ciudad del noroeste de São Paulo, relacionándola con el género y las características de la escuela (pública o privada). Material y Método: Estudio observacional cuantitativo, prospectivo, transversal, realizado en dos escuelas públicas y dos privadas, ubicadas en el municipio de Catanduva, São Paulo, Brasil, donde se aplicaron pruebas realizadas para posibles diagnósticos de trastornos de la agudeza visual (Snellen Test), daltonismo (test de Ishihara) y estrabismo (test de Hirschberg). Resultados: Se evaluaron 245 niños. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizaron las pruebas de chi-cuadrado de Pearson y exacta de Fisher. La prevalencia de baja agudeza visual fue de 29,73% en colegios privados, 43,27% en públicos (p=0,046); En cuanto al género, el 20,57% de los niños presentó baja agudeza visual, frente al 17,31% de las niñas (p=0,52). El Test de Hirschberg se vio alterado en el 24,32% de los estudiantes de escuelas privadas, el 17,54% de los estudiantes de escuelas públicas (p=0,22), el 18,44% de los niños y el 21,15% de las niñas (p =0,6). Los cambios en la prueba de Ishihara se manifestaron en el 5,41% de los estudiantes de escuelas privadas y el 4,09% de los de escuelas públicas (p=0,65); El 6,38% y el 1,92% de niños y niñas, respectivamente, presentaron cambios (p=0,1). Se destaca la importancia del seguimiento con un oftalmólogo desde la infancia, ya que la prevalencia de deficiencias visuales no diagnosticadas sigue siendo significativa, especialmente en lo que respecta a los trastornos de la agudeza visual en las escuelas públicas. Conclusión: El diagnóstico temprano de la discapacidad visual es esencial, ya que muchos cambios son reversibles sólo durante un período corto

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Trastornos de la Visión/epidemiología , Agudeza Visual , Instituciones Académicas , Brasil/epidemiología , Incidencia , Estudios Transversales , Estudios Prospectivos
Biotechniques ; 75(6): 240-244, 2023 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37942699


A disadvantage of colorimetric detection in nucleic acid amplification assays is the possibility that a colorblind individual may interpret colors differently than observers with full-color vision. Using an isothermal amplification assay, the ability of colorblind individuals to distinguish between positive and negative results for four dyes was tested. Five individuals with self-reported colorblindness and four with full-color vision reported their observations of the color of the solution. Although colorblind individuals may accurately interpret assay results, they were often not accurate in reporting the color. Hydroxynaphthol blue was the most problematic dye, and both phenol red and SYBR™ green were less troublesome. Consideration for colorblind individuals is warranted when developing an assay and training staff in its performance.

Colorantes Fluorescentes , Técnicas de Amplificación de Ácido Nucleico , Humanos , Técnicas de Amplificación de Ácido Nucleico/métodos , Colorimetría/métodos , Sensibilidad y Especificidad
Curr Biol ; 33(16): 3489-3494.e2, 2023 08 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37433300


How will people who spent their visual lives with only rods respond to cone function restoration? Will they be able suddenly see the colors of the rainbow? CNGA3-achromatopsia is a congenital hereditary disease in which cone dysfunction leads patients to have rod photoreceptor-driven vision only in daylight,1,2,3,4 seeing the world in blurry shades of gray.5,6 We studied color perception in four CNGA3-achromatopsia patients following monocular retinal gene augmentation therapy.7,8,9 Following treatment, although some cortical changes were reported,3,4 patients did not report a dramatic change in their vision.3,9 However, in accordance with the fact that sensitivity of rods and cones is most different at long wavelengths, they consistently reported seeing red objects on dark backgrounds differently than they did before surgery.3 Because clinical color assessments failed to find any indication of color vision, we conducted a gamut of tailored tests to better define patients' descriptions. We evaluated patients' perceived lightness of different colors, color detection, and saliency, comparing their treated with their untreated eyes. Although the perceived lightness of different colors was generally similar between the eyes and matched a rod-input model, patients could detect a colored stimulus only in their treated eyes. In a search task, long response times, which were further extended with array size, suggested low saliency. We suggest that treated CNGA3-achromatopsia patients can perceive a stimulus's color attribute, although in a manner that is different and very limited compared with sighted individuals. We discuss the retinal and cortical obstacles that might explain this perceptual gap.

