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J Sch Psychol ; 106: 101351, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39251323


School psychologists have many roles and responsibilities that often lead to high stress levels. Wise (1985) authored the School Psychologists and Stress Inventory (SPSI), but it has not been updated substantially since its publication. We developed two studies to address the stressors faced by currently practicing school psychologists. Study 1 included 229 practicing school psychologists who evaluated the relevancy of the SPSI items and who listed five highly stressful events experienced considering the current context of practice. Based on these results, 13 SPSI items were removed, 21 SPSI items were revised, and 12 new items were added. The resulting measure, the School Psychologist Distress Inventory (SPDI), consists of 33 items and an additional item addressing overall stress. Study 2 examined validity evidence associated with the SPDI score structure. Using data from a sample of 350 practicing school psychologists, a sequence of exploratory factor analytic methods indicated the presence of a general factor of distress as well as four more specific factors, including Heavy Workload, Student Needs, Lack of Professional Support, and Parental and Legal Conflicts. Convergent relations and discriminant relations were evident between (a) SPDI total and subscales and (b) measures reflecting general stress level, role stressors, role overload, and job satisfaction. Examination of SPDI scores revealed they were not significantly related to age in years, educational levels, or school-psychologist-to-student ratio by state; however, lack of professional support was statistically significantly but weakly related to years of experience. Student needs were significantly more stressful across participants in the Western region of the United States than the Midwest region. Results from these two studies suggest the promise of using the SPDI to examine general and specific experiences of school psychologists' distress and they reveal that distress across school psychologists is remarkably high-especially in the area associated with having a heavy workload. Additional research with more racially and ethnically diverse samples of school psychologists would enhance confidence in using the SPDI as a measure of distress. Results suggest an urgent need to address structural influences on stress and personal coping strategies employed by school psychologists.

Psicometría , Estrés Psicológico , Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Estados Unidos , Estrés Psicológico/psicología , Psicología Educacional , Adulto , Instituciones Académicas , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Persona de Mediana Edad
Psicol Reflex Crit ; 37(1): 32, 2024 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39162942


BACKGROUND: Psychological assessment in school settings involves a range of complexities and ethical dilemmas that practitioners must navigate carefully. This paper provides a comprehensive review of common issues faced by school psychologists during assessments, discussing best practices and ethical guidelines based on codes from various professional organizations. METHODS: We examine the entire assessment process, from pre-assessment considerations like informed consent and instrument selection to post-assessment practices involving results communication and confidentiality. Key ethical concerns addressed include fairness in assessment, cultural and linguistic appropriateness of testing materials, and issues surrounding informed consent. RESULTS: Specific challenges discussed include selecting appropriate assessment instruments that reflect the diverse needs and backgrounds of students, ensuring fairness and removing bias in testing, and effectively communicating results to various stakeholders while maintaining confidentiality. We emphasize the importance of multi-source, multi-method assessment approaches and the critical role of ongoing professional development in ethical practice. CONCLUSION: By adhering to established ethical standards and best practices, school psychologists can effectively support the educational and developmental needs of students. This paper outlines actionable recommendations and ethical considerations to help practitioners enhance the accuracy, fairness, and impact of their assessments in educational settings.

J Learn Disabil ; : 222194241263659, 2024 Jul 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39057745


Schools conduct comprehensive psychoeducational evaluations to identify students with specific learning disabilities (SLDs) and determine whether they qualify for special education services. This decision-making process is complex and research has documented many factors influencing SLD identification decisions. One such factor may be decision-makers' beliefs about the underlying causes of SLD, including intrinsic and extrinsic factors. However, no studies to date have examined the underlying factor structure of the responses to prompts about the causes of SLD from intrinsic and extrinsic perspectives. This study was conducted with a sample of 521 school psychologists as part of a larger study examining decision-making during SLD identification. Using confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) to compare two theoretically plausible models, results suggested that a single latent factor best captured variability in responses to these prompts. Implications for assessing beliefs and how they impact the psychoeducational assessment process to identify SLDs are discussed, along with areas for future research.

Cureus ; 16(6): e61750, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38863770


In 1919, Shoma Morita established Morita therapy, and this method of psychotherapy is widely used in Japan and across the world. With time, the medical indications of Morita therapy have expanded to include not only neurosis and anxiety disorders but other conditions as well. In modern times, Morita therapy has been used to treat adolescentneurodevelopmental disorders; however, it has not been widely covered in the English-language literature. In this report, a five-year course of treatment for a female patient with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is presented. The patient exhibited dissociation, auditory hallucinations, overmedication, and wrist cutting, leading to multiple admissions to an adolescent ward. Over the treatment course, the symptoms of dissociation, self-harm, and auditory hallucinations disappear. Further, the patient was able to find a way to relate to society that was appropriate for her.

