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J Psycholinguist Res ; 53(2): 25, 2024 Mar 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38446280


Contemporary literature encompasses not only works but also culture, defining the processes of the past preserved in the memory of posterity. Haruki Murakami influenced the shaping of this modern culture to a great extent. The research purpose is to investigate the phenomenon of Haruki Murakami analysing the components of the collective and individual consciousness of the Japanese nation in his fiction. At the methodological level, the following methods of analyzing literary phenomena were used in the training to solve the set tasks: hermeneutic interpretation and sociological method. The research reveals the main features of the urban world of the Japanese society portraying it in progress (from the post-war period to the present moment). The evolution process is portrayed as detachment, independence and solitude. The literary factors reflect both internal spiritual relations and global intercultural links. At the same time, the writer portrays Japan as a country experiencing technological and informational progress, thereby declaring that it is ready to accept and participate in the world changes and become a part of the globalisation process. The writer has made a great contribution to the treasury of Japanese literature and his works are considered an important part of the intercultural interactions between countries they are trying to achieve in a global world. The results close the theoretical and empirical gaps in the literature and literary criticism and contribute to the analysis of the cultural and literary traditions of Japan.

Estado de Conciencia , Tecnología , Humanos , Japón
Trends Cogn Sci ; 27(11): 1019-1031, 2023 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37532600


Theory of mind research has traditionally focused on the ascription of mental states to a single individual. Here, we introduce a theory of collective mind: the ascription of a unified mental state to a group of agents with convergent experiences. Rather than differentiation between one's personal perspective and that of another agent, a theory of collective mind requires perspectival unification across agents. We review recent scholarship across the cognitive sciences concerning the conceptual foundations of collective mind representations and their empirical induction through the synchronous arrival of shared information. Research suggests that representations of a collective mind cause psychological amplification of co-attended stimuli, create relational bonds, and increase cooperation, among co-attendees.

Teoría de la Mente , Humanos
Heliyon ; 8(10): e10977, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36267365


For Muslims, Ramadan is a month in which the fasting ritual is observed and interpreted as an event for fostering social cohesion. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between mechanical solidarity and social cohesion mediated by generosity during Ramadan. The relationships between variables were tested through PLS-SEM using data collected from 600 respondents located separately in Yogyakarta and West Sumatra. The finding showed that mechanical solidarity and social cohesion are more significant when mediated by generosity. In practice, the dimensions of charity (alms and infaq) strengthen mechanical solidarity, i.e., collective consciousness and cooperation spirit, to influence social cohesion. Furthermore, generosity activities supported mechanical solidarity in strengthening the social cohesion among Muslims in Yogyakarta and West Sumatra, Indonesia. The elaboration on the factors accelerating social cohesion is an important issue for social and religious studies. It is useful for transforming the dimensions of Islamic rituals into social impacts and determining harmony between religious communities in the future.

J Anal Psychol ; 67(2): 583-592, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35856528


This paper aims to understand the origins of what is seen as a lack of understanding about the seriousness of our current times. The author's view is that this failure is due to a lack of awareness that our human species is destructive, arrogant, self-centred and ignorant of the laws of nature and the wonderful complexity of the environment that it destroys. Possible new values that could support a new civilizational framework are presented.

Cet article vise à comprendre les origines de ce qui est perçu comme un manque de compréhension de la gravité de notre époque actuelle. L'auteur suggère que cet échec provient d'un déficit de conscience en ce qui concerne le fait que notre espèce humaine est destructrice, arrogante, centrée sur elle-même et ignorante des lois de la nature et de la merveilleuse complexité de l'environnement qu'elle détruit. De nouvelles valeurs envisageables - qui pourraient soutenir une nouvelle structure pour la civilisation - sont présentées.

El presente trabajo intenta comprender los orígenes de aquello que es visto como una falta de comprensión sobre la seriedad de nuestros tiempos actuales. La perspectiva del autor es que esta falla se debe a una falta de conciencia sobre la destructividad, arrogancia, auto-centración e ignorancia de nuestra especie humana acerca de las leyes de la naturaleza y la maravillosa complejidad del medio ambiente al que destruye. Se presentan nuevos valores posibles que puedan apoyar un nuevo marco de referencia para nuestra civilización.

