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Polymers (Basel) ; 15(5)2023 Feb 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36904448


Sepiolite clay is a natural filler particularly suitable to be used with polysaccharide matrices (e.g., in starch-based bio-nanocomposites), increasing their attractiveness for a wide range of applications, such as packaging. Herein, the effect of the processing (i.e., starch gelatinization, addition of glycerol as plasticizer, casting to obtain films) and of the sepiolite filler amount on the microstructure of starch-based nanocomposites was investigated by SS-NMR (solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance), XRD (X-ray diffraction) and FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared) spectroscopy. Morphology, transparency and thermal stability were then assessed by SEM (scanning electron microscope), TGA (thermogravimetric analysis) and UV-visible spectroscopy. It was demonstrated that the processing method allowed to disrupt the rigid lattice structure of semicrystalline starch and thus obtain amorphous flexible films, with high transparency and good thermal resistance. Moreover, the microstructure of the bio-nanocomposites was found to intrinsically depend on complex interactions among sepiolite, glycerol and starch chains, which are also supposed to affect the final properties of the starch-sepiolite composite materials.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 24(2): 4-15, jul.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423770


RESUMEN Varios factores intervienen en la calidad de los alimentos, como los físicos, químicos, nutricionales, sensoriales y microbiológicos. Este último es importante, ya que, afecta las propiedades organolépticas del producto terminado y, además, puede ocasionar riesgos de salud pública asociados a peligros microbiológicos. Colombia es un país rico en gastronomía, incluyendo alimentos fermentados de elaboración artesanal (AFEA), los cuales son una alternativa actual para sistemas agroalimentarios que buscan alimentos más naturales. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los criterios microbiológicos en AFEA y el cumplimiento de requisitos sanitarios para sensibilizar a productores de bebidas artesanales y revalorizar los productos. Se tomaron en cuenta 11 productores artesanales de Masato, Champús y Almidón agrio de yuca en zonas rurales del país, que voluntariamente aceptaron participar. Se midieron los parámetros de pH, humedad, sólidos solubles y recuentos microbiológicos. Con estos resultados, se pudo calcular el porcentaje de conformidad de los alimentos, de los cuales el 36 % de productos evaluados fueron aptos para el consumo. Se incumplieron los límites establecidos para Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus y Salmonella sp. Los análisis fisicoquímicos mostraron que el Masato y el Champús aportan condiciones abióticas para el crecimiento microbiano. Además, los productores Almidón agrio de yuca tuvieron mayor valoración en el cumplimiento de requisitos sanitarios y menor cumplimiento que los productores de Champús. Los análisis realizados indican que la mayoría de los alimentos incumplieron los límites permitidos por lo cual se debe capacitar a los productores en buenas prácticas de manufactura.

ABSTRACT Several factors intervene in the quality of the food, such as physical, chemical, nutritional, sensory, and microbiological. The latter is important as it affects the sensory properties of the finished product, and it can also cause public health risks associated with microbiological hazards. Colombia is a country rich in gastronomy, including artisanal fermented foods (AFEA), which are a current alternative for agri-food systems seeking for more natural foods. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological criteria in AFEA and its compliance with the sanitary requirements to raise the awareness among crafted beverages producers and revalue the products. Eleven artisan producers of masato, champús and sour cassava starch in rural areas of the country, who voluntarily agreed to participate, were considered. The parameters of pH, humidity, soluble solids, and microbiological counts were measured. With these results, it was possible to calculate the compliance rate of the food, from which 36% of the products evaluated were fit for consumption. The limits established for Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Salmonella spp were breached. Physicochemical analysis showed that Masato and Champús provide abiotic conditions for microbial growth. In addition, the Sour cassava starch producers had higher compliance ratings regarding sanitary requirements but lower compliance ratings than champús producers. The performed analysis indicates that most of the food did not comply with the permitted limits, which is why producers must be trained in good manufacturing practices.

Acta biol. colomb ; 26(3): 345-351, sep.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360029


RESUMEN La bacteriosis vascular de la yuca, causada por la bacteria gram negativa Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis (Xpm), anteriormente conocida como Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis, es la principal enfermedad bacteriana que compromete su producción. Con la meta de generar una resistencia durable y de amplio espectro a la bacteriosis es posible explotar los mecanismos naturales presentes en plantas no-hospedero. Arabidopsis es una planta modelo extensamente estudiada, la cual es no-hospedero de Xpm. La meta de este estudio fue determinar si la resistencia no-hospedero de Arabidopsis es consecuencia de la presencia de barreras físicas o si esta depende de determinantes genéticos. En este trabajo se evaluó la capacidad de plantas de Arabidopsis de responder a la inoculación con Xpm. Ninguno de los ocho ecotipos de Arabidopsis evaluados mostraron una respuesta hipersensible a la inoculación con ocho diferentes cepas de Xpm. Aunque no se identificó la presencia de especies reactivas de oxígeno si se encontró un bloqueo en el crecimiento de Xpm en las plantas de Arabidopsis. En conjunto, los resultados aquí presentados sugieren que Arabidopsis no está activando una respuesta contra Xpm y que la resistencia observada puede ser consecuencia de las barreras físicas presentes en Arabidopsis que Xpm no es capaz de superar.

ABSTRACT Cassava bacterial blight (CBB), caused by the gram-negative bacteria Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis (Xpm), previously known as Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis, is the main bacterial disease compromising cassava production. With the aim to generate durable and broad-spectrum resistance to CBB is possible to exploit the natural mechanism present in non-host plants. Arabidopsis is an extensively studied model plant, which is a non-host of Xpm. The aim of this study was to determinate if the Arabidopsis non-host resistance is a consequence of physical barriers or if it depends on genetic determinants. In this work we evaluated the ability of Arabidopsis plants to respond after Xpm inoculation. None of the eight Arabidopsis ecotypes showed a hypersensitive response after inoculation with eight different Xpm strains. Although reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was not present, impairment in Xpm proliferation was found. These results suggest that Arabidopsis is not activating an immunity response against Xpm and the resistance might be a consequence of physical barriers present in Arabidopsis that Xpm is not able to overcome.

Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 33(4): 204-216, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376892


Abstract Background: The nutritional limitations of Cenchrus clandestinus -i.e., high protein and low energy concentrations- make it necessary to supplement cows with non-fibrous carbohydrate (NFC) sources to improve productive performance. Nevertheless, such supplementation can lead to ruminal acidosis. Objective: To evaluate partial replacement of corn grain (Zea mays, ZM) with sorghum grain (Sorghum vulgare, SV), cassava root (Manihot esculenta, MES) or citrus pulp (Citrus sp., C) on milk yield and quality, ruminal pH and health of grazing cows. Methods: Eight Holstein cows were evaluated in a 4 x 4 Latin square design during the first 60 days of lactation. Treatments (isoenergetic rations, 1.45 ± 0.003 Mcal NEL/kg DM) consisted of a mixture of grass and four concentrates with different NFC sources. Results: No differences in dry matter intake, feed efficiency, ruminal pH, hematological and metabolic profile were observed between treatments. Rumen pH was higher than 6.0, confirming the absence of ruminal acidosis. Milk yield (energy-corrected), protein, and total solids were higher for MES vs. C. Conclusions: None of the NFC sources tested compromised the ruminal or systemic health of the cows, while MES improved milk yield and quality.

Resumen Antecedentes: las limitaciones nutricionales del Cenchrus clandestinus (alta concentración de proteína y baja densidad energética) hacen necesario suplementar las vacas con fuentes de carbohidratos no fibrosos (NFC) para mejorar su desempeño productivo. Sin embargo, esta suplementación puede generar acidosis ruminal. Objetivo: evaluar el reemplazo parcial de maíz (Zea mays, ZM) por sorgo (Sorghum vulgare, SV), yuca (Manihot esculenta, MES) o pulpa cítrica (Citrus sp., C) sobre la producción de leche y su calidad, el pH ruminal y la salud de vacas en pastoreo. Métodos: ocho vacas Holstein fueron evaluadas empleando un diseño en cuadrado latino de 4 x 4 durante los primeros 60 días de lactancia. Los tratamientos (raciones isoenergéticas, 1,45 ± 0,003 Mcal NEL/kg MS) consistieron de una mezcla de forraje y cuatro concentrados con diferentes fuentes de NFC. Resultados: no se observaron diferencias entre tratamientos en cuanto a consumo de materia seca, eficiencia alimenticia, pH ruminal, ni perfiles hematológico y metabólico. El pH ruminal fue mayor a 6,0; confirmando la ausencia de acidosis. La producción de leche (corregida por energía), proteína, y sólidos totales fue mayor para MES vs. C. Conclusiones: ninguna de las fuentes de NFC evaluadas comprometieron la salud ruminal o sistémica de las vacas, y MES mejoró la producción de leche y su calidad.

Resumo Antecedentes: as limitações nutricionais do Cenchrus clandestinus-alta concentração de proteína e baixa densidade de energia- faz necessário suplementar às vacas com fontes de carboidratos não-fibrosos (NFC) para melhorar o desempenho produtivo. No entanto, essa suplementação pode gerar acidose ruminal. Objetivo: avaliar a substituição parcial do milho (Zea mays, ZM) por sorgo (Sorghum vulgare, SV), mandioca (Manihot esculenta, MES) ou polpa cítrica (Citrus sp., C) na produção e qualidade do leite, pH ruminal e a saúde de vacas em pastejo. Métodos: oito vacas Holandesas foram avaliadas empregando um delineamento em quadrado latino 4 x 4 durante os primeiros 60 dias de lactação. Os tratamentos (rações isoenergéticas, 1,45 ± 0,003 Mcal NEL/kg DM) consistiram de uma mistura de forragem e quatro concentrados com diferentes fontes de NFC. Resultados: não foram observadas diferenças entre os tratamentos no consumo de matéria seca, eficiência alimentar, pH ruminal, perfil hematológico e metabólico. O pH ruminal foi superior a 6,0; confirmando a ausência de acidose ruminal. A produção do leite (corrigida para energia), proteína e sólidos totais foi maior para MES vs. C. Conclusões: nenhuma das fontes de NFC avaliadas comprometeu a saúde ruminal e sistêmica das vacas, embora o MES melhorou a produção e qualidade do leite.

Santa Tecla, La Libertad; ITCA Editores; ene. 2020. 58 p. 28 cm.ilus., tab..
Monografía en Español | LILACS, BISSAL | ID: biblio-1179129


Esta investigación de campo se enfocó en hacer un estudio sobre la alimentación de las personas celiacas en El Salvador asociadas en ACELYSES. Se propuso un recetario de alimentos libres de gluten como fuente de carbohidratos complejos, a base de yuca, camote y otros vegetales inocuos para contribuir en la dieta de personas con intolerancia al gluten (celíacos). Para la elaboración de las 27 recetas fue necesario dar prioridad a la inocuidad y control de la contaminación cruzada, es decir, que los alimentos no hayan sido contaminados con gluten en ningún proceso. Otro aspecto importante fue analizar la trazabilidad de las materias primas que se deben utilizar para preparar los alimentos, así como los utensilios con los que se preparan, a fin de evitar riesgos a las personas con esta patología. Se realizaron pruebas sensoriales y hedónicas a través de focus group para obtener la opinión de aceptación de las recetas propuestas; igualmente, se elaboró una tabla con el contenido nutricional de cada receta, lo cual permitirá al usuario informarse del consumo de grasas, carbohidratos y otros minerales en beneficio de su salud.

