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Am J Bot ; : e16406, 2024 Sep 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39294109


PREMISE: Seed dispersal is a critical process impacting individual plants and their communities. Plants have evolved numerous strategies and structures to disperse their seeds, but the evolutionary drivers of this diversity remain poorly understood in most lineages. We tested the hypothesis that the evolution of wind dispersal traits within the melicgrasses (Poaceae: Meliceae Link ex Endl.) was correlated with occupation of open and disturbed habitats. METHODS: To evaluate wind dispersal potential, we collected seed dispersal structures (diaspores) from 24 melicgrass species and measured falling velocity and estimated dispersal distances. Species' affinity for open and disturbed habitats were recorded using georeferenced occurrence records and land cover maps. To test whether habitat preference and dispersal traits were correlated, we used phylogenetically informed multilevel models. RESULTS: Melicgrasses display several distinct morphologies associated with wind dispersal, suggesting likely convergence. Open habitat taxa had slower-falling diaspores, consistent with increased wind dispersal potential. However, their shorter stature meant that dispersal distances, at a given wind speed, were not higher than those of their forest-occupying relatives. Species with affinities for disturbed sites had slower-falling diaspores and greater wind dispersal distances, largely explained by lighter diaspores. CONCLUSIONS: Our results are consistent with the hypothesized evolutionary relationship between habitat preference and dispersal strategy. However, phylogenetic inertia and other plant functions (e.g., water conservation) likely shaped dispersal trait evolution in melicgrasses. It remains unclear if dispersal trait changes were precipitated by or predated changing habitat preferences. Nevertheless, our study provides promising results and a framework for disentangling dispersal strategy evolution.

Ecol Evol ; 14(7): e11654, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38979000


Past forest use often has a long-term negative impact on the recovery of the original plant composition of semi-natural grasslands, which is known as a legacy effect. This study investigates the impact of seed dispersal limitations on the restoration of grassland plant diversity on ski slopes with past forest use, highlighting the negative legacy effect on biodiversity recovery. Focusing on ski areas, our research contrasts the vegetation on ski slopes originally created on semi-natural grasslands such as pasture (pasture slopes) and constructed by clearing secondary forests or conifer plantations (forest slopes). We examined species richness and diversity, considering seed dispersal modes, grassland management history, and seed source proximity. We reveal that the proximity to species-rich grassland sources is pivotal for the restoration of native grassland vegetation. Particularly, wind-dispersed species show significant recovery on slopes with sustained management for more than 70 years and those with neighboring species-rich grasslands, suggesting that both the duration of management and the proximity to seed sources are critical for overcoming the legacy effects of past forest use. Meanwhile, gravity-dispersed species failed to recover their richness and diversity regardless of both the duration of management and the proximity to seed source grasslands, which their diversity recovered where seed sources neighbored. Our findings emphasize the importance of considering seed dispersal limitation and management history in the restoration and conservation of grasslands and their biodiversity, particularly in landscapes experiencing past human intervention.

Biodivers Data J ; 11: e104079, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37476211


