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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38780800


Although several studies have been conducted to elucidate the relationship between psychedelic consumption and cognition, few have focused on understanding the long-term use influence of these substances on these variables, especially in ritualistic contexts.  To verify the influence of ritualistic ayahuasca consumption on the cognition of experienced ayahuasca religious users (> 20 years) and beginners (< 3 years), which participated in rituals of the Centro Luz Divina (CLD), a Santo Daime church in Brazil. Observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was carried out in which 48 people participated divided into three groups: (a) experienced ayahuasca users (n = 16), (b) beginner ayahuasca users (n = 16) and (c) control group (n = 16). All groups were matched by sex, age, and education and contained 8 women and 8 men. Cognition was assessed with the WASI (intelligence quotient), Digit Span (verbal working memory), Corsi Block-Tapping Task (visuospatial-related and working memory), Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure test (visual perception, immediate memory), and Wisconsin Card Sorting and Five Digit Test (executive functions). Groups were homogenous in terms of sociodemographic characteristics, with participants presenting average intellectual performance. There was no evidence of cognitive decline amongst ayahuasca users. The experienced group showed higher scores compared to the less experienced group in the Digit Span and Corsi Block-Tapping tasks, which assess working verbal and visuospatial memories respectively. We confirmed the botanical identities of Psychotria viridis and Banisteriopsis caapi and the presence of the alkaloids both in the plants and in the brew. Short and long-term ayahuasca consumption does not seem to alter human cognition, while long-term use seems to be associated with improvements in aspects of working memory when compared with short-term use.

J Psychoactive Drugs ; 55(5): 581-591, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37750012


This study is an interdisciplinary research into Uruguayan ayahuasca users belonging to one neo-shamanic and one Santo Daime group. The study involved the chemical analysis of ayahuasca samples, an ethnographic description of the two traditions and rituals, and the application of psychometric scales to measure personality differences, and the acute psychological effects during an ayahuasca ritual. Personality measurements showed lower scores for Santo Daime in Neuroticism-Anxiety, Dependence, Low Self-Esteem, Anger and Restlessness. These differences may be related to the presence of participants under treatment in the neo-shamanic group and/or to the protective effects of a church religion such as Santo Daime. Regarding acute effects, the neo-shamanic group showed higher scores in Somesthesia and Perception, which can be related to the high-arousal ritual setting. Chemical analysis for the ayahuasca samples showed a typical composition of alkaloids. No adulterants were found. The sample from the neo-shamanic group displayed a higher ß-carbolines:DMT ratio compared to the Santo Daime sample, which could be related to the higher effects observed for Somesthesia for the neo-shamanic group. Significant positive correlations between some personality traits and acute effects were found only in the neo-shamanic group, which may be related to the more individualistic approach of this tradition.

Alcaloides , Banisteriopsis , Humanos , Banisteriopsis/química , Religión , Uruguay , Personalidad
Front Psychol ; 13: 857372, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35911023


Recent studies have recognized the importance of non-pharmacological factors such as setting to induce or promote mystical experiences or challenging experiences among ayahuasca users. This study aimed to evaluate the association between the setting in which ayahuasca is consumed and the intensity of mystical and challenging experiences considering three ayahuasca using traditions (União do Vegetal, Santo Daime and neo-shamanic groups). A cross-sectional analysis was performed on survey data collected online from 2,751 participants. The Setting Questionnaire for the Ayahuasca Experience (SQAE) was used to evaluate six dimensions of the setting characteristics. The Mystical Experience Questionnaire (MEQ) and the Challenging Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) were used to quantify the psychedelic experience. Ratings on every SQAE setting dimension were negatively correlated with ratings of the CEQ (r values between 0.21 and 0.36) for all ayahuasca using traditions. Regression analysis revealed that ratings on four SQAE dimensions (Social, Comfort, Infrastructure and Decoration) explained 41% of the variance in CEQ ratings. Associations between SQAE and MEQ ratings were relatively weak and confined to the dimensions Leadership and Comfort, explaining 14% of the variance in MEQ ratings. Ratings of Social context were higher among members of União do Vegetal compared to Santo Daime and neo-shamanic members. Ratings of Infrastructure, Comfort and Decoration were more consistently correlated with MEQ in the neoshamanic tradition compared to the other traditions. This study shows that the setting is an important moderator of a challenging experience under ayahuasca. Maximizing the quality of the setting in which ayahuasca is taken will reduce the chance of a challenging experience while contributing positively to a mystical experience. The present findings can be considered when designing rituals and the (social) environment of ayahuasca ceremonies, and indicate that the SQAE questionnaire can be employed to monitor the influence of ceremonial settings on the ayahuasca experience.

