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Biol Lett ; 20(8): 20240292, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39106945


Human disturbances can prompt natural anti-predator behaviours in animals, affecting how energy is traded off between immediate survival and reproduction. In our study of male squaretail groupers (Plectropomus areolatus) in India's Lakshadweep archipelago, we investigated the impact of fishing pressure on anti-predatory responses and reproductive behaviours by comparing a fished and unfished spawning aggregation site and tracking responses over time at the fished site. Using observational sampling and predator exposure experiments, we analysed fear responses (flight initiation distance, return time), as well as time spent in vigilance, courtship and territorial defence. Unpaired males at fished sites were twice as likely to flee from simulated predators and took longer to return to mating territories. In contrast, paired males at both sites took greater risks during courtship, fleeing later than unpaired males, but returned earlier at the unfished site compared with the fished site. Our findings suggest that high fishing pressure reduces reproductive opportunities by increasing vigilance and compromising territorial defence, potentially affecting mate selection cues. Altered behavioural trade-offs may mitigate short-term capture risk but endanger long-term population survival through altered reproductive investment. Human extractive practices targeting animal reproductive aggregations can have disruptive effects beyond direct removal, influencing animal behaviours crucial for population survival.

Explotaciones Pesqueras , Reproducción , Animales , Masculino , Reproducción/fisiología , India , Conducta Sexual Animal/fisiología , Territorialidad
PeerJ ; 12: e17547, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38912041


Predation threat is a major driver of behavior in many prey species. Animals can recognize their relative risk of predation based on cues in the environment, including visual and/or chemical cues released by a predator or from its prey. When threat of predation is high, prey often respond by altering their behavior to reduce their probability of detection and/or capture. Here, we test how a clonal fish, the Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa), behaviorally responds to predation cues. We measured aggressive and social behaviors both under 'risk', where chemical cues from predatory fish and injured conspecifics were present, and control contexts (no risk cues present). We predicted that mollies would exhibit reduced aggression towards a simulated intruder and increased sociability under risk contexts as aggression might increase their visibility to a predator and shoaling should decrease their chance of capture through the dilution effect. As predicted, we found that Amazon mollies spent more time with a conspecific when risk cues were present, however they did not reduce their aggression. This highlights the general result of the 'safety in numbers' behavioral response that many small shoaling species exhibit, including these clonal fish, which suggests that mollies may view this response as a more effective anti-predator response compared to limiting their detectability by reducing aggressive conspecific interactions.

Agresión , Poecilia , Conducta Predatoria , Animales , Poecilia/fisiología , Conducta Animal , Señales (Psicología) , Conducta Social
Naturwissenschaften ; 111(3): 28, 2024 May 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38695961


Sedentary animals choose appropriate refuges against predators, while migratory ones may not necessarily do so. In ectotherms, refuge selection is critical during low temperatures, because they cannot actively evade predators. To understand how migratory ectotherms alter their defensive behaviors depending on refuge quality in cold temperatures, we evaluated migratory gregarious desert locust nymphs (Schistocerca gregaria) in the Sahara Desert, where daily thermal constraints occur. We recorded how roosting plant type (bush/shrub) and its height influenced two alternative defense behaviors (dropping/stationary) during cold mornings, in response to an approaching simulated ground predator. Most locusts in bushes dropped within the bush and hid irrespective of their height, whereas those roosting > 2 m height in shrubs remained stationary. These defenses are effective and match with refuge plant types because dynamic locomotion is not required. When nymphs roosted on shrubs < 1.5-m height, which was an unsafe position, nearly half showed both defensive behaviors, indicating that escaping decisions become ambiguous when the refuges are inappropriate. These results suggest that locusts display flexible defensive behaviors when finding appropriate refuges and selecting refuge before daily thermal limitations occur could be critical for migratory ectotherms, which is a risk associated with migration.