Defectos de la Visión Cromática , Humanos , Defectos de la Visión Cromática/genética , Defectos de la Visión Cromática/terapia , Canales Catiónicos Regulados por Nucleótidos Cíclicos/metabolismo , Visión Ocular , Células Fotorreceptoras Retinianas Conos/metabolismo
Indian J Occup Environ Med ; 27(1): 84-88, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37303994


Color blindness or color vision deficiency (CVD) is a disease that makes recognizing colors difficult or impossible. A person with color blindness may find it challenging to obtain employment, particularly in positions that need the ability to distinguish or see colors accurately. As the world's largest producer of palm oil, Indonesia employs a vast number of people in this industry. To discern between ripe and unripe oil palm fruit, harvesting jobs for oil palms is one of the occupations that require excellent color recognition skills. In the lack of a practical test method to determine the eligibility of a color blind oil palm fruit harvester, a simple yet effective test that can be modified for each enterprise is required.

J Clin Med ; 12(7)2023 Apr 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37048826


BACKGROUND: Color vision deficiency (CVD) is an under-reported problem among medical personnel, and its impact is still not well characterized. We aim to assess the impact of CVD among ophthalmologists on the accuracy of diagnosing different benign and malignant choroidal lesions. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study conducted on ophthalmologists. We used a web-based survey to collect responses through professional ophthalmology society social media. The survey included a set of five images for normal fundus, choroidal nevus, circumscribed choroidal hemangioma, choroidal metastasis, and choroidal melanoma, wherein each image simulated the three main types of CVD: protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia, in addition to a non-simulated image. RESULTS: Forty-one participants were included, with a mean age of 40 (±9.2) years. They were 28 (68%) men and 13 (32%) women. Participants showed significantly low accuracy for definite diagnosis for circumscribed choroidal hemangioma, nevus, melanoma, and metastasis when the images simulated protanopia and deuteranopia, but not tritanopia. Nevertheless, participants maintained the capability to recognize the nature of the lesions for both simulated and non-simulated images if they were benign or malignant, thereby ensuring immediate referral for specialized care. The exception was with simulated choroidal nevi images, wherein participants incorrectly assigned simulated protanopia and deuteranopia nevi images to malignant lesions. CONCLUSION: Protanopia and deuteranopia affected the accuracy of diagnosing several choroidal lesions; however, ophthalmologists with those two simulated CVDs were still able to discriminate between benign and malignant tumors.

J Ophthalmic Vis Res ; 17(3): 413-423, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36160104


Color blindness (color vision deficiency) is a disorder that impairs the true perception of colors. Using the information in this study, appropriate policy can be made to identify high-risk groups, as well as educational policies for families to perform more effective genetic diagnosis methods. This study aims to examine the prevalence of color blindness in Iranian students through a meta-analysis. Articles related to color blindness published between January 1990 and December 2020 were searched in Scopus, Cochrane Library, Web of Science (WoS), Science Direct, Embase, SID, MagIran, IranDoc, Medline, and Google Scholar databases. The keywords used were based on medical subject topics (MeSH Terms) and, after careful review, articles were selected according to varied sections of Participants, Exposure, Comparison, and Outcomes (PECO). Participants: students; Exposure: students with color blindness were examined; Comparison: Students from multiple provinces and regions of Iran were surveyed for color blindness; Outcomes: the pooled prevalence of color blindness in Iranian students reported from different provinces. The prevalence of color blindness in Iranian students was 3.8% (95% CI: 2.7-5.4%). The pooled prevalence of color blindness in Iranian male and female students was 4.7% (95% CI: 3.5-6.4%) and 0.7% (95% CI: 0.3-1.3%), respectively. The pooled prevalence of red-green color blindness (Tritan) was 41.7% (95% CI: 18.9-68.8%). The pooled prevalence of red color blindness (Protan) was 13.9% (95% CI: 7.8-23.8%), and the pooled prevalence of green color blindness (Deutan) based on meta-analysis was 45.3% (95% CI: 29-62.7%). Due to the high prevalence of color blindness in students, especially male students, it is necessary to be screened for through genetic tests in couples before having children.

Neuropsychopharmacol Rep ; 42(3): 384-386, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35751444


Color-blindness, or more accurately, color vision deficiency (CVD), which is the inability or decreased ability to distinguish different colors, is one of the commonest visual disorders. Patients with schizophrenia usually have multiple types of visual processing impairments, including color vision impairments. Here, we present a case of schizophrenia with congenital CVD. The patient was aware of his color deficiency since elementary school. We assessed his ability to distinguish medicines based on their color, including those that he had been previously prescribed. Although he could distinguish all of the tablets, he could not distinguish the color of the blister packs, specifically that of the bromazepam 2 mg pack (green) from the 1 mg pack (red). This case suggests that CVD patients might misunderstand the color of medications, which might lead to medication errors, or poor drug adherence. The color universal design principle should be considered when designing tablets and their blister packs, in order to improve medication adherence.

