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Sci Prog ; 107(3): 368504241266366, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39043381


OBJECTIVE: This retrospective chart review study aimed to investigate the differences in the Rorschach test and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)-II profiles among patients with Kraepelinian schizophrenia, those with DSM-wise schizophrenia, and controls. Kraepelinian schizophrenia is characterised by a chronic, deteriorative disease course and a predominance of negative symptoms. METHODS: Patients with Kraepelinian schizophrenia were selected based on medical record reviews. We then compared their Rorschach test and MMPI-II results with those of the DSM-wise schizophrenia group and the control group. RESULTS: The Rorschach test revealed a significant increase in DV2 score and a decrease in D score in patients with Kraepelinian schizophrenia compared to those with DSM-wise schizophrenia. In the MMPI-II profiles, patients with Kraepelinian schizophrenia exhibited an elevated L relative to those with DSM-wise schizophrenia. CONCLUSION: Our results suggested the value of revisiting psychological tests in clinically delineated subgroups, such as Kraepelinian schizophrenia. Although patients fall under the same diagnostic category of schizophrenia, considering different phenotypes is important when interpreting psychological test outcomes. Additionally, our study indicated that both schizophrenia groups did not show as many abnormalities as expected compared to controls. This highlights the potential value of revisiting established profiles of certain psychological tests and calls for further research on other psychological tests.

MMPI , Prueba de Rorschach , Esquizofrenia , Humanos , Esquizofrenia/diagnóstico , Esquizofrenia/fisiopatología , Adulto , Femenino , Masculino , Estudios Retrospectivos , Psicología del Esquizofrénico , Persona de Mediana Edad , Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales
Estud. Psicol. (Campinas, Online) ; 41: e210027, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1569178


Abstract Objective This investigation presents a comparison among students from public and private schools in specific variables of the Rorschach test, Comprehensive System. Method One hundred eighteen adolescents from the city of São Paulo participated in the study, aged 13-17 years, from public (N = 49) and private schools (N = 69). Mixed linear effects models were used to test the effect of school, controlled by sex, years of education (fixed effects), and evaluator (random effect). Results Private schools students presented higher values of R (p = 0.015, d = 0.47) and Complexity scores (p = 0.007, d = 0.53). After inserting Complexity as a fixed factor in the model, the only variable that remained significant was Xu% (p = 0.008, d = -0.52), lower in private schools students. Conclusion The small number of differences found in this study indicates, at least for this age range, a trend to equivalent performance when comparing private and public schools. Even though the Rorschach is a method of personality assessment, it is clear that it can also signalize information related to each group's personal experiences.

Resumo Objetivo O estudo apresenta um comparativo dos resultados do Rorschach - Sistema Compreensivo - entre estudantes de escolas públicas e privadas. Método Participaram da pesquisa 118 adolescentes da cidade de São Paulo, 49 de escolas públicas e 69 de escolas particulares, com idade entre 13-17 anos. Os efeitos da escola foram avaliados por modelos lineares mistos controlados por sexo, anos de estudo (fatores fixos) e aplicador (fator aleatório). Resultados As escolas particulares apresentaram maiores valores de R (p = 0,015, d = 0,47) e Complexidade (p = 0,007, d = 0,53). Quando Complexidade também foi inserida no modelo como fator fixo, a única variável que restou significativa foi Xu% (p = 0,008, d = -0,52), menor em escolas particulares. Conclusão Conclui-se que o pequeno número de diferenças indica pouca interferência da origem escolar nos resultados do Rorschach para esta faixa etária. Mesmo se tratando de um instrumento para avaliação de personalidade, foi possível sinalizar algumas informações relativas às experiências pessoais de cada grupo.

Estud. Psicol. (Campinas, Online) ; 40: e200158, 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1440115


Objective: The objective was to investigate if perpetrators of sexual offenses against children and adolescents with and without psychopathy differ regarding cognitive aspects. Method: A total of 30 male inmates participated in the study, divided into two groups: one that included psychopaths and the other with non-psychopaths. The instruments used were: protocol for collecting information on criminal court records; Rorschach test according to the Performance Assessment System, considering the cognitive variables and the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised Scale. Results: The results indicate that psychopaths exhibit greater impairment in the organization of thoughts, as well as greater vulnerability to the general personality disruption. The best regression model showed that 55% of psychopathy can be explained by a greater propensity to a general personality disorder (EII-3 β: 4.77; p-value < 0.001), associated with the predisposition to be arrested at a young age (β: -0.26; p-value = 0.004). Conclusion: The efficiency of the R-PAS is observed in the identification of cognitive failures in psychopath perpetrators of sexual violence and perpetrators of sexual violence, and its usefulness is enhanced, when associated with other behavioral measures in the identification of this type of personality profile.

