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Implement Res Pract ; 5: 26334895241246203, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38655380


Background: Rising rates of adolescent depression in the wake of COVID-19 and a youth mental health crisis highlight the urgent need for accessible mental healthcare and prevention within primary care. Digital mental health interventions (DMHIs) may increase access for underserved populations. However, these interventions are not well studied in adolescents, nor healthcare settings. The purpose of this study was to identify barriers and facilitators to screening and recruitment activities for PATH 2 Purpose (P2P): Primary Care and Community-Based Prevention of Mental Disorders in Adolescents, a multi-site adolescent depression prevention trial comparing two digital prevention programs within four diverse health systems in two U.S. states. Method: This qualitative study is a component of a larger Hybrid Type I trial. We conducted semi-structured key informant interviews with clinical and non-clinical implementers involved with screening and recruitment for the P2P trial. Informed by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR), interviews were conducted at the midpoint of the trial to identify barriers, facilitators, and needed adaptations, and to gather information on determinants that may affect future implementation. Findings: Respondents perceived the P2P trial as valuable, well aligned with the mission of their health systems. However, several barriers were identified, many of which stemmed from influences outside of the healthcare settings. Universal and site-specific outer setting influences (COVID-19 pandemic, youth mental health crisis, local community conditions) interacted with Inner Setting and Innovation domains to create numerous challenges to the implementation of screening and recruitment. Conclusion: Our findings emphasize the need for ongoing, comprehensive assessment of dynamic inner and outer setting contexts prior to and during implementation of clinical trials, as well as flexibility for adaptation to unique clinical contexts. The CFIR is useful for assessing determinants during times of rapid inner and outer setting change, such as those brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, youth mental health crisis, and the corresponding exacerbation of resource strain within healthcare settings. Clinical trial registration: PATH 2 Purpose: Primary Care and Community-Based Prevention of Mental Disorders in Adolescents

Adolescent mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal behavior are prevalent, and have been increasing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, the Surgeon General declared a "youth mental health crisis," and the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a joint statement declaring a national youth mental health emergency. Accessible, affordable, evidence-based interventions are needed to prevent the development of depressive symptoms into major depressive disorder. The integration of digital mental health interventions (DMHIs) into primary care may reduce access barriers. Primary care clinical settings are well suited to identify individuals at-risk for developing depression, and facilitate preventive treatment planning. While preventive DMHIs for adolescents exist, more evidence is needed on their effectiveness, and how to best integrate them into healthcare. Our study team interviewed primary care-based staff, administrators, and clinical providers involved with implementing screening and recruitment activities for the P2P trial, a randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of two digital depression prevention programs. Respondents shared experiences with trial recruitment in their settings, including perceived challenges. Our findings suggest that multiple factors influenced recruitment, including influences situated outside of the clinical settings, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and worsening adolescent mental health. These influences interacted with factors affecting recruitment inside of health clinics, such as demands on staff and provider time, and perceived importance of prevention programming versus other initiatives. Identifying these influencing factors during the trial helps to inform considerations for planning future integration of similar programs into primary care settings.

Implement Res Pract ; 5: 26334895231220277, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38322800