J Sch Psychol ; 103: 101294, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38432736


Recent psychological research suggests that many published studies cannot be replicated (e.g., Open Science Collaboration, 2015). The inability to replicate results suggests that there are influences and biases in the publication process that encourage publication of unusual-rather than representative-results, and that also discourage independent replication of published studies. A brief discussion of the ways in which publication bias and professional incentives may distort the research literature in school psychology is contrasted against the importance of replications and preregistration of research (i.e., registered reports) as self-correcting mechanisms for research in school psychology. The limitations of current practices, coupled with the importance of registered reports and replications as self-correcting mechanisms, provide the context for this ongoing initiative in the Journal of School Psychology. Processes for manuscript submission, review, and publication are presented to encourage researchers to preregister studies and submit replications for publication.

Publicación de Preinscripción , Instituciones Académicas , Humanos , Sesgo de Publicación
Psicol. esc. educ ; 28: e252918, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1535021


Novas formas de trabalho precisaram ser pensadas e desenvolvidas nas escolas a partir da pandemia da Covid-19. O objetivo deste relato de experiência é apresentar ações desenvolvidas pelos serviços de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional em dois campi do IFES, nesse contexto. As ações fizeram parte de um conjunto de atividades e visaram a promoção da saúde mental e do cuidado no âmbito psicossocial a partir de publicações semanais nas redes sociais dos campi com temas referentes à saúde mental e acolhimento psicológico online aos estudantes. Pode-se perceber que, apesar dos desafios enfrentados no ensino remoto, as ações trouxeram reflexões e funcionaram como estratégia de aproximação, de construção da sensação de continuidade, possibilitando a promoção à saúde da comunidade escolar.

Nuevas formas de trabajo necesitan ser pensadas y desarrolladas en las escuelas a partir de la pandemia de la Covid-19. El objetivo de este relato de experiencia es presentar acciones desarrolladas por los servicios de Psicología Escolar y Educacional en dos campus del Ifes, en ese contexto. Las acciones hicieron parte de un conjunto de actividades y visaran la promoción a la salud mental y cuidado en el ámbito psicosocial a partir de publicaciones semanales en las redes sociales de los campus con temas referentes a la salud mental; y acogimiento psicológico online a los estudiantes. Se puede percibir que, a pesar de los desafíos enfrentados en la enseñanza remota, las acciones trajeron reflexiones y funcionaron como estrategia de acercamiento, de construcción de la sensación de continuidad, posibilitando la promoción a la salud de la comunidad escolar.

New ways of working had to be thought out and developed in schools since the Covid-19 pandemic. The objective of this experience report is to present actions developed by the School and Educational Psychology services in two IFES campuses, in this context. The actions were part of a set of activities aimed at promoting mental health and psychosocial care based on weekly publications on campus social networks with topics related to mental health, and online psychological support for students. It can be seen that, despite the challenges faced in remote teaching, the actions brought reflections and worked as approximation strategy, building a sense of continuity, enabling the promotion of health in the school community.

Psicología , COVID-19 , Promoción de la Salud
Psicol. esc. educ ; 28: e245212, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1529260


Este artigo partilha reflexões acerca da construção do estágio obrigatório curricular no campo da Psicologia Escolar/Educacional em uma perspectiva crítica. O estágio é um momento privilegiado da formação, por aproximar teoria e prática, em direção à práxis crítica, aspecto central nessa abordagem psicológica. Visando conhecer como tem sido construída a experiência de estágio e supervisão na área, foram realizadas entrevistas com um supervisor de estágio que atua em uma Universidade Pública do Piauí, dada a relevância de sua atuação e militância, buscando compreender: as concepções e práticas desenvolvidas pelo supervisor; os atravessamentos ético-políticos que emergem da experiência de estágio e supervisão; e os elementos de criticidade que marcam tal experiência. O artigo põe em foco as estratégias de organização do estágio, o papel da supervisão e os desafios vivenciados na relação estagiários-escola-supervisor. Esperamos contribuir com a reflexão acerca dos desafios implicados na construção de estágios supervisionados na área de Psicologia Escolar e Educacional em uma perspectiva crítica, tanto no campo, quanto nos encontros de supervisão.

