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CoDAS ; 36(1): e20220318, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520726


RESUMO Objetivo Verificar o desempenho de crianças com diagnóstico de Transtorno do Desenvolvimento da Linguagem em provas de decodificação e escrita para assim entender melhor suas manifestações e o processo de aquisição das habilidades da linguagem escrita. Método Foram sujeitos do estudo 80 crianças. Compuseram o Grupo-Pesquisa 16 crianças com diagnóstico de Transtorno do Desenvolvimento da Linguagem, sendo 13 do gênero masculino e 3 do gênero feminino, média de idade de 7,3. O Grupo Controle contou com 64 sujeitos pareados em gênero, idade, escolaridade e nível sócio econômico com o Grupo Controle na proporção 4:1. Foi realizada avaliação da habilidade de decodificação de palavras e pseudopalavras de ambos os grupos, contabilizando-se o tempo de leitura de palavras corretas e a porcentagem de acertos, considerando-se também a extensão da palavra/pseudopalavra. A avaliação da escrita foi realizada no grupo controle, que teve seus erros ortográficos analisados e categorizados. Todos os dados passaram por análise estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados Os dados indicaram maior tempo de decodificação e menor porcentagem de acertos para as crianças do Grupo Pesquisa. Em relação aos erros ortográficos, observou-se a predominância de erros de ortografia arbitrária. Conclusão Os dados evidenciam que crianças com Transtorno do Desenvolvimento da Linguagem tendem a apresentar maior tempo de decodificação, maior porcentagem de erros do que seus além, de erros ortográficos mais concentrados na ortografia natural.

ABSTRACT Purpose to verify the performance of children with Developmental Language Disorder in decoding and writing tests in order to better understand their manifestations and the process of acquiring written language skills. Methods The study subjects were 80 children. The Research Group consisted of 16 children diagnosed with Developmental Language Disorder, 13 males and 3 females, mean age of 7.3. The Control Group counted on 64 subjects paired in gender, age, education and socioeconomic level with the Control Group in a 4:1 ratio. The ability to decode words and pseudowords of both groups was evaluated, measuring the time spent to correctly read words and the percentage of correct answers, also considering the length of the word/pseudoword. The writing evaluation was carried out in the control group, which had its spelling errors analyzed and categorized. All data underwent descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Results The data indicated a longer decoding time and a lower percentage of correct answers for the children from the Research Group. Regarding spelling errors, there was a predominance of arbitrary spelling errors. Conclusion The data showed that children with Developmental Language Disorder tend to have a longer decoding time, greater percentage of errors than their peers and tend to present spelling errors more concentrated in natural orthography.

CoDAS ; 36(1): e20220272, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520728


RESUMO Objetivo Caracterizar o conhecimento, habilidades, opiniões e principais barreiras percebidas por fonoaudiólogos, da área de linguagem infantil no Brasil, a respeito da prática baseada em evidências (PBE). Método O estudo foi conduzido entre agosto de 2021 e julho de 2022 por meio de um questionário online. Além de dados sociodemográficos e de campo de trabalho, foram considerados 22 itens relacionados à PBE e subdivididos em "conhecimento", "habilidades", "opinião" e "barreiras". Cada item apresentava cinco opções de resposta (discordo totalmente, discordo, não estou decidido, concordo, concordo totalmente). Ao total 122 fonoaudiólogos que atuam na área da linguagem infantil responderam ao questionário. Suas respostas foram descritas pela porcentagem de distribuição de frequência. O tempo de formação e o nível de domínio do inglês foram considerados para comparar o padrão de distribuição das respostas. Resultados Apesar da maioria dos fonoaudiólogos reportar ter aprendido as bases da PBE em sua formação acadêmica, há fragilidades em seu conhecimento e falta de domínio das estratégias de busca e avaliação crítica dos artigos científicos. Ainda que a maioria concorde que a aplicação da PBE é necessária para a prática fonoaudiológica e considere precisar aumentar o uso de evidências científicas em sua prática diária, são apontadas como barreiras a falta de artigos, dificuldades relacionadas à aplicação prática de resultados científicos e falta de apoio coletivo entre os colegas. Conclusão Este estudo alerta a comunidade acadêmica para a urgência de se considerar a PBE no contexto da Fonoaudiologia brasileira.

ABSTRACT Purpose To characterize the knowledge, skills, opinions, and main barriers perceived by speech-language pathologists, in child language in Brazil, regarding evidence-based practice (EBP). Methods The study was conducted between August 2021 and July 2022 using an online questionnaire. In addition to sociodemographic and field data, 22 items related to EBP were considered and subdivided into "knowledge", "skills", "opinion" and "barriers". Each item had five response options (strongly disagree, disagree, not decided, agree, strongly agree). A total of 122 speech-language pathologists who work with child language answered the questionnaire. Their responses were described by the percentage of frequency distribution. The time since graduation and the level of proficiency in English were considered to compare the distribution pattern of the answers. Results Although most speech-language pathologists report having learned the basics of EBP in their academic training, there are weaknesses in their knowledge and lack of mastery of search strategies and critical evaluation of scientific articles. Although most agree that EBP's use is necessary for speech-language practice and consider the need to increase the use of scientific evidence in their daily practice, the lack of articles, difficulties related to the practical application of scientific results and lack of collective support among colleagues are identified as barriers. Conclusion This study alerts the academic community to the urgency of considering EBP in the context of Brazilian Speech-Language Pathology.

Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2824, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527931


RESUMO Objetivo Caracterizar os atos comunicativos de crianças com transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem, verificando a quantidade de atos comunicativos, atos comunicativos interativos e sua relação com a idade cronológica. Métodos Foram participantes 40 crianças de ambos os gêneros com diagnóstico de transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem com idades entre 3 anos e 2 meses e 7 anos e 11 meses. Todos os sujeitos foram avaliados com a Prova de Pragmática ABFW - Teste de Linguagem Infantil, em sua avaliação inicial. Especificamente para este estudo, focou-se na verificação da quantidade de atos comunicativos, atos comunicativos por minuto, atos comunicativos interativos e número de iniciativas comunicativas. Resultados Os dados indicaram que crianças com transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem apresentam alterações importantes em relação aos atos comunicativos e interações comunicativas e há correlação dessas variáveis com a idade cronológica. Conclusão Crianças com transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem apresentam diminuição no número de atos comunicativos, atos comunicativos interativos e interações comunicativas, quando comparadas aos valores de referência de crianças típicas, independentemente da idade.

ABSTRACT Purpose To characterize the communicative acts of children with Developmental Language Disorder, verifying the number of communicative acts, interactive communicative acts, and their relationship with chronological age. Methods Forty children of both sexes with a diagnosis of Developmental Language Disorder aged between 3 years and seven years and 11 months were subjects. All subjects were assessed with the ABFW Pragmatics Test - Child Language Test in their initial assessment. Specifically, this study focused on verifying the number of communicative acts, communicative acts per minute, interactive communicative acts, and the number of communicative initiatives. Results The data indicate that children with Developmental Language Disorder present significant alterations concerning communicative acts and communicative interactions, and there is a correlation between these variables and chronological age. Conclusion Children with Developmental Language Disorder show a decrease in the number of communicative acts, interactive communicative acts, and communicative interactions when compared to the reference values of typical children, regardless of age.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Trastorno Autístico , Trastorno de Comunicación Social , Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje , Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Pruebas del Lenguaje , Lenguaje Infantil , Fonoaudiología , Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo
Distúrb. comun ; 35(3): 56381, 25/10/2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525588


Introdução: A pragmática é definida como o uso social da linguagem e a fonologia diz respeito à organização fonêmica e silábica. No Transtorno Fonológico são observadas alterações nessa organização, sendo possível também afetar a pragmática. Objetivo: Compreender e demonstrar se há alterações pragmáticas em crianças com Transtorno Fonológico. Metodologia: A busca por estudos foi realizada utilizando as bases de dados eletrônicas: Embase, Google Scholar, Portal Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) - (LILACS), PubMed, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science, e Base de Dados de Teses e Dissertações. Foram utilizados os descritores: "child", "speech sound disorder", "language tests", "verbal behavior", "social communication disorder" e "observational studies as topic" e seus sinônimos. Os artigos selecionados atendiam aos seguintes critérios: amostra composta por crianças de 4 a 10 anos com Transtorno Fonológico e dentro do desenvolvimento padrão, apresentar avaliações da pragmática dessas crianças, e delineamento observacional. A análise dos artigos foi feita pela leitura na íntegra e os dados foram extraídos para a avaliação da qualidade metodológica e dos achados. Resultados: Foram encontrados seis artigos, sendo quatro nacionais e dois internacionais. Discussão: Cinco estudos demonstraram haver alterações pragmáticas em crianças com Transtorno Fonológico, enquanto um concluiu que não havia relação. Considerações finais: A presente revisão sistemática revelou que estudos evidenciam alterações pragmáticas em crianças com Transtorno Fonológico, especialmente acerca da inteligibilidade de fala e de como isso afeta as iniciativas de comunicação. Todavia, devido ao baixo número de estudos, são necessárias futuras pesquisas na temática para dados com evidências mais robustas. (AU)

Introduction: Pragmatics is defined as the social use of language while phonology looks to phonemic and syllabic organization. In the phonological disorder, problems are observed in this organization being possible to affect the pragmatics too. Objective: To understand and demonstrate if there are pragmatic alterations in children with Phonological Disorder. Methodology: The search for studies was carried out using electronic databases: Embase, Google Scholar, BVS - (LILACS), PubMed, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science and The Theses and Dissertations Database. The descriptors used were: "child", "speech sound disorder", "language tests", "verbal behavior", "social communication disorder" and "observational studies as topic" and their synonyms. The selected articles met the following criteria: sample composed of children aged 4 to 10 with phonological disorder and within standard development, evaluations of the pragmatics of these children, and observational design. The articles were analyzed by reading them in their entirety and the data were extracted to evaluate the methodological quality and the findings. Results: Six articles were found, four national and two international. Discussion: Five studies showed that there were pragmatic alterations in children with phonological disorder and one concluded that there was no relationship. Final considerations: The present systematic review revealed that the studies show pragmatic alterations in children with phonological disorder, especially regarding the intelligibility of their speech and how this may affect communication initiatives. However, due to the low number of studies, there seems to be a need for future research relating the two subjects for such evidence to be more robust. (AU)

