The genus Utricularia includes around 250 species of carnivorous plants, commonly known as bladderworts. The generic name Utricularia was coined by Carolus Linnaeus in reference to the carnivorous organs (Utriculus in Latin) present in all species of the genus. Since the formal proposition by Linnaeus, many species of Utricularia were described, but only scarce information about the biology for most species is known. All Utricularia species are herbs with vegetative organs that do not follow traditional models of morphological classification. Since the formal description of Utricularia in the 18th century, the trap function has intrigued naturalists. Historically, the traps were regarded as floating organs, a common hypothesis that was maintained by different botanists. However, Charles Darwin was most likely the first naturalist to refute this idea, since even with the removal of all traps, the plants continued to float. More recently, due mainly to methodological advances, detailed studies on the trap function and mechanisms could be investigated. This review shows a historical perspective on Utricularia studies which focuses on the traps and body organization.
The oviposition behavior of the rare butterfly Minstrellus grandis (Callaghan, 1999) (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) is recorded for the first time. Two females laid eggs on the old leaves of an unidentified Triplaris sp. (Polygonaceae), a myrmecophytic plant typically known as 'Triplaria' or 'novice' tree, inhabited by aggressive 'taxi' ants of the genus Pseudomyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). These observations suggest that M. grandis caterpillars live associated with one of the most harmful types of Amazon ant-plant symbiosis. (AU)
Hormigas , Simbiosis , Mariposas Diurnas , Ecosistema Amazónico , Carnivoría , OviposiciónRESUMEN
The oviposition behavior of the rare butterfly Minstrellus grandis (Callaghan, 1999) (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) is recorded for the first time. Two females laid eggs on the old leaves of an unidentified Triplaris Loefl (Polygonaceae), a myrmecophytic plant typically known as Triplaria or novice tree, inhabited by aggressive taxi ants of the genus Pseudomyrmex Lund, 1831 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). These observations suggest that M. grandis caterpillars live associated with one of the most harmful types of Amazon ant-plant symbiosis.(AU)
O comportamento de oviposição da rara borboleta Minstrellus grandis (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) é registrado pela primeira vez. Duas fêmeas depositaram ovos sobre folhas velhas de uma Triplaris sp. (Polygonaceae) não identificada, uma planta mirmecofítica conhecida popularmente como pau-formiga ou novateiro, habitadas por formigas taxi agressivas do gênero Pseudomyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Estas observações sugerem que as lagartas de M. grandis vivem associadas com um dos mais perigosos tipos de simbiose formiga-planta da Amazônia.(AU)
Animales , Lepidópteros/genética , OviposiciónRESUMEN
The feeding habits of Pellona flavipinnis (Valenciennes, 1836) at Catalão, a floodplain area on the Brazilian Central Amazon was studied. Data was obtained during three hydrological cycles, between September 1999 and September 2003. Diet composition, daily and seasonal variation in the feeding activity and the relationship between predator's size and its prey were analyzed. Almost 80% of the food consumed has autochthonous origin and diet was composed basically by insects and fish. Juvenile fish predominated in the stomach contents of all size classes but there was no significant relationship between predator's size and its prey. Pellona flavipinnis may be considered a carnivorous species which feeds mainly on juvenile (young-of-the-year) specimens of other fish. More intense feeding activity occurred at night and in the high water period.
Os hábitos alimentares de Pellona flavipinnis (Valenciennes, 1836) de uma área de várzea na Amazônia Central, Catalão, foram estudados. Foram utilizados dados referentes a três ciclos hidrológicos, entre setembro de 1999 e setembro de 2003. Foram analisados a dieta, a atividade alimentar diária e sazonal e a relação entre o comprimento da presa e o do predador. Cerca de 80% dos alimentos consumidos eram de origem autóctone e a dieta composta basicamente de insetos e peixes. Peixes juvenis predominaram nos conteúdos estomacais de exemplares de todas as classes de tamanho, mas não houve relação significativa entre o tamanho do predador e o das presas consumidas. Pellona flavipinnis pode ser considerada uma espécie carnívora que se alimenta principalmente de indivíduos juvenis de outras espécies de peixes. A atividade alimentar foi maior durante a noite e no período da cheia.
The feeding habits of Pellona flavipinnis (Valenciennes, 1836) at Catalão, a floodplain area on the Brazilian Central Amazon was studied. Data was obtained during three hydrological cycles, between September 1999 and September 2003. Diet composition, daily and seasonal variation in the feeding activity and the relationship between predator's size and its prey were analyzed. Almost 80% of the food consumed has autochthonous origin and diet was composed basically by insects and fish. Juvenile fish predominated in the stomach contents of all size classes but there was no significant relationship between predator's size and its prey. Pellona flavipinnis may be considered a carnivorous species which feeds mainly on juvenile (young-of-the-year) specimens of other fish. More intense feeding activity occurred at night and in the high water period.