Este artículo intercambia reflexiones acerca de la construcción de la pasantía obligatoria curricular en el campo de la Psicología Escolar/Educacional en una perspectiva crítica. La pasantía es un momento privilegiado de la formación, por acercar teoría y práctica, en dirección a la praxis crítica, aspecto central en ese abordaje psicológico. Visando conocer de qué forma ha sido construida la experiencia de pasantía y supervisión en el área, se realizaron entrevistas con un supervisor de pasantía que actúa en una Universidad Pública da Piauí, dada la relevancia de su actuación y militancia, buscando comprender: las concepciones y prácticas desarrolladas por el supervisor; los atravesamientos ético-políticos que surgen de la experiencia de pasantía y supervisión; y los elementos de criticidad que marcan tal experiencia. El artículo pone de relieve las estrategias de organización de la pasantía, el papel de la supervisión y los desafíos vivenciados en la relación alumno en formación-escuela-supervisor. Esperamos contribuir con la reflexión acerca de los desafíos implicados en la construcción de pasantías tuteladas en el área de Psicología Escolar y Educacional en una perspectiva crítica, en el campo y en los encuentros de supervisión.

This article shares reflections about the construction of mandatory curricular internship in the field of School and Educational Psychology from a critical perspective. The internship is a privileged moment in training, as it brings theory and practice closer together, towards critical praxis, a central aspect of this psychological approach. In order to know how the experience of internship and supervision in the area has been constructed, interviews were conducted with an internship supervisor who works at a Public University of Piauí, given the relevance of his work and militancy, seeking to understand: the concepts and practices developed by the supervisor; the ethical-political crossings that emerge from the internship and supervision experience; and the elements of criticality that mark such an experience. The article focuses on internship organization strategies, the role of supervision and the challenges experienced in the relationship between interns-school-supervisor. We hope to contribute to reflection on the challenges involved in building supervised internships in the area of School and Educational Psychology from a critical perspective, both in the field and in supervisory meetings.

Organización y Administración , Psicología Educacional , Apoyo a la Formación Profesional
Psicol. esc. educ ; 28: e262923, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1564986


RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar como professores e familiares avaliam a atuação do psicólogo escolar em um atendimento educacional especializado a estudantes superdotados. Participaram cinco professoras(es) e seis familiares de alunos. Como instrumento, utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo qualitativa. Quanto aos resultados, destacaram-se três categorias na avaliação das(os) professoras(es): importância do psicólogo escolar no atendimento ao superdotado, desafios e limitações enfrentados pelo psicólogo escolar e demandas de ampliação das ações. A avaliação dos familiares gerou duas categorias: importância do suporte do psicólogo escolar e acesso ao psicólogo escolar. Conclui-se que as(os) psicólogas(os) escolares contribuem extensivamente na identificação do superdotado e no suporte para seu desenvolvimento, realizando práticas voltadas para alunos, professoras(es) e familiares, mesmo diante de dificuldades que impedem uma atuação ainda mais ampla.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to identify how teachers and family members evaluate the school psychologist's practice in a specialized educational program for gifted students. Participants included five teachers and six students' family members. A semi-structured interview was used as instrument. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. As for the results, three categories stood out in the teachers' evaluation: the importance of the school psychologist in serving the gifted, challenges and limitations faced by the school psychologist, and demands for expanding actions. The evaluation of family members generated two categories: the importance of school psychologist support and access to school psychologist. It is concluded that school psychologists contribute extensively in identifying the gifted and in supporting their development, carrying out practices aimed at students, teachers and families, even in the face of difficulties that prevent even broader actions.

RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar cómo profesores y familiares evalúan la actuación del psicólogo escolar en un programa educacional especializado a estudiantes superdotados. Participaron cinco profesoras(es) y seis familiares de alumnos. Como instrumento, se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada. Los datos se analizaron por intermedio del análisis de contenido cualitativo. En cuanto a los resultados, se destacaron tres categorías en la evaluación de las(os) profesoras(es): importancia del psicólogo escolar en la atención al superdotado, desafíos y limitaciones enfrentados por el psicólogo escolar y demandas de expansión de las acciones. La evaluación de los familiares generó dos categorías: importancia del soporte del psicólogo escolar y acceso al psicólogo escolar. Se concluye que las(os) psicólogas(os) escolares contribuyen extensivamente en la identificación del superdotado y en el soporte para su desarrollo, realizando prácticas volcadas a alumnos, profesoras(es) y familiares, aún delante de dificultades que impiden una actuación aún más amplia.

