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Front Sociol ; 9: 1419946, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39092076


Introduction: Labor consolidation is not a sufficient criterion to abandon the need for the qualification and requalification of professionals, especially in the field of education, which must respond to the uncertainties of society in the light of trends and advances incorporated in pedagogical research. Methods: The present qualitative study analyzes the training demands of social education professionals from their own perspective, using their own stories in a semi-structured interview format conducted with), key informants from governmental and non-governmental organizations in southeastern Spain, specifically from the autonomous community of the region of Murcia. Results: According to the results, the most frequent and significant formative limitations are those referred to in the field of social policies, legislative training, administrative processing, specialized work in specific sectors or collectives, and mediation. Similarly, the results reveal fashion themes (mental health, gender) and reiteration of non-exclusive conditioners of social education. These are extrapolable to other areas, such as the increasing bureaucracy and complexity in the proceedings as common places in the reflection of professionals with their own initiative and commitment to their own updating that is associated with a reflective criticism of their own professionalization. Discussion: The diverse range of responses and subjects, as indicated by the numerous descriptors needed for the categorization and their respective percentages, leads us to conclude that ongoing professional training does not encourage excessive specialization. Instead, it necessitates offering a broad range of training adjusted to the versatility of situations.

Rep Pract Oncol Radiother ; 29(3): 294-299, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39144274


Background: Skin melanoma is one of the three main types of skin cancer along with basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and develops from melanocytes. 2019 saw the beginning of the National Skin Cancer Prevention Programme (OPPNS) in Poland. One of the tasks performed was a health promotion campaign for patients. To effectively educate the public, the project was preceded by a survey assessing knowledge on skin cancer prevention methods. Then, the survey was repeated to evaluate the effectiveness of the awareness raising campaign. Materials and methods: both studies were conducted based on an author-developed survey. A representative sample size was determined based on the calculator available at In addition, each participant filled in a knowledge upgrade declaration. The analysis employed basic statistical data, such as absolute numbers and structural indicators. Results and Conclusions: Knowledge upgrade score of 9.16 (out of 10) was declared by 99.7% of the respondents. As many as 99.0% of them declared an intent to change their lifestyle to a healthier one. Thus, the education provided to the Programme participants was confirmed to have raised their awareness of skin cancer prevention and self-examination methods.

Heliyon ; 9(6): e17188, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37360080


A globalized world demands every country's citizen to proceed to build a creative economy to adapt to the rapid changes that follow. Therefore, promoting social and financial education should be engaged with children early. However, a learning model available to awaken children's socio-financial capabilities is vividly rare, if not none. Furthermore, the Early Childhood Education Institution is the best place for children to experience social and financial education. This research aims to develop a social financial education model for early childhood. This study employed Research and Development (R&D) in the development process of the educational model. The data were collected through questionnaires and focus group discussions. The data analysis used descriptive quantitative and t-tests to explain the results of field studies, FGD, and trials and to measure the effectiveness of models during experimental and operational trials. In the analysis, the researchers found that the Model Script and Financial Social Education Guide for early childhood using loose parts media were very suitable. Further, the t-test result between the pretest and post-test was 0.924 (92.4%) at α = 0.05. In conclusion, the financial social education model using loose parts of media effectively develops children's social and financial abilities.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35886476


Service+Learning (S+L) is an active teaching methodology that enables students to participate in their teaching and learning process, being guided by the teacher. This methodology allows the student to show all the skills, abilities, tools and theoretical-practical knowledge since they are placed at the service of the community partner, which in the case of pedagogies translates into pedagogical practice centers. This transfer must be guided and mediated by the teacher, allowing to provide a response to the requirements of the practice center through the "S+L Booklet", developed as a methodological proposal for the intermediate practice subject of the Universidad de Las Américas Physical Education Pedagogy career. This instrument takes 15 weeks of weekly development with the proposal, adjustment, development-implementation, monitoring, evaluation and feedback by the students and the teacher of the subject.

