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New Phytol ; 2024 Sep 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39267263


Resolving the position of roots in the whole-plant hierarchy of drought-induced xylem embolism resistance is fundamental for predicting when species become isolated from soil water resources. Published research generally suggests that roots are the most vulnerable organ of the plant vascular system, although estimates vary significantly. However, our knowledge of root embolism excludes the fine roots (< 2 mm diameter) that form the bulk of total absorptive surface area of the root network for water and nutrient uptake. We measured fine root and stem xylem vulnerability in 10 vascular plant species from the major land plant clades (five angiosperms, three conifers, a fern and lycophyte), using standardised in situ methods (Optical Methods and MicroCT). Mean fine root embolism resistance across the network matched or exceeded stems in all study species. In six of these species (one fern, one lycophyte, three conifers and one angiosperm), fine roots were significantly more embolism resistant than stems. No clear relationship was found between root xylem conduit diameter and vulnerability. These results provide insight into the resistance of the plant hydraulic pathway at the site of water and nutrient uptake, and challenge the long-standing assumption that fine roots are more vulnerable than stems.

Sci Total Environ ; 952: 175916, 2024 Nov 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39226962


Riparian trees are particularly vulnerable to drought because they are highly dependent on water availability for their survival. However, the response of riparian tree species to water stress varies depending on regional hydroclimatic conditions, making them unevenly vulnerable to changing drought patterns. Understanding this spatial variability in stress responses requires a comprehensive assessment of water stress across broader spatial and temporal scales. Yet, the precise ecophysiological mechanisms underlying these responses remain poorly linked to remotely sensed indices. To address this gap, the implementation of remote sensing methods coupled with in situ validation is essential to obtain consistent results across diverse spatial and temporal contexts. We conducted a multi-tool analysis combining multispectral and thermal remote sensing indices with in situ ecophysiological measurements at different temporal scales to analyze the responses of white poplar (Populus alba) to seasonal changes in drought along a hydroclimatic gradient. Using this approach, we demonstrate that white poplars along the Rhône River (France) exhibit contrasting responses and behaviors during drought depending on the latitudinal context. White poplars in a Mediterranean climate show rapid stomatal closure to reduce water loss and maintain high minimum water potential levels, although this results in a decrease in remotely sensed greenness. Conversely, white poplars located upstream in a temperate climate show high transpiration and stable greenness but lower minimum water potential and water content. A site in the middle of the gradient has intermediate responses. These results demonstrate that white poplars along a climate gradient can have a range of responses to drought along the iso/anisohydricity continuum. These results are important for future climatic conditions because they show that the same species can have different mechanisms of drought resilience, even in the same river valley. This raises questions regarding how these riparian tree populations will respond to future climatic and hydrological conditions.

Populus , Árboles , Árboles/fisiología , Animales , Populus/fisiología , Saltamontes/fisiología , Sequías , Ríos , Francia , Deshidratación , Clima , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos
Tree Physiol ; 2024 Sep 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39244705


Lowland northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis) forests are increasingly exposed to extreme droughts and floods that cause tree mortality. However, it is not clear the extent to which these events may differentially affect regeneration of cedar and its increasingly common associate, balsam fir (Abies balsamea). To test this, we measured how seedlings of cedar and fir were able to avoid, resist, and recover from experimental drought and flood treatments of different lengths (8-66 days). Overall, we found that cedar exhibited a strategy of stress resistance and growth recovery (resilience) from moderate drought and flood stress. Fir, on the other hand, appears to be adapted to avoid drought and flood stress and exhibited overall lower growth resilience. In drought treatments, we found evidence of different stomatal behaviors. Cedar used available water quickly and therefore experienced more drought stress than fir but cedar was able to survive at water potentials > 3 MPa below key hydraulic thresholds. On the other hand, fir employed a more conservative water use strategy and therefore avoided extremely low water potential. In response to flood treatments, cedar survival was higher and only reached 50% if exposed to 23.1 days of flooding in contrast to only 7.4 days to reach 50% mortality for fir. In both droughts and floods, many stressed cedar were able to maintain partially brown canopies and often survived the stress, albeit with reduced growth, suggesting a strategy of resistance and resilience. In contrast, fir that experienced drought or flood stress had a threshold-type responses and they either had full live canopies with little effect on growth or they died suggesting reliance on a strategy of drought avoidance. Combined with increasingly variable precipitation regimes, seasonal flooding, and complex microtopography that can provide safe sites in these forests, these results inform conservation and management of lowland cedar stands.

