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Ayu ; 43(1): 13-17, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37554413


Hepatitis B is one of the most common causes of liver disease, and due to unawareness of the safety measures, more prone to spread. As per the World Health Organization, for the South East Asia region, its prevalence is 2%. Yellowish discoloration of the eyes, body, and urine, abdominal discomfort, and vomiting is its cardinal symptoms. In Ayurveda, this set of symptoms is known as Kamala. This case report illustrates the effectiveness of the Ayurveda treatment modality in a patient with a viral load of 3705.71 IU/ml, and the values of AST (aspartate aminotransferase) and alanine transaminase (ALT) were 140 IU/ml and 173 IU/ml, respectively. A 40-year-old female patient with a complaint of yellowish discoloration of urine, eyes, and skin with fatigue and irritability was diagnosed with Ubhayapatha Ashrita Swatantra Kamala. The patient was treated with Ayurveda drugs and Virechana Karma (therapeutic purgation). After the treatment for 13 months, the disease was cured. Improvement was observed based on hepatitis B virus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (hepatitis B DNA PCR) (decreased from 3705.71 IU/ml to <50.0 IU/ml) and the values of AST (decreased from 140 IU/ml to 19.0 IU/ml) and ALT (decreased from 173 IU/ml to 28 IU/ml). The patient was stable and asymptomatic during the follow-up period of 4 months.

Ayu ; 37(1): 32-37, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28827953


BACKGROUND: Dyslipidemia, a major risk factor of coronary heart disease, is the leading single cause of death in the world. Currently available hypolipidemic agents have been associated with a large number of side effects. The radical Ayurveda Samshodhana Chikitsa as a treatment protocol can provide better effect. Therefore, the present study was designed to evaluate the effect of Virechana Karma and Lekhana Basti in dyslipidemia. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of Virechana Karma and Lekhana Basti in the management of dyslipidemia (Medoroga). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ninety patients of either sex in the age group of 20-60 years, fulfilling the study criteria were included in the study. The patients were randomly divided into three groups (thirty patients each). Virechana Karma was administered to patients in group A, Lekhana Basti was administered in group B and tablet Atorvastatin in group C. The effect of treatment was assessed by analyzing the complete lipid profile after completion of treatment and after the follow up in comparison to base line score. RESULTS: All the three groups showed statistically highly significant result in the lipid profile after the treatment and after the follow up. CONCLUSION: Virechana Karma is effective in reducing triglycerides level, where as Lekhana Basti is effective in reducing the cholesterol level in particular.

Ayu ; 34(1): 70-6, 2013 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24049408


Considering high prevalence and the need to look for alternative medicine, essential hypertension was screened in light of Vata-Pitta Pradhana Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara as mentioned by Acharya Charaka. Comparing the etiological factors, symptomatology, and complications with Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara with that of essential hypertension, a striking similarity was revealed. To prove the practical approach of management of Vata-Pitta Pradhana Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara, a randomized open clinical trial on 33 uncomplicated subjects of essential hypertension was conducted. The subjects were allotted in two groups, viz. (Group A) Virechana group having 16 cases who underwent Virechana Karma by Trivrita, Aragvadha, Eranda Taila, and Draksha Kwatha as Sahapana; and (Group B) Basti group consisting of 17 cases who were administered Dashmoola Kala Basti in which Niruha with Dashmoola Kwatha and Anuvasana with Dashmoola Taila was done. Patients of both the groups were followed by Shamana Chikitsa (Arjunadi Ghanavati). The overall effect of the therapies on systolic and diastolic blood pressure showed that Virechana proved better relief (43.75%) as compared to Basti (29.41%). The response was encouraging and has created scope for further studies.

Ayu ; 33(2): 238-42, 2012 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23559796


To evaluate comparative efficacy of Samshodhana and Samshamana Chikitsa, the current study is planned in 24 patients of Tamaka Shwasa. Thirteen patients (Group A) were treated with Samshodhana, particularly with Virechana Karma. The patients of this group received Abhyantara Snehana with Tila Taila followed by Bahya Snehana with Tila Taila and Saindhava Lavana. After observations of proper signs of Snehana; Virechana Karma was performed with Aragvadha Phala Majja. Samsarjana Krama was followed for five days. Subsequently all the patients were given the trial drug (powder of Badara). The patients of group B, were treated only with the powder of dried ripe fruits of Badara. In both groups, the dose of Badara powder was 5 g, twice a day, with luke warm water, for a period of 60 days. In group A, maximum number of patients (61.45 %) showed good response, while in group B, 45.45 % patients showed good response. No side effects were observed during the clinical trial. Based on the observations, it was concluded that, group A is more effective than group B.

Ayu ; 33(4): 505-10, 2012 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23723667


Mandip and Chandola reported that administration of Rasayana (Guduchi and Bhringaraja) after Koshtha Shuddhi with Aragvadha Hima and simultaneous giving of Shirishadi decoction orally and applying of Snuhyadi Lepa externally provided complete remission to 22.6% patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) and checked the recurrences of the disease in the 89.5% patients. As in this group, cure rate was not up to the expectation; therefore, it was thought desirable to see whether performing of Virechana Karma instead of Koshtha Shuddhi prior to the administration of the above drugs enhances the cure rate for the Vicharchika (Eczema) patients. For the present study, 39 patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) were registered, of which 32 patients completed the full course of the treatment. These patients were given Virechana after preparing with the proper internal Snehana, Abhyanga, and Svedana as per classical method. After the Samsarjana Krama, they were administered the Shirishadi decoction and Guduchi-Bhringraja Rasayana powder orally with simultaneous local application of Snuhyadi Lepa on the eczematous lesions. The results of this study showed that when Virechana Karma was performed prior to the administration of Guduchi-Bhringaraja Rasayana and Shirishadi decoction orally and SnuhyadiLepa externally, it not only increased the cure rate to 81.3% in the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) but also checked the recurrences to great extent as only negligible number of the patients reported the recurrence.