Competencia Clínica , Aprendizaje , Chile , Humanos , Estudiantes , Enseñanza
Rev. polis psique ; 12(1): 211-238, 2022/04/30. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1517491


A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo compreender como se manifesta a violência em relacionamentos amorosos de adolescentes do sexo feminino no contexto de internação socioeducativa. A pesquisa foi realizada tendo a inserção ecológica como método. O pesquisador realizou 32 visitas a uma unidade de internação mista, com média de 3h por visita. Considerou-se participante da pesquisa 25 pessoas (14 adolescentes e 11 servidoras). Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise temática e apontaram para a presença da violência em relacionamentos amorosos das adolescentes, tanto atuais como pregressos. A violência cumpre várias funções no relacionamento amoroso e afeta o desenvolvimento de competências psicossociais. A unidade não dispunha de intervenção que abordasse prevenção à violência no namoro, apesar de relacionamentos amorosos aparecerem como um componente do projeto de vida. É fundamental a compreensão das múltiplas violências às quais o público feminino está submetido para qualificação do atendimento socioeducativo. (AU)

La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo entender como se manifiesta la violencia en relaciones románticas de las adolescentes en el contexto de lo encarcelamiento socioeducativo. La investigación se realizó utilizandoinserción ecológica como método. El investigador realizó 32 visitas a una unidad mixta de detención, con un promedio de 3 horas por visita. Se consideró participante del estudio a 25 personas (14 adolescentes y 11 sirvientes). Los datos se analizaron mediante análisis temático y señalaron la presencia de violencia en las relaciones sentimentales, tanto actuales como pasadas. La violencia cumple varias funciones en la relación sentimental y afecta el desarrollo dehabilidades psicosociales. La unidad no contó conintervención que abordara la prevención de la violencia en el noviazgo, aunque las relaciones amorosas aparecen como un componente del proyecto de vida. Comprender la violencia múltiple a la que está sometido el público femenino es fundamental para calificar la asistencia socioeducativa. (AU)

The present article aims to comprehend how is manifested the violence in amorous relationships of female adolescents in the context of socio-educative confinement. The research was carried out with the use of ecological insertion as a method.The researcher undertook 32 visits to the facility, with an average of 3 hours per visit. Were considered as participants in the research 25 people (14 adolescents and 11 servants). The data were analyzed through thematic analysis and point to the presence ofviolence in both current and previous amorous relationships. Violence fulfills several functions in the relationship and affects the development of psychosocial skills. The facility did not haveintervention that approached prevention to violence in dating, although amorous relationships appear as a component to the project of life. These can contribute to the visibility of the female public that fulfills socio-educative confinementand to the qualification of the care provided.(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Adolescente Institucionalizado/psicología , Conducta del Adolescente/psicología , Violencia de Pareja/psicología , Medida Socioeducativa
Licere (Online) ; 24(4): 742-762, dez.2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1363263


O presente artigo trata-se de um ensaio que busca articular negritude, identidade e dança como elementos constituintes e propulsores de práticas emancipadoras no âmbito da educação social e do lazer. O intuito foi explicitar a potencialidade que o ensino de danças de matriz afrodiaspórica têm ao serem abordadas em projetos educacionais socioculturais como mecanismo de empoderamento, valorização e identidade cultural junto a comunidades periféricas, em situação de vulnerabilidade social e cujos membros, em sua maioria, são negros. O ensino de dança em projetos socioculturais cresceu de forma vertiginosa nos últimos vinte anos no Brasil. Há uma evidente carência de dados para uma análise desse fato, o que dificulta a percepção da ampliação, da diversificação e do fortalecimento dessas alternativas de espaço para ensino/aprendizagem de danças que possibilitam tecnologias de resistência, sobrevivência e transformação na luta antirracista.

This article is an essay that seeks to articulate blackness, identity and dance as constituent elements and drivers of emancipatory practices in the context of social education and leisure. The aim was to clarify the potential that the teaching of aphrodiasporic dances have when addressed in sociocultural educational projects as a mechanism for empowerment, appreciation and cultural identity with peripheral communities, in a situation of social vulnerability and whose members, in their majority, are black people. The teaching of dance in sociocultural projects has grown dramatically over the last twenty years in Brazil. There is an evident lack of data for an analysis of this fact, which makes it difficult to perceive the expansion, diversification and strengthening of these alternative spaces for teaching/learning dances that enable technologies of resistance, survival and transformation in the anti-racist struggle.

