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Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 189: 107932, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37751827


Diplomystidae is an early-diverged family of freshwater catfish endemic to southern South America. We have recently collected five juvenile specimens belonging to this family from the Bueno River Basin, a basin which the only previous record was a single juvenile specimen collected in 1996. This finding confirms the distribution of the family further South in northern Patagonia, but poses new questions about the origin of this population in an area with a strong glacial history. We used phylogenetic analyses to evaluate three different hypotheses that could explain the origin of this population in the basin. First, the population could have originated in Atlantic basins (East of the Andes) and dispersed to the Bueno Basin after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) via river reversals, as it has been proposed for other population of Diplomystes as well as for other freshwater species from Patagonia. Second, the population could have originated in the geographically close Valdivia Basin (West of the Andes) and dispersed south to its current location in the Bueno Basin. Third, regardless of its geographic origin (West or East of the Andes), the Bueno Basin population could have a longer history in the basin, surviving in situ through the LGM. In addition, we conducted species delimitation analyses using a recently developed method that uses a protracted model of speciation. Our goal was to test the species status of the Bueno Basin population along with another controversial population in Central Chile (Biobío Basin), which appeared highly divergent in previous studies with mtDNA. The phylogenetic analyses showed that the population from the Bueno Basin is more related to Atlantic than to Pacific lineages, although with a deep divergence that predated the LGM, supporting in situ survival rather than postglacial dispersal. In addition, these analyses also showed that the species D. nahuelbutaensis is polyphyletic, supporting the need for a taxonomic reevaluation. The species delimitation analyses supported two new species which are described using molecular diagnostic characters: Diplomystes arratiae sp. nov. from the Biobío, Carampangue, and Laraquete basins, maintaining D. nahuelbutaensis valid only for the Imperial Basin, and Diplomystes habitae sp. nov. from the Bueno Basin. This study greatly increases the number of species within both the family Diplomystidae and Patagonia, and contributes substantially to the knowledge of the evolution of southern South American freshwater biodiversity during its glacial history. Given the important contribution to the phylogenetic diversity of the family, we recommend a high conservation priority for both new species. Finally, this study highlights an exemplary scenario where species descriptions based only on DNA data are particularly valuable, bringing additional elements to the ongoing debate on DNA-based taxonomy.

Bagres , Animales , Filogenia , Bagres/genética , Chile , ADN Mitocondrial/genética , Filogeografía , Variación Genética
PeerJ ; 11: e15200, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37077313


The relationship between phenotypic variation and landscape heterogeneity has been extensively studied to understand how the environment influences patterns of morphological variation and differentiation of populations. Several studies had partially addressed intraspecific variation in the sigmodontine rodent Abrothrix olivacea, focusing on the characterization of physiological aspects and cranial variation. However, these had been conducted based on geographically restricted populational samples, and in most cases, the aspects characterized were not explicitly contextualized with the environmental configurations in which the populations occurred. Here, the cranial variation of A. olivacea was characterized by recording twenty cranial measurements in 235 individuals from 64 localities in Argentina and Chile, which widely cover the geographic and environmental distribution of this species. The morphological variation was analyzed and ecogeographically contextualized using multivariate statistical analyses, which also included climatic and ecological variation at the localities where the individuals were sampled. Results indicate that the cranial variation of this species is mostly clustered in localized patterns associated to the types of environments, and that the levels of cranial differentiation are higher among the populations from arid and treeless zones. Additionally, the ecogeographical association of cranial size variation indicate that this species does not follow Bergmann's rule and that island populations exhibit larger cranial sizes compared to their continental counterparts distributed at the same latitudes. These results suggest that cranial differentiation among the populations of this species is not homogeneous throughout its geographic distribution, and that the patterns of morphological differentiation are also not completely consistent with the patterns of genetic structuring that have been described recently. Finally, the analyses performed to ponder morphological differentiation among populations suggest that the contribution of genetic drift in the formation of these patterns can be ruled out among Patagonian populations, and that the selective effect imposed by the environment could better explain them.