Introducción: La pragmática se define como el uso social del lenguaje y la fonología como la organización fonémica y silábica. En el Trastorno Fonológico, hay cambios en esta organización, y es posible afectar la pragmática. Objetivo: Comprender y demostrar si existen cambios pragmáticos en niños con Trastorno Fonológico. Metodología: Búsqueda de estudios realizados en bases de datos electrónicas: Embase, Google Scholar, Portal Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS) - (LILACS), PubMed, SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science y Banco de Tesis y Disertaciones. Fueron utilizados los siguientes descriptores: "niño", "trastorno de los sonidos del habla", "pruebas de lenguaje", "conducta verbal", "trastorno de la comunicación social" y "estudios observacionales como tema" y sus sinónimos. Los artículos seleccionados cumplieron con los siguientes criterios: muestra compuesta por niños de 4 a 10 años con Trastorno Fonológico y dentro del desarrollo estándar, valoraciones de la pragmática de estos niños y diseño observacional. Los artículos fueron analizados mediante lectura comprensiva y se extrajeron datos para evaluar la calidad metodológica de los hallazgos. Resultados: Se encontraron seis artículos, cuatro nacionales y dos internacionales. Discusión: Cinco estudios mostraron cambios pragmáticos en niños con Trastorno Fonológico y uno concluyó que no había relación. Consideraciones finales: Esta revisión sistemática reveló que los estudios muestran alteraciones pragmáticas en niños con Trastorno Fonológico, especialmente en cuanto a la inteligibilidad de su habla y cómo esto puede afectar las iniciativas de comunicación. Sin embargo, debido al bajo número de estudios, se necesita más investigación sobre el tema para que la evidencia sea más sólida. (AU)

Humanos , Niño , Trastorno de Comunicación Social , Trastorno Fonológico , Conducta Verbal , Lenguaje Infantil , Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje
Audiol., Commun. res ; 28: e2713, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420267


RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a interlocução terapeuta-sujeito com afasia no processo de interpretação e organização de história em quadrinhos. Métodos Estudo transversal, de natureza qualitativa. Os dados coletados foram de situações enunciativas audiogravadas e apresentadas descritivamente por quadros de interlocução (A1-T1) e (A2-T2), registrando atividade com Histórias em Quadrinhos (HQ), realizada em encontro do Grupo Interdisciplinar de Convivência da instituição, do qual participaram sujeitos com e sem afasia. Analisou-se a interlocução entre duas terapeutas em formação (T1 e T2) e dois sujeitos com afasia (A1 e A2). Resultados As interlocuções entre A1-T1 e A2-T2, ocorridas durante o processo de organização das HQ, evidenciaram posicionamentos diferentes das terapeutas, no que tange ao ouvido e ao narrado. A1 foi reconhecida por T1 como sujeito de linguagem, à medida que a terapeuta promoveu a disjunção, ou seja, encaminhou A1 à condição de locutor; o mesmo fato não ocorreu com A2 e T2, pois o primeiro não foi reconhecido como sujeito de linguagem, já que T2 manteve-se em conjunção, não conferindo lugar de fala a A2. Conclusão A enunciação benvenistiana configura-se como recurso teórico-metodológico para análise e intervenção clínica junto a sujeitos com afasia. O contexto de convivência grupal impõe-se como lócus de cuidado e formativo para as diferentes áreas de atenção às pessoas com afasia, articulando, interdisciplinarmente, aspectos da enunciação à prática terapêutica.

ABSTRACT Purpose To analyze the therapist-subject with aphasia interlocution in the process of interpretation and organization of comics. Methods Cross-sectional study of a qualitative nature. The data are from audio-recorded enunciative situations and presented descriptively by interlocution charts (A1-T1) and (A2-T2), registering activity with Comics, held at a meeting of the Interdisciplinary Group of Coexistence (GIC) in which subjects with and without aphasia participate. The interlocution between two therapists in training (T1 and T2) and two subjects with aphasia (A1 and A2) is analyzed. Results: The interlocutions between A1-T1 and A2-T2, which occurred during the process of organization of the comic, show different positions of the therapists regarding the ear and the narrated. A1 is recognized by T1 as a subject of language as the therapist promotes disjunction, that is, it directs A1 to the condition of speaker; the same does not occur with A2 and T2, because the former is not recognized as a subject of language, since T2 remains in conjunction, not giving A2 speaking space. Conclusion Benvenistian enunciation is configured as a theoretical and methodological resource for analysis and clinical intervention with subjects with aphasia; the context of group coexistence imposes itself as a locus of care and training for the different areas of attention to people with aphasia, articulating, interdisciplinary, aspects of enunciation to therapeutic practice.