Background: Seed dispersal is a critical process in plant colonisation and demography. Fruits and seeds can be transported by several vectors (typically animals, wind and water), which may have exerted strong selective pressures on plant's morphological traits. The set of traits that favour dispersal by a specific vector have been historically considered as seed dispersal syndromes. As seed dispersal syndromes have a great potential to predict how seeds move (i.e. the relative importance of the standard mechanisms of seed dispersal), they have attracted the attention of naturalists and researchers for centuries. However, given that observations of actual dispersal events and colonisation are seldom reported, there is still much confusion in current studies failing to properly discriminate between seed dispersal syndromes (i.e. sets of traits that favour a particular mechanism) and actual seed dispersal (i.e. the vector that moves a given seed in one dispersal event). This distinction is important because the presence of any seed dispersal syndrome does not preclude the seed being occasionally dispersed by other non-standard mechanisms (i.e. different from the one predicted). Similarly, the absence of seed dispersal syndromes does not prevent seeds from being dispersed. The correct coding of seed dispersal syndromes thus requires a systematic and evolutive, rather than a phenomenological approach. Unfortunately, such approach has rarely been implemented at a community-level and no comprehensive datasets of seed dispersal syndromes are yet available for any entire flora. New information: This database contains categorisation of the native European flora into eight seed dispersal syndromes. Information for a total of 9,874 species retrieved from the volumes of Flora Europaea were analysed. Earlier versions of this database, which only coded for the presence of four long-distance dispersal syndromes (endozoochorous, epizoochorous, thalassochorous and anemochorous diaspores), were used in four previous studies. Here, we present a fully revised and expanded database, including the presence of four additional short-distance dispersal syndromes (myrmecochorous, vertebrate hoarding, freshwater hydrochorous and ballochorous diaspores), a nomenclatural update for all species and the codification of 416 additional species.Roughly half (51.3%) of the native European flora produce diaspores without traits clearly associated with facilitating seed dispersal. The other half (48.7%) of the European plant species produces diaspores with some specialised traits associated with seed dispersal, most of which (79.9%) with a potential to facilitate long-distance dispersal events. The most common diaspores are those with anemochorous (23.5%), epizoochorous (8.0%), endozoochorous (7.8%), myrmecochorous (7.2%), thalassochorous (2.3%), freshwater dispersal (2.1%), ballochorous (4.6%) and vertebrate hoarding associated traits (0.2%). Two-thirds (66.3%) of the European shrub and tree species have diaspores with some specialisation for biotic seed dispersal.

Ecology ; 103(6): e3628, 2022 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35018640
Ecol Evol ; 11(22): 16239-16249, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34824824


Hydrology is a major environmental factor determining plant fitness, and hydrological niche segregation (HNS) has been widely used to explain species coexistence. Nevertheless, the distribution of plant species along hydrological gradients does not only depend on their hydrological niches but also depend on their seed dispersal, with dispersal either weakening or reinforcing the effects of HNS on coexistence. However, it is poorly understood how seed dispersal responds to hydrological conditions. To close this gap, we conducted a common-garden experiment exposing five wind-dispersed plant species (Bellis perennis, Chenopodium album, Crepis sancta, Hypochaeris glabra, and Hypochaeris radicata) to different hydrological conditions. We quantified the effects of hydrological conditions on seed production and dispersal traits, and simulated seed dispersal distances with a mechanistic dispersal model. We found species-specific responses of seed production, seed dispersal traits, and predicted dispersal distances to hydrological conditions. Despite these species-specific responses, there was a general positive relationship between seed production and dispersal distance: Plants growing in favorable hydrological conditions not only produce more seeds but also disperse them over longer distances. This arises mostly because plants growing in favorable environments grow taller and thus disperse their seeds over longer distances. We postulate that the positive relationship between seed production and dispersal may reduce the concentration of each species to the environments favorable for it, thus counteracting species coexistence. Moreover, the resulting asymmetrical gene flow from favorable to stressful habitats may slow down the microevolution of hydrological niches, causing evolutionary niche conservatism. Accounting for context-dependent seed dispersal should thus improve ecological and evolutionary models for the spatial dynamics of plant populations and communities.

PeerJ ; 9: e11821, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34327064


BACKGROUND: Invasive species are one of the key elements of human-mediated ecosystem degradation and ecosystem services impairment worldwide. Dispersal of propagules is the first stage of plant species spread and strongly influences the dynamics of biological invasion. Therefore, distance prediction for invasive species spread is critical for invasion management. Heracleum sosnowskyi is one of the most dangerous invasive species with wind-dispersed propagules (seeds) across Eastern Europe. This study developed a simple mechanistic model for H. sosnowskyi propagule dispersal and their distances with an accuracy comparable to that of empirical measurements. METHODS: We measured and compared the propagule traits (terminal velocity, mass, area, and wing loading) and release height for H. sosnowskyi populations from two geographically distant regions of European Russia. We tested two simple mechanistic models: a ballistic model and a wind gradient model using identical artificial propagules. The artificial propagules were made of colored paper with a mass, area, wing loading, and terminal velocity close to those of natural H. sosnowskyi mericarps. RESULTS: The wind gradient model produced the best results. The first calculations of maximum possible propagule transfer distance by wind using the model and data from weather stations showed that the role of wind as a vector of long-distance dispersal for invasive Heracleum species was strongly underestimated. The published dataset with H. sosnowskyi propagule traits and release heights allows for modeling of the propagules' dispersal distances by wind at any geographical point within their entire invasion range using data from the closest weather stations. The proposed simple model for the prediction of H. sosnowskyi propagule dispersal by wind may be included in planning processes for managing invasion of this species.

