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BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 1054, 2024 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38622561


The knowledge of physical activity (PA) recommended for pregnant women and practical application of it has positive impact on the outcome. Nevertheless, it is estimated that in high-income countries over 40% of pregnant women are insufficiently physically active. One of the reasons is insufficient knowledge pregnant women have about allowed effort during pregnancy and both recommended and not recommended physical activities. Description of knowledge about physical activity the women have and distinguishing patterns of their knowledge is becoming an increasingly important issue. A common approach to handle survey data that reflect knowledge involves clustering methods or Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Nevertheless, new procedures of data analysis are still being sought. Using survey data collected by the Institute of Mother and Child Archetypal analysis has been applied to detect levels of knowledge reflected by answers given in a questionnaire and to derive patterns of knowledge contained in the data. Next, PHATE (Potential of Heat-diffusion for Affinity-based Trajectory Embedding) algorithm has been used to visualize the results and to get a deeper insight into the data structure. The results were compared with picture derived from PCA. Three archetypes representing three patterns of knowledge have been distinguished and described. The presentation of complex data in a low dimension was obtained with help of PHATE. The formations revealed by PHATE have been successfully described in terms of knowledge levels reflected by the survey. Finally, comparison of PHATE with PCA has been shown. Archetype analysis combined with PHATE provides novel opportunities in examining nonlinear structure of survey data and allows for visualization that captures complex relations in the data. PHATE has made it possible to distinguish sets of objects that have common features but were captured neither by Archetypal analysis nor PCA. Moreover, for our data, PHATE provides an image of data structure which is more detailed than interpretation of PCA.

Ejercicio Físico , Mujeres Embarazadas , Niño , Embarazo , Femenino , Humanos , Renta , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Algoritmos
J Psycholinguist Res ; 53(3): 40, 2024 Apr 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38678500


The aim of the study is to analyse contemporary postmodern literary works of Kazakhstan through the conceptual prism of Freudian and Jungian psychoanalysis. To achieve research goals, the following methods were used: axiomatic, content analysis, and comparative. The results of the study determined that contemporary Kazakh writers characterise a large field of motives and ideas that are revealed through text, symbols, and characters. Strong tools for their interpretation were the psychological approaches of Freud and Jung, which are the standards of psychoanalysis and have their own specific features of semantic content. Content analysis of postmodern materials has established that Kazakh stories trace the motives of mythology, religion, relationships and inner spiritual development, which consider the mental differences of the heroes of the storylines. During the psychoanalysis of the works, it was emphasised that postmodernism in the literature of Kazakhstan reflects the rejection of absolute truths, blurring the boundaries between genres, playing with traditional forms and content. Many of the characters in the stories are experiencing an identity crisis, which has been analysed through the Freudian triad and Jung's archetypal images. Kazakh literature, being woven into the cultural and historical heritage of the nation, reflects the features of mentality, socio-cultural transformations, identity and spiritual quest of heroes.

Psicoanálisis , Humanos , Kazajstán , Psicoanálisis/historia , Historia del Siglo XX , Literatura
Sci Total Environ ; 918: 170828, 2024 Mar 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38340845


This study aims to develop a process-based method for evaluating groundwater sustainability and use the results in an archetypal analysis to fundamentally frame and understand sustainable development interactions in a river basin scale and sub-basin resolution. This method was applied in the Tashk-Bakhtegan-Maharloo (TBM) basin of Iran between 2003 and 2018; anthropogenic and natural factors were considered. With its 31 aquifers in 27 sub-basins, the TBM basin has repeatedly suffered severe droughts and water shortages over the past half a century, highlighting the importance of sustainable groundwater management. This study quantified anthropogenic and natural factors affecting groundwater dynamics to address sustainability and defined representative and relative indices, including climatological and drought conditions, vegetation cover, land cover, and population, to assess groundwater sustainability (GWS). Relative indices, prepared using measured data and remote sensing analysis, were chosen to explain groundwater-related situations, whereas representative indices, such as groundwater level and total dissolved solids, were used to explain the groundwater situation. GWS was spatially monitored using a couple-indicator trend-line slope comparison method to analyze process-based indices. Then, archetypal interaction patterns and their drivers in the groundwater system were investigated using results from process-based indices analyses results. The results showed that the TBM basin has moved towards unsustainable levels because of drought, increased irrigated croplands, unbalanced development of the sub-basins up- and downstream in the river's path, and over-exploitation of groundwater. These findings indicate that a deeper understanding of groundwater problems and stakeholder associations is required in order to adapt to the changing groundwater conditions.

Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep ; 24(3): 67-81, 2024 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38289405


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In this review, we will describe current methods for visual field testing in neuro-ophthalmic clinical practice and research, develop terminology that accurately describes patterns of field deficits, and discuss recent advances such as augmented or virtual reality-based perimetry and the use of artificial intelligence in visual field interpretation. RECENT FINDINGS: New testing strategies that reduce testing times, improve patient comfort, and increase sensitivity for detecting small central or paracentral scotomas have been developed for static automated perimetry. Various forms of machine learning-based tools such as archetypal analysis are being tested to quantitatively depict and monitor visual field abnormalities in optic neuropathies. Studies show that the combined use of optical coherence tomography and standard automated perimetry to determine the structure-function relationship improves clinical care in neuro-ophthalmic disorders. Visual field assessment must be performed in all patients with neuro-ophthalmic disorders affecting the afferent visual pathway. Quantitative visual field analysis using standard automated perimetry is critical in initial diagnosis, monitoring disease progression, and guidance of therapeutic plans. Visual field defects can adversely impact activities of daily living such as reading, navigation, and driving and thus impact quality of life. Visual field testing can direct appropriate occupational low vision rehabilitation in affected individuals.