Front Plant Sci ; 15: 1448656, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39228839


Developing an efficient and sustainable precision irrigation strategy is crucial in contemporary agriculture. This study aimed to combine proximal and remote sensing techniques to show the benefits of using both monitoring methods, simultaneously assessing the water status and response of 'Calatina' olive under two distinct irrigation levels: full irrigation (FI), and drought stress (DS, -3 to -4 MPa). Stem water potential (Ψstem) and stomatal conductance (gs) were monitored weekly as reference indicators of plant water status. Crop water stress index (CWSI) and stomatal conductance index (Ig) were calculated through ground-based infrared thermography. Fruit gauges were used to monitor continuously fruit growth and data were converted in fruit daily weight fluctuations (ΔW) and relative growth rate (RGR). Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), normalized difference RedEdge index (NDRE), green normalized difference vegetation index (GNDVI), chlorophyll vegetation index (CVI), modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI), water index (WI), normalized difference greenness index (NDGI) and green index (GI) were calculated from data collected by UAV-mounted multispectral camera. Data obtained from proximal sensing were correlated with both Ψstem and gs, while remote sensing data were correlated only with Ψstem. Regression analysis showed that both CWSI and Ig proved to be reliable indicators of Ψstem and gs. Of the two fruit growth parameters, ΔW exhibited a stronger relationship, primarily with Ψstem. Finally, NDVI, GNDVI, WI and NDRE emerged as the vegetation indices that correlated most strongly with Ψstem, achieving high R2 values. Combining proximal and remote sensing indices suggested two valid approaches: a more simplified one involving the use of CWSI and either NDVI or WI, and a more comprehensive one involving CWSI and ΔW as proximal indices, along with WI as a multispectral index. Further studies on combining proximal and remote sensing data will be necessary in order to find strategic combinations of sensors and establish intervention thresholds.

Plant Cell Environ ; 2024 Sep 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39254168


The driving forces of transpiration are not only atmospheric evaporation but also root zone water supply and stomatal regulation among species. However, the biophysiological drivers of transpiration remain incompletely understood in heterogeneous karst habitats. This study investigated the commonly coexisting tree species Mallotus philippensis and Celtis biondii in two typical karst habitats: rock-dominated (RD) habitat and control soil-dominated (SD) habitat. Over 2 years, soil moisture, transpiration, root distribution, and leaf water potential were measured. The results showed that soil moisture in the RD habitat was significantly lower than in the SD habitat. Transpiration patterns also differed between habitats, with species-specific distinctions driven by biophysiological traits. M. philippensis showed small hydroscape areas and its root system mainly distributed in the soil zone in both habitats. The isohydric behaviour and lower root density in the RD habitat drove M. philippensis to reduce transpiration in response to soil water deficiency. Conversely, C. biondii had large hydroscape areas and roots capable of penetrating bedrock. It transpired higher relying on ample accessible water through anisohydric behaviour and having a more robust root system both in soil and bedrock zones in the RD habitat. Our study highlights the critical role of root water accessibility and leaf iso/anisohydric tendencies in driving transpiration.