Front Psychol ; 13: 819994, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35572236


During the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic a variety of social activities migrated online, including religious ceremonies and rituals. One such instance is the case of Santo Daime, a Brazilian rainforest religion that utilizes the hallucinogenic brew ayahuasca in its rituals. During the pandemic, multiple Santo Daime rituals involving the consumption of ayahuasca took place online, mediated through Zoom and other online platforms. The phenomenon is notable since the effects of hallucinogens are defined by context (set and setting) and Santo Daime rituals are habitually governed by punctilious regulations aimed at directing the experience of participants. The abrupt move to online space thus augurs significant implications in the context of hallucinogenic rituals. This paper looks at this development and its repercussions for entheogenic rituals, as it asks how do psychedelic rituals change when they move online? Building on the author's previous work on set and setting in the Santo Daime religion, the paper introduces accounts from 12 semi-structured interviews with daimistas participating in online daime rituals, approached through the prism of set and setting, and the study of online religiosity. The analysis points at several key dynamics emerging in the context of virtual rituals. The migration online allowed for the continuation of Santo Daime entheogenic rituals at a time of social distancing, fostered a sense of global brotherhood and opened new possibility for religious participation and learning. Concurrently, online ritual produced an impoverished ritual experience and novel types of challenges including a higher potential for distractions, technical difficulties, and low sensory fidelity. Other novel challenges included social anxiety and an in-built tension between the social and spiritual dimensions of ritual. Finally, some participants were concerned by the cultural context of online rituals: technological mediation, consumerism, commodification, and digital divide. The limitations of digital technology appear amplified by the highly immersive, body oriented, experientially intensified context of the psychedelic experience. This paper contributes to the literature on the extra-pharmacological factors shaping experiences with psychedelics, as well as to the literature on the consequences of the adoption of digital media technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Psicol. argum ; 39(105): 566-588, jul.-set. 2021. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: psi-72376


O temperamento pode ser considerado a base do humor, do comportamento e da personalidade do indivíduo. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência do consumo ritual da Ayahuasca pelos adeptos daimistas do Centro Luz Divina, em relação ao temperamento de usuários experientes e iniciantes. Foi realizado um estudo transversal, do qual participaram 48 pessoas, distribuídas em dois grupos: (a) grupo estudo: subdividido em grupo experiente (16 pessoas com mais de 20 anos de uso ritual da Ayahuasca) e grupo iniciante (16 pessoas com menos de 3 anos de uso ritual); (b) grupo controle (16 pessoas que nunca utilizaram Ayahuasca), pareado por sexo, faixa etária e escolaridade. Foi utilizada a Escala Composta de Temperamento Emocional e Afetivo(AFECTS). Observou-se efeito significante entre os grupos na dimensão emocional Vontade [F(2,48)= 4,75; p=0,013],ressalte-se que o grupo experiente (47,00) obteve melhor pontuação que o grupo controle (42,68). Verificou-se o efeito da interação entre grupo e sexo na dimensão emocional Controle [F(5,48)= 7,04; p=0,002], grupo feminino experiente (46,50) versus grupo feminino controle (39,87). Considerando apenas o grupo estudo (experiente e iniciante), constatou-se: correlação positiva da dimensão emocional Vontade com Maturidade (coping) e Estabilidade; correlação positiva da dimensão emocional Controle com Maturidade (coping), Estabilidade e Cautela, e negativa com Raiva. Em conclusão, todas as mulheres do grupo experiente obtiveram classificação do temperamento “Estáveis”e atingiriam escores significativos na dimensão emocional Controle, enquanto o grupo experiente, de ambos os sexos, sobressaiu-se na dimensão emocional Vontade.(AU)

