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Sensors (Basel) ; 24(17)2024 Aug 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39275567


The platooning of cars and trucks is a pertinent approach for autonomous driving due to the effective utilization of roadways. The decreased gas consumption levels are an added merit owing to sustainability. Conventional platooning depended on Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC)-based vehicle-to-vehicle communications. The computations were executed by the platoon members with their constrained capabilities. The advent of 5G has favored Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to adopt Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) in platooning paradigms by offloading the computational tasks to the edge server. In this research, vital parameters in vehicular platooning systems, viz. latency-sensitive radio resource management schemes, and Age of Information (AoI) are investigated. In addition, the delivery rates of Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAM) that ensure expeditious reception of safety-critical messages at the roadside units (RSU) are also examined. However, for latency-sensitive applications like vehicular networks, it is essential to address multiple and correlated objectives. To solve such objectives effectively and simultaneously, the Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (MADDPG) framework necessitates a better and more sophisticated model to enhance its ability. In this paper, a novel Cascaded MADDPG framework, CMADDPG, is proposed to train cascaded target critics, which aims at achieving expected rewards through the collaborative conduct of agents. The estimation bias phenomenon, which hinders a system's overall performance, is vividly circumvented in this cascaded algorithm. Eventually, experimental analysis also demonstrates the potential of the proposed algorithm by evaluating the convergence factor, which stabilizes quickly with minimum distortions, and reliable CAM message dissemination with 99% probability. The average AoI quantity is maintained within the 5-10 ms range, guaranteeing better QoS. This technique has proven its robustness in decentralized resource allocation against channel uncertainties caused by higher mobility in the environment. Most importantly, the performance of the proposed algorithm remains unaffected by increasing platoon size and leading channel uncertainties.

Sensors (Basel) ; 24(13)2024 Jul 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39001118


As autonomous driving may be the most important application scenario of the next generation, the development of wireless access technologies enabling reliable and low-latency vehicle communication becomes crucial. To address this, 3GPP has developed Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) specifications based on 5G New Radio (NR) technology, where Mode 2 Side-Link (SL) communication resembles Mode 4 in LTE-V2X, allowing direct communication between vehicles. This supplements SL communication in LTE-V2X and represents the latest advancements in cellular V2X (C-V2X) with the improved performance of NR-V2X. However, in NR-V2X Mode 2, resource collisions still occur and thus degrade the age of information (AOI). Therefore, an interference cancellation method is employed to mitigate this impact by combining NR-V2X with Non-Orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) technology. In NR-V2X, when vehicles select smaller resource reservation intervals (RRIs), higher-frequency transmissions use more energy to reduce AoI. Hence, it is important to jointly considerAoI and communication energy consumption based on NR-V2X communication. Then, we formulate such an optimization problem and employ the Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithm to compute the optimal transmission RRI and transmission power for each transmitting vehicle to reduce the energy consumption of each transmitting vehicle and the AoI of each receiving vehicle. Extensive simulations demonstrate the performance of our proposed algorithm.

Sensors (Basel) ; 24(11)2024 May 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38894057


In this article, a novel cross-domain knowledge transfer method is implemented to optimize the tradeoff between energy consumption and information freshness for all pieces of equipment powered by heterogeneous energy sources within smart factory. Three distinct groups of use cases are considered, each utilizing a different energy source: grid power, green energy source, and mixed energy sources. Differing from mainstream algorithms that require consistency among groups, the proposed method enables knowledge transfer even across varying state and/or action spaces. With the advantage of multiple layers of knowledge extraction, a lightweight knowledge transfer is achieved without the need for neural networks. This facilitates broader applications in self-sustainable wireless networks. Simulation results reveal a notable improvement in the 'warm start' policy for each equipment, manifesting as a 51.32% increase in initial reward compared to a random policy approach.

