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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(65): 51-64, set-dez.2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1567834


Avaliar a aptidão e conduta de estudantes de Odontologia sobre atendimento de pacientes com de deficiência visual e auditiva. Trata-se de um estudo observacional, do tipo transversal. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de um questionário estruturado e a amostra foi constituída por 88 estudantes do 5º, 7º e 9º período, matriculados em alguma disciplina clínica, do curso de Odontologia de uma instituição privada do estado de Pernambuco. Os dados coletados foram tabulados e analisados através de estatística descritiva e inferencial com um nível de significância de 5%. Menos da metade dos estudantes se sente aptos para atender pacientes com essas necessidades, independente do período avaliado. Uma pequena parcela tem algum tipo de contato social/familiar com deficientes visuais e auditivos, mas o fato de possuírem contato, não alterou significativamente a aptidão deste para realizar a consulta. Da mesma forma, possuir informação prévia sobre o tema não influenciou significativamente na aptidão dos estudantes durante o atendimento odontológico. A maioria dos estudantes não se sentem aptos e seguros ao atendimento de pacientes com deficiências visuais e auditivas e que o fato de possuir familiar e/ou parente com esse tipo de deficiência e ter recebido informação prévia sobre o tema não aumenta a segurança dos estudantes.

To evaluate the aptitude and conduct of dentistry students regarding the care of patients with visual and hearing impairments. This is an observational, cross-sectional study. Data collection was carried out using a structured questionnaire and the sample consisted of 88 students from the 5th, 7th and 9th period, enrolled in some clinical discipline, of the Dentistry course at a private institution in the state of Pernambuco. The collected data were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with a significance level of 5%. Less than half of the students feel able to care for patients with these needs, regardless of the period evaluated. A small portion has some kind of social/family contact with the visually and hearing impaired, but the fact that they have contact did not significantly change their ability to carry out the consultation. Likewise, having prior information on the subject did not significantly influence the students' aptitude during dental care. Most students do not feel able and safe to care for patients with visual and hearing impairments and that the fact of having a family member and/or relative with this type of disability and having received prior information on the subject does not increase the safety of the students. students.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Aptitud , Estudiantes de Odontología , Conducta , Atención Odontológica , Personas con Deficiencia Auditiva , Personas con Daño Visual
Rev. Ocup. Hum. (En línea) ; 24(2): 119-135, jul - dic 2024. Tablas
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1566400


En Colombia, las tasas de empleo de la población con discapacidad visual están por debajo de las de la población general; sus ingresos también tienden a ser más bajos. Orientar los procesos de inclusión laboral se dificulta por la ausencia de instrumentos adecuados que permitan caracterizar e identificar sus necesidades. Se presenta un estudio dirigido a diseñar y validar el contenido de un instrumento para la caracterización laboral y productiva de esta población. A partir de la experiencia del Instituto Nacional para Ciegos, se diseñó una primera versión que fue sometida a validación de contenido con tres expertos que evaluaron su claridad, coherencia, relevancia y suficiencia, además de aportar observaciones y sugerencias. Se realizaron dos rondas de evaluación. Se estimó el grado de concordancia de las evaluaciones con el Coeficiente Kappa de Fleiss y se consideraron los aportes para ajustar el instrumento. Se obtuvo una versión final con 47 ítems en tres dimensiones: información general, académica y laboral, y productiva. El diseño, validación e implementación del instrumento reúne esfuerzos de la academia y el Estado para caracterizar a la población con discapacidad visual en diferentes ciudades del país y aportar a la reducción de las brechas de empleo e ingresos.

In Colombia, employment rates of the visually impaired population are below those of the general population, and their income also tends to be lower. The absence of adequate instruments to characterize and identify their needs makes orienting labor inclusion processes difficult. A study aimed at designing and validating the content of an instrument for the labor and productive characterization of this population is presented. Based on the experience of the Instituto Nacional para Ciegos (National Institute for the Blind), a first version was designed and submitted for content validation by three experts who assessed its clarity, coherence, relevance, and completeness and provided comments and suggestions. Two rounds of evaluation were carried out. The degree of consistency of the evaluations was estimated with the Fleiss Kappa Coefficient. Contributions were considered to adjust the instrument. A final version was obtained with 47 items in three dimensions: general, academic and employment, and productive information. The instrument's design, validation and implementation combine the efforts of academia and the State to characterize the visually impaired population in different cities of the country and contribute to the reduction of employment and income gaps.

Na Colômbia, as taxas de emprego da população com deficiência visual são inferiores às taxas da população em geral; sua renda também tende a ser menor. A orientação dos processos de inclusão laboral é dificultada pela ausência de instrumentos adequados para caracterizar e identificar suas necessidades. Apresentamos um estudo com o objetivo de elaborar e validar o conteúdo de um instrumento para a caracterização laboral e produtiva dessa população. Com base na experiência do Instituto Nacional para Cegos, uma primeira versão foi elaborada e submetida à validação de conteúdo com três especialistas que avaliaram sua clareza, coerência, relevância e suficiência, além de fornecerem comentários e sugestões. Foram realizadas duas roda-das de avaliação. O grau de concordância das avaliações foi estimado por meio do Coeficiente Kappa de Fleiss e as contribuições foram consideradas para ajustar o instrumento. Foi obtida uma versão final com 47 itens em três dimensões: informações gerais; acadêmicas e ocupacionais; e produtivas. O desenho, a validação e a implementação do instrumento reúnem os esforços do meio acadêmico, bem como do Estado, para caracterizar a população com deficiência visual em diferentes cidades do país e contribuir para a redução das lacunas de emprego e renda