Objetivo: O objetivo foi investigar se autores de violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes, com e sem psicopatia, se diferenciam em relação aos aspectos cognitivos. Método: Participaram do estudo 30 reeducandos cumprindo pena em regime fechado, divididos em dois grupos: um composto pelos psicopatas e outro pelos não psicopatas. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: protocolo de coleta de informações no processo criminal; teste de Rorschach, de acordo com o Sistema de Avaliação por Performance, considerando as variáveis cognitivas, e; a escala Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. Resultados: Os resultados indicaram que o grupo de psicopatas apresentou maiores prejuízos na organização do pensamento, bem como maior vulnerabilidade à desorganização geral da personalidade. O melhor modelo de regressão identificou que 55% da psicopatia pode ser explicada por uma maior propensão ao desajuste geral da personalidade (EII-3 β: 4.77; p-value < 0.001), associada à predisposição a ser preso ainda jovem (β: -0.26; p-value = 0.004). Conclusão: A eficiência do R-PAS é observada na identificação de falhas cognitivas em psicopatas autores de violência sexual e autores de violência sexual, e sua utilidade é potencializada, quando associada a outras medidas comportamentais na identificação desse tipo de perfil de personalidade.

Prueba de Realidad , Prueba de Rorschach , Trastorno de Personalidad Antisocial
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1529077


Abstract University students are particularly susceptible to suicidal ideation and behavior due to issues inherent to this vital lives' moment. The Rorschach test can help to understand these students' suffering. The objective was to evaluate perception, thinking, stress, and distress in the Rorschach test domains in university students attended at a public university mental health service, comparing students with suicidal ideation with those without it. A total of 36 students aged 18 or over were assessed. The instruments were: Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS), Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) and Self Report Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Two analyses were performed using Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test, according to the presence of suicidal ideation in the last 30 days (SRQ-20) and in the last six months (C-SSRS). Statistically significant differences were found in the two analyses, indicative of greater perceptual distortion in students without suicidal ideation and of stress and distress in students with ideation.

Resumo Estudantes universitários são particularmente suscetíveis a ideação e comportamento suicidas decorrentes de problemas inerentes a este momento vital. O método de Rorschach pode contribuir na compreensão do sofrimento destes estudantes. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os domínios percepção, pensamento, estresse e angústia no Rorschach de estudantes universitários atendidos em serviço de saúde mental de universidade pública, comparando estudantes com ideação suicida com aqueles sem ideação. Foram avaliados 36 estudantes com 18 anos ou mais. Os instrumentos foram: Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS), Escala de Avaliação do Risco de Suicídio de Columbia (C-SSRS) e Self Report Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Foram realizadas duas análises com teste de Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney, segundo a presença de ideação nos últimos 30 dias (SRQ-20) e nos últimos 6 meses (C-SSRS). Foram observadas diferenças estatísticas significativas nas duas análises, indicativas de maior distorção perceptiva nos alunos sem ideação suicida e de angústia e estresse nos estudantes com ideação.

Resumen Estudiantes universitarios son particularmente susceptibles a ideación y comportamiento suicida debido a problemas inherentes a este momento vital. El Rorschach puede ayudar a comprender su sufrimiento. El objetivo fue evaluar los dominios percepción, pensamiento, estrés y angustia en el Rorschach de universitarios atendidos en un servicio de salud mental de universidad pública, comparando estudiantes con ideación suicida con aquellos sin esa ideación. Se evaluaron 36 estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado de 18 años o más. Los instrumentos fueron: Rorschach Performance Assessment System, Escala Columbia para Evaluar la Seriedad de la Ideación Suicida (C-SSRS) y Self Report Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Se realizaron dos análisis con Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test, según la presencia de ideación en los últimos 30 días (SRQ-20) y en los últimos 6 meses (C-SSRS). Hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los dos análisis, indicativas de mayor distorsión perceptiva en estudiantes sin ideación suicida y de angustia y estrés en estudiantes con ideación.

Humanos , Adulto , Prueba de Rorschach , Estrés Psicológico , Estudiantes , Suicidio , Universidades
Psicol. teor. prát. ; 24(3): 13947, 26.08.2022.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés, Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436490


The aim of the article was to analyze the dangerousness and personality characteristics of perpetrators of sexual violence (SVA). 69 inmates who participated in this study were serving time for sexual crimes in a closed regime and were divided into two groups: SVA convicted of victimizing children (G1) (n = 41) and SVA convicted of victimizing adolescents and adults (G2) (N = 28 ). The collected data derived from the reading of the criminal case and the application of the Rorschach test in the Performance Assessment System (R-PAS). For data analysis, a variable called dangerousness was created, through the principal component factor analysis, using criminal profile variables, to verify the correlation between the R-PAS variables and the participants' riskiness. Comparisons were also made between the groups. The results showed that the greater the danger, the greater the use of intellectualization as a defense mechanism, in order not to deal directly and realistically with aspects that generate emotional or social anguish. In addition, G2 showed a higher degree of danger.

