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Cancer Immunol Immunother ; 73(11): 232, 2024 Sep 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39264449


Tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapy represents a groundbreaking advancement in the solid cancer treatment, offering new hope to patients and their families with high response rates and long overall survival. TIL therapy involves extracting immune cells from a patient's tumor tissue, expanding them ex vivo, and infusing them back into the patient to target and eliminate cancer cells. This revolutionary approach harnesses the power of the immune system to combat cancers, ushering in a new era of T cell-based therapies along with CAR-T and TCR-therapies. In this comprehensive review, we aim to elucidate the remarkable potential of TIL therapy by delving into recent advancements in basic and clinical researches. We highlight on the evolving landscape of TIL therapy as a prominent immunotherapeutic strategy, its multifaceted applications, and the promising outcomes. Additionally, we explore the future horizons of TIL therapy, next-generation TILs, and combination therapy, to overcome the limitations and improve clinical efficacy of TIL therapy.

Inmunoterapia Adoptiva , Linfocitos Infiltrantes de Tumor , Neoplasias , Humanos , Linfocitos Infiltrantes de Tumor/inmunología , Neoplasias/terapia , Neoplasias/inmunología , Inmunoterapia Adoptiva/métodos , Animales , Terapia Combinada/métodos
Heliyon ; 10(16): e35858, 2024 Aug 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39220935


As the world's largest manufacturing country, the rapid growth of China's manufacturing industry has historically relied on factor input. To achieve high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, China must accelerate the transformation from extensive factor input to innovation. The purpose of this study is to further explore the impact mechanisms of technological development policy on the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. It selected data from 30 provinces and cities in China spanning from 2011 to 2021 for the study. Initially, it established a benchmark regression model to verify the positive impact of technological development policies on the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. Subsequently, a mediation effect model was used to analyze the role of high-tech industry development in mediating this impact, and a moderation effect model was applied to study the moderating effect of the level of infrastructure informatization. Additionally, taking the industrial structure as a threshold variable, a panel threshold effect model was employed to explore the impact of technological development policy on the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. It was found that enhancing the level of high-tech industries further facilitates the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry through technological development policy. The level of infrastructure informatization positively moderates the impact of technological development policy on the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. Moreover, the industrial structure exhibits a threshold effect in this impact.

Heliyon ; 10(16): e36115, 2024 Aug 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224386


Background: Digital therapeutics (DTx) is an emerging and groundbreaking medical intervention that utilizes health software to treat or alleviate various diseases, disorders, conditions, or injuries. Although the potential of digital therapy is enormous, it is still in its nascent stage and faces multiple challenges and obstacles. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of all DTx-related clinical trials in and to promote the advancement of DTx. Methods: Two reviewers and one expert evaluated data from all DTx clinical trials on as of August 8, 2023. Trials utilizing digital therapeutics independently or in combination with traditional approaches were included. Incomplete trials and those lacking an evidence-based foundation were excluded. Basic information about product launches and primary outcome measures was extracted and analyzed. Results: A total of 280 eligible trials were categorized into treating a disease (141, 50.4 %), managing a disease (120, 42.9 %), and improving a health function (19, 6.8 %). The focus was primarily on mental and behavioral disorders, neurological disorders, and endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic disorders. The number of trials has been increasing annually, yet trial design and conduct remain inconsistent. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) accounted for 67.5 % of completed trials, and 36 trials (12.9 %) involved products already approved for marketing. Conclusions: The growth in clinical studies on DTx underscores their potential in healthcare. However, challenges persist in standardization, regulation, and clinical efficacy. There is a need for a harmonized global classification of digital therapeutics and standardized clinical trial protocols to ensure efficacy and improve healthcare services.

SciELO Preprints; jul. 2024.
Preprint en Portugués | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-9205


This paper discusses some of the main criteria used to define priorities for technological and industrial development by the Brazilian Ministry of Health regarding the Partnerships for Productive Development (PDP) Program. In order to focus on the question of how to define priorities for technological development, the methodologies developed by the WHO and the EMA for that purpose are presented. WHO's and Brazilian findings on main causes of burden of disease are briefly compared. WHO's selected findings on major therapeutical gaps and technological development priorities are also compared to priorities selected and supported by the PDP program since its inception. A divorce between medicines prioritized and supported by the PDP program and the main causes of the Brazilian burden of disease was observed. Also, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios of several medications supported by the program were preliminarily estimated. The resulting ratios were about thirty times higher than the opportunity cost estimated for Brazil. Findings of the above comparisons and cost-effectiveness exercise indicate that inadequate choices were made by the PDP program in the way to a progressive and equanimous universal health access in Brazil, anticipating a low impact on the Brazilian total burden of disease as well as a low effectiveness, efficiency and equity of the program regarding the health of the Brazilian population as a whole.