Humanos , Estudio de Validación , Inclusión Social , Política Pública , Personas con Daño Visual , Estudios de la Discapacidad
Can J Diabetes ; 48(6): 394-400.e1, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38795828


OBJECTIVES: Our aim in this study was to develop and evaluate a tailored intervention for improving diabetes self-care among people with visual impairment (TID-VI) in South Korea. METHODS: The TID-VI program was designed around the barriers, resources, and perceptual factors to promote diabetes self-care in those with visual impairment (VI). A single-arm pilot study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility and preliminary effects of the intervention. Diabetes self-efficacy, self-care behaviours, depression, health-related quality of life, and clinical outcomes (fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin [A1C], lipids, and blood pressure) were measured before and up to 2 months after the 12-week intervention. RESULTS: All 14 participants completed TID-VI. Diabetes self-efficacy, diabetes self-care behaviours, depression, and health-related quality of life showed improvement from baseline that was sustained at 2 months. Although high- and low-density lipoprotein also improved, there were no differences in blood glucose, A1C, total cholesterol, or blood pressure at 2 months. CONCLUSIONS: A theory-driven, tailored intervention specific to the needs of adults with VI can produce substantial improvements in patient-reported quality of life and health status outcomes, although the benefits are yet to be confirmed in a controlled study.

Calidad de Vida , Autocuidado , Humanos , Proyectos Piloto , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Trastornos de la Visión/terapia , Anciano , Autoeficacia , República de Corea , Adulto , Diabetes Mellitus/terapia , Diabetes Mellitus/psicología , Hemoglobina Glucada/análisis , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/terapia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/psicología , Glucemia/análisis
Licere (Online) ; 27(01): 142-165, março.2024. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554317


Para a Terapia Ocupacional, o esporte é uma atividade humana relacionada às ocupações de Lazer, Trabalho, Gerenciamento de Saúde e Participação Social, além de um possível recurso terapêutico. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar, na perspectiva de mulheres atletas com deficiência visual e de seus treinadores, quais são os impactos do esporte na participação social e no desempenho ocupacional, além das dificuldades encontradas. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, transversal, descritivo, qualitativo, com coleta de dados feita por entrevistas semiestruturadas e análise pela Análise de Conteúdo Temática. Pode-se concluir que o esporte tem um impacto positivo principalmente na autoestima e participação social dessas atletas, porém, ainda existem muitas barreiras socioculturais, físicas e estruturais para que essa prática ocorra de maneira satisfatória e tenha um impacto prático no desempenho ocupacional.

Sports are seen by Occupational Therapists as a human activity related to the occupations Leisure, Work, Health Management and Social Participation and also as a possible therapeutic resource. This study aims to identify the perspective of visually impaired female athletes and their coaches, about the impacts of sports on social participation and occupational performance, in addition to identifying difficulties. The study is exploratory, cross-sectional, descriptive, qualitative, with semi-structured interviews for data collection and analysis based on thematic analysis. As results, the practice of physical activities has a meaningful impact on the self-esteem and social participation of the athletes, however, there still are sociocultural, physical and structural barriers for a satisfactory practice and for a positive real impact on the occupational performance of the population studied.

Integr Med Res ; 12(4): 100993, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37915438


Background: This study aimed to investigate clinical effectiveness of a structured eight-week mindfulness-based music therapy (MBMT) program on improving mood regulation in older women with blindness. This investigation compared a MBMT group with a mindfulness intervention (MI) group and a control group. Methods: Ninety-two older females with blindness from a residential setting in Hong Kong were recruited and randomly allocated to a MBMT (n = 31), MI (n = 30), or control (n = 31) group. Psychological measurements regarding mood regulation and general mood states (namely, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale [DERS], Geriatric Depression Scale [GDS], and Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21), were taken at pretest and posttest. Outcome assessors were blinded to group assignment. Results: Data was analyzed based on intention-to-treat basis. At posttest, DERS scores in the MBMT group (mean differences and 95% confidence interval: 12.1, 5.5 to 18.8) and the MI group (7.2, 0.5 to 13.8) were lower than that in the control group. GDS scores in the MBMT group (2.9, 1.7 to 4.0) and the MI group (1.7, 0.6 to 2.9) were lower than those in the control group. Compared with the MI group, the MBMT group improved emotional awareness sub-scores in DERS (2.1, 0.2 to 4.1) and appeared to lower depression in GDS scores (1.1, -0.0 to 2.3; p = 0.053). Conclusion: MBMT seems more beneficial than MI alone for improving emotional regulation in older women with blindness. The combination of mindfulness and music can generate a synergetic effect by enhancing both attention and appraisal components within the emotional-regulation process. Trial registration:, NCT05583695.