Enfermedades del Nervio Óptico , Campos Visuales , Humanos , Inteligencia Artificial , Actividades Cotidianas , Calidad de Vida , Enfermedades del Nervio Óptico/diagnóstico , Pruebas del Campo Visual/métodos
J Anal Psychol ; 68(5): 828-848, 2023 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37753666


In the manner of Oedipus Rex, the myth of Myrrha-a story about a daughter's initiation of sex with her father-promises to divulge insights about feminine development. Given parallels between these two myths, the author asks why Jung identified Electra rather than Myrrha as the feminine counterpart to Oedipus, and revisits Freud's and Jung's differing interpretations of the incest theme in personality development. To break open the metaphor of Myrrha's incest, the author analyzes a similar account of incest in the Old Testament story of Lot and his wife and finds that they share a theme of female bitterness related to wounding of the mother and its arresting effect on the daughter's maturation. The article then considers the Demeter-Persephone myth, a tale not of incest but rape in Persephone's initiation into womanhood. In contrast to Myrrha, Persephone's development unfolds with strong maternal support tempered by the opposing claims on her by the masculine. The article draws these stories together to illuminate the archetypal forces that drive feminine development as well as the human affairs that resist and complicate them. The article concludes with a case study of a client whose developmental "stuckness" follows the contours of the Myrrha myth.

À la manière d'Oedipe Roi, le mythe de Myrrha, une histoire sur l'initiation sexuelle d'une fille avec son père promet de divulguer des éclairages concernant le développement féminin. Compte tenu des parallèles entre ces deux mythes, l'auteur se demande pourquoi Jung a identifié Électre plutôt que Myrrha comme la contrepartie féminine d'Œdipe. Il revisite les interprétations différentes de Freud et Jung sur le thème de l'inceste dans le développement de la personnalité. Pour ouvrir la métaphore de l'inceste de Myrrha, l'auteur analyse un récit similaire d'inceste dans l'histoire de Lot et de sa femme dans l'Ancien Testament et constate qu'ils ont en commun le thème de l'amertume féminine lié à la blessure de la mère et à son effet saisissant sur la maturation de la fille. L'article examine ensuite le mythe de Déméter-Perséphone, qui est non pas une histoire d'inceste mais de viol dans l'initiation de Perséphone à la féminité. Contrairement à Myrrha, le développement de Perséphone se déroule avec un fort soutien maternel tempéré par les revendications que le masculin lui oppose. L'article rassemble ces histoires pour éclairer les forces archétypales qui animent le développement féminin ainsi que les affaires humaines qui y résistent et les compliquent. L'article se termine par l'étude d'un cas clinique dont le « blocage ¼ développemental suit les contours du mythe de Myrrha.

A la manera de Edipo Rey, el mito de Mirra, una historia sobre la iniciación sexual de una hija con su padre, promete divulgar conocimientos sobre el desarrollo de lo femenino. Dados los paralelismos entre estos dos mitos, la autora se pregunta por qué Jung identificó a Electra en lugar de Mirra como la contrapartida femenina de Edipo y revisa las diferentes interpretaciones de Freud y Jung sobre el tema del incesto en el desarrollo de la personalidad. Para desentrañar la metáfora del incesto de Mirra, la autora analiza un relato similar de incesto en la historia de Lot y su esposa en el Antiguo Testamento y descubre que comparten el tema de la amargura femenina relacionada con la herida de la madre y su efecto paralizante en la maduración de la hija. A continuación, el artículo examina el mito de Deméter-Perséfone, una historia, no de incesto sino de violación, en la iniciación de Perséfone a la femineidad. A diferencia de Mirra, el desarrollo de Perséfone se desarrolla con un fuerte apoyo materno atenuado por las pretensiones opuestas de lo masculino sobre ella. El artículo reúne estas historias para iluminar las fuerzas arquetípicas que impulsan el desarrollo de lo femenino, así como los asuntos humanos que se resisten a ellas y las complican. El artículo concluye con un estudio de caso de una clienta cuyo "estancamiento" en su desarrollo sigue los devenires del mito de Mirra.

Teoría Junguiana , Humanos , Femenino , Familia
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36900886


At the destination level, destination branding may coexist with climate change communication. These two communication streams often overlap because they are both designed for large audiences. This poses a risk to the effectiveness of climate change communication and its ability to prompt a desired climate action. The viewpoint paper advocates the use of archetypal branding approach to ground and center climate change communication at a destination level while concurrently maintaining the uniqueness of destination branding. Three archetypes of destinations are distinguished: villains, victims, and heroes. Destinations should refrain from actions that would make them appear to be climate change villains. A balanced approach is further warranted when portraying destinations as victims. Lastly, destinations should aim at assuming the heroic archetypes by excelling in climate change mitigation. The basic mechanisms of the archetypal approach to destination branding are discussed alongside a framework that suggests areas for further practical investigation of climate change communication at a destination level.