Arvicolinae , Olea , Animales , Cráneo/anatomía & histología , Sigmodontinae , Murinae
Anat Rec (Hoboken) ; 306(6): 1548-1557, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36114630


Previously, only one small-sized species of Testudinidae (Chelonoidis gringorum) was named from Lower-Middle Miocene of Central Patagonia. In this short article, we describe a new large Testudinidae, here named Chelonoidis meridiana sp. nov. This large new species (carapace up to 80 cm) differs from other large species of the southern South American fossil record by the absence of gibbosities on neural and costal carapacial bones, a short and wide entoplastron with a humeropectoral sulcus that was placed well behind its posterior end, and pectoral scutes that are medially longer, approximately one-third of the medial length of the hyoplastra. The discovery of this new species in the Middle Miocene increases the raw turtle diversity in Chubut, permitting to reduce the gap between the raw and phylogenetic diversity previously proposed. This occurrence is also important from both a temporal and geographic point of view. It permits fixing the presence of large-sized tortoises in the continent since ~15 million years ago (Middle Miocene). This occurrence predates all other large and giant tortoises from Argentina and South America and it is older than the giant Chelonoidis from the Langhian-Tortonian of Colombia. This is also the southernmost occurrence of a large-sized testudinid in the world.

Tortugas , Animales , Filogenia , Argentina , Tortugas/anatomía & histología , América del Sur , Fósiles , Costillas
Proc Biol Sci ; 289(1972): 20212738, 2022 04 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35382596


Molecular-based analysis has become a fundamental tool to understand the role of Quaternary glacial episodes. In the Magellan Province in southern South America, ice covering during the last glacial maximum (20 ka) radically altered the landscape/seascape, speciation rates and distribution of species. For the notothenioid fishes of the genus Harpagifer, in the area are described two nominal species. Nevertheless, this genus recently colonized South America from Antarctica, providing a short time for speciation processes. Combining DNA sequences and genotyping-by-sequencing SNPs, we evaluated the role of Quaternary glaciations over the patterns of genetic structure in Harpagifer across its distribution in the Magellan Province. DNA sequences showed low phylogeographic structure, with shared and dominant haplotypes between nominal species, suggesting a single evolutionary unit. SNPs identified contrastingly two groups in Patagonia and a third well-differentiated group in the Falkland/Malvinas Islands with limited and asymmetric gene flow. Linking the information of different markers allowed us to infer the relevance of postglacial colonization mediated by the general oceanographic circulation patterns. Contrasting rough- and fine-scale genetic patterns highlights the relevance of combined methodologies for species delimitation, which, depending on the question to be addressed, allows discrimination among phylogeographic structure, discarding incipient speciation, and contemporary spatial differentiation processes.

ADN Mitocondrial , Variación Genética , Animales , ADN Mitocondrial/genética , Peces/genética , Haplotipos , Filogenia , Filogeografía
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(9)2022 03 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35193983


Researchers have long debated the degree to which Native American land use altered landscapes in the Americas prior to European colonization. Human-environment interactions in southern South America are inferred from new pollen and charcoal data from Laguna El Sosneado and their comparison with high-resolution paleoenvironmental records and archaeological/ethnohistorical information at other sites along the eastern Andes of southern Argentina and Chile (34-52°S). The records indicate that humans, by altering ignition frequency and the availability of fuels, variously muted or amplified the effects of climate on fire regimes. For example, fire activity at the northern and southern sites was low at times when the climate and vegetation were suitable for burning but lacked an ignition source. Conversely, abundant fires set by humans and infrequent lightning ignitions occurred during periods when warm, dry climate conditions coincided with ample vegetation (i.e., fuel) at midlatitude sites. Prior to European arrival, changes in Native American demography and land use influenced vegetation and fire regimes locally, but human influences were not widely evident until the 16th century, with the introduction of nonnative species (e.g., horses), and then in the late 19th century, as Euro-Americans targeted specific resources to support local and national economies. The complex interactions between past climate variability, human activities, and ecosystem dynamics at the local scale are overlooked by approaches that infer levels of land use simply from population size or that rely on regionally composited data to detect drivers of past environmental change.