Plant Cell Environ ; 2024 Aug 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119783


Understanding xylem embolism formation is challenging due to dynamic changes and multiphase interactions in conduits. Here, we hypothesise that embolism spread involves gas diffusion in xylem, and is affected by time. We measured hydraulic conductivity (Kh) in flow-centrifuge experiments over 1 h at a given pressure and temperature for stem samples of three angiosperm species. Temporal changes in Kh at 5, 22, and 35°C, and at various pressures were compared to modelled gas concentration changes in a recently embolised vessel in the centre of a centrifuge sample. Temporal changes in Kh were logarithmic and species-specific. Maximum relative increases of Kh between 6% and 40% happened at 22°C for low centrifugal speed (<3250 RPM), while maximum decreases between 41% and 61% occurred at higher speeds. These reductions in Kh were experimentally shown to be associated with a temporal increase of embolism at the centre of centrifuge samples, which was likely associated with gas concentration increases in recently embolized vessels. Although embolism is mostly pressure-driven, our experimental and modelled data indicate that time, conduit characteristics, and temperature are involved due to their potential role in gas diffusion. Gas diffusion, however, does not seem to cover the entire process of embolism spread.

Plant Cell Environ ; 2024 Aug 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119823


Drought is one of the main factors contributing to tree mortality worldwide and drought events are set to become more frequent and intense in the face of a changing climate. Quantifying water stress of forests is crucial in predicting and understanding their vulnerability to drought-induced mortality. Here, we explore the use of high-resolution spectroscopy in predicting water stress indicators of two native Australian tree species, Callitris rhomboidea and Eucalyptus viminalis. Specific spectral features and indices derived from leaf-level spectroscopy were assessed as potential proxies to predict leaf water potential (Ψleaf), equivalent water thickness (EWT) and fuel moisture content (FMC) in a dedicated laboratory experiment. New spectral indices were identified that enabled very high confidence linear prediction of Ψleaf for both species (R2 > 0.85) with predictive capacity increasing when accounting for a breakpoint in the relationships using segmented regression (E. viminalis, R2 > 0.89; C. rhomboidea, R2 > 0.87). EWT and FMC were also linearly predicted to a high accuracy (E. viminalis, R2 > 0.90; C. rhomboidea, R2 > 0.80). This study highlights the potential of spectroscopy as a tool for predicting measures of plant water noninvasively, enabling broader applications for monitoring and managing plant water stress.

Plant Cell Environ ; 2024 Aug 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39110071


In root research, hydroponic plant cultivation is commonly used and soil experiments are rare. We investigated the response of 12-day-old barley roots, cultivated in soil-filled rhizotrons, to different soil water potentials (SWP) comparing a modern cultivar (cv. Scarlett) with a wild accession ICB181243 from Pakistan. Water potentials were quantified in soils with different relative water contents. Root anatomy was studied using histochemistry and microscopy. Suberin and lignin amounts were quantified by analytical chemistry. Transcriptomic changes were observed by RNA-sequencing. Compared with control with decreasing SWP, total root length decreased, the onset of endodermal suberization occurred much closer towards the root tips, amounts of suberin and lignin increased, and corresponding biosynthesis genes were upregulated in response to decreasing SWP. We conclude that decreasing water potentials enhanced root suberization and lignification, like osmotic stress experiments in hydroponic cultivation. However, in soil endodermal cell suberization was initiated very close towards the root tip, and root length as well as suberin amounts were about twofold higher compared with hydroponic cultivation.

Tree Physiol ; 2024 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39190893


Given the pressing challenges posed by climate change, it is crucial to develop a deeper understanding of the impacts of escalating drought and heat stress on terrestrial ecosystems and the vital services they offer. Soil and plant water potential play a pivotal role in governing the dynamics of water within ecosystems and exert direct control over plant function and mortality risk during periods of ecological stress. However, existing observations of water potential suffer from significant limitations, including their sporadic and discontinuous nature, inconsistent representation of relevant spatio-temporal scales, and numerous methodological challenges. These limitations hinder the comprehensive and synthetic research needed to enhance our conceptual understanding and predictive models of plant function and survival under limited moisture availability. In this article, we present PSInet (PSI-for the Greek letter Ψ used to denote water potential), a novel collaborative network of researchers and data, designed to bridge the current critical information gap in water potential data. The primary objectives of PSInet are: (1) Establishing the first openly accessible global database for time series of plant and soil water potential measurements, while providing important linkages with other relevant observation networks. (2) Fostering an inclusive and diverse collaborative environment for all scientists studying water potential in various stages of their careers. (3) Standardizing methodologies, processing, and interpretation of water potential data through the engagement of a global community of scientists, facilitated by the dissemination of standardized protocols, best practices, and early career training opportunities. (4) Facilitating the use of the PSInet database for synthesizing knowledge and addressing prominent gaps in our understanding of plants' physiological responses to various environmental stressors. The PSInet initiative is integral to meeting the fundamental research challenge of discerning which plant species will thrive and which will be vulnerable in a world undergoing rapid warming and increasing aridification.