Introduction: A mental health provider's perception of how well an intervention can be carried out in their context (i.e., feasibility) is an important implementation outcome. This article aims to identify determinants of feasibility of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) through a case-based causal approach. Method: Data come from an implementation-effectiveness study in which lay counselors (teachers and community health volunteers) implemented a culturally adapted manualized mental health intervention, TF-CBT, delivered to teens who were previously orphaned and were experiencing posttraumatic stress symptoms and prolonged grief in Western Kenya. The intervention team identified combinations of determinants that led to feasibility among teacher- and community health volunteer-counselors through coincidence analysis. Results: Among teacher-counselors, organizational-level factors (implementation climate, implementation leadership) determined moderate and high levels of feasibility. Among community health volunteer-counselors, a strong relationship between a clinical supervisor and the supervisee was the most influential determinant of feasibility. Conclusion: Methodology and findings from this article can guide the assessment of determinants of feasibility and the development of implementation strategies for manualized mental health interventions in contexts like Western Kenya. Plain Language Summary: A mental health provider's perception of how easy a therapy is to use in their work setting (i.e., feasibility) can impact whether the provider uses the therapy in their setting. Implementation researchers have recommended finding practices and constructs that lead to important indicators that a therapy will be used. However, limited research to our knowledge has searched and found practices and constructs that might determine feasibility of a therapy. This article uses existing data from a large trial looking at the continued use of a trauma-focused therapy to find practices and constructs that lead to moderate and high levels of feasibility. We found that in settings with a strong organizational structure that organization and leadership support for the therapy led to teachers in Kenya to perceive the therapy as easy to use. On the other hand, in settings with a weaker organizational structure, outside support from a clinical supervisor led to community health volunteers in Kenya perceiving the therapy as easy to use. The findings from this article can guide context-specific recommendations for increasing perceived therapy feasibility at the provider-, organization-, and policy levels.

Implement Res Pract ; 4: 26334895231164585, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37091536


Background: Understanding the barriers and facilitators of implementation completion is critical to determining why some implementation efforts fail and some succeed. Such studies provide the foundation for developing further strategies to support implementation completion when scaling up evidence-based practices (EBPs) such as Motivational Interviewing. Method: This mixed-methods study utilized the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, and Sustainment framework in an iterative analytic design to compare adolescent HIV clinics that demonstrated either high or low implementation completion in the context of a hybrid Type III trial of tailored motivational interviewing. Ten clinics were assigned to one of three completion categories (high, medium, and low) based on percentage of staff who adhered to three components of implementation strategies. Comparative analysis of staff qualitative interviews compared and contrasted the three high-completion clinics with the three low-completion clinics. Results: Results suggested several factors that distinguished high-completion clinics compared to low-completion clinics including optimism, problem-solving barriers, leadership, and staff stress and turnover. Conclusions: Implementation strategies targeting these factors can be added to EBP implementation packages to improve implementation success. Plain Language Summary: While studies have begun to address adherence to intervention techniques, this is one of the first studies to address organizational adherence to implementation strategies. Youth HIV providers from different disciplines completed interviews about critical factors in both the inner and outer context that can support or hinder an organization's adherence to implementation strategies. Compared to less adherent clinics, more adherent clinics reported more optimism, problem-solving, and leadership strengths and less staff stress and turnover. Implementation strategies addressing these factors could be added to implementation packages to improve implementation success.

Implement Res Pract ; 3: 26334895221109963, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37091080