Plant Divers ; 43(3): 234-238, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34195508


Brandisia hancei (Paulowniaceae) is a widely distributed shrub in karst regions in southwestern China. Its seeds have a membranous wing, and they mature just before the rainy season begins. To assess the effect of the wing on seed dispersal and germination of B. hancei, we measured the dispersal distance at varying wind speeds and release heights, falling duration from different release heights, floating duration on still water, rates of imbibition of water, and drying and soil adherence to seeds. Germination experiments were conducted on intact and de-winged seeds immediately after harvest. The wing increased the falling duration in still air and the floating ability on water. Dispersal distance of winged and de-winged seeds did not differ at a wind speed of 2.8 m s-1, but at 3.6 and 4.0 m s-1 dispersal distances were greater for de-winged than for winged seeds. Seed wing had little effect of absorption and retention of water, but significantly increased soil adherence to the seeds. Mature seeds were non-dormant and germinated to over 90% with a mean germination time of about 10 days. By combining the environmental conditions in karst habitat with the seed traits of B. hancei, we conclude that dispersal and germination of winged seeds are adapted to the precipitation seasonality in heterogeneous habitats absence of soil.

Ecol Evol ; 11(12): 7754-7767, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34188849


Prevailing directions of seed and pollen dispersal may induce anisotropy of the fine-scale spatial genetic structure (FSGS), particularly in wind-dispersed and wind-pollinated species. To examine the separate effects of directional seed and pollen dispersal on FSGS, we conducted a population genetics study for a dioecious, wind-pollinated, and wind-dispersed tree species, Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb. et Zucc, based on genotypes at five microsatellite loci of 281 adults of a population distributed over a ca. 80 ha along a stream and 755 current-year seedlings. A neighborhood model approach with exponential-power-von Mises functions indicated shorter seed dispersal (mean = 69.1 m) and much longer pollen dispersal (mean = 870.6 m), effects of dispersal directions on the frequencies of seed and pollen dispersal, and the directions with most frequent seed and pollen dispersal (prevailing directions). Furthermore, the distance of effective seed dispersal within the population was estimated to depend on the dispersal direction and be longest at the direction near the prevailing direction. Therefore, patterns of seed and pollen dispersal may be affected by effective wind directions during the period of respective dispersals. Isotropic FSGS and spatial sibling structure analyses indicated a significant FSGS among the seedlings generated by the limited seed dispersal, but anisotropic analysis for the seedlings indicated that the strength of the FSGS varied with directions between individuals and was weakest at a direction near the directions of the most frequent and longest seed dispersal but far from the prevailing direction of pollen dispersal. These results suggest that frequent and long-distance seed dispersal around the prevailing direction weakens the FSGS around the prevailing direction. Therefore, spatially limited but directional seed dispersal would determine the existence and direction of FSGS among the seedlings.

BMC Ecol ; 20(1): 30, 2020 05 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32393235