O objetivo do artigo foi analisar a periculosidade e as características de personalidade de autores de vio-lência sexual (AVS). Participaram deste estudo 69 reeducandos que cumpriam pena por crimes sexuais em regime fechado, divididos em dois grupos: AVS condenados por vitimizar crianças (G1) (n = 41) e AVS con-denados por vitimizar adolescentes e adultos (G2) (N = 28). Os dados coletados derivaram da leitura do processo criminal e da aplicação do teste de Rorschach no Sistema de Avaliação por Desempenho (R-PAS). Para a análise dos dados, criou-se uma variável denominada periculosidade, por meio da análise fatorial de componente principal, mediante variáveis do perfil criminal, para verificar a correlação entre as variá-veis do R-PAS e a periculosidade dos participantes. Também foram realizadas comparações entre os gru-pos. Os resultados apontaram que quanto maior é a periculosidade, maior é o uso da intelectualização como mecanismo de defesa, para não lidar de modo direto e realista com aspectos que geram angústia emocional ou social. Além disso, o G2 revelou maior grau de periculosidade.

El objetivo del artículo fue analizar la peligrosidad y las características de personalidad de autores de vio-lencia sexual (AVS). Participaron de este estudio 69 reeducandos que cumplían condena por crímenes sexuales en régimen cerrado, divididos en dos grupos: AVS que victimizaron niños (G1) (n = 41) y AVS por adolescentes y adultos (G2) (n = 28). Los datos recogidos derivaron de la lectura del proceso criminal y de la aplicación del test de Rorschach en el sistema de evaluación por performance (R-PAS). Para el análisis de los datos, se creó una variable denominada peligrosidad por medio del análisis factorial de componente principal, mediante variables del perfil criminal, para verificar la correlación entre las variables del R-PAS y la peligrosidad de los participantes. También fueron realizadas comparaciones entre los grupos. Los re-sultados apuntaron que, cuanto mayor es la peligrosidad, mayor es el uso de la intelectualización como mecanismo de defensa, para no lidiar de modo directo y realista con aspectos que generan angustia emo-cional o social. Además de eso, el G2 reveló mayor grado de peligrosidad.

Front Neuroanat ; 16: 995286, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36590377


Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common form of focal epilepsy and is associated with a variety of structural and psychological alterations. Recently, there has been renewed interest in using brain tissue resected during epilepsy surgery, in particular 'non-epileptic' brain samples with normal histology that can be found alongside epileptic tissue in the same epileptic patients - with the aim being to study the normal human brain organization using a variety of methods. An important limitation is that different medical characteristics of the patients may modify the brain tissue. Thus, to better determine how 'normal' the resected tissue is, it is fundamental to know certain clinical, anatomical and psychological characteristics of the patients. Unfortunately, this information is frequently not fully available for the patient from which the resected tissue has been obtained - or is not fully appreciated by the neuroscientists analyzing the brain samples, who are not necessarily experts in epilepsy. In order to present the full picture of TLE in a way that would be accessible to multiple communities (e.g., basic researchers in neuroscience, neurologists, neurosurgeons and psychologists), we have reviewed 34 TLE patients, who were selected due to the availability of detailed clinical, anatomical, and psychological information for each of the patients. Our aim was to convey the full complexity of the disorder, its putative anatomical substrates, and the wide range of individual variability, with a view toward: (1) emphasizing the importance of considering critical patient information when using brain samples for basic research and (2) gaining a better understanding of normal and abnormal brain functioning. In agreement with a large number of previous reports, this study (1) reinforces the notion of substantial individual variability among epileptic patients, and (2) highlights the common but overlooked psychopathological alterations that occur even in patients who become "seizure-free" after surgery. The first point is based on pre- and post-surgical comparisons of patients with hippocampal sclerosis and patients with normal-looking hippocampus in neuropsychological evaluations. The second emerges from our extensive battery of personality and projective tests, in a two-way comparison of these two types of patients with regard to pre- and post-surgical performance.

Front Psychol ; 12: 708886, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34630216


The current study investigated the inter-rater reliability and the construct validity of the Rorschach Lerner Defense Scale (LDS). In particular, it aimed to explore the inter-rater reliability, analyzing the most frequent coding mistakes in an attempt to improve the coding guidelines, and to investigate the ability of the scale to distinguish between individuals with neurotic-level and borderline-level personality organization, according to the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual-2 (PDM-2), and non-clinical subjects. Eighty clinical subjects and 80 non-clinical ones participated in the study. Among the clinical subjects, 40 have borderline-level personality organization and 40 have neurotic-level personality organization. Non-clinical subjects were drawn from an archival dataset of non-clinical individuals who previously participated in a Rorschach normative study. The LDS showed substantial inter-rater reliability; however, guidelines could be improved, specifically with regard to the threshold for coding Devaluation and Idealization at level 1. Furthermore, more examples should be included in the manual about the coding of Projective Identification and Denial. The LDS distinguished borderline-level subjects from both the non-clinical and neurotic groups with regard to Devaluation and Projective Identification, with borderline-level personality organization subjects reporting higher scores than either of the two other groups. Only the Denial scale discriminated between the non-clinical and neurotic group, with the latter reporting higher scores of high-level Denial.