Efectos Antropogénicos , Ecosistema , Cambio Climático , Humanos , América del Sur
J Anim Ecol ; 91(3): 580-592, 2022 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34862619


While feeding, foragers can alter their environment. Such alteration constitutes ecological niche construction (ENC) if it enables future benefits for the constructor and conspecific individuals. The environmental modification may also affect non-constructing, bystander species, especially if they share resources with constructor species. If so, ENC could confer the constructor species a competitive advantage by both enhancing its foraging returns and reducing those of bystander species. Expectations - (E1) ENC frequency should vary positively with the recent and current density of the constructor species, and (E2) constructors should use modifications disproportionately. In contrast, bystanders should (E3) experience intensified competition for the affected resource, and (E4) exhibit diverse, possibly mitigating, responses to ENC, depending on opportunity and relative benefits. We investigated these expectations in Argentina for competition for Fuchsia magellanica nectar between an invasive bumble bee Bombus terrestris (terr: putative constructor), which often bites holes at the bases of floral tubes to rob nectar, and native B. dahlbomii (dahl: bystander), which normally accesses Fuchsia nectar through the flower mouth (front visits). Robbing holes constitute ENC, as they persist until the 7-day flowers wilt. The dynamics of the incidence of robbed flowers, abundance of both bees and the number and types of their flower visits (front or robbing) were characterised by alternate-day surveys of plants during 2.5 months. After initially accessing Fuchsia nectar via front visits, terr switched to robbing and its abundance on Fuchsia increased 20-fold within 10 days (E2). Correspondingly, the incidence of robbed flowers varied positively with recent and past terr abundance (E1). In contrast, dahl abundance remained low and varied negatively with the incidence of robbed flowers (E3). When terr ceased visiting Fuchsia, dahl abundance increased sixfold within 10 days (E3), possibly because many dahl previously had avoided competition with terr by feeding on other plant species (E4). While terr was present, dahl on Fuchsia used front visits (tolerance) or used existing robbing holes (adoption: E4). The diverse dahl responses suggest partial compensation for competition with terr. ENC alters competitive asymmetry, favouring constructor species. However, bystander responses can partially offset this advantage, perhaps facilitating coexistence.

Los animales pueden alterar su ambiente como consecuencia del forrajeo. Esta alteración constituye una forma de construcción de nicho ecológico (CNE) cuando la misma promueve beneficios para el constructor y otros individuos de la misma especie. Esta modificación ambiental puede también afectar otras especies no involucradas directamente en la CNE, especialmente cuando comparten recursos con la especie constructora. En este caso, la CNE puede conferir una ventaja competitiva a la especie constructora, incrementado sus beneficios alimenticios en detrimento de los de las especies no constructoras. Expectativas - (E1) La frecuencia de eventos de CNE debería variar positivamente con la densidad presente y pasada de la especie constructora, y (E2) los individuos de la especie constructora deberían usar las modificaciones asociadas a la CNE en forma diferencial. Por el contrario, los individuos de las otras especies que usen el mismo recurso deberían (E3) experimentar una intensificación de la competencia, y (E4) exhibir una diversidad de respuestas, algunas que atenúen las consecuencias negativas de la CNE, lo que va a depender de la oportunidad y de los beneficios relativos. En Argentina, investigamos el cumplimiento de estas expectativas en la competencia por el néctar de Fuchsia magellanica entre el abejorro invasor, Bombus terrestris (terr: la especie constructora), quien frecuentemente agujerea la base de tubos florales para robar néctar, y el abejorro nativo B. dahlbomii (dahl: la especie afectada), quien normalmente accede al néctar de Fuchsia en forma legítima a través de la apertura de la flor (visitas frontales). Los agujeros realizados por terr constituyen un caso de CNE, ya que persisten a lo largo de la vida de la vida de la flor (aprox. 7-day). En este trabajo relevamos la incidencia de flores robadas, la abundancia de las dos especies de abejas, y el número y tipo de sus visitas florales (frontales o de robo) día por medio durante 2.5 meses. Inicialmente terr accedió las flores de Fuchsia frontalmente, pero más tarde cambió su comportamiento convirtiéndose en un robador casi exclusivo a lo largo de un período de 10 días en que su abundancia se incrementó 20 veces (E2). En consecuencia, la incidencia de flores robadas varió positivamente con la abundancia de terr presente y pasada (E1). Por el contrario, la abundancia de dahl fue baja y varió negativamente con la incidencia de flores robadas (E3). En particular, la abundancia de dahl se incrementó seis veces en un período de 10 días una vez que terr cesó de visitar las flores de Fuchsia (E3), posiblemente porque dahl evitó la competencia con terr forrajeando en otras especies de plantas (E4). Cuando terr estuvo presente, dahl visitó las flores de Fuchsia frontalmente (tolerancia) o usó los agujeros existentes (adopción de comportamiento robador: E4). Estas respuestas diversas de dahl sugieren una compensación parcial de los efectos negativos de la competencia con terr. La CNE incrementa la asimetría de la competencia, favoreciendo la especie constructora. Sin embargo, las diferentes respuestas de las especies afectadas pueden compensar parcialmente esta desventaja competitiva, tal vez facilitando la coexistencia.