BACKGROUND: The wild radishes, Raphanus raphanistrum and R. pugioniformis (Brassicaceae) are native to the East Mediterranean region. However, whereas R. raphanistrum is widely distributed worldwide, the endemic R. pugioniformis is limited to specific habitats. In R. raphanistrum the diaspores of the indehiscent fruits comprise glabrous, light, single-seeded segments, whereas the intact fruits of R. pugioniformis are heavy and covered with spiny backward-pointing trichomes. We aimed to investigate whether the structure of the diaspores was directly associated with long- and short-range dispersal in R. raphanistrum and R. pugioniformis, respectively. We further surveyed within-population spatial distributions, to test the hypothesis that short- and long-range dispersal contribute to a patchy vs. uniform distribution patterns of R. pugioniformis and R. raphanistrum, respectively. RESULTS: The results indicated that dispersal by wind and run-off water was substantially lower for diaspores of R. pugioniformis than for those of R. raphanistrum diaspores. Supporting the hypothesis that backward-pointing trichomes promote adherence to soil particles, the displacement on soil surface of R. pugioniformis fruits depended on their orientation relative to wind direction. Furthermore, trichome removal from fruits of R. pugioniformis significantly reduced wind velocity needed to remove fruits that were placed on soils typical of the species' natural habitats. The spatial-distribution survey results indicated a patchy distribution of R. pugioniformis populations as compared with the more uniform arrangement in the studied populations of R. raphanistrum; consistent with the unidirectional vs. homogeneous wind dispersal of the respective diaspores, with respect to wind direction. In addition, R. pugioniformis population sizes changed less between years than those of R. raphanistrum. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our results indicate that fruit structure is strongly linked to dispersal ability and spatial distribution of the two closely related wild radish species. Whereas R. raphanistrum inhabits homogenous sandy soil habitats, the distribution range of R. pugioniformis includes heterogeneous environments in which growth niches are scarcer. We suggest that the different modes of dispersal have evolved as adaptive traits appropriate to the species' specific habitats.

Brassicaceae , Raphanus , Dispersión de Semillas , Demografía , Semillas
Plant Biol (Stuttg) ; 22(2): 203-211, 2020 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31762113


Species vary in seed size and content of stored reserves, which can be related to dispersal strategies and type of habitat in which they are found. We compare seed carbon and nutrient reserves of anemochorous and zoochorous trees from the Cerrado of central Brazil. We measured seed dry mass, lipids, non-structural carbohydrates (starch and total soluble sugars), carbon and mineral nutrients in ten forest and 13 savanna species, each classified as having wind- or animal-dispersed seeds. We used phylogenetically independent contrasts to test for correlations among these traits. Seeds of anemochorous species were lighter, with higher concentrations of C, N, P, Ca and Mg. Lipids were the dominant carbon reserve for most anemochorous species, underpinning the importance of allocation to compact carbon reserves. Starch, lipids or soluble sugars were the major carbon reserve in zoochorous seeds. Savanna and forest species did not differ in seed mass or in total carbon reserves. However, seeds of forest species had higher concentrations of starch than seeds of savanna species. Lipid and starch negatively correlated across species, suggesting a trade-off between starch and lipids as major seed carbon reserves. Calcium was positively correlated with Mn and B, while Mg was positively correlated with C, N, P, K, S, Zn and B. Potassium, S and Cl were positively correlated, while P was positively correlated with Mg and Zn. Dispersal mode rather than vegetation type constrained seed mass and seed storage allocation patterns in forest and savanna trees. We provide evidence that similar mechanisms are involved in seed storage of carbon and mineral nutrients across species.

Carbono , Bosques , Pradera , Nutrientes , Semillas , Árboles , Animales , Brasil , Carbono/metabolismo , Nutrientes/metabolismo , Asignación de Recursos , Dispersión de Semillas , Semillas/química , Semillas/metabolismo , Árboles/fisiología
Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc ; 94(5): 1830-1838, 2019 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31215745


Winged seeds, or samaras, are believed to promote the long-distance dispersal and invasive potential of wind-dispersed trees, but the full dispersive potential of these seeds has not been well characterised. Previous research on the ecology of winged seeds has largely focussed on the initial abscission and primary dispersal of the samara, despite it being known that the primary wind dispersal of samaras is often over short distances, with only rare escapes to longer distance dispersal. Secondary dispersal, or the movement of the seeds from the initial dispersal area to the site of germination, has been largely ignored despite offering a likely important mechanism for the dispersal of samaras to microhabitats suitable for establishment. Herein, we synthesise what is known on the predation and secondary dispersal of winged seeds by multiple dispersive vectors, highlighting gaps in knowledge and offering suggestions for future research. Both hydrochory and zoochory offer the chance for samaroid seeds to disperse over longer distances than anemochory alone, but the effects of the wing structure on these dispersal mechanisms have not been well characterised. Furthermore, although some studies have investigated secondary dispersal in samaroid species, such studies are scarce and only rarely track seeds from source to seedling. Future research must be directed to studying the secondary dispersal of samaras by various vectors, in order to elucidate fully the invasive and colonisation potential of samaroid trees.