Humanos , Afasia/terapia , Trastornos del Habla , Historietas como Asunto , Estudios del Lenguaje , Estudios de Casos y Controles
Rev. chil. fonoaudiol. (En línea) ; 22(1): 1-9, 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444988


El confinamiento como medida sanitaria a causa del COVID-19 ha obligado la adopción de la modalidad virtual en los sistemas escolares del mundo. Los fonoaudiólogos/as que trabajan con niños/as preescolares que presentan alteraciones del lenguaje han debido modificar su metodología de trabajo usual para lograr los objetivos terapéuticos y educativos de los planes de intervención que aplican. En esta investigación se buscó describir la percepción que tienen los fonoaudiólogos/as acerca de la experiencia de realizar telerehabilitación a niños/as preescolares con trastorno del desarrollo del lenguaje en contexto de pandemia. Se diseñó un estudio cualitativo, con enfoque fenomenológico. A la muestra de 10 fonoaudiólogas, reclutadas por conveniencia, se les realizó entrevistas focalizadas semiestructuradas. El análisis fenomenológico de los datos obtenidos se realizó mediante la obtención de subcódigos, códigos y categorías, de forma manual. Del análisis surgen las siguientes categorías temáticas: valoración de la experiencia,efectividad de la intervención virtual, preparación de las sesiones y participación de los padres. Las vivencias expuestas en las entrevistas realizadas permiten señalar elementos críticos relacionados con el improvisado y repentino cambio de modalidad, la escasa formación y/o preparación de las terapeutas para implementar la telepráctica, la administración de recursos y la sensación de infectividad de la intervención. Si bien las intervenciones virtuales se han establecido como una alternativa a lo presencial, se concluye que esta fue poco aceptada entre las fonoaudiólogas entrevistadas, ya que se las considera demandantes y poco efectivas para niños/as tan pequeños/as. Se resalta que el compromiso de los padres, madres y/o cuidadores/as es fundamental para lograr un proceso exitoso.

Confinement, as a sanitary measure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has forced school systems around the world to adapt their lessons to the virtual modality. Speech-language therapists working with preschool children who present language disorders have had to modify their usual work methodology to achieve their therapeutic and educational goals. This research sought to describe the perception speech-language therapists had of their experience providing telerehabilitation to preschool children with developmental language disorder during the pandemic. The study design was qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The sample was made up of 10 female speech-language therapists, recruited through convenience sampling, who were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed phenomenologically, obtaining subcodes, codes, and categories manually. The following thematic categories emerged from the analysis: evaluation of the experience, effectiveness of the virtual intervention, session preparation, and parental participation. The experiences shared during the interviews allowed us to detect critical elements related to the improvised and sudden modality change, the lack of training and/or preparation of the therapists to implement telepractice, resource administration, and a perception of ineffectiveness regarding the intervention. Although virtual interventions have been established as an alternative to in-person intervention, it is concluded that it was not widely accepted among the speech-language therapists interviewed in this research, who deemed this modality demanding and ineffective for such young children. We emphasize the importance of parental and/or caregiver commitment to achieve success during the process of teletherapy.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Adulto , Telerrehabilitación , COVID-19 , Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje/rehabilitación , Entrevistas como Asunto , Patología del Habla y Lenguaje , Investigación Cualitativa , Pandemias , Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje/rehabilitación
Rev. logop. foniatr. audiol. (Ed. impr.) ; 42(2): 102-109, Abri - Jun 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-204864


El presente estudio de caso presenta la evaluación de una paciente adolescente de 17años, adoptada en los países del Este, con discapacidad intelectual límite y problemas sensoriales. Tras la evaluación inicial se diagnosticó un trastorno del desarrollo del lenguaje de tipo fonológico-sintáctico, con comorbilidad con dislexia evolutiva e importantes problemas sensoriales. Paralelamente al diagnóstico se postuló que la adolescente sufriría síndrome de alcoholismo fetal asociado a la exposición prenatal al alcohol, tanto por su cuadro clínico como por las sospechas de su historial de adopción.(AU)

The present case study presents the speech therapy evaluation of a 17-year-old adolescent patient, adopted in an Eastern country, with borderline intellectual disability and sensory problems. After the initial evaluation, a specific lexical-syntactic language disorder was diagnosed, with comorbidity with evolutionary dyslexia and severe sensorial problems. Parallel to the diagnosis, it was postulated that the adolescent had foetal alcohol syndrome associated with prenatal alcohol exposure, both due to her clinical condition and suspicion from her adoption history. After a year of speech therapy intervention, the girl showed no improvement.(AU)

Humanos , Adolescente , Discapacidad Intelectual , Trastornos de la Sensación , Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Trastornos del Lenguaje , Dislexia , Trastornos del Espectro Alcohólico Fetal , Trastorno Fonológico , Audiología , Logopedia
Rev. CEFAC ; 24(3): e6521, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406685


ABSTRACT Purpose: to verify whether there is a relation between linguistic age and performance in phonological awareness of children presented with developmental language disorder. Methods: a retrospective study comprising 53 children with developmental language disorder aged between 4 and 7 years old. Their language disorder diagnosis followed the inclusion criteria internationally described and Brazilian standardized tests for language assessment were used. All children underwent phonological awareness and linguistic skills assessment via standardized tests and all data went through statistical analysis. For correlation analysis, the p-value was performed through the Pearson's test. In the regression analysis the models used expressive and receptive linguistic age as independent variables and the performance in phonological awareness as a dependent variable (p=0,036* and p= 0,048*). Results: the data indicated a strong correlation between language age and phonological awareness skills in children with language developmental disorder. A strong correlation between syllabic awareness and linguistic age was found as well. In addition, phonemic awareness was correlated to their chronological age. All correlation tests were confirmed by regression analysis. Conclusion: the data indicated a strong correlation between linguistic age and phonological awareness in children with developmental language disorders. These findings raise discussion regarding phonemic skills in children under this condition and their literacy process.