Disabil Rehabil ; : 1-10, 2023 Nov 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37933205


PURPOSE: This study explores the initial views of people with age-related macular degeneration towards wearable electronic vision enhancement systems. METHODS: Ten adults with age-related macular degeneration participated in semi-structured interviews, which were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. RESULTS: Four themes were identified. Firstly, participants spoke of the wide-ranging impact of sight loss and how current helpful coping strategies still had significant limitations, affecting their desire to seek new solutions. The second theme showed that "other people" offered welcomed support with existing electronic coping solutions and are needed to provide suitable advice and training. However, "other people" limited the acceptability of using new solutions in public places. The third theme captured participants' desire for a wearable aid providing image magnification and enhancement over a range of distances. The final theme covered the reality of some current wearable technology, perceived as heavy, enclosing, or strange in appearance. Appearance caused some to lose interest in use, although others reframed the devices' desired usefulness to solo and sedentary activities. CONCLUSION: This population are interested in the potential benefits of wearable electronic vision enhancement systems. More work is needed to understand the suitability of current solutions due to participant concerns about training, appearance and performance.

A device that offers image enhancement and variable magnification in a hands-free, wearable form is very desirable to people with age-related macular degeneration.Some potential users are not seeking new solutions to well-described problems, which may be a useful coping strategy but alternatively may be motivated by fear of the unknown, financial worries, or concerns about appropriate training.The weight and appearance of some of the current wearable electronic vision enhancement systems are not immediately appealing and would stop some from proceeding with a performance trial.After viewing the current devices, the desirable times to use a wearable electronic vision enhancement system may be reframed by users to focus predominately on sedentary tasks taking place in isolation at home.

Med. U.P.B ; 42(2): 36-43, jul.-dic. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1443405


Objetivo: como parte de la elaboración de una guía de práctica clínica (GPC) para el cuidado de personas con baja visión en Colombia, se recomienda incluir la participación de pacientes. El objetivo fue identificar los aspectos de la vida cotidiana que se ven más afectados por la baja visión, los cuales se deben trabajar en un proceso de rehabilitación de la visión y así reconocer las barreras para acceder a ese proceso. Además, se pretende calificar la importancia de los desenlaces para los pacientes y sus cuidadores. Metodología: pacientes con baja visión y sus familiares fueron invitados a participar en un grupo focal que indagó por sus percepciones sobre los aspectos más afectados por la baja visión, los elementos más importantes de los procesos de rehabilitación de la visión y sus barreras más frecuentes. Resultados: se reportaron dificultades en la realización de las actividades instrumentales, como el uso del computador o celular, el uso del transporte público, el manejo del dinero, ir de compras, la movilidad y la orientación. La rehabilitación de la visión exitosa fue definida como aquella que les permite recuperar la independencia y ganar confianza en sí mismos. Las intervenciones de rehabilitación que mejoren las capacidades de orientación y movilidad, que incluyan acompañamiento psicológico para el paciente y la familia y que cuenten con enfoques grupales fueron altamente apreciadas. Las barreras administrativas fueron las más mencionadas. Conclusión: estos resultados apoyaron la toma de decisiones en el desarrollo de las recomendaciones de la GPC para personas con baja visión en Colombia.

Objective: As part of the development of a clinical practice guideline (CPG) for the care of individuals with low vision in Colombia, it is recommended to include patient involvement. The objective was to identify aspects of daily life most affected by low vision, which should be addressed in a vision rehabilitation process, and to recognize barriers to accessing that process. Additionally, the aim was to assess the importance of outcomes for patients and their caregivers. Methodology: Patients with low vision and their family members were invited to participate in a focus group that explored their perceptions regarding the most affected aspects of low vision, the key elements of vision rehabilitation processes, and the most common barriers they face. Results: Difficulties were reported in performing instrumental activities such as computer or cellphone use, using public transportation, handling money, shopping, mobility, and orientation. Successful vision rehabilitation was defined as the ability to recover independence and gain self-confidence. Rehabilitation interventions that improve orientation and mobility skills, include psychological support for patients and their families, and incorporate group approaches were highly valued. Administrative barriers were the most frequently mentioned.

Objetivo: Como parte do desenvolvimento de uma diretriz de prática clínica (CPG) para o atendimento de pessoas com baixa visão na Colômbia, recomenda-se incluir a parti-cipação dos pacientes. O objetivo foi identificar os aspectos do cotidiano mais afetados pela baixa visão, que devem ser trabalhados em um processo de reabilitação da visão e assim reconhecer as barreiras para acessar esse processo. Além disso, pretende-se qualificar a importância dos desfechos para os pacientes e seus cuidadores. Metodologia: os pacientes com baixa visão e seus familiares foram convidados a par-ticipar de um grupo focal que indagou sobre suas percepções sobre os aspectos mais afetados pela baixa visão, os elementos mais importantes dos processos de reabilitação da visão e suas barreiras mais frequentes. Resultados: foram relatadas dificuldades na realização de atividades instrumentais, como uso do computador ou celular, uso de transporte público, administração do dinheiro, compras, locomoção e orientação. A reabilitação visual bem-sucedida foi definida como aquela que lhes permite recuperar a independência e ganhar autoconfiança. Intervenções de reabilitação que melhoram as habilidades de orientação e mobilidade, que incluem apoio psicológico para o paciente e a família e que têm abordagens em grupo foram muito apreciadas. As barreiras administrativas foram as mais mencionadas. Conclusão: estes resultados apoiaram a tomada de decisões no desenvolvimento das recomendações CPG para pessoas com baixa visão na Colômbia.