Dispersión de Semillas/fisiología , Semillas/fisiología , Árboles/fisiología , Animales , Semillas/anatomía & histología , Agua , Viento
Limnol Oceanogr Lett ; 3(4): 320-330, 2018 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30534597


While separated by large expanses of dry terrain unsuitable for aquatic biota, aridland waters possess high biodiversity. How aquatic micrometazoans disperse to, and colonize, these isolated ephemeral habitats are not well understood. We used a multi-faceted approach including wind tunnel and rehydration experiments, and next-generation sequencing to assess potential movement of diapausing propagules of aquatic invertebrates by anemochory across regional scales (102-105 km). Wind tunnel experiments using dry playa sediments with added micrometazoan propagules demonstrated that after entrainment by saltation and downwind transport were subsequently recoverable as viable animals when rehydrated. Further, rehydration of fallen natural dust yielded micrometazoans, including rotifers, gastrotrichs, microcrustaceans, and nematodes. Using conserved DNA primers, we identified >3,300 eukaryotic Operational Taxonomic Units (excluding fungi) in the dust including some taxa found in rehydration experiments. Thus, we provide strong evidence that anemochory can disperse micrometazoans among isolated, ephemeral ecosystems in North American deserts and likely elsewhere.

AoB Plants ; 10(1): plx076, 2018 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29383234


Limited seed or pollen dispersal enhances spatial genetic relatedness between individuals (fine-scale spatial genetic structure, FSGS), which usually decreases as a function of physical distance. However, such isotropic pattern of FSGS may not always occur when spatially asymmetric processes, for instance, wind direction during dispersal, are considered in wind-pollinated and -dispersed plants. This study assessed the pattern of FSGS in the keystone tropical wetland plant Cyperus papyrus (papyrus) as a function of these isotropic and anisotropic processes. We tested the hypothesis that the FSGS would be influenced by predominant wind direction during pollen and seed dispersal, as well as by the physical distance between individuals. We genotyped a total of 510 adults and 407 juveniles from three papyrus swamps (Ethiopia) using 15 microsatellite markers. In addition, the contemporary directional dispersal by wind was evaluated by seed release-recapture experiments and complemented with parentage analysis. Adults and juveniles differed in the strength of isotropic FSGS ranging from 0.09 to 0.13 and 0.12 to 0.16, respectively, and this suggests variation in dispersal distance. Anisotropic FSGS was found to be a function of asymmetric wind direction during dispersal/pollination that varied between sites. Historical gene dispersal distance was astoundingly low (<4 m), possibly due to localized seed rain. According to our contemporary dispersal estimates, mean pollen dispersal distances were longer than those of seed dispersal (101 and <55 m, respectively). More than two-thirds of seeds and half of pollen grains were locally dispersed (≤80 m). The difference in historical and contemporary dispersal distance probably resulted from the asymmetric wind direction due to change in vegetation cover in the surrounding matrix. We further concluded that, in addition to wind direction, post-dispersal processes could influence gene dispersal distance inferred from the FSGS.