Background: There is a substantial mental health treatment gap globally. Increasingly, mental health treatments with evidence of effectiveness in western countries have been adapted and tested in culturally and contextually distinct countries. Findings from these studies have been promising, but to better understand treatment outcome results and consider broader scale up, treatment acceptability needs to be assessed and better understood. This mixed methods study aimed to examine child and guardian acceptability of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) in two regions in Tanzania and Kenya and to better understand how TF-CBT was perceived as helpful for children and guardians. Methods: Participants were 315 children (7-13), who experienced the death of one or both parents and 315 guardians, both of whom participated in TF-CBT as part of a randomized controlled trial conducted in Tanzania and Kenya. The study used mixed methods, with quantitative evaluation from guardian perspective (N=315) using the Treatment Acceptability Questionnaire (TAQ) and the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire-8 (CSQ-8). Acceptability was assessed qualitatively from both guardian and child perspectives. Qualitative evaluation involved analysis using stratified selection to identify 160 child and 160 guardian interviews, to allow exploration of potential differences in acceptability by country, setting (urban/rural), and youth age (younger/older). Results: Guardians reported high acceptability on the TAQ and, using an interpretation guide from U.S.-based work, medium acceptability on the CSQ-8. Guardians and children noted high acceptability in the qualitative analysis, noting benefits that correspond to TF-CBT's therapeutic goals. Analyses exploring differences in acceptability yielded few differences by setting or child age but suggested some potential differences by country. Conclusion: Quantitative and qualitative data converged to suggest high acceptability of TF-CBT from guardian and child perspectives in Tanzania and Kenya. Findings add to accumulating evidence of high TF-CBT acceptability from Zambia and other countries (United States, Norway, Australia).Plain Language Summary: Evidence-based treatments have been shown to be effective in countries and regions that are contextually and culturally distinct from where they were developed. But, perspectives of consumers on these treatments have not been assessed regularly or thoroughly. We used open-ended questions and rating scales to assess guardian and youth perspectives on a group-based, cognitive behavioral treatment for children impacted by parental death, in regions within Tanzania and Kenya. Our findings indicate that both guardians and youth found the treatment to be very acceptable. Nearly all guardians talked about specific benefits for the child, followed by benefits for the family and themselves. Eighty percent of youth mentioned benefits for themselves and all youth said they would recommend the program to others. Benefits mentioned by guardians and youth corresponded to treatment goals (improved mood/feelings or behavior, less distress when thinking about the parent/s' death). Both guardians and children named specific aspects of the treatment that they liked and found useful. Dislikes and challenges of the treatment were less frequently mentioned, but point to areas where acceptability could be further improved. Recommendations from participants also offer areas where acceptability could be improved, namely guardians' recommendation that the treatment also address non-mental health needs and offer some follow-up or opportunity to participate in the program again. Our study provides an example of how to assess acceptability and identify places to further enhance acceptability.

Implement Res Pract ; 2: 26334895211045690, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37089999


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic prompted an abrupt shift in the delivery of community-based child and youth mental health services as virtual care was rapidly adopted. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sector-wide transition to virtual care across Ontario, with a focus on implementation facilitators and barriers. Methods: We used a multi-level mixed-methods design where agency leaders, service providers, and clients shared their experiences planning, implementing, and accessing virtual care. In total, 97 agency leaders, and 192 youth and family members responded to the surveys; 13 agency leaders, and 11 service providers participated in interviews or focus groups. Results: Most agencies undertook a similar journey to implement virtual care. Stakeholders described common facilitators such as staff engagement, leadership support, and training activities. Barriers included internet connection issues, lack of resources, and privacy concerns. Service providers innovated as they implemented by partnering with agencies to meet clients' needs, using multiple platforms to engage clients, and altering session duration to reduce fatigue. Clients found virtual care easy to use, felt confident using it, and intend to continue accessing virtual care. Conclusion: Implementation of virtual care during the pandemic was complex and the evaluation involved obtaining perspectives at multiple levels. This research provides a blueprint for evaluations of the implementation of virtual mental health services, particularly in a child/youth context. Virtual care is a viable way to deliver mental health services, however, equity, accessibility, and appropriateness need to be addressed to ensure services are effective for children, youth, and their families. Plain language abstract: Academic literature suggests that using technology to deliver child and youth mental health services is a promising way to enhance access to care and improve engagement for many children and youth. Despite this, the provision of virtual child and youth mental health services in Ontario prior to the COVID-19 pandemic was limited. Efforts that did exist were largely focused on providing care to those in rural and remote areas. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted a rapid shift to virtual care, as most in-person mental health services were suspended. This paper presents new insight into how virtual mental health services were quickly established and used across Ontario from the perspectives of senior leaders, service providers, and clients. Results from this evaluation showed that agencies followed similar steps to prepare to use virtual services. Staff engagement, support from leadership, and opportunities for staff training supported the implementation of virtual care while internet connections issues, lack of resources (like computers or phones), and privacy and safety concerns hindered the implementation. Most youth and family members found virtual services easy to use and intend to continue using them. Most agencies intend to continue to offer virtual services post-pandemic but noted that it was not appropriate or accessible for all clients. This study provides a foundation for additional research to examine situations and conditions that are most conducive to virtual care delivery to address child and youth mental health concerns. These results may encourage agencies to rely more confidently on virtual services as another means to meet clients' needs and preferences.