Estudos brasileiros que analisaram as Parcerias para o Desenvolvimento Produtivo (PDP) apontam limitações do desenho e da implementação das PDPs de medicamentos vis à vis os objetivos de saúde do SUS. Este artigo discute a definição de prioridades para o desenvolvimento tecnológico e industrial do complexo da saúde (CEIS), com foco na universalidade e na equidade em saúde, tendo por objeto o programa de Parcerias para o Desenvolvimento Produtivo (PDP) do Ministério da Saúde, programa de gastos anuais multibilionários, iniciado em 2009. Para aprofundar a questão do processo utilizado para definir prioridades de desenvolvimento tecnológico, o presente trabalho revê as metodologias utilizadas pela OMSepela European Medicines Agency (EMA) para esse propósito. As prioridades de saúde definidas pela OMS, partindo principalmente do critério carga de doença, e as correspondentes lacunas terapêuticas selecionadas para desenvolvimento tecnológico, com base sobretudo em evidências de monitoramento do horizonte e de avaliação tecnológica, são resumidamente apresentadas. A seguir, foram comparados os achados do relatório da OMS_ as prioridades de saúde selecionadas e as prioridades tecnológicas resultantes_ com os achados sobre carga de doença no Brasil e as prioridades selecionadas e apoiadas pelas PDPs. Observou-se um divórcio entre as prioridades medicamentosas apoiadas pelas PDPs e as principais causas de carga de doença no país. Abordamos ainda, nesse artigo, o papel da análise de custo-efetividade e do custo de oportunidade na discussão das escolhas do programa PDP. O exemplo trabalhado indica que o custo de oportunidade de várias tecnologias apoiadas pelas PDPs vigentes é dezenas de vezes superior ao limiar de custo-efetividade estimado para o Brasil. O divórcio entre as prioridades apoiadas pelas PDPs e as principais causas de carga de doença no país e o limiar de custo-efetividade assumido pelo programa PDP indicam escolhas insatisfatórias na busca para alcançar, de forma progressiva e equânime, o acesso universal à atenção de saúde em nosso país, no SUS. Essas escolhas devem resultar em uma baixa efetividade, baixa eficiência e baixa equidade do programa do ponto de vista da saúde da população brasileira como um todo.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 81(3): 121-131, may.-jun. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568900


Resumen Este ensayo cuestiona, a propósito de la medicina, la idea de progreso como desarrollo tecnológico al centrarlo en las personas y no en las cosas. Se analiza cómo el predominio de tal idea de progreso convierte a las sociedades actuales al tecno-fetichismo que degrada la vida comunitaria y la práctica médica contribuyendo a la medicalización de la vida social. Se argumenta que la realización de las potencialidades tecnológicas depende de sus formas de uso, que el móvil principal del desarrollo tecnológico es el lucro sin límites, y que los desarrollos prioritarios son los que potencian el control social que mantiene el statu quo. Se critica la idea de inteligencia como cociente intelectual al proponerla como atributo del ser humano como un todo, manifiesto en las formas pensar y proceder de las personas en sus circunstancias, donde la afectividad y el pensamiento crítico son imprescindibles para su desarrollo. Se destaca que su antecedente es el concierto armónico de la vida planetaria contrastante con la disarmonía humana imperante. Se plantea que la inteligencia artificial es la más reciente hechura del tecno-fetichismo que deposita en la tecnología atributos vitales, y que sus formas de uso acentuarán la degradación de la vida humana y planetaria. Se propone otra idea de progreso médico basado en formas de organización propicias para el desarrollo de aptitudes inquisitivas, críticas y colaborativas que impulsen la superación permanente, cuyo horizonte lejano es el progreso dignificante: sublimación espiritual, intelectual, moral y convivencial de las colectividades en armonía con el ecosistema planetario.

Abstract This essay questions, with regard to medicine, the idea of progress as technological development by focusing on people rather than things. It analyzes how the predominance of such an idea of progress converts today’s societies to techno-fetishism that degrades community life and medical practice, contributing to the medicalization of social life. It is argued that the realization of technological potentialities depends on their forms of use; that the main motive of technological development is unlimited profit and that priority developments are those that enhance the social control that maintains the status quo. The intelligence as an intelligence quotient is criticized by proposing it as an attribute of the human being as a whole, manifested in the ways of thinking and proceeding of people in their circumstances, where affectivity and critical thinking are essential for their development; it is emphasized that its antecedent is the harmonic concert of planetary life that contrasts with the prevailing human disharmony. It is proposed that artificial intelligence is the most recent creation of techno-fetishism that deposits vital attributes in technology and that its forms of use will accentuate the degradation of human and planetary life. Another idea of medical progress is proposed, based on forms of organization conducive to the development of inquisitive, critical and collaborative skills that promote permanent improvement, whose distant horizon is dignifying progress: spiritual, intellectual, moral and convivial sublimation of collectivities in harmony with the planetary ecosystem.

Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 81(3): 121-131, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38941639


This essay questions, with regard to medicine, the idea of progress as technological development by focusing on people rather than things. It analyzes how the predominance of such an idea of progress converts today's societies to techno-fetishism that degrades community life and medical practice, contributing to the medicalization of social life. It is argued that the realization of technological potentialities depends on their forms of use; that the main motive of technological development is unlimited profit and that priority developments are those that enhance the social control that maintains the status quo. The intelligence as an intelligence quotient is criticized by proposing it as an attribute of the human being as a whole, manifested in the ways of thinking and proceeding of people in their circumstances, where affectivity and critical thinking are essential for their development; it is emphasized that its antecedent is the harmonic concert of planetary life that contrasts with the prevailing human disharmony. It is proposed that artificial intelligence is the most recent creation of techno-fetishism that deposits vital attributes in technology and that its forms of use will accentuate the degradation of human and planetary life. Another idea of medical progress is proposed, based on forms of organization conducive to the development of inquisitive, critical and collaborative skills that promote permanent improvement, whose distant horizon is dignifying progress: spiritual, intellectual, moral and convivial sublimation of collectivities in harmony with the planetary ecosystem.

Este ensayo cuestiona, a propósito de la medicina, la idea de progreso como desarrollo tecnológico al centrarlo en las personas y no en las cosas. Se analiza cómo el predominio de tal idea de progreso convierte a las sociedades actuales al tecno-fetichismo que degrada la vida comunitaria y la práctica médica contribuyendo a la medicalización de la vida social. Se argumenta que la realización de las potencialidades tecnológicas depende de sus formas de uso, que el móvil principal del desarrollo tecnológico es el lucro sin límites, y que los desarrollos prioritarios son los que potencian el control social que mantiene el statu quo. Se critica la idea de inteligencia como cociente intelectual al proponerla como atributo del ser humano como un todo, manifiesto en las formas pensar y proceder de las personas en sus circunstancias, donde la afectividad y el pensamiento crítico son imprescindibles para su desarrollo. Se destaca que su antecedente es el concierto armónico de la vida planetaria contrastante con la disarmonía humana imperante. Se plantea que la inteligencia artificial es la más reciente hechura del tecno-fetichismo que deposita en la tecnología atributos vitales, y que sus formas de uso acentuarán la degradación de la vida humana y planetaria. Se propone otra idea de progreso médico basado en formas de organización propicias para el desarrollo de aptitudes inquisitivas, críticas y colaborativas que impulsen la superación permanente, cuyo horizonte lejano es el progreso dignificante: sublimación espiritual, intelectual, moral y convivencial de las colectividades en armonía con el ecosistema planetario.

Inteligencia Artificial , Humanos , Medicalización , Inteligencia , Medicina
Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 81(3): 132-142, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38941644


This essay challenges the idea of progress as technological development in relation to medicine by focusing on people rather than things. It analyzes how the prevalence of such an idea of progress leads contemporary societies to a technofetishism that degrades community life and medical practice, contributing to the medicalization of social life. It is argued that the realization of technological potentialities depends on their forms of use, that the main motive of technological development is unlimited profit, and the priority developments are those that enhance social control which maintains the status quo. Intelligence as an intelligence quotient is criticized by proposing it as an attribute of the human being as a whole, manifested in the ways of thinking and acting of human beings in their circumstances, where affectivity and critical thinking are essential for their development; it is emphasized that its antecedent is the harmonic concert of planetary life, which contrasts with the prevailing human disharmony. It is proposed that artificial intelligence is the latest creation of technofetishism, which deposits vital attributes in technology, and that its use will accentuate the degradation of human and planetary life. Another idea of medical progress is proposed, based on forms of organization that is conducive to the development of inquisitive, critical, and collaborative skills that promote permanent improvement, whose distant horizon is dignified progress: the spiritual, intellectual, moral, and convivial sublimation of collectivities in harmony with the planetary ecosystem.