Psico USF ; 26(4): 771-781, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1365255


The aim of this article was to investigate whether child and adolescent's sexual offender (SO), with and without psychopathy, differ in relation to their ability to manage stress and distress. Thirty prisoners serving time in jail for sexual crimes against children and adolescents participated in the study, which was divided into two groups: G1 SO considered without psychopathy (N = 20; PCL-R <30); and G2 SO with psychopathy (N = 10; PCL-R ≥ 30). The instruments used were: a protocol for collecting information on criminal proceedings; the Rorschach test according to the Performance Assessment System (R-PAS), considering the variables of the stress and distress domain, and the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). The data were analyzed using Student's t-test and linear regression analysis. The results showed that 16% of psychopathy in SO was explained by a lower level of stress and distress. (AU)

O objetivo deste artigo foi investigar se Autores de Violência Sexual (AVS) contra crianças e adolescentes, com e sem psicopatia, se diferenciam em relação à capacidade de administrar o estresse e distresse. Participaram do estudo 30 reeducandos cumprindo pena em regime fechado por crimes sexuais contra crianças e adolescentes, divididos em dois grupos: G1 AVS considerados sem psicopatia (N = 20; PCL-R < 30); e G2 AVS com psicopatia (N = 10; PCL-R ≥ 30). Os instrumentos utilizados foram: um protocolo de coleta de informações no processo criminal; o teste de Rorschach de acordo com o Sistema de Avaliação por Performance (R-PAS), considerando as variáveis do domínio de estresse e distresse, e o Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). Os dados foram analisados por meio do teste t de student e análise de regressão linear. Os resultados evidenciaram que 16% da psicopatia em AVS foi explicada por menor nível de estresse e distresse. (AU)

Este artículo investiga si agresores sexuales (AS) de niños y adolescente, con y sin psicopatía, se diferencian en relación a la capacidad de administrar el estrés y el distrés. Participaron 30 reeducandos cumpliendo pena en régimen cerrado por crímenes sexuales contra niños y adolescentes, divididos en dos grupos: G1 AS considerados sin psicopatía (N = 20; PCL-R < 30); y G2 AS con psicopatía (N = 10; PCL-R ≥ 30). Instrumentos utilizados: protocolo de colecta de informaciones en el proceso criminal; test de Rorschach conforme el Sistema de Evaluación por Performance (R-PAS), considerando las variables del dominio de estrés y distrés y Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). Los datos fueron analizados según el test t de student y AS fueron por menor nivel de estrés y distrés. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Adulto Joven , Prueba de Rorschach , Delitos Sexuales/psicología , Estrés Psicológico/psicología , Abuso Sexual Infantil/psicología , Distrés Psicológico , Trastorno de Personalidad Antisocial/psicología , Factores Socioeconómicos , Modelos Lineales
Ind Psychiatry J ; 30(1): 74-83, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34483528


BACKGROUND: Rorschach test has been considered a well-known and most widely used projective test for the assessment of personality and diagnostic evaluation in various psychiatric disorders. Schizophrenia is considered to be the major psychiatric illness characterized by gross distortion of reality, the disorganization and fragmentation of perception, thought, emotion, and withdrawal from social interaction. Rorschach provides both specific and general knowledge about the different areas of personality functioning, such as coping style, emotions, managing stress, mediation, ideation, self-perception, and interpersonal relationships along with correlating with the psychopathology of the schizophrenia patients. AIM: The aim of the present study is to assess the relationship between Rorschach response pattern different symptoms in schizophrenia patients. METHODOLOGY: After having informed consent, 100 patients of schizophrenia group were included as per the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision Diagnostic Criteria for Research (ICD-10 DCR) criteria. Information about sociodemographic data and clinical details was collected using the sociodemographic and clinical data sheet from the drawn sample. For the assessment of symptoms of schizophrenia patients, Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptom and Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptom have been used. After that Rorschach test was administered individually to all the participants to assess the personality structure of each schizophrenia patients. RESULTS: The results showed that there is a significant positive and negative correlation among positive, negative schizophrenia symptoms, and different Rorschach variables. CONCLUSION: Schizophrenia patients having positive and negative symptoms would be giving Rorschach variables indicative of moderate level of cognitive distortions, poorly controlled and disorganized affect, less conventional form of responses, poor perception and loss with reality, poor interpersonal relationships, presence of anxiety, and aggression.