RESUMO Objetivo: verificar se há relações entre a idade linguística e consciência fonológica em crianças com transtorno do desenvolvimento de linguagem. Métodos: estudo retrospectivo. Foram sujeitos 53 crianças com transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem com idade entre 4 e 7 anos. O diagnóstico seguiu critérios de inclusão descritos internacionalmente. Todas as crianças passaram por avaliação da consciência fonológica e avaliação de linguagem por meio de testes específicos. Os dados passaram por análise estatística. A análise de correlação foi realizada utilizando o teste de correlação de Pearson. Na análise de regressão, os modelos tiveram a idade linguística expressiva e receptiva como variáveis independentes e o desempenho em consciência fonológica como variável dependente. O valor de significância estatística adotado foi igual a 5% (p ≤ 0,05). Resultados: os dados indicaram forte relação entre idade linguística e habilidades de consciência fonológica. Observou-se, ainda, forte correlação entre consciência silábica e idade linguística. Além disso, a consciência fonêmica mostrou-se correlacionada com a idade cronológica. Todas as correlações foram confirmadas por meio de uma análise de regressão. Conclusão: os dados indicaram forte correlação entre a idade linguística e as habilidades de consciência fonológica em crianças com transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem. Ademais, mostraram evidências de que essa correlação existe tanto para idade linguística expressiva quanto receptiva apenas quanto às habilidades silábicas.

Rev. CEFAC ; 24(3): e12021, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406691


ABSTRACT Purpose: to gather scientific evidence on the linguistic skill profile in developmental dyslexia and developmental language disorder to better understand possible comorbid or isolated conditions. Methods: an integrative review of the literature. The search was conducted in SciELO, ERIC, LILACS, and PubMed. The inclusion criteria were as follows: 1) studies published and available in open-access national and international journals in full text; 2) addressing the topic in the last 10 years; 3) in English and/or Portuguese. Literature Review: the search retrieved 654 articles, the final sample comprising 10, 5 of which agreed with the hypothesis that dyslexia and developmental language disorder can be comorbid disorders, impairing reading, writing, and phonological awareness. The other studies described broader language deficits in children with developmental language disorder alone, affecting language decoding and comprehension, whereas deficits in dyslexia are more associated with phonological processing. Conclusion: there is no consensus on whether dyslexia and developmental language disorders occur simultaneously in children. However, both pose risks to reading comprehension and school performance.

RESUMO Objetivo: integrar evidências científicas sobre o perfil de habilidades linguísticas na dislexia do desenvolvimento e no transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem, para melhor compreensão de possíveis condições comórbidas ou quadros isolados. Métodos: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura. A busca ocorreu nas bases de dados: Scielo, Eric e LILACS, bem como no buscador PubMed. Os critérios de inclusão foram: 1) estudos publicados nos periódicos nacionais e internacionais, gratuitos, com texto completo e disponível; 2) que abordem a temática nos últimos 10 anos; 3) em inglês e/ou português. Revisão da Literatura: a busca contou com 654 artigos. A amostra final foi composta por dez artigos, nos quais cinco estudos são concordantes quanto à hipótese de que dislexia e transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem, podem ser transtornos comórbidos, com prejuízos na leitura, na escrita e na consciência fonológica; os demais estudos descrevem déficits mais amplos de linguagem nas crianças somente com transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem, implicados na decodificação e compreensão da linguagem, enquanto na dislexia os déficits estão associados ao processamento fonológico. Conclusão: não há consenso se a dislexia e o transtorno do desenvolvimento da linguagem ocorrem simultaneamente em crianças. No entanto, ambos conferem riscos à compreensão leitora e ao desempenho escolar.

Rev. logop. foniatr. audiol. (Ed. impr.) ; 41(3): 107-116, Juli-Sep. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-227192


Antecedentes y objetivo: Los marcadores sintácticos para identificar a niños con Trastorno Específico de Lenguaje (TEL) en español han sido descritos en varios estudios. Un área sensible para estos niños ha sido la morfología verbal compleja, como lo es el subjuntivo. Este estudio muestra frecuencias de uso del subjuntivo en niños con y sin TEL. El estudio distingue seis contextos en los que se requiere el uso de subjuntivo: cuando el verbo de la oración principal expresa deseo, mandato indirecto, duda, cuando se trata de una oración evaluativa con cópula así como con cláusulas temporales y de finalidad. Materiales y métodos: Se estudió a 15niños con TEL y a 15niños con desarrollo típico entre los 5;0 y los 6;11años del centro de México. La producción del subjuntivo se hizo mediante un instrumento creado para el estudio en el que los niños completaron oraciones con formas verbales del subjuntivo e indicativo de diferentes tipos de oraciones a partir de una serie de imágenes. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron una diferencia significativa en el uso de subjuntivo entre los niños con trastorno y los niños con desarrollo típico. Además, no todas las estructuras que requieren el uso de subjuntivo generan su uso con la misma frecuencia: los usos con predicados de duda y comandos indirectos resultan menos frecuentes que los usos adverbiales y volitivos.(AU)