Sensors (Basel) ; 24(6)2024 Mar 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38544005


With the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, massive amounts of sensor data in applications such as fire monitoring need to be transmitted to edge servers for timely processing. However, there is an energy-hole phenomenon in transmitting data only through terrestrial multi-hop networks. In this study, we focus on the data collection task in an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted mobile edge computing (MEC) network, where a UAV is deployed as the mobile data collector for the ground sensor nodes (SNs) to ensure high information freshness. Meanwhile, the UAV is equipped with an edge server for data caching. We first establish a rigorous mathematical model in which the age of information (AoI) is used as a measure of information freshness, related to both the data collection time and the UAV's flight time. Then a mixed-integer non-convex optimization problem is formulated to minimize the peak AoI of the collected data. To solve the problem efficiently, we propose an iterative two-step algorithm named the AoI-minimized association and trajectory planning (AoI-MATP) algorithm. In each iteration, the optimal SN-collection point (CP) associations and CP locations for the parameter ε are first obtained by the affinity propagation clustering algorithm. The optimal UAV trajectory is found using an improved elite genetic algorithm. Simulation results show that based on the optimized ε, the AoI-MATP algorithm can achieve a balance between data collection time and flight time, reducing the peak AoI of the collected data.

Sensors (Basel) ; 24(2)2024 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38257450


In heterogeneous wireless networked control systems (WNCSs), the age of information (AoI) of the actuation update and actuation update cost are important performance metrics. To reduce the monetary cost, the control system can wait for the availability of a WiFi network for the actuator and then conduct the update using a WiFi network in an opportunistic manner, but this leads to an increased AoI of the actuation update. In addition, since there are different AoI requirements according to the control priorities (i.e., robustness of AoI of the actuation update), these need to be considered when delivering the actuation update. To jointly consider the monetary cost and AoI with priority, this paper proposes a priority-aware actuation update scheme (PAUS) where the control system decides whether to deliver or delay the actuation update to the actuator. For the optimal decision, we formulate a Markov decision process model and derive the optimal policy based on Q-learning, which aims to maximize the average reward that implies the balance between the monetary cost and AoI with priority. Simulation results demonstrate that the PAUS outperforms the comparison schemes in terms of the average reward under various settings.

Sensors (Basel) ; 23(24)2023 Dec 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38139532


Multi-input multi-output and non-orthogonal multiple access (MIMO-NOMA) Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems can improve channel capacity and spectrum efficiency distinctly to support real-time applications. Age of information (AoI) plays a crucial role in real-time applications as it determines the timeliness of the extracted information. In MIMO-NOMA IoT systems, the base station (BS) determines the sample collection commands and allocates the transmit power for each IoT device. Each device determines whether to sample data according to the sample collection commands and adopts the allocated power to transmit the sampled data to the BS over the MIMO-NOMA channel. Afterwards, the BS employs the successive interference cancellation (SIC) technique to decode the signal of the data transmitted by each device. The sample collection commands and power allocation may affect the AoI and energy consumption of the system. Optimizing the sample collection commands and power allocation is essential for minimizing both AoI and energy consumption in MIMO-NOMA IoT systems. In this paper, we propose the optimal power allocation to achieve it based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL). Simulations have demonstrated that the optimal power allocation effectively achieves lower AoI and energy consumption compared to other algorithms. Overall, the reward is reduced by 6.44% and 11.78% compared the to GA algorithm and random algorithm, respectively.

Sensors (Basel) ; 23(19)2023 Oct 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37837067


One of the critical use cases for prospective fifth generation (5G) cellular systems is the delivery of the state of the remote systems to the control center. Such services are relevant for both massive machine-type communications (mMTC) and ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC) services that need to be supported by 5G systems. The recently introduced the age of information (AoI) metric representing the timeliness of the reception of the update at the receiver is nowadays commonly utilized to quantify the performance of such services. However, the metric itself is closely related to the queueing theory, which conventionally requires strict assumptions for analytical tractability. This review paper aims to: (i) identify the gaps between technical wireless systems and queueing models utilized for analysis of the AoI metric; (ii) provide a detailed review of studies that have addressed the AoI metric; and (iii) establish future research challenges in this area. Our major outcome is that the models proposed to date for the AoI performance evaluation and optimization deviate drastically from the technical specifics of modern and future wireless cellular systems, including those proposed for URLLC and mMTC services. Specifically, we identify that the majority of the models considered to date: (i) do not account for service processes of wireless channel that utilize orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) technology and are able to serve more than a single packet in a time slot; (ii) neglect the specifics of the multiple access schemes utilized for mMTC communications, specifically, multi-channel random access followed by data transmission; (iii) do not consider special and temporal correlation properties in the set of end systems that may arise naturally in state monitoring applications; and finally, (iv) only few studies have assessed those practical use cases where queuing may happen at more than a single node along the route. Each of these areas requires further advances for performance optimization and integration of modern and future wireless provisioning technologies with mMTC and URLLC services.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(7)2023 Jul 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37509987