Cambio Climático , Coraje , Comunicación
Junguiana ; 40(2)jul.-dez.2022.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1434715


Neste artigo são discutidos alguns aspectos da relação pais-filhos, focados na importância do filho no desenvolvimento dos pais. A relação filho-adulto e pais é abordada tanto em seu sentido criativo como complicado, gerador de patologia. A relação filhos-pais é associada a outra mão da mesma rua onde a psicologia bastante tem discutido a relação pais-filhos. Daí o título: "Pais e filhos: uma rua de mão dupla". A compreensão simbólica do ditado popular "filho criado, trabalho dobrado" é buscada. Esse "maior trabalho" dado pelo "filho criado" é associado ao trabalhoso processo de recolhimento necessário que os pais precisam fazer da depositação-projeção dos papéis parentais arquetípicos de filho, Fm e Fp, sobre os filhos. Também são discutidos a função da idealização cruzada e o consequente jogo de poder cruzado entre filhos e pais. Algumas complicações desse processo de retirada das depositações-projeções pelos pais sobre os filhos são enfocadas pela sua importância clínica, a saber: os riscos dos avós, o risco da inversão de papéis entre pais e filhos e a adolescência tardia. É chamada a atenção para a importância do tema, uma vez que, com o aumento da vida média, a população com mais idade cresceu e sua problemática precisa ser mais bem compreendida.

The author discusses some aspects of parents-children relationship, the so called "double way street". She emphasizes the importance of this theme because psychology has discussed enough parents-children relationship but children-parents relationship has been put aside. Archetypal parental-roles and crossed projections between children and parents are discussed as being an important aspect of the complexity of this issue, due to their clinical importance. Some process disorders are focused like: grand-parents' risks, archetypal parental roles inversion between parents and children and tardy adolescence. The symbolic understanding of the popular saying "Raised children, hell breaks lose" is sought in this article. The troubles with the "raised child" is linked to the painful process parents have to go through with projection archetypal parental roles of the child, Cm Cf over the children.

En este artículo se discuten algunos aspectos de la relación padre-hijo, enfocándose en la importancia del niño en el desarrollo de los padres. Se aborda la relación hijo-adulto y padres tanto en su sentido creativo como en su sentido complicado, generador de patologías. La relación padre-hijo está asociada con otra mano en la misma calle donde la psicología ha discutido durante mucho tiempo la relación padre-hijo. De ahí el título: "Padres e hijos: una calle de dos sentidos". Se busca la comprensión simbólica del dicho popular "hijo criado, trabajo duplicado". Este "trabajo mayor" dado por el "hijo criado" está asociado al laborioso proceso de recolección necesaria que los padres deben hacer a partir del depositación-proyección de los roles parentales arquetípicos del hijo, Hm e Hp (hijo de la madre e hijo del padre), en sus hijos. También se discute el papel de la idealización cruzada y el juego de poder cruzado resultante entre hijos y padres. Se destacan, por su importancia clínica, algunas complicaciones de este proceso de eliminación de depositaciones-proyecciones de los padres sobre sus hijos, a saber: los riesgos de los abuelos, el riesgo de inversión de roles entre padres e hijos y la adolescencia tardía. Se llama la atención sobre la importancia del tema, ya que, con el aumento del promedio de vida, la población de mayor edad ha crecido y es necesario comprender mejor sus problemas.

Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Adolescente , Abuelos
J Anal Psychol ; 67(4): 919-938, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36165322


From my experience of working with her as the editor of many of her papers, this paper seeks to elucidate the late Alessandra Cavalli's clinical and theoretical approach to analytic work through a study of the editorial process her papers went through on their way to publication. This highlights a consistent theoretical synthesis integrating Klein, Fordham, Bion, Matte-Blanco and Ferrari in an archetypal structure that was firmly rooted in Jung. This synthesis, closely interwoven into Alessandra's clinical work but never fully articulated, was primarily concerned with the impact of trauma on the developing self and how this could be ameliorated through the analytic process, especially through the transformation of raw primitive affect into representational form via the containment provided by an emotionally attuned other.

A partir de mon travail avec elle en tant qu'éditeur d'un certain nombre de ses articles, cet article cherche à mettre en lumière l'approche théorique et clinique aboutie d'Alessandra Cavalli à travers l'étudedu processus éditorial de ses articles jusqu'à leur publication. Ceci permet de souligner une synthèse cohérente qui intègre Klein, Fordham, Bion, Matte-Blanco et Ferrari dans une structure archétypale fermement ancrée chez Jung. Cette synthèse, finement entremêlée avec son travail clinique mais jamais complètement explicite, est principalement soucieuse de l'impact du traumatisme sur le développement du soi et comment cela pourrait être amélioré par le processus analytique, particulièrement par la transformation d'affects primitifs sensibles en forme représentationnelle grâce au contenant fourni par la relation à un autre bien accordé émotionnellement.

El presente trabajo busvca elucidar el abordaje teórico y clínico en el trabajo analítico de los últimos tiempos de Alessandra Cavalli, a través del estudio del proceso editorial de los mismos en vías a su publicación, a partir de mi experiencia de trabajar con ella como editor de la mayor parte de sus escritos. Se destaca una consistente síntesis teórica intengrando Klein, Fordham, Bion. Matte-Blanco y Ferrari en una estrauctura arquetipal firmemente enraizada en Jung. Esta síntesis, entrelazada en su trabajo clínico pero nunca totalmente articulada, se refirió al impacto del trauma en el desarrollo del self y como este podría ser mejorado a través del proceso analítico, especialmente a través de la transformación de la emoción arcaica en forma representacional vía la contención ofrecida por un otro emocionalmente-entonado.

