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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e259633, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1564982


Resumo: A Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho (POT) é permeada por uma série de julgamentos negativos e estigmas, principalmente acerca de seu papel intermediador de relações de exploração sofridas pelo trabalhador. Investigar as percepções que graduandos têm sobre a área pode trazer acesso ao que há de central entre as diversas formas de pensar o tema. Este trabalho buscou analisar as percepções de 100 graduandos de duas instituições de ensino superior (IES) do Centro-Oeste Paulista, uma pública e outra privada, acerca da importância da atuação do psicólogo em POT e o interesse desses discentes em atuarem futuramente na área, estabelecendo uma comparação entre os resultados com base nas IES e entre primeiro e quinto ano da graduação. Os graduandos responderam a dois questionários estruturados com perguntas abertas e fechadas. Os resultados apontaram uma maior valorização da área de POT na IES privada e no quinto ano. A maioria dos discentes do primeiro ano de graduação apresentou pouco conhecimento sobre a POT. Os estudantes da IES privada apresentaram maior interesse em atuar na área do que os discentes da IES pública. Quando perguntados se houve uma mudança de opinião após a realização das disciplinas, 49 alunos do quinto ano responderam positivamente e apenas um respondeu negativamente. As respostas dissertativas se dividiram entre visões positivas, neutras e negativas sobre a POT. Os resultados permitiram avaliação das percepções da POT entre os graduandos, bem como das transformações ocorridas pelo impacto das experiências acadêmicas vivenciadas.

Abstract: Organizational and Work Psychology (OWP) is permeated by a series of negative judgments and stigmas, mainly about its role as an intermediary of relations exploiting workers. Investigating the perceptions undergraduates have about it can bring access to what is central among the different ways of thinking about the subject. This study sought to analyze the perceptions of 100 undergraduates from two higher education institutions (HEIs), one public and private in Midwestern São Paulo about the importance of psychologists' role in OWP and their interest in working in the area in the future, comparing the results per HEI and between the first and fifth year of graduation. Graduates answered two structured questionnaires with open and closed questions. Results pointed to a greater appreciation of OWP in the private HEI and in the fifth year. Most first-year undergraduate students had little knowledge about OWP. Students from the private HEI took greater interest in working in the area than students from the public HEI. When asked if taking the courses changed their opinions, 49 students responded positively and only one negatively. Participants' responses were divided into positive, neutra,l and negative views about OWP. Results evaluated the perceptions on OWP in undergraduates the changes due to the impact of academic experiences.

Resumen: La Psicología Organizacional y Laboral (POT) está permeada por una serie de juicios negativos y estigmas, principalmente sobre su papel como intermediaria de las relaciones de explotación laboral. Investigar las percepciones que los estudiantes tienen sobre este campo puede brindar acceso a lo que es central entre las diferentes formas de pensar sobre el tema. Este estudio buscó analizar las percepciones de 100 graduandos de dos instituciones de educación superior (IES), una pública y otra privada, del medio oeste de São Paulo, acerca de la importancia del rol del psicólogo en POT y del interés por actuar en el área, estableciendo una comparación entre los resultados por tipo de IES y período del curso (el primer y quinto año de grado). Los graduandos respondieron a dos cuestionarios estructurados con preguntas abiertas y cerradas. Los resultados apuntan a una mayor valoración de POT en las IES privadas y en el quinto año. La mayoría de los estudiantes de primer año tenían poco conocimiento sobre POT. Los estudiantes de la IES privada estaban más interesados en trabajar en el área que los estudiantes de la IES pública. Cuando se les preguntó si hubo un cambio de opinión luego de cursar las asignaturas, 49 estudiantes del quinto año respondieron positivamente y solo uno respondió negativamente. Las respuestas del ensayo se dividieron en puntos de vista positivos, neutrales y negativos sobre POT. Los resultados permitieron evaluar las percepciones de POT entre los graduandos, así como evaluar los cambios ocurridos por el impacto de las experiencias académicas.

Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 49: edsmsubj1, 2024. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559626


Resumo Introdução: nos debates sobre a proteção e a promoção da saúde nos contextos laborais, o tema dos fatores psicossociais relacionados ao trabalho (FPRT) tem se destacado. Objetivo: demonstrar que a ausência da tematização do antagonismo e do conflito estrutural entre capital e trabalho, bem como a captura da temática pela lógica gerencialista neoliberal, produz o empobrecimento do debate e o enfraquecimento de iniciativas voltadas para a transformação do contexto laboral. Método: a reflexão é realizada a partir de revisão da literatura, tendo como referencial o materialismo histórico. Resultados: as formulações de políticas, instrumentos e medidas destinadas à proteção da saúde dos trabalhadores, gestadas nos marcos ideológicos do regime de acumulação capitalista e da governamentalidade neoliberal, convertem-se em compreensões e intervenções que, longe de transformarem as situações concretas de trabalho, mascaram o papel exercido pelo trabalho em relação à saúde dos trabalhadores, consagram as ações voltadas aos indivíduos, arrefecem as lutas sociais e ampliam as pressões sobre os trabalhadores. Conclusão: o enfrentamento dos riscos psicossociais não deve se limitar à mitigação desses riscos, mas sim encontrar seus propósitos e seus fundamentos em um horizonte teórico-prático que descortine a necessidade de superação da própria economia capitalista.