Ophthalmic Physiol Opt ; 43(4): 680-701, 2023 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36876427


INTRODUCTION: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of irreversible visual impairment in the United Kingdom. It has a wide-ranging detrimental impact on daily living, including impairment of functional ability and quality of life. Assistive technology designed to overcome this impairment includes wearable electronic vision enhancement systems (wEVES). This scoping review assesses the usefulness of these systems for people with AMD. METHODS: Four databases (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PubMed, Web of Science and Cochrane CENTRAL) were searched to identify papers that investigated image enhancement with a head-mounted electronic device on a sample population that included people with AMD. RESULTS: Thirty-two papers were included: 18 studied the clinical and functional benefits of wEVES, 11 investigated use and usability and 3 discussed sickness and adverse effects. CONCLUSIONS: Wearable electronic vision enhancement systems provide hands-free magnification and image enhancement producing significant improvements in acuity, contrast sensitivity and aspects of laboratory-simulated daily activity. Adverse effects were infrequent, minor and spontaneously resolved with the removal of the device. However, when symptoms arose, they sometimes persisted with continued device usage. There are multi-factorial influences and a diversity of user opinions on promotors to successful device use. These factors are not exclusively driven by visual improvement and incorporate other issues including device weight, ease of use and inconspicuous design. There is insufficient evidence of any cost-benefit analysis for wEVES. However, it has been shown that a user's decision to make a purchase evolves over time, with their estimates of cost falling below the retail price of the devices. Additional research is needed to understand the specific and distinct benefits of wEVES for people with AMD. Further patient-centred research should assess the benefits of wEVES in user-led activities when directly compared with alternative coping strategies, allowing professionals and users to make better prescribing and purchasing decisions.

Degeneración Macular , Baja Visión , Dispositivos Electrónicos Vestibles , Humanos , Calidad de Vida , Baja Visión/etiología , Degeneración Macular/terapia , Degeneración Macular/complicaciones , Actividades Cotidianas
RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 71: e20230010, 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1431158


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the oral health and related factors among people with visual impairment in a municipality in southeastern Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive household study was carried out on a representative sample of people with visual impairments in a medium-sized city in Brazil. A clinical-dental examination was performed (evaluating tooth loss, caries, periodontal health, dental plaque use and need of prosthesis) and a semistructured questionnaire was applied, investigating the socioeconomic conditions (sex, age, marital status, skin color and income) and the use of dental services (reason, time since, and type of service used [private/public] in last dental visit). Descriptive and bivariate analysis were performed to asses the factors related to oral health. Results: The mean age of participants was 65 years (±15.05), with the majority women (70.9%). 53.1% of the interviewees were edentulous, but 58.2% had a good perception of oral health. The blind ones use less public services (p=0.038) and with a lower frequency (p=0.014) than subjects with low vision. Those with less schooling had higher tooth loss and lower periodontal problems (p <0.05). There was a reduction of dental plaque six months after the educational action (30.7%; p=0.01), especially among the low vision participants (p=0.01). Conclusion: Severe tooth loss and unsatisfactory hygiene contrast with self-perception of oral health. Visual acuity and schooling were related to access and oral health. Actions for promotion and equity are necessary to overcome the inequalities encountered.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a saúde bucal e fatores relacionados entre deficientes visuais em município do sudeste brasileiro. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo domiciliar, transversal e descritivo em uma amostra representativa de pessoas com deficiência visual em uma cidade de médio porte do Brasil. Realizou-se o exame clínico bucal (avaliando perda dentária, cárie, saúde periodontal, placa dentária, uso e necessidade de prótese) e aplicou-se um questionário semiestruturado, investigando as condições socioeconômicas (sexo, idade, estado civil, cor da pele e renda) e o uso de serviços odontológicos (motivo, tempo decorrido e tipo de serviço utilizado [privado/público] na última consulta odontológica). Foram realizadas análises descritivas e bivariadas para avaliar os fatores associados à saúde bucal. Resultados: A idade média dos participantes foi de 65 anos (±15,05), com maioria de mulheres (70,9%). 53,1% dos entrevistados eram edêntulos, porém, 58,2% apresentaram percepção de saúde bucal boa. Os cegos usam menos os serviços públicos (p=0,038) e em menor frequência (p=0,014) que os sujeitos com baixa visão. Os menos escolarizados apresentam maiores perdas dentárias e menores problemas periodontais (p<0,05). Houve redução de placa dentária seis meses após ação educativa (30,7%; p=0,01), sobretudo entre os sujeitos com baixa visão (p=0,01). Conclusão: Elevada perda dentária e higienização insatisfatória contrastaram com autopercepção dos agravos bucais. Acuidade visual e escolaridade relacionaram-se ao acesso e saúde bucal. Ações de promoção e equidade são necessários para superar desigualdades encontradas.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 82: e0056, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521788


RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar o perfil dos alunos concluintes, deficientes visuais e videntes do Instituto de Cegos Padre Chico entre os anos 2011 e 2020. Métodos Entre janeiro e março de 2021, foi realizada uma análise documental dos alunos concluintes entre os anos de 2011 e 2020. Foram coletados dados relacionados à situação social, educacional, socioeconômica e oftalmológica. Os dados foram tratados no programa Microsoft Excel 2013 da Microsoft e analisados no software livre Bioestat, versão 5.0. Resultados Foram coletados os dados de 110 concluintes cegos, com baixa visão e videntes. Mais de 90% dos alunos declararam rendimento familiar equivalente a um salário-mínimo e meio. Do total da amostra, 52 alunos eram cegos; 38 tinham baixa visão, e 20 eram videntes. Dentre as 36 patologias identificadas entre os alunos, 57,78% levaram à cegueira e 42,22%, à baixa visão. Em alunos cegos, as patologias mais frequentes foram glaucoma congênito (32,69%) e amaurose congênita de Leber (11,53%); em alunos com baixa visão, foram glaucoma congênito e distrofias de retina (ambas em 10,53% da amostra). Conclusão É de suma importância a avaliação da saúde ocular para que o professor realize de forma mais rápida as práticas de ensino e alcance resultados satisfatórios na alfabetização de crianças com deficiência visual.

ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the profile of visually impaired and sighted students at the Instituto de Cegos Padre Chico (ICPC) between 2011 and 2020. Methods Between January and March 2021, a document analysis of the students who completed the undergraduate course between 2011 and 2020. Data related to social, educational, socioeconomic, and ophthalmological situation were collected. The data were treated in Microsoft Excel 2013 and analyzed in the free software Bioestat, version 5.0. Results Retrospective data were collected from 110 blind, low-vision and sighted students who were graduating. More than 90% of the students declared family income equivalent to one and a half minimum wages. Of the total sample, 52 students were blind; 38 had low vision, and 20 were sighted students. Among the 36 pathologies identified among the students, 57.78% led to blindness, and 42.22%, to low vision. In blind students, the most frequent diagnosis was congenital glaucoma (32.69%) and Leber congenital amaurosis (11.53%); in low vision students, congenital glaucoma and retinal dystrophies (both in 11.53% of the population of this study). Conclusion The evaluation of the eye health is of vital importance for the teacher to perform teaching practices faster and achieve satisfactory results in the literacy of visually impaired children.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Ceguera , Baja Visión , Personas con Daño Visual , Dispositivos de Autoayuda , Factores Socioeconómicos , Estudiantes/estadística & datos numéricos , Trastornos de la Visión/clasificación , Estudios Retrospectivos , Oftalmopatías/epidemiología , Educación de Personas con Discapacidad Visual
BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil ; 14(1): 176, 2022 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36171584


BACKGROUND: So far there is no study comparing two distinct exercise interventions in people with visual impairment. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of two exercise programs on health-related fitness, quality of life, and exercise enjoyment in people with visual impairment. METHODS: Two exercise interventions were conducted: sports (i.e., Goalball, Football 5-a-side and Martial Arts) and functional training (i.e., Bodyweight exercises). Physical fitness was assessed by handgrip strength, flexibility, abdominal endurance, and cardiorespiratory fitness. The Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) measured the pleasure in the practice of physical exercises, and the quality of life was measured by the WHOQOL-Bref. RESULTS: A significant time x group interaction terms were observed for flexibility (P < 0.001; Cohen d = 0.08), abdominal muscular endurance (P < 0.001; Cohen d = 0.15), and distance covered in the 6-min walk/run test (P = 0.018; Cohen d = 0.02). An improvement of 13.3% and 5.1% on the distance covered on the 6-min walk/run test after sports and functional training was also observed. CONCLUSION: The functional training program was reported as more pleasant for participants. Sports-related exercises and functional training improved health-related fitness and quality of life for people with visual impairment.

BMC Public Health ; 22(1): 1613, 2022 08 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36008802


BACKGROUND: Opportunities for paid employment provide meaningful ways for those with disabilities to participate in society and achieve financial independence. Although the onset age of disabilities can alter individuals' attitudes toward accepting their disabilities and their desire for work, the lack of data limits relevant empirical research. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the onset age on employment, job security (permanent vs. temporary), and wage level among visually impaired adults in South Korea. METHODS: We used three years of the National Survey on Persons with Disabilities data, 2011, 2014, and 2017, and included 583 participants in this study. We used a logistic regression model for the employment status and a multinomial logistic regression model for job security. We analyzed log monthly wage by a multivariate linear regression model, which subdivided the age groups, with 20-49 years old denoting prime-aged (n = 245) and 50-64 years old denoting late-middle-aged (n = 338). For each age group, we conducted a sub-analysis by sex. RESULTS: For prime-aged adults, the employment probability decreased as the age of visual impartment onset increased, and women in particular experienced a lower employment rate for both permanent and temporary jobs when their disability onset age was above 25. However, among permanent employees, monthly wages were higher if the onset age was 25 + compared to when the onset age was 0-5 years old. In late middle-aged adults, adult onset disabilities were associated with higher odds of employment and higher wages for temporary jobs, implying these individuals worked unskilled or manual jobs. CONCLUSIONS: In prime-aged adults, higher monthly wages among permanent employees showed that they were more likely to continue their original work, whereas in late-middle-aged adults, adult-onset disabilities were associated with a higher employment rate and higher wages for temporary jobs, suggesting the need for further investigation into job quality. These findings indicate a need for differentiated policy approaches considering the onset age of visual impairment to improve labor market outcomes throughout individuals' lifespans.

Personas con Discapacidad , Empleo , Adulto , Preescolar , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Persona de Mediana Edad , República de Corea/epidemiología , Salarios y Beneficios , Trastornos de la Visión/epidemiología , Adulto Joven
Rev. méd. Paraná ; 80(1): 1-5, jan. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380866


A visão é responsável pela integração entre os demais sentidos dos seres humanos, além da interação do indivíduo com o meio onde vive. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a qualidade de vida dos deficientes visuais frequentadores do Instituto Paranaense de Cegos. É estudo transversal e observacional. Foram utilizados um questionário SF-36 (Medical Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short Health Survey) e um sociocultural em 15 pessoas cegas. No SF-36, a maior média foi da capacidade funcional, os itens com pior avaliação foram aspectos sociais e físicos. Conclui-se que 60% dos entrevistados estavam satisfeitos com a qualidade de vida e a pontuação média no SF-36 foi de 272,62 no componente mental e de 285,33 no físico.