Este ensayo cuestiona, a propósito de la medicina, la idea de progreso como desarrollo tecnológico al centrarlo en las personas no en las cosas. Se analiza cómo el predominio de tal idea de progreso convierte a las sociedades actuales al tecno-fetichismo que degrada la vida comunitaria y la práctica médica contribuyendo a la medicalización de la vida social. Se argumenta: que la realización de las potencialidades tecnológicas depende de sus formas de uso; que el móvil principal del desarrollo tecnológico es el lucro sin límites y que los desarrollos prioritarios son los que potencian el control social que mantiene el statu quo. Se critica la idea de inteligencia como cociente intelectual al proponerla como atributo del ser humano como un todo, manifiesto en las formas pensar y proceder de las personas en sus circunstancias, donde la afectividad y el pensamiento crítico son imprescindibles para su desarrollo. Se destaca que su antecedente es el concierto armónico de la vida planetaria contrastante con la disarmonía humana imperante. Se plantea que la inteligencia artificial es la más reciente hechura del tecno-fetichismo que deposita en la tecnología atributos vitales y que sus formas de uso acentuarán la degradación de la vida humana y planetaria. Se propone otra idea de progreso médico basado en formas de organización propicias para el desarrollo de aptitudes inquisitivas, críticas y colaborativas que impulsen la superación permanente, cuyo horizonte lejano es el progreso dignificante: sublimación espiritual, intelectual, moral y convivencial de las colectividades en armonía con el ecosistema planetario.

Inteligencia Artificial , Humanos , Medicalización/tendencias
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 31(13): 19025-19046, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38374500


Electrocatalytic methods are valuable tools for addressing water pollution and scarcity, offering effective pollutant removal and resource recovery. To investigate the current status and future trends of electrocatalysis in wastewater treatment, a detailed analysis of 9417 papers and 4061 patents was conducted using scientometric methods. China emerged as the leading contributor to publications, and collaborations between China and the USA have emerged as the most frequent partnerships. Primary article co-citation clusters focused on oxygen evolution reaction and electrochemical oxidation, transitioning towards advanced oxidation processes ("persulfate activation"), and electrocatalytic reduction processes ("nitrate reduction"). Bifunctional catalysts, theoretical calculations, electrocatalytic combination technologies, and emerging contaminants were identified as current research hotspots. Patent analysis revealed seven types of electrochemical technologies, which were compared using SWOT analysis, highlighting electrochemical oxidation as prominent. The technological evolution presented the pathway of electro-Fenton to combined electrocatalytic technologies with biochemical processes, and finally to coupling with electrocoagulation. Standardized evaluation systems, waste resource utilization, and energy conservation were important directions of innovation in electrocatalytic technologies. Overall, this study provided a reference for researchers to understand the framework of electrocatalysis in wastewater treatment and also shed light on potential avenues for further innovation in the field.

Contaminantes Ambientales , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua , Purificación del Agua , Aguas Residuales , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/análisis , Electrodos , Contaminantes Ambientales/análisis , Oxidación-Reducción , Purificación del Agua/métodos
Medisan ; 28(1)feb. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558507


Un programa de ciencia, tecnología e innovación es un conjunto de actividades organizadas en proyectos que se relacionan entre sí, cuyo objetivo es resolver un problema identificado según las prioridades y dirigido a lograr resultados de impactos específicos. En la provincia Santiago de Cuba está en acción, desde el año 2020, el Programa Territorial "Desarrollo de productos y servicios de salud", que ha ejecutado 12 proyectos de investigación. En el presente artículo se identifican sus resultados científico-técnicos y, además, se plantea que estos responden a prioridades sectoriales y territoriales y se encuentran en correspondencia con las políticas del sector sanitario y de la educación superior en Cuba. Su introducción contribuye a resolver las problemáticas de salud en el territorio mediante la aplicación de la ciencia y la innovación tecnológica para el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y la rehabilitación de pobladores con enfermedades.

A science, technology and innovation program is a group of activities organized in projects that are related to each other, which objective is to solve a problem identified according to the priorities and directed to achieve results of specific impacts. In Santiago de Cuba province the Territorial Program "Development of products and health services" is in action since 2020, which has implemented 12 investigation projects. In this work the scientific-technical results are identified; also, it is considered that they respond to sectoral and territorial priorities and are in correspondence with the policy of the health sector and higher education in Cuba. Their introduction contributes to solve the health problems in the territory by means of the implementation of science and technological innovation for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of persons with diseases.

Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558556


La presente contribución analiza las formas en que se construye la ciencia en América Latina y el Caribe. Su objetivo principal es destacar las particularidades de esta región y cómo estas diferencias afectan el desarrollo científico en comparación con otras áreas del mundo, desde la perspectiva de la ciencia perdida e invisible. Se argumenta que la ciencia en América Latina y el Caribe se ha desarrollado principalmente a través de la colaboración y la cooperación entre países, pero sus revistas científicas se encuentran en desventaja a partir de la ciencia globalizada que limita el acceso a temáticas locales. Este enfoque se ha impulsado por la necesidad de superar las limitaciones económicas y tecnológicas presentes en la región. Como resultado, se han creado iniciativas propias que destacan la importancia de las aportaciones y el conocimiento local en la construcción de la ciencia. Tener una perspectiva propia y contextualizada es fundamental para abordar los desafíos y necesidades específicas de la región. Esto se refleja en la diversidad de temas de investigación y enfoques científicos. El artículo también menciona algunos de los desafíos y obstáculos que enfrenta la ciencia en América Latina y el Caribe, a pesar los cuales se destaca la resiliencia y creatividad de los científicos latinoamericanos y caribeños, quienes han logrado hacer contribuciones significativas a nivel mundial.