Psicol. esc. educ ; 28: e253346, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1558759


RESUMO O presente artigo relata a experiência de estágio em Psicologia Escolar e Educacional em um serviço-escola de Psicologia, localizado em uma universidade em Natal/RN. O projeto interventivo desenvolvido ao longo do período de estágio proporcionou encontros grupais abertos para as demandas dos estudantes. Assim, foram estabelecidas três etapas: 1) divulgação do projeto; 2) realização de três encontros interventivos; 3) momento avaliativo das ações executadas por parte da equipe de estágio. As intervenções elaboradas explicitaram a importância de a universidade proporcionar o acolhimento às queixas do cotidiano acadêmico, trazendo não apenas a ideia da qualidade de vida dentro da universidade, como também oferecendo suporte considerável para atender às necessidades dos estudantes.

RESUMEN En el presente artículo se busca relatar la experiencia de pasantía en Psicología Escolar y Educacional en un servicio-escuela de Psicología, localizado en una universidad en Natal/RN. El proyecto intervenido desarrollado a lo largo de la pasantía buscó proporcionar encuentros grupales abiertos a las demandas de los estudiantes. Así, se establecieron tres etapas: 1) divulgación del proyecto; 2) realización de tres encuentros intervenidos; 3) momento evaluativo de las acciones ejecutadas por parte del equipo de la pasantía. Las intervenciones elaboradas explicitaron la importancia de la universidad en proporcionar el acogimiento a las quejas del cotidiano académico, trayendo no solo la idea de la cualidad de vida dentro de la universidad, como también dando suporte considerable para atender a las necesidades de los estudiantes.

ABSTRACT This article seeks to report the internship experience in School and Educational Psychology at a Psychology school service, located at a university in Natal/RN. The interventional project that was developed throughout the internship period sought to provide open group meetings for the students' demands. Thus, three steps were established: 1) dissemination of the project; 2) three intervention meetings; 3) evaluative moment of the actions performed by the internship team. The elaborated interventions highlighted the importance of the university in providing the reception to the complaints of academic daily life, bringing not only the idea of quality of life inside the university, but also offering considerable support to meet the needs of the students.

BMC Psychol ; 11(1): 432, 2023 Dec 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38062494


BACKGROUND: Although previous studies have found a close relationship between sense of place and creativity, few studies have been conducted considering the micro-environment of the classroom. The mediating role of classmate relationships in the association between students' sense of place and creativity remains unclear. METHODS: This study explores classmate relationships as a mediating factor in the relationship between sense of place and creativity. Therefore, we considered a sample of 1555 Chinese high-school students and used a paper-based questionnaire survey. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 24.0, PROCESS 3.2 plugin, and AMOS. RESULTS: Sense of place in the micro-environment of the classroom has a significant positive predictive effect on creativity. Sense of place also has a significant positive predictive effect on peer relationships. The mediation analysis reveals that peer relationships play a mediating role in the relationship between the sense of place and creativity. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed the associations between sense of place, classmate relationships, and creativity. Creativity is better expressed in students with a strong sense of place in the classroom. Moreover, a student's sense of place can enhance their creativity by influencing their peer relationships. These findings enrich the research in educational psychology within the classroom, providing new insights for fostering creativity.

Creatividad , Grupo Paritario , Estudiantes , Humanos , Estudiantes/psicología , Pueblos del Este de Asia
Interaçao psicol ; 27(3): 296-313, ago.-dez. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531339


A prática da psicologia na escola pública sustentou-se, historicamente, tanto através de concepções teóricas individualistas e medicalizantes sobre as demandas escolares, quanto pelo avanço teórico-metodológico advindo das contribuições que o movimento de crítica ensejou na práxis psicológica. No presente estudo, objetivou-se realizar uma revisão sistemática acerca da atuação das psicólogas nas escolas públicas brasileiras, entre 2011 e 2021, considerando o percurso da subárea de psicologia escolar/educacional na reconstrução de sua práxis em uma perspectiva crítica. Das 338 produções recuperadas nas bases PePsic, SciELO, BVS, Scopus e LILACS, incluíram-se 16 artigos que contemplaram os critérios de elegibilidade. Os resultados apontaram a presença das psicólogas escolares nos diferentes níveis de ensino, realizando práticas voltadas para alunos, família, professores e gestão escolar, bem como articulando diálogos multiprofissionais e intersetoriais. A discussão assinalou a ação política de práticas que se sustentam pelo coletivo e que se mantêm alinhadas às múltiplas vozes inseridas no cotidiano escolar. As contribuições dos achados são demonstradas pela síntese de diferentes práticas e intervenções com vistas à orientação das psicólogas presentes nas escolas das diversas regiões pelo país.