In this paper, we consider information transmission over a three-node physical layer security system. Based on the imperfect estimations of the main channel and the eavesdropping channel, we propose reducing the outage probability and interception probability by hindering transmissions in cases where the main channel is too strong or too weak, which is referred to as an SNR-gated transmission control scheme. Specifically, Alice gives up its chance to transmit a packet if the estimated power gain of the main channel is smaller than a certain threshold so that possible outages can be avoided; Alice also becomes silent if the estimated power gain is larger than another threshold so that possible interceptions at Eve can be avoided. We also consider the timeliness of the network in terms of the violation probability of the peak age of information (PAoI). We present the outage probability, interception probability, and PAoI violation probability explicitly; we also investigate the trade-off among these probabilities, considering their weight sum. Our numerical and Monte Carlo results show that by using the SNR-gated transmission control, both the outage probability and the interception probability are reduced.

Sensors (Basel) ; 23(7)2023 Mar 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37050516


Recent technological advancements such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine learning (ML) can lead to a massive data generation in smart environments, where multiple sensors can be used to monitor a large number of processes through a wireless sensor network (WSN). This poses new challenges for the extraction and interpretation of meaningful data. In this spirit, age of information (AoI) represents an important metric to quantify the freshness of the data monitored to check for anomalies and operate adaptive control. However, AoI typically assumes a binary representation of the information, which is actually multi-structured. Thus, deep semantic aspects may be lost. In addition, the ambient correlation of multiple sensors may not be taken into account and exploited. To analyze these issues, we study how correlation affects AoI for multiple sensors under two scenarios of (i) concurrent and (ii) time-division multiple access. We show that correlation among sensors improves AoI if concurrent transmissions are allowed, whereas the benefits are much more limited in a time-division scenario. Furthermore, we discuss how ML can be applied to extract relevant information from data and show how it can further optimize the transmission policy with savings of resources. Specifically, we demonstrate, through simulations, that ML techniques can be used to reduce the number of transmissions and that classification errors have no influence on the AoI of the system.

Sensors (Basel) ; 23(6)2023 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36992017


The rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) has led to computational offloading at the edge; this is a promising paradigm for achieving intelligence everywhere. As offloading can lead to more traffic in cellular networks, cache technology is used to alleviate the channel burden. For example, a deep neural network (DNN)-based inference task requires a computation service that involves running libraries and parameters. Thus, caching the service package is necessary for repeatedly running DNN-based inference tasks. On the other hand, as the DNN parameters are usually trained in distribution, IoT devices need to fetch up-to-date parameters for inference task execution. In this work, we consider the joint optimization of computation offloading, service caching, and the AoI metric. We formulate a problem to minimize the weighted sum of the average completion delay, energy consumption, and allocated bandwidth. Then, we propose the AoI-aware service caching-assisted offloading framework (ASCO) to solve it, which consists of the method of Lagrange multipliers with the KKT condition-based offloading module (LMKO), the Lyapunov optimization-based learning and update control module (LLUC), and the Kuhn-Munkres (KM) algorithm-based channel-division fetching module (KCDF). The simulation results demonstrate that our ASCO framework achieves superior performance in regard to time overhead, energy consumption, and allocated bandwidth. It is verified that our ASCO framework not only benefits the individual task but also the global bandwidth allocation.