Artículo en Inglés | Index Psicología - Revistas, LILACS | ID: biblio-1154972


Abstract Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents manifests itself in a heterogeneous manner as regards personality aspects. This study aimed to evaluate, by using the Ego Impairment Index, the personality functioning characteristics of children and adolescents between 9 and 15 years old (to be completed), diagnosed with the disorder (clinical group) and compare them with a non-clinical group. The groups included 42 participants each. The Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children - Present and Lifetime version was used for diagnosis, and the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) was utilized for personality traits. When compared to their peers, the participants in the clinical group showed ability to discern adaptive behaviors through proper judgment, difficulty in keeping thinking and reasoning processes stable, a negative view of themselves and others, in addition to difficulty in establishing cooperative relationships.

Resumo O transtorno da falta de atenção com hiperatividade em crianças e adolescentes manifesta-se de forma heterogênea com relação aos aspectos de personalidade. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar, por meio do Índice de Enfraquecimento do Ego, características do funcionamento da personalidade de crianças e adolescentes, entre 9 e 15 anos incompletos, com o diagnóstico do transtorno (grupo clínico) e compará-las com um grupo não-clínico. Os grupos contemplaram 42 participantes cada. Utilizou-se para o diagnóstico a entrevista Kiddie-Sads Referente ao Momento Presente e ao Longo da Vida, e o Sistema de Avaliação por Performance no Rorschach (R-PAS) para as características de personalidade. Os participantes do grupo clínico, quando comparados com seus pares, mostraram capacidade de discernir comportamentos adaptativos por meio de julgamento adequado, dificuldade em manter estáveis os processos de pensamento e raciocínio, visão negativa de si próprios e dos demais, dificuldade para estabelecer relacionamentos cooperativos.

Resumen El trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad es uno de los más encontrados entre las patologías infantiles y se manifiesta de forma no homogénea con relación a los aspectos de personalidad. Este estudio comparó a través de lo Índice de Enflaquecimiento del Ego características de personalidad de niños y adolescentes entre 9 y 15 años incompletos con diagnóstico con un grupo de mismo sexo y edad sin diagnóstico. Cada grupo estaba compuesto por 42 participantes. Se utilizó la entrevista Kiddie-Sads sobre el momento presente y al largo de la vida para el diagnóstico y el Sistema de Evaluación por Performance en el Rorschach (R-PAS), para las características de personalidad. El grupo clínico mostró capacidad para discernir conductas adaptativas a través del juicio adecuado, dificultad para mantener estables los procesos de pensamiento y razonamiento, visión negativa de sí mismos y de los demás, dificultad para establecer relaciones de cooperación.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Aptitud , Prueba de Rorschach , Esquizofrenia , Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad , Adaptación Psicológica , Trastornos del Humor , Fibra de Lana , Juicio
Psicol. rev ; 29(1): 176-200, jun. 2020. tab, ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1396068


O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão da literatura de publicações que investigam a personalidade do autor de violência sexual por meio do teste de Rorschach. Realizou-se uma busca bibliográfica nas bases de dados PubMed, Psycnet, Web of Science, PePSIC e SciELO, com descritores: "Sex Offender", "Pedophile", "Sex Offenses", "Sexual Molester", "Sexual Violence" e "Rapist", combinados com Rorschach. A busca foi limitada aos artigos publicados nos idiomas inglês, espanhol e português, dos últimos quinze anos, considerando os Sistemas Compreensivo e de Avaliação por Performance no Rorschach, com autores de violência do sexo masculino, e tendo como vítimas crianças e adolescentes. Ao total foram encontrados nove artigos, e a análise apontou que os AVSs podem ter comprometimento nos aspectos cognitivos, afetivos, na autopercepção e na tendência a responder de modo impulsivo. Tais achados podem colaborar na criação de estratégias de intervenção e tratamento para esse público. Futuros estudos, que considerem diferentes bases de dados e descritores, poderão comparar os resultados encontrados, enriquecendo o processo de investigação nesta área.

The objective of this study was to conduct a review of publications that investigate the personality of the sex offender through the Rorschach test. A bibliographic search was performed in the databases Pubmed, Psycnet, Web of Science, PePSIC and SciELO with descriptors: "Sex Offender", "Pedophile", "Sex Offenses", "Sexual Molester", "Sexual Violence" and "Rapist" combined with Rorschach. The search was limited to articles published in English, Spanish and Portuguese, during the last fifteen years, considering the Comprehensive and Rorschach Performance Assessment Systems, with male perpetrators of violence, and having children and adolescents and as victims. Nine articles were found and the analysis pointed out that AVS may have impairments in cognitive, affective, self-perception and tendency to respond impulsively. Such findings may contribute to the creation of intervention and treatment stra-tegies for this public. Future studies, which consider different databases and descriptors, will be able to compare the results found, enriching the research process in this area.

