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Front Psychol ; 15: 1369949, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38873524


Introduction: Interest in pragmatic development and its assessment has increased in recent years, not only because of the predictive value of pragmatic impairments as warning signs in the detection of multiple developmental disorders, but also because of the consideration that pragmatics has received in the field of mental disorders. Current contexts of child development assessment require pragmatic assessment instruments that accurately define profiles and take into account the immediate context in which they develop. Parents' knowledge of their children's abilities is supported by exhaustive observation over time of regularities in their behavior. But it is true that the way a caregiver interprets behavior is mediated by multiple variables. The aim of the present study, therefore, is to shed light on the possible influence of parental belief systems on the assessment of children's pragmatic development by analyzing the relationship between sociofamilial variables and the assessment of pragmatic competence. Method: A total of 215 educational centers across Spain participated in the study. The final sample was of 262 parents of boys and girls between 6 and 48 months of age. The parental questionnaire for the evaluation of pragmatic development, The Pragmatics Profile, in an adapted Spanish version, was applied along with a number of items for the evaluation of parental beliefs. Results: Analyses confirm the existence of an effect of child development conceptions and other socio-familial variables on the assessment of pragmatic development between 6 and 48 months of age. Furthermore, the results indicate that better scores on pragmatic development are associated with parents with higher socioeconomic and educational levels, greater number of children and more interactionist conceptions and realistic. Conclusion: The effect of parental conceptions on the evaluation of pragmatics points to the need to obtain convergent measures in an area as complex as that of communicative development in early childhood, especially taking into account that an evaluation which is neutral and free from context is not possible or indeed desirable. Pragmatic development must be evaluated within this contextual framework and should take into account each of the variables present therein. Hence the complementarity between parental reports and performance-based test.

Rev. colomb. rehabil ; 16(1): 6-14, 2017. ilus, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-913787


El objetivo de la investigación estuvo encaminado a determinar el efecto de un programa de intervención en los procesos articulatorios funcionales en escolares de 6 a 8 años. La metodología se enmarcó bajo un tipo de estudio cuasi experimental con pre y post- prueba, a una población de 24 escolares con dislalia funcional, seleccionados a través de un muestreo aleatorio simple; 12 conformaron el grupo experimental y 12 el grupo control, con una edad media de 6 años 6 meses. Se implementó el programa de intervención al grupo experimental basado en el modelo fonético durante tres meses luego de lo cual se aplicó la postprueba. Los datos obtenidos se procesaron mediante SPSS versión 15.0., la asociación entre variables se constató con pruebas no paramétricas, chi-cuadrado para variables cualitativas, prueba de los signos para dos muestras relacionadas y Kolmogorov-Smirnov para dos muestras independientes con una significancia de probabilidad <.05. Los hallazgos evidencian mejoría en el grupo intervenido, pues las derivaciones mostraron que existe significación bilateral en el grupo experimental, en la pre y postprueba, pues los niños del grupo experimental superaron los errores articulatorios. Existe diferencia entre las muestras, por consiguiente se hallaron asociaciones altamente significativas entre el grupo control y grupo experimental en la postprueba, al igual relación reciproca, entre la funcionalidad lingual y el tipo de dislalia funcional. Se concluye que con la implementación del programa de intervención los errores articulatorios disminuyen

The objective of the research was to determine the effect of an intervention program on functional articulatory processes in schoolchildren aged 6 to 8 years. The methodology was framed under a quasi-experimental type with pre and posttest, to a population of 24 students with functional dyslalia, selected through a simple random sampling; 12 formed the experimental group and the remaining 12 were in the control group with a mean age of 6 years 6 months. The intervention program was implemented to the experimental group based on the phonetic model for three months and after the end of the treatment the posttest was applied. The data obtained were tabulated with the SPSS software version 15.0., The association among variables was verified with non-parametric tests; For the qualitative the chi-square test, for two related samples test of the signs and for two independent samples the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, with a probability significance of <.05. The findings showed an improvement in the intervention group, since the leads showed bilateral significance in the experimental group, in the pre and posttest, as the children in the experimental group overcame the articulatory errors. There was a difference between the samples; therefore, there were highly significant associations between the control group and the experimental group in the posttest, as well as the reciprocal relationship between the lingual functionality and the type of functional dyslalia. We conclude that with the implementation of the intervention program the articulatory errors decrease.

Humanos , Habla , Audiología , Trastornos del Lenguaje , Fonoaudiología
Psicol. estud ; 16(3): 399-407, jul.-set. 2011.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-624277


A partir de pressupostos da teoria histórico-cultural, neste texto tem-se o objetivo de refletir sobre a linguagem de sujeitos com deficiência mental. Os dados foram extraídos de transcrições de filmagens de um ano de atendimento fonoaudiológico semanal do qual participavam duas estagiárias de fonoaudiologia e quatro jovens deficientes mentais com idades entre 19 e 29 anos. As interações de um dos jovens com seus pares e terapeutas foram focalizadas no estudo. Os resultados indicaram que em alguns momentos os terapeutas e pares fizeram interpretações que levaram à compreensão do intuito comunicativo do sujeito, mas em outros isto não ocorreu e o diálogo foi interrompido. Discute-se a importância do outro para a construção de sentidos e para a orientação de ações terapêuticas e educativas que criem possibilidades alternativas de linguagem. Considera-se que um olhar mais atento para compreender o intuito comunicativo de sujeitos deficientes pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento dessas pessoas.