Humanos , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Valores Sociales , Factores Culturales , Baile/educación , Población Negra/etnología , Racismo/prevención & control , Empoderamiento
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33921402


The objective of this study is, on the one hand, to analyse emotional responses to the construction of hate speech relating to gender identity on Twitter. On the other hand, the objective is to evaluate the capabilities of trainee primary education teachers at constructing alternative counter-narratives to this socially alive issue, surrounding the approval of the Ley de Identidad de Género [Gender Identity Law] in Chile, in 2018. With this two-fold objective in mind, quantitative, descriptive, and inferential analysis and qualitative analysis techniques are all applied. The results inform us of the influence of socially constructed emotions and feelings that are expressed in social narratives. However, the narratives of the participants neither appeared to reach satisfactory levels of reflection on the social issues that stirred their own emotional responses, nor on the conflict between reason and the value judgements that they expressed in the digital debate (counter-narratives). These results point to the need to consider both emotions and feelings, as categories of social analysis, and to reflect on their forms of expression within the framework of education for inclusive democratic citizenship.

Identidad de Género , Medios de Comunicación Sociales , Chile , Emociones , Femenino , Odio , Humanos , Masculino , Habla
Front Psychol ; 11: 367, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32231615


In Spain, Social Educators, similar to both social workers and educators in the United States, help coordinate social change through educational interventions and mobilization of social groups to benefit marginalized people and overall societal welfare. They are trained to work with diverse populations, and it is important that they have awareness and training on gender and transgender issues given the extensive discrimination that transgender people endue. Research has begun to identify the important role that knowledge and attitudes of health and educational professionals may play in providing a supportive, healing context to combat the harmful effects of this discrimination and how educational trainings may foster improved knowledge and attitudes in helping professions. This study describes a program to improve knowledge and positive attitudes toward gender and especially transgender people in university students who study Social Education. The researchers measured knowledge and attitudes toward gender and transgender people issues of 64 students before and after receiving a 4-month interactive training. They used the Short Form of the Genderism and Transphobia Scale, a 12-item scale of transphobia and gender ideology variables. The researchers also asked participants about their knowledge of gender and transgender issues before and after training. The methodological experience "Creative Factory" was employed as an interactive training program. The main goal of this methodology is to enable students in a formative context to analyze social realities to generate discussion and innovate ideas to design successful practices. After 4 months of training with a weekly session on gender and transgender learning, students showed improvements in knowledge and attitudes toward both gender and transgender people. Specifically, students demonstrated more knowledge about gender and transgender issues and more positive attitudes toward transgender people. The study demonstrates that training in gender education using the Creative Factory methodology improved knowledge and attitudes in students.

J Evid Based Soc Work (2019) ; 16(6): 652-668, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32459156


PURPOSE: Digital storytelling (DST), broadly speaking, is a storytelling method that is interwoven with digital media. It is commonly used in educational settings or human services to support various sorts of social advocacy. While many of these DST practices have devised methods to engage marginalized groups to express their voices, they lack parallel initiatives to enable audiences to understand those voices. This study examined a story-retelling workshop model called StoryAd, which utilizes productions from DST activities to facilitate face-to-face contact. The workshop itself is also a lite version of DST activity. METHOD: A pilot study was conducted in Hong Kong in 2019. Participants enrolled online, met offline, and their advertisement ideas might go online and contribute back to the stories. The workshop model was evaluated using a one-group pretest-posttest design. The participants were 45 Hong Kong Chinese, aged 18-60. RESULTS: Participants' critical thinking disposition, self-esteem, perspective-taking, and curiosity toward new information increased, while their need for cognitive-closure decreased. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: This study has proved the feasibility and acceptability of the workshop model. It also opens the discussion about extending DST pedagogy to engage and influence story-readers.

Narración , Prejuicio/prevención & control , Adolescente , Adulto , Actitud , Educación , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven
Barbarói ; (50): 107-130, jul.-dez. 2017. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-972533


A recente retomada da proposição do rebaixamento da idade penal no parlamento brasileiro, em meio a um cenário de crise política e avanço de ideologias conservadoras, se articula com outros fatores, tais como a realização de megaeventos esportivos no Brasil – Copa do Mundo (2014) e Olimpíadas (2016), de forma a interferir no próprio caráter das leis. Assim mesmo, outro evento que fez aquecer o debate sobre a imputabilidade penal tanto no meio acadêmico, quanto no âmbito da sociedade foi a admissibilidade da Proposta de Emenda Constitucional (PEC 171/93), em abril de 2015. É interesse desse estudo discutir as formulações legais que afirmam ou restringem direitos sociais dos adolescentes na sociedade capitalista contemporânea. Por outro lado, interessa também analisar as políticas públicas propostas para a aplicação dessas mesmas leis, ambas entranhadas por concepções de adolescência construídas historicamente, no sentido de pensar os efeitos judicializantes produzidos com a execução das leis. Neste percurso, apresenta as áreas em análise neste texto, quais sejam: o contexto histórico e os marcos legais para crianças e adolescentes no Brasil; os significados culturais e os valores sociais relacionados à adolescência em uma perspectiva semióticocultural, considerando a interdependência entre os movimentos de reforma dos marcos legais e fatores históricos, culturais e econômicos; e, por fim, analisa-se como a criminalização juvenil e a judicialização das relações humanas na contemporaneidade conferem primazia às ações coercitivas e correcionais, em detrimento das ações educacionais.