Abstract Introduction: work-related psychosocial factors have stood out in debates concerning health protection and promotion in occupational contexts. Objective: this essay demonstrates how the lack of thematic exploration regarding the antagonism and structural conflict between capital and labor, as well as its co-optation by neoliberal managerial logic, impoverishes the debate and weakens initiatives aimed at transforming the work environment. Method: a literature review was conducted using historical materialism as a theoretical framework. Results: policies, instruments, and measures formulated to protect workers' health developed under the ideological framework of capitalist accumulation and neoliberal governmentality become understandings and interventions that, far from transforming actual work situations, mask the role played by work in occupational health. They consecrate actions focused on individuals, dampen social struggles, and increase pressure on workers. Conclusion: addressing psychosocial risks should not be limited to mitigating them; rather, it should find its purposes and foundations in a theoretical-practical horizon that unveils the need to overcome the capitalist economy itself.

Front Artif Intell ; 6: 1250725, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37841234


Introduction: With the advancement of technology and the increasing utilization of AI, the nature of human work is evolving, requiring individuals to collaborate not only with other humans but also with AI technologies to accomplish complex goals. This requires a shift in perspective from technology-driven questions to a human-centered research and design agenda putting people and evolving teams in the center of attention. A socio-technical approach is needed to view AI as more than just a technological tool, but as a team member, leading to the emergence of human-AI teaming (HAIT). In this new form of work, humans and AI synergistically combine their respective capabilities to accomplish shared goals. Methods: The aim of our work is to uncover current research streams on HAIT and derive a unified understanding of the construct through a bibliometric network analysis, a scoping review and synthetization of a definition from a socio-technical point of view. In addition, antecedents and outcomes examined in the literature are extracted to guide future research in this field. Results: Through network analysis, five clusters with different research focuses on HAIT were identified. These clusters revolve around (1) human and (2) task-dependent variables, (3) AI explainability, (4) AI-driven robotic systems, and (5) the effects of AI performance on human perception. Despite these diverse research focuses, the current body of literature is predominantly driven by a technology-centric and engineering perspective, with no consistent definition or terminology of HAIT emerging to date. Discussion: We propose a unifying definition combining a human-centered and team-oriented perspective as well as summarize what is still needed in future research regarding HAIT. Thus, this work contributes to support the idea of the Frontiers Research Topic of a theoretical and conceptual basis for human work with AI systems.

Front Public Health ; 11: 1209995, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37637828


Introduction: Teachers work in a job with specific demands that can strain individual coping capabilities and can pose a risk for the development of psychological problems. Prior studies showed that teachers - in comparison with other occupational groups - had high risks of job-related psychological exhaustion. In our study we compared teachers and other occupational groups on burnout, general life satisfaction and self-rated general health. In addition, we analyzed if sociodemographic and job-related factors were relevant predictors of these outcomes. Methods: We analyzed data from a total of 1,500 subjects arising from the Gutenberg Health Study. Binary logistic regression models and descriptive statistics were calculated to determine potential differences between the occupational group membership and the predictive values of sociodemographic and job-related variables. Results: The occupational groups did not differ significantly in terms of burnout, self-rated general health and satisfaction with life. Logistic regression models showed which sociodemographic and job-related variables were associated with the outcomes. Female sex, part-time employment as well as work-privacy conflicts showed particular predictive relevance. Discussion: Job-related interventions for teachers should aim at specific strains, e.g., arising out of work-privacy conflicts where interventions should focus on support of female teachers.

Adaptación Psicológica , Agotamiento Psicológico , Femenino , Humanos , Modelos Logísticos , Privacidad , Estado de Salud
Front Psychol ; 14: 1128945, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37287772


Introduction: Artificial intelligence (AI) is seen as a driver of change, especially in the context of business, due to its progressive development and increasing connectivity in operational practice. Although it changes businesses and organizations vastly, the impact of AI implementation on human workers with their needs, skills, and job identity is less considered in the development and implementation process. Focusing on humans, however, enables unlocking synergies as well as desirable individual and organizational outcomes. Methods: The objective of the present study is (a) to develop a survey-based inventory from the literature on work research and b) a first validation with employees encountering an AI application. The Job Perception Inventory (JOPI) functions as a work-analytical tool to support the human-centered implementation and application of intelligent technologies. It is composed of established and self-developed scales, measuring four sections of work characteristics, job identity, perception of the workplace, and the evaluation of the introduced AI. Results: Overall, the results from the first study from a series of studies presented in this article indicate a coherent survey inventory with reliable scales that can now be used for AI implementation projects. Discussion: Finally, the need and relevance of the JOPI are discussed against the background of the manufacturing industry.