This field research was focused on conducting a study of the diet of people with celiac disease in El Salvador associated with ACELYSES. A recipe book for gluten-free foods was proposed as a source of complex carbohydrates, based on yucca, sweet potato and other harmless vegetables to contribute to the diet of people with gluten intolerance (celiacs). For the preparation of the 27 recipes, it was necessary to give priority to safety and control of cross contamination, that means that the food had not been contaminated with gluten in any process. Another important aspect was to analyze the traceability of the raw materials that should be used to prepare food, as well as the utensils with which they are prepared, in order to avoid risks to people with this pathology. Sensory and hedonic tests were carried out through focus groups to obtain the opinion of acceptance of the proposed recipes; Likewise, a table was prepared with the nutritional content of each recipe, which can allow the user to find out about the consumption of other fats, carbohydrates and minerals for the benefit of their health.

Enfermedad Celíaca , Yucca , Ipomoea batatas , Dieta , Glútenes , Investigación , Carbohidratos , Alimentos
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 22(1): e1194, Ene-Jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094772


RESUMEN La creciente demanda de productos libres de gluten ha dado lugar al estudio y desarrollo de alimentos que suplan las necesidades de los consumidores. El objetivo de esta investigación fue elaborar productos libres de gluten tipo tallarín y evaluar sus propiedades fisicoquímicas. Para ello, se empleó plátano o yuca como fuentes alternativas a la harina de trigo. Se determinaron sus propiedades fisicoquímicas. Se extrajeron harina y almidones y, a partir de ellas, se evaluaron sus propiedades térmicas, empleando calorimetría de barrido diferencial y termogravimetría. Se formularon y elaboraron productos similares a los tallarines empleando las harinas y se analizaron sus propiedades fisicoquímicas, microbiológicas y sensoriales, usando, como control, un producto comercial de trigo. La yuca presentó mayor humedad que el plátano, lo que está relacionado con su susceptibilidad a la degradación. En el análisis termogravimétrico, los productos de yuca mostraron mayor reducción de peso en la zona de alta volatilidad, asociado a la pérdida de humedad. Las harinas y los almidones de plátano presentaron temperaturas de gelatinización mayores que las registradas para los productos de yuca. La humedad y acidez de los tallarines elaborados presentaron valores dentro de la norma (NTC 1055-2014). En ambos casos, su contenido de cenizas fue superior al fideo comercial. Los tallarines elaborados, se pueden considerar inocuos, con buenos parámetros de aceptación sensorial. Estos resultados constituyen un punto de partida en el estudio y aplicación de fuentes de harinas y almidones no tradicionales, permitiendo la generación de valor agregado a cultivos de importancia en la región.

ABSTRACT The growing demand of free gluten products has shown the necessity to study and develop new products in order to supply the consumer request. The objective of this research was to elaborate gluten-free products similar to noodles and to evaluate their physicochemical properties. Plantain or cassava were employed to replace wheat flour. Physical and chemical properties were determined in plantain and cassava samples. Both, Plantain and Cassava Flour and their starches were extracted. Thermal characteristics of flour and starch were evaluated employing differential scanning calorimetry and thermal gravimetric analysis. Products similar to noodle were formulated and elaborated employing plantain or cassava flour. Noodle physicochemical, microbiological and sensorial characteristics were analyzed, employing a commercial product as a control. Cassava presented higher humidity values than plantain, it is related to their susceptibility to degradation. In thermogravimetric analysis, cassava products shown upper weight reduction in high volatility zone associated to humidity lost. Plantain flours and starches presented gelatinization temperatures higher than registered for cassava products. Both plantain and cassava noodles presented humidity and acidity values according to the legal legislation (NTC 1055-2014). Developed products showed ash content higher than commercial noodles. According to microbiological and sensorial analyses, the plantain and cassava products could be considered innocuous with good consumer acceptation. These results could constitute a starting point in the study and application of different flours and starches from non-traditional sources, which allow to increase the value of crops in the region.

Neurologia (Engl Ed) ; 34(5): 300-308, 2019 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28318734


INTRODUCTION: Acetone cyanohydrin (ACH) is a toxic substance present in cassava roots (Manihot esculenta Crantz) which results from enzymatic hydrolysis of linamarin. Long-term consumption is associated with 2 neurological disorders: konzo and tropical ataxic neuropathy. Previous studies have evaluated behavioural alterations linked to ACH consumption, but the toxic effects of this substance on physiological processes remain unknown. METHOD: 32 male Wistar rats were assigned to 4 experimental groups (n=8 per group): a vehicle group (0.3mL saline solution, IP) and 3 ACH groups (PubChem CID: 6406) dosed at 10, 15, and 20mM/24h for 28 days. We evaluated spontaneous motor activity with the open field test and motor coordination with the rotarod and forced swimming tests at 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days of treatment. At the end of the assessment period (day 28), blood samples were collected by transcardiac puncture to evaluate kidney and liver function. RESULTS: ACH caused alterations in locomotor activity and promoted both lateral swimming and spinning in the forced swimming test at 21 and 28 days of treatment. Furthermore, it led to an increase in the levels of the parameters of kidney and liver function in a concentration-dependent manner, except for glucose and total bilirubin. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that long-term consumption of this toxic compound present in cassava roots may be potentially dangerous for vulnerable subjects.