Background and objective: Syntactic markers in Spanish to identify children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) have been described in several studies. Complex verbal morphology, such as the subjunctive, has been a sensitive area for these children. This study shows frequencies of subjunctive use in children with and without SLI. The study distinguishes six contexts in which the use of the subjunctive is required: when the verb in the main sentence expresses desire, indirect command, doubt, when it is an evaluative sentence with a copula and with time and purpose clauses. Materials and methods: We studied 15children with SLI and 15children with typical development aged between 5;0 and 6;11 from central Mexico. The subjunctive was produced through an instrument created for the study in which the children completed sentences with verbal forms of the subjunctive and indicative from different types of sentences from a series of images. Results: The results showed a significant difference in subjunctive use between the children with impairment and the typically developed children. In addition, not all the structures that required the use of the subjunctive resulted in its being used with the same frequency: use with predicates of doubt and indirect commands was less frequent than adverbial and volitive use.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Comprensión , Pruebas del Lenguaje , Semántica , México , Fonoaudiología , Audiología , Lenguaje
Acta Paediatr ; 110(12): 3275-3283, 2021 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34363238


AIM: This study examined the associations between prenatal smoking and speech and language, scholastic, coordination and mixed developmental disorders in offspring, using sibling and population controls. METHODS: National Finnish registers were used to identify all 690 654 singletons born between 1996 and 2007 and any cases diagnosed with speech and language, scholastic, coordination and mixed developmental disorders by the end of 2012. Cases were compared to population controls, biological full-siblings and maternal half-siblings born during the same period. Conditional logistic regression was used to assess any associations between smoking during pregnancy and the selected developmental disorders. RESULTS: Prenatal smoking was higher in the mothers of the 27 297 cases (21.7%) than the 99 876 population controls (14.5%). The adjusted odds ratio for smoking throughout pregnancy, and any diagnosis of speech and language, scholastic, coordination or mixed developmental disorders, was 1.29 (95% confidence interval 1.24-1.34). However, when we compared a subsample of 15 406 cases and their 20 657 siblings, the association was no longer statistically significant (odds ratio 1.09, 95% confidence interval 0.98-1.21). CONCLUSION: The sibling comparisons suggested that the associations between prenatal smoking and speech and language, scholastic, coordination and mixed developmental disorders were confounded by familial factors shared by differentially exposed siblings.

Efectos Tardíos de la Exposición Prenatal , Femenino , Humanos , Madres , Embarazo , Efectos Tardíos de la Exposición Prenatal/epidemiología , Factores de Riesgo , Hermanos , Fumar/efectos adversos , Habla
HNO ; 69(12): 978-986, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Alemán | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33629146


BACKGROUND: Studies from primarily English-speaking countries have shown that specific language impairments can lead to disadvantages in educational and professional development. Corresponding studies for Germany have not been published. This study surveys the educational and language outcomes of adolescents and young adults who were treated in an inpatient setting during childhood. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 193 young adults who had received inpatient treatment between 1998 and 2005 at the Department of Communication Disorders of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head, and Neck Surgery (ENT) of the Mainz University Medical Center were assessed. The cohort was contacted by telephone and interviewed about aspects of their educational and language development using a specially developed questionnaire. It was possible to include 70 participants in the study. RESULTS: Almost half (48.6%; n = 34) of the participants had attended a regular elementary school and 50% (n = 35) attended a special school with a focus on speech-language development (others: 1.4%, n = 1). Regarding school-leaving qualifications, 31.5% (n = 22) finished school with an Abitur/Fachabitur (high-school-level certificate), 33% (n = 23) with a Realschulabschluss (secondary school certificate), 30% (n = 21) with a Hauptschulabschluss (lower secondary certificate), and 4% (n = 3) with a special school certificate. Only one participant left school without a qualification. Of the interviewed participants, 71% (n = 50) do not feel any speech language limitations anymore. CONCLUSION: The results indicate a positive educational and language development of children with SLI after inpatient treatment in Germany. Over 90% of the participants finished school with a regular certification and most of them do not feel any speech and language limitations anymore.

Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje , Adolescente , Niño , Humanos , Pacientes Internos , Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje/diagnóstico , Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje/epidemiología , Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje/terapia , Logopedia , Adulto Joven
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 32(1): 112-127, ene.-feb. 2021. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1412963


INTRODUCCIÓN: Existen diferentes posturas en cuanto a la delimitación entre los trastornos del lenguaje y de la comunicación; sobre todo al acuñar las definiciones, sus limitantes y particularmente poder medir los pronósticos y diferentes procesos a lo largo del neurodesarrollo. El presente consenso busca unir las diferentes visiones de la región latinoamericana sobre los Trastornos del Desarrollo del Lenguaje (TDL) y Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA), homologar taxonomías y evolución a lo largo de los primeros años de vida. MÉTODO: Se realizó un estudio Delphi Modificado para llegar a un consenso sobre la definición más adecuada y diagnóstico temprano de los TDL y TEA. RESULTADOS: Un total de 34 profesionales de 11 países de la región aceptaron la invitación para participar en el consenso e incluyó a distintos especialistas a cargo del cuidado de estos pacientes. Se realizaron dos rondas de evaluación llegando a un acuerdo y consenso en todos los ítems. CONCLUSIONES: El término "Riesgo para Trastornos de la Comunicación y del Lenguaje" es creado para referirse a los niños que no caen en ninguna categoría diagnóstica en etapas tempranas del desarrollo. Consideramos que tanto el uso de este término como el del resto de los mismos, alcanzados por consenso, permitirá coincidir en distintos puntos para la caracterización del TDL y TEA, todo ello contribuirá a evaluar de forma más específica cuáles son las intervenciones adecuadas que mejoren el pronóstico y modifiquen las trayectorias del desarrollo de esta población en nuestra región.

INTRODUCTION: There are different points of view regarding the delimitation between language and communication disorders; especially when establishing the definitions, their limitations and above all being able to measure prognoses and different processes throughout neurodevelopment. The present consensus seeks to unify the different points of view of the Latin American region on Language Development Disorders (LDD) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), standardize the taxonomies and evolution throughout the first years of life. METHOD: A Modified Delphi study was carried out to reach a consensus on the most adequate definition and early diagnosis of TDL and ASD. RESULTS: A total of 34 professionals from 11 countries in the region accepted the invitation to participate in the consensus and included different specialists in charge of the care of these patients. Two rounds of evaluation were carried out, reaching an agreement and consensus on all items. CONCLUSIONS: The term "Risk for Communication and Language Disorders" is created to refer to children who do not fall into any diagnostic category in early stages of development. We consider that using this term as well as the rest of the terms reached by consensus in the present work will allow to match in different points for the characterization of TDL and ASD, this will contribute to a more specific evaluation regarding the appropriate interventions to improve prognosis and modify development trajectories of this population in our region.

Humanos , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Trastorno del Espectro Autista/diagnóstico , Trastornos del Lenguaje/diagnóstico , Riesgo , Técnica Delphi , Trastornos de la Comunicación/diagnóstico , Consenso , Diagnóstico Precoz
Children (Basel) ; 8(1)2021 Jan 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33419063


Play is essential in childhood, allowing for a positive trend in development and learning. Health professionals need useful tools to assess it, especially in the case of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. The aim of this study was to validate and cross-culturally adapt the My Child's Play questionnaire and to find out if this instrument allows us to differentiate the play of children with neurodevelopmental disorders from the play of children with neurotypical development. A total of 594 parents completed the questionnaire. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted, which showed a similar structure to the English version: (1) executive functions; (2) environmental context; (3) play characteristics; and (4) play preferences and interpersonal interactions. The reliability of the analysis was high, both for the whole questionnaire and for the factors it comprises. The results provide evidence of the potential usefulness of the My Child's Play questionnaire for determining play needs and difficulties of children; moreover, this tool can also be used to plan intervention programs according to the needs of each child and family.

Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1354578


El lenguaje es una función cognitiva, esta es muy importante ya que nos permite compartir y organizar nuestra vida cotidiana; al mismo tiempo es un pilar fundamental de las relaciones humanas. Sin embargo, no todos los menores desarrollan el lenguaje de manera adecuada. En Chile es posible observar una alta prevalencia del Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje (TEL), siendo necesaria la creación de Manuales para la estimulación de los niños en el hogar, donde Padres/Cuidadores actúan como agentes principales en esta tarea, complementando lo entregado en los establecimientos a los cuales asisten estos menores. El objetivo del presente estudio fue valorar la percepción de padres/ cuidadores sobre el Manual de Estimulación del Movimiento y Lenguaje, para niños con Trastorno específico del Lenguaje (TEL) entre 3 a 4 años de edad. El estudio fue abordado bajo un alcance descriptivo, donde participaron 109 padres. Dentro de los resultados fue posible observar que más del 50% de ellos consideró que el contenido, la forma de presentación y los ejercicios eran adecuados seleccionando la opción muy de acuerdo. De lo anterior, es posible concluir que la percepción que presentan los padres/cuidadores sobre el Manual de Estimulación del Movimiento y Lenguaje, es favorable para su difusión. Esto representa una oportunidad de utilizar este manual como una herramienta de entrenamiento para cuidadores de niños con diagnóstico de trastornos específicos del lenguaje y posteriormente evaluar la efectividad del mismo en el progreso de los menores.