Este artigo tem como objetivo entender as origens do que é visto como uma falta de compreensão sobre a seriedade de nossos tempos atuais. A visão do autor é que esse fracasso se deve à falta de consciência de que nossa espécie humana é destrutiva, arrogante, egocêntrica e ignorante das leis da natureza e da maravilhosa complexidade do ambiente que ela destrói. Possíveis novos valores que possam apoiar um novo quadro civilizacional são apresentados.

Trastornos Mentales , Humanos
J Anal Psychol ; 67(2): 455-467, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35856549


The author seeks to understand the functioning of the dissemination of false messages (fake news) and its impact on the individual and collective psyche from the perspective of contemporary analytical psychology. The paper considers the current Zeitgeist along with the cultural factors that created the propitious ground for increasing media dissemination from the 1990s onwards. The growing influence of analytical psychology within the sociohistorical approach is valued. The author notes the vulnerability of the individual and collective consciousness to fake news and its insertion into competent and credible conspiracy theories. Despite, on the one hand, the formal efforts of websites, digital platforms and other digital distribution agents to verify and control this dysfunctional communication and, on the other hand, the search for psychological defence measures, there still seems to be no solution in sight.

L'auteur cherche à comprendre le fonctionnement de la dissémination des informations mensongères (fake news) et son impact sur la psyché individuelle et collective, à partir de la perspective de la psychologie analytique contemporaine. Parmi les facteurs culturels qui ont créé un terrain propice à l'augmentation de la dissémination médiatique à partir des années 1990 l'article prend en compte le Zeitgeist actuel. L'influence grandissante de la psychologie analytique dans l'approche sociohistorique est reconnue. L'auteur souligne la vulnérabilité de la conscience individuelle et collective aux 'fake news' et à leur insertion dans des théories conspirationnistes habiles et plausibles. Malgré les efforts officiels des sites web, des plateformes digitales et autres agents de distribution digitale pour vérifier et contrôler les disfonctionnement de cette communication, et malgré les recherches pour trouver des mesures de protection psychologique, il ne semble pas qu'il y ait pour le moment de solution qui se profile.

El autor busca comprender el funcionamiento de la difusión de mensajes falsos (fake news) y su impacto en la psique individual y colectiva desde la perspectiva de la psicología analítica contemporánea. El trabajo considera el actual Zeitgeist junto con los factores culturales que crearon el fundamento propicio para incrementar la difusión mediática desde 1990 en adelante. Se valora la influencia creciente de la psicología analítica dentro de los abordajes sociohistóricos. El autor da cuenta de la vulnerabilidad de la consciencia individual y colectiva a las noticias falsas y a la inserción de estas en teorías conspirativas competentes y creíbles. Aún los esfuerzos formales de sitios web, plataformas digitales y otros agentes de distribución digital para verificar y controlar esta comunicación disfuncional, y, por otro lado, la búsqueda de medidas de protección psicológica pareciera no vislumbrarse todavía una solución.

O autor busca entender o funcionamento da disseminação de mensagens falsas (notícias falsas) e seu impacto na psique individual e coletiva sob a perspectiva da psicologia analítica contemporânea. O artigo considera o Zeitgeist atual, juntamente com os fatores culturais que criaram o terreno propício para aumentar a disseminação da mídia a partir da década de 1990. A crescente influência da psicologia analítica dentro da abordagem sócio-histórica é valorizada. O autor observa a vulnerabilidade da consciência individual e coletiva a notícias falsas e sua inserção em teorias conspiratórias competentes e credíveis. Apesar, por um lado, dos esforços formais de sites, plataformas digitais e outros agentes de distribuição digital para verificar e controlar essa comunicação disfuncional e, por outro lado, da busca por medidas de defesa psicológica, ainda parece não haver solução à vista.

Desinformación , Teoría Junguiana , Estado de Conciencia , Humanos , Psicoterapia
J Anal Psychol ; 67(1): 145-159, 2022 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35417577


This study is about the intervention carried out by a group of professionals from the Interdisciplinary Mental Health Team of the Emergencies Department in a public hospital in Buenos Aires City between 2017 and 2019. It arose from the need to respond to a public health problem related to the increasing number of patients living in situations involving homelessness, drug abuse, violent behaviour and criminal background. The multiple facets of this problem made us think about the impossibility of addressing it only in the individual sense of each patient. We were forced to admit that we were facing a problem of a complex, collective, social and institutional order, which the predominant medical model had neither been able to handle nor understand. We sought to include a Jungian approach to this contemporary problem found in large Latin American cities. Amplifying a symbolic base allowed us to understand creatively the complexity of the phenomenon, which could not be read in any manner other than the social and collective.