Os hábitos alimentares de Pellona flavipinnis (Valenciennes, 1836) de uma área de várzea na Amazônia Central, Catalão, foram estudados. Foram utilizados dados referentes a três ciclos hidrológicos, entre setembro de 1999 e setembro de 2003. Foram analisados a dieta, a atividade alimentar diária e sazonal e a relação entre o comprimento da presa e o do predador. Cerca de 80% dos alimentos consumidos eram de origem autóctone e a dieta composta basicamente de insetos e peixes. Peixes juvenis predominaram nos conteúdos estomacais de exemplares de todas as classes de tamanho, mas não houve relação significativa entre o tamanho do predador e o das presas consumidas. Pellona flavipinnis pode ser considerada uma espécie carnívora que se alimenta principalmente de indivíduos juvenis de outras espécies de peixes. A atividade alimentar foi maior durante a noite e no período da cheia.
A microanatomia do disco oral e da cavidade bucal da larva de Leptodactylus labyrinthicus é descrita e comparada com outras espécies do gênero pertencentes ao grupo de L. pentadactylus. Trinta e cinco girinos entre os estágios 25 e 46 foram dissecados e analisados em microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A descrição da morfologia oral foi feita utilizando larvas entre os estágios 36 e 39. A morfologia oral da larva de L. labyrinthicus é similar às descritas para outros girinos com adaptação a macrofagia, com forte queratinização das coberturas das mandíbulas, redução das estruturas bucais internas e presença de uma glote descoberta, propícias às dietas carnívoras. As larvas do grupo de L. pentadactylus compartilham essa tendência à redução das estruturas de seleção e captura de partículas, apresentando redução no número de papilas da arena do assoalho e do teto bucal, redução ou ausência das papilas anteriores às bolsas bucais, apenas duas papilas pós-nasais, pequenas papilas laterais à crista mediana e zonas glandulares restritas a estreitas faixas no bordo velar. Nos girinos do gênero Leptodactylus a morfologia larvária reflete os grupos atuais propostos para o gênero.
The microanatomy of the oral disc and the buccal cavity of the tadpole of Leptodactylus labyrinthicus is described and compared with other species included in the L. pentadactylus species group. Thirty-five tadpoles between stages 25 and 46 had been dissected and analyzed in scanning electron microscopy. The oral and internal buccal morphology was analyzed in tadpoles between stages 36 and 39. The buccal morphology of the tadpole of L. labyrinthicus is similar to other tadpoles with adaptation to macrophagy, such as the strong queratinization of the jaw, reduction of the internal buccal structures and presence of one glote uncovered, propitious to carnivorous diets. The tadpole of L. pentadactylus species group share this trend to the reduction of the structures of selection and capture of particle, including reduction in the number of the buccal roof and floor arena papillae, reduction or absence of anterior papillae on the buccal pocket, only two postnarial papillae, small lateral ridge papillae and glandular zones restricted in narrow bands on the edge of velum. In the tadpoles of genera Leptodactylus the larval morphology reflects the current groups considered for this genera.
Animales , Anuros/anatomía & histología , Ecosistema/análisis , LarvaRESUMEN
We report on an additional evidence of bat predation by Chrotopterus auritus. Our record was obtained during a single net session, when a female C. auritus was captured with a partially eaten Carollia perspicillata. Preliminary data suggest that this latter species is very abundant in the region (a lowland Atlantic Forest area in northern Rio de Janeiro state), corroborating the view of C. auritus as an opportunistic feeder.
We report on an additional evidence of bat predation by Chrotopterus auritus. Our record was obtained during a single net session, when a female C. auritus was captured with a partially eaten Carollia perspicillata.Preliminary data suggest that this latter species is very abundant in the region (a lowland Atlantic Forest area in northern Rio de Janeiro state), corroborating the view of C. auritus as an opportunistic feeder.
We report on an additional evidence of bat predation by Chrotopterus auritus. Our record was obtained during a single net session, when a female C. auritus was captured with a partially eaten Carollia perspicillata. Preliminary data suggest that this latter species is very abundant in the region (a lowland Atlantic Forest area in northern Rio de Janeiro state), corroborating the view of C. auritus as an opportunistic feeder.
We report on an additional evidence of bat predation by Chrotopterus auritus. Our record was obtained during a single net session, when a female C. auritus was captured with a partially eaten Carollia perspicillata.Preliminary data suggest that this latter species is very abundant in the region (a lowland Atlantic Forest area in northern Rio de Janeiro state), corroborating the view of C. auritus as an opportunistic feeder.