Migración Animal , Saltamontes , Ninfa , Animales , Ninfa/fisiología , Ninfa/crecimiento & desarrollo , Saltamontes/fisiología , Saltamontes/crecimiento & desarrollo , Migración Animal/fisiología , Frío , Clima Desértico
Behav Processes ; 218: 105043, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38692462


Acoustic communication plays a vital role in predator-prey interactions. Although habitat structure has been shown to affect anti-predator tactics, little is known about how animals vary their behaviors in response to predator calls or heterospecific alarm calls in different environments. Here we used sound playbacks to test the responses of Eurasian tree sparrows (Passer montanus) foraging in harvested/unharvested rice paddy and open residential area. In the first experiment, we tested their behavioral responses to dove calls, male common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) calls, hawk-like calls mimicked by female common cuckoo, sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) calls, and human yell calls produced to scare birds (predator signal playbacks). In the second experiment, we tested their behavioral responses to the Japanese tit's (Parus minor) territorial songs and alarm calls (heterospecific alarm signal playbacks). Results showed that the tree sparrows had less fleeing in unharvested ripe rice paddy than in harvested rice paddy and open residential area. In predator signal playbacks, call type affected the escape behavior of sparrows in unharvested rice paddy and open residential area but not harvested rice paddy. In alarm signal playbacks, tit alarm calls evoked more fleeing than territorial songs in harvested rice paddy and open residential area but not unharvested rice paddy. These results suggest that anthropogenic habitat changes may influence avian anti-predator tactics.

Ecosistema , Conducta Predatoria , Gorriones , Vocalización Animal , Animales , Vocalización Animal/fisiología , Gorriones/fisiología , Conducta Predatoria/fisiología , Masculino , Femenino , Conducta Animal/fisiología , Territorialidad
R Soc Open Sci ; 11(5): 240151, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38716329


Animals are expected to respond flexibly to changing circumstances, with multimodal signalling providing potential plasticity in social interactions. While numerous studies have documented context-dependent behavioural trade-offs in terrestrial species, far less work has considered such decision-making in fish, especially in natural conditions. Coral reef ecosystems host 25% of all known marine species, making them hotbeds of competition and predation. We conducted experiments with wild Ambon damselfish (Pomacentrus amboinensis) to investigate context-dependent responses to a conspecific intruder; specifically, how nest defence is influenced by an elevated predation risk. We found that nest-defending male Ambon damselfish responded aggressively to a conspecific intruder, spending less time sheltering and more time interacting, as well as signalling both visually and acoustically. In the presence of a model predator compared to a model herbivore, males spent less time interacting with the intruder, with a tendency towards reduced investment in visual displays compensated for by an increase in acoustic signalling instead. We therefore provide ecologically valid evidence that the context experienced by an individual can affect its behavioural responses and multimodal displays towards conspecific threats.

Ecol Evol ; 14(4): e11248, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38601854


Large-bodied mammals living in fragmented habitats are at higher risk of extinction, and such risk can be influenced by ecological factors such as predator-prey system dynamics. These dynamics can be particularly complex for conservation management when one endangered species preys on another endangered species in an isolated or poor-quality habitat. Here we describe predation events observed over 19 months that involved two threatened species: the largest carnivore in Madagascar, the fosa (Cryptoprocta ferox), and three groups of diademed sifaka (Propithecus diadema) in the Betampona Strict Nature Reserve. This site is a 22 km2 low-altitude rainforest that is surrounded by agricultural land and isolated from larger forest corridors. We aim to (1) assess the behavioral changes of P. diadema in response to fosa attacks and identify any antipredator strategies that they adopted, and (2) quantify the frequency of fosa attacks and the predation impact on the sifaka population. We report five direct observations of fosa predation attempts (one successful), the discovery of a dead sifaka with evidence of fosa predation, and the disappearance of three individuals. We describe the observed attacks and compare the sifaka activity budgets and movement patterns before and after the events. To escape the predator, sifakas fled short distances, hid, and remained vigilant. The impact of predation, combined with low reproductive rates and potentially high inbreeding of this isolated diademed sifaka population, could affect the survival of this species in Betampona. Given the compounding effects of habitat isolation and high hunting pressure, community-specific conservation strategies should incorporate predator-prey dynamics via longitudinal monitoring of predator and prey population densities and quantifying the predation pressure between them.