Flores , Néctar de las Plantas , Animales , Argentina , Abejas , Ecosistema , Conducta Alimentaria , Flores/fisiología , Polinización/fisiología
Med Vet Entomol ; 35(3): 284-292, 2021 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33112431


Philornis flies are the major cause of myiasis in nestlings of Neotropical birds, being of major concern in geographically-restricted and endangered bird species. Despite its relevance for the conservation of birds, there is little information about the environmental dimensions determining Philornis spp. geographical range. By using maximum entropy, we identified for the first time the macro-environmental variables constraining the abiotic niche of the P. torquans complex in South America, and provided a model map of its potential distribution based on environmental suitability. We identified the minimum temperature of the coldest month as the most relevant variable, associated with the largest decrease in habitat suitability in Brazil and northern South America. Furthermore, the mean temperature of the warmest quarter limited suitability mostly along with the Andean range. In addition, humidity and moisture are influential factors in most of Argentina, northern Chile, and coastal Peru. The geographical projection suggests that environments in most of central-eastern Argentina, and in a broad area in central Chile, are suitable for the presence of the P. torquans complex. Besides providing information about the ecology of Philornis spp., this study represents a tool for bird conservation and a reference for future work on the distribution of this genus.

Muscidae , Miasis , Parásitos , Animales , Aves , Chile/epidemiología , Miasis/veterinaria
Zootaxa ; 4821(1): zootaxa.4821.1.7, 2020 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33056335


The study about the distribution of benthic foraminifers in relationship with the type of substrate is presented. Samples of surface sediments from 15 to 60 m of depth from the southeast coast of the province of Buenos Aires (40º 30´ - 42ºS), Argentina were analysed. The foraminiferal assemblage was constituted by forty-eight species that belong to 22 genera. It was characterized mostly by the free-living style, epifaunal microhabitats, oxic levels and a detritivore trophic strategy. Based on statistical analysis, three zones were determinated: at 15 m depth , characterized mainly by Buccella peruviana (d´Orbigny), and species of Bolivina reflected a littoral environment with sandy sediments and the most important clay contribution, whereas it also presented the lowest oxygen levels were determinated; between 24-48 m depth, associted by Ammonia parkinsoniana (d´Orbigny), Buccella peruviana and Quinqueloculina seminula (Linné), this zone displayed an oxygenated environment with coarse grainsize from inner shelf where local water circulation may explain the high energy observed; and the last one located between 36 to 58 m of depth was characterized by Buccella peruviana, Ammonia parkinsoniana, Elphidium macellum (Fichtel Moll), Cibicides dispars (d´Orbigny) and Cibicides aknerianus (d´Orbigny) regflecting an inner shelf environment with sandy sediments, the lowest water temperature and the highest oxygen levels.

Foraminíferos , Animales , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Sedimentos Geológicos
Zootaxa ; 4751(3): zootaxa.4751.3.10, 2020 Mar 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32230412


The study of the types of Arthrobrachus forsteri and A. longipilis, the last two pending revision until now, allows to recognize them as valid species of the genus Arthrobrachus. With this the number of valid species of the genus is 20. In this paper, both taxa are redescribed alongside their distribution data.