Brazilian Parliament has just revisited the bill to reducing the age of criminal responsibility, right in the middle of a political crisis, for the advancement of conservative ideologies. There is a larger picture, including the mega sporting events in Brazil – the World Cup (2014) and the Olympics (2016), where the very character of the law is at stake. As the Proposal for Amendment to the Constitution (PEC 171/93) was admitted in April 2015, it heated the debate on criminal responsibility both in academia and in society at large. This study is interested not only in the legal formulation affirming or restricting social rights of adolescents in contemporary capitalist society, but also in proposals of public policy for legal enforcement. Both initiatives are at odds with the historically built conceptions of adolescence. As a result, the judicial effects produced by the enforcement of legislation becomes under scrutiny. Along the way, the study covers the following areas: historical context and legal framework for children and adolescents in Brazil; cultural meanings and social values related to adolescence in a semiotic-cultural perspective, considering the interdependence among legal reform movements and historical, cultural and economic factors; and finally, there is a take on how juvenile criminalization and the judicialization of human relations in the contemporary world give primacy to coercive and corrective actions, tothe detriment of educational ones.

La reanudación de la propuesta de reducción de la edad penal en el parlamento brasileño, en medio de una crisis política y el avance de ideologías conservadoras, se articula con otros factores, tales como la realización de mega eventos deportivos en Brasil -el Mundial de Fútbol (2014) y los Juegos Olímpicos (2016)- con reflejos en el propio carácter de las leyes. La admisibilidad de la Propuesta de Enmienda Constitucional (PEC 171/93), en abril de 2015, ha intensificado el debate sobre la imputabilidad penal tanto en el medio académico, como en el ámbito de la sociedad. Es interés de este estudio discutir acerca de las formulaciones legales que afirman o restringen derechos sociales de los adolescentes en la sociedad capitalista contemporánea. De otra parte, interesa también analizar las políticas públicas propuestas para aplicación de esas mismas leyes, ambas entrañadas por concepciones de adolescencia construidas históricamente, en el sentido de pensar los efectos de judicialización producidos con la ejecución de las legislaciones. En este sentido, presenta las áreas en análisis en este texto, cuáles son: el contexto histórico y los marcos legales para niños y adolescentes en Brasil; los significados culturales y los valores sociales relacionados con la adolescencia en una perspectiva semiótica y cultural, considerando la interdependencia entre los movimientos de reforma de los marcos legales y factores históricos, culturales y económicos; y, por fin, se analiza cómo la criminalización juvenil y la judicialización de las relaciones humanas en la contemporaneidad hacen predominar las acciones coercitivas y correccionales, frente a las acciones educativas.

Humanos , Adolescente , Delincuencia Juvenil
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 21(1): 217-225, ene.-jun. 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094722


RESUMEN La investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar cuáles son las condiciones témporo-espaciales que tienen los niños, en un rango de edad de 14 a 16 años, residentes en una copropiedad horizontal, que consta de tres Bloques o Edificios residenciales, una administración, áreas comunes, delimitación por paredes y un sistema de vigilancia. El problema que se identificó consiste en las condiciones de soledad, el confinamiento a la habitación, la adicción a los videojuegos y las tensiones con padres que tienen los adolescentes para ampliar su temporalidad y su espacialidad. La metodología empleada fue la de Núcleos de Educación Social -NES-. La estrategia que se empleó para poder identificar las condiciones témporo-espaciales fue a través de la conformación de un grupo focal, donde participaron 4 adolescentes. Los principales hallazgos hacen referencia de cómo las relaciones entre padres de familia y sus hijos adolescentes establecen límites al desarrollo de la espacialidad y la temporalidad.