Ecol Evol ; 14(4): e11304, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38628919


Mammals in arid zones have to trade off thermal stress, predation pressure, and time spent foraging in a complex thermal landscape. We quantified the relationship between the environmental heat load and activity of a mammal community in the hot, arid Kalahari Desert. We deployed miniature black globe thermometers within the existing Snapshot Safari camera trap grid on Tswalu Kalahari Reserve, South Africa. Using the camera traps to record species' activity throughout the 24-h cycle, we quantified changes in the activity patterns of mammal species in relation to heat loads in their local environment. We compared the heat load during which species were active between two sites with differing predator guilds, one where lion (Panthera leo) biomass dominated the carnivore guild and the other where lions were absent. In the presence of lion, prey species were generally active under significantly higher heat loads, especially during the hot and dry spring. We suggest that increased foraging under high heat loads highlights the need to meet nutritional requirements while avoiding nocturnal activity when predatory pressures are high. Such a trade-off may become increasingly costly under the hotter and drier conditions predicted to become more prevalent as a result of climate change within the arid and semi-arid regions of southern Africa.

Ecol Evol ; 14(3): e11177, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38510538


The careful selection of ungulate calving sites to improve offspring survival is vital in the face of predation. In general, there is limited knowledge to which degree predator presence and prey's individual experience shape the selection of calving sites. Predator presence influences the spatiotemporal risk of encountering a predator, while individual experiences with previous predation events shape perceived mortality risks. We used a multi-year movement dataset of a long-lived female ungulate (moose, Alces alces, n = 79) and associated calf survival to test how predator presence (i.e., encounter risk) and females' individual experiences with previous calf mortality events affected their calving site selection and site fidelity. Using data from areas with and without Scandinavian brown bear (Ursus arctos) predation, we compared females' calving site selection using individual-based analyses. Our findings suggest two things. First, bear presence influences calving site selection in this solitary living ungulate. Females in areas with bears were selected for higher shrub and tree cover and showed lower site fidelity than in the bear-free area. Second, the individual experience of calf loss changes females' selection the following year. Females with lost calves had a lower site fidelity compared to females with surviving calves. Our findings suggest that increased vegetation cover may be important for reducing encounter risk in bear areas, possibly by improving calf concealment. Lower site fidelity might represent a strategy to make the placement of calving sites less predictable for predators. We suggest that bear presence shapes both habitat selection and calving site fidelity in a long-lived animal, whereas the effect of individual experience with previous calf loss varies. We encourage further research on the relevance of female experience on the success of expressed anti-predator strategies during calving periods.

Anim Cogn ; 27(1): 19, 2024 Mar 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38429547


Prey species commonly assess predation risk based on acoustic signals, such as predator vocalizations or heterospecific alarm calls. The resulting risk-sensitive decision-making affects not only the behavior and life-history of individual prey, but also has far-reaching ecological consequences for population, community, and ecosystem dynamics. Although auditory risk recognition is ubiquitous in animals, it remains unclear how individuals gain the ability to recognize specific sounds as cues of a threat. Here, it has been shown that free-living birds (Wood Warblers Phylloscopus sibilatrix) can learn to recognize unfamiliar, complex sounds (samples of punk rock songs) as cues of a threat from conspecifics holding adjacent territories during the spring breeding season. In a playback experiment, Wood Warblers initially ignored the unfamiliar sounds, but after repeatedly hearing that these sounds trigger alarm calling reaction of neighbors, most individuals showed an anti-predator response to them. Moreover, once learned soon after nestlings hatching, the anti-predator response of parents toward previously unfamiliar sounds was then retained over the entire nestlings rearing period. These results demonstrate that social learning via the association of unfamiliar sounds with known alarm signals enables the spread of anti-predator behavior across territory borders and provides a mechanism explaining the widespread abilities of animals to assess predation risk based on acoustic cues.