Mult Scler Relat Disord ; 67: 104074, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35940021


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Archetypal analysis (AA), a form of unsupervised machine learning, can identify quantifiable visual field (VF) patterns seen in optic neuritis (ON), known as archetypes (ATs). We hypothesized that AT weight changes over time would reflect the course of recovery and the effects of therapy in ON. We explored whether baseline AT weights would be associated with VF status at the clinical trial outcome and if ATs would indicate residual VF defects in eyes with mean deviation (MD) ≥ -2.00 at six months. METHODS: We used a published 16-AT model derived from 3892 Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial VFs (456 eyes) for all analyses. We measured AT weight changes over the six-month study period and used asymptotic regression to analyze the rate of change. We compared AT weights at six months between treatment groups. We evaluated associations between baseline AT weight thresholds and VF outcome or treatment effect. We calculated residual AT weights in eyes with MD ≥ -2.00 dB at six months. RESULTS: Over six months, AT1 (a normal VF pattern) demonstrated the greatest median weight change, increasing from 0.00% (IQR 0.00-0.00%) at baseline to 60.0% (IQR 38.3-70.8%) at six months (p < 0.001). At outcome, the intravenous methylprednisolone (IVMP) group had the highest median AT1 weight (IVMP: 63.3%, IQR 51.3-72.8%; placebo: 56.2%, IQR 35.1-71.6%; prednisone 58.3%, IQR 35.1-71.6%; p = 0.019). Eyes with AT1 weight ≥ 19% at baseline had superior median MD values (-0.91 vs. -2.07 dB, p < 0.001) and AT1 weights (70.8% vs. 57.8% p < 0.001) at six months. Only eyes with AT1 weight < 19% at baseline showed a treatment benefit for IVMP, with a higher six-month median AT1 weight compared to placebo (p = 0.015) and prednisone (p = 0.016), and a higher median MD compared to placebo (p = 0.027). At six months, 182 (80.2%) VFs with MD ≥ -2.00 had at least one abnormal AT. DISCUSSION: Changes in quantifiable, archetypal patterns of VF loss reflect recovery in ON. Machine learning analysis of the VFs in optic neuritis reveals associations with response to therapy and VF outcome, and uncovers residual deficits, not readily seen with standard evaluations.

Neuritis Óptica , Campos Visuales , Humanos , Prednisona , Estudios Retrospectivos , Neuritis Óptica/tratamiento farmacológico , Trastornos de la Visión/tratamiento farmacológico , Trastornos de la Visión/etiología , Metilprednisolona/uso terapéutico , Progresión de la Enfermedad , Biomarcadores
Front Neurosci ; 16: 911034, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35968377


Metastable microstates in electro- and magnetoencephalographic (EEG and MEG) measurements are usually determined using modified k-means accounting for polarity invariant states. However, hard state assignment approaches assume that the brain traverses microstates in a discrete rather than continuous fashion. We present multimodal, multisubject directional archetypal analysis as a scale and polarity invariant extension to archetypal analysis using a loss function based on the Watson distribution. With this method, EEG/MEG microstates are modeled using subject- and modality-specific archetypes that are representative, distinct topographic maps between which the brain continuously traverses. Archetypes are specified as convex combinations of unit norm input data based on a shared generator matrix, thus assuming that the timing of neural responses to stimuli is consistent across subjects and modalities. The input data is reconstructed as convex combinations of archetypes using a subject- and modality-specific continuous archetypal mixing matrix. We showcase the model on synthetic data and an openly available face perception event-related potential data set with concurrently recorded EEG and MEG. In synthetic and unimodal experiments, we compare our model to conventional Euclidean multisubject archetypal analysis. We also contrast our model to a directional clustering model with discrete state assignments to highlight the advantages of modeling state trajectories rather than hard assignments. We find that our approach successfully models scale and polarity invariant data, such as microstates, accounting for intersubject and intermodal variability. The model is readily extendable to other modalities ensuring component correspondence while elucidating spatiotemporal signal variability.

J Anal Psychol ; 67(2): 583-592, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35856528


This paper aims to understand the origins of what is seen as a lack of understanding about the seriousness of our current times. The author's view is that this failure is due to a lack of awareness that our human species is destructive, arrogant, self-centred and ignorant of the laws of nature and the wonderful complexity of the environment that it destroys. Possible new values that could support a new civilizational framework are presented.

Cet article vise à comprendre les origines de ce qui est perçu comme un manque de compréhension de la gravité de notre époque actuelle. L'auteur suggère que cet échec provient d'un déficit de conscience en ce qui concerne le fait que notre espèce humaine est destructrice, arrogante, centrée sur elle-même et ignorante des lois de la nature et de la merveilleuse complexité de l'environnement qu'elle détruit. De nouvelles valeurs envisageables - qui pourraient soutenir une nouvelle structure pour la civilisation - sont présentées.

El presente trabajo intenta comprender los orígenes de aquello que es visto como una falta de comprensión sobre la seriedad de nuestros tiempos actuales. La perspectiva del autor es que esta falla se debe a una falta de conciencia sobre la destructividad, arrogancia, auto-centración e ignorancia de nuestra especie humana acerca de las leyes de la naturaleza y la maravillosa complejidad del medio ambiente al que destruye. Se presentan nuevos valores posibles que puedan apoyar un nuevo marco de referencia para nuestra civilización.

Este artigo tem como objetivo entender as origens do que é visto como uma falta de compreensão sobre a seriedade de nossos tempos atuais. A visão do autor é que esse fracasso se deve à falta de consciência de que nossa espécie humana é destrutiva, arrogante, egocêntrica e ignorante das leis da natureza e da maravilhosa complexidade do ambiente que ela destrói. Possíveis novos valores que possam apoiar um novo quadro civilizacional são apresentados.

Trastornos Mentales , Humanos
J Anal Psychol ; 67(2): 538-550, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35856538


Beginning with a discussion of transgressions against innate, archetypal moral codes, I also present those transgressions carried out in service of the Self. While both represent an affront to a universal moral code, the latter often furthers an individual's relationship to the Self. These themes are illustrated through the stories of Pontius Pilate, Jephthah, Il Padrino - the Godfather, then coupled with clinical vignettes. An important theme throughout this paper concerns humanity's ongoing hunger to expiate guilt through the practices of scapegoating, sin-eating and confession. While these practices promise redemption, each seriously fails through their reluctance to address the unconscious recognition and consequences of transgressions.

