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J Appl Volcanol ; 11(1): 5, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35535045


The Mount Meager Volcanic Complex (Mount Meager) is a glacier-clad stratovolcanic system in southwestern British Columbia which last erupted over 2400 years ago (VEI 4). While this is Canada's most recent major explosive eruption, most past research on Mount Meager has focused on its numerous and large volume landslides and thus the volcanic hazard characteristics remain understudied. Here we present a suite of scenario-based hazard maps and an assessment addressing a range of potential future explosive eruptions and associated hazards. In order to overcome limited knowledge of the eruptive history, numerical models have been used to simulate the primary syneruptive hazards of concern (dome-collapse pyroclastic density currents, lahars and tephra fallout) largely utilizing eruption parameters from analogous volcanoes, i.e., glacier-clad stratovolcanoes in a subduction zone setting. This study provides a framework for similar volcanic hazard studies where geologic data is limited, funds are minimal, and access is difficult. Furthermore, this sets the stage for recognizing volcanic hazards in the Canadian landscape, providing a resource to prepare for and mitigate potential impacts well in advance of a crisis situation.

Bull Volcanol ; 84(3): 35, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35250142


After 43 years of dormancy, Taal Volcano violently erupted in January 2020 forming a towering eruption plume. The fall deposits covered an area of 8605 km2, which includes Metro Manila of the National Capital Region of the Philippines. The tephra fall caused damage to crops, traffic congestion, roof collapse, and changes in air quality in the affected areas. In a tropical region where heavy rains are frequent, immediate collection of data is crucial in order to preserve the tephra fall deposit record, which is readily washed away by surface water runoff and prevailing winds. Crowdsourcing, field surveys, and laboratory analysis of the tephra fall deposits were conducted to document and characterize the tephra fall deposits of the 2020 Taal Volcano eruption and their impacts. Results show that the tephra fall deposit thins downwind exponentially with a thickness half distance of about 1.40 km and 9.49 km for the proximal and distal exponential segments, respectively. The total calculated volume of erupted fallout deposit is 0.057 km3, 0.042 km3, or 0.090 km3 using the exponential, power-law, and Weibull models, respectively, and all translate to a VEI of 3. However, using a probabilistic approach (Weibull method) with 90% confidence interval, the volume estimate is as high as 0.097 km3. With the addition of the base surge deposits amounting to 0.019 km3, the volume translates to a VEI of 4, consistent with the classification for the observed height and umbrella radius of the 2020 main eruption plume. VEI 4 is also consistent with the calculated median eruption plume height of 17.8 km and sub-plinian classification based on combined analysis of isopleth and isopach data. Phreatomagmatic activity originated from a vent located in Taal Volcano's Main Crater Lake (MCL), which contained 42 million m3 of water. This eruptive style is further supported by the characteristics of the ash grain components of the distal 12 January 2020 tephra fall deposits, consisting dominantly of andesitic vitric fragments (83-90%). Other components of the fall deposits are lithic (7-11%) and crystal (less than 6%) grains. Further textural and geochemical analysis of these tephra fall deposits contributes to better understand the volcanic processes that occurred at Taal Volcano, one of the 16 Decade Volcanoes identified by the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) because of its destructive nature and proximity to densely populated areas. The crowdsourcing initiative provided a significant portion of the data used for this study while at the same time educating and empowering the community to build resilience. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00445-022-01534-y.

Data Brief ; 35: 106734, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33553519


The study of historic volcanic eruptions is often complicated by the lack of recorded primary data and observations of such events. In the case of large-magnitude historic eruptions, these types of data are important to better understand not only the physical nature of these rare events but also the volcanic and social impacts that follow. In this paper, we compile contemporary data on the Santa María Plinian eruption of 1902, in Guatemala. The data supplement those presented in the original research article [1] but individually provide an interesting and useful compilation of eyewitness testimonies, scientific studies and newspaper reports. We identify key contemporary sources containing quantitative data as well as various qualitative reports that we convert to quantitative measurements through a simple classification scheme. We also compile wind reanalysis data from the time of the eruption to display wind direction and speed with height. Both the data and the description of the methods of data analysis can aid future studies of qualitative (historic, eyewitness) to quantitative data conversion, as well as studies investigating this important eruption.

Sci Total Environ ; 752: 141864, 2021 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32890832


The effects of volcanic disturbance on aquatic communities and their recovery are poorly studied. To fill this gap, we explored the effects on fish communities in rivers in Argentina of the 2008 eruption of Chaitén Volcano in southern Chile (42.8° lat. S). The eruption produced volcanic plumes of ash that persisted in the atmosphere for several months. Borne on westerly winds, deposits of tephra crossed the Andes Mountains, reaching the Atlantic coast (Argentina). We compared the pre- and post-eruption abundances of a native catfish Hatcheria macraei, and two introduced trout from rivers covered by the volcanic plumes (Argentina) using Before-After-Control-Impact analysis to explore fish recovery. Total suspended solids from volcanic ashfall, macroinvertebrate abundance and richness, and species ecological attributes influenced the spatial arrangement of fish in rivers. Twenty-one months after the eruption, Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, had not returned to pre-eruption abundances in the sampled rivers, and only four rivers had regained pre-eruption species composition, suggesting that disturbance is still ongoing. The abundance of introduced fishes was strongly, negatively correlated with TSS, suggesting that ashfall affected these fish probably by clogging and abrasion of the gills. Fish recolonized previously occupied habitats 4 days to 9 months after the disturbance. Hatcheria macraei was the slowest to recolonize, whereas O. mykiss were the pioneer fish in 4 rivers following the eruption and recolonized all 5 rivers where they were present prior to the eruption. In one river, the catfish and the Brown Trout, Salmo trutta, were still absent 21 months post-eruption, potentially owing to the lack of riparian cover that would have deflected the entry of ash. Rainbow Trout suffered significant declines in abundance, whereas Brown Trout and catfish generally did not, owing to their ecological attributes. Total fish abundance was negatively correlated with ash thickness, but positively related to prey availability.

Bagres , Ríos , Animales , Argentina , Chile , Ecosistema