Passeriformes , Aprendizaje Social , Humanos , Animales , Ecosistema , Vocalización Animal/fisiología , Aprendizaje , Passeriformes/fisiología , Conducta Predatoria
R Soc Open Sci ; 11(3): 231470, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38511083


Human activities can induce significant behavioural changes in wildlife. Often explored through extractive interactions (e.g. hunting) that can favour certain behavioural traits, the implications of non-extractive ones, such as wildlife feeding, remain understudied. Research shows that people tend to favour bolder individuals within populations despite their dynamics and consequences being unclear. Using fallow deer in a peri-urban environment, we studied whether mothers that show reduced fear of humans and consistently approach them for food adopt weaker anti-predator strategies by selecting less concealed fawning bedsites closer to human hotspots. This would provide the advantage of additional feeding opportunities in comparison with shyer mothers while keeping their fawns close. Our dataset encompassed 281 capture events of 172 fawns from 110 mothers across 4 years. Surprisingly, mothers that regularly accepted food from humans selected more concealed bedsites farther from human hotspots, giving their offspring better protection while also benefitting from additional food during lactation. Our results show behavioural adaptations by a subset of females and, for the first time, link the tendency to approach humans and strategies to protect offspring. Given previous findings that these begging females also deliver heavier fawns at birth, our research further investigates human-wildlife feeding interactions and their behavioural implications.

Biol Lett ; 20(1): 20230461, 2024 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38166416


It has long been hypothesized that a species that is relatively easy to catch by predators may face selection to resemble a species that is harder to catch. Several experiments using avian predators have since supported this 'evasive mimicry' hypothesis. However, the sudden movement of artificial evasive prey in each of the above experiments may have startled the predators, generating an avoidance response unrelated to difficulty of capture. Additionally in the above experiments the catchability of prey was all or nothing, while in nature predators may occasionally catch evasive prey or fail to catch slower species, which might inhibit learning. Here, using mantids as predators, we conducted an experimental test of the evasive mimicry hypothesis that circumvents these limitations, using live painted calyptrate flies with modified evasive capabilities as prey. We found that mantids readily learned to avoid pursuing the more evasive prey types. Warning signals based on evasiveness and their associated mimicry may be widespread phenomena in nature. These findings not only further support its plausibility but demonstrate that even arthropod predators can select for it.

Artrópodos , Mimetismo Biológico , Animales , Conducta Predatoria/fisiología , Evolución Biológica , Modelos Biológicos , Aprendizaje
Biol Lett ; 20(1): 20230410, 2024 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38228188


Many vertebrates eavesdrop on alarm calls of other species, as well as responding to their own species' calls, but eavesdropping on heterospecific alarm calls might be harder than conspecific reception when environmental conditions make perception or recognition of calls difficult. This could occur because individuals lack hearing specializations for heterospecific calls, have less familiarity with them, or require more details of call structure to identify calls they have learned to recognize. We used a field playback experiment to provide a direct test of whether noise, as an environmental perceptual challenge, reduces response to heterospecific compared to conspecific alarm calls. We broadcast superb fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) and white-browed scrubwren (Sericornis frontalis) flee alarm calls to each species with or without simultaneous broadcast of ambient noise. Using two species allows isolation of the challenge of heterospecific eavesdropping independently of any effect of call structure on acoustic masking. As predicted, birds were less likely to flee to heterospecific than conspecific alarm calls during noise. We conclude that eavesdropping was harder in noise, which means that noise could disrupt information on danger in natural eavesdropping webs and so compromise survival. This is particularly significant in a world with increasing anthropogenic noise.