Ann Bot ; 2024 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39086357


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Leaf elongation is vital for Poaceae species' productivity, influenced by atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and climate-induced water availability changes. Although [CO2] mitigates the effects of drought on reducing transpiration per unit leaf area, it also increases total leaf area and water use. These complex interactions associated with leaf growth pose challenges in anticipating climate change effects. This study aims to assess [CO2] effects on leaf growth response to drought in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) and wheat (Triticum aestivum). METHODS: Plants were cultivated in growth chambers with [CO2] at 200 or 800 ppm. At leaf six to seven unfolding, half of the plants were subjected to severe drought treatment. Leaf elongation rate (LER) was measured daily, whereas plant transpiration was continuously recorded gravimetrically. Additionally, water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) content along with water and osmotic potentials in the leaf growing zone were measured at drought onset, mid-drought and leaf growth cessation. KEY RESULTS: Elevated [CO2] mitigated drought impacts on LER and delayed growth cessation across species. A positive correlation between LER and soil relative water content (SRWC) was observed. At the same SRWC, perennial grasses exhibited a higher LER with elevated [CO2], likely due to enhanced stomatal regulation. Despite stomatal closure and WSC accumulation, CO2 did not influence nighttime water potential or osmotic potential. The marked increase in leaf area across species resulted in similar (wheat and tall fescue) or higher (ryegrass) total water use by the experiment's end, under both watered and unwatered conditions. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, elevated [CO2] mitigates the adverse effects of drought on leaf elongation in three Poaceae species, due to its impact on plant transpiration. Overall, these findings provide valuable insights into CO2 and drought interactions that may help anticipate plant responses to climate change.

Glob Chang Biol ; 30(8): e17439, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39092538


Heatwaves and soil droughts are increasing in frequency and intensity, leading many tree species to exceed their thermal thresholds, and driving wide-scale forest mortality. Therefore, investigating heat tolerance and canopy temperature regulation mechanisms is essential to understanding and predicting tree vulnerability to hot droughts. We measured the diurnal and seasonal variation in leaf water potential (Ψ), gas exchange (photosynthesis Anet and stomatal conductance gs), canopy temperature (Tcan), and heat tolerance (leaf critical temperature Tcrit and thermal safety margins TSM, i.e., the difference between maximum Tcan and Tcrit) in three oak species in forests along a latitudinal gradient (Quercus petraea in Switzerland, Quercus ilex in France, and Quercus coccifera in Spain) throughout the growing season. Gas exchange and Ψ of all species were strongly reduced by increased air temperature (Tair) and soil drying, resulting in stomatal closure and inhibition of photosynthesis in Q. ilex and Q. coccifera when Tair surpassed 30°C and soil moisture dropped below 14%. Across all seasons, Tcan was mainly above Tair but increased strongly (up to 10°C > Tair) when Anet was null or negative. Although trees endured extreme Tair (up to 42°C), positive TSM were maintained during the growing season due to high Tcrit in all species (average Tcrit of 54.7°C) and possibly stomatal decoupling (i.e., Anet ≤0 while gs >0). Indeed, Q. ilex and Q. coccifera trees maintained low but positive gs (despite null Anet), decreasing Ψ passed embolism thresholds. This may have prevented Tcan from rising above Tcrit during extreme heat. Overall, our work highlighted that the mechanisms behind heat tolerance and leaf temperature regulation in oak trees include a combination of high evaporative cooling, large heat tolerance limits, and stomatal decoupling. These processes must be considered to accurately predict plant damages, survival, and mortality during extreme heatwaves.