Commençant par une discussion sur les transgressions des codes moraux innés et archétypaux, je présente aussi les transgressions effectuées au service du Soi. Alors que ces deux formes représentent une offense au code moral universel, la deuxième forme fait souvent avancer la relation d'un individu avec le Soi. Ces thèmes sont illustrés par les histoires de Ponce Pilate, de Jephté, d'Il Padrino - le Parrain, puis couplés à des vignettes cliniques. Un thème important tout au long de cet article concerne l'appétit constant de l'humanité pour expier sa culpabilité à travers l'utilisation du bouc-émissaire, du mangeur de péchés, ou de la confession. Alors que ces pratiques promettent la rédemption, chacune d'elle est sérieusement défaillante de par sa répugnance à s'occuper de la reconnaissance inconsciente et des conséquences des transgressions.

Comienzo con una discusión acerca de las transgresiones de los códigos morales, innatos, arquetípales. También presento aquellas transgresiones realizadas al servicio del Self. Mientras ambas representan una afrenta a un código moral universal, la última a menudo favorece la relación individual con el Self. Estos temas son ilustrados a través de historias de Poncio Pilato, Jephthah, el Padrino II, articulándolas con viñetas clínicas. Un tema importante a través del artículo concierne el constante anhelo de la humanidad de expiar la culpa a través de prácticas del chivo expiatorio, el pecado y la confesión. Mientras estas prácticas prometen la redención, cada una fracasa seriamente debido a la reluctancia a reconocer el inconsciente y las consecuencias de las transgresiones.

Começando com uma discussão sobre transgressões contra códigos morais inatos e arquetípicos, também apresento essas transgressões realizadas a serviço do Si Mesmo. Embora ambos representem uma afronta a um código moral universal, este último muitas vezes promove a relação de um indivíduo com o Si Mesmo. Esses temas são ilustrados através das histórias de Pôncio Pilatos, Jefté, Il Padrino - o Poderoso Chefão, então juntamente com vinhetas clínicas. Um tema importante ao longo deste artigo diz respeito à fome contínua da humanidade de expiar culpa através das práticas de bode expiatório, pecado e confissão. Embora essas práticas prometam redenção, cada uma falha seriamente por sua relutância em abordar o reconhecimento do inconsciente e as consequências das transgressões.

Emociones , Principios Morales , Humanos
J Anal Psychol ; 67(2): 518-527, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35856545


This article seeks to link art and archetypal psychology in the exploration of the psychic suffering of a population that has been forced to undertake a journey. It speaks of the power exercised by the collective over our psyche. I use a series of bronze sculptures called the bipedal migrant suitcase as a symbol of the migratory process, an image of the journey of those who must venture beyond the veil of the known to the unknown. A journey that addresses mysterious forces that restore the balance lost in the traveller, leading him to a destination that favours the presence of life-or-death forces.

Cet article cherche à relier l'art et la psychologie archétypale dans l'exploration de la souffrance psychique d'une population qui a été forcée d'entreprendre un voyage. Il y est question du pouvoir qu'exerce le collectif sur notre psyché. J'utilise une série de sculptures en bronze intitulée valise du migrant bipède comme symbole du processus de migration, une image représentant le voyage de ceux qui doivent s'aventurer au-delà du voile du connu, vers l'inconnu. Un voyage qui répond aux forces mystérieuses qui restaurent l'équilibre perdu dans le voyageur, l'amenant à une destination qui favorise la présence de forces de vie ou de mort.

El presente artículo intenta vincular arte y psicología arquetipal en la exploración del sufrimiento psíquico de una población forzada a emprender un viaje. Habla del poder ejercido por el colectivo sobre nuestra psique. Utilizo una serie de esculturas de bronce llamadas maleta bípeda migrante como símbolo del proceso migratorio, una imagen del viaje de quienes deben aventurarse más allá del velo de lo conocido hacia lo desconocido. Un viaje que destina fuerzas misteriosas que restauran el balance perdido en el viaje, conduciéndolo a un destino que favorece la presencia de fuerzas de vida o de muerte.

Este artigo busca vincular arte e psicologia arquetípica na exploração do sofrimento psíquico de uma população que foi forçada a realizar uma jornada. Fala do poder exercido pelo coletivo sobre nossa psique. Eu uso uma série de esculturas de bronze chamadas mala bípede migrante como símbolo do processo migratório, uma imagem da jornada daqueles que devem se aventurar além do véu do conhecido pelo desconhecido. Uma jornada que aborda forças misteriosas que restauram o equilíbrio perdido no viajante, levando-o a um destino que favorece a presença de forças de vida ou morte.

Teoría Junguiana , Migrantes , Ansiedad , Humanos , Masculino
J Anal Psychol ; 67(2): 701-710, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35856550


This work addresses three main issues: (i) Jung's positions on the historical events that he lived through, which are mainly presented in Volume 10 of his Collected Works; (ii) a reflection from a psychological perspective on the times we are experiencing, identifying the main contemporary psychopathologies; (iii) the possibility and need for including the pathologies of our time in our psychotherapeutic work.

Ce travail s'occupe de trois sujets principaux: 1) les positions de Jung concernant les événements historiques qu'il traversa durant sa vie, et qui sont présentées principalement dans le Volume 10 des Œuvres Complètes, 2) une réflexion sur l'époque que nous vivons, du point de vue psychologique, en identifiant les psychopathologies majeures de notre époque, 3) la possibilité et la nécessité d'inclure les pathologies de notre époque dans notre travail psychothérapeutique.