J Gerontol Soc Work ; 66(5): 642-661, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36309980


The psychological state of geriatric social workers affects the intention to leave and thus the quality of services provided to older adults. This study explored the relationship between the work environment, work attitudes, and turnover intentions of geriatric social workers. This study obtained an analytic sample comprising 999 geriatric social workers from the 2019 Longitudinal Study of Social Work in China. Multivariate regression techniques combined with a mediation analysis was performed to explore the relationships. The study results provided preliminary evidence on the complex associations between and among work environment, work attitudes, and turnover intentions of geriatric social workers in China. We demonstrated that perceived organizational support reduced the turnover intentions of geriatric social workers through increased collective psychological ownership and reduced burnout. Regular inter- and intra-agency communication between social workers and their supervisors and colleagues have important roles in reducing turnover by enhancing support and emotional commitment to organizations. Policy decision-makers are suggested to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of geriatric social works to release their administrative burdens, which may help to reduce their burnout level and improve the stability of the geriatric social work force.

Agotamiento Profesional , Intención , Humanos , Anciano , Trabajadores Sociales , Condiciones de Trabajo , Estudios Longitudinales , Reorganización del Personal , Agotamiento Profesional/psicología , Actitud , China , Satisfacción en el Trabajo , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Int J Nurs Stud Adv ; 5: 100133, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38746588


Background: Societal aging is exerting profound impacts on providers of long-term care. Nurses provide much of the direct care in the long-term care sector, and they increasingly provide unit- and facility-level leadership and fill top administrative and clinical roles.The work health and quality of work life of long-term care nurses are emergent concerns and the foci of research across multiple disciplines. Objectives: To enhance our understanding of factors influencing long-term care nurses' work health and quality of work life, we summarize the findings of disparate studies across diverse disciplines, time, and jurisdictions. Eligibility criteria: No restrictions were placed on study date, design, or country. Searches were restricted to English language only or translated studies. Included studies reported associations and relationships between/amongst nurses' work (role and work design), work environments, work attitudes, and work outcomes. Published peer-reviewed studies and reviews were included, as were reports. Editorials and opinion pieces were excluded. The search included publications up to March 2022. Sources of evidence: Medline, CINAHL, PsychINFO, EMBASE, Scopus, PSNet. Charting methods: Data abstraction from full-text articles. Results: The evolution of long-term care nurses' work to include both medical and administrative responsibilities has generally not been managed well, resulting in persistent role ambiguity, job dissatisfaction, and burnout. Nurses are concerned about their capacity to provide resident care and the adequacy of their preparation. Their work environments are under-resourced, and they are at high risk for workplace injury or violence. Supervisory and organizational support can be protective of negative aspects of nurses' work environments. Supervisory support can improve the immediate work environment, assist nurses in fulfilling their roles, and afford greater role clarity, and supervisors can influence their nursing staff's perceptions of the work safety and the value that their organization places on them. Organizational support can reduce work stress, enhance feelings of self-worth, and mitigate some of the self-stigmatization that influences long-term care nurses' attitudes toward themselves and their work, which influences work outcomes, including job performance and quality of resident care. Conclusions: Work stress, burnout, increased turnover, decreased morale and work motivation, increased health and safety concerns, and decreases in job satisfaction accompanied by self-stigmatization are all indicators of a system that has failed nurses, other long-term care staff, and nursing home residents. We consider the implications of our findings for enhancing the work health and quality of life of nurses working in long-term care and identify gaps in knowledge about their psychological health that merit future study. Tweetable Abstract: The long-term care sector is failing nurses globally. This review is a step toward understanding how we can improve the work psychology, including work-related psychological health, of nurses in long-term care.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1443106


A história da psicologia do trabalho é plural. Tudo o que se herdou foi sendo objeto de muita controvérsia no âmbito de análises que vieram permitir um melhor esclarecimento de questões deixadas em aberto, consideradas residuais ou até completamente ignoradas. Os posicionamentos críticos deram novo alento aos projetos de renovação da abordagem da experiência humana quando investida na atividade de trabalho. Na academia brasileira, vários contributos o demonstram

The history of work psychology is plural. All that has been inherited has been subject to much controversy within the scope of analyses that have allowed a better clarification of questions left open, considered as residual or even completely ignored. Critical positions have given new vigour to the projects of renovation in the approach to human experience when invested in the activity of work. In Brazilian academia, several contributions demonstrate this.

Psicología Industrial/historia , Psicología Industrial/tendencias , Trabajo/psicología , Brasil , Conocimiento
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1537224


A análise do trabalho convoca à ampliação de referências epistemológicas e metodológicas para produzir transformações a partir de suas distintas realidades e dimensões. Nesse sentido, as abordagens das Clínicas do Trabalho se mostram como um caminho para compreender as relações entre subjetividade e trabalho, considerando suas condições concretas. O objetivo deste artigo é discutir, com base nas Clínicas do Trabalho, a relação entre processos de trabalho precarizado e a subjetividade de trabalhadores e trabalhadoras, em dois contextos laborais e territoriais distintos. Assim, parte-se de duas pesquisas para pensar esta mobilização. Na primeira, foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com haitianos(as) que residiam em Contagem/MG, a fim de compreendermos as dimensões psicossociais da migração para migrantes haitianos a partir das categorias território e trabalho. A segunda pesquisa buscou compreender as trajetórias empreendedoras no Uruguai e na Argentina a partir de um estudo sobre empreendedorismo nos dois países, que incluiu entrevistas biográficas com 18 empreendedores. Tais experiências possuem em comum a presença do desemprego nas trajetórias laborais de trabalhadoras e trabalhadores entrevistados(as) e uma característica básica do precariado: a ausência de um projeto de futuro que possibilite a construção de existências emancipatórias, o que pode ser fonte de sofrimento psíquico