Riñón/efectos de los fármacos , Hígado/efectos de los fármacos , Actividad Motora/efectos de los fármacos , Nitrilos/farmacología , Animales , Conducta Animal/efectos de los fármacos , Análisis Químico de la Sangre , Manihot/toxicidad , Ratas , Ratas Wistar , Natación
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 20(2): 57-67, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-985444


RESUMEN La expresión transitoria es una métodología ampliamente utilizada para el estudio de genes. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha no existe un reporte en donde se utilice esta técnica en hojas de yuca de plantas adultas. Por esta razón este trabajo se centró en la determinación de algunos parámetros críticos para la expresión transitoria del gen GUS en yuca como son: la metodología para introducir [a bacteria, [a cepa de Agrobacterium, el tiempo post-inoculación, la introducción del gen VirG y la expresión del gen GUS en algunas variedades de yuca. Los resultados indicaron niveles más altos de expresión del gen GUS entre 5-7 días postinoculación (dpi), agroinfiltrando con la cepa GV3101 y un incremento en la virulencia de esta cepa mediante la introducción del gen VirG. Por último se observaron diferentes niveles de expresión del gen GUS entre [as variedades de yuca evaluadas, [o que indica que el factor genético es clave en la eficiencia de la agroinfiltración en este cultivo.

ABSTRACT Transient expression is a common technique used for the co-expression of proteins for a wide range of experiments in molecular biology. This technique has been frequently used for gene study in plant pathogen interaction and has proved to be versatile and effective. However, there are still few reports and sparse data for transient expression in cassava leaves from adult/mature plants. For this reason, in this study we evaluated some regards of transient expression for the gene GUS in cassava: bacteria introduction methods, type of Agrobacterium strains, time post-inoculation, introduction of gene VirG and GUS and their expression into different cassava varieties. The results show that GUS expression is more efficient between 5-7 days post-inoculation with the GV3101 strain, moreover the virulence of this strain increases with the VirG gene. Finally, we observed a range of GUS expression pattern between different cassava varieties, altogether showing that the genetic factor is important for an accurate and effective agroinfiltration in cassava.

Acta biol. colomb ; 22(1): 19-26, ene.-abr. 2017. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-886039


Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, represents the main food source for more than one billion people. Cassava's production is affected by several diseases, one of the most serious is cassava bacterial blight (CBB) caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam). A quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis for CBB resistance was performed under natural infection conditions, using a mapping population of 99 full-sibs genotypes highly segregant and a SNP-based high dense genetic map. The phenotypic evaluation was carried out in Puerto López, Meta, Colombia, during the rainy season in 2015. Both resistant and susceptible transgressive segregants were detected in the mapping population. Through a non-parametric interval mapping analysis, two QTL were detected, explaining 10.9 and 12.6 % of phenotypic variance of resistance to field CBB. After a bioinformatics exploration four genes were identified in the QTL intervals. This work represents a contribution to the elucidation of the molecular bases of quantitative cassava resistance to Xam.

La yuca, Manihot esculenta Crantz, representa la principal fuente de alimento para cerca de 1000 millones de personas. La producción de yuca se ve afectada por diversas enfermedades, una de las más serias es la bacteriosis vascular (CBB) causada por Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam). En este estudio se realizó un análisis de loci de rasgos cuantitativos (QTL) para la resistencia a CBB en condiciones naturales de infección, usando una población de mapeo constituida por 99 genotipos de hermanos completos segregantes y un mapa genético altamente denso basado en SNPs. La evaluación fenotípica se llevó a cabo en Puerto López (Meta), Colombia, durante la época de lluvias durante el segundo semestre de 2015. En la población de mapeo fueron detectados individuos con una segregación transgresiva tanto resistentes como susceptibles. A través de un análisis no paramétrico de intervalo simple, se detectaron dos QTL que explican el 10,9 y el 12,6 % de la varianza fenotípica de la resistencia en campo a CBB. Mediante análisis bioinformáticos se identificaron cuatro genes candidatos presentes en los intervalos de los QTL. Este trabajo representa un esfuerzo por dilucidar los mecanismos moleculares implicados en la resistencia de yuca a CBB.

Neurologia ; 32(8): 516-522, 2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27130308


INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated the protective effects of 2 commercial formats of Ginkgo biloba on motor alterations induced by cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) juice consumption in male Wistar rats. METHODS: The effects were evaluated with the open field and swim tests at 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days of treatment, one hour after administering the product. RESULTS: Compared to controls, open field crossings increased after day 21 of cassava juice consumption, and lateral swimming in the swim test was reported after day 7. CONCLUSION: Ginkgo biloba extracts prevented motor alterations associated with cassava juice consumption, probably due to the flavonoid content in both formats of Ginkgo biloba.

Ginkgo biloba/efectos adversos , Manihot/efectos de los fármacos , Actividad Motora/efectos de los fármacos , Ratas Wistar , Animales , Conducta Animal/efectos de los fármacos , Masculino , Manihot/química , México , Nitrilos , Ratas , Natación
Neurologia ; 32(4): 230-235, 2017 May.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26774413


INTRODUCTION: Some vegetable foodstuffs contain toxic compounds that, when consumed, favour the development of certain diseases. Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important food source, but it contains cyanogenic glucosides (linamarin and lotaustralin) that have been associated with the development of tropical ataxic neuropathy and konzo. In rats, intraperitoneal administration of acetone cyanohydrin (a metabolite of linamarin) produces neurological disorders and neuronal damage in the hippocampus. However, it is unknown whether hippocampal area CA1 plays a role in neurological disorders associated with acetone cyanohydrin. METHOD: A total of 32 male Wistar rats 3 months old were assigned to 4 groups (n=8 per group) as follows: vehicle (1µl physiological saline), and 3 groups with acetone cyanohydrin (1µl of 10, 15, and 20mM solution, respectively). The substances were microinjected intrahippocampally every 24hours for 7 consecutive days, and their effects on locomotor activity, rota-rod and swim tests were assessed daily. On the fifth day post-treatment, rats underwent further assessment with behavioural tests to identify or rule out permanent damage induced by acetone cyanohydrin. RESULTS: Microinjection of acetone cyanohydrin 20mM resulted in hyperactivity, motor impairment, and reduced exploration from the third day of treatment. All concentrations of acetone cyanohydrin produced rotational behaviour in the swim test from the first day of microinjection. CONCLUSION: The hippocampal area CA1 is involved in motor alterations induced by microinjection of acetone cyanohydrin, as has been reported for other cassava compounds.