El presente trabajo aborda tres temas principales: (i) La posición de Jung respecto a los eventos históricos que lo atravesaron, y que han sido principalmente presentados en el Volumen 10 de sus Obras Completas; (ii) una reflexión desde una perspectiva psicológica sobre los tiempos que estamos experimentando, identificando las principales psicopatologías contemporáneas; (iii) la posibilidad y la necesidad de incluir las patologías de nuestro tiempo en nuestro trabajo psicoterapéutico.

Este trabalho aborda três questões principais: (i) as posições de Jung sobre os eventos históricos que ele viveu, que são apresentados principalmente no Volume 10 de suas Obras Coletadas; (ii) uma reflexão a partir de uma perspectiva psicológica sobre os tempos que estamos vivenciando, identificando as principais psicopatologias contemporâneas; (iii) a possibilidade e a necessidade de incluir as patologias do nosso tempo em nosso trabalho psicoterapêutico.

Teoría Junguiana , Humanos , Masculino , Política
Ophthalmology ; 129(12): 1402-1411, 2022 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35817199


PURPOSE: To identify patterns of visual field (VF) loss based on unsupervised machine learning and to identify patterns that are associated with rapid progression. DESIGN: Cross-sectional and longitudinal study. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 2231 abnormal VFs from 205 eyes of 176 Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study (OHTS) participants followed over approximately 16 years. METHODS: Visual fields were assessed by an unsupervised deep archetypal analysis algorithm and an OHTS-certified VF reader to identify prevalent patterns of VF loss. Machine-identified patterns of glaucoma damage were compared against those patterns previously identified (expert-identified) in the OHTS in 2003. Based on the longitudinal VFs of each eye, VF loss patterns that were strongly associated with rapid glaucoma progression were identified. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Machine-expert correspondence and type of patterns of VF loss associated with rapid progression. RESULTS: The average VF mean deviation (MD) at conversion to glaucoma was -2.7 decibels (dB) (standard deviation [SD] = 2.4 dB), whereas the average MD of the eyes at the last visit was -5.2 dB (SD = 5.5 dB). Fifty out of 205 eyes had MD rate of -1 dB/year or worse and were considered rapid progressors. Eighteen machine-identified patterns of VF loss were compared with expert-identified patterns, in which 13 patterns of VF loss were similar. The most prevalent expert-identified patterns included partial arcuate, paracentral, and nasal step defects, and the most prevalent machine-identified patterns included temporal wedge, partial arcuate, nasal step, and paracentral VF defects. One of the machine-identified patterns of VF loss predicted future rapid VF progression after adjustment for age, sex, and initial MD. CONCLUSIONS: An automated machine learning system can identify patterns of VF loss and could provide objective and reproducible nomenclature for characterizing early signs of visual defects and rapid progression in patients with glaucoma.

Glaucoma , Hipertensión Ocular , Humanos , Campos Visuales , Estudios Longitudinales , Estudios Transversales , Presión Intraocular , Estudios Retrospectivos , Pruebas del Campo Visual , Glaucoma/diagnóstico , Trastornos de la Visión/diagnóstico , Hipertensión Ocular/diagnóstico , Progresión de la Enfermedad
Ophthalmology ; 129(8): 903-911, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35378137


PURPOSE: We previously reported that archetypal analysis (AA), a type of unsupervised machine learning, identified and quantified patterns of visual field (VF) loss in idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), referred to as archetypes (ATs). We assessed whether AT weight changes over time are consistent with changes in conventional global indices, whether visual outcome or treatment effects are associated with select AT, and whether AA reveals residual VF defects in eyes deemed normal after treatment. DESIGN: Analysis of data collected from a randomized controlled trial. PARTICIPANTS: Two thousand eight hundred sixty-two VFs obtained from 165 participants during the Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Treatment Trial (IIHTT). METHODS: We applied a 14-AT model derived from IIHTT VFs. We examined changes in individual AT weights over time for all study eyes and evaluated differences between treatment groups. We created an AT change score to assess overall VF change from baseline. We tested threshold baseline AT weights for association with VF outcome and treatment effect at 6 months. We determined the abnormal ATs with meaningful weight at outcome for VFs with a mean deviation (MD) of -2.00 dB or more. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Individual AT weighting coefficients and MD. RESULTS: Archetype 1 (a normal VF pattern) showed the greatest weight change for all study eyes, increasing from 11.9% (interquartile range [IQR], 0.44%-24.1%) at baseline to 31.2% (IQR, 16.0%-45.5%) at outcome (P < 0.001). Archetype 1 weight change (r = 0.795; P < 0.001) and a global score of AT change (r = 0.988; P < 0.001) correlated strongly with MD change. Study eyes with baseline AT2 (a mild diffuse VF loss pattern) weight of 44% or more (≥ 1 standard deviation more than the mean) showed higher AT2 weights at outcome than those with AT2 weight of < 44% at baseline (P < 0.001). Only the latter group showed a significant acetazolamide treatment effect. Archetypal analysis revealed residual VF loss patterns, most frequently representing mild diffuse loss and an enlarged blind spot in 64 of 66 study eyes with MD of -2.00 dB or more at outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Archetypal analysis provides a quantitative approach to monitoring VF changes in IIH. Baseline AT features may be associated with treatment response and VF outcome. Archetypal analysis uncovers residual VF defects not otherwise revealed by MD.