Plant Biol (Stuttg) ; 20(2): 238-243, 2018 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29105935


The generally held opinion that seeds of Lunaria remain at the replum after detachment of the two valves and then wind causes a shaking or rattling of the replum with its diaphragm, thus launching the seeds, is challenged. In a sparse forest in the Swabian Alb, the first author noticed flying valves of Lunaria rediviva to which the narrow-winged flat seeds are attached. Investigations with SEM and histology have shown that the valves secrete a glue only at those sites where the seeds rest on the valves before valve tissues die. Further analysis has shown (using the periodic acid-Schiff reaction) that the glue consists of polysaccharides. After detachment and dispersal of the valves, the adhesive strength continuously decreases. This is the first report for a sticky valve exudate in the Brassicaceae. Because of the adhesion of Lunaria seeds to their valves for some time, the 1st order diaspore is a mericarp, in a broad sense, and can be interpreted as an adaptation to long-distance dispersal by stronger winds. In this context, the 'flying carpets' of Lunaria are more effective and transport more than one seed. Molecular studies assigned Lunaria to the tribe Biscutelleae, which now contains the angustiseptate genera Biscutella and Megadenia as well as the latiseptate genera Lunaria and Ricotia. The valves in Ricotia can easily be detached (studied in herbarium material and a living plant), but, in contrast to Lunaria, the ripe seeds remain at the replum and its diaphragm, respectively.

Brassicaceae/anatomía & histología , Dispersión de Semillas , Semillas/anatomía & histología , Brassicaceae/fisiología , Brassicaceae/ultraestructura , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Dispersión de Semillas/fisiología , Semillas/fisiología , Semillas/ultraestructura
Am J Bot ; 104(9): 1323-1333, 2017 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29885233


PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Seed-level trade-offs of heterocarpic species remain poorly understood. We propose that seedlings emerging from seeds with a permanent pappus (dispersing seeds) are stronger competitors than those emerging from seeds without a pappus (nondispersing seeds) because dispersing seeds are larger and germinate faster than nondispersing seeds in Centaurea solstitialis. METHODS: We conducted a competition experiment with both seed morphs, in which we recorded emergence rate and proportion, estimated seed dispersal by wind (anemochory) and by mammals (exozoochory), and measured size and abundance of seed morphs. KEY RESULTS: We found that seedlings from pappus seeds had greater competitive abilities than those from non-pappus seeds. Similarly, pappus seedlings emerged at much faster rates and larger proportions than non-pappus seedlings. Pappus seeds were larger, were more numerous, and displayed improved exozoochory compared to non-pappus seeds. Anemochory was poor for both seed morphs. CONCLUSIONS: We found support for our hypothesis, raising in turn the possibility that competition and colonization are positively associated in seed morphs of heterocarpic species with enhanced exozoochory of larger seeds. These findings are not consistent with those from heterocarpic species with enhanced anemochory of smaller seeds or slower-germinating seeds. Our results additionally suggest that pappus and non-pappus seeds of C. solstitialis display a task-division strategy in which pappus morphs colonize and preempt unoccupied sites through improved dispersal and fast and large emergence of seedlings with increased competitive abilities, whereas non-pappus morphs promote site persistence through delayed germination and dormancy. This strategy may contribute to the success of C. solstitialis in highly variable environments.

Centaurea/fisiología , Dispersión de Semillas , Plantones/fisiología , Semillas/fisiología , Centaurea/anatomía & histología , Semillas/anatomía & histología
Ecology ; 97(10): 2780-2790, 2016 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27859106


Contagious seed dispersal refers to the tendency for some sites to receive many dispersed seeds while other sites receive few dispersed seeds. Contagious dispersal can lead to interspecific associations in seed arrival, and this in turn might lead to interspecific associations in seedling recruitment. We evaluate the extent of spatially contagious seed arrival, the frequency of positive interspecific associations in seed arrival, and their consequences for seedling recruitment at the community level in a tropical moist forest. We quantified seed arrival to 200 passive seed traps for 28 yr of weekly censuses and seedling recruitment to 600 1-m2 quadrats for 21 yr of annual censuses on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. We assessed whether spatially contagious seed dispersal was more important among zoochorous species than among anemochorous species, increased in importance with similarity in fruiting times, and led to interspecific associations in seed arrival and seedling recruitment. We controlled adult seed source associations statistically to evaluate predicted relationships. We found that spatially contagious seed arrival was widespread among zoochorous species, but also occurred among anemochorous species when the strong, consistent trade winds were present. Significant interspecific associations in seed arrival were more likely for pairs of species with zoochorous seeds and similar fruiting times and persisted through seedling recruitment. Thus, interspecifically contagious seed dispersal affects local species composition and alters the mixture of interspecific interactions through the seed, germination, and early seedling stages in this forest. Future investigations should consider the implications of interspecific association at the regeneration stages documented here for later life stages and species coexistence.