Analyzing work requires expanding epistemological and methodological references to produce transformations based on its distinct realities and dimensions. Thus, the approaches of Labor Clinics can understand the relations between subjectivity and work by considering their concrete conditions. This study aimed to discuss the relations between precarious work processes and the subjectivity of workers in two distinct labor and territorial contexts, based on Work Clinics. Thus, two research studies are used to think about this mobilization. In the first, in-depth interviews were conducted with Haitian men and women who live in Contagem/MG to understand the psychosocial dimensions of migration for Haitian migrants based on categories of territory and work. The second research sought to understand entrepreneurial trajectories in Uruguay and Argentina from a study on entrepreneurship in both countries, which included biographical interviews with 18 entrepreneurs. These experiences share the presence of unemployment in the labor trajectories of the interviewed workers and a basic characteristic of the precariat: the absence of a future project that enables the construction of emancipatory existences, which can cause psychological suffering

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Migrantes/psicología , Trabajo/psicología , Emprendimiento , Empleo , Psicología Industrial , América Latina
Work ; 73(s1): S235-S251, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36189514


BACKGROUND: The division of labour between workers and machines is the motto for the current debate on the future of work, as the number of tasks that can potentially be automated increases. Despite receiving significant interest, to date, this debate has focused on forecasts that estimate the potential for machine substitution and thus overshadow the activity perspective. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to address the frontiers between human operators and automation in a Portuguese industrial district and to understand how the embodied know-how of expert workers is used when they face the requirements of automated machines. METHODS: A qualitative approach to ergonomic analysis was employed in two cork companies, including exploratory interviews with managerial staff; work activity observations (combining observations with video recordings); collective interviews with the workers; and collective meetings to validate our results and conclusions. RESULTS: The workers revealed operating modes related to sensory aspects to face the cork-related variability and the limits of automated machines. The human-machine configurations call for the experience of the senses, at the material-corporeal level, and for the preservation of reference points of the activity, mostly in the operation of seeing the cork stoppers. CONCLUSIONS: The competent act of seeing the cork stoppers, as an operational expertise layer, enriches the theoretical allocation of tasks between workers and machines. Future challenges for activity-centred ergonomics and work psychology fields are identified, drawing attention to the sustainable development of work, i.e., work activities where people may learn from experience and remain healthy within automated work environments.

Ergonomía , Industrias , Humanos , Automatización
Front Psychol ; 13: 1010588, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36225689


Starting from the perspective of social perception of voluntary employee green behavior (VEGB) and studies on the attribution of VEGB, we explore the phenomenon that employees can show different perceptions and behavioral responses to VEGB according to their attribution to VEGB. We served to examine the hypotheses. The results of a two-wave study show that when employees believe VEGB is motivated by instrumental concerns, VEGB is more likely to evoke a low level of warmth and competence, which produces less green advocacy. However, if employees believe VEGB is motivated by moral reasons, VEGB is more likely to prompt more warmth and competence perceptions and elicit greener advocacy from employees. In addition, theoretical and practical contributions are discussed.

Med Pr ; 73(5): 407-416, 2022 Dec 06.
Artículo en Polaco | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36222469


BACKGROUND: Contemporary work psychology indicates that improving the functioning of employees and organizations takes place not only through the prevention of harmful factors but also through the development of positive attitudes towards work. According to the job demands-resources model, it can be assumed that resources are an important factor leading to work engagement. However, the authors of this concept also suggest that the role of resources is also to meet needs. In turn, according to the self-determination theory, the key to the development of intrinsic motivation and thus also work engagement is the satisfaction of basic needs. Therefore, hypotheses argue that resources in the form of the influence at work, possibilities for development, and social community at work are positively related to work engagement. And also that the satisfaction of basic needs, respectively autonomy, competence, and relatedness, are the mediators of these relationships. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data were collected among 200 workers aged 18-35, employed to work in direct contact with customers. Job resources were measured with the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ II) subscales. Basic psychological need satisfaction was measured with the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale at Work. Work Engagement was measured with the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. RESULTS: Regression analyses with mediation effects were performed for 3 models. It has been shown that Influence at work is a predictor of Work engagement and this relationship is mediated by Autonomy satisfaction. Possibilities for development are positively related to Work engagement, in this relationship, the mediator is Competence satisfaction. In the relationship between the Social community at work and Work engagement, the mediator is the relatedness satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: The results have confirmed hypotheses regarding the mediating role of need satisfaction in the relationship between job resources and work engagement. Despite the limitations of the study, the results obtained confirm and develop the job demands-resources and self-determination theories. Med Pr. 2022;73(5):407-16.