The practice of psychology in public schools was historically sustained both through individualistic and medicalizing theoretical conceptions on school demands and by the theoretical and methodological advancement arising from the contributions that the critical movement entailed in the psychological praxis. In this study, we aimed to carry out a systematic review on the work of psychologists in Brazilian public schools, between 2011 and 2021, considering the path of the subfield of school/educational psychology in the reconstruction of its praxis from a critical perspective. Among the 338 productions retrieved from PePSIC, Scielo, BVS, Scopus and LiLACS, 16 articles that met the eligibility criteria were included. The results pointed out the presence of school psychologists in different levels of education, performing practices directed to students, family, teachers and school management, as well as articulating multiprofessional and intersectorial dialogues. The discussion pointed out the political action of practices that are sustained by the collective and that remain aligned to the community inserted in the school daily life. The contributions of the findings are demonstrated by the synthesis of different practices and interventions for the guidance of psychologists present in schools in various regions around the country.

Appl Neuropsychol Child ; : 1-10, 2023 Dec 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38142047


Referral sources and parents value the report following a neuropsychological evaluation. Nevertheless, key stakeholders have described pediatric reports as excessive in length and jargon. Recent research indicates that it is possible to modify pediatric neuropsychological reports that result in positive outcomes for key stakeholders and clinicians. Evaluating modified pediatric neuropsychological reports for other providers is necessary. School psychologists are key stakeholders who read and interact with such reports. This study assessed school psychologists' perceptions of a modified pediatric neuropsychological report. Forty-one school psychologists were randomly assigned to read either a traditional or modified version of a pediatric report and provide feedback via survey and qualitative questions. Results revealed that school psychologists' perceptions of a traditional and modified report were not significantly different. Qualitatively, respondents noted a disconnect between recommendations and school systems. These findings suggest that pediatric neuropsychologists can create shorter and more easily understood reports that do not impact the effectiveness for school psychologists. Future research should continue to evaluate perceptions of modified pediatric neuropsychological reports for additional key stakeholders. A better understanding of the disconnect between recommendations and their feasibility in schools, as well as barriers to increased interdisciplinary collaboration, is also essential for client care.

Interaçao psicol ; 27(2): 210-219, mai.-jul. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531321


O presente artigo objetiva identificar e analisar a atuação do psicólogo escolar na assistência estudantil universitária brasileira, considerando o contexto de expansão e de democratização do acesso ao ensino superior público e a promoção da permanência dos universitários beneficiados por políticas de ações afirmativas. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura em teses e dissertações publicadas no período de 2010 a 2019. Quatro trabalhos foram incluídos e outros 637 excluídos após análise. Os resultados foram divididos em uma categoria temática principal e em duas subcategorias. A categoria principal foi denominada "O que vem sendo feito pelo psicólogo na assistência estudantil universitária brasileira" e as subcategorias têm como títulos: "Ações em psicologia clínica" e "Ações em psicologia escolar e educacional". Destaca-se a baixa quantidade de estudos que focalizaram este tema e a prevalência de práticas voltadas para a psicologia clínica e a psicologia escolar e educacional focando sobretudo nos estudantes, de modo a isentar outros atores sociais envolvidos. A partir de tais resultados, defende-se que o profissional de psicologia que atua na assistência estudantil universitária brasileira, contemple abordagens não apenas individuais aos estudantes, mas também coletivas, entre elas, grupos de apoio, ações em âmbitos institucionais e políticos.

This present article aims to identify and analyze the role of school psychologists in providing assistance to Brazilian university students. This study takes into account the current context of expanding access to public higher education and the promotion of student retention through affirmative action policies. To achieve this, a systematic review of the literature was conducted, specifically focusing theses and dissertations published between 2010 and 2019. Out of the numerous articles analysed, four were included in this study, while 637 others were excluded. The results of this review were categorized into a main thematic category, labeled as "What psychologists have been doing in Brazilian university student assistance" and two subcategories, namely "Actions in clinical psychology" and "Actions in school and educational psychology". Based on these findings, it is argued that school psychologists working in Brazilian university should adopt a broader approach that encompasses both individual and collective intervetions. In addition to individual counseling, strategies such as support groups and political initiatives should be implemented to better support the diverse of university students.