Bosques , Clima Tropical , Panamá , Plantones , Semillas , Árboles
Am J Bot ; 100(9): 1811-22, 2013 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23997206


PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Dispersal is a major feature of plant evolution that has many advantages but is not always favored. Wide dispersal, for example, leads to greater seed loss in oceanic-island endemics, and evolution has favored morphologies that limit dispersal. I tested the hypothesis that selection favored limited dispersal on gypsum islands in western North America, where edaphic communities are sparsely vegetated except for a specialized flora that competes poorly with the surrounding flora. • METHODS: I applied a series of comparative phylogenetic approaches to gypsophilic species of Mentzelia section Bartonia (Loasaceae) to investigate the evolution of limited dispersal function in seed wings, which increase primary dispersal by wind. Through these tests, I determined whether narrowed wings were selected for in gypsophilic species. • KEY RESULTS: Gypsophily was derived four to seven times. Seed area was not significantly correlated with gypsophily or wing area. Wing area was significantly smaller in the derived gypsum endemics, supporting the hypothesis in favor of limited dispersal function. A model-fitting approach identified two trait optima in wing area, with gypsum endemics having a lower optimum. • CONCLUSIONS: Evolution into novel ecologies influences morphological evolution. Morphological characters have been selected for limited dispersal following evolution onto gypsum islands. Selection for limited dispersal ability has occurred across animals and plants, both in oceanic and terrestrial systems, which suggests that reduced dispersal ability may be a general process: selection favors limited dispersal if the difference in survival between the habitat of the parent and the surrounding area is great enough.

Evolución Biológica , Magnoliopsida/genética , Semillas/genética , Animales , Ecología , Ecosistema , Magnoliopsida/anatomía & histología , Magnoliopsida/fisiología , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Modelos Teóricos , América del Norte , Filogenia , Dispersión de Semillas , Semillas/anatomía & histología , Semillas/fisiología , Suelo
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(2): 921-933, jun. 2011. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-638130


Life history and recruitment information of tropical trees in natural populations is scarce even for important commercial species. This study focused on a widely exploited Neotropical canopy species, Pachiraquinata (Malvaceae), at the southernmost, wettest limit of its natural distribution, in the Colombian Amazonia. We studied phenological patterns, seed production and natural densities; assessed the importance of seed dispersal and density-dependent effects on recruitment, using field experiments. At this seasonal forest P. quinata was overrepresented by large adult trees and had very low recruitment caused by the combination of low fruit production, high seed predation and very high seedling mortality under continuous canopies mostly due to damping off pathogens. There was no evidence of negative distance or density effects on recruitment, but a clear requirement of canopy gaps for seedling survival and growth, where pathogen incidence was drastically reduced. In spite of the strong dependence on light for survival of seedlings, seeds germinated readily in the dark. At the study site, the population of P. quinata appeared to be declining, likely because recruitment depended on the rare combination of large gap formation with the presence of reproductive trees nearby. The recruitment biology of this species makes it very vulnerable to any type of logging in natural populations. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (2): 921-933. Epub 2011 June 01.