Satisfacción Personal , Compromiso Laboral , Humanos , Autonomía Personal , Motivación , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Satisfacción en el Trabajo
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 22(3): 1021-1040, set. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1428695


Apesar da reformulação das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, alguns estudos publicados no cenário nacional ainda demonstram a presença de pouco espaço disponível para a Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho (POT) no processo formativo dos psicólogos no Brasil. O estudo pretende identificar o espaço disponibilizado ao ensino da POT no processo formativo, a partir da caracterização das grades curriculares dos 162 cursos de Psicologia do estado de São Paulo. O procedimento de coleta de dados consistiu em uma pesquisa realizada nos sites das Instituições de Ensino Superior para averiguação das matrizes curriculares. Os cursos apresentaram 0 a 24 disciplinas com uma média de 2,81 disciplinas por curso e 8,2% de espaço voltado às disciplinas e estágios em POT. Há pouco espaço na grade curricular para o ensino de POT. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os resultados das IES públicas e privadas. Houve uma ampliação do ensino da POT de um enfoque técnico e individualista para um enfoque mais sistêmico e político.

Despite the reformulation of the National Curriculum Guidelines, some studies published on the national scene still demonstrate the presence of little space available for Organizational and Work Psychology (POT) in the training process of psychologists in Brazil. The study intends to identify the space available for teaching POT in the formative process, based on the characterization of the curricular grids of the 162 Psychology courses in the State of São Paulo. The data collection procedure consisted of a survey conducted on the websites of Higher Education Institutions to ascertain the curricular matrices. The courses presented 0 to 24 subjects with an average of 2.81 subjects per course and 8.2% of space devoted to subjects and internships in POT. There is little space in the curriculum for teaching POT. There were no significant differences between the results of public and private HEIs. There was an expansion of the teaching of POT from a technical and individualistic approach to a more systemic and political approach.

A pesar de la reformulación de los Lineamientos Curriculares Nacionales, algunos estudios publicados en el escenario nacional aún demuestran la presencia de poco espacio disponible para la Psicología Organizacional y del Trabajo (POT) en el proceso de formación de psicólogos en Brasil. El estudio busca identificar el espacio disponible para la enseñanza de POT en el proceso formativo, a partir de la caracterización de las cuadrículas curriculares de los 162 cursos de Psicología en el estado de São Paulo. El procedimiento de recolección de datos consistió en una encuesta realizada en los sitios web de las Instituciones de Educación Superior para conocer las matrices curriculares. Los cursos presentaron de 0 a 24 asignaturas con un promedio de 2,81 asignaturas por curso y un 8,2% del espacio dedicado a asignaturas y prácticas en POT. Hay poco espacio en el plan de estudios para enseñar POT. No hubo diferencias significativas entre los resultados de las IES públicas y privadas. Hubo una expansión de la enseñanza de POT de un enfoque técnico e individualista a un enfoque más sistémico y político.

Psicología/educación , Curriculum , Capacitación Profesional , Universidades , Brasil
Psicol. teor. prát ; 24(2): 14027, 14.06.2022.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435314


As transformações no contexto do trabalho exigem novas competências dos trabalhadores, como a flexibilidade cognitiva (FC). Este estudo analisou publicações que investigaram a FC no contexto do trabalho. Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases de dados LILACS, SciELO, Web of Science e Scopus. A análise de 24 artigos permitiu um retrato da produção científica sobre a temática. Os estudos são recentes, oriundos de diversos países, e, em sua maioria, adotaram delineamento quantitativo e investigaram trabalhadores de segmentos variados. A FC foi frequentemente definida como uma função executiva que engloba a consciência de que há alternativas de comportamentos, a vontade e autoeficácia no comportamento flexível. A FC foi associada a outros fenômenos, como capacidade de adaptação e planejamento, relacionamentos interpessoais e privação de sono. Este trabalho traz contribuições e subsídios para profissionais da psicologia organizacional, haja vista a inserção da FC como competência essencial no trabalho.

Las transformaciones en el contexto laboral demandan de los trabajadores nuevas habilidades, entre ellas la flexibilidad cognitiva (FC). Este estudio analizó publicaciones que investigaron la FC en el contexto laboral. Se realizó una revisión integrativa en las bases de datos LILACS, SciELO, Web of Science y Scopus. El análisis de 24 estudios permitió un retrato de la producción científica sobre el tema. Son estudios recientes, de diferentes países, con diseño cuantitativo e investigaron a trabajadores de diferentes segmentos. La FC se definió como una función ejecutiva que abarca la conciencia de que existen comportamientos alternativos, la voluntad y la autoeficacia para ser flexible. La FC se relacionó con otros fenómenos como la capacidad de adaptación y planificación, las relaciones interpersonales y la falta de sueño. Este estudio trae aportes para los profesionales de la psicología organizacional, considerando la inserción de la FC como una competencia imprescindible en el trabajo.