Escarabajos , Distribución Animal , Animales
Zoology (Jena) ; 137: 125711, 2019 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31634693


Sexual and natural selection mechanisms might drive variation in the genitalia of male animals. All aforementioned mechanisms are known to predict the coevolution of male and female genital morphology. Belostoma angustum is known to have subtle variation in the male and female genitalia of its members. In this species, phallosoma with dorsal arms and ventral diverticulum are assumed to be intromittent male genital traits that interact with the female genital chamber. We thus evaluated the existence of variation after disentangling the size from the shape of male genitalia in B. angustum. Body and genitalia dimensions and photographs of phallosoma with dorsal arms, ventral diverticulum and lateral views of the right paramere (the non-intromittent part) were obtained. Semi-landmarks and landmarks were used to capture phenotypic variation, by eliminating all non-shape variation with a Procrustes superimposition. Male and female specimens collected from the same location or immediate vicinity were grouped, and 12 groups originating from 12 locations were used to conduct two block-Partial Least Squares analyses (PLS). Group structures were also taken into account by adopting a multilevel approach. The male and female genital traits had similarly shallow static allometry slopes, as well as the dispersion values around the mean (i.e. coefficient of variation) and the standard error of the estimate. The correlation between the pooled within-locality covariance matrix of the symmetric component of phallosoma with dorsal arms and the female genital chamber was significant (r-PLS=0.37), as well as that with male body dimensions (r-PLS=0.36), even after controlling for allometry. Specimens with lower PLS shape scores had narrower phallosoma with dorsal arms, with poorly curved outer margins of the dorsal arms, whereas specimens with higher PLS shape scores had slightly shorter dorsal arms, with strongly curved outer margins. Lower shape scores were associated with narrower and especially shorter and narrower female genital chambers. Similar shallow allometric curves among sexes and the correlation between intromittent male parts and the female genital chamber, as well as male dimensions, suggest the coevolution of these contact structures in size and in shape.

Coevolución Biológica , Heterópteros/anatomía & histología , Animales , Femenino , Genitales Femeninos/anatomía & histología , Genitales Masculinos/anatomía & histología , Masculino , Tamaño de los Órganos
Zookeys ; 863: 107-152, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31341395


The genus Eupsophus (ground frogs) inhabits exclusively the temperate forests of southern South America (Chile and Argentina). The current delimitation of the genus was reached in the late 1970s, when only two species were recognized, but since then the number of described species steadily increased, reaching a maximum of 11 by 2012. Subsequent studies that applied explicit species delimitation approaches decreased the number of species to six in 2017 and raised it again to 11 the following year, including an undescribed putative species. Despite these taxonomic changes, the two species groups traditionally recognized, roseus and vertebralis, have been maintained. Another recent contribution to the taxonomy of the genus was the explicit recognition of the extremely high level of external phenotypic variation exhibited by species of the roseus group, which undermines the utility of some diagnostic characters. Here we provide a critical review of the extensive taxonomic and systematic literature on the genus over the last six decades, to examine the evidence behind the recurrent taxonomic changes and advances in its systematics. We also update and complete a 2017 review of geographic information, provide additional qualitative observations of external characters commonly used in the diagnoses of species of the roseus group, and reassess the phylogenetic position of a putative new species from Tolhuaca (Chile), which was not included in the last species delimitation study. The present review shows that: 1) there is no congruence between the patterns of phenotypic and genetic/phylogenetic differentiation among species of both groups; 2) in the roseus group, the intraspecific variation in some external characters is as high as the differences described among species; 3) there is little morphological and bioacoustic differentiation within species groups, and inconsistencies in the chromosomal evidence at the genus level; 4) under the latest taxonomic proposal (2018), species of the roseus group still lack consistent and reliable diagnoses and their distribution limits are poorly defined; and 5) the population from Tolhuaca represents an additional undescribed species under the most recent taxonomic framework. Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings for the taxonomy and biogeography of the genus, pointing out some areas that require further research to understand their patterns and processes of diversification.

Parasit Vectors ; 12(1): 214, 2019 May 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31064397