Discinesia Inducida por Medicamentos/fisiopatología , Hipocampo , Nitrilos/toxicidad , Animales , Humanos , Masculino , Manihot/toxicidad , Microinyecciones , Ratas , Ratas Wistar , Natación
Phytochemistry ; 130: 10-21, 2016 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27316676


Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is one of the most important staple crops worldwide. It constitutes the major source of carbohydrates for millions of low-income people living in rural areas, as well as a cash crop for smallholders in tropical and sub-tropical regions. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations predicts that cassava plantations will increase and production systems will intensify in the future, highlighting the need for developing strategies that improve the sustainability of production. Plant chemical defenses hold the potential for developing pest management strategies, as these plant traits can influence the behavior and performance of both pests and beneficial arthropods. Cassava plants are well-defended and produce a number of compounds involved in direct defense, such as cyanogenic glycosides, flavonoid glycosides, and hydroxycoumarins. In addition, volatile organic compounds induced upon herbivory and the secretion of extrafloral nectar act as indirect defense against herbivores by recruiting natural enemies. Here, cassava chemical defenses against pest arthropods are reviewed, with the aim of identifying gaps in our knowledge and areas of research that deserve further investigation for developing sound pest control strategies to improve sustainable production of this crop, and how these defenses can be used to benefit other crops. Cyanogenic content in cassava is also highly toxic to humans, and can cause irreversible health problems even at sub-lethal doses when consumed over prolonged periods. Therefore, the promotion of chemical defense in this crop should not aggravate these problems, and must be accompanied with the education on processing methods that reduce human exposure to cyanide.

Productos Agrícolas/química , Manihot/química , Cianuros/farmacología , Flavonoides/química , Flavonoides/farmacología , Glicósidos/química , Glicósidos/farmacología , Humanos , Estructura Molecular , Hojas de la Planta/química
Acta biol. colomb ; 21(1): 99-109, Jan.-Apr. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-769037


La yuca (Manihot esculenta) es el cuarto cultivo en importancia a nivel mundial como fuente de calorías para la población humana después del arroz, el azúcar y el maíz, posicionándose por esta razón como un cultivo primordial para la seguridad alimentaria. Su arquitectura ha sido considerada como un factor clave que subyace a la fisiología del rendimiento, relacionando características morfológicas con productividad. En este trabajo se evaluaron diferentes características de arquitectura vegetal en yuca. Los caracteres fueron evaluados en una población F1 compuesta por 133 hermanos completos (familia K) sembrados en dos lugares biogeográficamente diferentes: La Vega (Cundinamarca) y Arauca (Arauca) en Colombia. Las características evaluadas relacionadas con la arquitectura vegetal fueron altura de la planta (AT), número de brotes (NB), longitud entrenudos (LE), número de raíces (NR), peso de raíces (PR), pigmentación del peciolo (PP), área de la hoja (AH) y tipo de hoja (TH). A partir de los datos obtenidos y empleando un mapa genético de alta densidad basado en SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) se llevó a cabo un análisis de QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci). Se lograron identificar tres QTLs para La Vega asociados con los caracteres altura total, número de brotes y área de la hoja. Para Arauca se detectaron tres QTLs asociados con altura total, longitud de entrenudos y número de brotes. Los QTLs se distribuyeron en cuatro grupos de ligamiento y explicaron entre 18,93 y 41,92 % de la variación genética.

Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is the fourth most important crop worldwide as a source of calories for the human population after rice, sugar and corn and therefore it is considered as a staple crop. Cassava's architecture has been considered as a key factor underlying the physiology of yield, relating morphological traits with productivity. In this work different characteristics of plant architecture were evaluated in a cassava F1 population composed by 133 complete siblings (family K) planted in two biogeographically different zones: La Vega (Cundinamarca) and Arauca (Arauca) in Colombia. The characteristics evaluated related to the vegetal architecture were plant height (AT), number of shoots (NB), internodes length (LE), number of roots (NR), root weight (PR), petiole pigmentation (PP), leaf area (AH) and leaf type (TH). From the data obtained and using a SNP- (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) high-density genetic map a QTLs analysis (Quantitative Trait Loci) was carried out. It was possible to identify three QTLs for La Vega associated with characters plant height, internodes length and leaf area. From the Arauca's dataset, three QTLs were detected associated with plant height, number of shoots and internodes length. The QTLs were distributed into four linkage groups and explained between 18.93 and 41.92 % of genetic variation.