ABTRASCT This contribution analyzes the ways in which science is constructed in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its main objective is to highlight the particularities of this region and how these differences affect scientific development compared to other areas of the world, from the lost and invisible science's perspective. It is argued that science in Latin America and the Caribbean has developed mainly through collaboration and cooperation between countries, but its scientific journals are at a disadvantage due to globalized science that limits access to local topics. This approach has been driven by the need to overcome the economic and technological limitations present in the region. As a result, own initiatives have been created that highlight the importance of contributions and local knowledge in the construction of science. Having its own and contextualized perspective is essential to address the specific challenges and needs of the region. This is reflected in the diversity of research topics and scientific approaches. The article also mentions some of the challenges and obstacles faced by science in Latin America and the Caribbean, despite which the resilience and creativity of Latin American and Caribbean scientists stands out, who have managed to make significant contributions worldwide.

Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2373, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557940


RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar el perfil de los investigadores en ciencias médicas y de la salud de la categoría Monge Medrano, calificados por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica (CONCYTEC) y registrados en el Registro Nacional Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica (RENACYT) en el año 2022. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, tipo descriptivo y de corte transversal. Se revisaron las Hojas de vida afines a la Ciencia y Tecnología (CTI Vitae) de 706 investigadores registrados en Renacyt durante el mes de setiembre del 2022. Se recopilaron las características demográficas, de formación académica, de actividad profesional y de producción científica mediante una ficha de recolección de datos y, a partir de esto, se elaboró una base de datos. Resultados: El 65,3 % de investigadores fueron de sexo masculino, un 80,0 % procedía de Perú y un 66, 7 % dominaba dos o tres idiomas; los más frecuentes eran español, inglés, portugués, francés, italiano, alemán y quechua. A nivel académico, el máximo grado académico obtenido fue el de doctor (71,2 %), la primera carrera profesional no siempre fue una carrera estrictamente de la salud, el 80,3 % reportó estudios de maestría y el 71,2 %, estudios de doctorado; además, el 75,5 % indicó una universidad como institución de primera filiación. A nivel profesional, el 38,2 % registró más de 20 años de experiencia laboral, el 84 % como docente y el 51,7 % tenían experiencia como evaluador o formulador de proyectos de investigación; el 74,8 % reportó haber recibido un premio o distinción en su carrera, asimismo, 133 investigadores contaban con un índice h entre 4 y 6. Adicionalmente, el 94,5 % (667 investigadores) tenía artículos de producción científica, y de estos, el 41,4 % había redactado entre uno y cinco artículos donde era primer autor; además, el 65,9 % de los investigadores reportó haber realizado asesoría de tesis en pregrado y posgrado. Conclusiones: El investigador en ciencias médicas y de la salud es predominantemente masculino, domina al menos dos idiomas, incluido el inglés, tiene grado de doctor y reporta tener producción científica. La universidad es la institución más frecuente de filiación de los investigadores.

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the profile of medical and health sciences researchers belonging to the Carlos Monge Medrano group, qualified by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica (CONCYTEC National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation) and registered in Registro Nacional Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica (RENACYT National Scientific, Technological and Technological Innovation Registry) in 2022. Materials and methods: A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. The CTI Vitae Hojas de vida afines a la Ciencia y Tecnología (CTI Vitae Résumés related to Science and Technology) data sheets of 706 researchers registered in Renacyt were reviewed during September 2022. Demographic characteristics, academic background, career and scientific output were collected in a data collection sheet, which was used to create a database. Results: Out of all researchers, 65.3 % were males, 80.0 % came from Peru, and 66.7 % were fluent in two or three languages, the most frequent being Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, Italian, German and Quechua. As for their academic background, the highest degree was a doctorate (71.2 %), the first reported program was not always strictly a health sciences program, 80.3 % pursued master's studies and 71.2 % pursued doctoral studies. In addition, 75.5 % indicated a university as their primary affiliation. Regarding their career, 38.2 % had more than 20 years of work experience, 84 % served as educator, 51.7 % had experience as research project evaluator or developer and 74.8 % received an award or distinction during their career. Moreover, 133 researchers had an h-index between 4 and 6. Furthermore, 94.5 % (667 researchers) drafted scientific papers, out of whom 41.4 % were the lead author in one to five articles and 65.9 % served as undergraduate and graduate thesis advisor. Conclusions: Medical and health sciences researchers are mostly males, are fluent in at least two languages including English, have a doctorate degree and have scientific output. Universities are the most frequent institution of affiliation reported by researchers.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 31(1): 228-248, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37919508