BACKGROUND: Knowledge of immature habitats is an important focus for investigations of mosquito community ecology, and may improve our understanding of how environmental variables increase risk of mosquito-borne diseases by influencing the distributions and abundances of species. In Patagonia region, where climatic and ecological factors could be only borderline suitable for mosquito development, relatively little is known about larval ecology. The present study focuses on associations of environmental conditions in natural aquatic habitats with abundances of mosquito species that have colonized such habitats in Patagonia. METHODS: We described the mosquito community composition within 26 natural temporary pools, and assessed the general relationships between environmental variables (pH, water temperature, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, aquatic plant cover and main nutrients) and larval abundances using redundancy analysis (RDA). Additionally, we compiled monthly climate data and vegetation indices for each larval habitat, and estimated the probability of presence for two of the most abundant species, describing through generalized linear models (GLM) the environmental, climatic and landscape variables-probability of occurrence relationships. RESULTS: Seven species belonging to the genera Culex and Aedes were identified, with Culex apicinus, Cx. acharistus and Aedes albifasciatus being the most abundant. Mean larval densities were low (6.8 ± 2.8 larvae/dip), and the highest species richness and larval densities were recorded in northern and central areas. Aedes albifasciatus, a species of sanitary importance, was widely distributed, being the only one collected south of the 45th parallel of S latitude. RDA indicated that aquatic conductivity, pH, water depth, dissolved oxygen, ammonia and soluble reactive phosphorous accounted for the main part of the variation in the species composition. According to GLMs, wind speed was the variable that best described the presence of Ae. albifasciatus, and the probability of finding this species was positively associated with high wind speed values. On the other hand, the EVI vegetation index was the only variable included in the Cx. apicinus model, whereby there was a great probability of presence in arid areas with lower EVI values. CONCLUSIONS: Our results enhance our knowledge of larval habitat ecology under the extreme environmental conditions of Patagonia and will guide future efforts to understand how multiple effects can affect mosquito ecology and public health at higher latitudes.

Culicidae/embriología , Ecosistema , Animales , Argentina , Frío , Culicidae/clasificación , Femenino , Larva/crecimiento & desarrollo , Masculino
Tree Physiol ; 37(6): 779-789, 2017 06 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28338952


Waterlogging decreases a plant's metabolism, stomatal conductance (gs) and photosynthetic rate (A); however, some evergreen species show acclimation to waterlogging. By studying both the physiological and morphological responses to waterlogging, the objective of this study was to assess the acclimation capacity of four swamp forest species that reside in different microhabitats. We proposed that species (Luma apiculata [D.C.] Burret. and Drimys winteri J.R. et G. Forster.) abundant in seasonally and intermittently waterlogged areas (SIWA) would have a higher acclimation capacity than species abundant in the inner swamp (Blepharocalyx cruckshanksii [H et A.] Mied. and Myrceugenia exsucca [D.C.] Berg.) where permanent waterlogging occurs (PWA); it was expected that the species from SIWA would maintain leaf expansion and gas exchange rates during intermittent waterlogging treatments. Conversely, we expected that PWA species would have higher constitutive waterlogging tolerance, and this would be reflected in the formation of lenticels and adventitious roots. Over the course of 2 months, we subjected seedlings to different waterlogging treatments: (i) permanent (sudden, SW), (ii) intermittent (gradual) or (iii) control (field capacity, C). Survival after waterlogging was high (≥80%) for all species and treatments, and only the growth rate of D. winteri subjected to SW was affected. Drimys winteri plants had low, but constant A and g during both waterlogging treatments. Conversely, L. apiculata had the highest A and g values, and g increased significantly during the first several days of waterlogging. In general, seedlings of all species subjected to waterlogging produced more adventitious roots and fully expanded leaves and had higher specific leaf area (SLA) and stomatal density (StD) than seedlings in the C treatment. From the results gathered here, we partially accept our hypothesis as all species showed high tolerance to waterlogging, maintained growth, and had increased A or g during different time points of waterlogging. Differences in leaf (SLA) and stomata functioning (gs, StD) plasticity likely allows plants to maintain positive carbon gains when waterlogging occurs. The species-specific differences found here were not entirely related to microhabitat distribution.

Drimys/fisiología , Bosques , Myrtaceae/fisiología , Agua , Ecosistema , Hojas de la Planta/crecimiento & desarrollo , Raíces de Plantas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Plantones/fisiología , Árboles/fisiología , Humedales
PhytoKeys ; (68): 91-116, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27698577


The bryophytes of Capitán Prat province have remained one of the least explored in Chile. The eventual construction of several dams on the rivers Baker and Pascua required prospection of all groups of organisms including bryophytes, work that was facilitated by the recent construction of vehicular roads that now offer easy access to previously almost unaccessible locations. The results of intense bryophyte collecting during the austral summer of 2007 are here presented. A total of 260 moss taxa are reported for the province, corresponding to 256 species and four infraspecific taxa, of which 211 are new records for the province, 54 are new for Aisén Region, and two are new records for continental Chile (Pohlia longicollis (Hedw.) Lindb. and Rigodium toxarion var. robustum (Broth.) Zomlefer). Twelve species extend their known distribution ranges to the north, whereas 49 extend them to the south.