Transformations in the work context demand new skills from workers, such as cognitive flexibility (CF). This study analyzed publications that investigated CF in the context of work. An integrative review of the literature was conducted in the LILACS, SciELO, Web of Science, and Scopus databases. An analysis of 24 articles allowed a picture of the scientific production on the subject. The studies are recent and coming from several countries. Most of them used a quantitative design and investigated workers from different industries. CF has often been defined as an executive function that encompasses awareness that there are alternative behaviors, willingness, and self-efficacy in flexible behavior. CF has been linked to other phenomena, such as the ability to adapt and plan, interpersonal relationships, and sleep deprivation. This study brings contributions and subsidies for organizational psychology professionals, considering the insertion of CF as an essential skill at work.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Trabajo , Cognición , Psicología , Conducta , Revisión , Conciencia , Planificación , Función Ejecutiva , Relaciones Interpersonales
rev. psicogente ; 25(47): 226-250, ene.-jun. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390577


Resumen Objetivo: Identificar y caracterizar las tendencias en investigación sobre las prácticas profesionales para contribuir al debate académico con relación a los problemas relevantes y actuales asociados a su desarrollo y como estrategia para la inserción laboral. Método: El siguiente artículo presenta una revisión sistemática de alcance descriptivo donde se buscaron publicaciones entre los años 2000 a 2020, relacionadas con el tema de prácticas profesionales, en las bases de datos Redalyc, Scielo y Dialnet. Inicialmente del total de 308 estudios obtenidos se procedió a filtrar por su pertinencia y relevancia, se obtuvieron finalmente 64 artículos empíricos, sistematizados y abordados desde el análisis temático. Resultados: Se encontró con relación a las competencias (21 %) y la formación profesional (11 %) como más recurrentes, seguido de la identidad (5 %), percepción (5 %), vinculación universidad-empresa (5 %), significados (3 %), experiencias, empleabilidad (2 %), contextos (2 %), representaciones (5 %), condiciones laborales (2 %), salud mental (2 %), precarización (2 %), y finalmente, de menor recurrencia, memoria colectiva (1 %), currículo (1 %), bioética (1 %), agrupadas en 4 tendencias. Respecto a los diseños metodológicos, se encontró de mayor aplicación los cuantitativos (45 %), seguido de los cualitativos (39 %) y los mixtos (16 %). Conclusiones: La identificación, caracterización y análisis de lo que se ha investigado sobre el tema de las prácticas profesionales, permitió reconocer las tendencias surgidas en los estudios, el reconocimiento de los cuestionamientos de la relación entre la formación y aplicación profesional, como abordaje investigativo futuro para la Psicología organizacional y del trabajo, en un contexto de las transformaciones que ha tenido el mundo del trabajo y el impacto de este mismo en las prácticas profesionales como mecanismo para la inserción laboral.

Abstract Objective: Identify and characterize the trends in research on internships in order to contribute to the academic debate regarding relevant and current problems associated with their development and as a strategy for labor market insertion. Method: The following article presents a systematic review of descriptive scope where we searched for publications between 2000 and 2020, related to the subject of professional practices, in the databases Redalyc, Scielo and Dialnet. Initially, of the total of 308 studies obtained, 64 empirical articles, systematized and approached from the thematic analysis, were filtered for their pertinence and relevance. Results: The following topics were found to be the most recurrent: competencies (21 %) and professional training (11 %), followed by identity (5 %), perception (5 %), university-business linkage (5 %), meanings (3 %), experiences, employability (2 %), contexts (2 %), representations (5 %), working conditions (2 %), mental health (2 %), precariousness (2 %), and finally, less frequently, collective memory (1 %), curriculum (1 %), bioethics (1 %), grouped in 4 tendencies. Regarding methodological designs, quantitative designs (45 %) were found to be more applicable, followed by qualitative (39 %) and mixed (16 %). Conclusions: The identification, characterization, and analysis of what has been researched on the subject of internships, allowed the recognition of the trends that have emerged in the studies, the recognition of the questions on the relationship between formation and professional application, as a future research approach for Organizational and Work Psychology, in a context of transformations in the world of work and its impact on the internship as a mechanism of labor insertion.

Resumo Objetivo: Identificar e caracterizar as tendências na pesquisa sobre estágios profissionais, a fim de contribuir para o debate acadêmico em relação aos problemas relevantes e atuais associados ao seu desenvolvimento e como estratégia de inserção laboral no mercado de trabalho Métodos: O artigo seguinte apresenta uma revisão sistemática do escopo descritivo onde as publicações entre os anos 2000 a 2020, relacionadas ao tema sobre estágios profissionais, foram pesquisadas nas bases de dados Redalyc, Scielo e Dialnet. Inicialmente, do total de 308 estudos obtidos, procedemos à filtragem por sua relevância e, finalmente, 64 artigos empíricos foram obtidos, sistematizados e abordados a partir da análise temática. Resultados: Foi encontrado em relação aos temas: competências (21 %) e formação profissional (11 %) como os mais recorrentes, seguidos pela identidade (5 %), percepção (5 %), vinculação universidade-empresa (5 %), significados (3 %), experiências, empregabilidade (2 %), contextos (2 %), representações (5 %), condições de trabalho (2 %), saúde mental (2 %), precariedade (2 %) e, finalmente, de menor recorrência, memória coletiva (1 %), currículo (1 %), bioética (1 %), agrupados em 4 tendências. Quanto aos desenhos metodológicos, quantitativos (45 %), seguidos pelos qualitativos (39 %) e mistos (16 %). Conclusões: A identificação, caracterização e análise do que foi pesquisado sobre o tema do estágios profissionais, permitiu o reconhecimento das tendências que surgiram nos estudos, o reconhecimento do questionamento da relação entre treinamento e aplicação profissional, como uma abordagem de pesquisa futura para a Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho, em um contexto de transformações no mundo do trabalho e seu impacto no processo de práticas como mecanismo de inserção laboral.