The vision is responsible for integrating the other senses of human beings, beyond the individual's interaction with the environment where he lives. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of life of visually impaired users of Blind Institute of Paraná. It was cross-sectional and observational. Were used the SF-36 (Medical Outcomes Study 36 - item Short Health Survey) and a socio-cultural questionnaire in 15 people. In the SF-36, the highest average was functional capacity, the items with poor rating were social and physical. In conclusion, 60% of respondents are satisfied with their quality of life and the average score in the SF-36 questionnaire was 272,62 in the mental and 285,33 in the physical components.

Humanos , Calidad de Vida , Visión Ocular , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Personas con Daño Visual
Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol ; 36(5): 759-768, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35437812


BACKGROUND: Little is known about severe maternal morbidity (SMM) among women with disabilities. OBJECTIVE: We assessed differences in SMM and other perinatal complications by presence and type of disability. We hypothesised that SMM and other complications would be more common in births to women with disabilities than to women without disabilities. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of California births from 2000 to 2012, using birth and death certificate data linked with hospital discharge data. We included singleton deliveries with gestational age of 23-42 weeks. We classified women as having any disability or not and identified disability type (physical, hearing, vision, intellectual/developmental disabilities [IDD]). Our primary outcome was a composite indicator of SMM. Secondary outcomes included additional perinatal complications: gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, venous thromboembolism, chorioamnionitis, puerperal endometritis and mental health disorders complicating pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium. We used modified Poisson regression to obtain covariate-adjusted relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the association of disability status and type with SMM and secondary outcomes. RESULTS: Of 5,787,090 deliveries, 33,044 (0.6%) were to women with disabilities. Of these, 311 per 10,000 were complicated by SMM, compared with 84 per 10,000 deliveries to women without disabilities. In multivariable analyses, risk of SMM for births to women with disabilities was nearly three times that for women without disabilities (RR 2.84, 95% CI 2.67, 3.02). Proportion and risk of SMM were greatest for vision disability (793 per 10,000; RR 4.04, 95% CI 3.41, 4.78). Secondary outcomes were also more common among women with disabilities. In particular, more than a third of births to women with IDD (37.4%) were complicated by mental health disorders (versus 2.2% for women without disabilities). CONCLUSION: As hypothesised, SMM and other perinatal complications were more common among women with disabilities than among women without disabilities.

Discapacidad Intelectual , Complicaciones del Embarazo , Niño , Discapacidades del Desarrollo/epidemiología , Discapacidades del Desarrollo/etiología , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Discapacidad Intelectual/epidemiología , Parto , Embarazo , Complicaciones del Embarazo/epidemiología , Complicaciones del Embarazo/etiología , Resultado del Embarazo , Estudios Retrospectivos
J Med Eng Technol ; 46(1): 59-68, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34711120


We devised a low-tech, low-cost, robust, and minimally obtrusive navigational travelling aid to be paired with and bolster standard white cane use for people with visual impairments. The device combines ultrasonic range detection with proportional vibrational output. The navigational aid was devised using a sensing belt equipped with independent ultrasonic sensors for distance measurements. Sensors were mounted using adjustable mobile clips to allow for user variability. The sensing belt was connected to a stimulation belt affixed to the ribcage. The stimulation belt used vibrating motors with vibration proportional to the distance between the belt wearer and surrounding obstacles sensed by corresponding ultrasonic sensors. The device was validated through preliminary testing on blindfolded, but fully sighted, persons and one blind person (all authors) in navigating a novel environment without supplemental aid. Testing sessions varied from 45 to 90 min. In preliminary tests, the devised ultrasonic-sensor-belt and vibration-actuator-equipped belt combination was capable of informing users of surrounding obstacles in real-time while navigating a hallway with several turns.

Dispositivos de Autoayuda , Tacto , Diseño de Equipo , Retroalimentación , Humanos , Trastornos de la Visión
Motriz (Online) ; 28: e10220010821, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394478


Abstract Aim: To assess the postural control performance of football 5-a-side (FFS) players, comparing them with sighted players. Methods: Eight FFS players and 7 sighted futsal players were included. Postural control tests included feet together stance (FTS) and single-leg stance (SLS) tasks, performed on rigid and foam surfaces. Sighted players performed the tests with open (EO) and closed (EC) eyes. Area of displacement (Area) and average velocity (Vavg) were calculated from the center of pressure time-series coordinates. Results: On both surfaces conditions, a significant difference between visually impaired football 5-a-side players and sighted EO players was observed during FTS (higher Vavg for visually impaired football 5-a-side players; p < 0.04) and SLS (higher Area and Vavg for visually impaired football 5-a-side players; p < 0.01). No differences between visually impaired football 5-a-side players and sighted EC players were found. Differences between sighted EO vs. sighted EC were observed during FTS on the foam surface, and in SLS on both surface conditions (p < 0.03). Conclusion: FFS players' postural control performance is similar to sighted players with EC but worse than sighted players with EO, suggesting their postural control performance can be simply explained in terms of visual restriction.