Passeriformes , Pájaros Cantores , Humanos , Animales , Vocalización Animal/fisiología , Ruido , Pájaros Cantores/fisiología , Passeriformes/fisiología , Aprendizaje
Curr Biol ; 33(21): 4689-4696.e4, 2023 11 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37802052


Lions have long been perceived as Africa's, if not the world's, most fearsome terrestrial predator,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 the "king of beasts". Wildlife's fear of humans may, however, be far more powerful and all-prevailing1,10 as recent global surveys show that humans kill prey at much higher rates than other predators,10,11,12 due partly to technologies such as hunting with dogs or guns.11,13,14,15 We comprehensively experimentally tested whether wildlife's fear of humans exceeds even that of lions, by quantifying fear responses1 in the majority of carnivore and ungulate species (n = 19) inhabiting South Africa`s Greater Kruger National Park (GKNP),9,15,16,17 using automated camera-speaker systems9,18 at waterholes during the dry season that broadcast playbacks of humans, lions, hunting sounds (dogs, gunshots) or non-predator controls (birds).9,19,20,21,22 Fear of humans significantly exceeded that of lions throughout the savanna mammal community. As a whole (n = 4,238 independent trials), wildlife were twice as likely to run (p < 0.001) and abandoned waterholes in 40% faster time (p < 0.001) in response to humans than to lions (or hunting sounds). Fully 95% of species ran more from humans than lions (significantly in giraffes, leopards, hyenas, zebras, kudu, warthog, and impala) or abandoned waterholes faster (significantly in rhinoceroses and elephants). Our results greatly strengthen the growing experimental evidence that wildlife worldwide fear the human "super predator" far more than other predators,1,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 and the very substantial fear of humans demonstrated can be expected to cause considerable ecological impacts,1,6,22,23,24,29,30,31,32,33,34,35 presenting challenges for tourism-dependent conservation,1,36,37 particularly in Africa,38,39 while providing new opportunities to protect some species.1,22,40.

Leones , Panthera , Humanos , Animales , Porcinos , Perros , Sudáfrica , Leones/fisiología , Pradera , Conducta Predatoria/fisiología , Animales Salvajes , Perisodáctilos , Equidae/fisiología , Ecosistema
R Soc Open Sci ; 10(8): 230309, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37593707


Owls prey on bats, but information on owl predation is scarce, its impact on bat mortality is unclear, and reports on behavioural responses, including roost-switching and fission-fusion behaviour, are equivocal. To study the link between owl predation and anti-predator behaviour in bats, we evaluated seven months of video recordings at roosts and the behaviour of 51 passive integrated transponder (PIT)-tagged bats and bats without tags in a geographically isolated colony of greater noctule bats (Nyctalus lasiopterus) in Spain. We found the tawny owl Strix aluco to almost continuously hunt N. lasiopterus, from perches and on the wing, well after the bats emerged at dusk and when they returned to their roosts. We recorded 39 unsuccessful and three successful attacks. Nonetheless, we found no evidence that owl predation modifies bat behaviour. While the bats constituted only a very small proportion of the owls' diet, owl predation accounted for an estimated 30-40% of bat mortality, which may have a significant impact on small, local or isolated bat populations, in particular, and thereby shape regional bat distributions. We hypothesize that low roost availability may also affect the bats' potential response to predation, which could lead to natural predation having an excessive impact on bat populations.

J Helminthol ; 97: e62, 2023 Jul 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37522653


In the present study, we sought to determine whether i) a waterfowl signal induces avoidance behaviour of the amphipod Hyalella patagonica, ii) infection by the acanthocephalan Pseudocorynosoma enrietti affects the behaviour of the amphipod, and iii) the parasite interferes with the amphipod response to waterfowl. We evaluated amphipod behaviour experimentally by measuring activity levels, phototaxis, geotaxis, and clinging behaviour. The main findings of this study indicate that uninfected amphipods show avoidance behaviour by reducing their activity in the presence of a predator signal. Secondly, infected amphipods show altered behaviour, such as swimming in bright areas near the water surface, which makes them more visible to predators in nature. Lastly, the presence of predatory cues causes infected amphipods to drop to the bottom, which increases their visibility to predators. The present research allows us to perceive the intricate interplay among predators, parasites, and their intermediate hosts and advance our understanding of these complex ecological dynamics.