Seudotumor Cerebral , Progresión de la Enfermedad , Humanos , Presión Intraocular , Seudotumor Cerebral/diagnóstico , Seudotumor Cerebral/tratamiento farmacológico , Aprendizaje Automático no Supervisado , Trastornos de la Visión/diagnóstico , Pruebas del Campo Visual , Campos Visuales
J Anal Psychol ; 67(1): 208-222, 2022 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35417572


Civilization in Transition, the sociological writings of Carl Gustav Jung referring to processes of social transformation in the first half of the 20th century, is a source of inspiration to reflect on the social upheaval that we are facing in the second decade of the 21st century: crises such as the depredation of our natural resources with subsequent climate change; high incidence of feminicide and violence against women and children. The 'Mother Earth', women, the feminine and the dynamics of connection, solidarity and inclusion are being threatened and destroyed. Using the myth and symbolism of the image of Patasola as a starting point, this study seeks to unravel the archetypal roots that have led to exile both to the dark dimension - destructive and self-destructive - as well as to the luminous dimension - autonomy, authority and independence - of the feminine identity. From a psychological standpoint, this paper explores the way that feminine identity, that inhabits the collective unconscious, has been expressed in various patterns since our beginnings as a nation, throughout our history, and how it is still in force through the cultural complex of the undervaluation of the feminine. Finally, we will look at the potential for redemption implicit in the myth.

Civilisation en Transition, le livre des écrits sociologiques de Carl Gustav Jung qui fait référence aux processus de transformation sociale dans la première moitié du 20ième siècle, est une source d'inspiration pour réfléchir au bouleversement social auquel nous sommes confrontés dans la seconde décennie du 21ième siècle: des crises telles que la déprédation de nos ressources naturelles et les changements climatiques qui s'ensuivent, le taux élevé de féminicides et de violences envers les femmes et les enfants. La « Terre Mère ¼, les femmes, le féminin et les dynamiques de lien, la solidarité et l'inclusion, tout cela est menacé voire détruit. Utilisant comme point de départ le mythe et le symbolisme de l'image de la Patasola, cette étude cherche à débrouiller les racines archétypales qui ont conduit à l'exil de deux dimensions de l'identité féminine: la dimension sombre - destructrice et autodestructrice - et la dimension lumineuse - autonomie, autorité et indépendance. D'un point de vue psychologique, nous verrons comment cette identité féminine qui habite l'inconscient collectif s'est exprimée dans divers schémas depuis nos débuts en tant que nation, au cours de l'histoire, et comment elle est encore forte dans le complexe culturel de la sous-évaluation du féminin. Enfin nous nous intéresserons au potentiel de rédemption implicite dans le mythe.

"Civilización en Transición", los escritos sociológicos de Carl Gustav Jung referidos a procesos de transformación social en la primera mitad del siglo XX, son fuente de inspiración para observar y reflexionar acerca de la convulsión social que estamos afrontando en la segunda década del siglo XXI: entre otras, crisis como la depredación de nuestros recursos naturales con el consecuente cambio climático que está poniendo en riesgo nuestra existencia en el planeta; la alta incidencia de feminicidios y violencia hacia las mujeres y niños. La "madre tierra", las mujeres, lo femenino y las dinámicas de conexión, solidaridad, cooperación e inclusión están siendo amenazadas, destruidas y aniquiladas. A partir del mito y la simbología de la imagen de la Patasola, este trabajo busca desentrañar las raíces arquetípicas que han llevado al exilio tanto a la dimensión sombría -destructiva y autodestructiva-, como a la dimensión luminosa -de autonomía, autoridad e independencia- de la identidad femenina. Desde un punto de vista psicológico, veremos cómo esta identidad femenina que habita en el inconsciente colectivo se ha expresado en diversos patrones desde nuestros inicios como nación, a lo largo de nuestra historia, y cómo aún sigue vigente a través del complejo cultural de la minusvaloración de lo femenino. Finalmente, veremos el potencial de redención implícito en el mito.

Civilização em Transição, os escritos sociológicos de Carl Gustav Jung referindo-se a processos de transformação social na primeira metade do século XX, é uma fonte de inspiração para refletir sobre a agitação social que enfrentamos na segunda década do século XXI: crises como a depredação de nossos recursos naturais com as mudanças climáticas subsequentes; alta incidência de feminicídio e violência á 'Mãe Terra', ás mulheres, ao feminino e á dinâmica de conexão, solidariedade e inclusão estão sendo ameaçados e destruídos. Usando o mito e o simbolismo da imagem da Patasola como ponto de partida, este estudo busca desvendar as raízes arquetípicas que levaram ao exílio tanto para a dimensão escura - destrutiva e autodestrutiva - quanto para a dimensão luminosa - autonomia, autoridade e independência - da identidade feminina. Do ponto de vista psicológico, veremos como essa identidade feminina que habita o inconsciente coletivo se expressou em vários padrões desde nossos primórdios como nação, ao longo de nossa história, e como ainda está em vigor através do complexo cultural da subvalorização do feminino. Finalmente, analisaremos o potencial de redenção implícito no mito.

Grupos Raciales , Niño , Colombia , Femenino , Humanos
J Anal Psychol ; 67(1): 247-260, 2022 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35417589


The subject of exile is a ubiquitous global theme. The result of multiple factors, it insinuates itself into events affecting people's daily lives and the development of countries. Beyond politics, a psychological reading enables us to reflect on its impact, not only on the individual or group but also in relation to the exiled family. The concept of a mythical or archetypal family can help us to clarify what emerges from contact between two communities and the challenges in their encounter. The study of a specific case - Portuguese families adjusting to life in a French-speaking region of Switzerland - reveals a pattern reproduced elsewhere, even though separate in time and space. The cultural shock emanating from a background and approach of different dynamics leads to psychological resistance on both sides - and to a negative prognosis for cultural integration. Analytical work with exiled children and adolescents allows us to glimpse how this theme intertwines with personal psychologies, pointing to its creative solution through the resolution of conflict and openness to diversity - as carried forward by new generations. It is they who are open to multicultural values, showing simultaneously a respect for ancestry and a desire for renewal.