El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión de la literatura de las publi-caciones que investigan la personalidad de quien comete violencia sexual por medio del test de Rorschach. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos Pubmed, Psycnet, Web of Science, PePSIC y SciELO con descriptores: "Sex Offender", "Pedophile", "Sex Offenses", "Sexual Molester", "Sexual Violence" y "Rapist" combinados con Rorschach. La búsqueda se limitó a artículos publi-cados en inglés, español y portugués, de los últimos 15 años, considerando los Sistemas Comprehensivo y de Evaluacion del Desempeño en el Rorschach, con perpetradores de violencia del sexo masculino, teniendo como victimas niños y adolescentes. En total se encontraron nueve artículos y el análisis apuntó que los PVS pueden tener alteraciones en los aspectos cognitivos, afectivos, en la autopercepción y en la tendencia a responder de manera impulsiva. Estos hallazgos pueden colaborar en la creación de estrategias de intervención y tratamiento para ese público. Los futuros estudios, que consideren diferentes bases de datos y descriptores, podrán comparar los resultados encontrados, enriqueciendo el proceso de investigación en esta área.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Prueba de Rorschach , Delitos Sexuales/psicología , Personalidad , Pruebas de Personalidad
Front Neurosci ; 14: 152, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32153364


Processing of ambiguous visual stimuli has been associated with an increased activation of the left lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) in neuroimaging studies. Nevertheless, the functional role of prefrontal activity in this process is not fully understood. In this experiment we asked participants to evaluate ambiguous inkblots from the Rorschach test, while stimulating the left lateral PFC using excitatory anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). In addition, visual insight ability was assessed as a control measure requiring visual and conceptual restructuring and convergent thinking rather than divergent idea generation employed to interpret the equivocal Rorschach inkblots. Using a randomized double-blind design, we demonstrated that anodal tDCS increased the number of meaningful patterns recognized in the inkblots but had no significant effect on visual insight. These findings support the role of left lateral PFC in the processing of ambiguous visual information and object recognition. More generally, we discuss that the PFC may be involved in the mechanisms supporting the activation of stored visual and semantic representations in order to compensate for less informative bottom-up inputs and thus facilitate flexible cognition and idea generation.

Behav Sci (Basel) ; 10(2)2020 Feb 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32028567


The study provides insights into the aspects of creativity, the structure of psychometric intelligence, and personal adaptation resources of senior preschool children. Creativity and intelligence are presented as general adaptation resources. Existing studies of creative ability and creativity as integral individual characteristics in the context of adaptation are analyzed. The aim is to identify varied sets of creativity and personal adaptation resource markers that differentiate groups of children in order to determine possible strategies for adaptation, preservation, and development of their creative abilities at the beginning of lyceum schooling. It embraces the use of the E. Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) (figural version), the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), and the G. Rorschach Test. A sample of the study consisted of 122 children, aged 6-7 and enrolled in a school. The average IQ score among the children was above 115 (M = 133.7, σ = 9.9). The entire sample was divided into four groups by the originality-elaboration ratio according to the TTCT. The correctness of the children's division into the groups according to the markers of creativity and personal adaptation resources is confirmed by the discriminant analysis. We have identified the factor structure of creativity, intelligence, and personal adaptation resources in the entire sample of children and in each of the groups. In the group of preschoolers with high originality and elaboration, the resulting structure integrated the components of creativity with personal adaptation resources and intelligence scores. In the group of children with a low level of originality and elaboration, the markers of creativity, intelligence, and personal adaptation resources are not interlinked.

J Clin Psychol ; 76(4): 769-777, 2020 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31851377


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to contribute to differential diagnoses of unipolar and bipolar depression using cognitive variables of the Rorschach test (Comprehensive System). METHOD: One hundred forty one depressed inpatients (71 bipolar, 70 unipolar; mean age = 46, SD = 15.8; 64% women) previously evaluated and comparable regarding clinical characteristics of their illness (including current mood symptoms) were blindly tested using the Rorschach test (C.S.). RESULTS: The cognitive profile of bipolar depressed patients was more impaired than the cognitive profile of unipolar depressed patients. Combining four cognitive specificities (tolerance to ambiguity, discrimination failure, difficulties in controlling ideational impulses, and impulsive or negligent processing) in a logistic regression model allows the identification of bipolarity with acceptable accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: Some aspects of cognitive functioning, as assessed with the Rorschach test (CS), appear to be useful to capture some important cognitive specificities of bipolar depression and could contribute to differential diagnoses of mood disorders.

Trastorno Bipolar/diagnóstico , Trastorno Depresivo/diagnóstico , Prueba de Rorschach , Adulto , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad
Res Psychother ; 22(1): 344, 2019 Apr 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32913779


By using the Rorschach test, self-reports, and psychophysiological measures, we investigated thoroughly the psychological functioning in a hyperhidrotic case. Erica, a young female with hyperhidrosis, was assessed in three times at one-week distance. First, specific tools assessing potential psychological and affective distress, and the Rorschach test were administered. About one week later, Electrodermal Activity was recorded during the exposure to a mild laboratory stress-inducing task. Finally, a magnetic resonance imaging exam was performed in order to exclude medical conditions/neurological alterations for potential physiological anomalies. Erica tends to avoid living in the moment and prefers to experience close relationships in her inner world where she can rehearse the future and imagine different contexts and social situations without risks and embarrassment. She reports high capacities to perform goaldirected behaviors and clarity of emotions only in absence of stressful situations. The study has the merit to be the first to combine Rorschach data with physiological data in order to investigate the psychological functioning in a hyperhidrotic case.