Bromazepam , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares , Defectos de la Visión Cromática , Esquizofrenia , Humanos , Cumplimiento de la Medicación , Esquizofrenia/complicaciones , Esquizofrenia/tratamiento farmacológico , Diseño Universal
Talanta ; 241: 123199, 2022 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35033897


Congenital red and green color blindness is the most X-linked recessive disorder in humans caused by deletions or gross structural rearrangements of the visual pigment gene array that lead to altered the functions of visual pigments in their retina differ from normal. The incidence is about 7-10% in male and close association of X-linked recessive disorders (such as: hemophilia A, hemophilia B, duchenne muscular dystrophy). However, the traditional genetic analysis methods are time-consuming and low-efficiencies. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to develop a rapid method for genotyping of red and green pigment genes. We describe herein the first method for simultaneous evaluation of ten exons in the red and green pigment genes for genetic analysis. A forward specific primers with identifiable universal fluorescent multiplex PCR (FSIUFM-PCR) method utilized one universal primer (containing two universal non-human sequences) and forward specific primers in the multiplex PCR reaction system for simultaneously fluorescent labeling of eleven gene fragments (ten exons in red and green pigment genes and one internal standard). All the PCR products were analyzed on capillary electrophoresis with short-end injection, which had the advantage of high resolution and rapid separation. Of all 80 detected individuals, 7 subjects with color vision deficiencies (including 3 subjects only had red exons 1-5, 4 subjects had a specific red-green or green-red hybrid gene and 73 subjects with normal color vision). All genotyping results showed good agreement with DNA sequencing data. This method provided a better potential technique for genotyping and identifying of red and green pigment genes. In addition, FSIUFM-PCR method will be useful in many fields, such as diagnosis of diseases, analysis of polymorphisms and quantitative assay.

Defectos de la Visión Cromática , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa Multiplex , Defectos de la Visión Cromática/diagnóstico , Defectos de la Visión Cromática/genética , Electroforesis Capilar/métodos , Exones/genética , Genotipo , Humanos , Masculino
Autism Adulthood ; 4(4): 271-280, 2022 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36777371


Black autistic individuals, regardless of age, have not been centered in autism research. Instead, they often exist on the margins-on the periphery of autism research. In fact, Black autistic adults are largely absent from the literature. Most participants in autism research are majority-white autistic individuals and families. In this conceptual article, we use intersectionality and Dis/ability Studies and Critical Race Theory theories to contextualize Black autistic adults' experiences. Second, we argue that systemic disparities and methodological concerns are two contributors to the scholarly neglect of Black autistic adults in autism research. Third, we provide guidelines to support researchers in moving from neglect to inclusive research with Black autistic adults.

Why is this topic important?: The experiences of Black autistic adults are not well represented in research. The lack of cultural responsiveness in autism research ignores the nuanced experiences of Black autistic adults, which limits the ability to understand their experiences and effectively meet their needs. What is the purpose of this article?: The purpose of this article is to highlight the void in autism research concerning Black autistic adults. This article is a call to action for research that is inclusive of Black autistic adults. Specifically, we (1) use intersectionality and Dis/ability Studies and Critical Race Theory theories to contextualize Black autistic adults' experiences, (2) describe the systemic disparities (e.g., health care) that contribute to the scholarly neglect of Black autistic adults, and (3) provide guidelines to support researchers in moving from neglect to inclusive research with Black autistic adults. What personal or professional perspectives do the authors bring to this topic?: The first author identifies as a white, non-binary, doctoral student in Applied Developmental Science and Special Education. The second author identifies as a Black, cisgender female, Assistant Professor of Special Education. The third author identifies as a white, non-binary, autistic autism researcher. The fourth author identifies as a Black, cisgender male, doctoral student in Educational Equity. The fifth author identifies as a black, cisgender female, doctoral student in Educational Equity. The sixth author identifies as a Black, cisgender female, dual-licensed special education teacher, and doctoral student in Educational Equity. Although none of the authors embody the lived experience of being both Black and autistic, our research team is committed to supporting and advocating for Black autistic individuals through our ongoing professional development and dedication to strength-based, and identity-centered research. What is already known about this topic?: Although we know about disparities in Black autistic children, little research has focused on the experiences of Black autistic adults. Most of what we know about autistic adults is based on the experiences of white participants. What do the authors recommend?: First, we recommend that researchers work to understand how their own perspectives, values, and experiences shape their research (e.g., cultural reciprocity). Second, we recommend that researchers intentionally include the perspectives and experiences of Black autistic adults. This can include collaborating on research with Black autistic scholars and highlighting autistic and Black autistic led research. Finally, we advocate for systemic changes in institutions of higher education (e.g., reduce barriers to admission) and in communities (e.g., culturally responsive supports) to better address the inequities that impact the representation of Black autistic adults in autism research. How will these recommendations help autistic adults now or in the future?: These recommendations will prepare researchers with strategies to effectively build partnerships with Black autistic adults in ways that honor their knowledge and contributions to the field. As a result, Black autistic adults will have more representation in autism research, both as participants and as leading scholars in the field. We hope that more inclusive representation of Black autistic adults will lead to more culturally responsive approaches in adult autism research.

Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol ; 260(4): 1289-1297, 2022 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34669027


PURPOSE: To assess the associations between the prevalence of congenital color vision deficiency (CVD) and genetics and environment, represented by place of origin (ethnic background) and place of birth, respectively. METHODS: This is a retrospective study of the computerized database of the northern recruitment center of Israel of 53,895 consecutive male Jewish conscripts 16-19 years old, who completed the medical profiling process between 1988 and 2011. CVD was diagnosed using the 24-pseudo-isochromatic plate Ishihara test. Associations of CVD prevalence with sociodemographic variables, anthropometric indices, refractive errors, and mainly place of origin and place of birth were tested by both univariate analysis and multivariate regression models. RESULTS: Elevated BMI (obesity) and blood pressure (hypertension), as well as myopia, were all positively associated with congenital CVD. The composition of the study population provides a unique opportunity to investigate the relationship between ethnicity and environment. The prevalence of CVD significantly differs among subpopulations of different ethnic background as well as among those who were born in different geographical locations. Additionally, differences in the prevalence of CVD (1.2-1.6%) were observed among conscripts from the same origin, who were born in Israel, compared to those who were born elsewhere. Both place of origin (p < 0.01) and place of birth (p < 0.05) were associated with the prevalence of CVD in a multivariable regression model. CONCLUSION: This study affirms previously established associations of CVD with certain variables and reveals a possible novel association of CVD with environmental factors.

Defectos de la Visión Cromática , Miopía , Errores de Refracción , Adolescente , Adulto , Defectos de la Visión Cromática/diagnóstico , Defectos de la Visión Cromática/epidemiología , Humanos , Masculino , Miopía/epidemiología , Prevalencia , Estudios Retrospectivos , Adulto Joven
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 70(1): 249-255, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34937249


PURPOSE: To estimate prevalence of common ocular morbidities including color blindness among school-attending children of an urban foothill town of Uttarakhand State in Northern India. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among school-going children of age group 6-16 years of standard I-XII. Schools were selected using population proportionate to the size sampling technique. Detailed ocular examination including color vision and unaided or aided visual acuity for various ocular morbidities was done. Data was entered into MS excel with statistical analysis using SPSS version 23 with significant P value <0.05. RESULTS: In total, 13,492 students (mean age 10.9 ± 2.7 years) with almost equal male to female ratio were screened. Overall prevalence of ocular morbidity was 23.2%, with refractive error (18.5%) on top, followed by color blindness (2.2%). The later was observed more among males (3.0%) as compared to females (1.4%) with significantly higher odds, OR = 2.3 (1.7-2.9) (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Refractive error has been the most common ocular morbidity, followed by color blindness. Earliest detection can prevent permanent disability and disappointment among youngsters when rejected from entering certain professions due to color vision defect.

Defectos de la Visión Cromática , Errores de Refracción , Adolescente , Ceguera , Niño , Defectos de la Visión Cromática/diagnóstico , Defectos de la Visión Cromática/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Morbilidad , Prevalencia , Errores de Refracción/diagnóstico , Errores de Refracción/epidemiología , Instituciones Académicas
J Family Community Med ; 28(3): 196-201, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34703380


BACKGROUND: Color vision deficiency (CVD) affects approximately one in 12 men and one in 200 women in the world. It is considered a problem in the medical field since the color is often used as a sign in the practice of medicine, in observational assessment, diagnosis, and follow-up. These conditions make the appreciation of color essential in doctors' lives, thus we aimed at finding the prevalence and predictors of CVD in medical students. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 1115 medical students. A pretested questionnaire consisting of personal data, history of vision problems, familial color vision defect, eye surgery, bad trauma on the head or eyes, drugs taken or chemicals exposed to, other health problems, and whether sufficient amount of Vitamin A is taken was used. This was followed by the screening of the participants for CVD using the Ishihara 15-plates test. RESULTS: A total of 1115 students participated in the study; 52.2% were females and the mean age of the participants was 21.7 years (±1.4). The prevalence of definitive CVD was found to be 2.1%; all of which comprised males. Eighty-seven percent of the affected participants were not aware of their color vision problem. A highly statistically significant association was found between history of vision problems and CVD status (P < 0.008). No association were found for nationality, marital status, family history of CVD, history of eye surgery, and eye trauma. CONCLUSION: The percentage of CVD in the present study is lower than that reported by previous studies done in other countries. Many medical students with CVD remain unaware of their condition. Therefore, we recommend early screening of all school-age children, and proper counseling of medical students with definite CVD to take care of their own health and wellbeing.

Cureus ; 13(5): e14798, 2021 May 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33959464


Impairment of color vision is known as "Achromatopsia." This condition is multifactorial with a myriad of causes, from local at the retinal level to central at the occipital cortex level. The most common causes are inherited conditions. However, acquired achromatopsia has been acknowledged in numerous case reports and studies. Achromatopsia secondary to posterior cerebral artery (PCA) stroke is an extremely rare phenomenon and had been reported in a few case reports. In this case, we report a patient presenting with achromatopsia as the only complaint due to an infarction of the left occipital cortex.

Clin Optom (Auckl) ; 13: 137-141, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34007233


INTRODUCTION: Classification of color deficiency has required substantial time and expense with the static Farnsworth-Munsell and Innova Rabin tests. Therefore, dynamic color tests were developed for the Nintendo 3DS. METHODS: Fifteen color deficient patients and 17 age-matched normals performed Rabin color test in addition to PDI Check dynamic color games resembling Farnsworth-Munsell presentation (version 0.2.8) and 3-color iso-luminance gray (version 0.2.13). RESULTS: Tests of red, green and blue cone-deficient with the v0.2.8 had sensitivity/specificity/PPV of 92%/86%/92% protanopes, 78%/90%/88% deutanopes and 87%/50%/93% tritanopes. Version 0.2.13 had sens/spec/PPV of 78%/83%/78% red-cone, 100%/85%/80% green cone and 67%/78%/33% blue cone. Corresponding IntraClass Correlation (ICC) utilizing v0.2.8 were red-cone 0.22 (-0.02-0.60), green-cone 0.34 (-0.10-0.67) and blue-cone 0.38 (0.12-0.75). ICC for v0.2.13 was higher with protanope 0.62 (-0.07-0.87), deuteranope 0.64 (-0.09-0.88) and tritanope 0.31 (-0.07-0.70). The PDI Check color game took 65 seconds compared to 197 seconds for Innova Rabin. CONCLUSION: The PDI Check color game quickly identifies patients with inherited color deficiencies.

Handb Clin Neurol ; 178: 131-153, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33832674


Color is a fundamental aspect of normal visual experience. This chapter provides an overview of the role of color in human behavior, a survey of current knowledge regarding the genetic, retinal, and neural mechanisms that enable color vision, and a review of inherited and acquired defects of color vision including a discussion of diagnostic tests.

Defectos de la Visión Cromática , Visión de Colores , Humanos , Retina
ACS Nano ; 15(3): 4870-4880, 2021 03 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33570901


Color vision deficiency (CVD) is an ocular congenital disorder that affects 8% of males and 0.5% of females. The most prevalent form of color vision deficiency (color blindness) affects protans and deutans and is more commonly known as "red-green color blindness". Since there is no cure for this disorder, CVD patients opt for wearables that aid in enhancing their color perception. The most common wearable used by CVD patients is a form of tinted glass/lens. Those glasses filter out the problematic wavelengths (540-580 nm) for the red-green CVD patients using organic dyes. However, few studies have addressed the fabrication of contact lenses for color vision deficiency, and several problems related to their effectiveness and toxicity were reported. In this study, gold nanoparticles are integrated into contact lens material, thus forming nanocomposite contact lenses targeted for red-green CVD application. Three distinct sets of nanoparticles were characterized and incorporated with the hydrogel material of the lenses (pHEMA), and their resulting optical and material properties were assessed. The transmission spectra of the developed nanocomposite lenses were analogous to those of the commercial CVD wearables, and their water retention and wettability capabilities were superior to those in some of the commercially available contact lenses used for cosmetic/vision correction purposes. Hence, this work demonstrates the potential of gold nanocomposite lenses in CVD management and, more generally, color filtering applications.

Defectos de la Visión Cromática , Lentes de Contacto , Nanopartículas del Metal , Nanocompuestos , Color , Femenino , Oro , Humanos , Masculino