Neurologia ; 31(8): 516-22, 2016 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25524044


INTRODUCTION: Cassava, also known as yuca or manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz), is a staple food in tropical and subtropical regions since it is an important source of carbohydrates. Nevertheless, it contains cyanogenic compounds including lotaustralin and linamarin, which have been shown by experimental models to affect brain structures such as the thalamus, the piriform cortex, the hippocampus, and others. These findings may explain the presence of such neurological diseases as konzo and tropical ataxic neuropathy. However, hippocampal involvement in the neurological alterations associated with the chemical compounds in cassava has yet to be explored. METHOD: Male Wistar rats (3 months old), were assigned to 4 groups (n = 8 per group) as follows: a vehicle-control group (receiving injectable solution 1µl) and three groups receiving linamarin (10, 15, and 20mM). The substances were microinjected intrahippocampally (CA1) every 24hours for 7 consecutive days, and their effects on locomotor activity, rotarod, and swim tests were assessed daily. RESULTS: Linamarin microinjected into the dorsal hippocampus produced hyperactivity and loss of motor coordination which became more evident as treatment time increased. In the swim test, rats treated with linamarin displayed lateral rotation beginning on the fourth day of microinjection. CONCLUSIONS: Microinjection of linamarin into the dorsal hippocampus of the rat is associated with impaired motor coordination, suggesting that the dorsal hippocampus, among other brain structures, may be affected by the neurological changes associated with inappropriate consumption of cassava in humans.

Discinesia Inducida por Medicamentos/fisiopatología , Hipocampo , Nitrilos , Animales , Discinesia Inducida por Medicamentos/psicología , Masculino , Microinyecciones , Actividad Motora , Nitrilos/administración & dosificación , Equilibrio Postural/efectos de los fármacos , Ratas , Ratas Wistar , Natación/psicología
Acta biol. colomb ; 20(2): 47-55, mayo-ago. 2015. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-743845


Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam) es el agente causal del tizón bacteriano de la yuca, una de las principales enfermedades de los cultivos de yuca en América del Sur y África. Hasta ahora, el desarrollo de la enfermedad se mide a través de AUDPC (Area Under Disease Progress curve), pero no hay disponibles métodos cuantitativos fiables, esto debido posiblemente a la alta variabilidad del crecimiento bacteriano en la planta. Para establecer un método exacto para la cuantificación bacteriana durante el curso de la infección Xam dentro de los tejidos del huésped, se analizaron las poblaciones de bacterias sobre tallo y hojas, así como corte de hojas de las variedades de yuca MCOL1522 y SG107-35 con la cepa virulenta CIO151 Xam. En esta investigación se muestra que el movimiento de las bacterias a lo largo de los tejidos y especialmente en las hojas es estocástico. Por otra parte, hemos podido demostrar el crecimiento diferencial de la cepa virulenta Xam CIO151 tras la punción al tallo y la cuantificación de la bacteria a 6 cm de distancia del punto de inoculación de dos variedades que presentan niveles contrastantes de susceptibilidad.

Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam) is the causal agent of cassava bacterial blight (CBB), a major disease for cassava crops in South America and Africa. Until now the development of the disease is measured via AUDPC (Area Under Disease Progress Curve) but no reliable quantitative methods are available probably due to high variability of bacterial growth in planta. To establish an accurate method for bacterial quantification during the course of Xam infection within the host tissues, we analyzed bacterial populations upon stem and leaf-puncturing as well as leaf-clipping of cassava varieties MCOL1522 and SG107-35 challenged with the virulent Xam strain CIO151. Here, we show that the movement of bacteria along the tissues and especially in leaves is stochastic. Moreover, we were able to demonstrate differential growth of virulent Xam strain CIO151 upon stem-puncturing and quantification of bacteria 6 cm. away from the inoculation point of two varieties displaying contrasting levels of susceptibility.

Vitae (Medellín) ; 22(2): 121-129, 2015. Ilustraciones
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-987972


Antecedentes: La etapa de clarificación de hidrolizados de almidón para la producción de jarabes de glucosa es la principal causa de su producción por lotes, además de acarrear altos costos al utilizar filtros rotatorios al vacío, carbón activado y tierras diatomeas que aseguren la calidad del producto. Objetivos: Evaluar la etapa de clarificación de hidrolizados de almidón de yuca obtenidos por vía enzimática utilizando tecnología con membranas, a diferentes temperaturas, diámetros de poro de membrana y presiones transmembrana. Métodos: La clarificación se realizó utilizando un piloto compuesto por un tanque enchaquetado, donde se llevó a cabo la reacción de hidrólisis. La filtración se realizaba conectando el tanque a una bomba que permitía enviar el fluido al módulo membranario; la presión transmembrana fue fijada con una válvula a la salida del módulo. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo usando membranas con diferentes tamaños de poro en un diseño factorial 22, evaluando dos niveles de temperatura (50 y 70ºC) y dos niveles de presión transmembrana (0,15 y 0,30 MPa). Se midieron los caudales obtenidos para el retenido y el permeado. Las muestras obtenidas fueron analizadas para evaluar la calidad del permeado (turbidez, cantidad de proteína retenida, contenido de materia seca y ºBrix). El análisis estadístico se llevó a cabo con el software Statgraphic Centurion XVI.I®. Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que las presiones transmembrana (0,15 y 0,30 MPa) y temperaturas (50 y 70ºC) evaluadas no influyen significativamente sobre la permeabilidad ni calidad del permeado (p-valores > 0,05) permitiendo trabajar con la menor presión tranmembrana (menor desgaste de equipos y menor gasto energético), y a la temperatura de hidrólisis, lo cual permitiría trabajar bajo condiciones de producción en continuo. Además, se observó que es posible utilizar membranas con diámetro de poro de hasta 0,8 µm; aumentado hasta en 5 veces la productividad y disminuyendo la turbidez en un 99%. Conclusiones: Es posible utilizar membranas cerámicas de microfiltración de hasta 0,8 µm, en condiciones moderadas de presión transmembrana y a la temperatura de hidrólisis para la clarificación de hidrolizados de almidón de yuca sin disminuir la calidad del permeado.