Interaçao psicol ; 27(1): 31-39, jan.-abr. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512625


O presente artigo tem por objetivo partilhar alguns desafios vivenciados por supervisoras de estágio no campo da Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, que adotam um referencial teórico-prático crítico, na construção de estratégias de enfrentamento aos processos de medicalização da educação. A Psicologia Escolar e Educacional em uma perspectiva crítica é uma abordagem teórico-prática que busca romper com a naturalização das experiências de fracasso escolar, apontando para as múltiplas determinações envolvidas no fenômeno, nas quais a própria Psicologia, como ciência e profissão, está envolvida. Para a discussão em tela, foi realizada pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, o trabalho de campo envolvendo a realização de entrevistas semidirigidas com quatro supervisoras de estágio reconhecidas pela relevância de sua atuação nesse campo. A análise das entrevistas tornou possível tecer algumas reflexões, com destaque para: as primeiras aproximações com o universo escolar; a construção de propostas de intervenção; o papel da psicóloga escolar diante de demandas clínicas; os riscos de olhares preconceituosos e o trabalho envolvido na escrita dos relatórios. Espera-se que as reflexões aqui partilhadas possam contribuir para a formação e atuação de psicólogas escolares e educacionais que perspectivem práticas desmedicalizantes.

The goal of this paper is to share some of the challenges that internship supervisors face in the field of School Psychology and Educational Psychology. These internship supervisors look at the practical and theoretical knowledge of the field from a critical point of view in constructing coping strategies for the processes of education medicalization. A look at School and Educational Psychology from a critical perspective demands a theoretical-practical approach that looks to break free from the naturalization of school failure experiences. As such, the multiple factors involved in the phenomenon are taken into consideration ­ in which psychology itself, as a science and profession, is involved. A qualitative approach research was conducted, through semi-directed interviews with four internship supervisors known for their performance in the field. The evaluation of the interviews made a few analyses possible on the first contact with the school environment; the collaborative creation of intervention strategies; the role of the school's psychologist when a subject shares their concerns and challenges; the work involved in writing the psychological reports. Therefore, it is hoped that this paper can contribute to the training and the practice of school and educational psychologists who envisage demedicalizing practices.

Rev. polis psique ; 13(1): 189-205, 2023-08-07.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1517550


Partindo da perspectiva da psicologia escolar, esse artigo focaliza a condição de calouro/a como analisador importante do processo educativo que acontece na instituição universitária, a qual denuncia e anuncia condições e possibilidades que limitam e ampliam a potência criadora de seus membros. Ao longo do artigo, buscamos superar o paradigma da adaptação, que exige do/a recém-ingressante a assimilação de normas e regras institucionais a fim de adquirir status de membro. Como contraponto, pensamos a participação de todos os membros da comunidade acadêmica na recepção aos/às calouros/as e construção de uma cultura institucional dinâmica e criadora de novos viveres e fazeres universitários, acolhedores da sua diversidade. Discutimos, ainda, a presença do/a calouro/a como oportunidade de um segundo olhar da psicologia escolar sobre as relações interpessoais, as práticas e os processos institucionais e pedagógicos.

This theoretical study proposes to think about the body from the plurality and the affections' perspectives, in an attempt to understand how the psychology works, on the virtual modality, reaches corporeity and the expansion of its power to exist. These questions were raised from a Group for Listening and Welcoming Services o the virtual modality. The theoretical perspective starts from Spinoza's conception of the affections, articulated with the notion of self-care. The loneliness reported on the group was our analyzer, in an attempt to reflect about the encounter's weakening. This led us to reflect about the impacts of the body's loss on the online presence, the (im)possibility of encountering the difference and the role of virtuality in the liberal economic model applied to psychology. It is necessary to cover the possibilities of action that do not abstain from present time demands, but also to recognize the dangers of capture devices. (AU)

Este ensayo teórico propone pensar el cuerpo desde la perspectiva de las afecciones, intentando comprender cómo el trabajo de la psicología en la modalidad a distancia alcanza la corporeidad y su potencia de existir. Tales interrogantes surgieron en la experiencia de un Grupo de Escucha y Acogida en la modalidad a distancia. Orientó el trabajo la concepción Spinozista de los afectos, articulada con la noción de cuidado de sí. La soledad relatada en los grupos fue el analizador para reflexionar sobre la producción del encuentro y nos llevó a pensar en los impactos de la pérdida del cuerpo en la presencia online, la (im)posibilidad de encontrar la diferencia y a reflexionamos sobre la virtualidad en el modelo económico liberal aplicado a la psicología. Es necesario abarcar las posibilidades de acción que no se abstengan de las exigencias de hoy, pero que también reconozcan los peligros de los dispositivos de captura. (AU)