J Anim Ecol ; 92(9): 1840-1855, 2023 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37415521


Predation risk and prey responses exhibit fluctuations in space and time. Seasonal ecological disturbances can alter landscape structure and permeability to influence predator activity and efficacy, creating predictable patterns of risk for prey (seasonal risk landscapes). This may create corresponding seasonal shifts in antipredator behaviour, mediated by species ecology and trade-offs between risk and resources. Yet, how human recreation interacts with seasonal risk landscapes and antipredator behaviour remains understudied. In South Florida, we investigated the impact of a seasonal ecological disturbance, specifically flooding, which is inversely related to human activity, on interactions between Florida panthers (Puma concolor coryi) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). We hypothesized that human activity and ecological disturbances would interact with panther-deer ecology, resulting in the emergence of two distinct seasonal landscapes of predation risk and the corresponding antipredator responses. We conducted camera trap surveys across southwestern Florida to collect detection data on humans, panthers and deer. We analysed the influence of human site use and flooding on deer and panther detection probability, co-occurrence and diel activity during the flooded and dry seasons. Flooding led to decreased panther detections and increased deer detections, resulting in reduced deer-panther co-occurrence during the flooded season. Panthers exhibited increased nocturnality and reduced diel activity overlap with deer in areas with higher human activity. Supporting our hypothesis, panthers' avoidance of human recreation and flooding created distinct risk schedules for deer, driving their antipredator behaviour. Deer utilized flooded areas to spatially offset predation risk during the flooded season while increasing diurnal activity in response to human recreation during the dry season. We highlight the importance of understanding how competing risks and ecological disturbances influence predator and prey behaviour, leading to the generation of seasonal risk landscapes and antipredator responses. We emphasize the role of cyclical ecological disturbances in shaping dynamic predator-prey interactions. Furthermore, we highlight how human recreation may function as a 'temporal human shield,' altering seasonal risk landscapes and antipredator responses to reduce encounter rates between predators and prey.

Ciervos , Puma , Humanos , Animales , Ciervos/fisiología , Estaciones del Año , Conducta Predatoria/fisiología , Puma/fisiología , Lluvia , Recreación , Ecosistema
Proc Biol Sci ; 290(2002): 20230790, 2023 07 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37434522


The volunteer's dilemma, in which a single individual is required to produce a public good, predicts that individuals in larger groups will cooperate less frequently. Mechanistically, this could result from trade-offs between costs associated with volunteering and costs incurred if the public good is not produced (nobody volunteers). During predator inspection, one major contributor to the cost of volunteering is likely increased probability of predation; however, a predator also poses a risk to all individuals if nobody inspects. We tested the prediction that guppies in larger groups will inspect a predator less than those in smaller groups. We also predicted that individuals in larger groups would perceive less threat from the predator stimulus because of the protective benefits of larger groups (e.g. dilution). Contrary to prediction, we found that individuals in large groups inspected more frequently than those in smaller groups, but (as predicted) spent less time in refuges. There was evidence that individuals in intermediate-sized groups made fewest inspections and spent most time in refuges, suggesting that any link between group size, risk and cooperation is not driven by simple dilution. Extensions of theoretical models that capture these dynamics will likely be broadly applicable to risky cooperative behaviour.