Biol Lett ; 12(9)2016 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27677815


The ground beetle genus Ceroglossus contains co-distributed species that show pronounced intraspecific diversity in the form of geographical colour morphs. While colour morphs among different species appear to match in some geographical regions, in others, there is little apparent colour matching. Mimicry is a potential explanation for covariation in colour patterns, but it is not clear whether the degree of sympatric colour matching is higher than expected by chance given the obvious mismatches among morphs in some regions. Here, we used reflectance spectrometry to quantify elytral coloration from the perspective of an avian predator to test whether colour similarity between species is, indeed, higher in sympatry. After finding no significant phylogenetic signal in the colour data, analyses showed strong statistical support for sympatric colour similarity between species despite the apparent lack of colour matching in some areas. We hypothesize Müllerian mimicry as the responsible mechanism for sympatric colour similarity in Ceroglossus and discuss potential explanations and future directions to elucidate why mimicry has not developed similar levels of interspecific colour resemblance across space.

J Fish Biol ; 89(1): 1068-97, 2016 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27284012


The absence of much literature on the Patagonian fish fauna in comparison with that of the neotropics, has previously been blamed on its poor species diversity. Knowledge of the fishes of Patagonia, however, rose sharply at the beginning of the present century, allowing for an understanding of the complex biogeographical history that has led to the present diversity and distribution patterns. There are several new and potential threats to biodiversity and conservation of Patagonian fishes, such as the introduction of exotic species, damming, climate change and changes geared to safeguard economic interests, often acting synergistically. A great amount of new information is now available and the aim of the present review is to articulate this knowledge in a comprehensive way in order to aid in the development of tools to face the increasing challenges posed by environmental change and human activity. Knowledge about fishes of Patagonia has grown at the same time as human actions, and presence.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Peces/fisiología , Agua Dulce , Animales , Cambio Climático , Humanos , Densidad de Población , América del Sur
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 82 Pt A: 60-74, 2015 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25451805


This study addresses aspects of the phylogeny and phylogeography of scorched mussels (BIVALVIA: MYTILIDAE: BRACHIDONTINAE) from southern South America (Argentina and Chile), as well as their ecophylogenetic implications. Relationships were inferred from sequences of two nuclear (28S and 18S) and one mitochondrial (COI) genes, using Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses. Our results indicate that the monophyletic BRACHIDONTINAE include three well supported clades: [i] Brachidontes Swainson (=Hormomya Mörch), [ii] Ischadium Jukes-Browne+Geukensia van de Poel, and [iii] Austromytilus Laseron+Mytilisepta Habe (usually considered a member of the SEPTIFERINAE)+Perumytilus Olsson. Species of clade [iii] are distributed along the temperate coasts of the Pacific Ocean. Available evidence supports divergence between Austromytilus (Australia) and Perumytilus (South American) following the breakup of Australian, Antarctic and South American shelves. Four brachidontins occur in southern South America: Brachidontes rodriguezii (d'Orbigny), B. granulatus (Hanley), and two genetically distinct clades of Perumytilus. The latter are confined to the Chile-Peru (North Clade) and Magellanic (South Clade) Biogeographic Provinces, respectively warm- and cold-temperate. The South Clade is the only brachidontin restricted to cold-temperate waters. Biogeographic considerations and the fossil record prompted the hypothesis that the South Clade originated from the North Clade by incipient peripatric differentiation, followed by isolation during the Quaternary glaciations, genetic differentiation in the non-glaciated coasts of eastern Patagonia, back-expansion over southern Chile following post-LGM de-glaciation, and development of a secondary contact zone between the two clades in south-central Chile. Evidence of upper Pleistocene expansion of the South Clade parallels similar results on other organisms that have colonized coastal ecosystems from eastern Patagonia since the LGM, apparently occupying free ecological space. We emphasize that the assembly of communities cannot be explained solely in terms of environmental drivers, as history also matters.