Energy is the most critical input for production and consumption. The inputs of energy cause irreversible damage to the environment. The studies carried out to reduce the environmental impact of the methods used in energy production are extremely valuable. This study aims to reveal the effects of technological development, nuclear energy consumption, and renewable energy use on environmental degradation. The patent numbers, technological development, GDP, renewable energy, and nuclear energy consumption data of 16 OECD countries covering the years 1996-2019 were used in the empirical analysis. The findings of panel FMOLS and DOLS methods reveal that technological progress, nuclear, and renewable energy consumption significantly reduce CO2 emissions. In line with these findings, critical policy implications have been suggested.

Desarrollo Económico , Energía Nuclear , Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico , Tecnología , Energía Renovable , Dióxido de Carbono
Rev. bras. enferm ; 77(supl.4): e20230438, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1550761


ABSTRACT Objectives: to report an educational technology construction on nursing professionals' rights. Methods: an experience report on educational technology construction during the crediting of university extension hours in an undergraduate nursing course at a Brazilian public university, between March and June 2023. The Deming cycle was used as a procedural method. Results: four meetings were held between students and extension workers. Eight comic books were produced based on the Code of Ethics for Nurses, addressing professional autonomy, fair remuneration, risk-free work, denial of exposure in the media and others. The Deming cycle proved to be an important strategy for constructing products. Conclusions: nursing professionals' rights must be discussed and improved. Educational technologies, such as comic books, provide playful and reflective learning.

RESUMEN Objetivos: informar la construcción de una tecnología educativa sobre los derechos de los profesionales de enfermería. Métodos: relato de experiencia sobre la construcción de tecnología educativa durante la acreditación de horas de extensión universitaria en una carrera de pregrado en enfermería en una universidad pública brasileña, entre marzo y junio de 2023. Se utilizó el ciclo de Deming como método procesal. Resultados: se realizaron cuatro reuniones entre estudiantes y extensionistas. Se produjeron ocho historietas basadas en el Código de Ética para los Profesionales de Enfermería, abordando la autonomía profesional, la remuneración justa, el trabajo libre de riesgos, la negación de la exposición en los medios de comunicación y otros. El ciclo de Deming demostró ser una estrategia importante para la construcción de productos. Conclusiones: los derechos de los profesionales de enfermería deben ser discutidos y mejorados. Las tecnologías educativas, como los cómics, proporcionan un aprendizaje lúdico y reflexivo.

RESUMO Objetivos: relatar a construção de uma tecnologia educacional sobre os direitos dos profissionais de enfermagem. Métodos: relato de experiência sobre a construção de tecnologia educacional durante a creditação de horas de extensão universitária em uma disciplina da graduação em enfermagem de uma universidade pública brasileira, entre março e junho de 2023. Utilizou-se o ciclo de Deming como método processual. Resultados: foram realizados quatro encontros entre estudantes e extensionistas. Oito histórias em quadrinhos foram produzidas pautadas no Código de Ética dos Profissionais de Enfermagem abordando autonomia profissional, remuneração justa, trabalho sem riscos, negação à exposição em mídias e outros. O ciclo de Deming mostrou-se importante estratégia para construção dos produtos. Conclusões: os direitos dos profissionais de enfermagem devem ser discutidos e aprimorados. Tecnologias educacionais, como histórias em quadrinhos, proporcionam aprendizagem lúdica e reflexiva.

Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 33Jan.-Dez. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551604


INTRODUÇÃO: Os programas de iniciação científica e pós-graduação são um instrumento essencial na formação de recursos humanos e na perpetuação da produção científica nacional. O papel dos professores pesquisadores no adequado desenvolvimento científico dos estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação tem sido continuamente reafirmado em diversas pesquisas sobre a qualidade do ensino superior brasileiro, apesar da contínua desvalorização das universidades públicas no país. Avaliar a carreira e o perfil dos bolsistas de produtividade em pesquisa pode fornecer elementos em relação ao impacto desses profissionais no ensino, na pesquisa e na internacionalização das universidades. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o perfil profissional e a produção científica dos bolsistas do Programa de Produtividade em Pesquisa da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo baseado na análise de dados públicos disponíveis na Plataforma Lattes. Os bolsistas de produtividade em pesquisa foram apurados com base nos resultados dos editais de 2013, 2016 e 2019. RESULTADOS: A análise das variáveis evidenciou diminuição do número de docentes bolsistas da instituição, que passou de 34 para 29. Observamos um número significativamente maior de projetos financiados por profissionais do sexo masculino quando comparados às pesquisadoras (p=0,03) e uma forte correlação entre os anos de doutorado e o número de doutores orientados que atualmente se dedicam à pesquisa. CONCLUSÃO: Professores pesquisadores exercem impacto direto na formação de recursos humanos qualificados e na formação de recursos humanos qualificados e na internacionalização das universidades públicas.