Background: Clarification step of starch hydrolysates for the production of glucose syrups is the main responsible for batch production; in addition, it causes high costs when using rotary vacuum filters, activated carbon and diatomaceous earth to ensure product quality. Objective: To evaluate the clarification step of hydrolyzed cassava starch obtained enzymatically, using membrane technology at different temperatures, membrane cut-off and transmembrane pressures. Methods: Clarification was conducted using a pilot composed by a jacketed tank, where the hydrolysis reaction was carried out. The filtration was performed by connecting the tank to a pump to send the fluid to the membrane carter; transmembrane pressure was fixed with a valve placed at the end of the module. The experiments were carried out using membranes with different cut-off sizes in a factorial design 22, two temperatures (50 and 70°C) and two transmembrane pressure levels (0.15 and 0.30 MPa) were evaluated. The flows obtained for the retentate and permeate were measured. The obtained samples were analyzed to assess the permeate quality (turbidity, amount of retained protein, dry matter content and °Brix). Statistical analysis was performed with software Statgraphic Centurion XVI.I®. Results: The results showed that the pressures (0.15 to 0.30 MPa) and temperatures (50 and 70°C) evaluated did not influence significantly the permeability, or the quality of the permeate (p-values > 0.05), it can allow to work with lower pressure (less wear on equipment and less energy), at hydrolysis temperature, it would allow to work under conditions of continuous production. Moreover, the possibility to use membranes with pore diameters up to 0.8 µm was observed; it allow to increase up to 5 times the productivity and decrease the turbidity by 99%. Conclusions: It is possible to use ceramic microfiltration membranes up to 0.8 µm in moderate transmembrane pressure, at hydrolysis temperature for clarification of cassava starch hydrolysates without decreasing the quality of the permeate flow.

Humanos , Almidón , Manihot , Clarificación Química , Hidrolisados de Proteína , Filtración , Membranas
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 19(3): 4338-4349, Sept.-Dec. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-730968


Objective. Assess transient gene expression of GUS in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) leaves using Agrobacterium tumefaciens infiltration. Materials and methods. A. tumefaciens strains GV3101 and AGL1 containing pCAMBIA1305.2 were used to evaluate transient gene expression of β-glucuronidase (GUS). A. tumefaciens infiltration (agroinfiltration) was made using both leaves from in vitro and 1 month old greenhouse plants. Leaves were incubated in X-GLUC buffer, stained and photographed to detect GUS activity. Results. Agroinfiltration assays showed GUS transient expression in leaves of cassava varieties widely cultivated in the north coast and eastern savannah, MCOL2215 (Venezuelan) and CM6438-14 (Vergara), respectively. A. tumefaciens agressive strain AGL1 showed high efficiency inducing GUS expression in cassava leaves. Conclusions. We recommend using A. tumefaciens agressive strain AGL1 for agroinfiltration to assess transient expression in cassava leaves.

Objetivo. Evaluar la expresión transitoria del gen GUS en hojas de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) por medio de infiltración con Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron las cepas GV3101 y AGL1 de A. tumefaciens conteniendo el plásmido pCAMBIA1305.2, para evaluar la expresión transitoria del gen GUS. La infiltración de A. tumefaciens (agroinfiltración) se realizó tanto en hojas de plantas "in Vitro" como de plantas adultas de 1 mes. Las hojas se incubaron en tampón X-GLUC, se destiñeron y se fotografiaron para detectar la actividad de la enzima β-glucuronidasa (GUS). Resultados. Los ensayos de agroinfiltración en hoja muestraron la expresión transitoria del gen GUS en variedades cultivadas en la costa norte y en los llanos orientales, MCOL2215 (Venezolana) y CM6438-14 (Vergara) respectivamente, tanto en plantas "in Vitro" como en plantas adultas. La cepa hipervirulenta de A. tumefaciens AGL1 mostró una mayor eficiencia para la expresión transitoria en hojas de yuca. Conclusiones. Se recomienda utilizar la cepa AGL1 para evaluar la expresión transitoria de genes de interés por agroinfiltración en hojas de yuca.

Agrobacterium tumefaciens , Glucuronidasa , Manihot
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 16(1): 163-170, ene.-jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-715311


La investigación realizada evalúa el efecto del medio fermentativo y la concentración de azúcares iniciales sobre la producción de etanol en sistemas batch, cuando se emplean sacarificados de harina de yuca (Manihot esculenta), como fuente de carbono. El diseño experimental ejecutado fue de tipo bifactorial de efectos fijos y analiza la productividad de bioetanol en cuatro medios fermentativos diferentes, dos de los cuales se suplementaron con sacarificados de harina de yuca variedad Copiblanca. Las concentraciones de azúcares iniciales evaluadas en estos sustratos fueron de 250, 300 y 350 g/L. Estos tratamientos fermentativos fueron inoculados con una variedad etanologénica comercial de S. cerevisiae a una concentración de 0.05% (p/v). Las condiciones de proceso incluyeron un volumen final de 150 mL, una incubación a 35°C por 48 horas, agitación constante de 150 rpm y pH entre 4.0 y 4.5. Los sacarificados provenientes de esta variedad de yuca usados como fuente de carbono, mostraron ser excelentes sustratos para la obtención de etanol. Se evidenciaron aumentos de más del 500% en términos de productividad volumétrica con respecto al control experimental y se alcanzaron concentraciones finales de etanol del 14.7%v/v, asociadas a rendimientos producto/sustrato de 0,48 g/g y productividades de 2,4 g/L/h. Estos parámetros cinéticos fueron logrados con el medio fermentativo más simple evaluado, medio compuesto por los sacarificados como fuente de carbono y como única fuente nutricional, bajo concentraciones de azúcares iniciales de 250g/L; lo que demuestra la aptitud de estos sustratos para efectos de producción etanólica.