Ann Med Psychol (Paris) ; 180(5): 412-418, 2022 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33612844


The current cross-sectional study aimed to explore the relationship between work stressors and mental health in frontline nurses exposed to COVID-19. Participants were recruited from 16 general hospitals in Anhui province from February 2020 to March 2020. The general sociodemographic questionnaire, Nurse Job Stressors Scale, Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire, NEO Five-Factor Inventory, Perceived Social Support Scale, and Kessler Psychological Distress Scale were used in this study. Based on 723 valid questionnaires retrieved (100%), the total mean scores of work stressors and mental health of frontline nurses were (94.38 ± 23.42) and (22.81 ± 7.16), respectively. The results of the structural equation model showed that work stressors had an indirect positive effect (ß = 0.484, P < 0.01), social support had a direct negative effect (ß = -0.934, P < 0.01), personality traits had a direct positive effect (ß = 0.209, P < 0.01), and positive coping style had both direct positive (ß = 0.246, P < 0.01) and indirect negative effects (ß = -0.873, P < 0.01) on frontline nurses' mental health. In conclusion, nursing staff can reinforce positive influences by accepting social support, adopting positive coping methods, and weakening negative influences factors to reduce or buffer their negative mental states and further reduce work stress.

Cette étude transversale vise à explorer la relation entre les facteurs de stress au travail et la santé mentale des infirmières de première ligne exposées au COVID-19. Les participants ont été recrutés dans 16 hôpitaux généraux de la province d'Anhui de février à mars 2020. Cette étude a utilisé des questionnaires sociodémographiques généraux, des échelles de stress professionnels des infirmières, des questionnaires simplifiés sur le style d'adaptation, des échelles à cinq facteurs NEO, des échelles de soutien social perçu et des échelles de détresse psychologique Kessler. Selon les 723 questionnaires valides récupérés (100 %), les scores moyens totaux des facteurs de stress au travail et de santé mentale des infirmières de première ligne sont respectivement de (94,38 ± 23,42) et (22,81 ± 7,16). Les résultats du modèle d'équation structurelle montrent que les facteurs de stress au travail ont un impact positif indirect sur la santé mentale des infirmières de première ligne (ß = 0,484, p < 0,01), et que le soutien social a un impact négatif direct sur la santé mentale des infirmières de première ligne (ß = −0,934, p < 0,01), les traits de personnalité ont un impact positif direct sur la santé mentale des infirmières de première ligne (ß = 0,209, p < 0,01), et les styles d'adaptation positifs ont un impact positif direct sur la santé mentale des infirmières de première ligne (ß = 0,246, p < 0,01) et un impact négatif indirectement (ß = −0,873, p < 0,01). En résumé, les infirmières de première ligne peuvent réduire ou amortir leur état mental négatif en acceptant le soutien social, en adoptant des styles d'adaptation positifs et en affaiblissant les facteurs d'influence négatifs, afin de réduire la pression au travail.

Front Psychol ; 12: 768290, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34867671


Job satisfaction is a widely discussed topic in work psychology, but what might be the contributions of recent discussions of workplace spirituality? This research allows a qualitative measure of workplace spirituality relevance by workforce perspective that can be reproduced in other organizations through a questionnaire application. The spiritual factors of the workplace were classified according to the Kano model that identifies the potential for actions and investments to be transformed into job satisfaction. In this application, it was identified that investments in the coherence and purpose of work factors can generate more than proportional satisfaction in the individuals of this organization. The identity, values, cohesion, meaning, and climate of work factors could generate a proportional satisfaction to the investments. The inner life and community factors cannot generate satisfaction, but when investment levels in these factors did not meet the expectations, it potentially generates dissatisfaction. Finally, investments in belonging, connection, and environmental factors were indifferent to the satisfaction level in this organization. The researchers also pointed out opportunities of investments to the organization.