Psicología Educacional , Estudiantes/psicología , Universidades , Acogimiento
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(2): 545-565, julho 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1532678


Esta pesquisa investigou as demandas educacionais presentes no período da pandemia da COVID-19 no âmbito da Psicologia Escolar. Realizou-se um estudo de revisão sistemática, registrada sob o número CRD42021218696 no International Prospective Register of Ongoing Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO). Foi realizada uma busca abrangente nas bases de dados Educacional Resources Information Center (ERIC), Web of Science, PsycINFO, Embase e Pubmed. A revisão contemplou o período de dezembro de 2019 a abril de 2021. As buscas resultaram na seleção de 16 produções científicas, considerando o país de origem da publicação, delineamento das pesquisas, principais resultados e demandas encontradas. Os resultados indicaram impactos do ensino online: dificuldades relativas à transição para a modalidade remota e ao acesso aos recursos tecnológicos e à internet, insuficiente treinamento pedagógico, vulnerabilidade social e alteração comportamental dos estudantes. Defende-se o trabalho do psicólogo escolar como agente mediador de relações e processos de ensino, aprendizagem e desenvolvimento humano, tensionados na modalidade remota.

This research investigated the educational demands present in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic in the field of School Psychology. A systematic review study was conducted, registered under CRD42021218696 in the International Prospective Register of Ongoing Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO). A comprehensive search on the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), Web of Science, PsycINFO, Embase, and Pubmed databases was performed. The review covered the period from December 2019 to April 2021. The queries have led to the selection of 16 scientific publications, considering its country of origin, research design, main findings, and demands found. Results indicate impacts of online teaching: difficulties related to the transition to remote mode and access to technological resources and to the internet, scarce pedagogical training, social vulnerability, and behavioral change in students. The work of the school psychologist is defended as a mediator agent for relationships and processes of teaching, learning, and human development, which are tensioned in remote mode.

Este estudio investigó las demandas educativas presentes en el período de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el campo de la Psicología Escolar. Se realizó un estudio de revisión sistemática, registrado con el número CRD42021218696 en el Registro Internacional Prospectivo de Revisiones Sistemáticas en Curso (PROSPERO). Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva en las bases de datos Educacional Resources Information Center (ERIC), Web of Science, PsycINFO, Embase y Pubmed. La revisión abarcó el periodo comprendido entre diciembre de 2019 y abril de 2021. Las búsquedas resultaron en la selección de 16 producciones científicas, teniendo en cuenta el país de origen de la publicación, el diseño de la investigación, los principales resultados y las demandas encontradas. Los resultados indican los impactos de la enseñanza en línea: dificultades relativas a la transición a la modalidad remota y al acceso a los recursos tecnológicos y a Internet, entrenamiento pedagógico insuficiente, vulnerabilidad social y alteración del comportamiento de los estudiantes. Se defiende la labor del psicólogo escolar como agente mediador de las relaciones y procesos de enseñanza, aprendizaje y desarrollo humano, tensionados en la modalidad a distancia.

Psicología , Instituciones Académicas , COVID-19 , Educación a Distancia , Distrés Psicológico
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(2): 586-606, julho 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1532681


A pandemia de Covid-19 evidenciou uma extrema fragilidade das políticas e investimentos para a saúde pública. Com o fechamento das atividades não essenciais como medida de prevenção à proliferação do vírus e o consequente fechamento das escolas, os profissionais que ali trabalham tiveram que se reinventar nas suas formas de atuação e manutenção dos vínculos. Neste cenário, este artigo tem o objetivo de desenvolver reflexões sobre as possibilidades de atuação em psicologia escolar nesse contexto de pandemia e emergência humanitária. Apresenta-se a experiência de trabalho de três psicólogas escolares do Instituto Federal de Brasília, envolvendo atividades de rodas de conversa on-line, pesquisas institucionais e produção de tecnologia educacional. A atuação está pautada nos princípios da psicologia escolar crítica, na prevenção de fatores de risco ao desenvolvimento e na orientação de atuação para contexto de emergência sanitária e humanitária. Destaca-se como resultado do trabalho o impacto positivo de pesquisas institucionais para tomadas de decisões da gestão escolar, o uso de tecnologias digitais como recurso para desenvolvimento de espaços de trabalho do psicólogo na escola e os momentos de acolhimento discente em grupos como espaços potentes para construção de vínculo e suporte aos estudantes, considerando as diversas dimensões do seu desenvolvimento.