Cette étude porte sur l'intervention menée dans un hôpital public de Buenos Aires entre 2017 et 2019 par un groupe de professionnels de l'équipe interdisciplinaire de Santé Psychique. Elle fut mise en place du fait du besoin de répondre au problème de santé publique lié au nombre croissant de patients vivant sans domicile fixe, avec des problèmes de drogue, de comportement violent et de criminalité. Les aspects multiples de ce problème nous amenèrent à penser qu'il était impossible d'y faire face seulement sur la base de chaque patient en tant qu'individu. Nous avons été forcés d'admettre que nous étions confrontés à un problème complexe, collectif, d'ordre social et institutionnel, que le modèle médical prédominant n'avait pu ni résoudre ni comprendre. Nous avons cherché à inclure une approche Jungienne à ce problème contemporain que l'on retrouve dans les grandes villes d'Amérique Latine. L'amplification d'un fondement symbolique nous a permis de comprendre de manière créative la complexité du phénomène, dont la lecture ne pouvait qu'être sociale et collective.

Este trabajo trata sobre una intervención realizada por un grupo de profesionales del Equipo Interdisciplinario de Salud Mental del Departamento de Emergencias de un Hospital Público de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires entre 2017-2019. Surgió ante la necesidad de dar respuesta a una problemática de Salud Pública relacionada con el incremento de pacientes que viven en situación de calle con consumo de drogas, conductas violentas y antecedentes delictivos. Las múltiples facetas de este problema nos llevó a reflexionar sobre la imposibilidad de darle solución si solamente lo enfocábamos desde lo individual de cada paciente. Tuvimos que admitir que nos encontrábamos ante un problema complejo, de orden colectivo, social e institucional que el modelo médico predominante era incapaz de comprender o resolver. Entonces pensamos observar desde un enfoque Junguiano este problema contemporáneo que encontramos en las grandes urbes de América Latina. Amplificar una base simbólica nos posibilitó comprender creativamente la complejidad del fenómeno, que no podía ser abordado sino desde lo social y colectivo.

Este estudo trata da intervenção realizada por um grupo de profissionais da Equipe Interdisciplinar de Saúde Mental do Departamento de Emergências em um hospital público na Cidade de Buenos Aires entre 2017 e 2019. Surgiu da necessidade de responder a um problema de saúde pública relacionado ao número crescente de pacientes que vivem em situações envolvendo situação de rua, abuso de drogas, comportamento violento e antecedentes criminais. As múltiplas facetas desse problema nos fizeram pensar na impossibilidade de abordá-lo apenas no sentido individual de cada paciente. Fomos forçados a admitir que estávamos diante de um problema de ordem complexa, coletiva, social e institucional, que o modelo médico predominante não era capaz de lidar nem entender. Procuramos incluir uma abordagem junguiana para esse problema contemporâneo encontrado nas grandes cidades latino-americanas. Ampliar uma base simbólica nos permitiu entender criativamente a complexidade do fenômeno, que não poderia ser lido de outra maneira além do social e coletivo.

Teoría Junguiana , Salud Mental , Hospitales Públicos , Humanos
Front Psychol ; 8: 1627, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29033866


Contemporary mental health practice primarily centers around the neurobiological and psychological processes at the individual level. However, a more careful consideration of interpersonal and other group-level attributes (e.g., interpersonal relationship, mutual trust/hostility, interdependence, and cooperation) and a better grasp of their pathology can add a crucial dimension to our understanding of mental health problems. A few recent studies have delved into the interpersonal behavioral processes in the context of different psychiatric abnormalities. Neuroimaging can supplement these approaches by providing insight into the neurobiology of interpersonal functioning. Keeping this view in mind, we discuss a recently developed approach in functional neuroimaging that calls for a shift from a focus on neural information contained within brain space to a multi-brain framework exploring degree of similarity/dissimilarity of neural signals between multiple interacting brains. We hypothesize novel applications of quantitative neuroimaging markers like inter-subject correlation that might be able to evaluate the role of interpersonal attributes affecting an individual or a group. Empirical evidences of the usage of these markers in understanding the neurobiology of social interactions are provided to argue for their application in future mental health research.