SUMMARY This research aimed to identify what are the temporo-spatial conditions that children have in a range of age from 14 years to 16 years when they are residents of a horizontal co-ownership that has three blocks or residential buildings, walls, and a surveillance system. The problem identified is the conditions of solitude, confinement to the room, addiction to video games and tensions with parents that adolescents have to expand their temporality and spatiality. The methodology used was that of Social Education Nuclei, NES. The strategy used to identify temporomandibular conditions was through the formation of a focal group where 4 adolescents participated. The main findings refer to how the relationships between parents and their adolescent children establish limits to the development of the spatiality and temporality.

Allergol Int ; 67(2): 195-200, 2018 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28784272


BACKGROUND: The appropriate usage of an adrenaline auto-injector (AAI, Epipen®) is a key aspect of patient and social education in the management of anaphylaxis. However, although AAIs are being prescribed increasingly frequently, there are few reports on their actual use. METHODS: The Anaphylaxis Working Group of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology requested that society members register cases in which AAIs were used. Two hundred and sixty-six cases were collected from March 2014 to March 2016. RESULTS: The cases included 240 events of immediate-type food allergies caused by cow's milk (n = 100), hen's egg (n = 42), wheat (n = 40), and peanuts (n = 11). Exercise-related events were reported in 19 cases; however, the diagnosis of food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis with a specific causative food was only made in 4 cases (wheat, n = 2; fish, n = 1; squid, n = 1). The frequent reasons for the causative intake included programmed intake (n = 48), failure to check the food labeling (n = 43), and consuming an inappropriate food (n = 26). AAIs were used at schools or nurseries in 67 cases, with school or nursery staff members administering the AAI in 39 cases (58%). On arriving at the hospital, the symptom grade was improved in 71% of the cases, while grade 4 symptoms remained in 20% of the cases. No lethal cases or sequelae were reported. CONCLUSIONS: AAIs were used effectively, even by school teachers. The need to visit a hospital after the use of an AAI should be emphasized because additional treatment might be required.

Anafilaxia/tratamiento farmacológico , Broncodilatadores/uso terapéutico , Epinefrina/uso terapéutico , Inyecciones Intramusculares/instrumentación , Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Inyecciones Intramusculares/métodos , Masculino
Barbarói ; (50): 107-130, jul.-dez. 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: psi-71347


A recente retomada da proposição do rebaixamento da idade penal no parlamento brasileiro, em meio a um cenário de crise política e avanço de ideologias conservadoras, se articula com outros fatores, tais como a realização de megaeventos esportivos no Brasil – Copa do Mundo (2014) e Olimpíadas (2016), de forma a interferir no próprio caráter das leis. Assim mesmo, outro evento que fez aquecer o debate sobre a imputabilidade penal tanto no meio acadêmico, quanto no âmbito da sociedade foi a admissibilidade da Proposta de Emenda Constitucional (PEC 171/93), em abril de 2015. É interesse desse estudo discutir as formulações legais que afirmam ou restringem direitos sociais dos adolescentes na sociedade capitalista contemporânea. Por outro lado, interessa também analisar as políticas públicas propostas para a aplicação dessas mesmas leis, ambas entranhadas por concepções de adolescência construídas historicamente, no sentido de pensar os efeitos judicializantes produzidos com a execução das leis. Neste percurso, apresenta as áreas em análise neste texto, quais sejam: o contexto histórico e os marcos legais para crianças e adolescentes no Brasil; os significados culturais e os valores sociais relacionados à adolescência em uma perspectiva semióticocultural, considerando a interdependência entre os movimentos de reforma dos marcos legais e fatores históricos, culturais e econômicos; e, por fim, analisa-se como a criminalização juvenil e a judicialização das relações humanas na contemporaneidade conferem primazia às ações coercitivas e correcionais, em detrimento das ações educacionais.(AU)

Brazilian Parliament has just revisited the bill to reducing the age of criminal responsibility, right in the middle of a political crisis, for the advancement of conservative ideologies. There is a larger picture, including the mega sporting events in Brazil – the World Cup (2014) and the Olympics (2016), where the very character of the law is at stake. As the Proposal for Amendment to the Constitution (PEC 171/93) was admitted in April 2015, it heated the debate on criminal responsibility both in academia and in society at large. This study is interested not only in the legal formulation affirming or restricting social rights of adolescents in contemporary capitalist society, but also in proposals of public policy for legal enforcement. Both initiatives are at odds with the historically built conceptions of adolescence. As a result, the judicial effects produced by the enforcement of legislation becomes under scrutiny. Along the way, the study covers the following areas: historical context and legal framework for children and adolescents in Brazil; cultural meanings and social values related to adolescence in a semiotic-cultural perspective, considering the interdependence among legal reform movements and historical, cultural and economic factors; and finally, there is a take on how juvenile criminalization and the judicialization of human relations in the contemporary world give primacy to coercive and corrective actions, tothe detriment of educational ones.(AU)