Humanos , Fútbol , Personas con Daño Visual , Equilibrio Postural , Deportes para Personas con Discapacidad , Estudios Transversales/instrumentación , Rendimiento Atlético , Estudio Observacional
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 35: eAPE03372, 2022. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1364233


Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o conhecimento de agentes comunitários de saúde sobre pessoas com deficiência visual antes e após capacitação acerca da temática. Métodos Estudo descritivo e longitudinal, desenvolvido em três Unidades Básicas de Saúde em um município do interior do Ceará, entre os meses de dezembro de 2019 e maio de 2020. Participaram 13 agentes comunitários de saúde que trabalhavam nas referidas instituições. Os dados obtidos pela aplicação do questionário foram analisados pelo programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences e Epi-Info. Resultados Os agentes comunitários de saúde eram, em sua maioria, mulheres com idade entre 41 e 50 anos (46,15%) e casados (69,23%). Mais da metade dos participantes estudaram apenas até o ensino médio (61,54%), e o mesmo número participou de curso técnico para agentes comunitários de saúde. Em relação ao tempo de trabalho como agentes comunitários de saúde, poucos exerciam essa função há mais de 20 anos (38,46%) e aproximadamente metade trabalhava na zona rural (53,85%). Foi observada aprendizagem após realização da capacitação, pois ocorreu acréscimo de respostas adequadas sobre termos comuns à temática, uma vez que os participantes da pesquisa passaram a compreender os conceitos de pessoa com deficiência, inclusão e acessibilidade. Foi possível observar que nenhum participante tinha treinamento sobre a temática, sendo relevante a capacitação ofertada por esse estudo. Conclusão Após realização da capacitação, foi possível observar aumento no número de respostas corretas, sensibilização e conscientização sobre a importância da temática, já que possuíam pessoas com deficiência em suas áreas de atuação.

Resumen Objetivo Evaluar los conocimientos de agentes comunitarios de salud sobre personas con discapacidad visual antes y después de una capacitación acerca del tema. Métodos Estudio descriptivo y longitudinal, llevado a cabo en tres Unidades Básicas de Salud en un municipio del interior del estado de Ceará, entre los meses de diciembre de 2019 y mayo de 2020. Participaron 13 agentes comunitarios de salud que trabajaban en las instituciones mencionadas. Los datos obtenidos tras la aplicación del cuestionario fueron analizados con el programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences y Epi-Info. Resultados Los agentes comunitarios de salud eran mayormente mujeres entre 41 y 50 años de edad (46,15 %) y casados (69,23 %). Más de la mitad de los participantes estudiaron solamente hasta la educación secundaria (61,54 %) y el mismo número participó en un curso técnico para agentes comunitarios de salud. Con relación al tiempo de trabajo como agentes comunitarios de salud, pocos ejercían esa función hace más de 20 años (38,46 %) y aproximadamente la mitad trabajaba en la zona rural (53,85 %). Se observó el aprendizaje luego de la capacitación, pues hubo un incremento de respuestas correctas sobre términos comunes del tema, dado que los participantes del estudio comenzaron a comprender los conceptos sobre personas con discapacidad, inclusión y accesibilidad. Fue posible verificar que ningún participante había sido capacitado sobre el tema, por lo que la capacitación ofrecida por este estudio resultó relevante. Conclusión Luego de realizar la capacitación, fue posible observar un aumento en el número de respuestas correctas, sensibilización y concientización sobre la importancia de la temática, ya que en sus áreas de actuación había personas con discapacidad.

Abstract Objective Evaluate community health agents' knowledge about visually impaired people before and after training on the topic. Methods Descriptive and longitudinal study, developed in three primary health care services in a city in the interior of Ceará, between December 2019 and May 2020. The participants were 13 community health agents who worked at these institutions. The data obtained by applying the questionnaire were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and Epi-Info. Results most community health agents were women between 41 and 50 years of age (46.15%) and married (69.23%). More than half of the participants had only obtained a high school degree (61.54%), and the same number had taken a technical course for community health agents. As for their length of experience as community health agents, few had been working in this function for more than 20 years (38.46%) and about half worked in rural areas (53.85%). Learning was observed after the training, as the number of correct answers on common terms related to the topic increased, considering that the research participants began to understand the concepts of disabled people, inclusion and accessibility. It could be observed that none of the participants had been trained on the subject, showing the relevance of the training offered in this study. Conclusion After the training, an increase in the number of correct answers could be observed, as well as increased awareness about the importance of the topic, as there were people with disabilities in their activity areas.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Agentes Comunitarios de Salud/educación , Conocimiento , Personas con Daño Visual , Capacitación Profesional , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Longitudinales
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 12(5): 1040-1046, dez. 2021. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1367498


Objetivo: Avaliar a acessibilidade de tecnologia assistiva sobre câncer de próstata e de mama por deficientes visuais de dois países lusófonos. Métodos: Estudo metodológico de avaliação de tecnologia assistiva em saúde. Dados coletados com instrumento validado, constituído por 17 itens distribuídos nos atributos objetivos, acesso, clareza, estruturação e apresentação, relevância e eficácia e interatividade. Na análise, aplicaram-se Teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson, Teste Exato de Fisher ou Razão de Verossimilhança de acordo com os pressupostos dos testes. Os aspectos éticos foram respeitados. Resultados: A amostra foi de 62 participantes. As variáveis que tiveram diferenças estatísticas significantes foram escolaridade (p=0,006), tipos de deficiência (p=0,010) e desenvolvimento da deficiência (p= 0,005). Todas os atributos e itens obtiveram boas avaliações com alguns tópicos que não houve diferença estatística em ambos os países. Conclusão: As tecnologias assistivas sobre câncer de mama e próstata foram bem avaliadas, independente do país, brasileiros e portugueses as consideraram adequadas. (AU)