INTRODUCTION: Mentoring through scientific initiation and post-graduate programs are an essential instrument on the formation of human resources and the perpetuation of national scientific production. The role of research professors in the proper scientific development of graduate and post-graduate medical students has been continuously reaffirmed in several surveys on the quality of Brazilian superior education, despite the continuous desvalorization of higher education in the country. Determine the career and profile of research productivity fellows could measure the impact of these professionals in teaching, researching and internationalization of our university. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the professional profile and scientific production of the Productivity in Research Program fellows from the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. METHODS: This descriptive study is based on the analysis of public data available at Lattes Platform. Research productivity fellows were determined based on the results of the 2013, 2016 and 2019 calls for tenders. RESULTS: Analysis of the variables showed a decrease in the number of professors with scholarships at the institution, which went from 34 to 29. We observed a significantly higher number of funded projects of male professionals when compared to female researchers (p=0.03) and a strong correlation between years of doctorate degree and the number of mentored doctors currently dedicating to research. CONCLUSION: Experient research professors exert direct impact on the formation of qualified human resources and the internationalization of the federal university.

Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico , Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo , Educación de Postgrado en Medicina/estadística & datos numéricos , Evaluación de la Investigación en Salud
Telemed Rep ; 4(1): 336-342, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37908626


Background: Despite ongoing digital and technological developments, incorporation of new developments in outpatient care tends to be slow. Regarding an increasing demand for outpatient care, digitalization of health care carries the potential of a much needed more efficient and patient-oriented system. Objective: To optimize classic face-to-face outpatient clinic follow-up consultations and evaluate the added value of an upfront digital consult preparation (DCP). Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted at Rijnstate Hospital (Arnhem, the Netherlands) among all consecutive patients, 18 years or older, who visited the Cardiology (in June 2021) or Neurology (in September 2021) outpatient clinic. All received a DCP survey before their scheduled outpatient clinic appointment, containing three questions regarding their upcoming visit. In addition, the involved health care providers were approached by using a questionnaire to share their experience regarding the DCP. Data concerning the experience of patients and health care providers was anonymous and gathered using Results: All 25 involved health care providers (12 cardiologists, 13 neurologists) provided feedback. According to the health care providers DCP decreased the workload and improved theirs and patients' preparation. In total, 785 of 1626 (48.3%) patients filled-in the DCP before their appointment within a predetermined period. Only 4% of the patients wanted to change or cancel the consultation. A total of 122 of the 300 (40.1%) patients approached, filled-in a questionnaire to reflect on the DCP. Patients experienced DCP as an improvement of consultation, more time-efficient, increasing patients' and health care providers' preparation, increasing a feeling of acknowledgement and improving co-decision on type of consultation. The DCP did not attribute to co-deciding on treatment. Conclusion: DCP was perceived as an improvement of the standard outpatient care by both health care providers and patients with automated integration into the electronic patient record being of key importance.

SAGE Open Nurs ; 9: 23779608231206776, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37868113


Introduction and objective: Research attitudes among nursing students are essential to improve the quality of care and promote evidence-based practice. The objective of this study was to determine the attitude towards research of nursing students during their undergraduate internship and explore the demographic and study-related factors that may affect these attitudes. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional retrospective study, 100 nursing interns who are >18 years old, currently studying and working, and have a prior academic background were included. To assess the attitudes toward research, the 43-item Likert-like Scale of Attitudes Towards Research questionnaire was used, which has been previously validated in the Peruvian population and includes three distinct dimensions: affective, cognitive, and behavioral. Results: The mean age was 28.7 ± 5.2 years and 88% were women. Fifty percent had favorable attitudes toward research. The favorable attitude according to the affective, cognitive, and behavioral dimensions was 28%, 11%, and 45%, respectively. Although the youngest age group (20 to 30 years old) had the highest frequency of favorable attitudes (36%), no significant differences were found when compared to other age groups (p = .082). Conclusions: Nursing students presented favorable attitudes toward research during their undergraduate internship, especially among young students. However, more research is needed to understand how these attitudes are shaped and consolidated during the research process and how they can be further improved to promote evidence-based practice in nursing.