Poecilia , Humanos , Animales , Conducta Cooperativa , Conducta Predatoria , Probabilidad , Asunción de Riesgos
Front Physiol ; 14: 1172865, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37427407


The presence of predators can cause major changes in animal behavior, but how this interacts with hormonal state and brain activity is poorly understood. We gave female house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in post-molt condition an estradiol (n = 17) or empty implant (n = 16) for 1 week. Four weeks after implant removal, a time when female sparrows show large differences in neuronal activity to conspecific vs. heterospecific song, we exposed birds to either 30 min of conspecific song or predator calls, and video recorded their behavior. Females were then euthanized, and we examined neuronal activity using the expression of the immediate early gene (IEG) ZENK to identify how the acoustic stimuli affected neuronal activation. We predicted that if female sparrows with estradiol implants reduce neuronal activity in response to predator calls as they do to neutral tones and non-predatory heterospecifics, they would show less fear behavior and a decreased ZENK response in brain regions involved in auditory (e.g., caudomedial mesopallium) and threat perception functions (e.g., medial ventral arcopallium) compared to controls. Conversely, we predicted that if females maintain auditory and/or brain sensitivity towards predator calls, then female sparrows exposed to estradiol would not show any differences in ZENK response regardless of playback type. We found that female sparrows were less active during predator playbacks independent of hormone treatment and spent more time feeding during conspecific playback if they had previously been exposed to estradiol. We observed no effect of hormone or sound treatment on ZENK response in any region of interest. Our results suggest that female songbirds maintain vigilance towards predators even when in breeding condition.

Naturwissenschaften ; 110(4): 29, 2023 Jun 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37310545


The egg stage in insect development is vulnerable to fluctuations in environmental conditions and attacks by natural enemies. Protective devices are effective means of avoiding both abiotic and biotic damage to eggs. Although some insects use their faeces as a protective device, few studies have focused on using faeces for egg protection, and studies that examined the mechanism are lacking. Females of a water scavenger beetle, Coelostoma stultum, typically lay eggs and coat them with cocoons and their faeces. The efficacy of a double defensive device, however, remains uncertain. Here, we conducted field observations and laboratory experiments to assess the protective effects of cocoons with faecal coating on eggs against predation and determine the duration and mechanisms of this defence. Our findings reveal that the faeces on the egg cocoon protected eggs from predation by the pill bugs, Armadillidium vulgare, and marsh slugs, Deroceras laeve. Laboratory experiments showed that the defensive effect of faecal coating was maintained for three days and decreased daily. The double protective traits with faecal coating on the egg cocoons protected the eggs from instense predation pressure in C. stultum. The behavioural patterns of the pill bugs and egg predation rates indicate that the faecal coating behaviour in C. stultum protects eggs with chemical compounds and textural camouflage in mud when the antennae of the pill bugs touch faeces. It is important to note that for this defence to be effective, the chemistry and texture of the faeces should be similar to that of the oviposition sites.

Escarabajos , Isópodos , Femenino , Animales , Heces , Oviposición , Agua
Curr Zool ; 69(3): 354-359, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37351292


Assessment of individual costs of the anti-predator defence translating into changes in population parameters is meagre. This is because prey responses are likely to be modulated by additional factors, commonly present in the environment, but often neglected in experimental studies. To evaluate the effect of external factors on prey behavior and physiology, we exposed amphipods Dikerogammarus villosus and Gammarus jazdzewskii to the predation cue of Perca fluviatilis in different densities and light conditions. Singletons of both species exposed to the predation cue in light modified their oxygen consumption (D. villosus: reduction, G. jadzewskii: increase) compared to their respiration in predator-free conditions. However, in the presence of conspecifics or in darkness, their respiration became insensitive to the predation cue. On the other hand, the swimming activity of prey was reduced in the presence of the predation cue irrespective of prey density and light conditions, but singletons were consistently more active than groups. Thus, external factors, such as conspecifics and darkness, constantly or periodically occurring in the field, may reduce the costs of predator non-consumptive effects compared to the costs measured under laboratory conditions (in light or absence of conspecifics). Moreover, we showed that behavioral and physiological parameters of prey may change differently in response to predation risk. Thus, conclusions drawn on the basis of single defence mechanisms and/or results obtained in artificial conditions, not reflecting the environmental complexity, strongly depend on the experimental design and endpoint selection and therefore should be treated with care.