Estomas de Plantas , Quercus , Termotolerancia , Quercus/fisiología , Estomas de Plantas/fisiología , España , Suiza , Francia , Hojas de la Planta/fisiología , Fotosíntesis , Temperatura , Estaciones del Año , Agua , Calor , Sequías
J R Soc Interface ; 21(217): 20240204, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39192726


Turgor is the driving force of plant growth, making it possible for roots to overcome soil resistance or for stems to counteract gravity. Maintaining a constant growth rate while avoiding cell content dilution, which would progressively stop the inward water flux, imposes the production or import of osmolytes in proportion to the increase of volume. We coin this phenomenon stationary osmoregulation. The article explores the quantitative consequences of this hypothesis on the interaction of a cylindrical cell growing axially against an obstacle. An instantaneous axial compression of a pressurized cylindrical cell generates a force and a pressure jump, which both decrease towards a lower value once water has flowed out of the cell to reach the water potential equilibrium. In the first part, the article derives analytical formulae for these forces and over-pressure both before and after relaxation. In the second part, we describe how the coupling of the Lockhart growth law with the stationary osmoregulation hypothesis predicts a transient slowdown in growth due to contact before a re-acceleration in growth. We finally compare these predictions with the output of an elastic growth model which ignores the osmotic origin of growth: models only match in the early phase of contact for a high-stiffness obstacle.

Modelos Biológicos , Osmorregulación/fisiología , Agua/metabolismo , Presión Osmótica
Plants (Basel) ; 13(16)2024 Aug 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39204699


The development of water-saving management relies on understanding the physiological response of crops to soil drought. The coordinated regulation of hydraulics and stomatal conductance in plant water relations has steadily received attention. However, research focusing on grain crops, such as winter wheat, remains limited. In this study, three soil water supply treatments, including high (H), moderate (M), and low (L) soil water contents, were conducted with potted winter wheat. Leaf water potential (Ψleaf), leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf), and stomatal conductance (gs), as well as leaf biochemical parameters and stomatal traits were measured. Results showed that, compared to H, predawn leaf water potential (ΨPD) significantly reduced by 48.10% and 47.91%, midday leaf water potential (ΨMD) reduced by 40.71% and 43.20%, Kleaf reduced by 64.80% and 65.61%, and gs reduced by 21.20% and 43.41%, respectively, under M and L conditions. Although gs showed a significant difference between M and L, Ψleaf and Kleaf did not show significant differences between these treatments. The maximum carboxylation rate (Vcmax) and maximum electron transfer rate (Jmax) under L significantly decreased by 23.11% and 28.10%, stomatal density (SD) and stomatal pore area index (SPI) under L on the abaxial side increased by 59.80% and 52.30%, respectively, compared to H. The leaf water potential at 50% hydraulic conduction loss (P50) under L was not significantly reduced. The gs was positively correlated with ΨMD and Kleaf, but it was negatively correlated with abscisic acid (ABA) and SD. A threshold relationship between gs and Kleaf was observed, with rapid and linear reduction in gs occurring only when Kleaf fell below 8.70 mmol m-2 s-1 MPa-1. Our findings demonstrate that wheat leaves adapt stomatal regulation strategies from anisohydric to isohydric in response to reduced soil water content. These results enrich the theory of trade-offs between the carbon assimilation and hydraulic safety in crops and also provide a theoretical basis for water management practices based on stomatal regulation strategies under varying soil water conditions.