Objective: To evaluate the accessibility of assistive technology about prostate and breast cancer by visually impaired persons in two Portuguese-speaking countries. Methods: Methodological study of an assess assistive health technology. Data were collected from a validated instrument, comprising of 17 items distributed in the attributes, objective, access, clarity, structure and presentation, relevance and effectiveness and interactivity. In the analysis, the Pearson's Chi-squared test and the Fisher's exact test or likelihood ratios were applied according to the assumptions of the tests. The ethical aspects involved in the research were respected. Results: The sample was of 62 participants. The variables that exhibited any statistical diferences ware: schooling (p = 0.006); types of disabilities (p = 0.010) and; disabilities development (p = 0.005). All attributes and items had good evaluations, with some topics that there was no statistical difference among the countries. Conclusion: Assistive technology about prostate and breast cancer were well evaluated, regardless of the country, were considered adequate by brazilians and portuguese. (AU)

Objetivo: Evaluar la accesibilidad de la tecnología de asistencia en el cáncer de próstata y mama por personas con daño visual de dos países de habla portuguesa. Métodos: Estudio metodológico para evaluar la tecnología asistencial sanitaria. Datos recolectados con un instrumento validado, compuesto por 17 ítems distribuidos en los atributos objetivos, acceso, claridad, estructuración y presentación, relevancia y efectividad e interactividad. En el análisis se aplicó la prueba de chi-cuadrado de Pearson, la prueba exacta de Fisher o razón de verosimilitud según los supuestos de las pruebas. Se respetaron los aspectos éticos. Resultados: La muestra estuvo formada por 62 participantes. Las variables que presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas fueron educación (p = 0,006), tipos de discapacidad (p = 0,010) y desarrollo de la discapacidad (p = 0,005). Todos los atributos e ítems obtuvieron buenas evaluaciones con algunos temas que no hubo diferencia estadística en ambos países. Conclusion: Las tecnologías de asistencia en cáncer de mama y próstata fueron bien evaluadas, independientemente del país, brasileños y portugueses las consideraron apropiadas. (AU)

Tecnología , Neoplasias de la Próstata , Evaluación de la Tecnología Biomédica , Neoplasias de la Mama , Personas con Daño Visual
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34682471


Previous pilot experience has shown the ability of visually impaired and blind people (BP) to learn basic life support (BLS), but no studies have compared their abilities with blindfolded people (BFP) after participating in the same instructor-led, real-time feedback training. Twenty-nine BP and 30 BFP participated in this quasi-experimental trial. Training consisted of a 1 h theoretical and practical training session with an additional 30 min afterwards, led by nurses with prior experience in BLS training of various collectives. Quantitative quality of chest compressions (CC), AED use and BLS sequence were evaluated by means of a simulation scenario. BP's median time to start CC was less than 35 s. Global and specific components of CC quality were similar between groups, except for compression rate (BFP: 123.4 + 15.2 vs. BP: 110.8 + 15.3 CC/min; p = 0.002). Mean compression depth was below the recommended target in both groups, and optimal CC depth was achieved by 27.6% of blind and 23.3% of blindfolded people (p = 0.288). Time to discharge was significantly longer in BFP than BP (86.0 + 24.9 vs. 66.0 + 27.0 s; p = 0.004). Thus, after an adapted and short training program, blind people were revealed to have abilities comparable to those of blindfolded people in learning and performing the BLS sequence and CC.

Reanimación Cardiopulmonar , Formación del Profesorado , Retroalimentación , Humanos , Maniquíes , Tórax
Appl Nurs Res ; 60: 151446, 2021 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34247790


AIM: To identify the characteristics of chronic disease interventions for people with visual impairment (PVI) and provide suggestions for future interventions. BACKGROUND: Chronic diseases are more common in PVI than people without visual impairment, and PVI have difficulty managing chronic diseases due to physical, social, and psychological problems associated with visual impairment. However, evidence regarding chronic disease intervention for PVI is limited. METHODS: This review was guided by the PRISMA methodology. Data were extracted and checked, and each study was evaluated to ensure their methodological quality using appropriate tools based on the study design. Findings were described through a qualitative synthesis, and the above process was carried out by all four researchers. RESULTS: 28 studies were selected. The intervention for mental disorders was the most common with about 39.3%, followed by stroke (25.0%), diabetes (17.8%), various chronic diseases (10.7%), chronic pain (3.6%), and scoliosis (3.6%). Most of the intervention was delivered individually, and the place of intervention often depends on the preference or convenience of PVI. A wide range of intervention materials was used, from large print, audio, or braille version reading materials to technology products. Based on the results, the main areas of the outcomes were daily living function, psychological conditions, and quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: This review identified the components of interventions for PVI and provided intervention strategies. In particular, chronic disease interventions for PVI should be planned by considering how and where appropriate interventions are provided, various available materials, and the problems to be addressed.

Trastornos Mentales , Calidad de Vida , Enfermedad Crónica , Humanos , Trastornos de la Visión/terapia