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 50(3): 29666, 2019.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026648


Os sintomas depressivos em crianças podem ser sutis e variados. Este estudo investigou sintomas depressivos em crianças institucionalizadas para a adoção, comparando-as com crianças não institucionalizadas, utilizando para isso o método de Rorschach Sistema Compreensivo e o CDI. Participaram do estudo 84 crianças, com idades entre 7 e 11 anos. Para a análise de dados foram utilizados: o teste t de student, a correlação de Pearson e o d de Cohen. Os resultados revelaram que as crianças institucionalizadas se mostraram com mais baixa autoestima, problemas afetivos, ideações suicidas, dificuldade escolar e dificuldade na relação com o outro quando comparadas com as crianças não institucionalizadas. Esses dados sugerem uma possível síndrome depressiva, sendo aconselhável a investigação clínica mais aprofundada para providenciar diagnóstico e tratamento, especialmente nas crianças institucionalizadas. Além disso, foram observadas associações entre as variáveis do Rorschach e CDI. Implicações desses achados e sugestões de pesquisas futuras são apresentadas ao final.

Depressive symptoms in children can be subtle and varied. This study investigated depressive symptoms in institutionalized children for adoption, comparing them with non-institutionalized children, using the Rorschach method Comprehensive System and CDI. Fifty male and female children took part in this study. These children were between seven and eleven years old. For the analysis of data, it was used: Student's t test, Pearson's correlation, and Cohen's d. The results revealed that the institutionalized children showed lower self-esteem, affective problems, suicidal ideation, school difficulties and impairments in the relationship with the other when compared to non-institutionalized children. These data suggest a possible depressive syndrome, and the further clinical investigation is advisable to provide diagnosis and treatment, especially to institutionalized children. In addition, associations were found between the variables of the Rorschach and CDI. Implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are presented at the end.

Los síntomas depresivos en los niños pueden ser sutiles y variados. Este estudio investigó síntomas depresivos en niños institucionalizados para la adopción, comparándolos con niños no institucionalizados, utilizando para ello el método de Rorschach Sistema Comprensivo y el CDI. En el estudio participaron 84 niños, con edades entre 7 y 11 años. Para el análisis de datos se utilizaron: la prueba t de student, la correlación de Pearson y el d de Cohen. Los resultados revelaron que los niños institucionalizados se mostraron con más baja autoestima, problemas afectivos, ideaciones suicidas, dificultad escolar y dificultad en la relación con el otro en comparación con los niños no institucionalizados. Estos datos sugieren un posible síndrome depresivo, siendo aconsejable la investigación clínica más profunda para proporcionar diagnóstico y tratamiento, especialmente en los niños institucionalizados. Además, se observaron asociaciones entre las variables de Rorschach y CDI. Las implicaciones de estos hallazgos y sugerencias de investigaciones futuras se presentan al final.

Niño , Depresión , Prueba de Rorschach
Front Neurol ; 9: 160, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29615959


The literature examining primary headache, including migraine, in adolescents, has pointed out the key role played by a wide range of psychiatric disorders in reducing the patients' quality of life. Moreover, pioneering studies showed that preexisting personality characteristics, specific emotion regulation styles and psychological-psychiatric difficulties are likely to increase the risk of the onset, maintenance, and outcome of headache. Still personality issues in migraine have been poorly studied, in particular in children and adolescents. This study aims, therefore, to investigate the specific characteristics of personality, and in particular emotion regulation and coping strategies, in adolescent with migraine, comparing them with age-matched patients with idiopathic epilepsy and healthy adolescents. 52 adolescents (age: 11-17) were assessed using a multi-method test battery, which included a self-report questionnaire (the youth self-report), a proxy-report (child behavior checklist) along with a projective personality test, the Rorschach Test, administered and scored according to the Exner comprehensive system. The results showed specific personality characteristics in adolescents with migraine, revealing a marked difficulty in modulating and regulating affections through thoughts and reflections, resorting instead to impulsive acts and maladaptive coping strategies, thus revealing a vague and immature perception of reality. Differently from adolescents belonging to the general population, but similarly to patients with epilepsy, adolescents with migraine perceive a high situational stress, probably related to the condition of suffering from chronic disease. They have, therefore, a lower self-consideration and self-esteem along with a poorer insight regarding themselves as well as the relations with others. In line with previous findings, these preliminary results suggest the need for further research on ample samples, using also standardized projective test in order to better understand the pathogenesis of psychological difficulties in patients with migraine. As a clinical implication, the results seem to indicate that providing a psychological integrated approach can play a pivotal role in the assessment and treatment of adolescent with migraine, in order to improve the outcome and the quality of life of the young patients.