Sci Total Environ ; 951: 175805, 2024 Nov 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39197757


Forests globally are experiencing severe droughts, leading to significant reductions in growth, crown dieback and even tree mortality. The ability of forest ecosystems to acclimate to prolonged and repeated droughts is critical for their survival with ongoing climate change. In a five-year throughfall exclusion experiment, we investigated the long-term physiological and morphological acclimation of mature Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) to repeated summer drought at the leaf, shoot and whole tree level. Throughout the drought period, spruce reduced their total water use by 70 % to only 4-9 L per day and tree, while beech was less affected with about 30 % reduction of water use. During the first two summers, spruce achieved this by closing their stomata by up to 80 %. Additionally, from the second drought summer onwards, spruce produced shorter shoots and needles, resulting in a stepwise reduction of total leaf area of over 50 % by the end of the experiment. Surprisingly, no premature leaf loss was observed. This reduction in leaf area allowed a gradual increase in stomatal conductance. After the five-year drought experiment, water consumption per leaf area was the same as in the controls, while the total water consumption of spruce was still reduced. In contrast, beech showed no significant reduction in whole-tree leaf area, but nevertheless reduced water use by up to 50 % by stomatal closure. If the restriction of transpiration by stomatal closure is sufficient to ensure survival of Norway spruce during the first drought summers, then the slow but steady reduction in leaf area will ensure successful acclimation of water use, leading to reduced physiological drought stress and long-term survival. Neighboring beech appeared to benefit from the water-saving strategy of spruce by using the excess water.

Aclimatación , Cambio Climático , Sequías , Fagus , Picea , Hojas de la Planta , Estaciones del Año , Fagus/fisiología , Picea/fisiología , Aclimatación/fisiología , Hojas de la Planta/fisiología , Agua , Estomas de Plantas/fisiología
Tree Physiol ; 44(8)2024 Aug 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39041710


Increases in hydrological extremes, including drought, are expected for Amazon forests. A fundamental challenge for predicting forest responses lies in identifying ecological strategies which underlie such responses. Characterization of species-specific hydraulic strategies for regulating water-use, thought to be arrayed along an 'isohydric-anisohydric' spectrum, is a widely used approach. However, recent studies have questioned the usefulness of this classification scheme, because its metrics are strongly influenced by environments, and hence can lead to divergent classifications even within the same species. Here, we propose an alternative approach positing that individual hydraulic regulation strategies emerge from the interaction of environments with traits. Specifically, we hypothesize that the vertical forest profile represents a key gradient in drought-related environments (atmospheric vapor pressure deficit, soil water availability) that drives divergent tree water-use strategies for coordinated regulation of stomatal conductance (gs) and leaf water potentials (ΨL) with tree rooting depth, a proxy for water availability. Testing this hypothesis in a seasonal eastern Amazon forest in Brazil, we found that hydraulic strategies indeed depend on height-associated environments. Upper canopy trees, experiencing high vapor pressure deficit (VPD), but stable soil water access through deep rooting, exhibited isohydric strategies, defined by little seasonal change in the diurnal pattern of gs and steady seasonal minimum ΨL. In contrast, understory trees, exposed to less variable VPD but highly variable soil water availability, exhibited anisohydric strategies, with fluctuations in diurnal gs that increased in the dry season along with increasing variation in ΨL. Our finding that canopy height structures the coordination between drought-related environmental stressors and hydraulic traits provides a basis for preserving the applicability of the isohydric-to-anisohydric spectrum, which we show here may consistently emerge from environmental context. Our work highlights the importance of understanding how environmental heterogeneity structures forest responses to climate change, providing a mechanistic basis for improving models of tropical ecosystems.