La reanudación de la propuesta de reducción de la edad penal en el parlamento brasileño, en medio de una crisis política y el avance de ideologías conservadoras, se articula con otros factores, tales como la realización de mega eventos deportivos en Brasil -el Mundial de Fútbol (2014) y los Juegos Olímpicos (2016)- con reflejos en el propio carácter de las leyes. La admisibilidad de la Propuesta de Enmienda Constitucional (PEC 171/93), en abril de 2015, ha intensificado el debate sobre la imputabilidad penal tanto en el medio académico, como en el ámbito de la sociedad. Es interés de este estudio discutir acerca de las formulaciones legales que afirman o restringen derechos sociales de los adolescentes en la sociedad capitalista contemporánea. De otra parte, interesa también analizar las políticas públicas propuestas para aplicación de esas mismas leyes, ambas entrañadas por concepciones de adolescencia construidas históricamente, en el sentido de pensar los efectos de judicialización producidos con la ejecución de las legislaciones. En este sentido, presenta las áreas en análisis en este texto, cuáles son: el contexto histórico y los marcos legales para niños y adolescentes en Brasil; los significados culturales y los valores sociales relacionados con la adolescencia en una perspectiva semiótica y cultural, considerando la interdependencia entre los movimientos de reforma de los marcos legales y factores históricos, culturales y económicos; y, por fin, se analiza cómo la criminalización juvenil y la judicialización de las relaciones humanas en la contemporaneidad hacen predominar las acciones coercitivas y correccionales, frente a las acciones educativas.(AU)

Humanos , Adolescente , Delincuencia Juvenil
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 15(1): 281-293, ene. 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-836177


El objetivo del estudio fue considerar las claves del éxito del sistema educativo para niños, niñas y adolescentes del hogar La Huella en sus primeros 25 años. La experiencia es un referente, y el conocimiento de sus características puede aportar a la generación de nuevas prácticas con poblaciones juveniles. Se estudiaron materiales institucionales, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, y se analizaron los elementos centrales de la propuesta.El involucramiento personal de los educadores y el diseño de la experiencia resultaron claves en su éxito: la conjunción de ambiente de familia, vida comunitaria, referentes educativos estables, relación con la naturaleza, y educación en el trabajo doméstico y agrario.

Abstract (descriptive): The aim of the study was to consider the key elements of the success ofthe education system for children and adolescents in the La Huella home for street children in its first25 years. The experience is an important reference point, and awareness of its characteristics cancontribute to the generation of new practices with youth populations. Information materials producedby public institutions were collected and studied, a series semi-structured interviews were conductedand the central elements of the La Huella proposal were analyzed. The personal commitment of theeducators and the way in which the experience was designed were key to its success. The projectinvolved the combination of a family environment, community life, stable educational staff, arelationship with nature and education in domestic and agricultural work.

O objetivo do estudo foi considerar as chaves do sucesso do sistema de educação para crianças e adolescentes do lar “La Huella” nos seus primeiros 25 anos. A experiência é uma referência, e o conhecimento de suas características pode contribuir para a geração de novas práticas com populações jovens. Materiais institucionais foram estudados, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, e os elementos centrais da proposta foram analisados. O envolvimento pessoal dos educadores e o desenho da experiência foram fundamentais para o seu sucesso: a combinação de ambiente familiar, vida comunitária, referentes educacionais estáveis,relacionamento com a natureza, e educação no trabalho doméstico e agrícola.

