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J Clin Med ; 9(2)2020 Jan 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31973014


Changes in body representation may affect pain perception. The effect of a distorted body image, such as the telescoping effect in amputee patients, on pain perception, is unclear. This study aimed to investigate whether distorting an embodied virtual arm in virtual reality (simulating the telescoping effect in amputees) modulated pain perception and anticipatory responses to pain in healthy participants. Twenty-seven right-handed participants were immersed in virtual reality and the virtual arm was shown with three different levels of distortion with a virtual threatening stimulus either approaching or contacting the virtual hand. We evaluated pain/discomfort ratings, ownership, and skin conductance responses (SCRs) after each condition. Viewing a distorted virtual arm enhances the SCR to a threatening event with respect to viewing a normal control arm, but when viewing a reddened-distorted virtual arm, SCR was comparatively reduced in response to the threat. There was a positive relationship between the level of ownership over the distorted and reddened-distorted virtual arms with the level of pain/discomfort, but not in the normal control arm. Contact with the threatening stimulus significantly enhances SCR and pain/discomfort, while reduced SCR and pain/discomfort were seen in the simulated-contact condition. These results provide further evidence of a bi-directional link between body image and pain perception.

World J Crit Care Med ; 5(2): 143-9, 2016 May 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27152257


AIM: To present an inclusion criterion for patients who have suffered bilateral amputation in order to be treated with the supplementary resuscitation treatment which is hereby proposed by the author. METHODS: This work is based on a Retrospective Cohort model so that a certainly lethal risk to the control group is avoided. RESULTS: This paper presents a hypothesis on acupunctural PC-9 Zhong chong point, further supported by previous statistical work recorded for the K-1 Yong quan resuscitation point. CONCLUSION: Thanks to the application of the resuscitation maneuver herein proposed on the previously mentioned point, patients with bilateral amputation would have another alternative treatment available in case basic and advanced CPR should fail.