Entropy (Basel) ; 25(2)2023 Feb 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36832729


We study a general setting of gossip networks in which a source node forwards its measurements (in the form of status updates) about some observed physical process to a set of monitoring nodes according to independent Poisson processes. Furthermore, each monitoring node sends status updates about its information status (about the process observed by the source) to the other monitoring nodes according to independent Poisson processes. We quantify the freshness of the information available at each monitoring node in terms of Age of Information (AoI). While this setting has been analyzed in a handful of prior works, the focus has been on characterizing the average (i.e., marginal first moment) of each age process. In contrast, we aim to develop methods that allow the characterization of higher-order marginal or joint moments of the age processes in this setting. In particular, we first use the stochastic hybrid system (SHS) framework to develop methods that allow the characterization of the stationary marginal and joint moment generating functions (MGFs) of age processes in the network. These methods are then applied to derive the stationary marginal and joint MGFs in three different topologies of gossip networks, with which we derive closed-form expressions for marginal or joint high-order statistics of age processes, such as the variance of each age process and the correlation coefficients between all possible pairwise combinations of age processes. Our analytical results demonstrate the importance of incorporating the higher-order moments of age processes in the implementation and optimization of age-aware gossip networks rather than just relying on their average values.

Sensors (Basel) ; 23(3)2023 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36772624


Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted networks ensure agile and flexible solutions based on the inherent attributes of mobility and altitude adaptation. These features render them suitable for emergency search and rescue operations. Emergency networks (ENs) differ from conventional networks. They often encounter nodes with vital information, i.e., critical nodes (CNs). The efficacy of search and rescue operations highly depends on the eminent coverage of critical nodes to retrieve crucial data. In a UAV-assisted EN, the information delivery from these critical nodes can be ensured through quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees, such as capacity and age of information (AoI). In this work, optimized UAV placement for critical nodes in emergency networks is studied. Two different optimization problems, namely capacity maximization and age of information minimization, are formulated based on the nature of node criticality. Capacity maximization provides general QoS enhancement for critical nodes, whereas AoI is focused on nodes carrying critical information. Simulations carried out in this paper aim to find the optimal placement for each problem based on a two-step approach. At first, the disaster region is partitioned based on CNs' aggregation. Reinforcement learning (RL) is then applied to observe optimal placement. Finally, network coverage over optimal UAV(s) placement is studied for two scenarios, i.e., network-centric and user-centric. In addition to providing coverage to critical nodes, the proposed scheme also ensures maximum coverage for all on-scene available devices (OSAs).

Sensors (Basel) ; 24(1)2023 Dec 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38202936


Mobile edge computing is critical for improving the user experience of latency-sensitive and freshness-based applications. This paper provides insights into the potential of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) convergence with heterogeneous air-ground collaborative networks to improve system throughput and spectral efficiency. Coordinated resource allocation between UAVs and MEC servers, especially in the NOMA framework, is addressed as a key challenge. Under the unrealistic assumption that edge nodes contribute resources indiscriminately, we introduce a two-stage incentive mechanism. The model is based on contract theory and aims at optimizing the utility of the service provider (SP) under the constraints of individual rationality (IR) and incentive compatibility (IC) of the mobile user. The block coordinate descent method is used to refine the contract design and complemented by a generative diffusion model to improve the efficiency of searching for contracts. During the deployment process, the study emphasizes the positioning of UAVs to maximize SP effectiveness. An improved differential evolutionary algorithm is introduced to optimize the positioning of UAVs. Extensive evaluation shows our approach has excellent effectiveness and robustness in deterministic and unpredictable scenarios.

Sensors (Basel) ; 22(23)2022 Dec 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36502157


The operational and technological structures of radio access networks have undergone tremendous changes in recent years. A displacement of priority from capacity-coverage optimization (to ensure data freshness) has emerged. Multiple radio access technology (multi-RAT) is a solution that addresses the exponential growth of traffic demands, providing degrees of freedom in meeting various performance goals, including energy efficiencies in IoT networks. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the possibility of leveraging multi-RAT to reduce each user's transmission delay while preserving the requisite quality of service (QoS) and maintaining the freshness of the received information via the age of information (AoI) metric. First, we investigated the coordination between a multi-hop network and a cellular network. Each IoT device served as an information source that generated packets (transmitting them toward the base station) and a relay (for packets generated upstream). We created a queuing system that included the network and MAC layers. We propose a framework comprised of various models and tools for forecasting network performances in terms of the end-to-end delay of ongoing flows and AoI. Finally, to highlight the benefits of our framework, we performed comprehensive simulations. In discussing these numerical results, insights regarding various aspects and metrics (parameter tuning, expected QoS, and performance) are made apparent.