Temperament can be considered the basis of the individual’s humor, behavior and personality. The aim of this study was to verify the influence of Ayahuasca’s ritual consumption, by the daimist adepts of Centro Luz Divina, in relation to the temperament of experienced users and beginners. A cross-sectional study in which 48 people participated was performed. They were distributed into two groups of 16 people: (a) study group subdivided into an experienced group (16 people with over 20 years of Ayahuasca’s ritual use) and a beginners group (16 people with less than 3 years of ritual use); (b) control group (16 people who never used ayahuasca) paired by sex, age and scholarity. The Affective and Emotional Composite Temperament Scale (AFECTS) was applied. A significant effect was observed in the Volition dimension [F(2,48)= 4,75; p = 0,013]. The score of the experience group (47,00) was higher than the control group (42,68). It was verified the effect of the interaction between group and sex in the Control dimension [F(5,48)= 7,04; p = 0,002]: experienced female group (46,50) versuscontrol female group (39,87). Considering only the study group (both experienced and beginners) it was verified: positive correlation of the Volition dimension with Coping and Stability; positive correlation of the Control dimension with Coping, Stability and Caution, and negative correlation with Anger. In conclusion, all women in the experienced group obtained “stable” temperament rating and achieved significant scores in the emotional dimension Control; while the experienced group, of both genders, stood out in the emotional dimension Volition.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Banisteriopsis , Conducta Ceremonial , Personalidad , Religión y Psicología , Temperamento , Psicología
Front Pharmacol ; 12: 651037, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34017252


Set and setting is a fundamental concept in the field of psychedelic drug research, which points to the profound dependence of psychedelic effects on psychological, social, and cultural factors. Santo Daime is a Brazilian religion that makes elaborate use of ordering principles, techniques, and symbology to shape and direct the effects of the hallucinogenic brew ayahuasca. This paper systematically explores the tapestry of, inter alia, symbolic, social, cultural, psychological, aesthetic and musical elements that participate in the shaping of the psychedelic experience in the context of the Santo Daime ayahuasca religion. The methodically rich under the hood description of the mechanics of entheogenic initiation within the Santo Daime tradition provides a template for future studies of the role of context in psychedelic experimentation.

Front Behav Neurosci ; 12: 190, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30210319


Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew traditionally used in shamanistic and vegetalistic rituals and has recently received lot of attention due to potential cognitive benefits. Ayahuasca effects are caused by the synergistic interaction of ß-carbolines (harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroarmine) contained in Banisteriopsis caapi stalks combined with the N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) from Psychotria viridis leaves, a potent agonist to serotonin (5-HT) receptors. The present study approaches the effects of chronic and acute exposure to two Ayahuasca concentrations (0.1 and 0.5 ml/L) on the cognitive ability to discriminate objects in a one-trial learning task in zebrafish. Based on the combination of concentrations and exposure regimens, we divided adult zebrafish in five treatment groups: acute 0.1 and 0.5 ml/L, chronic 0.1 and 0.5 ml/L, and control 0.0 (n = 20 for each group). Then we tested them in a memory task of object discrimination. Acute Ayahuasca exposed groups performed similarly to the control group, however chronically treated fish (13 days) presented both impaired discriminative performance and locomotor alterations. Overall, these results indicate that Ayahuasca is a potent psychoactive drug that, in chronic exposure, negatively affects mnemonic parameters in zebrafish. In single exposure it does not affects cognitive performance, but the higher concentration (0.5) affected locomotion. Moreover, we reinforce the importance of the zebrafish for behavioral pharmacological studies of drug screening, in special to psychedelic drug research.

Acta toxicol. argent ; 23(1): 53-61, maio 2015. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | BINACIS | ID: bin-134009


O uso contínuo da Ayahuasca é objeto de estudo devido aos poucos dados pré-clínicos e clínicos referentes O seguridade em relaþÒo ao seu uso prolongado. EvidÛncias científicas demostram os benefícios no Ômbito psicoterapÛutico, O eficácia junto ao tratamento do etilismo cr¶nico e outras drogas de abuso. Esta pesquisa trata-se de um estudo observacional do tipo relato de casos, com o intuito de descrever e relacionar a experiÛncia do uso ritualístico da Ayahuasca O descontinuidade do uso abusivo de substÔncias químicas. Os participantes (n=6) constituíram-se de pessoas institucionalizadas em uma comunidade religiosa que faz uso ritualístico do preparado dos vegetais Banisteriopsis caapi e Pyschotria viridis. Por meio de entrevistas individuais registrou-se o histórico de cada indivíduo com base no período de uso e a substÔncia química utilizada. Em seguida aplicou-se questionários específicos para determinar a qualidade de vida e o nível de esperanþa. Determinou-se os parÔmetros hematológicos afim de avaliar eventuais disfunþ§es hematopoiéticas e por fim avaliou-se a satisfaþÒo destes em participar da pesquisa. Observou-se baixos valores (p>0,05) para os domínios de capacidade funcional e limitaþ§es por aspectos emocionais, o nível de esperanþa médio foi significativo (p=0,02) e sustentou as perspectivas positivas registradas nas entrevistas, os valores hematológicos estiveram dentro da normalidade e foi alto o nível de satisfaþÒo dos participantes com a pesquisa. Concluiu-se que a utilizaþÒo da Ayahuasca, por meio de um segmento religioso, contribuiu de maneira fundamental para o abandono ou descontinuidade do uso de substÔncias química, sendo considerada pelos mesmos uma forma de tratamento.(AU)