Bosques , Árboles , Agua , Agua/metabolismo , Agua/fisiología , Árboles/fisiología , Brasil , Sequías , Transpiración de Plantas/fisiología , Suelo/química , Hojas de la Planta/fisiología
J Exp Bot ; 2024 Jul 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39058302


The four carbon non-proteinogenic amino acid γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) accumulates to high levels in plants in response to various abiotic and biotic stress stimuli, and plays a role in C:N balance, signaling and as a transport regulator. Expression in Xenopus oocytes and voltage-clamping allowed characterizing Arabidopsis GAT2 (At5g41800) as low affinity GABA transporter with a K0.5GABA~8 mM. L-alanine and butylamine represented additional substrates. GABA-induced currents were strongly dependent on the membrane potential, reaching highest affinity and highest transport rates at strongly negative membrane potentials. Mutation of Ser17, previously reported to be phosphorylated in planta, did not result in altered affinity. In short term stress experiment, AtGAT2 mRNA levels were upregulated at low water potential and under osmotic stress (polyethylene glycol, mannitol). Furthermore, AtGAT2 promoter activity was detected in vascular tissues, in maturating pollen, and the phloem unloading region of young seeds. Even though this suggested a role of AtGAT2 in long distance transport and loading of sink organs, under the conditions tested neither AtGAT2 overexpressing plants nor atgat2 or atgat1 T-DNA insertion lines, or atgat1 atgat2 double knockout mutants differed from wild type plants in growth on GABA, in amino acid levels or resistance to salt and osmotic stress.

Plants (Basel) ; 13(14)2024 Jul 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39065495


Degradation of shoots, characterized by stunted growth and signs of water deficit, is common in bamboo stands. However, the specific mechanisms underlying water utilization in degrading shoots remain unclear. This study sought to address this gap by harvesting bamboo shoots and culms of Phyllostachys edulis 'Pachyloen', employing cytological and physiological techniques to compare water utilization mechanisms between healthy and degrading shoots, and investigating the water supply to bamboo shoots by the parent bamboo. The water pressure in the degrading shoots was markedly lower compared to that of the healthy shoots, and it declined as the degradation progressed, resulting in reduced water content and the cessation of guttation in the degrading shoots. In conditions of water deficit, the percentage of free water in bamboo shoots decreased while the percentages of bound and semi-bound water increased, with the proportion of semi-bound water reaching as high as 88.13% in the late stages of degradation. The water potential of parent bamboo culms of different ages varied at different times of the day and during different growth stages of bamboo shoots, showing a strong association with the development of bamboo shoots. Conversely, the correlation between changes in the water potential of bamboo shoots and their degradation patterns was found to be comparatively minimal. The weakening of the connection between the bamboo shoots and the parent bamboo culms may play a significant role in the degradation of the bamboo shoots. This is evidenced by a decrease in the fluorescence intensity of the nucleus in bamboo shoots and the degradation of genetic material. This study lays the foundation for future research into the mechanisms of bamboo shoot degradation.

Tree Physiol ; 44(9)2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39073894


Climate change is raising concerns about how forests will respond to extreme droughts, heat waves and their co-occurrence. In this greenhouse study, we tested how carbon and water relations relate to seedling growth and mortality of northeastern US trees during and after extreme drought, warming, and combined drought and warming. We compared the response of our focal species red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) with a common associate (paper birch, Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and a species expected to increase abundance in this region with climate change (northern red oak, Quercus rubra L.). We tracked growth and mortality, photosynthesis and water use of 216 seedlings of these species through a treatment and a recovery year. Each red spruce seedling was planted in containers either alone or with another seedling to simulate potential competition, and the seedlings were exposed to combinations of drought (irrigated, 15-d 'short' or 30-d 'long') and temperature (ambient or 16 days at +3.5 °C daily maximum) treatments. We found dominant effects of the drought reducing photosynthesis, midday water potential, and growth of spruce and birch, but that oak showed considerable resistance to drought stress. The effects of planting seedlings together were moderate and likely due to competition for limited water. Despite high temperatures reducing photosynthesis for all species, the warming imposed in this study minorly impacted growth only for oak in the recovery year. Overall, we found that the diverse water-use strategies employed by the species in our study related to their growth and recovery following drought stress. This study provides physiological evidence to support the prediction that native species to this region like red spruce and paper birch are susceptible to future climate extremes that may favor other species like northern red oak, leading to potential impacts on tree community dynamics under climate change.