J Med Internet Res ; 25: e46297, 2023 08 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37581906


BACKGROUND: Digital assistive technologies have the potential to address the pressing need for adequate therapy options for patients with long COVID (also known as post-COVID-19 condition) by enabling the implementation of individual and independent rehabilitation programs. However, the involvement of the target patient group is necessary to develop digital devices that are closely aligned to the needs of this particular patient group. OBJECTIVE: Participatory design approaches, such as cocreation, may be a solution for achieving usability and user acceptance. However, there are currently no set methods for implementing cocreative development processes incorporating patients. This study addresses the following research questions: what are the tasks and challenges associated with the involvement of patient groups? What lessons can be learned regarding the adequate involvement of patients with long COVID? METHODS: First, a literature review based on a 3-stage snowball process was conducted to identify the tasks and challenges emerging in the context of the cocreation of digital assistive devices and services with patient groups. Second, a qualitative analysis was conducted in an attempt to extract relevant findings and criteria from the identified studies. Third, using the method of theory adaptation, this paper presents recommendations for the further development of the existing concepts of cocreation in relation to patients with long COVID. RESULTS: The challenges of an active involvement of patients in cocreative development in health care include hierarchical barriers and differences in the levels of specific knowledge between professionals and patients. In the case of long COVID, patients themselves are still inexperienced in dealing with their symptoms and are hardly organized into established groups. This amplifies general hurdles and leads to questions of group identity, power structure, and knowledge creation, which are not sufficiently addressed by the current methods of cocreation. CONCLUSIONS: The adaptation of transdisciplinary methods to cocreative development approaches focusing on collaborative and inclusive communication can address the recurring challenges of actively integrating patients with long COVID into development processes.

COVID-19 , Dispositivos de Autoayuda , Humanos , Participación del Paciente , Síndrome Post Agudo de COVID-19 , Comunicación
Front Sports Act Living ; 5: 1156601, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37457853


This study investigates the evolving role of major technology corporations-namely, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Netflix, and Google-in the sports industry, with a specific focus on soccer. By employing a qualitative content analysis of media reports, scientific literature, and annual reports from 2000 to 2021, the research scrutinizes the varying approaches and investments of these tech giants in the domain of sports. The findings classify these companies into three distinct categories: (1) those actively securing broadcast rights for major competitions and leagues (Google, Facebook, Amazon); (2) those primarily producing and disseminating soccer documentaries (Netflix); and (3) those not directly engaging in media rights but advancing the technological aspects of clubs and leagues (Apple and Microsoft). This study underscores the escalating significance of Big Tech in reshaping the sports media landscape and calls for further research to comprehend the broader implications of their presence in sports broadcasting and fan engagement.

JMIR Res Protoc ; 12: e47331, 2023 07 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37399054


BACKGROUND: Among chronic diseases, cognitive, neurological, and cardiovascular impairments are becoming increasingly prevalent, generating a shift in health and social needs. Technology can create an ecosystem of care integrated with microtools based on biosensors for motion, location, voice, and expression detection that can help people with chronic diseases. A technological system capable of identifying symptoms, signs, or behavioral patterns could provide notification of the development of complications of disease. This would help the self-care of patients with chronic disease and save health care costs, promoting the autonomy and empowerment of patients and their caregivers, improving their quality of life (QoL), and providing health professionals with monitoring tools. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a technological system (the TeNDER system) to improve quality of life in patients with chronic diseases: Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, and cardiovascular disease. METHODS: A multicenter, randomized, parallel-group clinical trial will be conducted with a follow-up of 2 months. The scope of the study will be the primary care health centers of the Community of Madrid belonging to the Spanish public health system. The study population will be patients diagnosed with Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, and cardiovascular disease; their caregivers; and health professionals. The sample size will be 534 patients (380 in the intervention group). The intervention will consist of the use of the TeNDER system. The system will monitor the patients by means of biosensors, and their data will be integrated into the TeNDER app. With the information provided, the TeNDER system will generate health reports that can be consulted by patients, caregivers, and health professionals. Sociodemographic variables and technological affinity will be measured, as will views on the usability of and satisfaction with the TeNDER system. The dependent variable will be the mean difference in QoL score between the intervention and control groups at 2 months. To study the effectiveness of the TeNDER system in improving QoL in patients, an explanatory linear regression model will be constructed. All analyses will be performed with the 95% CI and robust estimators. RESULTS: Ethics approval for this project was received on September 11, 2019. The trial was registered on August 14, 2020. Recruitment commenced in April 2021, and the expected results will be available during 2023 or 2024. CONCLUSIONS: This clinical trial among patients with highly prevalent chronic illnesses and the people most involved in their care will provide a more realistic view of the situation experienced by people with long-term illness and their support networks. The TeNDER system is in continuous development based on a study of the needs of the target population and on feedback during its use from the users: patients, caregivers, and primary care health professionals. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT05681065; INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/47331.