This research exposes the fermentative medium and initial sugar concentration effect on ethanol production in batch systems, when used glucose syrups derivatives of cassava (Manihot esculenta), as a carbon source. The experimental design was factorial and analyzes the productivity of bioethanol in four different fermentation media, two of which were supplemented with cassava flour sugared. The initial sugar concentrations tested on these substrates were 250, 300 and 350 g / L. These fermentative treatments were inoculated with a commercial ethanolic variety of S. cerevisiae at a concentration of 0.05% (w / v). The process conditions included a final volume of 150 mL, incubation at 35 ° C for 48 hours , constant stirring at 150 rpm and pH between 4.0 and 4.5. The saccharified from this cassava variety showed be excellent substrate for the bioethanol production, achieving increases of 550% in terms of volumetric productivity over the control experiment, the above, allowed us to achieve final concentrations of ethanol of 14.7% v / v, yields product / substrate of 0.5 g / g, and productivities of 2.4 g / L / h. Most interesting is that these kinetic parameters were achieved with the simplest fermentation medium evaluated, the mean was compound of saccharified as a carbon source and as a sole source of nutrition, and its initial concentration of sugars was 250g / L; the above shows the ability of these substrates for ethanol production purposes.

Etanol , Fermentación , Yucca , Harina
Vitae (Medellín) ; 19(3): 287-293, sep.-dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-669354


background: Lactic acid (LA) is a carboxylic acid widely used as preservative, acidulant, and/or flavouring in food industry; it is also used as a raw material for the production of lactate ester, propylene glycol, 2,3-pentanedione, propanoic acid, acrylic acid and acetaldehyde. In recent years, the demand for LA production has dramatically increased due to its application as a monomer for poly-lactic acid synthesis, a biodegradable polymer used as a plastic in many industrial applications. LA can be produced either by fermentation or chemical synthesis; the former route has received considerable interest, due to environmental concerns and the limited nature of petrochemical feedstocks; thus, 90% of LA produced worldwide is obtained by fermentation, this process comprises the bioconversion of a sugar solution (carbohydrates) into LA in the presence of a microorganism. Objectives: This work is aimed at studying the effect of pH control and culture media composition on the LA production using renewable sources from the agroindustry sector. Methods: A Lactobacillus brevis strain is used to perform lab scale experiments under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, using three different culture media compositions: a high nutritional content medium (MRS), as a reference, a low nutritional content medium with glucose as the only carbon source (GM), and a potential low nutritional content medium with cassava flour as carbon source (HY1). results: The higher LA production is accomplished under anaerobic conditions, 17.6 ± 0.1, 12.6 ± 0.2 y 13.6 ± 0.2 g LA/L, for MRS, GM and HY1 medium, respectively. The effect of pH on LA biosynthesis in a 5L bioreactor is also studied using the HY1 medium. For a fermentation time of 120 h, the highest LA concentration obtained was 24.3 ± 0.7g LA/L, productivity 0.20 g/L/h, YP/S 0.32g LA/g syrup, at pH 6.5...

Levilactobacillus brevis , Ácido Láctico
Acta biol. colomb ; 17(3): 559-574, sep.-dic. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-669054


Dentro de las proteínas implicadas en inmunidad de plantas y animales se encuentran aquellas que poseen un dominio TIR (Toll Interleukin Receptor). El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis genómico global de las proteínas que presentan un dominio TIR en yuca y discernir su posible función en la resistencia a la bacteriosis vascular. En el proteoma de yuca se logró identificar 46 proteínas con dominios TIR, los cuales fueron divididos en cuatro categorías según la presencia o no de otros dominios: TIR (T), TIR- NB (TN), TIR-LRR (TL) y TIR-NB-LRR (TNL). El 56,5 % de las 46 proteínas corresponde a la categoría TNL. Mediante alineamientos múltiples se encontró que no todos los dominios TIR de yuca presentan la región aE implicada en la dimerización y activación de las respuestas de inmunidad. Tres de las cuatro categorías de proteínas (T, TNL y TN) presentan un mayor número de sustituciones sinónimas, sugiriendo que no están implicadas en procesos de reconocimiento. Por medio de doble híbrido de levadura y agroinfiltración se analizaron dos dominios TIR que no presentan la región aE, encontrando que ambos son capaces de formar homo y heterodímeros pero no desencadenan respuestas de defensa. Con este trabajo se pudo concluir que algunas proteínas que poseen dominios TIR pueden funcionar como adaptadores en la transducción de la señal con otras proteínas de resistencia. Además, se puso en evidencia que no siempre la región aE es importante para la dimerización, pero sí para activar las señales de respuestas de defensa.

Proteins containing a TIR domain (Toll Interleukin Receptor) are involved in plant and animal immunity. The aim of this work was to carry out an overall genomic analysis of cassava proteins with a TIR domain and discern their possible role in resistance to cassava bacterial blight. In total 46 proteins with a TIR domain were identified in the cassava proteome and were classed in four categories according the presence or absence of other domains: TIR (T), TIR-NB (TN), TIR-LRR (TL) and TIR-NB-LRR (TNL). 56.6 % of these 46 proteins have TIR, NB and LRR domains. Using multiple alignments it was possible to demonstrate that not all cassava TIR domains contain the aE region, involved in dimerization and activation of immune responses. Three of the four proteins categories (T, TNL and TN) presented a higher number of synonymous substitutions suggesting that they are not involved in recognition process. Two TIR domains not presenting the aE region were analyzed by yeast two hybrid assays and by agroinfiltration, finding that both are able to form homo and heterodimers, but they do not trigger defense responses. With this study it was possible to conclude that TIR domains can function as adaptors in the signal transduction with other resistance proteins. In addition, it became clear that not always the aE region is important for TIR dimerization but it seems necessary to activate defense responses signals.