Based on the historical-cultural theory assumptions we herein aim to reflect on mentally deficient subjects#039; language. The data were collected from video recording transcriptions along one year of weekly speech therapy sessions, with the participation of two speech therapy interns and four youngsters with mental deficiency, aged between 19 and 29. We focused on the interactions of one of the youngsters with his peers and therapists. The results revealed that at some moments the therapists#039; and the peers#039; interpretation led to the understanding of the communicative intention. However, there were moments when such understanding didn#039;t occur and the dialogue was interrupted. The importance of the other for building up meaning and guiding therapeutic actions which can promote the creation of language alternatives is here discussed. Therefore, it is considered that a more attentive look to understand the communicative purposes of subjects with mental deficiency can enhance their development.

A partir de suposiciones de la teoría histórico-cultural, en este texto se tiene el objetivo de reflexionar sobre el lenguaje de sujetos con discapacidad mental. Los datos fueron extraídos de transcripciones de películas referentes a un año de atendimiento fonoaudiológico semanal, del cual participaban dos estudiantes en práctica de fonoaudiología y cuatro jóvenes discapacitados mentales con edad entre 19 y 29 años. Las interacciones de uno de los jóvenes con sus semejantes y terapeutas fueron focalizadas en el estudio. Los resultados indicaron que en algunos momentos los terapeutas y semejantes hicieron interpretaciones que condujeron a la comprensión del intuito comunicativo del mismo, sin embargo, en otros, esto no ocurrió y el diálogo fue interrumpido. Se discutió la importancia del otro para la construcción de sentidos y para la orientación de acciones terapéuticas y educativas que crean posibilidades alternativas de lenguaje. Se considera que una observación más atenta para comprender el intuito comunicativo de sujetos discapacitados puede auxiliar al desarrollo de estas personas.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Lenguaje , Personas con Discapacidades Mentales
Psicol. estud ; 16(3): 399-407, jul.-set. 2011.
Artículo en Portugués | Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: psi-52193


A partir de pressupostos da teoria histórico-cultural, neste texto tem-se o objetivo de refletir sobre a linguagem de sujeitos com deficiência mental. Os dados foram extraídos de transcrições de filmagens de um ano de atendimento fonoaudiológico semanal do qual participavam duas estagiárias de fonoaudiologia e quatro jovens deficientes mentais com idades entre 19 e 29 anos. As interações de um dos jovens com seus pares e terapeutas foram focalizadas no estudo. Os resultados indicaram que em alguns momentos os terapeutas e pares fizeram interpretações que levaram à compreensão do intuito comunicativo do sujeito, mas em outros isto não ocorreu e o diálogo foi interrompido. Discute-se a importância do outro para a construção de sentidos e para a orientação de ações terapêuticas e educativas que criem possibilidades alternativas de linguagem. Considera-se que um olhar mais atento para compreender o intuito comunicativo de sujeitos deficientes pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento dessas pessoas.(AU)

Based on the historical-cultural theory assumptions we herein aim to reflect on mentally deficient subjects#039; language. The data were collected from video recording transcriptions along one year of weekly speech therapy sessions, with the participation of two speech therapy interns and four youngsters with mental deficiency, aged between 19 and 29. We focused on the interactions of one of the youngsters with his peers and therapists. The results revealed that at some moments the therapists#039; and the peers#039; interpretation led to the understanding of the communicative intention. However, there were moments when such understanding didn#039;t occur and the dialogue was interrupted. The importance of the other for building up meaning and guiding therapeutic actions which can promote the creation of language alternatives is here discussed. Therefore, it is considered that a more attentive look to understand the communicative purposes of subjects with mental deficiency can enhance their development.(AU)

A partir de suposiciones de la teoría histórico-cultural, en este texto se tiene el objetivo de reflexionar sobre el lenguaje de sujetos con discapacidad mental. Los datos fueron extraídos de transcripciones de películas referentes a un año de atendimiento fonoaudiológico semanal, del cual participaban dos estudiantes en práctica de fonoaudiología y cuatro jóvenes discapacitados mentales con edad entre 19 y 29 años. Las interacciones de uno de los jóvenes con sus semejantes y terapeutas fueron focalizadas en el estudio. Los resultados indicaron que en algunos momentos los terapeutas y semejantes hicieron interpretaciones que condujeron a la comprensión del intuito comunicativo del mismo, sin embargo, en otros, esto no ocurrió y el diálogo fue interrumpido. Se discutió la importancia del otro para la construcción de sentidos y para la orientación de acciones terapéuticas y educativas que crean posibilidades alternativas de lenguaje. Se considera que una observación más atenta para comprender el intuito comunicativo de sujetos discapacitados puede auxiliar al desarrollo de estas personas.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Personas con Discapacidades Mentales , Lenguaje