Información acerca de la historia de vida y reclutamiento de poblaciones naturales de árboles tropicales es escasa, incluso para especies de alto interés comercial. Este estudio se centró en una especie de dosel altamente explotada, Pachira quinata (Malvaceae), en la zona más húmeda de su distribución geográfica, en la Amazoní a colombiana. Estudiamos sus patrones fenológicos, producción de semillas y densidades naturales, además de la importancia de la dispersión de semillas y efectos denso-dependientes en el reclutamiento natural, todo lo anterior se logró con el uso de experimentos y observaciones en el campo. En este bosque estacional, la población de P. quinata estaba dominada por grandes árboles adultos y el reclutamiento era extremadamente bajo, como consecuencia de la baja producción de frutos, alta depredación de semillas y muy alta mortalidad de plántulas bajo el bosque por infección de patógenos. No encontramos evidencia de efectos de distancia al árbol parental o densidad de semillas en el reclutamiento, pero si hallamos un evidente requerimiento de claros de luz para la supervivencia y el crecimiento de plántulas, donde la mortalidad por patógenos se reduce drásticamente. Sin embargo, a pesar de la dependencia de la luz para la supervivencia, las semillas germinan en la oscuridad. En la zona de estudio, la población de P. quinata parece estar en claro declive, probablemente porque el reclutamiento depende de la coincidencia de la formación de grandes claros con la presencia cercana de árboles reproductivos. Los requerimientos de reclutamiento de esta especie la hacen muy vulnerable a cualquier actividad extractiva de árboles adultos en poblaciones naturales.

Bombacaceae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Dispersión de Semillas/fisiología , Plantones/fisiología , Bombacaceae/clasificación , Colombia , Estaciones del Año
Acta amaz ; 40(1): 141-150, mar. 2010. mapas, tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-546968


As adaptações das plantas, conforme seus agentes dispersores, correlacionam-se com as características morfológicas de cada espécie e família e com a região em que esta predomina, sendo que as sementes evoluíram de acordo com os dispersores. A dispersão de sementes mais freqüente em florestas tropicais é a zoocoria, daí a importância na conservação de corredores ecológicos, que possibilitam a disseminação de espécies de um fragmento para outro. Diante do fato, este trabalho teve por objetivo listar as principais síndromes de dispersão de sementes de espécies ocorrentes em trechos de Floresta Estacional Perenifólia Ribeirinha do rio das Pacas, Querência - MT, a fim de identificar o principal tipo de dispersão. As informações sobre as síndromes de dispersão foram coletadas em campo, juntamente com a amostragem da vegetação, a qual foi dividida em estratos de acordo com a altura dos indivíduos amostrados. Foram identificadas 69 espécies, pertencentes a 51 gêneros e 31 famílias botânicas. As famílias com maior riqueza foram Annonaceae e Fabaceae, a qual apresentou a maior diversificação de síndromes. A zoocoria foi a síndrome de maior expressividade, com 86 por cento do total de espécies, seguida da anemocoria (10 por cento), autocoria (3 por cento) e barocoria (1 por cento). O estrato inferior (sub-bosque) e intermediário (dossel) possui maior porcentagem de espécies zoocóricas do que no estrato superior (emergente), onde a anemocoria foi mais importante. Estes resultados evidenciam a forte relação entre a vegetação e a fauna na manutenção das populações de plantas no ambiente ciliar, bem como a importância de se manter corredores ecológicos entre os fragmentos florestais.

The adaptations of plants, as its agents dispersers correlated with the morphological characteristics of each specie and family, and with the region in which it dominates, and the seeds progressed according to the dispersors. The zoochory is the most frequent seed dispersal in the tropical forest, hence the importance in the conservation of ecological corridors, which allowed the spread of species of a fragment to another. Given the fact, this study aimed to trace the major processes of the seed dispersal of species occurring in the Riparian Evergreen Seasonal Forest areas of the Pacas river, Querência - MT, to identify the main dispersal type. The informations on dispersal syndromes were collected in the field during the sampling the vegetation, wich was divided in strata, according to the eight of the individuals sampled. We identified 69 species, belonged 51 genera and 31 botanic families. The families with the greatest richness were Annonaceae and Fabaceae, which showed the greatest variety syndromes. The zoochory were syndrome the more important, with 86 percent the total species, followed by anemochory (10 percent), autochory (3 percent) and barochory (1 percent). The lower (understory) and intermediate (canopy) strata have percentage zoochoric species higher than upper stratum (emergente), where the anemochory was the more important. These results demonstrate the strong relationship between the vegetation and animals in the maintenance of plant populations in the riparian environment and the importance of maintaining ecological corridors between forest fragments.

Annonaceae , Dispersión de Semillas , Fabaceae , Semillas , Brasil , Bosques