The continuous use of Ayahuasca is the aim of various studies due to few preclinical and clinical data related to security in relation to its prolonged use. Scientific evidences demonstrate the benefits of psychotherapeutic efficacy in the treatment of chronic alcoholism and other drugs abuse. This research is an observational study of reported cases aiming to describe and relate the experience of the religious ritual that uses Ayahuasca to the discontinuity of the overuse of chemicals. Participants (n = 6) consisted of members of a religious community that makes use of ritualistic infusion of the plants Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria Viridis. Through individual interviews, the history of each based on the period of use and the chemical substance used was recorded. Then specific questionnaires to determine the quality of life and level of hope were applied. Haematological examinations were performed to determine the possible hematopoietic disorders and finally, their satisfaction in participating in the research was evaluated. Low values (p>0.05) for the domains of functional capacity and limitations due to emotional problems were observed. The average level of hope was significant (p=0.02) and sustained positive outlook recorded in the interviews, the hematological values were within normal limits and the degree of participant satisfaction was high with the search. It was concluded that the use of Ayahuasca through a religious segment contributed mainly to the abandonment or discontinuation of the use of chemical substances, being considered a form of treatment.(AU)

Acta toxicol. argent ; 23(1): 53-61, mayo 2015. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-757036


O uso contínuo da Ayahuasca é objeto de estudo devido aos poucos dados pré-clínicos e clínicos referentes à seguridade em relação ao seu uso prolongado. Evidências científicas demostram os benefícios no âmbito psicoterapêutico, à eficácia junto ao tratamento do etilismo crônico e outras drogas de abuso. Esta pesquisa trata-se de um estudo observacional do tipo relato de casos, com o intuito de descrever e relacionar a experiência do uso ritualístico da Ayahuasca à descontinuidade do uso abusivo de substâncias químicas. Os participantes (n=6) constituíram-se de pessoas institucionalizadas em uma comunidade religiosa que faz uso ritualístico do preparado dos vegetais Banisteriopsis caapi e Pyschotria viridis. Por meio de entrevistas individuais registrou-se o histórico de cada indivíduo com base no período de uso e a substância química utilizada. Em seguida aplicou-se questionários específicos para determinar a qualidade de vida e o nível de esperança. Determinou-se os parâmetros hematológicos afim de avaliar eventuais disfunções hematopoiéticas e por fim avaliou-se a satisfação destes em participar da pesquisa. Observou-se baixos valores (p>0,05) para os domínios de capacidade funcional e limitações por aspectos emocionais, o nível de esperança médio foi significativo (p=0,02) e sustentou as perspectivas positivas registradas nas entrevistas, os valores hematológicos estiveram dentro da normalidade e foi alto o nível de satisfação dos participantes com a pesquisa. Concluiu-se que a utilização da Ayahuasca, por meio de um segmento religioso, contribuiu de maneira fundamental para o abandono ou descontinuidade do uso de substâncias química, sendo considerada pelos mesmos uma forma de tratamento.

The continuous use of Ayahuasca is the aim of various studies due to few preclinical and clinical data related to security in relation to its prolonged use. Scientific evidences demonstrate the benefits of psychotherapeutic efficacy in the treatment of chronic alcoholism and other drugs abuse. This research is an observational study of reported cases aiming to describe and relate the experience of the religious ritual that uses Ayahuasca to the discontinuity of the overuse of chemicals. Participants (n = 6) consisted of members of a religious community that makes use of ritualistic infusion of the plants Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria Viridis. Through individual interviews, the history of each based on the period of use and the chemical substance used was recorded. Then specific questionnaires to determine the quality of life and level of hope were applied. Haematological examinations were performed to determine the possible hematopoietic disorders and finally, their satisfaction in participating in the research was evaluated. Low values (p>0.05) for the domains of functional capacity and limitations due to emotional problems were observed. The average level of hope was significant (p=0.02) and sustained positive outlook recorded in the interviews, the hematological values were within normal limits and the degree of participant satisfaction was high with the search. It was concluded that the use of Ayahuasca through a religious segment contributed mainly to the abandonment or discontinuation of the use of chemical substances, being considered a form of treatment.