Benchmarking , Fuentes de Información , Solución de Problemas , Tecnología
Entropy (Basel) ; 24(7)2022 Jul 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35885184


The timely delivery of status information collected from sensors is critical in many real-time applications, e.g., monitoring and control. In this paper, we consider a scenario where a wireless sensor sends updates to the destination over an erasure channel with the supply of harvested energy and reliable backup energy. We adopt the metric age of information (AoI) to measure the timeliness of the received updates at the destination. We aim to find the optimal information updating policy that minimizes the time-average weighted sum of the AoI and the reliable backup energy cost. First, when all the environmental statistics are assumed to be known, the optimal information updating policy exists and is proved to have a threshold structure. Based on this special structure, an algorithm for efficiently computing the optimal policy is proposed. Then, for the unknown environment, a learning-based algorithm is employed to find a near-optimal policy. The simulation results verify the correctness of the theoretical derivation and the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Entropy (Basel) ; 24(6)2022 May 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35741500


We consider real-time timely tracking of infection status (e.g., COVID-19) of individuals in a population. In this work, a health care provider wants to detect both infected people and people who have recovered from the disease as quickly as possible. In order to measure the timeliness of the tracking process, we use the long-term average difference between the actual infection status of the people and their real-time estimate by the health care provider based on the most recent test results. We first find an analytical expression for this average difference for given test rates, infection rates and recovery rates of people. Next, we propose an alternating minimization-based algorithm to find the test rates that minimize the average difference. We observe that if the total test rate is limited, instead of testing all members of the population equally, only a portion of the population may be tested in unequal rates calculated based on their infection and recovery rates. Next, we characterize the average difference when the test measurements are erroneous (i.e., noisy). Further, we consider the case where the infection status of individuals may be dependent, which occurs when an infected person spreads the disease to another person if they are not detected and isolated by the health care provider. In addition, we consider an age of incorrect information-based error metric where the staleness metric increases linearly over time as long as the health care provider does not detect the changes in the infection status of the people. Through extensive numerical results, we observe that increasing the total test rate helps track the infection status better. In addition, an increased population size increases diversity of people with different infection and recovery rates, which may be exploited to spend testing capacity more efficiently, thereby improving the system performance. Depending on the health care provider's preferences, test rate allocation can be adjusted to detect either the infected people or the recovered people more quickly. In order to combat any errors in the test, it may be more advantageous for the health care provider to not test everyone, and instead, apply additional tests to a selected portion of the population. In the case of people with dependent infection status, as we increase the total test rate, the health care provider detects the infected people more quickly, and thus, the average time that a person stays infected decreases. Finally, the error metric needs to be chosen carefully to meet the priorities of the health care provider, as the error metric used greatly influences who will be tested and at what test rate.

Entropy (Basel) ; 24(6)2022 Jun 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35741505


The age of information (AoI) metric was proposed to measure the freshness of messages obtained at the terminal node of a status updating system. In this paper, the AoI of a discrete time status updating system with probabilistic packet preemption is investigated by analyzing the steady state of a three-dimensional discrete stochastic process. We assume that the queue used in the system is Ber/Geo/1/2*/η, which represents that the system size is 2 and the packet in the buffer can be preempted by a fresher packet with probability η. Instead of considering the system's AoI separately, we use a three-dimensional state vector (n,m,l) to simultaneously track the real-time changes of the AoI, the age of a packet in the server, and the age of a packet waiting in the buffer. We give the explicit expression of the system's average AoI and show that the average AoI of the system without packet preemption is obtained by letting η=0. When η is set to 1, the mean of the AoI of the system with a Ber/Geo/1/2* queue is obtained as well. Combining the results we have obtained and comparing them with corresponding average continuous AoIs, we propose a possible relationship between the average discrete AoI with the Ber/Geo/1/c queue and the average continuous AoI with the M/M/1/c queue. For each of two extreme cases where η=0 and η=1, we also determine the stationary distribution of AoI using the probability generation function (PGF) method. The relations between the average AoI and the packet preemption probability η, as well as the AoI's distribution curves in two extreme cases, are illustrated by numerical simulations. Notice that the probabilistic packet preemption may occur, for example, in an energy harvest (EH) node of a wireless sensor network, where the packet in the buffer can be replaced only when the node collects enough energy. In particular, to exhibit the usefulness of our idea and methods and highlight the merits of considering discrete time systems, in this paper, we provide detailed discussions showing how the results about continuous AoI are derived by analyzing the corresponding discrete time system and how the discrete age analysis is generalized to the system with multiple sources. In terms of packet service process, we also propose an idea to analyze the AoI of a system when the service time distribution is arbitrary.