Evolución Biológica , Mytilidae/clasificación , Filogenia , Animales , Australia , Teorema de Bayes , Funciones de Verosimilitud , Modelos Genéticos , Mytilidae/genética , Filogeografía , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN , América del Sur
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 81: 19-28, 2014 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25196589


The phylogeny of Petunia species has been difficult to resolve, primarily due to the recent diversification of the genus. Several studies have included molecular data in phylogenetic reconstructions of this genus, but all of them have failed to include all taxa and/or analyzed few genetic markers. In the present study, we employed the most inclusive genetic and taxonomic datasets for the genus, aiming to reconstruct the evolutionary history of Petunia based on molecular phylogeny, biogeographic distribution, and character evolution. We included all 20 Petunia morphological species or subspecies in these analyses. Based on nine nuclear and five plastid DNA markers, our phylogenetic analysis reinforces the monophyly of the genus Petunia and supports the hypothesis that the basal divergence is more related to the differentiation of corolla tube length, whereas the geographic distribution of species is more related to divergences within these main clades. Ancestral area reconstructions suggest the Pampas region as the area of origin and earliest divergence in Petunia. The state reconstructions suggest that the ancestor of Petunia might have had a short corolla tube and a bee pollination floral syndrome.

Petunia/clasificación , Filogenia , Animales , Teorema de Bayes , ADN de Cloroplastos/genética , ADN de Plantas/genética , Evolución Molecular , Flores/anatomía & histología , Marcadores Genéticos , Funciones de Verosimilitud , Modelos Genéticos , Petunia/genética , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 73: 146-60, 2014 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24486990


The catfish family Diplomystidae is one of the earliest branching lineages within the diverse order Siluriformes and shows a deep phylogenetic split from all other extant and extinct major catfish groups. Despite its relevance in the evolution of siluriforms, phylogenetic relationships within the Diplomystidae are poorly understood, and prior to this study, no phylogenetic hypotheses using molecular data had been published. By conducting a phylogeographic study across the entire distribution of the family, that encompasses river systems from Central-South Chile and Argentina, we provide the first molecular phylogenetic hypothesis among all known species of Diplomystidae, and in addition, investigate how their evolutionary history relates to major historical events that took place in southern South America. Our phylogenetic analyses show four main lineages and nine sub-lineages strongly structured geographically. All Pacific basin populations, with one exception (those found in the Baker basin) clustered within three of the four main lineages (clades I-III), while all populations from Atlantic basins and those from the Baker basin clustered in a single main clade (clade IV). There was a tendency for genetic diversity to decrease from north to south for Pacific basins consistent with an increasing north-south ice coverage during the last glacial maximum. However, we did not find a statistically significant correlation between genetic diversity and latitude. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that river basins and the barrier created by the Andes Mountains explained a high percentage of the genetic variation. Interestingly, most of the genetic variation among drainages was explained among Pacific basins. Molecular phylogenetic analyses agree only partially with current systematics. The geographical distribution of main lineages did not match species distribution and suggests a new taxonomic hypothesis with support for four species of Diplomystes, three species distributed allopatrically from the Rapel to the Valdivia basin, and only one species distributed in Baker and Atlantic basins. High genetic differentiation among river basins suggests that conservation efforts should focus on protecting populations in each basin in order to preserve the genetic diversity of one of the oldest groups of catfishes on the earth today.

Bagres/clasificación , Bagres/genética , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Filogenia , Animales , Argentina , Océano Atlántico , Chile , Variación Genética/genética , Cubierta de Hielo , Océano Pacífico , Filogeografía , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Ríos , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN
J Fish Biol ; 84(2): 372-82, 2014 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24422902


Silvinichthys huachi new species, is described from a stream along the lower slope of the Andean Cordillera in the Provincia de San Juan, Argentina. It shares the distinctive modifications characteristic of Silvinichthys, but is distinguished from the four previously described congeners by the combination of a lack of the pelvic fin and the pelvic girdle, details of pigmentation and various meristic and morphometric features. Silvinichthys huachi is apparently endemic to the type locality situated within an arid region of western central Argentina in the Andino Cuyana Province. Major gaps in the range of species of Silvinichthys may indicate that the origin of the genus predates the uplift events that subdivided drainages along the eastern slopes of the Andean Cordillera in west central Argentina. Silvinichthys huachi is hypothesized to be the sister species of Silvinichthys bortayro.

Bagres/anatomía & histología , Aletas de Animales , Animales , Argentina , Pigmentación