Humanos , Banisteriopsis/efectos de los fármacos , Calidad de Vida , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias/terapia , Alcoholismo/terapia , Brasil , Hematología/métodos
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 10(1): 351-365, mayo 2012.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-648934


Este estudo volta-se para os saberes da ayahuasca, beberagem de origem indígenafeita da combinação de um cipó e as folhas de um arbusto da Amazônia, utilizada em diferentescontextos culturais como é o caso da religião brasileira conhecida como Santo Daime. Parto dopressuposto, afirmado nos próprios hinos da doutrina, de que o daime (ayahuasca) é um professore que na religião vivencia-se um processo educativo no qual um conjunto de saberes é circulado eapreendido. Metodologicamente, resulta de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo.Têm como fontes a bibliografia sobre as religiões ayahuasqueiras, os cadernos de hinos do SantoDaime e a realização de entrevistas com daimistas do Brasil e outros países. Teoricamente, inspirasenos estudos de Carlos Rodrigues Brandão acerca da educação como cultura e nos escritos deBoaventura de Sousa Santos, restringindo este texto à noção de “ecologia de saberes” deste autor.Dentre os principais saberes do daime destaco: saberes ecológicos-ambientais, cognitivos, estéticos,medicinais, e para a paz.

Educación , Religión
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 9(2): 525-532, set. 2009.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: lil-531133


Este artigo resume os principais aspectos da pesquisa: “Santo Daime: Teoecologia e Adaptação aos tempos modernos”, dissertação de mestrado defendida em 2005 pelo PPG-PS/UERJ. O Santo Daime é uma religião que utiliza ritualmente um chá com propriedades psicoativas, acompanhado do canto de hinos que, segundo seus seguidores, tem poder de cura e ensinamentos.Como metodologia, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-dirigidas, bem como uma análise do conteúdo dos hinos mais cantados, a fim de conhecer os aspectos que fazem parte da construção social desta religião na contemporaneidade. Com base nas teorias das Representações Sociais e da Memória Social, procurou-se compreender que tipos de relações psicossociais são construídas dentro da experiência religiosa daimista e também analisar como se deu a interação entre os daimistas amazônicos e os “forasteiros” das grandes cidades que conheceram a doutrina durante as décadas de 70-80 do século passado. (AU)

The present essay summarizes the main contents about the research for the master degree: “Santo Daime: Theo- ecology and adaptation to modern times”, concluded in 2005 at the Post-Graduation Program on Social Psychology -UERJ. This doctrine uses in it’s rituals a tea with psychoactive properties and also, the singing of a series of anthems, which according to the followers, have power of cure and knowledge. A discourse analysis of the most sung anthems, and semi-directed interviews was performed, to aim at knowing Santo Daime’s social constructions nowadays better. The Social Representation Theory and the Social Memory Theory were used to make an analysis of the following issues: to know what kind of psycho-sociological aspects are built among the Santo Daime’s religious experience and understand the expansion of the doctrine to Brazil’s biggest cities and abroad which was performed by the Amazon daimists and “foreigners” , during the 70’s and 80’s. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Psicología Social , Religión , Psicotrópicos , Cambio Social , Terapias Espirituales , Memoria
Fractal rev. psicol ; 20(1): 27-39, jan.-jun. 2008.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-503789


Trata-se de um estudo teórico sobre o pensamento do cientista humano B. Latour e sua crítica à visão moderna sobre as religiões. Procuramos aqui discutir o conceito de simetria relacionado ao estudo das experiências religiosas, abordando especificamente a doutrina do Santo Daime, religião brasileira que utiliza um chá psicoativo em seus rituais. Relacionamos Latour às pesquisas sobre estados alterados de consciência do psiquiatra S. Grof. A busca de um olhar simétrico no estudo desta religião tem como objetivo a busca de novas maneiras de realizar pesquisas no âmbito da Psicologia Social, onde desenvolvemos uma dissertação sobre aspectos psicossociais da doutrina.

This is about a theoretical study on the thought of the human scientist B. Latour and his critic to the modern point of view on religions. We seek to discuss the symmetry concept related to the study of religious experiences; the subject being, specifically, the doctrine of "Santo Daime", Brazilian religion which uses a psychoactive tea in its rituals. We relate Latour to the research on alternate states of conscience by the psychiatrist S. Grof. The search for a symmetrical look on this religion's study means to find new ways on realizing researches regarding Social Psychology, where we develop an essay on the psychosocial aspects of the doctrine.

Humanos , Psicología Social , Religión y Psicología