Humanos , Adolescente , Jóvenes sin Hogar
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 29: e171957, 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-955868


Resumo O propósito deste trabalho foi refletir como os educadores de rua articulam o pensamento utópico com o pensamento histórico, a partir dos relatos de suas experiências ao longo de quinze anos. O sintagma identidade-metamorfose-emancipação (Ciampa, 2003) e os conceitos de pensamento utópico e pensamento histórico (Habermas, 1987) formam o arcabouço teórico que embasa a presente pesquisa. Utilizamos na coleta de dados a entrevista "não diretiva centrada" (Minayo, 1999). Observou-se que é possível articular história e utopia. O estudo indica que, para que essa articulação seja possível, é necessário que o sujeito tenha a flexibilidade de reinventar seus projetos utópicos, mudando assim de projeto emancipatório, mas não perdendo de vista a energia utópica que o move. Concluímos, também, que os profissionais que articularam os dois movimentos tendem a apresentar uma postura pós-convencional diante da vida.

Resumen El propósito del presente estudio ha sido reflejar cómo los educadores de la calle articulan el pensamiento utópico con el pensamiento histórico, a partir de los relatos de sus experiencias a lo largo de quince años. El marco teórico del trabajo es el sintagma "Identidad-metamorfosis-emancipación" de Ciampa (2003) y los conceptos del pensamiento utópico y pensamiento histórico de Habermas (1987). En la colección de datos se utilizó la técnica "no directiva centrada" (Minayo, 1999). Se observó que es posible articular la historia y la utopía. El estudio indica que para que sea posible, es necesario que el sujeto tenga flexibilidad para reinventar sus proyectos utópicos. Por lo tanto, se hace necesario el cambio de proyecto de emancipación, pero sin perder de vista la energía utópica que se le mueve. También se puede concluir que los profesionales que articulan esos dos movimientos tienden a tener una actitud post-convencional en sus vidas.

Abstract The purpose of this work was to reflect how street educators articulate utopian thinking with historical thinking, based on the reports of their experiences over fifteen years of practice. The theoretical framework used is based in the identity-metamorphosis-emancipation sintagma developed by Ciampa (2003) and in the notions of utopic thinking and historical thinking.(Habermas, 1987). The empirical research is based on interview classified by Minayo (1999) as "non directive centered". The observation revealed that it is possible to articulate history and utopia. The study indicates that whoever embraces the utopia thinking, and wants it to become reality, has to develop the flexibility to reinvent his own utopic projects, therefore changing his emancipatory project without losing the utopic perspective. We conclude also that those professionals who are able to articulate both movements tend to have a post-conventional stance in life.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Utopias , Jóvenes sin Hogar/educación , Personal Docente/historia , Identificación Social , Historia , Acontecimientos que Cambian la Vida
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537013


La investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar las condiciones témporo-espaciales que tienen los niños, en un rango de edad de 8 a 11 años, residentes en una copropiedad horizontal en Barranquilla, Colombia, que registra tres bloques o edificios residenciales, una administración, áreas comunes, delimitación por paredes y un sistema de vigilancia. El problema que se identificó consiste en las condiciones de soledad, de confinamiento a la habitación, de adicción a los videojuegos, de sedentarismo y de pocas relaciones sociales que tienen los denominados niños de apartamento. La metodología empleada fue la de núcleos de educación social, NES. Los principales hallazgos tienen que ver con los seis espacios que emergieron en la investigación y sus respectivas temporalidades. Estos espacios son el externo, el limítrofe, el próximo, el local, el vertical y el subterráneo. La estrategia que se empleó, para poder identificar las condiciones témporo-espaciales, fue a través de la actividad de jugar y las expectativas que ellos tienen en la ampliación de su espacialidad. Se concluyó, que los niños, en el rango de edad seleccionado, tienen restricciones a áreas de juego, de esparcimiento y de problemas de interacción social con adolescentes.

This research has as its main objective the identification of the temporal-spatial conditions of children aged 8 to 11, who are residents in a horizontal coparcenary in Barranquilla, Colombia, composed of three blocks or residential buildings, an administration, common areas and delimitated by walls and a monitoring system. The problem identified consists of the conditions of loneliness, confinement to the room, video game addiction, physical inactivity and poor social relationships that these ''apartment children'' have .The methodology used was the Nuclei of Social Education, NEF. The main findings have to do with the six spaces that emerged in the investigation and their respective time frames. These spaces are outside, the boundary, the nearby, the local, the vertical and the underground. The strategy was used to identify the temporal-spatial conditions through the activity of playing and the expectations these children have in expanding their spatiality. It was concluded that children in the age range selected have restrictions to play areas, spreading out and problems of social interaction with teenagers.