La question de l'exil est un thème omniprésent et global. Le résultat de multiples facteurs, l'exil s'insinue dans des événements qui affectent la vie quotidienne des gens et le développement des pays. Au-delà de la politique, une lecture psychologique nous permet de réfléchir à son impact, non seulement sur l'individu ou le groupe mais aussi en relation avec la famille exilée. Le concept d'une famille mythique ou archétypale peut nous aider à clarifier ce qui émerge du contact entre deux communautés et les défis liés à cette rencontre. L'étude d'un cas particulier - celui des familles portugaises s'ajustant à la vie dans la région Suisse de langue française - révèle le schéma qui se répète ailleurs, bien que de manière distincte dans le temps et dans l'espace. Le choc culturel émanant d'un « background ¼ et d'une approche des différentes dynamiques mène à une résistance psychologique des deux côtés - et à un mauvais pronostic en ce qui concerne l'intégration culturelle. Le travail analytique avec des enfants et des adolescents exilés nous permet d'entrevoir comment ce thème s'entremêle aux psychologies personnelles, montrant sa solution créative au travers de la résolution de conflit et de l'ouverture à la diversité - telle qu'elle est portée par les nouvelles générations. Ce sont elles qui sont ouvertes aux valeurs multiculturelles, montrant simultanément un respect pour ce qui est ancestral et un désir de renouveau.

La cuestión del exilio es un tema global ubicuo. Resultante de factores múltiples, se insinúa a sí mismo en eventos que afectan la vida cotidiana de las personas y el desarrollo de los países. Más allá de la política, una lectura psicológica nos permite reflexionar sobre su impacto, no solo en el individuo o grupo, sino también en relación con la familia exiliada. El concepto de familia mítica o arquetípica puede ayudarnos a clarificar aquello que emerge del contacto entre dos comunidades y los desafíos en ese encuentro. El estudio de un caso específico - familias portuguesas, adaptándose a vivir en la región de habla francesa de Suiza - revela un patrón que se reproduce en otros lugares, aún la separación en tiempo y espacio. El shock cultural que emana de un trasfondo y enfoque de dinámicas diferentes conduce a una resistencia psicológica en ambos lados - y a una prognosis negativa para la integración cultural. El trabajo analítico con niños y adolescentes exiliados nos posibilita vislumbrar como este tema se entrelaza con las psicologías personales, indicando una solución creativa a través de la resolución de conflictos y la apertura a la diversidad - llevada adelante por las nuevas generaciones. Son éstas quienes están abiertas a los valores multiculturales, mostrando simultáneamente un respeto por lo ancestral y el deseo de renovación.

A questão do exílio é um tema global onipresente. Resultado de múltiplos fatores, ele se insinua em eventos que afetam o cotidiano das pessoas e o desenvolvimento dos países. Indo além da política, uma leitura psicológica nos permite refletir sobre seu impacto, não apenas no indivíduo ou grupo, mas também em relação à família exilada. O conceito de família mítica ou arquetípica poderia nos ajudar a esclarecer o que emerge do contato entre duas comunidades e os desafios do seu encontro. O estudo de um caso específico - famílias portuguesas, em adaptação à vida na região francófona da Suíça - revela um padrão reproduzido em outros lugares, embora separado no tempo e no espaço. O choque cultural trazido pela aproximação de dinâmicas tão distintas, resulta em um quadro de resistência psicológica em ambos os lados, elevando a um prognóstico negativo quanto à sua integração cultural. O trabalho analítico com crianças e adolescentes exilados nos permite vislumbrar como esse tema se entrelaça com as psicologias pessoais, apontando para sua solução criativa através da resolução de conflitos e abertura à diversidade protagonizada pelas novas gerações. São elas que se encontram abertas aos valores multiculturais, mostrando simultaneamente respeito à ancestralidade e desejo de renovação.

Política , Adolescente , Niño , Humanos , Suiza
Transl Oncol ; 17: 101339, 2022 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35033985


Accessible risk predictors are crucial for improving the early detection and prognosis of breast cancer. Blood samples are widely available and contain proteins that provide important information about human health and disease, however, little is still known about the contribution of circulating proteins to breast cancer risk prediction. We profiled EDTA plasma samples collected before diagnosis from the Swedish KARMA breast cancer cohort to evaluate circulating proteins as molecular predictors. A data-driven analysis strategy was applied to the molecular phenotypes built on 700 circulating proteins to identify and annotate clusters of women. The unsupervised analysis of 183 future breast cancer cases and 366 age-matched controls revealed five stable clusters with distinct proteomic plasma profiles. Among these women, those in the most stable cluster (N = 19; mean Jaccard index: 0.70 ± 0.29) were significantly more likely to have used menopausal hormonal therapy (MHT), get a breast cancer diagnosis, and were older compared to the remaining clusters. The circulating proteins associated with this cluster (FDR < 0.001) represented physiological processes related to cell junctions (F11R, CLDN15, ITGAL), DNA repair (RBBP8), cell replication (TJP3), and included proteins found in female reproductive tissue (PTCH1, ZP4). Using a data-driven approach on plasma proteomics data revealed the potential long-lasting molecular effects of menopausal hormonal therapy (MHT) on the circulating proteome, even after women had ended their treatment. This provides valuable insights concerning proteomics efforts to identify molecular markers for breast cancer risk prediction.