The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the extreme fragility of public health policies and investments. With the closure of non-essential activities as a measure to prevent the spread of the virus and the consequent closure of schools, the professionals who work there had to reinvent themselves in their ways of acting and maintaining ties. In this scenario, this article aims to develop reflections on the possibilities of acting in school psychology in this context of pandemic and humanitarian emergency. The work experience of three school psychologists from the Instituto Federal de Brasília is presented, involving online conversation circle activities, institutional research and the production of educational technology. The work is based on the principles of critical school psychology, the prevention of risk factors for development and guidance on actions in the context of health and humanitarian emergencies. It is highlighted as a result of the work the positive impact of institutional research on decision-making in school management, the use of digital technologies as a resource for developing psychologist workspaces at school, and the moments of welcoming students in groups as powerful spaces for bond building and support, considering the different dimensions of their development.

La pandemia de Covid-19 evidenció la extrema fragilidad de las políticas e inversiones en salud pública. Con el cierre de actividades no esenciales como medida para evitar la proliferación del virus y el consecuente cierre de las escuelas, los profesionales que allí laboran debieron reinventarse en sus formas de actuar y mantener vínculos. En ese escenario, este artículo tiene como objetivo desarrollar reflexiones sobre las posibilidades de actuación de la psicología escolar en este contexto de pandemia y emergencia humanitaria. Se presenta la experiencia de trabajo de tres psicólogas escolares del Instituto Federal de Brasília, involucrando actividades de círculos de conversación en línea, investigación institucional y producción de tecnología educativa. El trabajo se basa en los principios de la psicología escolar crítica, la prevención de los factores de riesgo para el desarrollo y la orientación de las acciones en el contexto de las emergencias sanitarias y humanitarias. Como resultado del trabajo se destaca el impacto positivo de la investigación institucional sobre la toma de decisiones en la gestión escolar, el uso de las tecnologías digitales como recurso para desarrollar espacios de trabajo del psicólogo en la escuela y los momentos de acogida de los estudiantes en grupos como espacios poderosos para la construcción de vínculos y apoyando a los estudiantes, considerando las diferentes dimensiones de su desarrollo.

Humanos , Psicología , Instituciones Académicas , COVID-19 , Brasil
Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry ; 28(3): 1239-1240, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37332131


A Book Review of 'Basics of Child Neuropsychology: A Primer for Educators and Clinicians' by Stephen R. Hooper.

J Sch Psychol ; 98: 1-15, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37253574


Doctoral training programs educate future practitioners, scholars, and researchers. They therefore are an important site of inquiry for critical school psychologists interested in interrogating and confronting the inequities that exist within the field. We conducted four focus groups with 15 Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color (BIWOC) students in various APA-accredited school psychology Ph.D. programs to understand how they experienced their programs. We argue that the programs delivered a hidden curriculum to the participants through various socializing, vicarious, and disciplinary events, in addition to the official curriculum delivered to all students. Data analysis indicated that the hidden curriculum was delivered in four settings and consisted of six lessons, including (a) you do not belong here, (b) you cannot be trusted, (c) you are on your own, (d) you are not safe here, (e) you are a token, and (f) you will only get performative allyship from us. We discuss each of these lessons and contemplate on ways in which programs and faculty can combat their deleterious impact on the students.

Psicología Educacional , Pigmentación de la Piel , Femenino , Humanos , Curriculum , Docentes , Instituciones Académicas , Psicología/educación
J Sch Psychol ; 98: 181-205, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37253579


Structural equation models (SEM) are a method of latent variable analysis that offer a high degree of flexibility in terms of modeling methods for applied research questions. Recent advancements associated with longitudinal SEM have unlocked innovative ways to decompose variance and to estimate mean trends over time (e.g., Allison et al., 2017; Berry & Willoughby, 2017; Hamaker et al., 2015; McArdle & Nesselroade, 2014). However, these longitudinal methods are not necessarily readily accessible to scholars seeking to advance theory and practice in school psychology. Importantly, not all longitudinal data are the same and not all longitudinal SEMs are the same; thus, analytic approaches must be appropriately matched to specific research aims to meaningfully inform school psychology theory and practice. The present article highlights recent advances in longitudinal SEMs, clarifies their similarities to other-perhaps more familiar-methods, and matches their applications to specific types of research questions. The intent of this work is to promote careful thinking about the correspondence between estimands, developmental theory, and practical applications to foster specificity in testing quantitative questions in school psychology research and advance a more rigorous evaluation of longitudinal trends relevant to research and practice in the field.

Modelos Teóricos , Instituciones Académicas , Humanos , Proyectos de Investigación