Humanidad. med ; 16(2): 317-335, mayo.-ago. 2016.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-791475


El trabajo versó en torno a las competencias socioemocionales y su trascendencia para la investigación. Se develaron referentes teóricos relativos a tales competencias, que permitieron aportar una conceptualización y una sistemática estructurada en cinco grandes bloques: conciencia emocional, regulación emocional, autonomía emocional, competencia social y competencias de vida y bienestar. La pesquisa estuvo dirigida al diseño y aplicación preliminar de una intervención educativa, desde la actividad de postgrado, destinada a favorecer el desarrollo de las competencias socioemocionales en másteres y doctores en formación. Se obtuvieron resultados parciales positivos, a partir de su introducción en la práctica.

The paper deals with socio-emotional competencies and their importance inconducting research. It discloses a framework of references around competencies related concepts and structured into a fivefold grouping: emotional awareness, emotional regulation, emotional autonomy, social competence and powers of life and wellbeing. The research was aimed to design and attempting the education of socio-emotional competencies at masters and Ph. D. training in the field of education. The initial application of the proposal proved to be effective.

Agora USB ; 16(1): 63-75, ene.-jun. 2016.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-790122


El presente texto resultado de investigación da cuenta de cómo los encuentros y diálogos entre tradiciones socioeducativas, por un lado dan cuenta de las transiciones, cambios, conflictos y de los desafíos a enfrentar al responder a las demandas educativas que laspoblaciones, organizaciones y movimientos sociales presentan; y, por el otro, ponen de manifiesto las tensiones existentes en los escenarios políticos e institucionales, en lasexigencias del mercado laboral de los pedagogos sociales frente a los desarrollos académicos y formativos vinculados a su profesionalización. Los diálogos e intercambios, entonces, nohan sino, ni son ajenos a estos contextos, y es en ellos que se vienen configurando los referentes teóricos, metodológicos y práxicos de las actuales propuestas de formación de educadores sociales y de proyectos de pedagogía social crítica en América Latina.

This text is the result of a piece of research, which gives an account of how meetings and dialogues between educational traditions, on the one hand, recount, changes, conflicts, andchallenges to face in responding to educational demands that populations, organizations, and social movements present; and, on the other hand, they reveal existing tensions in political and institutional settings, the demands of the labor market of social educatorsagainst the academic and formative developments related to its professionalization. The dialogues and exchanges, then, have not but are not alien to these contexts, and it is inthem, which the theoretical, methodological, and practical references are configured of current proposals for the training of social educators and for projects of critical social pedagogy in Latin America.

Humanos , Educación , Modelos Educacionales , Antropología Cultural , Política Pública
Artículo en Alemán | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26947529


Working in residential care is associated with high demands and high stress. As a result, employees may develop symptoms of burnout. These symptoms lead to absence from work and have a negative effect on the continuity and quality of the residential care. Until now, little is known about burnout risks in child welfare workers, although children and adolescents are especially dependent on continuous relationships and healthy caregivers. A better understanding of the relationship between burnout symptoms and work satisfaction may help to identify starting points for prevention and intervention. The present study assessed symptoms of burnout in a sample of 319 social education workers in residential care in Switzerland using the burnout-screening-scales (BOSS). Work satisfaction was assessed with a newly developed questionnaire based on concepts of trauma-sensitive care. The questionnaire was tested for reliability and factorial validity in the present study. In order to estimate the relationship between burnout symptoms and work satisfaction, correlations and relative risks were calculated. Almost one fifth (18 %) of the sample showed a risk of burnout. The principal component analysis of the questionnaire on work satisfaction revealed four factors: support by superiors, participation and transparency; communication and support within the team; gratification in the work; and institutional structures and resources. All four factors as well as the total score showed significant correlations with burnout symptoms. Among employees with a comparably lower work satisfaction, the risk of burnout was 5.4 times higher than among employees with a comparably higher work satisfaction. It is discussed how work satisfaction could be promoted and how, as a result, the quality and continuity of care for the children and adolescents could be improved.

Agotamiento Profesional/psicología , Satisfacción en el Trabajo , Tratamiento Domiciliario , Absentismo , Adolescente , Adulto , Agotamiento Profesional/diagnóstico , Niño , Protección a la Infancia , Femenino , Humanos , Delincuencia Juvenil/psicología , Delincuencia Juvenil/rehabilitación , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Problema de Conducta/psicología , Riesgo , Estadística como Asunto , Estrés Psicológico/complicaciones , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Suiza , Carga de Trabajo/psicología , Adulto Joven