Betula , Cambio Climático , Sequías , Picea , Quercus , Árboles , Quercus/crecimiento & desarrollo , Quercus/fisiología , Picea/crecimiento & desarrollo , Picea/fisiología , Betula/crecimiento & desarrollo , Betula/fisiología , Árboles/crecimiento & desarrollo , Árboles/fisiología , Plantones/crecimiento & desarrollo , Plantones/fisiología , Fotosíntesis/fisiología , New England , Agua/metabolismo , Resistencia a la Sequía
Front Plant Sci ; 15: 1393028, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38855474


Instrumentation plays a key role in modern horticulture. Thus, the microtensiomenter, a new plant-based sensor that continuously monitors trunk water potential (Ψtrunk) can help in irrigation management decisions. To compare the response of the Ψtrunk with other continuous tree water status indicators such as the sap flow rate, the difference between canopy and air temperatures, or the variations of the trunk and fruit diameter, all the sensors were installed in 2022 in a commercial orchard of 'Honeycrisp' apple trees with M.9 rootstocks in Washinton State (USA). From the daily evolution of the Ψtrunk, five indicators were considered: predawn, midday, minimum, daily mean, and daily range (the difference between the daily maximum and minimum values). The daily range of Ψtrunk was the most linked to the maximum daily shrinkage (MDS; R2 = 0.42), the canopy-to-air temperature (Tc-Ta; R2 = 0.32), and the sap flow rate (SF; R2 = 0.30). On the other hand, the relative fruit growth rate (FRGR) was more related to the minimum Ψtrunk (R2 = 0.33) and the daily mean Ψtrunk (R2 = 0.32) than to the daily range of Ψtrunk. All indicators derived from Ψtrunk identified changes in tree water status after each irrigation event and had low coefficients of variation and high sensitivity. These results encourage Ψtrunk as a promising candidate for continuous monitoring of tree water status, however, more research is needed to better relate these measures with other widely studied plant-based indicators and identify good combinations of sensors and threshold values.

Sci Total Environ ; 946: 174346, 2024 Oct 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38944298


In an increasingly dry environment, it is crucial to understand how tree species use soil water and cope with drought. However, there is still a knowledge gap regarding the relationships between species-specific stomatal behaviour, spatial root distribution, and root water uptake (RWU) dynamics. Our study aimed to investigate above- and below-ground aspects of water use during soil drying periods in four temperate tree species that differ in stomatal behaviour: two isohydric tracheid-bearing conifers, Scots pine and Norway spruce, and two more anisohydric deciduous species, the diffuse-porous European beech, and the ring-porous Downy oak. From 2015 to 2020, soil-tree-atmosphere-continuum parameters were measured for each species in monospecific forests where trees had no access to groundwater. The hourly time series included data on air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, soil water potential, soil hydraulic conductivity, and RWU to a depth of 2 m. Analysis of drought responses included data on stem radius, leaf water potential, estimated osmotically active compounds, and drought damage. Our study reveals an inherent coordination between stomatal regulation, fine root distribution and water uptake. Compared to conifers, the more anisohydric water use of oak and beech was associated with less strict stomatal closure, greater investment in deep roots, four times higher maximum RWU, a shift of RWU to deeper soil layers as the topsoil dried, and a more pronounced soil drying below 1 m depth. Soil hydraulic conductivity started to limit RWU when values fell below 10-3 to 10-5 cm/d, depending on the soil. As drought progressed, oak and beech may also have benefited from their leaf osmoregulatory capacity, but at the cost of xylem embolism with around 50 % loss of hydraulic conductivity when soil water potential dropped below -1.25 MPa. Consideration of species-specific water use is crucial for forest management and vegetation modelling to improve forest resilience to drought.

Sequías , Raíces de Plantas , Árboles , Agua , Árboles/fisiología , Raíces de Plantas/fisiología , Raíces de Plantas/metabolismo , Suelo/química , Fagus/fisiología , Quercus/fisiología , Bosques