Language is a cognitive function, which is important because it allows us to share and organize our daily lives; at the same time it is a fundamental pillar of human relationships. However, not all children develop language adequately. In Chile it is possible to observe a high prevalence of specific language disorder, being necessary the creation of manuals for the stimulation of children at home, where parents/caregivers act as main agents in this task, complementing what is delivered in the establishments attended by these minors. The objective of this study is to assess the perception of parents/caregivers about the Movement and Language Stimulation Manual for children with Specific Language Disorder (SLD) between 3 and 4 years of age. The study was approached under a descriptive scope, where 109 parents participated. Within the results, it was possible to observe that more than 50% of them considered that the content, the form of presentation and the exercises were adequate, selecting the option with strong agreement. From the above, it is possible to conclude that the perception presented by parents/caregivers about the Movement and Language Stimulation Manual is favorable for its dissemination. This represents an opportunity to use this manual as a training tool for caregivers of children diagnosed with specific language disorders and subsequently evaluate the effectiveness of the program in the children's progress.

Cuidadores , Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje , Lenguaje , Padres , Percepción , Efectividad , Ejercicio Físico , Cognición , Menores , Diagnóstico , Tutoría , Movimiento
Front Psychol ; 7: 449, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27064325


[This corrects the article on p. 1714 in vol. 6, PMID: 26617547.].

J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol ; 26(8): 750-755, 2016 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27045389


OBJECTIVE: Wolfram syndrome (WS, MIM 222300) is a rare autosomal, recessive neurodegenerative disorder associated with mutations in WFS1, a gene that has been associated with bipolar disorder (BD). WS, characterized by the association of juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus (DM) and bilateral progressive optic atrophy (BPOA), encompasses several other clinical features, including cognitive impairments and psychiatric disorders. Detailed data on the psychiatric phenotype are still scarce, and how WS relates to BD is still unknown. METHOD: A 17-year-old girl with WS was hospitalized for early-onset BD. A multidisciplinary and developmental assessment was carried out to control mood symptoms and address how BD could be related to WS. RESULTS: Besides DM and BPOA, the patient had several risk factors for BD/mood disorders as follows: (1) a history of abuse and maltreatment; (2) a history of specific language disorder and borderline intelligence associated with academic failure; and (3) a comorbid hypothyroidism. Treatment encompassed all aspects of the adolescent's conditions, such as the use of mood stabilizers, addressing psychosocial and scholastic problems, and treating hypothyroid dysfunction. CONCLUSION: Given the complexity of WS, this case suggests that the possible association between WS and BD should not only be merely limited to a possible statistical association with WFS1 polymorphism but also to developmental, cognitive, and endocrine risk factors for BD.

Trastorno Bipolar/diagnóstico , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/fisiopatología , Síndrome de Wolfram/fisiopatología , Adolescente , Trastorno Bipolar/etiología , Femenino , Humanos , Proteínas de la Membrana/genética , Mutación , Factores de Riesgo , Síndrome de Wolfram/genética
Front Psychol ; 6: 1714, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26617547


A number of evidence revealed a link between temporal information processing (TIP) and language. Both literature data and results of our studies indicated an overlapping of deficient TIP and disordered language, pointing to the existence of an association between these two functions. On this background the new approach is to apply such knowledge in therapy of patients suffering from language disorders. In two studies we asked the following questions: (1) can the temporal training reduce language deficits in aphasic patients (Study 1) or in children with specific language impairment (SLI, Study 2)? (2) can such training ameliorate also the other cognitive functions? Each of these studies employed pre-training assessment, training application, post-training and follow-up assessment. In Study 1 we tested 28 patients suffering from post-stroke aphasia. They were assigned either to the temporal training (Group A, n = 15) in milliseconds range, or to the non-temporal training (Group B, n = 13). Following the training we found only in Group A improved TIP, accompanied by a transfer of improvement to language and working memory functions. In Study 2 we tested 32 children aged from 5 to 8 years, affected by SLI who were classified into the temporal training (Group A, n = 17) or non-temporal training (Group B, n = 15). Group A underwent the multileveled audio-visual computer training Dr. Neuronowski (®), recently developed in our laboratory. Group B performed the computer speech therapy exercises extended by playing computer games. Similarly as in Study 1, in Group A we found significant improvements of TIP, auditory comprehension and working memory. These results indicated benefits of temporal training for amelioration of language and other cognitive functions in both aphasic patients and children with SLI. The novel powerful therapy tools provide evidence for future promising clinical applications.

Brain Lang ; 151: 35-41, 2015 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26609941


We evaluated brain white matter pathways associated with language processing in 37 children with specific language impairment aged 6-12 years and 34 controls, matched for age, sex and handedness. Arcuate fascicle (AF), inferior fronto-occipital fascicle (IFOF), inferior longitudinal fascicle (ILF) and uncinate fascicle (UF) were identified using magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Diffusivity parameters and volume of the tracts were compared between the SLI and control group. Children with SLI showed decreased fractional anisotropy in all investigated tracts, increased mean diffusivity and radial diffusivity component in arcuate fascicle bilaterally, left IFOF and left ILF. Further, bilaterally increased volume of the ILF in children with SLI was found. We confirmed previous findings indicating deficient connectivity of the arcuate fascicle and as a novel finding, demonstrate abnormal development of the ventral language stream in patients with SLI.

Encéfalo/patología , Conectoma , Trastornos del Lenguaje/patología , Lenguaje , Anisotropía , Niño , Imagen de Difusión por Resonancia Magnética , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Red Nerviosa/patología , Sustancia Blanca/patología