Aval. psicol ; 20(3): 352-360, jul.-set. 2021. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1345370


O presente artigo objetiva adaptar e apresentar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Avaliação Autonomia Profissional dos Professores (EAP) para o contexto brasileiro. A escala foi aplicada coletivamente nas escolas em 407 professores da rede pública de educação do município de Mossoró-RN. Em sua maioria mulheres (73,8%), com idade média de 44,33 ± 8,37 anos. Análises fatoriais exploratórias realizadas no software Factor corroboram a existência de dois modelos, mas a estrutura composta por seis fatores demonstrou melhor ajuste (χ² = 27152.374, CFI = 1,001; TLI = 1,001; RMSEA= 0,000), em comparação à solução tridimensional. A consistência interna conferida pelo alfa de Cronbach mostrou-se satisfatória. São sugeridos estudos que confirmem uma estrutura fatorial generalizável para fins de replicação. (AU)

This study aimed to adapt the Teacher version of the Professional Autonomy Scale (PAS) for the Brazilian context and investigate its psychometric properties. The scale was applied collectively with 407teachers of schools of the public education system of the municipality of Mossoró-RN. The participants were mostly female (73.8%), with a mean age of 44.33 ±8.37 years. Exploratory factor analyses performed using the Factor software corroborated the existence of two models, with the six-factor structure showing the best fit (χ² = 27152.374, CFI = 1.001; TLI = 1.001; RMSEA= 0.000), compared to the three-dimensional solution. The internal consistency conferred by Cronbach's alpha was satisfactory. Studies are suggested to confirm a generalizable factor structure for replication purposes. (AU)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo adaptar y presentar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Evaluación de la Autonomía Profesional del Profesorado (EAP) para el contexto brasileño. La escala se aplicó colectivamente en las escuelas con 407 docentes del sistema de enseñanza pública del municipio de Mossoró-RN. Participaron en su mayoría mujeres (73.8%), con una edad media de 44.33 ± 8.37 años. Los análisis factoriales exploratorios realizados en el Software Factor corroboran la existencia de dos modelos, pero la estructura compuesta por seis factores mostró el mejor ajuste (χ² = 27152.374, CFI = 1,001; TLI = 1,001; RMSEA= 0,000), en comparación con la solución tridimensional. La consistencia interna conferida por el alfa de Cronbach resultó ser satisfactoria. Se sugieren estudios para confirmar una estructura de factores generalizable para fines de replicación. (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Adulto Joven , Autonomía Profesional , Maestros/psicología , Psicometría , Análisis Factorial , Educación
Med Pr ; 72(4): 423-436, 2021 Aug 31.
Artículo en Polaco | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34254592


In recent years, there has been a clear increase in the interest in positive phenomena in work psychology. One of such issues is employee-initiated behavior aimed at transforming working conditions in order to increase job satisfaction and match it to one's needs and abilities. These behaviors are referred to as job crafting. With the development of research on this issue, different theoretical concepts and definitions of job crafting were created and then evolved. The aim of the work is to systematize them and perform a critical analysis. The article analyzes 5 theoretical models of job crafting: Wrzesniewski and Dutton's model, Tims and Bakker's model, Zhang and Parker's model, Bindl et al.'s model, and Kooij et al.'s model The publication presents the differences between these models, and strengths and critical points of each of them. Med Pr. 2021;72(4):423-36.

Satisfacción en el Trabajo , Modelos Teóricos , Humanos
Cad. psicol. soc. trab ; 24(1): 135-151, jan.-jun. 2021. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1356006


O presente texto foi publicado originalmente como prefácio de uma obra de Yves Clot em homenagem a Ivar Oddone. Decidimos publicá-lo no formato de artigo, com a autorização do autor, por considerarmos que traz importantes e atuais contribuições para o campo do trabalho em intercruzamento com diversas teorias: Clínica da Atividade, Ergologia, Ergonomia, Saúde do Trabalhador, dentre outras. Neste texto, Yves Clot retoma aspectos significativos da obra de Ivar Oddone e tece reflexões sobre aspectos originais dessa, nem sempre considerados pelos estudiosos da área. Assim, faz uma análise comparativa com as propostas apresentadas por Elton Mayo, as quais se sagraram como importante ferramenta para o desenvolvimento do capitalismo industrial sob a suposta égide do enaltecimento do aspecto humano nas situações de trabalho. Ao contrário das concepções e práticas de Mayo, que foram efetivamente voltadas para o aumento da produtividade das empresas e, portanto, para a exploração dos trabalhadores, Oddone buscou reconhecer e valorizar o saber dos operários, com o intuito de que esse se configurasse como um contrapoder ao ampliar o seu poder de agir na situação de trabalho, aspectos que são amplamente discutidos por Clot no texto que ora apresentamos.¹

This text was initially published as a preface written by Yves Clot in honor of Ivar Oddone. We decided to publish it as an article, authorized by the author, as we believe that it brings important and current contributions to the field of work, in interseccion with several theories: Clinic of Activity, Ergology, Ergonomics, Worker's Health, among others. In this text, Yves Clot takes up highlights of Ivar Oddone's work and produces reflections about its original aspects, not always considered by experts in the field. Thus, he makes a comparative analysis with those aspects and the proposals presented by Elton Mayo, which have become an important tool for the development of industrial capitalism under the supposed appreciation of the human sides in work situations. Contrary to Mayo's conceptions and practices, which were aimed at increasing the productivity of companies and, therefore, at the exploitation of workers, Oddone sought to recognize and value the knowledge of workers, intending that this was used as a kind of counterpower, by expanding its power to act in the work situation, points that are widely discussed by Clot in the text that we present now.

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Psicología Industrial/historia , Salud Laboral/historia , Política