Sensors (Basel) ; 22(9)2022 Apr 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35590952


The combination of ambient backscatter (AB) communications (ABCs) and RF-powered cognitive radio networks (CRNs) deals with challenges of both energy supply and spectrum shortage, and improves the network performances. With the expansion of wireless networks, many applications raise requirements for both high-throughput and timely data. Driven by these facts, we study the long-term throughput optimization of the secondary network in the AB-assisted overlay CRN (ABO-CRN), ABCs, and CRNs with the age of information (AoI) constraint, which is a novel metric for measuring the freshness of data received by receivers. Due to the dynamic environment, complete knowledge of the environment could not be obtained. Then, the deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG), a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) method that addresses decision issues in both continuous and discrete spaces, is deployed to address the throughput optimization. We consider the impacts of time and energy allocation on the reward when the AoI constraint can not be satisfied, and develop the corresponding reward functions. Furthermore, we analyze the impacts of the minimum throughput requirement and maximum allowable AoI on the throughput and AoI of the secondary networks in the ABO-CRN, ABCs, and CRNs. We compare the throughput optimization scheme under the AoI constraint with two baseline schemes (i.e., throughput-optimal (T-O) and AoI-optimal (A-O) baseline schemes), and the simulation results show that the throughput of the ABO-CRN is close to the optimal throughput of the T-O baseline scheme, and the AoI of the ABO-CRN is close to the optimal AoI of the A-O baseline scheme.

Políticas , Recompensa , Simulación por Computador , Fenómenos Físicos
Entropy (Basel) ; 24(5)2022 Apr 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35626481


The Age of Information (AoI) measures the freshness of information and is a critic performance metric for time-sensitive applications. In this paper, we consider a radio frequency energy-harvesting cognitive radio network, where the secondary user harvests energy from the primary users' transmissions and opportunistically accesses the primary users' licensed spectrum to deliver the status-update data pack. We aim to minimize the AoI subject to the energy causality and spectrum constraints by optimizing the sensing and update decisions. We formulate the AoI minimization problem as a partially observable Markov decision process and solve it via dynamic programming. Simulation results verify that our proposed policy is significantly superior to the myopic policy under different parameter settings.

Entropy (Basel) ; 24(5)2022 May 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35626558


As communication systems evolve to better cater to the needs of machine-type applications such as remote monitoring and networked control, advanced perspectives are required for the design of link layer protocols. The age of information (AoI) metric has firmly taken its place in the literature as a metric and tool to measure and control the data freshness demands of various applications. AoI measures the timeliness of transferred information from the point of view of the destination. In this study, we experimentally investigate AoI of multiple packet flows on a wireless multi-user link consisting of a transmitter (base station) and several receivers, implemented using software-defined radios (SDRs). We examine the performance of various scheduling policies under push-based and pull-based communication scenarios. For the push-based communication scenario, we implement age-aware scheduling policies from the literature and compare their performance with those of conventional scheduling methods. Then, we investigate the query age of information (QAoI) metric, an adaptation of the AoI concept for pull-based scenarios. We modify the former age-aware policies to propose variants that have a QAoI minimization objective. We share experimental results obtained in a simulation environment as well as on the SDR testbed.