J Anal Psychol ; 63(1): 26-46, 2018 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29314027


The author offers an account of his evolving relationship with the Rorschach test which for over 20 years as a private practice psychologist, he used in his clinical practice with the intent of mining patients' psyches for useful information about personality organization and functioning. Coinciding with having found himself on the homestretch of analytic training and during a time when he desired clarity on how Rorschach assessment and Jungian analysis could fruitfully merge, there was an unexpected shift in emphasis wherein the Rorschach suddenly became a method for looking at himself as well. This challenge to identify and integrate aspects of self hitherto neglected was found to enrich his clinical practice. An historical perspective on this experience is offered which highlights the enigmatic relationship that existed between Carl Jung and Hermann Rorschach. The proverbial question of 'What might this be?' has been asked when administering the Rorschach for nearly a century. From an analytic perspective, the question is more fully and meaningfully asked when the person doing the asking has also been willing to step in, look around, and take notice of what happens.

Teoría Junguiana , Terapia Psicoanalítica/métodos , Prueba de Rorschach , Anciano , Femenino , Humanos
Brain Res ; 1680: 69-76, 2018 02 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29247630


Recent research suggests that attributing human movement to ambiguous and static Rorschach stimuli (M responses) is associated with EEG mu suppression, and that disrupting the left inferior gyrus (LIFG; a putative area implicated in mirroring activity) decreases the tendency to see human movement when exposed to the Rorschach ambiguous stimuli. The current study aimed to test whether disrupting the LIFG via repetitive transcranial stimulation (rTMS) would decrease both the number of human movement attributions and EEG mu suppression. Each participant was exposed to the Rorschach stimuli twice, i.e., during a baseline condition (without rTMS but with EEG recording) and soon after rTMS (TMS condition with EEG recording). Experimental group (N = 15) was stimulated over the LIFG, while the control group (N = 13) was stimulated over the Vertex. As expected, disrupting the LIFG but not Vertex, decreased the number of M attributions provided by the participants exposed to the Rorschach stimuli, with a significant interaction effect. Unexpectedly, however, rTMS did not significantly influence EEG mu suppression.

Potenciales Evocados/fisiología , Lateralidad Funcional/fisiología , Movimiento/fisiología , Reconocimiento Visual de Modelos/fisiología , Corteza Prefrontal/fisiología , Estimulación Magnética Transcraneal , Adolescente , Adulto , Electroencefalografía , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Estimulación Luminosa , Análisis de Componente Principal , Percepción Social , Adulto Joven
Aval. psicol ; 17(2): 199-204, 2018. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-967705


Este artigo analisa a validade dos indicadores de agressividade do Rorschach em uma amostra forense. São participantes deste estudo 31 homens agressores violentos contra mulheres, os quais foram indiciados, julgados no Tribunal de Violência Doméstica e Familiar e, posteriormente, encaminhados a um Grupo Reflexivo de Gênero. O Rorschach foi administrado por meio do sistema R-PAS, de acordo com a padronização e normas propostas pelo manual, com excelente confiabilidade entre avaliadores para os dois códigos analisados. Os índices encontrados para AGC e AGM foram comparados aos dados normativos por meio do teste t de Student. Apenas AGC mostrou diferença significativa em relação à amostra normativa, com menores resultados. O AGM não evidenciou validade para diferenciar os grupos. (AU)

This article analyzes the validity of Rorschach's Aggression indicators in a forensic sample. Study participants are thirty-one men who were violent aggressors against women, who were indicted, tried in the Domestic and Family Violence Court, and later referred to a Reflexive Gender Group. Rorschach was administered through the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS), according to the standardization and norms proposed by the manual, with excellent inter-rater reliability for the two codes analyzed. The indexes found for AGC and AGM were compared to the normative data by the Student's t-test. Only AGC showed a significant difference in relation to the normative sample, with lower results. The AGM did not show validity to differentiate the groups. (AU)

Este artículo analiza la validez de los indicadores de agresividad de Rorschach en una muestra forense. Participaron de este estudio 31 hombres agresores violentos contra mujeres, que fueron acusados, juzgados en el Tribunal de Violencia Doméstica y Familiar y luego encaminados a un Grupo Reflexivo de Género. El Rorschach se administró a través del sistema R-PAS, de acuerdo con la estandarización y las normas propuestas por el manual, con excelente confiabilida dentre evaluadores para los dos códigos analizados. Los índices encontrados para AGC y AGM se compararon con los datos normativos por medio del test t- de Student. Solo AGC mostró una diferencia significativa en relación con la muestra normativa, con menores resultados. El AGM no evidenció validez para diferenciar los grupos. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Prueba de Rorschach , Violencia Doméstica/psicología , Agresión/psicología , Maltrato Conyugal , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados